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  #52   Report Post  
Old June 4th 05, 09:50 AM
Laughing At Lennie
Posts: n/a

You ARE dishonorable, Lennie.

Over the course of 3 years or so you've repeated these stories
about Soldiers you didn' know who died in combat before yo were even
inducted in such a way as to associate YOUR lame rear-area,
non-combatant radio mechanic duty with them for your own

That was disgusting enough.

Now you've tried to score your self-proclaimed "newsgroup
messaging points" with this purile "parody" of the Tomb of the

I just can't manifest language intense enough to describe how vile
I find THAT without using profanity in a public forum

Lastly, you do so while insulting the participants in an avocation
for which you have utter disgust, have blatantly lied about, and have
no intention what-so-ever of being the least bit helpful for.

"Scumbag" pretty well sums it up.

In short, "we" don't really care what YOU find "abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectable"...because you ARE 'abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectful'.


Steve, K4YZ

Wow! You pretty much put the icing on Lennie's cake, Steve.
Of course it goes without saying that Lennie will HAVE to post a three
chapter response.

You know Len. Never say in one sentence that which he can better say in 18
Bets are on that Len will post a novel in response, though none of us will
read it.

  #53   Report Post  
Old June 4th 05, 01:57 PM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:

In short, "we" don't really care what YOU find "abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectable"...because you ARE 'abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectful'.


Steve, K4YZ

Don't know why anyone pays *any* attention to lennieboy, he isn't a ham,
too dumb/lazy to become one so he has no skin in the game. What he has
to say is of no revelence at all. Just ignore him completely and maybe
he will eventually go away.
  #54   Report Post  
Old June 4th 05, 10:22 PM
Posts: n/a

From: "K4YZ" on Sat 4 Jun 2005 00:38

From: Leo on Fri 3 Jun 2005 18:45

You ARE dishonorable, Lennie.

Over the course of 3 years or so you've repeated these stories
about Soldiers you didn' know who died in combat before yo were even
inducted in such a way as to associate YOUR lame rear-area,
non-combatant radio mechanic duty with them for your own

That was disgusting enough.

Now you've tried to score your self-proclaimed "newsgroup
messaging points" with this purile "parody" of the Tomb of the

I just can't manifest language intense enough to describe how vile
I find THAT without using profanity in a public forum

Lastly, you do so while insulting the participants in an avocation
for which you have utter disgust, have blatantly lied about, and have
no intention what-so-ever of being the least bit helpful for.

"Scumbag" pretty well sums it up.

In short, "we" don't really care what YOU find "abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectable"...because you ARE 'abhorrent,
distasteful and disrespectful'.


...the sun sets on the Tomb of the Unknown Solder as a solitary
figure in a patch-adorned flight suit slowly paces out his lonely
path of anger, J-38 in one hand, bayonetted USMC soldering iron
in the other. Pre-recorded marine marches softly fill the air,
interspersed with dits and dahs of a few PCTA morsebirds not yet
extinct. The Tomb of the Unknown Solder is a lonely place, deep
in the valley of neuroses, anger, and frustration. The single
sentinel counts cadennce to himself, muttering "flux you, flux
you" between the slow steps. His fists are clenched, eager to do
bottle but only sipping a cup of unkindness. It is sad but the
sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Solder keeps going. He does
not know why and that is the tragedy. The sun slowly sets on the
Tomb of the Unknown Solder leaving only the red light of fire in
the eyes of the muttering sentinel. Those glow in the dark like
LED pilot lights. Hatred lives on in his twilight of despair.

Temper fry.

  #55   Report Post  
Old June 5th 05, 06:01 AM
Posts: n/a

On 2 Jun 2005 19:45:52 -0700, wrote:

From: Leo on Jun 2, 6:40 pm

On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote:


What part of that is not accurate, Leo? Maybe you are who you
say you are, and maybe you aren't. Maybe "Arf!" is who he says
he is - or maybe he ain't.


Hmmm - let's see here....I wasn't agreeing with you, so perhaps
I am not legitimate.

Not at all. Your lack of verifiable ID means there's room for
doubt. Same for "Arf" or any other anonymous poster.

You seem to place a great deal of value on 'verifiability', Jim.

Heh. Just because someone's callbook ID is verifiable doesn't mean
that much else is. Take you, for example - other than what's in the
QRZ database, how much do we know about you? Just what you have
stated in your posts - that's all. Is what you say true ? Maybe -
maybe not. Unless someone is willing to put in the effort, time and
expense to research an individual's claims, they can be neither proven
nor disproven.

I disagree in part, as far as this newsgroup is concerned:
Certain individuals in here (curiously coincidental on
their attitudes favoring morse code testing!) are allowed
free rein on whatever they CLAIM. Others, challenging that
attitude are rained on...lately insofar as national
patriotism is concerned.

Fair enough.

That is the manifest of the PCTA Extra Double Standard

I suggest that, in a public forum such as this, an individual's
behaviour is a far better indicator of who they are than something as
silly as a callbook listing. Forget claims of education, heroic feats
and braggodocio - just read what the individual writes, and you'll see
the real person shine through. (for example, what were you doing when
you questioned my 'legitimacy' in this thread, Jim - picking yet
another fight with Len? Hmmm - that happens a lot, doesn't it??)

I can almost read the responses to that before he writes
them... :-)

Me too!

Whether "Arf!" or anyone else here is 'legitimate' or not is quite
immaterial! Why people are here, and how they behave while in here,
is of much greater importance.

Ahem...this is NOT allowed in the PCTA Extra Double
Standard handbook. :-)

And, of course, whether you believe that another poster is
'legitimate' or not is of no importance at all.

Oy gevalt! That will raise the Hue and Cry! :-)

Please don't say "Hue" - you'll raise bad memories of the Tit

Please note that Len insists on calling "Arf!" names and comparing
him to Nigerian bank scammers, but does not do the same for
those who agree with him.

"Nigerian?" Did I say specifically "Nigerian?" :-)

You must have - Jim said you did!

Not necessarily. I have not always agreed with Len's points either -
nor he with mine - neither do I belittle his (considerable)
accomplishments and experience or deliberately pick fights with him to
bolster my own ego. (ahem).

Maybe that's why civil discourse is possible between us? Duh.....

Another U.S. Extra used to pull out some phrase about
"gentlemen" and discourse in here. That Extra seems
to have dropped such phraseology when others have posted
items about national patriotism in here...after he has
repeat-posted old works written by others. sigh

Some on the group seem to have a pathological need to pick fights with
others, though - are you suggesting that the target of these attacks
should not return fire? (That wouldn't be much fun, would it?)

Bill Cosby used to have a comedy routine many years ago
about the Revolutionary War. It started out with a
"Referee" explaining to the "player captains" what the
"game rules" were. [naturally one-sided, the Redcoats
had to march in straight lines in the open while the
Revolutionaries could hide behind trees and rocks, firing
at will] If one was an American, that was very funny.

That was definitely NOT funny to a nationalistic Britisher
at a social gathering in the Hollywood Hills. I could see
the Brit's point of view, but others seemed not to. The
hostess sensed nastiness brewing and intervened by changing
the subject to a party activity, etc. Crisis averted.

Bill Cosby went on to become a beloved comedian in American
TV. Yet the subject matter [our Revolutionary War] was not
a trivial thing when it was fought; England never really
forgave the upstart Colonies for that and the War of 1812
had to repeat the whole process nearly 4 decades later.
England didn't win that war either.

Funny how some folks get all bent out of shape over something as
simple as that. Comedy requires an open mind!

Some of our contemporaries would have a coronary if tey were to sit
through "Team America - World Police". Catchy soundtrack!

A very remote parallel sort-of exists in here, the PCTA
bravely "fighting" to keep their royal RULE alive, yet are
slowly losing. The much-touted near-Byzantine CLASS
structure of U.S. amateur radio has not been decimated, it
has been cut in HALF. [Roman Legions were never that
severe with their "disciplinary" measures of decimation]
Further, to add insult to their "injury," the beloved
Title/Rank/Status of "20 WPM Tested" was reduced to a
"mere" 5 WPM. [their cold, dead reasoning refuses to
let their mental fingers release their code keys...tsk]
Their "Empire" is falling and they curse the evil "sloth"
in revenge; George Lucas couldn't make a film on this
epic due to too many "Annakin" manmiquins abounding.
[see "Revenge of the Sloth" who want only the "easy way
to get a license...etc, etc, ad nauseum]

Sad, isn't it - Jeez, it's just a hobby!

In addition, Len has posted here under a variety of screen names
(like "averyfine" and "averyfineman") often without any real ID.

I had no problem figuring out who the author of those posts were - did
you? Get the humor? Avery Fineman...A Very Fine Man...heh heh.

Anal-retentive morsemen have a "sense of humor" limited to
laughing at those they try to humiliate. Tsk.

My REAL Identity has never changed. It is still the same as
my byline in Ham Radio Magazine, as is my postal address.
A "screen name" or "handle" on a computer-modem provider site
is dependent on the standards that provider establishes. There
is NO "real ID" possible through nearly all computer-modem
service providers. The exception is the "forwarding alias"
provided by some sites such as the IEEE and ARRL both have
for their members. As an IEEE member since 1973, my real
identity is definitely known to them and has been for 35 years.
I could not fake any "forwarding alias" through them due to
their own controls to insure honesty; I could only choose what
to use as an "alias" name. I had that capability since over
three years ago but never got around to using it.

"Avery Fineman," "LenOver21" were all handles I used in BBS
computer-modem communications 20 years ago. "No CW Test"
was a new one chosen just for this newsgroup 5 years ago.
That was dropped due to the late (?) W0EX perverting that to
"No CW Testicles" in his replies. Strangely, there was NO
objection to that rather obvious male anatomy term but there
was much ado about breasts and the alleged "pornographic"
callsign of Kim, W5TIT.

When I first joined AOL, their rules permitted screen names
of a maximum of 8 characters. Since AOL membership is a few
millions and that they do not allow identical names, having
a set of common real names makes it difficult to choose a
desired screen name without possessing a personal, federally-
authorized, official merit badge callsign of the U.S. amateur
radio corps. Since my life is NOT ruled by any hobby, the
choice was either to use an old handle or improvise with a
bit of humor. [humor is hard to come by in this oh-so-very
serious gathering of beagles] AOL rules were relaxed later
to all members' relief...and also increased to a maximum of
SEVEN screen names per subscription! [all the same subscriber
and billed to the subscriber] His Most Honorable Royal
Highness of Morseman Hall has that same option.

Now that AOL has phased out newsgroups, Jim is posting via Google - he
is free to use any name that he chooses.

BTW, have you noticed that since he began posting via Google, his
language has deteriorated significantly (i.e. his posts contain the
word "bulls$%^" quite frequently now - which was quite a rarity in the

See my comments in a previous post regarding how true character is
reflected in one's posts.....

Leo, if you happen to chance upon an AOL screen name of
"Juan Mortime" in the future, that will be me. [pronounce
it to get the pun - mightier than the sword] No doubt that
is, somewhere, already OUTRAGING and INSULTING (!) Spanish
speakers for "unpatriotically defacing Latin customs"
everywhere. Sigh. I have more names plus another Internet
provider. Everywhere one goes we find the anal-retentive
with figurative USB connectors jammed up their I/O ports.

Heh....No problem, Juan - won't bother me a bit!

Juwanna Bet that you'll hear something about that from your - um - fan
club about that?

If someone wants to actually discuss something with me, fine.
I've done that for 20 years without insulting anyone...
except those USB-in-the-I/O-port folks. Others who think
they can shoot verbal nasties at me with impugnity will get
much more "return fire" than they expected. Screum.

Best of springtime to you up in the north lands, Leo.

And you too, Len - Jeez, we're finally getting some of the weather up
here that you lucky Californians enjoy most of the year!

73, Leo

  #56   Report Post  
Old June 5th 05, 02:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Leo wrote:
On 2 Jun 2005 19:45:52 -0700, wrote:

From: Leo on Jun 2, 6:40 pm

On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote:


What part of that is not accurate, Leo? Maybe you are who you
say you are, and maybe you aren't. Maybe "Arf!" is who he says
he is - or maybe he ain't.


Hmmm - let's see here....I wasn't agreeing with you, so perhaps
I am not legitimate.

Not at all. Your lack of verifiable ID means there's room for
doubt. Same for "Arf" or any other anonymous poster.

You seem to place a great deal of value on 'verifiability', Jim.

Heh. Just because someone's callbook ID is verifiable doesn't mean
that much else is. Take you, for example - other than what's in the
QRZ database, how much do we know about you? Just what you have
stated in your posts - that's all. Is what you say true ? Maybe -
maybe not. Unless someone is willing to put in the effort, time and
expense to research an individual's claims, they can be neither proven
nor disproven.

I disagree in part, as far as this newsgroup is concerned:
Certain individuals in here (curiously coincidental on
their attitudes favoring morse code testing!) are allowed
free rein on whatever they CLAIM. Others, challenging that
attitude are rained on...lately insofar as national
patriotism is concerned.

Fair enough.

Not really. Len "rains on" anyone who disagrees with him...
A very remote parallel sort-of exists in here, the PCTA
bravely "fighting" to keep their royal RULE alive, yet are
slowly losing. The much-touted near-Byzantine CLASS
structure of U.S. amateur radio has not been decimated, it
has been cut in HALF. [Roman Legions were never that
severe with their "disciplinary" measures of decimation]
Further, to add insult to their "injury," the beloved
Title/Rank/Status of "20 WPM Tested" was reduced to a
"mere" 5 WPM. [their cold, dead reasoning refuses to
let their mental fingers release their code keys...tsk]
Their "Empire" is falling and they curse the evil "sloth"
in revenge; George Lucas couldn't make a film on this
epic due to too many "Annakin" manmiquins abounding.
[see "Revenge of the Sloth" who want only the "easy way
to get a license...etc, etc, ad nauseum]

Sad, isn't it - Jeez, it's just a hobby!

Does "hobby" equate to "there must be no standards"?
BTW, have you noticed that since he began posting via Google,
language has deteriorated significantly (i.e. his posts contain
word "bulls$%^" quite frequently now - which was quite a
rarity in the past..

Len has made a habit of posting things about me that are simply
not true. Such as his false claim that I have tried to ban all
but licensed amateurs from posting here, or commenting to FCC.

That claim is simply false. When asked for evidence or example
of where I have done so, Len has nothing to show. Yet he keeps
making that claim, and others.

Leo, what word would be more appropriate than "bull****" to
describe that claim? What words would be more appropriate than
"jackass behavior" to describe the actions of the person making
such claims?

Leo, if you happen to chance upon an AOL screen name of
"Juan Mortime" in the future, that will be me. [pronounce
it to get the pun - mightier than the sword] No doubt that
is, somewhere, already OUTRAGING and INSULTING (!) Spanish
speakers for "unpatriotically defacing Latin customs"
everywhere. Sigh. I have more names plus another Internet
provider. Everywhere one goes we find the anal-retentive
with figurative USB connectors jammed up their I/O ports.

Heh....No problem, Juan - won't bother me a bit!

Juwanna Bet

You guys are pikers. Look at just some of the folks who have gone

From PHC:

Sandy Beech
Paige Turner
Sarah Bellum

From Car Talk:

Heywood Jabuzzoff
Peekip Andropov (chauffer service)
Marge Inovera (research dept)
Erasmus b. Dragon (really overworked staffer)

Even from QST:

Noah Q. Essels (claims he has DXCC but no verification)
Lotta Chazzeez (homebrewer of many small projects)
Harry Uppensine (makes very long CQs)

And many more. Lots more of course, those are just the ones I recall

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #57   Report Post  
Old June 5th 05, 08:50 PM
Posts: n/a

From: Leo on Sun, 05 Jun 2005 00:01:50 -0400

From: Leo on Jun 2, 6:40 pm

On 1 Jun 2005 15:39:42 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 15:37:45 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 31 May 2005 02:06:42 -0700, wrote:


I suggest that, in a public forum such as this, an individual's
behaviour is a far better indicator of who they are than something as
silly as a callbook listing. Forget claims of education, heroic feats
and braggodocio - just read what the individual writes, and you'll see
the real person shine through. (for example, what were you doing when
you questioned my 'legitimacy' in this thread, Jim - picking yet
another fight with Len? Hmmm - that happens a lot, doesn't it??)

I can almost read the responses to that before he writes
them... :-)

Me too!

Heh heh heh. Some of those responses have already shown up...

Oy gevalt! That will raise the Hue and Cry! :-)

Please don't say "Hue" - you'll raise bad memories of the Tit

Hue said it, Leo...

Please note that Len insists on calling "Arf!" names and comparing
him to Nigerian bank scammers, but does not do the same for
those who agree with him.

"Nigerian?" Did I say specifically "Nigerian?" :-)

You must have - Jim said you did!

Jimmie is nebber Wong.

Gosh, all those NAMES I called Jimmie: James, Jim, Jimmy,
James Miccolis, even just Miccolis. Must be BAD thing!


Bill Cosby went on to become a beloved comedian in American
TV. Yet the subject matter [our Revolutionary War] was not
a trivial thing when it was fought; England never really
forgave the upstart Colonies for that and the War of 1812
had to repeat the whole process nearly 4 decades later.
England didn't win that war either.

Funny how some folks get all bent out of shape over something as
simple as that. Comedy requires an open mind!

...and a willingness to remain "open" to input.

Some of our contemporaries would have a coronary if tey were to sit
through "Team America - World Police". Catchy soundtrack!

I've never seen that but have heard about it.

One curious thing down here is the almost total "unforgivingness"
of some in the USA's "south" 140 years after LOSING during our
Civil War. They are still waving their Confederate battle
standards and claiming "supremacy." Sore
generations after the fact. [I live farther south than nearly
all of the "southerners" in here]

A very remote parallel sort-of exists in here, the PCTA
bravely "fighting" to keep their royal RULE alive, yet are
slowly losing. The much-touted near-Byzantine CLASS
structure of U.S. amateur radio has not been decimated, it
has been cut in HALF. [Roman Legions were never that
severe with their "disciplinary" measures of decimation]
Further, to add insult to their "injury," the beloved
Title/Rank/Status of "20 WPM Tested" was reduced to a
"mere" 5 WPM. [their cold, dead reasoning refuses to
let their mental fingers release their code keys...tsk]
Their "Empire" is falling and they curse the evil "sloth"
in revenge; George Lucas couldn't make a film on this
epic due to too many "Annakin" manmiquins abounding.
[see "Revenge of the Sloth" who want only the "easy way
to get a license...etc, etc, ad nauseum]

Sad, isn't it - Jeez, it's just a hobby!

"Radio" is a rather fascinating field of activity. While not
all find it so, it intrigued me so much I made an abrupt
career choice to make that my work in addition to hobbies.
I found out that MOST of my contemporaries NEVER BOTHERED
with a "ham license" before entering electronics.

To see some of the ham devotees in here, that was "wrong."
I was supposed to "get a ham license FIRST" according to
one...that would "show my dedication to the ham community!"
Er, the "ham community" didn't "recruit" me and didn't
identify themselves individually; they loomed as some giant
spectre in the moral aphorisms of the mighty League. "Do it
THIS way or you'll go blind...'can't I do it until I just
need glasses?'" :-)

Now that AOL has phased out newsgroups, Jim is posting via Google - he
is free to use any name that he chooses.

I think that "His Royal Highness" is already taken... :-(

BTW, have you noticed that since he began posting via Google, his
language has deteriorated significantly (i.e. his posts contain the
word "bulls$%^" quite frequently now - which was quite a rarity in the

Interesting. :-)

I rather like the hypocrisy displayed by others...especially
one who is decidedly not Hebrew nor Central Europe ethnic
who uses a four-letter Yiddish nastyword meaning "penis head."

Many years ago Playboy magazine published a funny, funny
version of "Mother Goose" stories with selective use of
octothorpe [#] "censorship black-outs". An example:

Little Miss Muffet ### on a ######,
Eating ### ##### and ####,
Along came a ##### ... ...and so forth... :-)

Heh, talk about some folks having a coronary...:-)

See my comments in a previous post regarding how true character is
reflected in one's posts.....

Lots of characters in this group grope.

Leo, if you happen to chance upon an AOL screen name of
"Juan Mortime" in the future, that will be me. [pronounce
it to get the pun - mightier than the sword] No doubt that
is, somewhere, already OUTRAGING and INSULTING (!) Spanish
speakers for "unpatriotically defacing Latin customs"
everywhere. Sigh. I have more names plus another Internet
provider. Everywhere one goes we find the anal-retentive
with figurative USB connectors jammed up their I/O ports.

Heh....No problem, Juan - won't bother me a bit!

Juwanna Bet that you'll hear something about that from your - um - fan
club about that?

WHICH "fan club?" :-)

I've found that I must restrict my actions for environmental
reasons. There's so many balloons of hot air here and there
that, though puncturing the gas bags is great fun, releasing
all that hot air may increase global warming!

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