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  #1   Report Post  
Old April 2nd 05, 07:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Goodbye Roger...Why You Lose ISP's

Hello. My name is Pam. I once ran an ISP in the West Virginia/Ohio area.

Roger Wiseman was at one time a subscriber to my services, but that didn't
last long.

Why, you ask?

Mr. Wiseman was never the best of customers and from the very first week of
him signing with us the complaints rolled in. The majority of the complaints
centered on the fact that Mr. Wiseman was posting libel and did so with a
before unheard of amount of filthy verbiage.

I, Pam, warned Mr. Wiseman on several occasions. Mr. Wiseman responded by
placing the blame on others, others whose names or IP addresses he could not
provide. He assured me that the violations would stop.

Then, about three years ago, I received a printout from a person who called
himself Arf! Arf! In the printout were numerous posts, with headers, made by
Mr. Wiseman in which Mr. Wiseman described me in the most vile of terms.
After receiving these printouts I decided that it would be useless to issue
any further warnings to Mr. Wiseman. I then terminated his account.

Mister Wiseman was with us for less than a year and was told that he would
not be allowed another account.

It is our policy to refuse service to anybody who violates our terms of
service, those being the use of abusive language and the posting of libelous
statements. Mister Wiseman was placed on notice that he is no longer welcome
and need never again apply for another account with us.

Mister Wiseman has been informed that he is a "persona non gratis".


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  #2   Report Post  
Old April 2nd 05, 07:21 PM
Posts: n/a

"Pam" PamHoffer@nosplam wrote in message ...
Hello. My name is Pam. I once ran an ISP in the West Virginia/Ohio area.

Roger Wiseman was at one time a subscriber to my services, but that didn't
last long.

Why, you ask?

Mr. Wiseman was never the best of customers and from the very first week
him signing with us the complaints rolled in. The majority of the
centered on the fact that Mr. Wiseman was posting libel and did so with a
before unheard of amount of filthy verbiage.

I, Pam, warned Mr. Wiseman on several occasions. Mr. Wiseman responded by
placing the blame on others, others whose names or IP addresses he could
provide. He assured me that the violations would stop.

Then, about three years ago, I received a printout from a person who
himself Arf! Arf! In the printout were numerous posts, with headers, made
Mr. Wiseman in which Mr. Wiseman described me in the most vile of terms.
After receiving these printouts I decided that it would be useless to
any further warnings to Mr. Wiseman. I then terminated his account.

Mister Wiseman was with us for less than a year and was told that he would
not be allowed another account.

It is our policy to refuse service to anybody who violates our terms of
service, those being the use of abusive language and the posting of
statements. Mister Wiseman was placed on notice that he is no longer
and need never again apply for another account with us.

Mister Wiseman has been informed that he is a "persona non gratis".


Hello Pam,

Did you kick Roger off before or after the FCC ordered him to retest
twice for causing malicious qrm to other hams?


  #3   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 12:05 AM
Posts: n/a

"Nomen Nescio" wrote in message
In article
"Dog" wrote:

Hello Pam,

blah, blah blah.... FCC ordered him to retest twice for

causing malicious qrm to other hams?

"Retest twice????"... You never do get it right, do you total
**** up?

July 11, 2000


Mr. Roger L. Wiseman

610 Glen Haven Avenue

Glendale, WV 26038-1302

SUBJECT: Amateur Radio license KC8JBO

Dear Mr. Wiseman:

Pursuant to Section 97.519(d)(2) of the Commission's Rules, 47
Section 97.519(d)(2), the Commission has the authority to re-
administer any
examination element previously administered by Volunteer
Examiners (VE's).
The Commission may either administer the examination itself, or
under the
supervision of a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) or VE
designated by
the Commission.

Accordingly, we are requiring you to re-take the General Class
Examination, (Elements 2, 3(A) and 3(B)) under the supervision
of an
American Radio Relay League Volunteer Examiner Coordinator. This
must be completed on or before September 11, 2000. The required
code speed
that you must demonstrate is 5 words per minute.

Please be prepared to verify your current address and to present
a photo
identification. Pursuant to Commission rules, your license will
be cancelled
if you do not appear for re-examination. You will be granted an
Radio license consistent with the elements you pass upon re-


W. Riley Hollingsworth

Special Counsel, Amateur Radio

Enforcement Bureau
Now where in the letter does it say "interference(qrm) is the
reason for the retest?

Oh, Holsten, is Lardass' buddy, a registered sex offender. Are
you still molesting your Grandson Jason and that little mulatto
mongrel newborn baby of yours?

Steve Holsten
611 W 9th St,
Kennett, MO 63857

That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.


  #4   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 01:14 AM
Stagger Lee
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:05:38 -0500, Dog wrote:
: That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.

And besides, that's not Roger Wiseman. Therefore, that person has no
access to the original FCC letters; only copies. Now if he *were*
Roger Wiseman, his comments might carry some weight.

But, alas, he isn't. He said so.

"Roger hasn't recieved 'repeat visits with the chief of police'. You
ar a liar. He isn't about to get another one either, dumbass." -- Secwet
Woger in message-id b14c37cf833370abc4122a241ccf54c4@melontraffickers .com
  #5   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 01:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Stagger Lee wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:05:38 -0500, Dog wrote:
: That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.

And besides, that's not Roger Wiseman. Therefore, that person has no
access to the original FCC letters; only copies. Now if he *were*
Roger Wiseman, his comments might carry some weight.

But, alas, he isn't. He said so.
GLENDALE, WV [UPDATE]: The FCC had written General licensee Roger L.
Wiseman, KC8JBO, on March 29, 2000, advising that it had been made aware
of "an ongoing personal dispute" between Wiseman and Advanced licensee
Steven A. Tunder, N8WGM, that included allegations of interference or
jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement
Riley Hollingsworth cautioned Tunder and Wiseman to review §97.1 of the
Amateur Radio rules and "to make certain that whatever disputes that may
exist are not carried over to Amateur Radio frequencies." Hollingsworth
invited the two licensees to contact him to discuss the matter. Wiseman
alleged in a subsequent communication to the ARRL that Tunder had been
harassing him and that he had made the FCC aware of it in the first
place. Wiseman indicated that he had been in touch with Hollingsworth to
clarify the situation. The FCC had sent Wiseman a Warning Notice last
November in response to allegations of deliberate and malicious
interference on 20 meters.
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC requested July 11, 2000, that Roger L. Wiseman,
KC8JBO, retake the General examination elements under the supervision of
an ARRL-VEC volunteer examiner team. Wiseman must appear for retesting
by September 11, 2000, or his license will be canceled. Applicants
appearing for re-examination are granted an Amateur Radio license
consistent with the elements passed. The FCC had written Wiseman on
March 29, 2000, advising that it had been made aware of "an ongoing
personal dispute" between Wiseman and another licensee that included
allegations of interference or jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel
for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth invited the two
licensees to contact him to discuss the matter. Additionally, the FCC
had sent Wiseman a Warning Notice last November in response to
allegations of deliberate and malicious interference on 20 meters.
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC sent a Warning Notice November 9, 1999, to General
licensee Roger L. Wiseman, KC8JBO, citing evidence that the licensee had
been "deliberately and maliciously interfering with the radio operations
of other licensed amateurs" on 20 meters. "This interference has
occurred at various times in the last several months and includes
broadcasting music and other unidentified transmissions," said a letter
from FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley
Hollingsworth. Hollingsworth warned that continued operation of the type
described could result in a fine or license revocation proceeding, and
he requested that the licensee contact him to discuss the allegations.

  #6   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 02:15 AM
I Am Not Roger
Posts: n/a

Roger is still, to this day, maintaining that he did nothing wrong. He says
that the FCC can re-examine any licensees who have been through the VEC
administered programs. Roger chuckle-chuckle stupidly asserts that he was
"ramdomly" chosen and that nowhere in the letters does it say that he caused
malicious interference to another Ham. So there you have it. 'Not Roger' is
dancing a fine line between being guilty or being allegedly guilty, but he
was not ordered to retest due to some random, willy-nilly pick-of-the-hat
lottery that Riley Hollingsworth uses. So, is 'Not Roger' guilty? You bet
your a** he is.
Learn to spell "Anonymous" first, Nursie. You get your panties
in a wad and you always screw up.

"It's "complaintant," you sniveling weasel." (Roger Wiseman on spelling

"KC8GXW" wrote in message

Stagger Lee wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:05:38 -0500, Dog wrote:
: That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.

And besides, that's not Roger Wiseman. Therefore, that person has no
access to the original FCC letters; only copies. Now if he *were*
Roger Wiseman, his comments might carry some weight.

But, alas, he isn't. He said so.
GLENDALE, WV [UPDATE]: The FCC had written General licensee Roger L.
Wiseman, KC8JBO, on March 29, 2000, advising that it had been made aware
of "an ongoing personal dispute" between Wiseman and Advanced licensee
Steven A. Tunder, N8WGM, that included allegations of interference or
jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement
Riley Hollingsworth cautioned Tunder and Wiseman to review §97.1 of the
Amateur Radio rules and "to make certain that whatever disputes that may
exist are not carried over to Amateur Radio frequencies." Hollingsworth
invited the two licensees to contact him to discuss the matter. Wiseman
alleged in a subsequent communication to the ARRL that Tunder had been
harassing him and that he had made the FCC aware of it in the first
place. Wiseman indicated that he had been in touch with Hollingsworth to
clarify the situation. The FCC had sent Wiseman a Warning Notice last
November in response to allegations of deliberate and malicious
interference on 20 meters.
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC requested July 11, 2000, that Roger L. Wiseman,
KC8JBO, retake the General examination elements under the supervision of
an ARRL-VEC volunteer examiner team. Wiseman must appear for retesting
by September 11, 2000, or his license will be canceled. Applicants
appearing for re-examination are granted an Amateur Radio license
consistent with the elements passed. The FCC had written Wiseman on
March 29, 2000, advising that it had been made aware of "an ongoing
personal dispute" between Wiseman and another licensee that included
allegations of interference or jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel
for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth invited the two
licensees to contact him to discuss the matter. Additionally, the FCC
had sent Wiseman a Warning Notice last November in response to
allegations of deliberate and malicious interference on 20 meters.
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC sent a Warning Notice November 9, 1999, to General
licensee Roger L. Wiseman, KC8JBO, citing evidence that the licensee had
been "deliberately and maliciously interfering with the radio operations
of other licensed amateurs" on 20 meters. "This interference has
occurred at various times in the last several months and includes
broadcasting music and other unidentified transmissions," said a letter
from FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley
Hollingsworth. Hollingsworth warned that continued operation of the type
described could result in a fine or license revocation proceeding, and
he requested that the licensee contact him to discuss the allegations.

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---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---
  #7   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 02:22 AM
Posts: n/a

"KC8GXW" wrote in message

Stagger Lee wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:05:38 -0500, Dog wrote:
: : That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.

And besides, that's not Roger Wiseman. Therefore, that person has no
access to the original FCC letters; only copies. Now if he *were*
Roger Wiseman, his comments might carry some weight.

But, alas, he isn't. He said so.
GLENDALE, WV [UPDATE]: The FCC had written General licensee Roger L.
Wiseman, KC8JBO, on March 29, 2000, advising that it had been made aware
of "an ongoing personal dispute" between Wiseman and Advanced licensee
Steven A. Tunder, N8WGM, that included allegations of interference or
jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement
Riley Hollingsworth cautioned Tunder and Wiseman to review §97.1 of the
Amateur Radio rules and "to make certain that whatever disputes that may
exist are not carried over to Amateur Radio frequencies." Hollingsworth
invited the two licensees to contact him to discuss the matter. Wiseman
alleged in a subsequent communication to the ARRL that Tunder had been
harassing him and that he had made the FCC aware of it in the first place.
Wiseman indicated that he had been in touch with Hollingsworth to clarify
the situation. The FCC had sent Wiseman a Warning Notice last November in
response to allegations of deliberate and malicious interference on 20
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC requested July 11, 2000, that Roger L. Wiseman,
KC8JBO, retake the General examination elements under the supervision of
an ARRL-VEC volunteer examiner team. Wiseman must appear for retesting by
September 11, 2000, or his license will be canceled. Applicants appearing
for re-examination are granted an Amateur Radio license consistent with
the elements passed. The FCC had written Wiseman on March 29, 2000,
advising that it had been made aware of "an ongoing personal dispute"
between Wiseman and another licensee that included allegations of
interference or jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur
Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth invited the two licensees to contact
him to discuss the matter. Additionally, the FCC had sent Wiseman a
Warning Notice last November in response to allegations of deliberate and
malicious interference on 20 meters.
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC sent a Warning Notice November 9, 1999, to General
licensee Roger L. Wiseman, KC8JBO, citing evidence that the licensee had
been "deliberately and maliciously interfering with the radio operations
of other licensed amateurs" on 20 meters. "This interference has occurred
at various times in the last several months and includes broadcasting
music and other unidentified transmissions," said a letter from FCC
Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth.
Hollingsworth warned that continued operation of the type described could
result in a fine or license revocation proceeding, and he requested that
the licensee contact him to discuss the allegations.

Yup, those look like the real McCoy and I note in the November 9, 1999
letter that the FCC cites *evidence* of deliberate malicious repeated
interference on 20 meters, which is one of the conditions under which
Riley orders people to restest.


  #8   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 04:28 AM
QRM Retest Roger
Posts: n/a

"KC8GXW" wrote in message

Stagger Lee wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:05:38 -0500, Dog wrote:
: : That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.

And besides, that's not Roger Wiseman. Therefore, that person has no
access to the original FCC letters; only copies. Now if he *were*
Roger Wiseman, his comments might carry some weight.

But, alas, he isn't. He said so.
GLENDALE, WV [UPDATE]: The FCC had written General licensee Roger L.
Wiseman, KC8JBO, on March 29, 2000, advising that it had been made aware
of "an ongoing personal dispute" between Wiseman and Advanced licensee
Steven A. Tunder, N8WGM, that included allegations of interference or
jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement
Riley Hollingsworth cautioned Tunder and Wiseman to review §97.1 of the
Amateur Radio rules and "to make certain that whatever disputes that may
exist are not carried over to Amateur Radio frequencies." Hollingsworth
invited the two licensees to contact him to discuss the matter. Wiseman
alleged in a subsequent communication to the ARRL that Tunder had been
harassing him and that he had made the FCC aware of it in the first place.
Wiseman indicated that he had been in touch with Hollingsworth to clarify
the situation. The FCC had sent Wiseman a Warning Notice last November in
response to allegations of deliberate and malicious interference on 20
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC requested July 11, 2000, that Roger L. Wiseman,
KC8JBO, retake the General examination elements under the supervision of
an ARRL-VEC volunteer examiner team. Wiseman must appear for retesting by
September 11, 2000, or his license will be canceled. Applicants appearing
for re-examination are granted an Amateur Radio license consistent with
the elements passed. The FCC had written Wiseman on March 29, 2000,
advising that it had been made aware of "an ongoing personal dispute"
between Wiseman and another licensee that included allegations of
interference or jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur
Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth invited the two licensees to contact
him to discuss the matter. Additionally, the FCC had sent Wiseman a
Warning Notice last November in response to allegations of deliberate and
malicious interference on 20 meters.
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC sent a Warning Notice November 9, 1999, to General
licensee Roger L. Wiseman, KC8JBO, citing evidence that the licensee had
been "deliberately and maliciously interfering with the radio operations
of other licensed amateurs" on 20 meters. "This interference has occurred
at various times in the last several months and includes broadcasting
music and other unidentified transmissions," said a letter from FCC
Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth.
Hollingsworth warned that continued operation of the type described could
result in a fine or license revocation proceeding, and he requested that
the licensee contact him to discuss the allegations.

Tnx for posting the true AND accurate copies of the FCC letters sent to
Roger, which clearly proves he was retested for repeatedly causing
intentional malicious qrm on 20 meters.

  #9   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 05:18 AM
Joe S.
Posts: n/a

Oh, well. I have been absent from this NG for 20 months and return to find
the same children still calling each other names over the same nonsense.
Time to drag the cooler back into the stands and wait a while longer.

It's known as "arrested development" -- some folks just never get out of the
6th grade.


"QRM Retest Roger" wrote in message

"KC8GXW" wrote in message

Stagger Lee wrote:
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 17:05:38 -0500, Dog wrote:
: : That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.

And besides, that's not Roger Wiseman. Therefore, that person has no
access to the original FCC letters; only copies. Now if he *were*
Roger Wiseman, his comments might carry some weight.

But, alas, he isn't. He said so.
GLENDALE, WV [UPDATE]: The FCC had written General licensee Roger L.
Wiseman, KC8JBO, on March 29, 2000, advising that it had been made aware
of "an ongoing personal dispute" between Wiseman and Advanced licensee
Steven A. Tunder, N8WGM, that included allegations of interference or
jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement
Riley Hollingsworth cautioned Tunder and Wiseman to review §97.1 of the
Amateur Radio rules and "to make certain that whatever disputes that may
exist are not carried over to Amateur Radio frequencies." Hollingsworth
invited the two licensees to contact him to discuss the matter. Wiseman
alleged in a subsequent communication to the ARRL that Tunder had been
harassing him and that he had made the FCC aware of it in the first

Wiseman indicated that he had been in touch with Hollingsworth to

the situation. The FCC had sent Wiseman a Warning Notice last November

response to allegations of deliberate and malicious interference on 20
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC requested July 11, 2000, that Roger L. Wiseman,
KC8JBO, retake the General examination elements under the supervision of
an ARRL-VEC volunteer examiner team. Wiseman must appear for retesting

September 11, 2000, or his license will be canceled. Applicants

for re-examination are granted an Amateur Radio license consistent with
the elements passed. The FCC had written Wiseman on March 29, 2000,
advising that it had been made aware of "an ongoing personal dispute"
between Wiseman and another licensee that included allegations of
interference or jamming on 20 meters. FCC Special Counsel for Amateur
Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth invited the two licensees to

him to discuss the matter. Additionally, the FCC had sent Wiseman a
Warning Notice last November in response to allegations of deliberate

malicious interference on 20 meters.
GLENDALE, WV: The FCC sent a Warning Notice November 9, 1999, to General
licensee Roger L. Wiseman, KC8JBO, citing evidence that the licensee had
been "deliberately and maliciously interfering with the radio operations
of other licensed amateurs" on 20 meters. "This interference has

at various times in the last several months and includes broadcasting
music and other unidentified transmissions," said a letter from FCC
Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth.
Hollingsworth warned that continued operation of the type described

result in a fine or license revocation proceeding, and he requested that
the licensee contact him to discuss the allegations.

Tnx for posting the true AND accurate copies of the FCC letters sent to
Roger, which clearly proves he was retested for repeatedly causing
intentional malicious qrm on 20 meters.

  #10   Report Post  
Old April 3rd 05, 01:32 PM
Stagger Lee
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 3 Apr 2005 03:50:19 +0200 (CEST), Not-Roger wrote:
: In article
: Stagger Lee wrote:
: And besides, that's not Roger Wiseman. Therefore, that person has no
: access to the original FCC letters; only copies. Now if he *were*
: Roger Wiseman, his comments might carry some weight.
: Funny, it's a copy of the actual letter, which was posted on the
: Rain Report website when Hal posted the letters from the FCC.

But the Rain Report only received copies of the original letter, as
did the ARRL and some others. Only Roger Wiseman has the original
letters, as well as *all* of the original letters. He is the only one
who can prove that the letters under discussion were not post-edited.

That is, he is the only one who can prove that he wasn't retested at
least twice.

: But, since you can't even differentiate between the Marshall
: County WV and the Marshall County, AL websites, your

But I'm not Lloyd; I'm someone else. So your "logic" simply doesn't

: blatheringasSTOMP!!!

Now if you *were* Roger, your claims might carry some weight. But,
alas, you aren't. You said so.

Until the real Roger posts, I'm going to assume that he was retested
at least two or three times.

In message , AB8MQ issues a West Virginia,
hillbilly insult when he says: "Faggot Lee is gnetically [sic] related
to his sister."
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