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  #12   Report Post  
Old May 30th 05, 04:06 PM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Sun 29 May 2005 06:20
K4YZ wrote:
From: "Arf! Arf!" on Sat 28 May 2005 05:23

Len, lest you nit pick about the location of Fort Campbell, let me explain.
Yes, I was for sure at Ft. Campbell in Kentucky. The base saddles the state
line between Kentucky and Tennessee.

Does anyone care where an anony-mouse "saddles?"

Ft Campbell is anonymous?

A stealth Army base?

What's the problem with the location of Ft. Campbell?

Irrelevant. I've never even commented anywhere on the location
of Fort Campbell.

Sure you did. Read above. Nice try to dodge it, though.

But, the Avenging Angle of Dearth, ever vigilant to defend the
United Stevies of America (against all oppressors) simply took
something out of context in order to Personally Attack me once

It's just a bit of "you" turned back on you, Lennie...

You were wrong. You were insulting. You were...well, YOU!

Arf, let me tell you about Lennie and at least ONE of his places of
"employment"...It wasn't so rosey as he makes out....

Interesting how you suck up to an anonymous when he/she might agree
with you.

The Avenging Angle of Dearth is going to redraw his hyperbole of
the (unamed) "PhD" at (the former) NADC in PA who supposedly
"critiqued" my "job performance" while "working for the Navy"
in 1971. A very big pile of Stebie BULL****, not even
good for fertilizing anything but Stebie's anger and hatred.

No BS.

No anger (on my part, anyway).

And no hatred...again on "my part"...

Sorry it get's your tail in a twist, Lennie, but it WAS the direct
result of information YOU provided.

Shudda kept your mouth shut instead of trying to show off.

The "middle finger salute" again, eh Lennie...Whew...

I can't think of a more deserving tribute to you.

Arf, Lennie served. We give him that.

As if it were yours to grant.

AS IF this anony-mouse ("Arf! Arf!") ACTUALLY SERVED.

We readers don't have any PROOF of the anony-mousie's
IDENTITY, let alone if this babbler actually served.

Uhhhhhh...One of us readers DOES know who "Arf Arf" is, since he's
corresponded with me directly...Ergo THIS reader DOES know he's served,
and Proudly so.

The problem stems from his efforts to validate his "Newsgroup
Combat Award"...He's made several (one within the last few days...)

several what?

Stebie cannot comprehend what was written. Nineteen members of
the 71st Signal Service Battalion, 8235th AU, United States Army,
were killed in a transport plane crash in SOUTH Korea on 1 Jul 50.

I comprehend that just fine, Lennie.

It has NOTHING to do with Lennie Anderson, ADA, Amateur Radio, or
much of anything else except that it was a tragic loss of American

You were still in the States. You were a civilian.

I was assigned to the 71st Signal Service Battalion, 8235th AU,
in February, 1953. Stebie, once again in his angry hatred,
wants to twist that into "cowardice" and "disgrace" and
"dishonor" on my part because I display a sense of pride in
what MY unit did...and continued to do long afterwards.

What you have DONE, you miserable lying coward, is try to use
those sacrifices on several different occassions, this past week being
example, for your own personal glorification...NOT to "honor" those who
died in service to their Nation.

Three members of the 8235th AU (then renamed Far East Command Signal
Service Battalion) would die in three separate actions while
on TDY (Temporary Duty assignment) in Korea...AFTER the "Truce"
had begun in July, 1953. That "Truce" continues to this day,
the Korean War is NOT OVER. From time to time, armed skirmishes
happen along the Demilitarized Zone, combat on a small scale.

But YOU were not even in-theater, Lennie. Not a single bit of
that event is pertinent to ANYthing you ever did in the Army...Not a

You've not been TO Korea, then or since. Civilian OR Army.

Stebie's "validation" of HIS "combat" is a very UN-detailed,
Ambiguous mention of "participation in seven hostile actions."
The WHEN and WHERE of those "seven hostile actions" has NOT
been stated. Stebie REFUSES to state the WHEN and WHERE.

And it will stay that way. Those who have asked me privately have
been told...I volunteered the information to two others and they have
had it within their discretion to follow-up on it as they saw fit.

You, on the other hand, will not be told by me. You've proven and
re-proven your complete lack of honesty, character and dependability.
You try to make a mockery of anything and everything anyone and
everyone has ever mentioned in this forum...Except for brain, of
course, but he's just as disgustingly dishonest as you are.

One can only assume that Stebie is just a damn LIAR, bluffing
in an effort to be more "manly, macho" in his mumblings about
his own "combat experiences."


Of course they died three years before he was even inducted into
the Army...Pretty disgusting behaviour for a guy who claims to "honor"
war dead.

Nobody in the U.S. Marine Corps died before you were inducted?

Absolutely NONE before his induction...they must "live forever"
according to Stebie..."in his heart."

Sure they did.

I just don't deem it appropriate to discuss them in such a way so
as to make it appear as though I was somehow associated with their
sacrifices. I wasn't.

YOU, on the other hand, Lennie, seem to think that you were part
and parcel of those events.

You weren't.

It would be interesting to see the Last Action Hero spout off
about "dishonor" at any Retreat Ceremony, a Funeral of a non-
marine, any Memorial Day gathering to honor the fallen.

"Marine" is capitalized.

And Lennie, I've carried the colors at more retreat ceremonies,
funerals, honors parades and other events than you can even begin to
imagine...Soldiers...Sailors...Airmen, and yes...Marines...Even a
couple of CAP members along the way....

It would
be a given that this Last Action Hero (of "seven hostile actions")
would not survive that day...nor would anyone around him be
arrested by REAL authorities. We would then see that this
great "patriot" (of the United Stevies of America) was nothing
more than a bluffing bully, tosser of ####, big loudmouth, and
a representative of modern-day U.S. Amateur Radio behavior.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh...Out with the profanities again, Lennie...

And swaddled in the middle of lies and bluffs of your own. REAL

A problem is that the bluffing bully, big loudmouth, tosser
of ####, and lying story-teller just hasn't let up. He keeps
on LYING, manufacturing things about others that never
happened to them, manufacturing glory about himself that he
cannot PROVE.

I never claimed any "glory", Lennie.

I was a U. S. Marine. I had a job to do, and I did it...

As for the teller of tales and the tosser of, well, stuff...we
have YOU to thank for that...

Is that what the HOBBY of U.S. amateur radio has become?

How would YOU know, Lennie...?!?! You're not a licensed Amateur.
You don't even subscribe to any of the journals. If you did, you MIGHT
be a bit better informed on many issues on which you deem fit to
comment but obviously aren't prepared to do.

I hope not...yet the evidence appears almost daily in here.

The evidence leads me to believe that I'd rather have a daughter
in a cat house than a son in the IEEE.

ex-RA16408336, USA, 1952-1960, Signal Corps, Sgt (E-5)

"HONORABLE" discharge in 1960.

Discredited liar and deceiver in 2005.

What a putz.

Steve, K4YZ

  #13   Report Post  
Old May 31st 05, 11:06 AM
Posts: n/a

Arf! Arf! wrote:

Of course you chairborne types would not know this.

And Len, you have not answered my question.

Hello Arf!,

Bow wow.

Brian, Pastor Miccolis ASSUMES this anony-mouse ("Arf! Arf!")
is legitimate...because he (in anonymity) attacks me.

No, Len, that's not true.

I "assume "Arf! Arf!" is legitimate because there's no evidence
that he isn't.

Some time back an anonymous poster calling himself "Leo" appeared
here. Claimed he was a ham in Canada. You considered him "legitimate".

So what's the difference?

The Pastor does give lip-service to all the PC phrases AS IF
he "had been there, done that" when his real purpose is to
level a personal attack on his newsgroup "opponents."

I know what "chairborne" means, Len. Doesn't matter if I was
part of anything or not. In fact, it's not about me at all.

That is followed by:

Len does not answer most questions. He says they're "loaded",
even when it's clear they are not.

That's a plain, simple fact, Len. You don't answer most questions
posed to you here.

"It is clear they are not" is one of the most hypocritical
of the Pastor's statements. Jimmie LOADS questions in order
to elicit a response he can then attack them as "mistaken."

OK, Len - then give us some examples of these "loaded" questions.
Show us what you mean.

What was your MOS and what did
you do in the service of our country?

Now ya did it - he'll do a couple dozen kilobytes about ADA

Poor Jimmie. NEVER was in the military,

So? I never claimed to be. It's not about me.

You've told us about your exploits at ADA many, many, many times,
Len. That's the point.

NEVER worked any professional communications,

How do you know, Len? And why does it matter - it's not
about me.

NEVER did much except play with
his "homebuilt" hobby radios.

Now, that's not true at all. I've done lots of things -
including many things you haven't. That really seems
to bug you, Len.

But, Jimmie will idolize and
rhapsodize on the pioneers of radio doing their thing before
Jimmie's much so that he makes them into
"heroes" and near-mythological figures.

Show us some examples, Len.

It seems that you and bb have a fair share of hot air
with little to substantiate your claims.

Here, I'll sum it up for you:

"No matter what employment, education, experience or
government/military service a person has, if that person
opposes Mr.
Anderson's views, he/she will be the target of Mr.
Anderson's insults,
ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic/gender/racial
excessive emoticons and general infantile behavior."

All of that to summarize poor Jimmie NOT being able to take
the heat of discussion ON subjects.

No, Len, it's not about me. It's what *you* do here when
someone doesn't agree with you.

He MUST go into a
Personal Attack mode to "defend himself." His ego (his most
sacred cow) was severely injured and he seeks retribution.
He is still wearing bandages over his goring of several years

That's *you*, Len, not me.

Stand up. Hook up. Stand in the door.


Gotta take some serious cajones to jump out of an aircraft
that is flying perfectly well.

Gotta take some serious "cajones" to ENLIST voluntarily...or
even accept a draft notice (which Jimmie never did).

Did you ever "accept a draft notice", Len?

Jimmie "knows" all about parachute jumping in the military.

I don't claim to know all about it. Just some things.

You ever do any parachute jumps, Len?

  #14   Report Post  
Old May 31st 05, 11:30 AM
Posts: n/a

Did you ever "accept a draft notice", Len?

Jimmie "knows" all about parachute jumping in the military.

I don't claim to know all about it. Just some things.

You ever do any parachute jumps, Len?

Give disgruntled Len a two hour course during Jump Week at Benning, duct
tape his Relys to his hips and let him fly.
I guarantee you that by the time old Lennie hits the silk he will have more
than filled his Relys and will be well on his way to filling his reserve

By the time he lands he will have done Double Doodie.

  #17   Report Post  
Old May 31st 05, 09:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Gotta take some serious "cajones" to ENLIST voluntarily...or
even accept a draft notice (which Jimmie never did).

Did you ever "accept a draft notice", Len?

Couldn't. Was already IN the U.S. Army. The Army Serial
Number I was given had the prefix "RA" on it...that denoted
a VOLUNTARY ENLISTMENT. Those who got draft notices and
went in that way got the "US" prefix.

What was YOUR prefix, Jimmie?

Oh, that's right, I almost forgot that the Army switched
from ASNs to the Social Security Number in 1969. Tsk, tsk,
YOU could NEVER have an ASN!

Jimmie "knows" all about parachute jumping in the military.

I don't claim to know all about it. Just some things.

You are way too modest. You've read about so many things.

You ever do any parachute jumps, Len?


For personal experience. Wasn't a requirement in radio.

Maybe it's a new requirement in AMATEUR radio now? [I must
check with the FCC more often...they "revise the amateur
regulations so often" and everyone knows (in here) that
amateur radio is "a vital important service to the nation"
as I've been told by others]

No, parachute jumping is NOT a requirement for amateur
radio. Last change to U.S. amateur radio regulations was
in 2002...something about amateur antennas...

How many Jumps have YOU made, Jimmie? [other than through
those hoops]

Does everyone have to Jump when you command, Jimmie?

  #18   Report Post  
Old May 31st 05, 11:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Gotta take some serious "cajones" to ENLIST voluntarily...or
even accept a draft notice (which Jimmie never did).

Did you ever "accept a draft notice", Len?

Couldn't. Was already IN the U.S. Army. The Army Serial
Number I was given had the prefix "RA" on it...that denoted
a VOLUNTARY ENLISTMENT. Those who got draft notices and
went in that way got the "US" prefix.

What was YOUR prefix, Jimmie?

Oh, that's right, I almost forgot that the Army switched
from ASNs to the Social Security Number in 1969. Tsk, tsk,
YOU could NEVER have an ASN!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...More LennieDoubleStandard going on
here...Lennie LOVES to chastise Amateurs over alleged "I've got mine
but you'll never have it" claims...

Yet THERE HE IS doing it point blank himself...

Jimmie "knows" all about parachute jumping in the military.

I don't claim to know all about it. Just some things.

You are way too modest. You've read about so many things.

As have YOU, Lennie...

For example you've read a lot about Amateur Radio.

You've never DONE Amateur radio...but you've read about it.

You ever do any parachute jumps, Len?


I told you guys...

He was the "big jerk" at the end of the opening shock.

For personal experience. Wasn't a requirement in radio.

Uh huh...yeah...right...OK...sure...(yeeeeeeeeeaaawn)

Maybe it's a new requirement in AMATEUR radio now? [I must
check with the FCC more often...they "revise the amateur
regulations so often" and everyone knows (in here) that
amateur radio is "a vital important service to the nation"
as I've been told by others]

As we have ALL been told by several federal agencies and private
benevolent organizations that make that claim, Lennie...

Are you now calling those agencies liars too?

No, parachute jumping is NOT a requirement for amateur
radio. Last change to U.S. amateur radio regulations was
in 2002...something about amateur antennas...

How many Jumps have YOU made, Jimmie? [other than through
those hoops]

Does everyone have to Jump when you command, Jimmie?


Steve, K4YZ

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