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  #61   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 04:21 PM
Caveat Lector
Posts: n/a

One of locals tells his kids as they come of age -- you want a drivers
license and a car -- sure thing -- right after you get a Ham license (;-)

CL -- I doubt, therefore I might be !

  #62   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 05:15 PM
Michael Coslo
Posts: n/a

Caveat Lector wrote:
One of locals tells his kids as they come of age -- you want a drivers
license and a car -- sure thing -- right after you get a Ham license (;-)

sounds like a good deal to me.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #63   Report Post  
Old June 2nd 05, 09:29 PM
Posts: n/a

From: "K4YZ" on Wed 1 Jun 2005 23:00

[the lonely sentinel bursts out in rage and anger, unable to
control his emotions...mighty flashes issue from his red pilot
lights...he raises his USMC bayonetted soldering iron and
strikes! Whiff...the unconnected strike punctures the empty

on Tues 31 May 2005 15:55

It's not. But when you lecture the newsgroup on "young'uns in ham
radio", your lack of experience is relevant, don't you think?

Lennie's not a parent, if we follow his own logic.

Lennie has repeatedly insisted that if I did certain things in the
Armed Forces, then I would be quick to brag about them and discuss them
readily. Since HE does it, EVERYONE must do it too.....

That's not the truth, but that's what Lennie has insisted.

That's simply untrue, Stebie.

Stebie NEVER worked HF communications in the USMC. Indeed, he
was NEVER in any sort of radio communications tasks as a
helicopter ground maintenance crew.

Stebie still hasn't verified his CLAIM of being "Assistant"
NCOIC at a USMC MARS station.

The United States military used NON-morse HF communications
for the major tactical/strategic radio communications since
1948. [Stebie wasn't even conceived until much later...]

Thousands of men (and a few women) have worked in HF
communications in the military. I was one of those thousands
IN the military working on HF communications, "getting the
messages through" and on a 24/7 basis. Stebie, the Avenging
Angle of Dearth, has NOT. Stebie is jealous, poor thing.

Therefore, that being the case, and Lennie having failed to
discuss his successful procreation and subsequent rearing of offspring,
we can conclude that it never happened.

Stebie, in his RAGE and ANGER, has lost his bearings on what
this newsgroup is about. Hint: It is about radio amateur
policy matters. Pediatrics is NOT the subject.

Stebie has expressed an inordinate desire to talk about others'
families, especially WIVES. This newsgroup is NOT about
Stebie's fantasies about others' marital relationships nor is
it about SEX. Yet, Stebie keeps on mentioning his "enemies"
(in the newsgroup and probably everywhere) as "penis head,"
using a Yiddish pejorative (even when he is unfamiliar with
Judaism nor its Central European ethnic group of Yiddish.

You are very wrought-up on this subject of "parenting."
Why? Why for discussion of amateur radio policy?

Look at the subject line.

Lennie claims to be an engineer, but can't seem to make notes of
the "details"...

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Both "Quitefine" and Stebie (Assistant NCOIC
of Rage and Anger among the PCTA) don't understand that
"young ones" are not necessarily just their "own" offspring.

Stebie, the self-appointed "ethnic puritan" of this newsgroup,
couldn't make it on his own as a Purchasing Agent of a small
electronics company, yet claims/postures/implies that he
"knows" all about radio-electronics engineering, what the
engineers know, what the engineers do, etc., etc., etc.
CLAIMS. Brags. Posturing. Stebie's forte' as a mighty
macho morseman.

I make no "claim" of engineering. I AM one and have been for
many years. My professional occupation.

Stebie is a NURSE. "Quitefine" (James Miccolis) will NOT
reveal what HE works on or for...other than letting slip once
that he "works in vehicular technology" (in one of his
comments on one of the 18 Petitions for amateur radio
restructuring. "Quitefine" is NOT a member of the worldwide
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), a
professional association.

That pretty much says it all - *you* have a problem including young
people. The surreal part is that you're neither a parent nor a radio

Lennie doesn't let little things like "no practical experience"
keep him from expressing an "expert" opinion on a great many range of

The "surreal" part of Miccolis and Robeson's diatribes is that:

1. No pediatrician is required to be a "parent." There is NO
such "requirement" in any academic organization to "be a
parent" in ANY degreed/titled work involving children OR
procreation of children.

2. "Quitefine" (Miccolis) seems to disregard laws of physics
in that ALL radios work by the SAME physical laws,
regardless of human designations as to their application.
[inconceivable that a claimed double-degree individual
would insist that ONLY licensed radio amateurs (who have
obtained a federal merit badge only in amateurism) can
express any opinion at all.

3. In the United States of America, ANY citizen has the RIGHT
to comment to their government on ANY law or regulation
REGARDLESS of whether or not they have any "license" or
other "authorization" to "operate" under some rules or

4. Neither Miccolis ("Quitefine") nor Robeson have ANY
"authority" to RULE on U.S. amateur radio regulations,
yet the seek to bar, to subjugate, to eliminate ANYONE
BUT licensed radio amateurs from even talking about it.
Apparently those two control freaks do not understand
that NO FCC Commissioner or staff member is "required"
to possess an amateur radio license in order to offcially
regulate U.S. amateur radio.

5. Miccolis-"Quitefine" has NOT YET stated how many offspring
HE has parented. He implies he has but the number, gender,
are all big unknowns. Robeson has only mentioned his
"offspring" from his second marriage...neglecting any
mention of "offspring" from his first, failed marriage.
Regardless of the NON-applicability of "offspring" as
the ONLY "authoritative experience" in discussing young
people, they implore (if not directly order) "offspring"
as a "prime requirement" to talk about young people.

Your answer indicates what many have long suspected: that you
expect to be instantly recognized as an expert without having
to meet the requirements for a license.

It was suggested to Lennie that he take some of this energy and
submit a proposal to the FCC to allow "engineers" either a free pass
or some sort of a "bridge" exam to get licensure.

Never did it.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. A NON-applicable "request" NOT required.

That so-called "request" was simply a MISDIRECTION to try to
stop any further talk on ELIMINATION OF THE MORSE CODE TEST
for an amateur radio license.

As is quite obvious under any U.S. citizens' RIGHTS under the
Constitution (of the United States, NOT the ARRL), "licensure"
in amateur radio is NOT REQUIRED to talk about GETTING INTO
amateur radio. To reiterate, NO FCC Commissioner or Staffer
is required to possess any amateur radio license in order to
lawfully regulate U.S. amateur radio.

Both of these control freaks have been invited to take their
"authority" and "shove it up their I/O ports."

They never did it. However, they might have...and enjoyed it.

Tsk, tsk. A radio does NOT operate by different laws of
physics because some government agency designates it as

So what? "Physics" isn't the only consideration.

And Lennie's been asked to please show where ANYone, other than
him, has made said issue of it...

No answers.

TSK, TSK, TSK. MANY ANSWERS. Apparently these two control
freaks do not have sufficient reading comprehension...or have
a psychological inability to separate their fantasies from
reality. They are continuously "making issues" of such
"clubhouse rules" where only THEY can "rule" yet neither one
has legal/lawful/actual authority to rule.

Your writing is simply unclear, Len.

It's also assinine.

Stebie, the Avenging Angle of Dearth, the newsgroup's
counterpart to Elfren Saldivar, can only "reply" with a series
of Personal Insults...which is little more than his RAGE and
ANGER and personal frustration showing clearly.

Would Lennie suggest that because people drive cars and trucks for
"business" that no one may then drive, maintain or collect them for a

Stebie is still unable to focus on the newsgroup subject.
Matters of vehicular transportation do NOT belong here.

Once upon a time the idea that "teeners" using spark gaps and old
Model T ignition coils for "communications" would be nothing more than
a fad...

"SPARK," technically damped impulse oscillation, is FORBIDDEN
by law.

Neither "Quitefine" nor Stebie were alive in the early days
of radio when "Spark" was all that was available to amateur
radio. They've only READ about it, could NOT have used it

See the analogy?

He can't see his an...uh...nose. How can he see an

Stebie is overly concerned with anal-genital areas of the
body. Stebie is overly concerned with other people's
wives, including desires to talk about their sexual or
marital practices.

This is NOT the newsgroup to talk about those things.

Jimmie boy,

There you go again. Why do you call names like that, Len?
Is there a reason you can't just call me "Jim", the way I
call you "Len"?

That might make you his "peer", Jim...

Can't have that!

PCTA Extra Double Standard. "Quitefine" and Stebie both
"allow" name-calling such as "PUTZ" and "gutless coward"
to others, yet object to their aliases or diminutive forms
of their given names.

Miccolis is NOT my "peer." He has not identified his actual
place of employment, has not identified his own "parenthood"
(which he REQUIRES of others), and has claimed to be a
"radio manufacturer." Tsk, he is not even a member of any
professional association. Stebie is a NURSE, has not even
worked IN any electronics engineering position...nor has he
done HF communications while in the military.

And you said there must have been fraud involved. You accused ARRL and
the VEs involved of dishonesty. Right here. That's a fact. Shall I
repost those claims?

Tsk, tsk. I wrote, some time ago, that the ARRL "sins by omission."
They do so often, especially in their publications on the history
of radio. The ARRL over-emphasizes (from omitting other workers
in radio) the "role" that radio amateurs have played in the
evolution of radio communications.

The first use of Single Sideband techniques was in long-distance
wired telephony. The first consistent use of SSB in HF
communications was by commercial and government organizations
beginning in the 1930s...and continues to this day. The ARRL
seems to have lost touch with the activities of commercial and
government users of SSB and imply that "SSB pioneering" was
done by radio amateurs in the 1950s, two decades after the fact.
One case of intellectual fraud...but it serves the purpose of
making hobbyist hams feel "important." They (and many self-
important hams) point to the Strategic Air Command about SSB
and forget that such was SINGLE-CHANNEL SSB, something already
done prior to WW2, dropped before WW2 due to lack of frequency
stability techniques to keep costs low.

The ARRL has implied that quartz crystal frequency stability
owes its existance (especially after WW2) to "efforts by hams"
(in more pioneering). They neglect an overall electronics
industry need for stable frequency control. They neglect the
tremendous effort on wartime production of quartz crystal units
by the electronics industry - A million quartz units a month
in the last three years of WW2 and a national priority second
only to the Manhattan Project. By not mentioning what has
been known in the electronics industry they imply that hams
are responsible for the pioneering...which tells ham hobbyists
nice emotional things that make them feel important.

The first use of VHF FM in mobile communications was pioneered
by commercial companies (Link and Motorola) and a few police
departments prior to WW2. That was vastly increased by the U.S.
military during WW2. The EM spectrum from VHF and up was opened
by the whole radio world just before and certainly after WW2.
Real history. The ARRL in QST magazine still refers to that
huge part of the EM spectrum as "the world above 50 MHz" as if
it is a sort of ghetto.

Where the HF part of the EM spectrum was once a major carrier
of long-distance communications (especially over water), that
is now greatly reduced, supplanted by geostationary sattelite
radio relay, under-water digital fiber cable (using optically-
"pumped" non-electronic amplifiers) carrying thousands of
comm channels, troposcatter low microwave multi-channel beyond
the line of sight distance. Users on HF have gone to single-
channel SSB voice and TORs (Teleprinter Over Radio) data instead
of manual morse code modes. The U.S. military no longer requires
morsemanship for any communications occupation specialties.
Still, the ARRL features HF communications, especially by "CW"
as a "prime" communications spectrum...and the consign the
"world above 50 MHz" to a sort of ghetto for those of lesser
"ability." The ARRL loves to emphasize morsemanship as the
epitome of amateur radio "excellence" to satisfy the old men
at the League and the membership who want to feel good and
"important in radio."

The ARRL still want to ignore the obvious fact of the
overwhelmingly-most-increasing class in amateur radio being
Technicians. They want to gloss over the fact that most of
those are NO-CODE-TEST Technicians. That pleases the old
man hams who still think that morsemanship is "important" in
radio. Those old men (chronologically or in mindset) want to
fantasize their dreams of "being somebody." They like the
words that feed their fantasies...and that lets the League
hang onto them and keep them members.

There are several more subjects on radio history that can be
shown, but the fantasizers and imaginers and those who want
to posture about their "importance" will object and call names.
Their "intellectual" response is to bring out idolated cases
that are supposed to "refute" challenges of the actual
sinning by omission by the mighty League.

Our local club recently added two new licensees...both 9....No
record, but yet more evidence that there ARE "young 'uns" entering
Amateur Radio.

Irrelevant, relatively isolated case. Apparently neither one
is the offspring of Stebie - who once touted the "ability" and
"dedication" of his own 9-year-old.

So, all you mental nine-year-olds, feel good about your sub-
teen intellectual prowess on passing the TEST. Continue to
scamper about your "private clubhouse" and generally behave
emotionally like kiddies about your "superiorities." Sooner
or later your kinder-kind MIGHT grow up. [I'm losing my
optimism on that]

The rest of us IN the radio-electronics industry will continue
doing our adult things. We will pat you on the head when you
are nice and spank you when you misbehave. Go to your room.

  #64   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 01:08 AM
Shamil Basayev
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
From: "K4YZ" on Wed 1 Jun 2005 23:00

[the lonely sentinel bursts out in rage and anger, unable to
control his emotions...mighty flashes issue from his red pilot
lights...he raises his USMC bayonetted soldering iron and
strikes! Whiff...the unconnected strike punctures the empty

on Tues 31 May 2005 15:55

It's not. But when you lecture the newsgroup on "young'uns in ham
radio", your lack of experience is relevant, don't you think?

Lennie's not a parent, if we follow his own logic.

Lennie has repeatedly insisted that if I did certain things in the
Armed Forces, then I would be quick to brag about them and discuss them
readily. Since HE does it, EVERYONE must do it too.....

That's not the truth, but that's what Lennie has insisted.

That's simply untrue, Stebie.

Stebie NEVER worked HF communications in the USMC. Indeed, he
was NEVER in any sort of radio communications tasks as a
helicopter ground maintenance crew.

Stebie still hasn't verified his CLAIM of being "Assistant"
NCOIC at a USMC MARS station.

The United States military used NON-morse HF communications
for the major tactical/strategic radio communications since
1948. [Stebie wasn't even conceived until much later...]

Thousands of men (and a few women) have worked in HF
communications in the military. I was one of those thousands
IN the military working on HF communications, "getting the
messages through" and on a 24/7 basis. Stebie, the Avenging
Angle of Dearth, has NOT. Stebie is jealous, poor thing.

Therefore, that being the case, and Lennie having failed to
discuss his successful procreation and subsequent rearing of offspring,
we can conclude that it never happened.

Stebie, in his RAGE and ANGER, has lost his bearings on what
this newsgroup is about. Hint: It is about radio amateur
policy matters. Pediatrics is NOT the subject.

Stebie has expressed an inordinate desire to talk about others'
families, especially WIVES. This newsgroup is NOT about
Stebie's fantasies about others' marital relationships nor is
it about SEX. Yet, Stebie keeps on mentioning his "enemies"
(in the newsgroup and probably everywhere) as "penis head,"
using a Yiddish pejorative (even when he is unfamiliar with
Judaism nor its Central European ethnic group of Yiddish.

You are very wrought-up on this subject of "parenting."
Why? Why for discussion of amateur radio policy?

Look at the subject line.

Lennie claims to be an engineer, but can't seem to make notes of
the "details"...

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Both "Quitefine" and Stebie (Assistant NCOIC
of Rage and Anger among the PCTA) don't understand that
"young ones" are not necessarily just their "own" offspring.

Stebie, the self-appointed "ethnic puritan" of this newsgroup,
couldn't make it on his own as a Purchasing Agent of a small
electronics company, yet claims/postures/implies that he
"knows" all about radio-electronics engineering, what the
engineers know, what the engineers do, etc., etc., etc.
CLAIMS. Brags. Posturing. Stebie's forte' as a mighty
macho morseman.

I make no "claim" of engineering. I AM one and have been for
many years. My professional occupation.

Stebie is a NURSE. "Quitefine" (James Miccolis) will NOT
reveal what HE works on or for...other than letting slip once
that he "works in vehicular technology" (in one of his
comments on one of the 18 Petitions for amateur radio
restructuring. "Quitefine" is NOT a member of the worldwide
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), a
professional association.

That pretty much says it all - *you* have a problem including young
people. The surreal part is that you're neither a parent nor a radio

Lennie doesn't let little things like "no practical experience"
keep him from expressing an "expert" opinion on a great many range of

The "surreal" part of Miccolis and Robeson's diatribes is that:

1. No pediatrician is required to be a "parent." There is NO
such "requirement" in any academic organization to "be a
parent" in ANY degreed/titled work involving children OR
procreation of children.

2. "Quitefine" (Miccolis) seems to disregard laws of physics
in that ALL radios work by the SAME physical laws,
regardless of human designations as to their application.
[inconceivable that a claimed double-degree individual
would insist that ONLY licensed radio amateurs (who have
obtained a federal merit badge only in amateurism) can
express any opinion at all.

3. In the United States of America, ANY citizen has the RIGHT
to comment to their government on ANY law or regulation
REGARDLESS of whether or not they have any "license" or
other "authorization" to "operate" under some rules or

4. Neither Miccolis ("Quitefine") nor Robeson have ANY
"authority" to RULE on U.S. amateur radio regulations,
yet the seek to bar, to subjugate, to eliminate ANYONE
BUT licensed radio amateurs from even talking about it.
Apparently those two control freaks do not understand
that NO FCC Commissioner or staff member is "required"
to possess an amateur radio license in order to offcially
regulate U.S. amateur radio.

5. Miccolis-"Quitefine" has NOT YET stated how many offspring
HE has parented. He implies he has but the number, gender,
are all big unknowns. Robeson has only mentioned his
"offspring" from his second marriage...neglecting any
mention of "offspring" from his first, failed marriage.
Regardless of the NON-applicability of "offspring" as
the ONLY "authoritative experience" in discussing young
people, they implore (if not directly order) "offspring"
as a "prime requirement" to talk about young people.

Your answer indicates what many have long suspected: that you
expect to be instantly recognized as an expert without having
to meet the requirements for a license.

It was suggested to Lennie that he take some of this energy and
submit a proposal to the FCC to allow "engineers" either a free pass
or some sort of a "bridge" exam to get licensure.

Never did it.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. A NON-applicable "request" NOT required.

That so-called "request" was simply a MISDIRECTION to try to
stop any further talk on ELIMINATION OF THE MORSE CODE TEST
for an amateur radio license.

As is quite obvious under any U.S. citizens' RIGHTS under the
Constitution (of the United States, NOT the ARRL), "licensure"
in amateur radio is NOT REQUIRED to talk about GETTING INTO
amateur radio. To reiterate, NO FCC Commissioner or Staffer
is required to possess any amateur radio license in order to
lawfully regulate U.S. amateur radio.

Both of these control freaks have been invited to take their
"authority" and "shove it up their I/O ports."

They never did it. However, they might have...and enjoyed it.

Tsk, tsk. A radio does NOT operate by different laws of
physics because some government agency designates it as

So what? "Physics" isn't the only consideration.

And Lennie's been asked to please show where ANYone, other than
him, has made said issue of it...

No answers.

TSK, TSK, TSK. MANY ANSWERS. Apparently these two control
freaks do not have sufficient reading comprehension...or have
a psychological inability to separate their fantasies from
reality. They are continuously "making issues" of such
"clubhouse rules" where only THEY can "rule" yet neither one
has legal/lawful/actual authority to rule.

Your writing is simply unclear, Len.

It's also assinine.

Stebie, the Avenging Angle of Dearth, the newsgroup's
counterpart to Elfren Saldivar, can only "reply" with a series
of Personal Insults...which is little more than his RAGE and
ANGER and personal frustration showing clearly.

Would Lennie suggest that because people drive cars and trucks for
"business" that no one may then drive, maintain or collect them for a

Stebie is still unable to focus on the newsgroup subject.
Matters of vehicular transportation do NOT belong here.

Once upon a time the idea that "teeners" using spark gaps and old
Model T ignition coils for "communications" would be nothing more than
a fad...

"SPARK," technically damped impulse oscillation, is FORBIDDEN
by law.

Neither "Quitefine" nor Stebie were alive in the early days
of radio when "Spark" was all that was available to amateur
radio. They've only READ about it, could NOT have used it

See the analogy?

He can't see his an...uh...nose. How can he see an

Stebie is overly concerned with anal-genital areas of the
body. Stebie is overly concerned with other people's
wives, including desires to talk about their sexual or
marital practices.

This is NOT the newsgroup to talk about those things.

Jimmie boy,

There you go again. Why do you call names like that, Len?
Is there a reason you can't just call me "Jim", the way I
call you "Len"?

That might make you his "peer", Jim...

Can't have that!

PCTA Extra Double Standard. "Quitefine" and Stebie both
"allow" name-calling such as "PUTZ" and "gutless coward"
to others, yet object to their aliases or diminutive forms
of their given names.

Miccolis is NOT my "peer." He has not identified his actual
place of employment, has not identified his own "parenthood"
(which he REQUIRES of others), and has claimed to be a
"radio manufacturer." Tsk, he is not even a member of any
professional association. Stebie is a NURSE, has not even
worked IN any electronics engineering position...nor has he
done HF communications while in the military.

And you said there must have been fraud involved. You accused ARRL and
the VEs involved of dishonesty. Right here. That's a fact. Shall I
repost those claims?

Tsk, tsk. I wrote, some time ago, that the ARRL "sins by omission."
They do so often, especially in their publications on the history
of radio. The ARRL over-emphasizes (from omitting other workers
in radio) the "role" that radio amateurs have played in the
evolution of radio communications.

The first use of Single Sideband techniques was in long-distance
wired telephony. The first consistent use of SSB in HF
communications was by commercial and government organizations
beginning in the 1930s...and continues to this day. The ARRL
seems to have lost touch with the activities of commercial and
government users of SSB and imply that "SSB pioneering" was
done by radio amateurs in the 1950s, two decades after the fact.
One case of intellectual fraud...but it serves the purpose of
making hobbyist hams feel "important." They (and many self-
important hams) point to the Strategic Air Command about SSB
and forget that such was SINGLE-CHANNEL SSB, something already
done prior to WW2, dropped before WW2 due to lack of frequency
stability techniques to keep costs low.

The ARRL has implied that quartz crystal frequency stability
owes its existance (especially after WW2) to "efforts by hams"
(in more pioneering). They neglect an overall electronics
industry need for stable frequency control. They neglect the
tremendous effort on wartime production of quartz crystal units
by the electronics industry - A million quartz units a month
in the last three years of WW2 and a national priority second
only to the Manhattan Project. By not mentioning what has
been known in the electronics industry they imply that hams
are responsible for the pioneering...which tells ham hobbyists
nice emotional things that make them feel important.

The first use of VHF FM in mobile communications was pioneered
by commercial companies (Link and Motorola) and a few police
departments prior to WW2. That was vastly increased by the U.S.
military during WW2. The EM spectrum from VHF and up was opened
by the whole radio world just before and certainly after WW2.
Real history. The ARRL in QST magazine still refers to that
huge part of the EM spectrum as "the world above 50 MHz" as if
it is a sort of ghetto.

Where the HF part of the EM spectrum was once a major carrier
of long-distance communications (especially over water), that
is now greatly reduced, supplanted by geostationary sattelite
radio relay, under-water digital fiber cable (using optically-
"pumped" non-electronic amplifiers) carrying thousands of
comm channels, troposcatter low microwave multi-channel beyond
the line of sight distance. Users on HF have gone to single-
channel SSB voice and TORs (Teleprinter Over Radio) data instead
of manual morse code modes. The U.S. military no longer requires
morsemanship for any communications occupation specialties.
Still, the ARRL features HF communications, especially by "CW"
as a "prime" communications spectrum...and the consign the
"world above 50 MHz" to a sort of ghetto for those of lesser
"ability." The ARRL loves to emphasize morsemanship as the
epitome of amateur radio "excellence" to satisfy the old men
at the League and the membership who want to feel good and
"important in radio."

The ARRL still want to ignore the obvious fact of the
overwhelmingly-most-increasing class in amateur radio being
Technicians. They want to gloss over the fact that most of
those are NO-CODE-TEST Technicians. That pleases the old
man hams who still think that morsemanship is "important" in
radio. Those old men (chronologically or in mindset) want to
fantasize their dreams of "being somebody." They like the
words that feed their fantasies...and that lets the League
hang onto them and keep them members.

There are several more subjects on radio history that can be
shown, but the fantasizers and imaginers and those who want
to posture about their "importance" will object and call names.
Their "intellectual" response is to bring out idolated cases
that are supposed to "refute" challenges of the actual
sinning by omission by the mighty League.

Our local club recently added two new licensees...both 9....No
record, but yet more evidence that there ARE "young 'uns" entering
Amateur Radio.

Irrelevant, relatively isolated case. Apparently neither one
is the offspring of Stebie - who once touted the "ability" and
"dedication" of his own 9-year-old.

So, all you mental nine-year-olds, feel good about your sub-
teen intellectual prowess on passing the TEST. Continue to
scamper about your "private clubhouse" and generally behave
emotionally like kiddies about your "superiorities." Sooner
or later your kinder-kind MIGHT grow up. [I'm losing my
optimism on that]

The rest of us IN the radio-electronics industry will continue
doing our adult things. We will pat you on the head when you
are nice and spank you when you misbehave. Go to your room.

This newsgroup is not about Pediatrics. Nor is it about a weak bladder, and
you sure seem to be "****ing" an awful lot of late, Lennie.
The correctness of the original opinion is directly proportional to
the length of the attempted rebuttal

  #65   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 03:34 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "K4YZ" on Wed 1 Jun 2005 23:00

[the lonely sentinel...(SNIP)

At least you took the hint about your horrific behaviour vis-a-vis
parodies of the Tomb of the Unknowns...You may be teachable yet.

Lennie has repeatedly insisted that if I did certain things in the
Armed Forces, then I would be quick to brag about them and discuss them
readily. Since HE does it, EVERYONE must do it too.....

That's not the truth, but that's what Lennie has insisted.

That's simply untrue, Stebie.

It's absolutely true, Lennie.

You've stated that exactly before.

Stebie NEVER worked HF communications in the USMC.

THAT is abslutely UNRUE, Lennie, and you've been provided
references to verify same.

Indeed, he
was NEVER in any sort of radio communications tasks as a
helicopter ground maintenance crew.

I guess ann those COM/NAV Avionics MOS'es were for naught, eh?

Stebie still hasn't verified his CLAIM of being "Assistant"
NCOIC at a USMC MARS station.

That's not what I said, Lennie.

Get your facts straight.

Therefore, that being the case, and Lennie having failed to
discuss his successful procreation and subsequent rearing of offspring,
we can conclude that it never happened.

Stebie, in his RAGE and ANGER...(SNIP)

Just give us the kid's names, Lennie.

The rest is just subterfuge on your part to avoid the question.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Both "Quitefine" and Stebie (Assistant NCOIC
of Rage and Anger among the PCTA) don't understand that
"young ones" are not necessarily just their "own" offspring.

No siad "their own" offspring, Lennie.

Why do you continue to avoid the fact that there are NO documented
(as per FCC records) of "children" being a regulatory burden on their
enforcement requirements.

Stebie, the self-appointed "ethnic puritan" of this newsgroup...(SNIP)

Another lie, Lennie. Stop lying.

couldn't make it on his own as a Purchasing Agent of a small
electronics company, yet claims/postures/implies that he
"knows" all about radio-electronics engineering, what the
engineers know, what the engineers do, etc., etc., etc.
CLAIMS. Brags. Posturing. Stebie's forte' as a mighty
macho morseman.

More lies.

Why does Leonard H Anderson continue to lie?

Where are these alleged "claims" of "know(ing) all about

You've beena sked before. You never substantiate your claim.

YOU prove MY claim that you are a liar.


I make no "claim" of engineering. I AM one and have been for
many years. My professional occupation.

You claim to be an engineer. You refuse to produce any
references, other than a few by-lines in a failed Amateur magazine, to
show such work.

Stebie is a NURSE.

That's not quite correct.

I am GOOD Nurse.

The "surreal" part of Miccolis and Robeson's diatribes is that:

1. No pediatrician is required to be a "parent." There is NO
such "requirement" in any academic organization to "be a
parent" in ANY degreed/titled work involving children OR
procreation of children.

There's nothing "surreal" about it at all.

What's "surreal" is an unlicensed, childless old man petitioning
the FCC to enact an age limit where one is not called for.

2. "Quitefine" (Miccolis) seems to disregard laws of physics
in that ALL radios work by the SAME physical laws,
regardless of human designations as to their application.
[inconceivable that a claimed double-degree individual
would insist that ONLY licensed radio amateurs (who have
obtained a federal merit badge only in amateurism) can
express any opinion at all.

Leonard H. Anderson perpetrates yet ANOTHER lie.

NEVER ONCE has Jim Miccolis, myself, or any other licensed
participant in this fourm suggested anything of the like.

3. In the United States of America, ANY citizen has the RIGHT
to comment to their government on ANY law or regulation
REGARDLESS of whether or not they have any "license" or
other "authorization" to "operate" under some rules or

Sure they do.

And it's also glaring apparent when the "petitioner" has absolutely
no idea what they are talking about.

That usually comes from not having any practical experience in the
subject matter they are commenting on. IE: Lennie and Amateur Radio
or Child Rearing.

4. Neither Miccolis ("Quitefine") nor Robeson have ANY
"authority" to RULE on U.S. amateur radio regulations,
yet the seek to bar, to subjugate, to eliminate ANYONE
BUT licensed radio amateurs from even talking about it.
Apparently those two control freaks do not understand
that NO FCC Commissioner or staff member is "required"
to possess an amateur radio license in order to offcially
regulate U.S. amateur radio.

You continue THIS misrepresentation despite there being absolutely
no evidence of ANYone except YOU trying to "enforce" some kind of
censorship...As a matter of fact, within the last 5 days alone you've
made no fewer than four direct demands to "shut up", "drop it", and
"LEAVE IT ALONE" and "just forget it"...

5. Miccolis-"Quitefine" has NOT YET stated how many offspring
HE has parented. He implies he has but the number, gender,
are all big unknowns. Robeson has only mentioned his
"offspring" from his second marriage...neglecting any
mention of "offspring" from his first, failed marriage.
Regardless of the NON-applicability of "offspring" as
the ONLY "authoritative experience" in discussing young
people, they implore (if not directly order) "offspring"
as a "prime requirement" to talk about young people.

Lies, lies and more lies.

I've mentioned all of my kids at one time or another, Lennie.

Tsk, tsk. A radio does NOT operate by different laws of
physics because some government agency designates it as

So what? "Physics" isn't the only consideration.

And Lennie's been asked to please show where ANYone, other than
him, has made said issue of it...

No answers.


A blatant lie.

Provide JUST ONE quote rom ANY of us wherein we state that the
physics of radiowave propagation are any different for Amateur Radio
than any other service.

Apparently these two control
freaks do not have sufficient reading comprehension...or have
a psychological inability to separate their fantasies from
reality. They are continuously "making issues" of such
"clubhouse rules" where only THEY can "rule" yet neither one
has legal/lawful/actual authority to rule.

We'll see when you produce the above requested cite.

Once upon a time the idea that "teeners" using spark gaps and old
Model T ignition coils for "communications" would be nothing more than
a fad...

"SPARK," technically damped impulse oscillation, is FORBIDDEN
by law.

Sure it is.

But that doesn't negate my (factual) notation that early radio was
once deemed nothing mroe than a "fad", just like text messaging is for
kids today.

Jimmie boy,

There you go again. Why do you call names like that, Len?
Is there a reason you can't just call me "Jim", the way I
call you "Len"?

That might make you his "peer", Jim...

Can't have that!

PCTA Extra Double Standard. "Quitefine" and Stebie both
"allow" name-calling such as "PUTZ" and "gutless coward"
to others, yet object to their aliases or diminutive forms
of their given names.

Jim, in ANY "manifestation", has never called you ANY name.

Miccolis is NOT my "peer."

Acutally, in THIS forum, you are not HIS peer. You aren't even in
the same room, let alone sitting at the same table with him.

Stebie is a NURSE, has not even
worked IN any electronics engineering position...(SNIP)


(UNSNIP)...nor has he done HF communications while in the military.

Not true.

And you said there must have been fraud involved. You accused ARRL and
the VEs involved of dishonesty. Right here. That's a fact. Shall I
repost those claims?

Tsk, tsk. I wrote, some time ago, that the ARRL "sins by omission."
They do so often, especially in their publications on the history
of radio. The ARRL over-emphasizes (from omitting other workers
in radio) the "role" that radio amateurs have played in the
evolution of radio communications.

Big snip of irrelevent historical diversion...

You point-blank called the League, in general, and the BoD in
particular, "dishonest".

You've been challenged over and over to provide SOME sort of
verifiable reference that at least corroborates a CLAIM of dishonesty,
let alone any facts to substantiate it.

The first use of Single Sideband techniques...(SNIP)

13 lines of non-pertinet diversion.

The ARRL has implied that quartz crystal frequency stability
owes its existance (especially after WW2) to "efforts by hams"
(in more pioneering). They neglect an overall electronics
industry need for stable frequency control. They neglect the
tremendous effort on wartime production of quartz crystal units
by the electronics industry - A million quartz units a month
in the last three years of WW2 and a national priority second
only to the Manhattan Project. By not mentioning what has
been known in the electronics industry they imply that hams
are responsible for the pioneering...which tells ham hobbyists
nice emotional things that make them feel important.

The FACTS are that this crystanl control WAS pioneered by Amateurs
and implemented by them.

The first use of VHF FM in mobile communications was pioneered
by commercial companies (Link and Motorola) and a few police
departments prior to WW2. That was vastly increased by the U.S.
military during WW2. The EM spectrum from VHF and up was opened
by the whole radio world just before and certainly after WW2.
Real history. The ARRL in QST magazine still refers to that
huge part of the EM spectrum as "the world above 50 MHz" as if
it is a sort of ghetto.


The characteristics of radio wave propagation ARE different above
50Mhz. Perhaps if you were actually PRACTICED in the radio arts you'd
know this.

Where the HF part...(SNIP)

Seventeen lines of diversion.

The ARRL still want to ignore the obvious fact of the
overwhelmingly-most-increasing class in amateur radio being
Technicians. They want to gloss over the fact that most of
those are NO-CODE-TEST Technicians. That pleases the old
man hams who still think that morsemanship is "important" in
radio. Those old men (chronologically or in mindset) want to
fantasize their dreams of "being somebody." They like the
words that feed their fantasies...and that lets the League
hang onto them and keep them members.

More absolutley dishonest and deceitful rhetoric.

WHY does Leonard H Anderson continue to lie in the face of
overwhelming evidence to the contrary...?!?!

There are several more subjects on radio history that can be
shown, but the fantasizers and imaginers and those who want
to posture about their "importance" will object and call names.
Their "intellectual" response is to bring out idolated cases
that are supposed to "refute" challenges of the actual
sinning by omission by the mighty League.

Even a casual perusal of ARRL publications will show Lennie's
tales to be exactly that...tales...

Our local club recently added two new licensees...both 9....No
record, but yet more evidence that there ARE "young 'uns" entering
Amateur Radio.

Irrelevant, relatively isolated case. Apparently neither one
is the offspring of Stebie - who once touted the "ability" and
"dedication" of his own 9-year-old.

Not irrelevent. Factual. It's happening all over the United

Even in Southern California.

The rest of us IN the radio-electronics industry will continue
doing our adult things.

Like what?

You've not done a single "adult" thing here. You deceive...

We will pat you on the head when you
are nice and spank you when you misbehave.

No you won't.

Go to your room.

Yet another Lennieism for "shut up"

Steve, K4YZ

  #66   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 08:10 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "K4YZ" on 2 Jun 2005 18:34:43 -0700

From: "K4YZ" on Wed 1 Jun 2005 23:00

Stebie NEVER worked HF communications in the USMC.

THAT is abslutely UNRUE, Lennie, and you've been provided
references to verify same.

Poor Stebie, already "UNRUE-ing" his words...

Just give us the kid's names, Lennie.

The rest is just subterfuge on your part to avoid the question.

Poor Stebie, wanna-be sub-stitute and "ASSISTANT" NCOIC.

Stebie striking for TERRORIST now? Tsk, tsk.

No siad "their own" offspring, Lennie.

Tsk, tsk. Quit jumping up and down with clenched fists, Stebie.
Write understandable English. Or Yiddish...

Stebie, the self-appointed "ethnic puritan" of this newsgroup...(SNIP)

Another lie, Lennie. Stop lying.

Stebie no say he gonna "keep after me?" :-)

Stebie say dat once.

More lies.


You've beena sked before. You never substantiate your claim.

Talking German? Scandinavian?

Ya, aye bin a "sked" before, aye had a "sked" ven small boy,
play-ed inna snow. Lotsa fun. Voopee!

You claim to be an engineer. You refuse to produce any
references, other than a few by-lines in a failed Amateur magazine, to
show such work.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, wanna-be torquemada lost his grip on the torture
machine handle, got tangled in the rack chains. :-)

Poor Stebie got a whole short-form resume of mine plus names
of hams as references. Stebie no check them out. Poor Stebie,
red in face, froth on lips, consumed by anger and hate. Stebie
NO LIKE resume, say it "CV" (curriculum vitae) and have no place
here. Bad Stebie.

What's "surreal" is an unlicensed, childless old man petitioning
the FCC to enact an age limit where one is not called for.

Stebie be nutso, ipso facto.

Len he got FCC commercial license.
Len he got California driver's license.
Len he got poetic license.

Len NOT "petition FCC."
Len make Comment on 22 NPRMs and Petitions.

NEVER ONCE has Jim Miccolis, myself, or any other licensed
participant in this fourm suggested anything of the like.

Stebie be perfect, nebber lie, say allatime odder pipples LIE!

And it's also glaring apparent when the "petitioner" has absolutely
no idea what they are talking about.

Stebie rite funny, he "aska sked" something. We not know what
Stebie babbling about.

You continue THIS misrepresentation despite there being absolutely
no evidence of ANYone except YOU trying to "enforce" some kind of
censorship...As a matter of fact, within the last 5 days alone you've
made no fewer than four direct demands to "shut up", "drop it", and
"LEAVE IT ALONE" and "just forget it"...

Poor poor Stebie. He show signs of early memory loss.

Stebie forget comment to FCC on 25 January 1999? One where
Stebie say I no can say nothing to FCC? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I've mentioned all of my kids at one time or another, Lennie.

Stebie make Big Issue out of issue? Stebie get 9-year-old's

Stebie be big macho man wid fambly. Two fambly. Lotsa alimony
paid to wifie #1.

Provide JUST ONE quote rom ANY of us wherein we state that the
physics of radiowave propagation are any different for Amateur Radio
than any other service.

Tsk, tsk. Stebie not show signs of understanding physics of
radio. Stebie take too many other "physics?" Take funny
stuff out of hospital pharmacy storage?

But that doesn't negate my (factual) notation that early radio was
once deemed nothing mroe than a "fad", just like text messaging is for
kids today.

Stebie gonna make Petition wid FCC? Stebie say all cellphone user
gotta take morse code test? Mebbe dey all get ham license?

Stebie hab fun in China. China got 300 MILLION cell phone users.

Stebie know morse code version for Chinese?

You point-blank called the League, in general, and the BoD in
particular, "dishonest".

Ooooo! Ooooo! Stebie be BELIEVER in Church of St. Hiram!

Stebie NOT understand "sin by omission." Tsk, tsk.

League nebber lie to Stebie. League be Church to Stebie!

You've been challenged over and over to provide SOME sort of
verifiable reference that at least corroborates a CLAIM of dishonesty,
let alone any facts to substantiate it.

Ooooo! Ooooo! Stebie forget long-ago postings in here!

Stebie hopping mad over anybody calling League dishonest!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

The FACTS are that this crystanl control WAS pioneered by Amateurs
and implemented by them.

Stebie be implemented wid brainwash. Stebie not know history
of piezoelectric phenomenon, think amateurs invent ALL...

The characteristics of radio wave propagation ARE different above
50Mhz. Perhaps if you were actually PRACTICED in the radio arts you'd
know this.

Stebie now think he be James Clerk Maxwell 2nd? Stebie nuts.

...the sun sets on the Tomb of the Unknown Solder as a solitary
figure in a patch-adorned flight suit slowly paces out his lonely
path of anger, J-38 in one hand, bayonetted USMC soldering iron
in the other. Pre-recorded marine marches softly fill the air,
interspersed with dits and dahs of a few PCTA morsebirds not yet
extinct. The Tomb of the Unknown Solder is a lonely place, deep
in the valley of neuroses, anger, and frustration. The single
sentinel counts cadennce to himself, muttering "flux you, flux
you" between the slow steps. His fists are clenched, eager to do
bottle but only sipping a cup of unkindness. It is sad but the
sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Solder keeps going. He does
not know why and that is the tragedy. The sun slowly sets on the
Tomb of the Unknown Solder leaving only the red light of fire in
the eyes of the muttering sentinel. Those glow in the dark like
LED pilot lights. Hatred lives on in his twilight of despair.

Temper fry.

  #67   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 10:00 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "K4YZ" on 2 Jun 2005 18:34:43 -0700

Stebie, the self-appointed "ethnic puritan" of this newsgroup...(SNIP)

Another lie, Lennie. Stop lying.

Stebie no say he gonna "keep after me?"

It has nothing to do with your (or anyone else's) ethnicity.

What's "surreal" is an unlicensed, childless old man petitioning
the FCC to enact an age limit where one is not called for.

Stebie be nutso, ipso facto.


Len he got FCC commercial license.

Yep. and not a bit of good for transmitting on ANY band. No
STATION license to transmit with.

Len he got California driver's license.

So do a million illegal aliens. Your point?

Len he got poetic license.

Unfortunatley he never uses that one.

Len NOT "petition FCC."

That's my point. You allege an impropriety in licensing. You
have been encouraged to do something about it. You haven't. No guts.

Len make Comment on 22 NPRMs and Petitions.

You mean you spammed the FCC with the same diatribe and personal
insults you accuse others of.

Stebie be perfect, nebber lie, say allatime odder pipples LIE!

You need help, Lennie.

...the sun sets on the Tomb of the Unknown Solder...(SNIP)

And once again Leonard H Anderson demonsrates his absolute lack of
respect and reverence for American soldiers who made the ultimate
sacrifice for their country.

Leonard H Anderson is a disgrace to all Veterans of the Armed
Forces of the United States, living or deceased.


steve, K4YZ

Temper fry.

  #68   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 01:49 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

If ever in doubt why the ham numbers are driving, drive over to a
college, ask students in the electronics engineering and technology
classes why they are not interested in getting a ham license. Many will
really not even know much about--however, when they hear the part about
code, and how for all privileges you must take the code test--you lose
I am sure now there will be a lot who disagree with this--they will ALL
be over 30 and they will never ask the people who would get the
licenses--why they DON'T get the licenses...
Nero fiddles--Rome burns...

Warmest regards,
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Many people lament that there is not enough interest in Ham radio by
young people.

There are often many reasons given for this deficiency, and somewhat
less "fixes".

One of the reasons that is given very often is that Amateur radio is
in some sort of competition with the Internet. Let us look at this

What is the competition between the two? In order to use the internet,
one must of course have a computer. It must be connected to the
internet, through one of several methods. Once the person has learned
to turn on the computer, open a few programs or so, they have the
necessary skills to work the internet.

Amateur radio on the other hand, requires that a radio be used, which
requires some skill in operating. An antenna system needs to be
connected to this radio. Whereas it is possible to have everything set
up for the Ham, most young people do not have the resources to have
someone set up their system. Coupled with the possibility of putting
an antenna in operation that only costs a few dollars, or even less if
the youngster has good scrounging skills, the likelihood is that they
would design and put up their own antenna, another skill needed.

So there is a large difference in the skills needed for the two

Cell phones as competition? While there is a temptation to snipe "Get
Real!", I'll address those too.

What would make a person decide to take up Cell phone use as a hobby?
Cell phones allow you to talk to people that you know (for the most
part) and operate in the same manner as a regular telephone, save that
you take the cell with you, and you are generally tied in the same
building with a standard telephone. It's hard to imagine someone doing
that as a hobby, although there are a lot of people who spend a lot of
time using them.

So what makes a youngster decide to become a Ham?

We can try using the input of those who became Hams at a young age.
Most of what I have heard is that the person was very interested in
the technical aspects involved with getting on the air. Making
antennas, building rigs, and getting them on the air was a big part of
the attraction.

In the end, I believe that it is young people that have a technical
interest that will likely become Hams.

And that, I believe, is the crux of the issue.

America is not a place that encourages those who might be thinking of
a technical career. We have a tendency to encourage a more "pop
culture" outlook, which as often as not discounts actual learning for
"street cred", and actually turns the smart person into an object of
ridicule. There are levels, and there are levels. If a person is
intelligent, and wants a good livelihood, you will find careers that
are acceptable. You can be a movie star, or perhaps a lawyer. A whole
spectrum follows, but engineering and the technical fields are not
very high on that list.

How often is the Techie portrayed as a sort of Bill Nye, the science
guy type (at best). How about the smart woman who takes off her
glasses and suddenly becomes the hot babe? Professor Frink on "The
Simpsons"? Pop culture is not kind to the technical types.

My experiences with programs like "bring your sons and daughters to
work day" shows that almost none of the kids is even thinking of a
technical field. A lot want to be lawyers.

Once in the past, we were scared into thinking that maybe science and
technology was maybe not such a bad thing. That happened when the
commies launched Sputnik. Suddenly it seemed important that at least
some of our kids decided to work in the sciences. Hopefully we will
decide that again without having to be shocked into it.

I am pretty firmly convinced that until we stop catering to the least
common denominator, until we stop marginalizing the technically and
scientifically inclined, we will not find many youngsters who want to
come into our hobby.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #69   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 08:43 PM
Posts: n/a

John Smith wrote:
If ever in doubt why the ham numbers are driving...(SNIP)

You don't know how many nights I've sat up wondering where Amateur
numbers were "driving" to...

(UNSNIP) over to a
college, ask students in the electronics engineering and technology
classes why they are not interested in getting a ham license.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...classes and working to pay for the

Many will
really not even know much about--however, when they hear the part about
code, and how for all privileges you must take the code test--you lose


YOU will lose them...I tell them about all the great things you
can do with an Amateur License, even the NO CODE TECHNICIAN which
conveys all operating modes and 97% of all allocated frequencies...

That Morse test only applies to less than 3% of Amateur
allocations, and only if you want to operate on HF.

I am sure now there will be a lot who disagree with this--they will ALL
be over 30 and they will never ask the people who would get the
licenses--why they DON'T get the licenses...

Why should I wonder...?!?!

LOTS of people don't wear dayglo fingernail polish, eat kim-chi,
or have sex in phone booths...

But SOME do!

Nero fiddles--Rome burns...

Let me guess...YOU are the tone deaf nerd in flammable
footie-bottom PJ's asking him if he'll take requests.

Warmest regards,



Uh huh...

Steve, K4YZ

  #70   Report Post  
Old June 3rd 05, 09:21 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a

Ahhh, my typos grow more numerous with age... declining is the word I
meant to type...
As I said, this argument will go on, numbers decline, and always fixes
for a non-existent problem will be applied, I have watched this for
decades now--code is dead and no one will accept that--they won't even
ask the people who WOULD get the licenses if that is true--and it is...
I have asked...

As I look at it, hams are all a bunch which want to destroy the hobby
and watch it die as freqs are stripped away and their numbers become too
small to be of interest to anyone, let alone the FCC... they would ONLY
do this if they wanted the hobby to die--but for some strange
reason--wish to claim otherwise!!! ... go figure...

Warmest regards,

"K4YZ" wrote in message
John Smith wrote:
If ever in doubt why the ham numbers are driving...(SNIP)

You don't know how many nights I've sat up wondering where Amateur
numbers were "driving" to...

(UNSNIP) over to a
college, ask students in the electronics engineering and technology
classes why they are not interested in getting a ham license.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...classes and working to pay for the

Many will
really not even know much about--however, when they hear the part
code, and how for all privileges you must take the code test--you


YOU will lose them...I tell them about all the great things you
can do with an Amateur License, even the NO CODE TECHNICIAN which
conveys all operating modes and 97% of all allocated frequencies...

That Morse test only applies to less than 3% of Amateur
allocations, and only if you want to operate on HF.

I am sure now there will be a lot who disagree with this--they will
be over 30 and they will never ask the people who would get the
licenses--why they DON'T get the licenses...

Why should I wonder...?!?!

LOTS of people don't wear dayglo fingernail polish, eat kim-chi,
or have sex in phone booths...

But SOME do!

Nero fiddles--Rome burns...

Let me guess...YOU are the tone deaf nerd in flammable
footie-bottom PJ's asking him if he'll take requests.

Warmest regards,



Uh huh...

Steve, K4YZ

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