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  #31   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 12:39 AM
Posts: n/a

Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote:

Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700,

Arf! Arf! wrote:

Some time back an anonymous poster calling himself "Leo"
here. Claimed he was a ham in Canada. You considered
him "legitimate".

Hmmm - probably because I am! ......

And why should "Arf! Arf!" be treated any differently?

Perhaps you could enlighten us on that, Jim......


as I recall, you
yourself argued the other side of this point back in
November, when I
was not agreeing with you (back in the 'Near Space Science'
thread).....your exact words we

Didn't get past me. Leo sez he's a VE3. But no call, no last
name, no positive
ID, no website, no outside confirmation. Maybe he is, maybe
he ain't.

What part of that is not accurate, Leo? Maybe you are who you
say you are, and maybe you aren't. Maybe "Arf!" is who he says
he is - or maybe he ain't.

Hmmm - let's see here....I wasn't agreeing with you, so perhaps I am not legitimate.

Not at all. Your lack of verifiable ID means there's room for
doubt. Same for "Arf" or any other anonymous poster.

Yet here you make a case for Arf! Arf!'s existance
because he does agree with you.

There's as much reason to doubt his claims as there is to doubt
yours, Leo. And as little!

Please note that Len insists on calling "Arf!" names and comparing
him to Nigerian bank scammers, but does not do the same for
those who agree with him.

In addition, Len has posted here under a variety of screen names
(like "averyfine" and "averyfineman") often without any real ID.

If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine with me.

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #32   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 05:57 AM
Posts: n/a

From: Leo on Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:27:59 -0400

On 31 May 2005 17:04:05 -0700, wrote:
From: Leo on Tues 31 May 2005 15:02
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote:
Arf! Arf! wrote:

Some time back an anonymous poster calling himself "Leo" appeared
here. Claimed he was a ham in Canada. You considered him "legitimate".

Hmmm - probably because I am! ......

Nice to see you again, Leo! Of course, you have to realize
definitions in here are tangential to the Real World.

Agreed - a parallel dimension, of sorts....

Several years ago I compared some of the attitudes in here
to old "Twilight Zone" and "Outer Limits" TV shows. Must
have their antennae out too far from their scalps... :-)

If you are FOR morse code testing by administrations, you are

If you are against morse code testing then you are "illegitimate,"
"in error," "mistaken," "are a lying penis-head" and have
underarm odor.

Heh! or worse.....

Tsk, ain't it awful? :-)

Poor Jimmie is all upset by "my name-calling." He is sorely
wounded. I've called him names like James, Jimmy, Jimmie
and he is all a-twitter over those "insults." Tsk, tsk,
he must have thought those are equivalent to "gutless lying
coward", a term used often by another PCTA Extra in
addition to "PUTZ." Maybe I'll just refer to James as
"Your Exhalted Highness" and he will immediately understand
that it does mean His High (and Mighty) Holiness! :-)

Yup, yup, there's a very REAL PCTA Double Standard in here.

These "radio experts" (all through an ability at rapid
morse code) seem to have NO experience with the new
lead-free "solder" which is starting to give electronics
production lines some very real problems with tin dendrites
or "whiskers." [dendrites form out of lead-free solder long
after assembly and can grow to short out traces on PCBs]
Apparently not one of the morsemen (might and macho though
they may be) KNOW about this as part of RoHS.

So, a master super chief calls a play on words nasty things.
TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDER is a many-level little diatribe.
First, on this lead-free solder according to RoHS rules.
Second, on our beloved "critic" and self-appointed, self-
styled Raddio Kopp - the Avenging Angle of Dearth. Third,
on all the emotion-only image dwellers who get too
overwrought by "approved" stylized patriotic phrases and
Want To KILL (or otherwise do nasty to) all those who do
not knee-jerk to THEIR "approved" patriotism.

Actually, those in the third group are hypocrites, taking
advantage of the medium to be much more than they really
are. Their "patriotism" is primarily for themselves, as
they can "be all that they (wish to) be" in a terrible
parody-travesty of the U.S. Army recruiting phrase.

On entering the U.S. military, recruits are sworn in and
promise to "defend the Constitution of the United States."
Too many in here have substituted ARRL for the United
States. Defending the Constitution of the ARRL (probably
with their lives, if needs be) is NOT national patriotism,
no matter how they rage.

[anyone can be anything in this medium...and many are! :-)]

I'm not at all sure of what some of the cross-dressing anony-
mousies are in here. They may have been tossed off some porn
sites catering to "amateurs" and are confused as to content in
here... :-)

Wherever they came from, they've sure been wreaking havoc in here
lately! Seems to have quieted down a bit in the last few weeks,

Ask "Quitefine," the nom de pheume of James Miccolis.

"Pheume" is an aliteration, another play on words, a
mixture of 'plume' and 'fume' and 'phew.' :-)


  #34   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 12:39 PM
Posts: n/a

From: Leo on Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:27:59 -0400

On 31 May 2005 17:04:05 -0700, wrote:
From: Leo on Tues 31 May 2005 15:02
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote:
Arf! Arf! wrote:

Poor Jimmie is all upset by "my name-calling."

Do you mean me, Len?

I'm not "all upset". I just wonder why you do it.

He is sorely wounded.

Not me.

I've called him names like James, Jimmy, Jimmie

And a lot more. Always as an insult. Why?

and he is all a-twitter over those "insults."

I'm just asking *why* you do that, when I call you "Len" or
"Mr. Anderson" or "Anderson" - and nothing else.

Tsk, tsk,
he must have thought those are equivalent to "gutless lying
coward", a term used often by another PCTA Extra in
addition to "PUTZ."

Let's see....

Steve, K4YZ, calls you those names. I don't, and never have, yet
you somehow think that since he calls you those names, it's
all right for you to call me names.

That doesn't make any sense at all, Len.

Maybe I'll just refer to James as
"Your Exhalted Highness" and he will immediately understand
that it does mean His High (and Mighty) Holiness! :-)

Why not just "Jim" or "N2EY"? Is there some reason you cannot
do that?

Yup, yup, there's a very REAL PCTA Double Standard in here.

Not really.

What you're saying is that if one "PCTA Extra" calls you a name, you
are somehow justified in calling all "PCTA Extras" names.

That just doesn't make sense.

These "radio experts" (all through an ability at rapid
morse code) seem to have NO experience with the new
lead-free "solder" which is starting to give electronics
production lines some very real problems with tin dendrites
or "whiskers." [dendrites form out of lead-free solder long
after assembly and can grow to short out traces on PCBs]
Apparently not one of the morsemen (might and macho though
they may be) KNOW about this as part of RoHS.

So, a master super chief calls a play on words nasty things.
TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDER is a many-level little diatribe.

It's not funny, Len. It's an insult to the honor of the Unknowns.
Your little parody is, as Hans, K0HB describes, revolting and in
very poor taste. I would add disgusting, poorly written, and a
waste of bandwidth.

Most of all, you dishonor *yourself* by writing it and posting it

Had I written something like that, you'd have a major tantrum.
Heck, you have a tantrum just for a minor disagreement.

  #35   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 03:28 PM
Posts: n/a


TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDER is a many-level little diatribe.

No, it's not a diatribe, Len; it's an insult to the "Tomb of the Unknown".

It was an ill-considered attempt to make a cutesy
7th-grade-clever-play-on-words, and it dishonors the national shrine which it
attempts to use in parody. That you now try to rationalize your gaffe as just
another episode in the ongoing Len-vs-Steve snit-contest speaks volumes.

de Hans, K0HB

  #37   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 11:23 PM
Posts: n/a

From: K0HB on Jun 2, 9:28 am


TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDER is a many-level little diatribe.

No, it's not a diatribe, Len; it's an insult to the "Tomb of the Unknown".

Kiss my yes, Hans.

You've had a week to run off at the mouth on that repeated
bit of text...except your newsgroup ox was gored by Kim's
message. You are rather the high-strung "I'm in charge here"
person whenever someone comes up with ANY story "opposite"
your own cut-and-pastes from OTHER authors.

It was an ill-considered attempt to make a cutesy
7th-grade-clever-play-on-words?, and it dishonors the national shrine which it
attempts to use in parody.

Pizz off, master super jeffe. You are NOT Chief of the Boat here.

That you now try to rationalize your gaffe as just
another episode in the ongoing Len-vs-Steve snit-contest speaks volumes.

Awwww...your newsgroup ox that got gored is still in pain?

I didn't see where you objected to that emotionally-unstable
good-buddy Extra's comments on "PUTZ" or "gutless coward" and
other Personal Insults about "dishonor" of men in my military
unit. Ah, but that's "okay" because Stebie da Wunder Marine
and this newsgroup's counterpart to Elfren Saldivar, is an
Amateur Extra!

PCTA Extra Double Standard flies again...above the flag of
our (at least MY) country.

Come to think of it, master super jeffe, I didn't see YOU at
the big federal cemetary on Monday. I was there as were
hundreds of others, honoring the souls of military veterans.
Too bad. A nice day. We could honor veterans with simple
prayers and ceremonies, and we did.

Now, great big "patriotic" master super el jefe, I'm going to
use my little bit of text anywhichway I want and still it
won't "dishonor" any members of my old military unit or the
entire United States Army. Feel free to contact the
Attorney General of the United States and have me arrested on
federal grounds of Treason and/or Sedition if that so ill
suits your pristine salt-sea-washed self. Call the
Department of Homeland Security if that suits you...and be
sure to say a citizen of the United States of America, a
veteran of the United States Army (Honorable), is "dishonoring"
YOUR IDEA of what "patriotism" is supposed to be.

Oh, yes, and above all, NEVER let ANYONE post any story in
here RIGHT AFTER YOU DID. Nobody but nobody can try to
trump YOUR "literary efforts" of cutting-and-pasting OTHER
people's textual works! Those folks "dishonor" your
patriotism, don't they? :-(

Oh, and polish up that ham shield. There's a spot of dirt
on it and that detracts from the blinding light of "federal
authority" it's supposed to have whenever you yank it out
of your pocket prior to "arresting a suspect."

You're out of the closet and into the ranks of the PCTA
Extra Double Standard bearers. Keep your little clubhouse
CLOSED from the "evil" influences of those "unpatriotic"

RA16408336, USA, Honorable and still Honoring the REAL vets

  #39   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 12:40 AM
Posts: n/a

On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote:

Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700,

Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700,

Arf! Arf! wrote:


What part of that is not accurate, Leo? Maybe you are who you
say you are, and maybe you aren't. Maybe "Arf!" is who he says
he is - or maybe he ain't.


Hmmm - let's see here....I wasn't agreeing with you, so perhaps I am not legitimate.

Not at all. Your lack of verifiable ID means there's room for
doubt. Same for "Arf" or any other anonymous poster.

You seem to place a great deal of value on 'verifiability', Jim.

Heh. Just because someone's callbook ID is verifiable doesn't mean
that much else is. Take you, for example - other than what's in the
QRZ database, how much do we know about you? Just what you have
stated in your posts - that's all. Is what you say true ? Maybe -
maybe not. Unless someone is willing to put in the effort, time and
expense to research an individual's claims, they can be neither proven
nor disproven.

I suggest that, in a public forum such as this, an individual's
behaviour is a far better indicator of who they are than something as
silly as a callbook listing. Forget claims of education, heroic feats
and braggodocio - just read what the individual writes, and you'll see
the real person shine through. (for example, what were you doing when
you questioned my 'legitimacy' in this thread, Jim - picking yet
another fight with Len? Hmmm - that happens a lot, doesn't it??)

Whether "Arf!" or anyone else here is 'legitimate' or not is quite
immaterial! Why people are here, and how they behave while in here,
is of much greater importance.

And, of course, whether you believe that another poster is
'legitimate' or not is of no importance at all.

Yet here you make a case for Arf! Arf!'s existance
because he does agree with you.

There's as much reason to doubt his claims as there is to doubt
yours, Leo. And as little!

Please note that Len insists on calling "Arf!" names and comparing
him to Nigerian bank scammers, but does not do the same for
those who agree with him.

Not necessarily. I have not always agreed with Len's points either -
nor he with mine - neither do I belittle his (considerable)
accomplishments and experience or deliberately pick fights with him to
bolster my own ego. (ahem).

Maybe that's why civil discourse is possible between us? Duh.....

Some on the group seem to have a pathological need to pick fights with
others, though - are you suggesting that the target of these attacks
should not return fire? (That wouldn't be much fun, would it?)

In addition, Len has posted here under a variety of screen names
(like "averyfine" and "averyfineman") often without any real ID.

I had no problem figuring out who the author of those posts were - did
you? Get the humor? Avery Fineman...A Very Fine Man...heh heh.


73 de Jim, N2EY

73, Leo

  #40   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 12:49 AM
Shamil Basayev
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
From: Leo on Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:27:59 -0400

On 31 May 2005 17:04:05 -0700, wrote:
From: Leo on Tues 31 May 2005 15:02
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote:
Arf! Arf! wrote:

Some time back an anonymous poster calling himself "Leo" appeared
here. Claimed he was a ham in Canada. You considered him "legitimate".

Hmmm - probably because I am! ......

Nice to see you again, Leo! Of course, you have to realize
definitions in here are tangential to the Real World.

Agreed - a parallel dimension, of sorts....

Several years ago I compared some of the attitudes in here
to old "Twilight Zone" and "Outer Limits" TV shows. Must
have their antennae out too far from their scalps... :-)

If you are FOR morse code testing by administrations, you are

If you are against morse code testing then you are "illegitimate,"
"in error," "mistaken," "are a lying penis-head" and have
underarm odor.

Heh! or worse.....

Tsk, ain't it awful? :-)

Poor Jimmie is all upset by "my name-calling." He is sorely
wounded. I've called him names like James, Jimmy, Jimmie
and he is all a-twitter over those "insults." Tsk, tsk,
he must have thought those are equivalent to "gutless lying
coward", a term used often by another PCTA Extra in
addition to "PUTZ." Maybe I'll just refer to James as
"Your Exhalted Highness" and he will immediately understand
that it does mean His High (and Mighty) Holiness! :-)

Yup, yup, there's a very REAL PCTA Double Standard in here.

These "radio experts" (all through an ability at rapid
morse code) seem to have NO experience with the new
lead-free "solder" which is starting to give electronics
production lines some very real problems with tin dendrites
or "whiskers." [dendrites form out of lead-free solder long
after assembly and can grow to short out traces on PCBs]
Apparently not one of the morsemen (might and macho though
they may be) KNOW about this as part of RoHS.

So, a master super chief calls a play on words nasty things.
TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDER is a many-level little diatribe.
First, on this lead-free solder according to RoHS rules.
Second, on our beloved "critic" and self-appointed, self-
styled Raddio Kopp - the Avenging Angle of Dearth. Third,
on all the emotion-only image dwellers who get too
overwrought by "approved" stylized patriotic phrases and
Want To KILL (or otherwise do nasty to) all those who do
not knee-jerk to THEIR "approved" patriotism.

Actually, those in the third group are hypocrites, taking
advantage of the medium to be much more than they really
are. Their "patriotism" is primarily for themselves, as
they can "be all that they (wish to) be" in a terrible
parody-travesty of the U.S. Army recruiting phrase.

On entering the U.S. military, recruits are sworn in and
promise to "defend the Constitution of the United States."
Too many in here have substituted ARRL for the United
States. Defending the Constitution of the ARRL (probably
with their lives, if needs be) is NOT national patriotism,
no matter how they rage.

[anyone can be anything in this medium...and many are! :-)]

I'm not at all sure of what some of the cross-dressing anony-
mousies are in here. They may have been tossed off some porn
sites catering to "amateurs" and are confused as to content in
here... :-)

Wherever they came from, they've sure been wreaking havoc in here
lately! Seems to have quieted down a bit in the last few weeks,

Ask "Quitefine," the nom de pheume of James Miccolis.

"Pheume" is an aliteration, another play on words, a
mixture of 'plume' and 'fume' and 'phew.' :-)



The correctness of the original opinion is directly proportional to
the length of the attempted rebuttal

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