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From: "bb" on Sun,Apr 17 2005 6:02 am
K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: So, is lie #16 the conversation with a former colleague of Len's? Or is lie #16 Steve's tenure on RRAP? Or is it actually lies #16 and #17? Neither, but nice try. Steve, you lied. The only question is which time? The conversation with a former colleague of Len's? The length of tenure on RRAP? Or both. Fess up. Well well...Looks like I made an error in math. My bust. Well, well...it took you Quitesometime to fess up. Now where is Len's apology? Psycho Pstevie doesn't issue apologies. The reason is simple: This "witness" (or "reference" or whatever) does NOT exist. It's not possible for anyone to "apologize" for someone that doesn't exist. Ergo, Psycho Pstevie "does not need" to apologize. You have to approach this denizen of Pstevieland as you would a cryptologic attack. Work the puzzle and try to think in terms of those who REFUSE to yield to ANYONE. With years and years of experience (several reading this newsgroup is more than adequate), it becomes easier to do, but less easier to take. Toss out logic, use great heaping shovelfulls of their ego, pride, and sociopathy and it becomes clearer. Pstevie IMAGINES this individual "exists" and, furthermore, INSISTS he (or she) "knows all about me through 'reports'" all of which don't exist. By Pstevie "logic" all of it is "correct" even though: 1. There's no evidence. 2. It's all hearsay, mostly hearing from one of Pstevie's voices in his head talking to him. 3. He has "made promises to not reveal the identity." THAT is the top-notch rationalization...used often on computer-modem communications yet is totally WORTHLESS in reality from the following: A. It relies on some curious "honesty" and "loyalty" factor which is supposed to be followed by all newsgroup communicators in which Pstevie self-describes himself as "honest, loyal, trustworthy," etc., etc., etc. which has been shown to be bunkum. B. A non-existant person cannot be evidenciary of anything but extreme imagination on the part of the imaginator. No one else can disprove something that doesn't exist but the imaginator cannot prove the imaginary to actually exist. C. The excuse of existance is that the imaginator expresses "outrage" that anyone could imagine him telling a "lie." He HAS told a LIE to begin with, so all the following rationalization is nothing but MORE LIES. D. During the rationalization posting, the imaginator will MISDIRECT the thread hoping to take viewers' minds off his own lies and put some blame on the person of the challenger. That's a common ploy in computer-modem communications, been around since before BBSs on the old ARPANET. It serves no argument but does take some of the heat away from the lying imaginator. AKA "smoke-screening" in trying to mask any challenge to the LIE. 4. There can be an endless recursion back to (3) depending on the intensity of the psychosis of the LIAR. They profess "being wounded" by a challenge and must "avenge" such "personal insult" (of being called a liar in the first place) by more and more and more misdirection and outright name-calling against challengers. Some years ago (about 1986 give or take) I logged into a Bulletin Board System that specialized in all sorts of paranormal subject, conspiracy theories and "majic" (apparently a modern version of magic). This was out of curiosity on how people behaved when they thought they couldn't be found out. On the subject that "The U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado teaches the existance of extra-terrestrial beings and has textbooks on the subject," a person made what I consider to be the ultimate rationalization for the lack of evidence of that: "After it was found out, the Air Force removed and destroyed all the textbooks. Of course you can't find any evidence of such books, they were all confiscated and destroyed, but they did exist!" So, despite NO evidence remaining, the claimant remained adamant that such books DID exist. No one can disprove it. But, given in such "outrage" of being challenged (misdirection ploy), readers of the message got an impression that they did. The claimant could NOT prove his case no matter how he tried...had to resort to emotional excuses and his alleged "honesty" (claimant had not gone to the USAF Academy but "knew someone who did"). The analogy applies directly to Robeson's claim of having a "trustworthy reference" to my character (as it was 34 years ago). He cannot prove this "reference" exists yet demands he be "believed." No one else can check up on this because nothing but vague generalities about this invisible man are presented. This "fitrep" report-writer is either a LIE or he might be some alien being from outer space. We don't know about the latter so the former must be a better bet. Psycho Pstevie told a LIE and just tried to cover it up...again and again and again. A clear and open role-model for today's Amateur Extra class amateur radio licensee? :-) |
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![]() K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: So, is lie #16 the conversation with a former colleague of Len's? Or is lie #16 Steve's tenure on RRAP? Or is it actually lies #16 and #17? Neither, but nice try. Steve, you lied. The only question is which time? The conversation with a former colleague of Len's? The length of tenure on RRAP? Or both. Fess up. Well well...Looks like I made an error in math. My bust. Well, well...it took you Quitesometime to fess up. Now where is Len's apology? Right behind HIS apology to this NG for years of lying, accusing, deceiving and antagonism, Brian...Right behind! Just hold your breath and wait! Steve, K4YZ Well, well. So much for your "strength of conviction." Lennie is YEARS BEHIND coming clean on his errors, lies and deceit, Brian... Y E A R S ! ! ! ! The old, "two wrongs makes a right" defense. You won't do what you know to be right because someone else isn't doing what you know to be right. I AM, repeat AM doing "what's right". Repeating something doesn't make it any more true or false. But in this case, it makes lies #19 and #20. You and Leonard are lairs, Brian. You don't tell the truth. YOU make glaring errors, and then when I make a simple one, all of a sudden you think your slates are wiped clean. Lessee? 30 hours before Len makes an appearance in one of your demented threads, you're chiding him for disapproving of what you said. Then you have a conversation with a claimed colleague of Len's years and years before you ever heard of Len. Both cases were smear campaigns against Len, and you say you make simple errors??? Sorry...Doesn't work that way. That's right Steve, it doesn't work that way. What you said was an outright lie. I already count two acknowledgements of errors I have made this week. Errors? Simple mistakes? Nobody thinks that, not even you. I haven't seen a single one from you acknowledging your ARES errors alone... There's a profound reason that you haven't seen such an acknowledgement from me... I made no error. You fudged the entire exercise (lied) so that you could "prove" me wrong, but nobody's buying it. You chalked up quite a few lies in that little fiasco. Quit before you reach the point of no return. I'm just glad the world isn't full of people like you. Actually, I thank my lucky stars every night that the world isn't full of people like you. As well you should. And I do. It's got to be embarrassing getting your nose rubbd in all the errors YOU make by just little ole me...You'd not withstand more than one. #21. Here's your sign, Brian LOSER #22. Steve, K4YZ Hey, you finally told a truth. See? You are capable of it. |
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![]() K4YZ wrote: And if you have skeletons in your closet, keep your mouth shut. Steve, K4YZ Must be why Robeson clammed up about the seven hostile actions. |
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![]() bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: Lennie is YEARS BEHIND coming clean on his errors, lies and deceit, Brian... Y E A R S ! ! ! ! The old, "two wrongs makes a right" defense. Other than getting my math wrong, there was no "wrong" commited, Brain...And certainly not one that rates an "apology" to Lennie. You won't do what you know to be right because someone else isn't doing what you know to be right. I AM, repeat AM doing "what's right". Repeating something doesn't make it any more true or false. But in this case, it makes lies #19 and #20. STILL WAITING on you to produce some validation of your claims on 1 through 18, Brain. You've not documented a one of them. You and Leonard are lairs, Brian. You don't tell the truth. YOU make glaring errors, and then when I make a simple one, all of a sudden you think your slates are wiped clean. Lessee? 30 hours before Len makes an appearance in one of your demented threads, you're chiding him for disapproving of what you said. Then you have a conversation with a claimed colleague of Len's years and years before you ever heard of Len. Both cases were smear campaigns against Len, and you say you make simple errors??? A N D Y O U A R E S T I L L R E F U S I N G to read what was said in the first place, Brian. There's a lot of things I can help with, Brian, but arrogant isn't one of them. Sorry...Doesn't work that way. That's right Steve, it doesn't work that way. What you said was an outright lie. Nope. Never was. The O R I G I N A L comments addressed Lennie's history of doing EXACTLY what I said then.... I already count two acknowledgements of errors I have made this week. Errors? Simple mistakes? Nobody thinks that, not even you. Sure I do. And Brain P Burke STILL has not acknowledged his errors about ARES. Very clearly documented. Very clearly DISproven with MULTIPLE news releases. I haven't seen a single one from you acknowledging your ARES errors alone... There's a profound reason that you haven't seen such an acknowledgement from me... I made no error. You fudged the entire exercise (lied) so that you could "prove" me wrong, but nobody's buying it. You chalked up quite a few lies in that little fiasco. Quit before you reach the point of no return. You say "no one", Brain, but so far YOU are the only one trying to make a point about it. And you DID make an error. You've made NUMEROUS errors, yet refuse to acknowledge a one of them despite reams of documentation that PROVE you to be in error. I'm just glad the world isn't full of people like you. Actually, I thank my lucky stars every night that the world isn't full of people like you. As well you should. And I do. Good. It's your FIRST wise move. It's got to be embarrassing getting your nose rubbd in all the errors YOU make by just little ole me...You'd not withstand more than one. #21. Where's 1 through 20? Here's your sign, Brian LOSER #22. Where's 1 through 21? Steve, K4YZ Hey, you finally told a truth. See? You are capable of it. So far I'd say I am ahead of you about 100 to 1 without fear of contradiction. 10,000 to 1 if you count your refusal to sign your name to your posts in an attempt to hide your identity. Steve, K4YZ |
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In . com writes:
*snip!* Paul Schleck (the extra who "signs" those welcome e-mails to new names in the newsgroup) is apparently long gone on some sabbatical or whatever. He doesn't answer any e-mails...at least to the web address on those "canned" welcome messages. ??? I prefer to read widely, but post judiciously, and only when I have something original to say. I always respond to replies to my welcome message. In fact, the text of the message itself invites such replies: 'The author welcomes any and all constructive feedback. Please direct all such feedback to and retain the original subject (e.g., " WELCOME to rec.radio.amateur.*") in your reply.' Just this month, I received and replied to messages from three correspondents about the welcome message. Most repliers express confusion over getting the message, as they didn't realize that they followed up to an article cross-posted to many newsgroups. I invite anyone who didn't get a reply to try again, and post any bounce messages received. Failing that, if the reply isn't too personal, please post it here or on *.misc, and I will try to follow up with a considered reply. The last time someone complained about bounces (someone named Andreas "Tekman"), it was due to a SPAM blacklist filtering out their message at the ISP level because they were posting from a site identified as a significant source of SPAM. His degree of good faith and sincerity in the matter (his followup posts included several schoolyard taunts and a death threat) was also strongly in question. Len, if it was you that tried to reply, and didn't get an answer, does that mean that you now wish to have an E-mail conversion on newsgroup subjects? Your last message to me, on January 27th, 2004, said in no uncertain terms that you did not. -- 73, Paul W. Schleck, K3FU http://www.novia.net/~pschleck/ Finger for PGP Public Key |
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![]() K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: Lennie is YEARS BEHIND coming clean on his errors, lies and deceit, Brian... Y E A R S ! ! ! ! The old, "two wrongs makes a right" defense. Other than getting my math wrong, there was no "wrong" commited, Brain...And certainly not one that rates an "apology" to Lennie. Two seperate lies in two seperate threads? I'd say that makes you wrong! You won't do what you know to be right because someone else isn't doing what you know to be right. I AM, repeat AM doing "what's right". Repeating something doesn't make it any more true or false. But in this case, it makes lies #19 and #20. STILL WAITING on you to produce some validation of your claims on 1 through 18, Brain. You've not documented a one of them. You've got them archived in Google. You and Leonard are lairs, Brian. You don't tell the truth. YOU make glaring errors, and then when I make a simple one, all of a sudden you think your slates are wiped clean. Lessee? 30 hours before Len makes an appearance in one of your demented threads, you're chiding him for disapproving of what you said. Then you have a conversation with a claimed colleague of Len's years and years before you ever heard of Len. Both cases were smear campaigns against Len, and you say you make simple errors??? A N D Y O U A R E S T I L L R E F U S I N G to read what was said in the first place, Brian. There's a lot of things I can help with, Brian, but arrogant isn't one of them. That's why I've repeatedly asked you to seek professional help. You're not enough to solve your own problems. Sorry...Doesn't work that way. That's right Steve, it doesn't work that way. What you said was an outright lie. Nope. Never was. The O R I G I N A L comments addressed Lennie's history of doing EXACTLY what I said then.... I am PRESENTLY addressing your history of doing EXACTLY what you accuse Len of doing. I already count two acknowledgements of errors I have made this week. Errors? Simple mistakes? Nobody thinks that, not even you. Sure I do. Self-deceit is easily accomplished when you have problems such as you have. Again, I recommend professional help. And Brain P Burke STILL has not acknowledged his errors about ARES. Very clearly documented. Very clearly DISproven with MULTIPLE news releases. The only thing clearly documented is your inability to accept that the available resources were inadequate to cover the designed capability of the volunteer group. You manipulated the exercise to have the outcome that you desired. Unfortunately for you, I saw through the gaping holes instantly. I haven't seen a single one from you acknowledging your ARES errors alone... There's a profound reason that you haven't seen such an acknowledgement from me... I made no error. You fudged the entire exercise (lied) so that you could "prove" me wrong, but nobody's buying it. You chalked up quite a few lies in that little fiasco. Quit before you reach the point of no return. You say "no one", Brain, but so far YOU are the only one trying to make a point about it. I don't mind. And you DID make an error. You've made NUMEROUS errors, yet refuse to acknowledge a one of them despite reams of documentation that PROVE you to be in error. So you say. Oh, well. Meanwhile, I pointed out PRECISELY where you fudged the exercise in an attempt to gain the desired outcome. Hi! I'm just glad the world isn't full of people like you. Actually, I thank my lucky stars every night that the world isn't full of people like you. As well you should. And I do. Good. It's your FIRST wise move. Nonsense statement. It's got to be embarrassing getting your nose rubbd in all the errors YOU make by just little ole me...You'd not withstand more than one. #21. Where's 1 through 20? In the past two weeks, #s 1 through 20 precede #21. Here's your sign, Brian LOSER #22. Where's 1 through 21? Steve, K4YZ Hey, you finally told a truth. See? You are capable of it. So far I'd say I am ahead of you about 100 to 1 without fear of contradiction. Sure, if you lie about it! 10,000 to 1 if you count your refusal to sign your name to your posts in an attempt to hide your identity. That's #23. Hi! |
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From: Paul W. Schleck on Mon,Apr 18 2005 12:32 pm
In .com writes: Paul Schleck (the extra who "signs" those welcome e-mails to new names in the newsgroup) is apparently long gone on some sabbatical or whatever. He doesn't answer any e-mails...at least to the web address on those "canned" welcome messages. ??? I prefer to read widely, but post judiciously, and only when I have something original to say. Wise procedure from one who is not quite a moderator here. However, those replies SEEM to begin as a result of automatic comparison against a list of those who had previously been sent such messages. That is based on my use of the IEEE address instead of the AOL one (AOL has dropped access to newsgroups) when using Google. I always respond to replies to my welcome message. In fact, the text of the message itself invites such replies: 'The author welcomes any and all constructive feedback. Please direct all such feedback to and retain the original subject (e.g., " WELCOME to rec.radio.amateur.*") in your reply.' I have NO problems with that. Please do not assume I do. Automatically-generated messages are very common on the Internet. The last time someone complained about bounces (someone named Andreas "Tekman"), it was due to a SPAM blacklist filtering out their message at the ISP level because they were posting from a site identified as a significant source of SPAM. I am NOT that person, have NO complaints about that in this thread or any other. Len, if it was you that tried to reply, and didn't get an answer, does that mean that you now wish to have an E-mail conversion on newsgroup subjects? Your last message to me, on January 27th, 2004, said in no uncertain terms that you did not. I am NOT interested in discussing any "policy matter" on amateur radio with anyone who is biased, coarse, cannot accept any viewpoint different from their own, or who becomes petulant and abusive when "not accepted," nor anyone who attempts to command anything when NOT in any position of authority to force such commands. If this PUBLIC venue is insufficient to "discuss" matters about Rec.radio.amateur.policy, then it is not productive to consider that private correspondence is also "useful." I've received quite enough of those in the past. I've received some angry, petulant responses while engaged in Instant Messaging with my wife who was visiting up north while our niece was undergoing a risky corrective operation. I had neglected to set my AOL blocking controls fully and now have to allow only certain screen names through. I have received a couple of telephone messages from irate individuals. That was during a trip, were duly recorded along with their desitination number, all forwarded to telephone company security people and the LAPD Stalking unit (LAPD does not consider ANY form of stalking as minor or trivial). Neither do I live in any form of "fear" of anything...it is tiring to see so many wanting to "fight" via messages as if they could "accomplish" anything that way. 27 Jan 04 was nearly 15 months ago. That is VERY late to assume any sort of "remedial action from authority" communications. However, anyone is still "free" to send me any sort of e-mail. I have the perfect freedom to ignore such or to respond in any way I choose. I have not sent any messages to you since 27 Jan 04. If you have ANY complaints about my personal e-mails then you can either exercise your newsgroup authority by stating so plainly in private e-mail. That should be clear enough... |
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In . com writes:
From: Paul W. Schleck on Mon,Apr 18 2005 12:32 pm In .com writes: Paul Schleck (the extra who "signs" those welcome e-mails to new names in the newsgroup) is apparently long gone on some sabbatical or whatever. He doesn't answer any e-mails...at least to the web address on those "canned" welcome messages. ??? I prefer to read widely, but post judiciously, and only when I have something original to say. Wise procedure from one who is not quite a moderator here. What an obviously self-evident thing to say. I would also post judiciously about military matters, not being a General, about legal matters, not being a member of the bar, and about technical matters, not being a P.E. or PhD. However, those replies SEEM to begin as a result of automatic comparison against a list of those who had previously been sent such messages. That is based on my use of the IEEE address instead of the AOL one (AOL has dropped access to newsgroups) when using Google. Yes, you described how the setup works fairly accurately. The Perl script that is used can only distinguish users by E-mail address. If you post from a different E-mail address, that it hasn't seen before, you will get the welcome message. It's an admitted technical limitation, but one that is probably not easily overcome, and doesn't seem to bother most people too much. I always respond to replies to my welcome message. In fact, the text of the message itself invites such replies: 'The author welcomes any and all constructive feedback. Please direct all such feedback to and retain the original subject (e.g., " WELCOME to rec.radio.amateur.*") in your reply.' I have NO problems with that. Please do not assume I do. I didn't. I followed up to rebut your fairly plain statement above that 'He doesn't answer any e-mails...at least to the web address on those "canned" welcome messages.' Please don't assume that because I haven't posted recently, that I am not reading, or not in positive control of the welcome message service, or that I wouldn't respond to any E-mail replies. Automatically-generated messages are very common on the Internet. The last time someone complained about bounces (someone named Andreas "Tekman"), it was due to a SPAM blacklist filtering out their message at the ISP level because they were posting from a site identified as a significant source of SPAM. I am NOT that person, have NO complaints about that in this thread or any other. I did wonder, however, on what basis you were making the statement about me not replying. Was it based on personal experience, as I asked below: Len, if it was you that tried to reply, and didn't get an answer, does or was it based on hearsay that you read on the newsgroups? The only hearsay I can recall is that of Andreas "Tekman," and I explained in my previously reply that his assertions are contradicted by evidence, and his behavior on the matter calls his reliability into question. Since I have successfully rebutted your assertion (or hypothesis, or assumption, or whatever) that I do not respond to E-mail, would you now be willing to do the honorable thing, and retract your original statement? I really don't care very much either way, but I, and others, would recognize such a retraction as honorable. that mean that you now wish to have an E-mail conversion on newsgroup subjects? Your last message to me, on January 27th, 2004, said in no uncertain terms that you did not. I am NOT interested in discussing any "policy matter" on amateur radio with anyone who is biased, coarse, cannot accept any viewpoint different from their own, or who becomes petulant and abusive when "not accepted," nor anyone who attempts to command anything when NOT in any position of authority to force such commands. I don't see how that describes me. Even you have described my E-mail communications to you as suggestions or advice. If this PUBLIC venue is insufficient to "discuss" matters about Rec.radio.amateur.policy, then it is not productive to consider that private correspondence is also "useful." I've received quite enough of those in the past. I've received some angry, petulant responses while engaged in Instant Messaging with my wife who was visiting up north while our niece was undergoing a risky corrective operation. I had neglected to set my AOL blocking controls fully and now have to allow only certain screen names through. I have received a couple of telephone messages from irate individuals. That was during a trip, were duly recorded along with their desitination number, all forwarded to telephone company security people and the LAPD Stalking unit (LAPD does not consider ANY form of stalking as minor or trivial). Neither do I live in any form of "fear" of anything...it is tiring to see so many wanting to "fight" via messages as if they could "accomplish" anything that way. That wasn't me. Just give your consent, and I can make public (on a web page, no need to annoy the newsgroup), our entire E-mail conversation and allow others to judge its content. 27 Jan 04 was nearly 15 months ago. That is VERY late to assume any sort of "remedial action from authority" communications. However, anyone is still "free" to send me any sort of e-mail. I have the perfect freedom to ignore such or to respond in any way I choose. I have not sent any messages to you since 27 Jan 04. Nor have I to you, except for the automated welcome message. Did you wish to reply to my welcome message, did you have any questions about how it works and why you got the message, or did you want to resume having an E-mail conversation about other newsgroup subjects? If you have ANY complaints about my personal e-mails then you can either exercise your newsgroup authority by stating so plainly in private e-mail. That should be clear enough... I have no rank, commission, or authority here, as you take pains to point out (except maybe as a peer-recognized "authority" on Usenet history, as well as on posting practices that have proven over time to foster effective communications, as opposed to non-productive arguments). -- 73, Paul W. Schleck, K3FU http://www.novia.net/~pschleck/ Finger for PGP Public Key |
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