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![]() wrote You're out of the closet and into the ranks of the PCTA Extra Double Standard bearers. Keep your little clubhouse CLOSED from the "evil" influences of those "unpatriotic" no-coders! Obviously you've neglected to pay attention to my position regarding Morse testing. Or you've paid attention, but you can't reconcile the cognitive dissonance of an NCTA who dares to call you to task for your fouling of the Tomb of the Unknowns. dit dit de Hans, K0HB |
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Leo wrote:
On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote: wrote: wrote: Arf! Arf! wrote: snip If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine with me. 73 de Jim, N2EY With all due respect, Sir, I do not feel obligated in the least to seek or accept your permission to do so. It's not about permission, Leo. It's about the idea that I'm not going to make a big deal about your "real"identity. Nor am I going to judge the content of your posts by whether or not you reveal that identity, or whether or not you agree with me. 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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Leo wrote:
On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote: wrote: wrote: Arf! Arf! wrote: snip What part of that is not accurate, Leo? Maybe you are who you say you are, and maybe you aren't. Maybe "Arf!" is who he says he is - or maybe he ain't. Perhaps! Hmmm - let's see here....I wasn't agreeing with you, so perhaps I am not legitimate. Not at all. Your lack of verifiable ID means there's room for doubt. Same for "Arf" or any other anonymous poster. You seem to place a great deal of value on 'verifiability', Jim. I put some value on it. If a person really believes in what they say, why shouldn't they give their "real" identity? Heh. Just because someone's callbook ID is verifiable doesn't mean that much else is. Take you, for example - other than what's in the QRZ database, how much do we know about you? Just what you have stated in your posts - that's all. Actually some people here know a lot more. There's private email, my website (which you found), and articles I've written in amateur radio magazines. I've also met at least one other rrapper in person, and had QSOs with several others on the ham bands. In fact, I had QSOs with at least two other regulars here long before I ever heard of rrap. Is what you say true ? Yes. Maybe - maybe not. Unless someone is willing to put in the effort, time and expense to research an individual's claims, they can be neither proven nor disproven. Some claims are easily disproven, though. For example, here in the USA, amateur radio licenses have a normal term of 10 years. If a license is not renewed before the end of its term, the amateur loses all operating privileges. However, there is a two-year grace period during which a ham can apply for renewal without retesting. This is all explained clearly in Part 97 (FCC rules for the ARS. Len Anderson claimed that the FCC does not use the word "expired" to describe licenses that are in the grace period. Part 97 clearly shows that FCC does indeed use the words "expire" and "expired" for that purpose. So Len's claim is easily disproven. I suggest that, in a public forum such as this, an individual's behaviour is a far better indicator of who they are than something as silly as a callbook listing. Why is a callbook listing "silly"? I agree with you that someone's behaviour is a better indicator, though. Forget claims of education, heroic feats and braggodocio - just read what the individual writes, and you'll see the real person shine through. (for example, what were you doing when you questioned my 'legitimacy' in this thread, Jim - picking yet another fight with Len? No. Look back at the actual discussion, and you'll see it was about the possibility that you and Len were one and the same person. W3RV said it was not possible and I said it was. How is that trying to pick a fight? Hmmm - that happens a lot, doesn't it??) Actually, Len seems to want to pick fights with anyone who disagrees with him on Morse Code testing - or a variety of other subjects. Whether "Arf!" or anyone else here is 'legitimate' or not is quite immaterial! I agree! Tell it to Len, though. Why people are here, and how they behave while in here, is of much greater importance. And, of course, whether you believe that another poster is 'legitimate' or not is of no importance at all. Yet here you make a case for Arf! Arf!'s existance because he does agree with you. There's as much reason to doubt his claims as there is to doubt yours, Leo. And as little! Please note that Len insists on calling "Arf!" names and comparing him to Nigerian bank scammers, but does not do the same for those who agree with him. Not necessarily. I have not always agreed with Len's points either - nor he with mine - neither do I belittle his (considerable) accomplishments and experience or deliberately pick fights with him to bolster my own ego. (ahem). You mean like the way he makes fun of my name, education, age, license class, homebrew equipment, radio operating skills.... Maybe that's why civil discourse is possible between us? Duh..... Or maybe it's because you haven't disagreed with him on any of his trigger issues. Or maybe you and he are one and the same. Or maybe you're a friend of his, doing a version good cop/bad cop. Some of your phrases sound a lot like Len. That doesn't prove a thing, of course. Some on the group seem to have a pathological need to pick fights with others, though - are you suggesting that the target of these attacks should not return fire? (That wouldn't be much fun, would it?) Let's see... Len calls me names even though I don't call him anyhting except "Len" or "Mr. Anderson" or "Len Anderson". Len tells me and others here to shut up and/or go away - but I don't tell anyone to do either. Who is picking a fight with whom? In addition, Len has posted here under a variety of screen names (like "averyfine" and "averyfineman") often without any real ID. I had no problem figuring out who the author of those posts were - did you? At first. But that's not the point. Get the humor? Avery Fineman...A Very Fine Man...heh heh. Doesn't seem funny to me. Here's a simple, direct question: Do you think Len's little piece on the "Tomb of the Unknown Solder" is funny? Or is it an insult to the Unknowns? Or is it something else? 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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From: Leo on Jun 2, 6:40 pm
On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote: etc. What part of that is not accurate, Leo? Maybe you are who you say you are, and maybe you aren't. Maybe "Arf!" is who he says he is - or maybe he ain't. Perhaps! Hmmm - let's see here....I wasn't agreeing with you, so perhaps I am not legitimate. Not at all. Your lack of verifiable ID means there's room for doubt. Same for "Arf" or any other anonymous poster. You seem to place a great deal of value on 'verifiability', Jim. Heh. Just because someone's callbook ID is verifiable doesn't mean that much else is. Take you, for example - other than what's in the QRZ database, how much do we know about you? Just what you have stated in your posts - that's all. Is what you say true ? Maybe - maybe not. Unless someone is willing to put in the effort, time and expense to research an individual's claims, they can be neither proven nor disproven. I disagree in part, as far as this newsgroup is concerned: Certain individuals in here (curiously coincidental on their attitudes favoring morse code testing!) are allowed free rein on whatever they CLAIM. Others, challenging that attitude are rained on...lately insofar as national patriotism is concerned. That is the manifest of the PCTA Extra Double Standard bearers. I suggest that, in a public forum such as this, an individual's behaviour is a far better indicator of who they are than something as silly as a callbook listing. Forget claims of education, heroic feats and braggodocio - just read what the individual writes, and you'll see the real person shine through. (for example, what were you doing when you questioned my 'legitimacy' in this thread, Jim - picking yet another fight with Len? Hmmm - that happens a lot, doesn't it??) I can almost read the responses to that before he writes them... :-) Whether "Arf!" or anyone else here is 'legitimate' or not is quite immaterial! Why people are here, and how they behave while in here, is of much greater importance. Ahem...this is NOT allowed in the PCTA Extra Double Standard handbook. :-) And, of course, whether you believe that another poster is 'legitimate' or not is of no importance at all. Oy gevalt! That will raise the Hue and Cry! :-) Please note that Len insists on calling "Arf!" names and comparing him to Nigerian bank scammers, but does not do the same for those who agree with him. "Nigerian?" Did I say specifically "Nigerian?" :-) Not necessarily. I have not always agreed with Len's points either - nor he with mine - neither do I belittle his (considerable) accomplishments and experience or deliberately pick fights with him to bolster my own ego. (ahem). Maybe that's why civil discourse is possible between us? Duh..... Another U.S. Extra used to pull out some phrase about "gentlemen" and discourse in here. That Extra seems to have dropped such phraseology when others have posted items about national patriotism in here...after he has repeat-posted old works written by others. sigh Some on the group seem to have a pathological need to pick fights with others, though - are you suggesting that the target of these attacks should not return fire? (That wouldn't be much fun, would it?) Bill Cosby used to have a comedy routine many years ago about the Revolutionary War. It started out with a "Referee" explaining to the "player captains" what the "game rules" were. [naturally one-sided, the Redcoats had to march in straight lines in the open while the Revolutionaries could hide behind trees and rocks, firing at will] If one was an American, that was very funny. That was definitely NOT funny to a nationalistic Britisher at a social gathering in the Hollywood Hills. I could see the Brit's point of view, but others seemed not to. The hostess sensed nastiness brewing and intervened by changing the subject to a party activity, etc. Crisis averted. Bill Cosby went on to become a beloved comedian in American TV. Yet the subject matter [our Revolutionary War] was not a trivial thing when it was fought; England never really forgave the upstart Colonies for that and the War of 1812 had to repeat the whole process nearly 4 decades later. England didn't win that war either. A very remote parallel sort-of exists in here, the PCTA bravely "fighting" to keep their royal RULE alive, yet are slowly losing. The much-touted near-Byzantine CLASS structure of U.S. amateur radio has not been decimated, it has been cut in HALF. [Roman Legions were never that severe with their "disciplinary" measures of decimation] Further, to add insult to their "injury," the beloved Title/Rank/Status of "20 WPM Tested" was reduced to a "mere" 5 WPM. [their cold, dead reasoning refuses to let their mental fingers release their code keys...tsk] Their "Empire" is falling and they curse the evil "sloth" in revenge; George Lucas couldn't make a film on this epic due to too many "Annakin" manmiquins abounding. [see "Revenge of the Sloth" who want only the "easy way to get a license...etc, etc, ad nauseum] In addition, Len has posted here under a variety of screen names (like "averyfine" and "averyfineman") often without any real ID. I had no problem figuring out who the author of those posts were - did you? Get the humor? Avery Fineman...A Very Fine Man...heh heh. Anal-retentive morsemen have a "sense of humor" limited to laughing at those they try to humiliate. Tsk. My REAL Identity has never changed. It is still the same as my byline in Ham Radio Magazine, as is my postal address. A "screen name" or "handle" on a computer-modem provider site is dependent on the standards that provider establishes. There is NO "real ID" possible through nearly all computer-modem service providers. The exception is the "forwarding alias" provided by some sites such as the IEEE and ARRL both have for their members. As an IEEE member since 1973, my real identity is definitely known to them and has been for 35 years. I could not fake any "forwarding alias" through them due to their own controls to insure honesty; I could only choose what to use as an "alias" name. I had that capability since over three years ago but never got around to using it. "Avery Fineman," "LenOver21" were all handles I used in BBS computer-modem communications 20 years ago. "No CW Test" was a new one chosen just for this newsgroup 5 years ago. That was dropped due to the late (?) W0EX perverting that to "No CW Testicles" in his replies. Strangely, there was NO objection to that rather obvious male anatomy term but there was much ado about breasts and the alleged "pornographic" callsign of Kim, W5TIT. When I first joined AOL, their rules permitted screen names of a maximum of 8 characters. Since AOL membership is a few millions and that they do not allow identical names, having a set of common real names makes it difficult to choose a desired screen name without possessing a personal, federally- authorized, official merit badge callsign of the U.S. amateur radio corps. Since my life is NOT ruled by any hobby, the choice was either to use an old handle or improvise with a bit of humor. [humor is hard to come by in this oh-so-very serious gathering of beagles] AOL rules were relaxed later to all members' relief...and also increased to a maximum of SEVEN screen names per subscription! [all the same subscriber and billed to the subscriber] His Most Honorable Royal Highness of Morseman Hall has that same option. Leo, if you happen to chance upon an AOL screen name of "Juan Mortime" in the future, that will be me. [pronounce it to get the pun - mightier than the sword] No doubt that is, somewhere, already OUTRAGING and INSULTING (!) Spanish speakers for "unpatriotically defacing Latin customs" everywhere. Sigh. I have more names plus another Internet provider. Everywhere one goes we find the anal-retentive with figurative USB connectors jammed up their I/O ports. If someone wants to actually discuss something with me, fine. I've done that for 20 years without insulting anyone... except those USB-in-the-I/O-port folks. Others who think they can shoot verbal nasties at me with impugnity will get much more "return fire" than they expected. Screum. Best of springtime to you up in the north lands, Leo. |
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On 2 Jun 2005 17:21:36 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote: On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote: wrote: wrote: Arf! Arf! wrote: snip Here's a simple, direct question: Do you think Len's little piece on the "Tomb of the Unknown Solder" is funny? Or is it an insult to the Unknowns? Or is it something else? Personally, I saw it for the humorous parody that it was intended to be - not 'laugh out loud' funny, but humourous (and rather witty!) nevertheless. I understand that some may find that particular subject to be one that should not be parodied - but, considering the obvious pride that the author has in both his own military service and the service of others, I would strongly doubt that any disrespect whatsoever was intended to those whose ultimate sacrifice is honoured by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. My $.02 . 73 de Jim, N2EY 73, Leo |
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On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 17:49:24 -0500, "Shamil Basayev" 666@LensPlace
wrote: wrote in message roups.com... From: Leo on Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:27:59 -0400 On 31 May 2005 17:04:05 -0700, wrote: From: Leo on Tues 31 May 2005 15:02 On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote: wrote: wrote: Arf! Arf! wrote: Just About Everybody Wrote snip .................................... Oh oh! He's doing it again! Jim! Len's a Russian! |
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Lennie's "book" snipped...
If someone wants to actually discuss something with me, fine. I've done that for 20 years without insulting anyone... except those USB-in-the-I/O-port folks. Others who think they can shoot verbal nasties at me with impugnity will get much more "return fire" than they expected. Screum. Best of springtime to you up in the north lands, Leo. Lennie's Rule Of Thumb when pontificating... "Never EVER say in one sentence that which can be belaborbed ad nauseum." |
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From: Leo on Fri,Jun 3 2005 6:55 pm
wrote in message groups.com... From: Leo on Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:27:59 -0400 .............................?....... Oh oh! He's doing it again! Jim! Len's a Russian! Da, Comrade Leo! I am KGB, parashoot in from Bear bumber vid agents Brubitsch, Borbitsch, and Garbitsch! Dosvedanya. |
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From: Leo on Fri 3 Jun 2005 18:45
On 2 Jun 2005 17:21:36 -0700, wrote: Leo wrote: On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote: etc. Here's a simple, direct question: Do you think Len's little piece on the "Tomb of the Unknown Solder" is funny? Or is it an insult to the Unknowns? Or is it something else? Personally, I saw it for the humorous parody that it was intended to be - not 'laugh out loud' funny, but humourous (and rather witty!) nevertheless. Actually, it is a sharp and pointed piece of satiric sarcasm that is unmistakably aimed at our Last Action Hero (seven times) in here. :-) I understand that some may find that particular subject to be one that should not be parodied - but, considering the obvious pride that the author has in both his own military service and the service of others, I would strongly doubt that any disrespect whatsoever was intended to those whose ultimate sacrifice is honoured by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There's a very simple ceremony done in the U.S. military, or at least was, and I'm not sure of other branches besides Army. It is called "Retreat" and done at the beginning of sundown, coincident with lowering the Flag. Most times it is done simply by a group accompanying the Flag handlers. Sometimes it has a simple dedication to an individual or individuals. One "stands a Retreat" out of respect, to honor all that went before. Anyone who "stands a Retreat" will understand. Others, especially those never having served, will dismiss it as simply lowering the flag, just another excuse by the military for some kind of ceremony. They cannot feel the ceremony within. They are not a Part of it. There's another curious-to-non-military-persons custom or rather attitude which pertains to Unit Recognition. Navy personnel express that by a pride in "their" ship. Other branches will identify with their Unit or work identity. It is sometimes referred to (technically) as Unit Cohesiveness or (familiarly) as Teamwork or perhaps just inwardly as Pride in what one does. In my case I had that sense of Unit with the Signal Battalion I was assigned to. I had no choice in which unit, yet grew to feel a part of it, of identifying it as "my" battalion. I took pride in doing my assigned work. I learned of the unit's origin, how it changed over time, saw how it kept changing while I was there...and kept track of it even long after my Honorable Discharge was given me in 1960. What I find truly abhorrent, distasteful, disrespectful, and quite sickening is the charges of "dishonor" leveled by a hateful little emotional loose cannon in here done for no other reason than he hates some people and cannot hold back his rage and anger. What adds to the abhorrence, distaste, and disrespect is the self-perceived NON-serving veteran who wants to "chide" others for their "mistakes" about the U.S. military when they are (supposedly) U.S. citizens. Their whole reason for their "charges" are based on nothing but trying to "win" some argument over a subject...using those rather obvious false charges which have NO relationship to the subject. Simple summation: Jimmie be too uptight and anal; he needs to get laid. My $.02 . ...and now mine...plus shipping charges...Jimmie gets bill. This has departed from "amateur radio" subjects but, given, the overall anal-retentive attitude in here of trying to tie together military forces with a HOBBY involving radio (which is NO tie at all), I felt it had to be said. We can now resume the usual PCTA Extra Double Standard banner waving long in progress. The Morsebirds are twittering in full song... |
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