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In rec.radio.amateur.misc Michael A. Terrell wrote:
I was interested in Amateur Radio back in the late '60s but quickly lost interest in HF. I wanted to work 144, 432 and up, where code wasn't used so I went into broadcast and CATV engineering, followed by Not used by whom? I frequently use CW on the VHF, UHF, and microwave bands - perhaps moreso than SSB and certainly at least as much. -- Chris Cox, N0UK/G4JEC NIC Handle: CC345 If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. |
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wrote in message
oups.com... 'Way to go Bert! That's a tough one, there aren't a whole lot of HZs on the air. "Back when" the only HZ on the air for years was HZ1HZ. He was only on 40M CW and usually only in the major DX contests so he was a real "catch". Problem with him was that he had about the worst bug swing most of us have ever heard, absolutely indecipherable. Thank God he wasn't a ragchewer. But that was OK because that swing was his immediate "identifier" and ya knew who it had to be even if ya could hardly copy him in the piles. I have no idea what their rules are today but back then only members of the royal family were allowed to get on the ham bands. Serious HF dxers aren't serious unless they work both phone and CW, ya have to do both or else yer shooting yerself in the foot. Thanks Brian. I'm havin' gobs of fun and have broken out the K2/100 running approx. 70 Watts. I'm about a third of the way through toward DXCC and need an Asian contact for WAC. I will heed your advice re. using both phone and CW. I do hop on 10 using phone while commuting to and from work, but in the shack, well... ;-) To be honest, I suppose I just find the CW itself fun. I'm also a big WW II buff and was quite honored to work W5E over the weekend, who was operating from a Boeing B-17 bomber. The op was using the vintage onboard gear. It's humbling to think of the transmissions that have traveled through that gear. Tnx agn es hpe c u ota. Take care es... -- Vy 73 de Bert WA2SI FISTS #9384/CC #1736 QRP ARCI #11782 |
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From: "cl" on Sun,Apr 17 2005 11:33 pm
"bb" wrote in message roups.com... cl wrote: The biggest problem with most is "laziness". Was that your problem? If you hadn't been so lazy you could have learned the code in under a week? Eh - I had the code down in 2 weeks for the Novice exam. AND I'm now an Extra. Been licensed since the early 80s. Yeah, I probably could have learned it in under a week, if I pushed myself. Most anyone will tell you - it isn't good to do such. Sorry, according to many in here you have to approach it as THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE!!! :-) Besides, at that time, I was chasing rug rats - so study time was premium. Excuses, excuses, excuses! :-) Most recommendations are 15 minutes to a half hour a day. That hardly makes it possible in a week. I used the words " "AT LEAST" 2 WEEKS". Some are faster learners than others, that is a given. BUT my point was, you have to get started to learn ANYTHING. You can't absorb it through osmosis. Back to the timing thing, I hope someone from the military can step in to tell us how much time they were given to get the code down. I think they had to "Cram". "Caveat," I was in the military, the United States Army, voluntary enlistment beginning 13 March 1953. Went from Basic to Signal School at Fort Monmouth, NJ. Amount of Signal School time spent on morse code? ZERO! NO class, NO "cramming." At that time the ONLY military occupation specialty in the Army requiring morsemanship was Field Radio. Field Radio then required passing 20 WPM, was taught at Camp Gordon (later Fort Gordon, now the home of the Signal Corps). Drop-out rate was roughly a quarter of all starting...that I know about. Those that didn't make it, but had some apitude for electronics, got to go to Inside Plant Telephone, Outside Plant Telephone, Carrier, Teleprinter Operator, Field Wireman...or the Infantry. :-) My Signal School classes taught Microwave Radio Relay (at a time when there was little of such operational). Radar was also taught at Fort Monmouth, had the same basic electronics as Microwave. I got assigned to a Fixed Station Transmitter site in Japan. Got all of about a day's worth of on-site "training" to operate one of three dozen HF transmitters having a minimum of 1 KW output. NO MORSEMANSHIP NEEDED THERE. NO MORSE USED at the third-largest station in the Army Command and Administrative Network. Maybe you never will use it again. Perhaps. I've found little use for it so far. Maybe once I'm an old fart, have loads of time, and wax nostalgic for things that never were, I'll take it up and enjoy it, and demand that all learn it. Probably the same age bracket as me. I do listen to call signs now and then on the scanner to pick out the services they represent - if I don't immediately know who the service is. I do listen some times to code on the H.F. Bands. ...or what you think is morse. :-) There's very LITTLE morse code on HF nowadays...EXCEPT inside the ham bands. There are many things you learn in life and may never use again, unless you plan to play on Jeopardy. Tell that to Ken Jennings! :-) Many people learned the skeletal system in health class, microorganisms in Biology class. It doesn't mean they use it now. Probably forgot it as soon as they graduated. But, it was "required". It's not a big deal people. Once you get past the "do I have to" and start doing it, you'll amaze yourself at how fast and easy it can be. Indeed. I never had the "do I have to?" attitude as there was no code-free license when I became a ham. Yet it took me about 9 weeks of daily practice. And you stuck with it!!!!!!!! You didn't quit, and it got you where you wanted to be. OR had to be - for your class of license. 2 weeks, 9 weeks, so what... you did it. A milestone to be proud of. No one can fault you for that effort. Riiiight, Coach Lector. :-) After my release from active duty in 1956, I thought it good to get a Commercial Radiotelephone License. Lots of job opportunities with that then. Couldn't find a Q&A book in town but I got a copy of the entire FCC regulations from a good guy at a local broadcast station, studied that and got my First 'Phone on the first sitting in Chicago, 90 miles away (didn't walk, rode the train, kept my shoes on even if there was no snow). Moved to L.A. at the end of '56, started at Art Center School of Design to become an illustrator. Worked during the day at Hughes Aircraft, found out that illustrators didn't make much money, liked electronics (already spent three years in Army communications) and switched to Electronics Engineering. Took me 15 years to complete that due to job requirements making me miss whole semesters. Got engineering responsibility, title, and pay before any "certificate" (suitable for framing) awarded (sheep did not sacrifice their skins for graduates, regardless of what is said). In between semesters, I thought it a neat thing to learn this morse code stuff, get a fancy callsign to "sign after my name" (youth can be misleading on what is important). Got to roughly 8 WPM clean copy using practice tapes (magnetic, reel-to-reel, cassettes had not yet been invented in those 60s days). Stopped after that plateau, wondered "whatinhell am I doing spending all this time on morse?" I'd already spent three full years on Army communications at a major station (220 thousand messages a month in 1955), had become a supervisor, did finally work on microwave radio relay operations in the service, was now an employee of Ramo- Wooldridge Corp. in electronic warfare group, and the Class D CBs had already started. I'd gotten the First 'Phone, worked on HF, was now working on more of the EM spectrum than any ham of today can use, already had a good home workshop and was coming along on professional design. I didn't "NEED MORSE" to GET ON THE AIR. I had already done that, perfectly legal, without fault. I had tossed the idea of getting a "title" (the callsign) since there was MUCH MORE electronics coming along. The first of the ICs had already hit the market and some of us were tinkering with the first personal computers, rolling our own without benefit of MITs or Apple or SwTP kits (hadn't come out yet). PLENTY of fun and games in electronics AND radio to be interested in. I DO use code now and then, but not daily like many others do. Everyone has their own thing. Some are into Packet, RTTY, AMTOR, etc, I'm not...To each his own. But we all had to learn "something" about those modes to pass an exam. Oooooo! "PASS THE (code) EXAM!" Geez, poor babies, like an amateur exam is "Nobel Laureate" material? Like "rocket science?" Yeah... a "life accomplishment!" :-) I used to "pass a test" every week...on payday. If I didn't KNOW what was needed on the job, to do the things my bosses had given me responsibility for, I wouldn't "pass that exam." No paycheck. Bye. I never failed such an exam. I never failed any exam in college courses, either. I just kept on working in engineering design...and having to constantly keep on learning. The state of the electronics arts have NOT ceased to advance...not one iota of stopping. Funny thing is, we're all arguing pros and cons and in the end, it won't matter. WE do not have control. NO NO NO!!! WRONG IN HERE!!! The NO-CODE TEST ADVOCATE extras "HAVE CONTROL!" At least three have "forbidden" any non-amateur to EVER say anything about getting INTO amateur radio! Such folk are, as these gods of radio put it, "NOT INVOLVED!" Damn the First Amendment (say those three). THEY "rule" on What Shall Be in U.S. amateur radio! Their clubhouse door is CLOSED to "outsiders." [so are their minds, BTASE...) So, if we're going to debate the issues we have no control over, may as well keep it clean. What is "clean?" Anything done the way the ARRL says is "clean?" Anything done to show "committment" and "dedication" to amateurism is "clean?" Does "clean" mean that ALL must obey the olde-fahrt amateur extras who cuss at all the (evil) no-coders? Does "clean" mean the usual Double Standard in this newsgroup? All the PCTA extras can cuss at others but everyone else has to be OH so polite, civil, obediant, and respectful to their MIGHTY personal accomplishments? Hardly any of us know the other and it isn't worth making enemies over. Quite true, but that is NOT practiced in here. Look at the labels of "PUTZ," "LIAR," "COWARD" that are tossed out freely by these MIGHTY PCTA extras! Certainly not worth name calling.... It MUST be "worth it" to these stalwart, noble, good and true MORSEMEN. They seem to thrive on it. Whether I'm right or wrong, I do value opposing view points. Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. Commendable and should be the operative ethic in here. Unfortunately, it is NOT SO. Pro or con, it is a matter of time. May be a year, may be 5, but it will come to pass. Absolutely. But...that will be the END of the ARS (Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society). retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person |
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From: "Michael A. Terrell" on Mon,Apr 18 2005 6:00 am
cl wrote: The local ham club is looking for people to take classes with "Now Your Talking" rather than try to find people with any electronics background. I offered to help maintain their club equipment but they brushed me off because I don't have a ham ticket. I still have a half way decent RF bench, but nothing compared to the $1,000,000 plus benches of test equipment I had at Microdyne. I never had any formal electronics training, yet I ws a broadcast engineer, and a engineering tech for some products at Microdyne. I learned it because I wanted to. I went to work part time in a TV shop at 13 after school and on Saturdays. When I was drafted I was tested to prove I didn't know electronics but it backfired. I not only passed the MOS test for Broadcast Engineer at Ft Knox, I was told I had received the highest score on record for the test. These are some of the reasons for my sig file. :-) -- Former professional electron wrangler. Michael A. Terrell Central Florida Michael, be warned that you can now expect all sorts of "hate mail" in public in response to what you've written. :-) Trust me on that if you haven't seen others' received flak. :-) Still a professional electron pusher (and long-time electronics hobbyist) but one doesn't do it during regular office hours. :-) |
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![]() wrote: From: "cl" on Sun,Apr 17 2005 11:33 pm Eh - I had the code down in 2 weeks for the Novice exam. AND I'm now an Extra. Been licensed since the early 80s. Yeah, I probably could have learned it in under a week, if I pushed myself. Most anyone will tell you - it isn't good to do such. Sorry, according to many in here you have to approach it as THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE!!! Actually, Lennie, YOU are the only one making that assertion. Back to the timing thing, I hope someone from the military can step in to tell us how much time they were given to get the code down. I think they had to "Cram". "Caveat," I was in the military, the United States Army, voluntary enlistment beginning 13 March 1953. Went from Basic to Signal School at Fort Monmouth, NJ. Amount of Signal School time spent on morse code? ZERO! NO class, NO "cramming." I guess it was too much to ask you to actually comment on something you KNOW about, is it, Lennie...?!?! HUUUUUUGGGGGGGEEEEEE snip of usual Lennie reliving his youth by recounting his "good ole Army days..."...But still without really answering the original correspondant's questions... Pro or con, it is a matter of time. May be a year, may be 5, but it will come to pass. Absolutely. But...that will be the END of the ARS (Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society). retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person Retired from what he alledges to have been an engineering career... Now full time newsgroup insulting. Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() wrote: From: "Michael A. Terrell" on Mon,Apr 18 2005 6:00 am cl wrote: The local ham club is looking for people to take classes with "Now Your Talking" rather than try to find people with any electronics background. "Now You're Talking" is for folks with no prior background. The idea being to introduce those who DON'T have that prior background. I offered to help maintain their club equipment but they brushed me off because I don't have a ham ticket. I still have a half way decent RF bench, but nothing compared to the $1,000,000 plus benches of test equipment I had at Microdyne. I am sure the offer was appreicated, Mike, it it IS an "Amateur Radio" club. Do you have an aversion to getting licensed? I never had any formal electronics training, yet I ws a broadcast engineer, and a engineering tech for some products at Microdyne. I learned it because I wanted to. I went to work part time in a TV shop at 13 after school and on Saturdays. When I was drafted I was tested to prove I didn't know electronics but it backfired. I not only passed the MOS test for Broadcast Engineer at Ft Knox, I was told I had received the highest score on record for the test. These are some of the reasons for my sig file. :-) -- Former professional electron wrangler. Michael A. Terrell Central Florida Michael, be warned that you can now expect all sorts of "hate mail" in public in response to what you've written. Actually, not really Mike. Welcome to RRAP, wherein our resident "used-to-be-an-engineer-and-know-everything-better-than-you" representitive, Len "Lennie" Anderson endears himself and makes friends by calling them Nazis, thugs, elitists, etc, then crying foul when "called" on it. Trust me on that if you haven't seen others' received flak. Trusting Lennie Anderson on ANYthing is like letting Jack Kevorkian make your health care decisions for you. Do a Google on ", ", (before winter 2001, I believe...) Lennie's "reputation" for honesty, trustworthiness and dependability are less than adequate. Still a professional electron pusher (and long-time electronics hobbyist) but one doesn't do it during regular office hours. You don't do it during OFF hours either, judging by your complete lack of evidence on ANY "hobbyist" project other than listening to the ATIS at LAX on your scanner. Hope you'll get a ticket at one level or another, Mike...there's a lot of fun to be had...If some club was rude to you, don't think it's the whole tamale. 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() wrote in message oups.com... From: "cl" on Sun,Apr 17 2005 11:33 pm "bb" wrote in message groups.com... cl wrote: The biggest problem with most is "laziness". Was that your problem? If you hadn't been so lazy you could have learned the code in under a week? Eh - I had the code down in 2 weeks for the Novice exam. AND I'm now an Extra. Been licensed since the early 80s. Yeah, I probably could have learned it in under a week, if I pushed myself. Most anyone will tell you - it isn't good to do such. Sorry, according to many in here you have to approach it as THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE!!! :-) Besides, at that time, I was chasing rug rats - so study time was premium. Excuses, excuses, excuses! :-) Most recommendations are 15 minutes to a half hour a day. That hardly makes it possible in a week. I used the words " "AT LEAST" 2 WEEKS". Some are faster learners than others, that is a given. BUT my point was, you have to get started to learn ANYTHING. You can't absorb it through osmosis. Back to the timing thing, I hope someone from the military can step in to tell us how much time they were given to get the code down. I think they had to "Cram". "Caveat," I was in the military, the United States Army, voluntary enlistment beginning 13 March 1953. Went from Basic to Signal School at Fort Monmouth, NJ. Amount of Signal School time spent on morse code? ZERO! NO class, NO "cramming." At that time the ONLY military occupation specialty in the Army requiring morsemanship was Field Radio. Field Radio then required passing 20 WPM, was taught at Camp Gordon (later Fort Gordon, now the home of the Signal Corps). Drop-out rate was roughly a quarter of all starting...that I know about. Those that didn't make it, but had some apitude for electronics, got to go to Inside Plant Telephone, Outside Plant Telephone, Carrier, Teleprinter Operator, Field Wireman...or the Infantry. :-) My Signal School classes taught Microwave Radio Relay (at a time when there was little of such operational). Radar was also taught at Fort Monmouth, had the same basic electronics as Microwave. I got assigned to a Fixed Station Transmitter site in Japan. Got all of about a day's worth of on-site "training" to operate one of three dozen HF transmitters having a minimum of 1 KW output. NO MORSEMANSHIP NEEDED THERE. NO MORSE USED at the third-largest station in the Army Command and Administrative Network. Maybe you never will use it again. Perhaps. I've found little use for it so far. Maybe once I'm an old fart, have loads of time, and wax nostalgic for things that never were, I'll take it up and enjoy it, and demand that all learn it. Probably the same age bracket as me. I do listen to call signs now and then on the scanner to pick out the services they represent - if I don't immediately know who the service is. I do listen some times to code on the H.F. Bands. ...or what you think is morse. :-) There's very LITTLE morse code on HF nowadays...EXCEPT inside the ham bands. There are many things you learn in life and may never use again, unless you plan to play on Jeopardy. Tell that to Ken Jennings! :-) Many people learned the skeletal system in health class, microorganisms in Biology class. It doesn't mean they use it now. Probably forgot it as soon as they graduated. But, it was "required". It's not a big deal people. Once you get past the "do I have to" and start doing it, you'll amaze yourself at how fast and easy it can be. Indeed. I never had the "do I have to?" attitude as there was no code-free license when I became a ham. Yet it took me about 9 weeks of daily practice. And you stuck with it!!!!!!!! You didn't quit, and it got you where you wanted to be. OR had to be - for your class of license. 2 weeks, 9 weeks, so what... you did it. A milestone to be proud of. No one can fault you for that effort. Riiiight, Coach Lector. :-) After my release from active duty in 1956, I thought it good to get a Commercial Radiotelephone License. Lots of job opportunities with that then. Couldn't find a Q&A book in town but I got a copy of the entire FCC regulations from a good guy at a local broadcast station, studied that and got my First 'Phone on the first sitting in Chicago, 90 miles away (didn't walk, rode the train, kept my shoes on even if there was no snow). Moved to L.A. at the end of '56, started at Art Center School of Design to become an illustrator. Worked during the day at Hughes Aircraft, found out that illustrators didn't make much money, liked electronics (already spent three years in Army communications) and switched to Electronics Engineering. Took me 15 years to complete that due to job requirements making me miss whole semesters. Got engineering responsibility, title, and pay before any "certificate" (suitable for framing) awarded (sheep did not sacrifice their skins for graduates, regardless of what is said). In between semesters, I thought it a neat thing to learn this morse code stuff, get a fancy callsign to "sign after my name" (youth can be misleading on what is important). Got to roughly 8 WPM clean copy using practice tapes (magnetic, reel-to-reel, cassettes had not yet been invented in those 60s days). Stopped after that plateau, wondered "whatinhell am I doing spending all this time on morse?" I'd already spent three full years on Army communications at a major station (220 thousand messages a month in 1955), had become a supervisor, did finally work on microwave radio relay operations in the service, was now an employee of Ramo- Wooldridge Corp. in electronic warfare group, and the Class D CBs had already started. I'd gotten the First 'Phone, worked on HF, was now working on more of the EM spectrum than any ham of today can use, already had a good home workshop and was coming along on professional design. I didn't "NEED MORSE" to GET ON THE AIR. I had already done that, perfectly legal, without fault. I had tossed the idea of getting a "title" (the callsign) since there was MUCH MORE electronics coming along. The first of the ICs had already hit the market and some of us were tinkering with the first personal computers, rolling our own without benefit of MITs or Apple or SwTP kits (hadn't come out yet). PLENTY of fun and games in electronics AND radio to be interested in. I DO use code now and then, but not daily like many others do. Everyone has their own thing. Some are into Packet, RTTY, AMTOR, etc, I'm not...To each his own. But we all had to learn "something" about those modes to pass an exam. Oooooo! "PASS THE (code) EXAM!" Geez, poor babies, like an amateur exam is "Nobel Laureate" material? Like "rocket science?" Yeah... a "life accomplishment!" :-) I used to "pass a test" every week...on payday. If I didn't KNOW what was needed on the job, to do the things my bosses had given me responsibility for, I wouldn't "pass that exam." No paycheck. Bye. I never failed such an exam. I never failed any exam in college courses, either. I just kept on working in engineering design...and having to constantly keep on learning. The state of the electronics arts have NOT ceased to advance...not one iota of stopping. Funny thing is, we're all arguing pros and cons and in the end, it won't matter. WE do not have control. NO NO NO!!! WRONG IN HERE!!! The NO-CODE TEST ADVOCATE extras "HAVE CONTROL!" At least three have "forbidden" any non-amateur to EVER say anything about getting INTO amateur radio! Such folk are, as these gods of radio put it, "NOT INVOLVED!" Damn the First Amendment (say those three). THEY "rule" on What Shall Be in U.S. amateur radio! Their clubhouse door is CLOSED to "outsiders." [so are their minds, BTASE...) So, if we're going to debate the issues we have no control over, may as well keep it clean. What is "clean?" Anything done the way the ARRL says is "clean?" Anything done to show "committment" and "dedication" to amateurism is "clean?" Does "clean" mean that ALL must obey the olde-fahrt amateur extras who cuss at all the (evil) no-coders? Does "clean" mean the usual Double Standard in this newsgroup? All the PCTA extras can cuss at others but everyone else has to be OH so polite, civil, obediant, and respectful to their MIGHTY personal accomplishments? Hardly any of us know the other and it isn't worth making enemies over. Quite true, but that is NOT practiced in here. Look at the labels of "PUTZ," "LIAR," "COWARD" that are tossed out freely by these MIGHTY PCTA extras! Certainly not worth name calling.... It MUST be "worth it" to these stalwart, noble, good and true MORSEMEN. They seem to thrive on it. Whether I'm right or wrong, I do value opposing view points. Everyone has a right to his/her own opinion. Commendable and should be the operative ethic in here. Unfortunately, it is NOT SO. Pro or con, it is a matter of time. May be a year, may be 5, but it will come to pass. Absolutely. But...that will be the END of the ARS (Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society). retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person Correction - I'm "not" Caveat Lector........ I use small case cl, he uses capitals. See my address within! cl |
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Mel A. Nomah wrote:
"Michael Coslo" wrote in message ... : : I've looked at some of the older questions. The only thing about them : that is difficult is that they tend to pertain to operating with : equipment and different condition than today. : No, the only thing harder was that those were just samples, and you had to actually understand the underlying material because the question on the examination would be different. But it wasn't harder, just different. From your description of "take the online test until I can pass it, then rush down to the VE session", I expect that you'd be another Len Anderson under those conditions, on the outside looking in. Well then you'd be wrong. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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Kim wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... cl wrote: which required code. 5 WPM is not impossible to learn. It only takes a few minutes a day and about 2 weeks at least to get enough to pass a test. Took me 45 minutes a day for over 6 months, plus one failed test to get to 5 wpm. I'm all in favor of Morse code testing, but you guys have to show some understanding that it isn't that easy for a lot of people. I aced the writtens, without a whole lot of study by comparison to a lot of people. I don't go around calling them retards or stupid. - Mike KB3EIA - For some, Mike, the "code" (i.e., even just the connotation in the word "code") is all they got. Well said, Kim. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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cl wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... cl wrote: which required code. 5 WPM is not impossible to learn. It only takes a few minutes a day and about 2 weeks at least to get enough to pass a test. Took me 45 minutes a day for over 6 months, plus one failed test to get to 5 wpm. I'm all in favor of Morse code testing, but you guys have to show some understanding that it isn't that easy for a lot of people. I aced the writtens, without a whole lot of study by comparison to a lot of people. I don't go around calling them retards or stupid. - Mike KB3EIA - Ok.... It took "me" 2 weeks, I know others who learned it quickly, but I can't provide a time frame. Yes, code "can" be harder for others to pick up. I don't doubt that for a minute. Point is, you have to put one foot in front of the other and stick with it, to get down the path to learn it. Yup. I must confess that I kind of drew you and some folks into this a bit, because I have some significant hearing defects. Several 60+ db notches,esp at the mid and higher frequencies and two separate tones of tinnitis, a different frequency for each ear. I haven't had a quiet moment for 30 years or more. When conversing with people, I read lips. I understand vey much the situation of the fellow whose wife has notches in her hearing.(conjecture alert) I would also say I suspect that the constant noise in my ears has turned of parts of my brain that process sound. And that is probably why I had such a hard time (conjecture alert off) All I can say for teh folks with hearing problems is that study, practice, and most importantly, relaxation during copying is the key. Does 6 months of constant hard effort indicate the desire to "stick with it"? Many don't want to start, and whine about it without ever putting forth effort. Hell, I know people who bitched about having to look at the "basic" Q/A manual! One remark was "Do I "have" to learn all this?" Another - "Do I "have" to read all these questions?" But yet they want a license. Pure laziness. Licenses should be "earned" not given away. People are least likely to respect something "given" to them. Most of what you say , I agree with. If a person doesn't want to study, they shouldn't have a license The bands are already showing signs of deterioration from people who just don't care. I've heard of some pretty wild times long before things were "dumbed down"! - Mike KB3EIA - |
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BBC Says Morse Code Still Alive and Well In UK | Policy | |||
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