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  #121   Report Post  
Old June 20th 05, 04:51 AM
Posts: n/a

Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"bb" wrote in message

Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"bb" wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:

I and the OM also worked some of the VHF contest and noticed a very
thing. Only 10% of the contacts that we made were Technician
the other hand, 80% of them were Extra class operators. So where are
the Techs who are "trapped" in VHF and above because they "can't" pass
code (as some would have us believe)?

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Dee, I'm going to guess (i.e., don't ask me for facts, figures,
substantive studies, reports from the FCC/ARRL, etc) that of the Techs
that have stayed in amateur radio, most have done so for the emergency
communications aspect of the service. As such, they would typically
stay on FM.

The ones who could learn Morse Code and have had to time to do so have
moved up. Those who didn't have the time or couldn't learn it have
moved on.

It's nice to see Miss Manners finally noticing something amiss in the

"bb" is just full of all sorts of assumptions, ain't he boys and girls?

Using his logic then all us "higher" class operators need to get out of
EMCOM, eh?

I'll be sure to tell the Extra class Emergency Net Control operator next
time I see her.


Dan, you're welcome to tell her anything you want. She's probably
already aware that you usually get it wrong anyway.

Do you have trouble chewing gum and walking Bryan?

I don't chew gum. I don't smoke, either. Did you have a point?

  #122   Report Post  
Old June 20th 05, 07:00 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "bb" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 15:2

From: "bb" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 08:50
From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 00:07
"bb" wrote in message

You sir, are nothing but a agitator and a disgrace to ham radio in

assuming you have a license that is.

Godwin invoked. [ :-) ]

Attitude-wise, Dan = Stebie.

It's a NEW "Godwin" observation in here. Whenever someone goes
against the league-published grain of the olde-tyme hammes, they
are immediately labeled "slamming ham radio" or, in Danterms,
"agitator and disgrace." :-)

Them olde-fahrt morsemen gotta have...:

ALL shall march to the same drummer, in ranks, with one voice
counting cadence as taught in the Church of St. Hiram. NONE
shall speak against the Elite, the PCTA Extras.

ONE "service," all wearing the same "uniform." Totalitarian.

March, march, beep, beep...

Dan and Dave and the remaining living PCTAs haven't much changed
since '98 in here. They command a consensus of common thought;
i.e., CONCEDE to THEIR consensus, none others.

You can have any opinion you like as long as it's theirs.

Henry Ford invoked! ["you can have any car color you want
as long as it is black"]

Same thing in this "newsgroup" I guess. :-)

I see there's a Jim Miccolis N2EY posting below. I haven't gotten to
it yet, as I'm saving the best for last. Hope he doesn't disappoint as
he has ever since he made the comment, "A Morse Exam would be a barrier
to CW use."

Oh, oh...dat put Sister Nun of the Above into ruler-spank mode
again. She demand posting quote of where, when she make dat.
Dis be court of law! Bang da gavel, heah come de judge, heah
come de judge...

I think, after she stated that ALL exams are arbitrary, that she
decided to duck and run. Apparently, none of the PCTA heard her
remark, which included the Morse/Farnsworth exam. Right now she's
zagging across the lawn in Newington, looking for sanctuary.

Heh, I think I'd rather watch a DVD of "Logan's Run." :-)

Jimmie can't bear to acknowledge that the current percentage of
Technician and Technican Plus class licensees are now at 48.4
percent of all individual (non-club) licensees in the USA.
Jimmie has to rationalize that with all sorts of rather irrelevant
"excuses" common to the Elitist PCTA viewpoint of all those
commonfolk not embracing morsemanship with loving open arms.

Jim is somewhat frail. He's much better off not thinking about it.

The beginning of the end...

Tsk, since Jimmie became "tollmaster" in here, he ought to get
up a Pool on when the two Tech class license totals reach 50%!

Should be less than a year from now the way I see it. :-)

"Jes tellin' da truth an' they cain't stand it!" [Danism]

ARS (aka Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society) is in full flower in
here, their self-appointed self-righteous "representatives"
damning all who do not respect their mighty elitist rule. The
ARS only has "fun" when all licensees do as the Elites do, that
is, doing narrowband morse beeping.

And one keeps asking me where the Techs have gone. Hi!

They haven't gone to the "lower part of the bands" (on HF).

Olde-fahrt morsemen ought to be very happy. :-)

They aren't. Still so ANGRY!

The LAW is the LAW and NO LAWS CAN EVER BE CHANGED according to
these "guardians of amateur paradise." Code test MUST remain.
PCTA say so. No arguments against. Period. [sigh...]

There must still be some of them working for the FCC.

Must be. Or FCC cares so little about amateur radio that they
aren't doing anything about those 18 Petitions. No sign of
reaching a decision on which or what.

Happy Father's Day to you, Brian.

And to you, Len.

Thank you. Maybe next year it might be (for me) "great-grand"
instead of just "grand." :-)

Watch for responses to THAT little gem! :-) Davie gonna
chime in with "all those years you said you were 'interested' in
radio you never got a ham license!" Tsk, tsk, Too bad I got a
commercial ticket and then went into the electronics industry,
huh? :-) Sister Nun of the Above gonna try some ruler-spank
on that, too, lotsa stuff about "how many children I parented."
Sister NOT say how many he have parented...will ignore and
try misdirection to avoid answering.

Lotsa fun wid dese PCTA Extra folk allatime "sitting in
judgement" and hollering "order in da court!" :-)

"Book 'em, Danno!"

beep, beep

  #123   Report Post  
Old June 20th 05, 07:02 AM
Posts: n/a

From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:36

"bb" wrote in message
Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"Dave Heil" wrote in message

Indeed it does. David has articulated, and Dan has agreed that a Tech
really isn't worth much as an amateur if they don't do the things that
Dave, Dan and Dee want them to be doing. I'm sure that your attitudes
spill over into your communication with those unworthy Techs.

Not only a Dip****, but a dumbass as well, eh N0IMD? Just keep making up
what you want.

The FCC wants the Technician to UPGRADE. So do we......whats wrong with


Plenty WRONG, "dip**** dumbass Dan." FCC did NOT "want anyone" to
do anything but obey the law.

Here's a clue, you southern-fried Einstein: FCC is NOT in ANY
position to endorse or motivate any radio amateur. They aren't
charterd by Congress to do so.

"Wanting anyone to upgrade" is a subject for clubs and private
organizations. Mostly that means the ARRL. Here's another clue:
The ARRL does NOT regulate U.S. amateur radio...regardless of
what they infer.

Sunnuvagun! [thank you Hans for originating that into the
mainstream of American colloquialisms over a
century or so back... :-) ]

Thanks for the insight into the "Mind of Dan."

Just tellin the truth and you cain't stand it.

Tsk, dip**** dumbass Dan, the southern-fried Einstein (wannabe).

Good luck with that now...

  #124   Report Post  
Old June 20th 05, 09:01 PM
Posts: n/a

From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:46

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

Some folks back then wanted the General but settled for a tech license when
they couldn't pass muster at 13. Unfortunately, if you got on the air (back
when, 2 meters was the novice voice band to try and get more activity on 2
meters!) it was possible to *never* work on the code and you were stuck as a
tech. Most likely 6 meters was the band of choice as the best front ends
might have had a 4.5 dB noise figure on 440 MHz. Even 2 meters wasn't all
that busy; Heathkit sixers and twoers were the rigs of the day. I really
wan't familiar with any territory above 30 MHz back then.

When is "back then?" And how can an LOS path be "busy" in a
non-urban area? Picture sitting around waiting for ducting or
temperature inversion to reach out beyond 30 to 40 miles...

The other choice was to work on your code. The novice license was issued
for one year and was not renewable. I took this choice and it took me a
while to get my code speed up. When I did take the test and pass 13, I was
good for about 18 (which helps when you're nervous and travel 60 miles to
take the test administered by the FCC, not a VEC).

So? I traveled 90 miles by train to the Chicago FCC office for
my First 'Phone test. No snow and I kept my shoes on all the way.

Of course, there were those that were only interested in VHF and above.

The Army's Project Diana proved the feasibility of moonbounce
right after WW2. 70 to 90 MHz and 250 MHz VHF radio relay was
already operational at that time and capable of working 24/7.
Aircraft radios were already up in VHF via the SCR-522 and the
last versions of the ARC-5 sets. Many, many VHF radios for
vehicular mobile were working away, first for the military during
WW2 and a few police departments before WW2...FM of course. TV
broadcast had already begun right after WW2 on VHF and production
was beginning to ramp up for the virtual explosion in set making
for ordinary consumers. AT&T was planning the microwave links
that would span the country and making the prototypes in the lab.
FM broadcast had already started on low VHF and was reassigned
at double the frequency after WW2. Consumers could get "AM/FM"
table model radios off the shelf. Raytheon near Santa Barbara,
CA, was testing something new called a "Radarange" that would
shortly afterwards evolve into a microwave oven...and would be
sold entire (big mistake financially) to Amana. All that taking
place in the latter half of the 1940s.

USA amateur radio was all about "working DX on HF with CW" at
the same time...real "radio pioneering." Read all about it in
library copies of QST.

Moonbounce was just starting to happen and dx records at 1.2 GHz and above
were likely measured in miles. Not many. A very low noise pre-amp on 440
MHz probably had a 4.5 dB noise figure. Once you headed into microwaves,
you simply had a diode mixer front end and not only noise, but signal loss
as well. Not at all like today. Most vacuum tubes had interelectrode
capacitances and delays in getting electrons across the void that prohibited
most from operation much above 500 MHz. There were lighthouse tubes,
travelling wave tubes, and others (I had a couple of gizmos that looked like
Sputnik. I never knew what they were intended for LOL).

Vacuum tube transit time was an already known phenomenon prior
to WW2. A magnetron was a vacuum's path from cathode
to plate(s) was MUCH longer than a wavelength at 10 GHz yet it
worked quite well at high-KW power levels. TWTs were a post-WW2
innovation and were already flying in the McDonnell "Quail" decoy
missles in 1958. GE and others were already using inverted
lighthouse 2C39s at 1.8 GHz in 1953 for multichannel radio relay.

Funny thing is that if you do get to a reasonable level of code proficiency
(as required by the General class and above back when) there was yet another
danger: you just might enjoy it )

The olde-fahrts in ham radio had already decreed that amateurs
had to begin as they did in the 20s and 30s...working to make
sure the rules would make all newcomers do AS THEY HAD TO DO.
"Excellence" in ham radio of the 40s and 50s was radiotelegraphy
on it is a half century later. [olde-fahrts breed other
olde-fahrts in some strange twist on perverse Darwinism]

Communications carriers were ALREADY ESTABLISHED on HF prior to
WW2, including SSB (but at a wider format of 12 KHz BW for SSB).
The Solar cycle was known as was the ionosphere (courtesy of the
academics, not the amateurs) and all that remained post-WW2 was
to study more intimate details of the ionospheric layers...which
was mapped by commercially-made ionospheric sounders.

Returning veterans were busy at the Legion Halls, telling stories
of radio derring-do "during the WAR" with CW saving the day, etc.
The more alcohol intake, the greater their telegraphic "heroism"
became. Pretty soon they were all "sending intel from behind
enemy lines with CW" until tossed out of the Hall at closing.
That dip****ness kept on with some all the way to 1991, including
one in here whose "son did that in the first Gulf War." BS.

Yep was "up or out". Novice good for 1 year, non renewable
and can't get it again. Talk about incentive licensing.


For WHAT? A HOBBY? A recreation? A passtime?

Prior to 1956 ANYONE could go to an FCC Field Office and take
a First Class exam for a COMMERCIAL license for WORK. None of
that hoop-jumping of union-enforced "skill levels" and "going
through the ranks" bull****. For money-paying WORK.

No, the HOBBY rules HAD to be like some union hall or guild or
craftsmanlike apprentice-journeyman-master with CW being the
ultimate "skill." A bunch of olde-fahrt-inspired "rules" of
making like they were pros. Make-believe.

A very good friend mine, Ray, K8DEN recently passed away. I am so happy
he finally was able to get on HF. Thats right as a 5wpm General. He was
like you said, just could NOT learn the code. Whether physical or mental I
don't know.

Sorry, that's NOT GOOD ENOUGH. In order to DEDICATION AND
*MUST* show morsemanship of high rates. According to all these
"radio experts" in hamdom, ANYONE CAN LEARN THE CODE!

WORK HARD FOR A HOBBY! Make CW your prime committment in life!

Radiotelegraphy is EVERYTHING in amateur radio!!!

...then was tough. But it was fun. I had it both ways.

[we aren't interested in your early sex life...]

It is much easier for the beginning ham now than it was for us Jim. Perhaps
it is too easy and that is the problem.

SWEAT, STRAIN, STRESS and now nobody respects your mighty
accomplishments of overcoming pre-WW2 standards and practices in

I can wear out my ticket punch on all your TS cards, southern-
fried Einstein, but I'll toss 'em right back in your florid face.

Fifty-two years ago I and two other newbies got one afternoon's
"schooling" on QSYing a 1 KW HF transmitter. Do this, do that,
all without having done it before. See MSgt Ouye for manuals on
"how it works." One HF transmitter out of three dozen ranging up
to 15 KW at that time (bigger ones to come). 24/7 operation for
a headquarters command, the Korean War still going. We all
learned that and more, did our thing. No stories, no phony
braggart herioism. This was WORK. Wanna be better? OK, just
grab a TM and study. Nobody gets neat certificates suitable for
framing, no "high scores" in "contests," no "personal callsigns"
to make out like we were "big shots." We just kept the messages
going through. 24/7 on HF.

OH! how "tough" you AMATEURS had it! How you must have suffered!
Nobody worked as hard for a HOBBY as you mighty morsemen did!

Have you considered Grief Counseling, mighty troubled warrior
of the AMATEUR airwaves?

  #125   Report Post  
Old June 20th 05, 09:04 PM
Posts: n/a

From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:53

wrote in message
From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 00:07
"bb" wrote in message

You sir, are nothing but a agitator and a disgrace to ham radio in general,
assuming you have a license that is.

Godwin invoked. [ :-) ]

Attitude-wise, Dan = Stebie.

ALL shall march to the same drummer, in ranks, with one voice
counting cadence as taught in the Church of St. Hiram. NONE
shall speak against the Elite, the PCTA Extras.

ONE "service," all wearing the same "uniform." Totalitarian.

Hey Lennie....did that beating you took with the lye soap leave any
permanent scars?

No "beating," no "lye soap," no "scars," you southern-fried
dumbass dip****.

I never ever suffered something that YOU must have gone through.

I've figured this guy out folks. He was a barracks lawyer that got caught
up in several barracks parties. A total loser.

"Loser?" In what? I was in Signal, not Judge Advocate Corps.
A long time ago. Radio communications for a major area
command. Began that as an E-2 no-striper, ended it as an E-5
with three up and one down after three years in last assignment.
Half a century ago. Never had to learn/use radiotelegraphy then
or since in a career in electronics design...nor in electronics
AND radio as a hobby activity.

What am I a "loser" IN, southern-fried dumbass dip**** Dan?
I've got an education via formal schooling and self-study, money
in the bank, house(s) long-ago all paid off, a brand-new car in
the garage since Friday (all paid off fully this Monday) and am
happily married to my high school sweetheart.

Oh, yeah...I'm a "loser" because I don't "respect" and "honor"
your amateur radio ethos and mythology about morsemanship? I'm a
"loser" because I won't sit back and take your FILTHY comments
when you act all "tuff" in words? It's absurdly easy to call
others all sorts of filthy names like "dip****," "dumbass,"
"putz" and other things. Maybe that's it...I'll have to get
all "manly" and start calling others names?

I'm a "loser" because I was interested in ALL radio and did NOT
get a ham license first as I "was supposed to?" Must be. I
"cheated" and got a COMMERCIAL license FIRST and then went to
WORK in the aerospace industry. Yeah, a "loser" because I don't
worship at the Church of St. Hiram and tell tales down at the
Hall about radio heroism in southern Asia, a war that ENDED

Yeah, I'm a "loser" because I don't kiss your extra ass and
give you TLC when you make all your sob stories about "how
tough YOU had it" long ago...? Is that it?

Oh yeah, I'm a "loser" because I just want the government to
eliminate the code test for a HOBBY radio license...and watch
all those PCTA extra "winners" sit here and call the NCTAs lots
of filthy names and make up stories about what I "did."

Dip**** Dan, ordinarily I'd tell you to just "go to hell."
I don't need to. You've made it there on your own. Enjoy.

  #126   Report Post  
Old June 20th 05, 09:11 PM
Posts: n/a

bb Jun 19, 10:51 pm show options

Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"bb" wrote in message

Dan/W4NTI wrote:
"bb" wrote in message

It's nice to see Miss Manners finally noticing something amiss n the

"bb" is just full of all sorts of assumptions, ain't he boys and girls?

Using his logic then all us "higher" class operators need to get out of
EMCOM, eh?

I'll be sure to tell the Extra class Emergency Net Control operator next
time I see her.


Dan, you're welcome to tell her anything you want. She's probably
already aware that you usually get it wrong anyway.

Do you have trouble chewing gum and walking Bryan?

I don't chew gum. I don't smoke, either. Did you have a point?

Probably on his head...

  #127   Report Post  
Old June 21st 05, 01:39 AM
Louis Tyler
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:53

wrote in message
From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 00:07
"bb" wrote in message

You sir, are nothing but a agitator and a disgrace to ham radio in

assuming you have a license that is.

Godwin invoked. [ :-) ]

Attitude-wise, Dan = Stebie.

ALL shall march to the same drummer, in ranks, with one voice
counting cadence as taught in the Church of St. Hiram. NONE
shall speak against the Elite, the PCTA Extras.

ONE "service," all wearing the same "uniform." Totalitarian.

Hey Lennie....did that beating you took with the lye soap leave any
permanent scars?

No "beating," no "lye soap," no "scars," you southern-fried
dumbass dip****.

I never ever suffered something that YOU must have gone through.

I've figured this guy out folks. He was a barracks lawyer that got caught
up in several barracks parties. A total loser.

"Loser?" In what? I was in Signal, not Judge Advocate Corps.
A long time ago. Radio communications for a major area
command. Began that as an E-2 no-striper, ended it as an E-5
with three up and one down after three years in last assignment.
Half a century ago.

Lennie's angry tirade snipped...

My, my, Lennie. You are obviously, as evidenced by your tantrum, much more
capable of handing out insults than you are at receiving them.
What ever is the matter, Lennie? Did big, mean and nasty old Southern Fried
Dan, as you put it, hit a soft spot on Poor Lennie's overly inflated
Three up and one down? An E-5?? In whose Army?

My, my. That big, nasty old Dan sure got you riled!


  #128   Report Post  
Old June 21st 05, 01:40 AM
Posts: n/a

Dee Flint wrote:
All the licensing
requirements are arbitrary. Every single one of them.

I would use the phrase "only based on FCC's judgement and experience"
rather than "arbitrary", but that's a minor point. Otherwise agree
100%. Not only that, but many if not most of the
rules are only based on FCC's judgement and experience too.

For example, the maximum power an amateur station may use in
the USA is 1500 W peak output. Why 1500 W - why not 1000 W,
or 2000 W, or something else? Why not any power level that an
amateur can put on the air and still meet RF exposure and spurious
emission rules?

Tthere are several radio services for
which no testing is required. So if some services do not need testing, then it is arbitrary for those that do. However the
goals and purposes of
amateur radio make it desireable to test candidates for these

And those goals and purposes are based on FCC's judgement and
experience as well. FCC could, if they wanted, simply define
amateur radio as "hobby radio", but they haven't done so.

If you wish to discontinue healthy, legitimate discourse with respect
to amateur policy, I understand. It is not for the faint of heart.

Best of Luck, Brian

The problem with the Morse discussion is that every possible
argument on either side has been aired dozens, if not hundreds, of times.
It is not healthy to continue discussing this policy issue. No new data
comes to light. No new rational has come up. There's no point in rehashing the same issues.

I disagree!

There's always the possibility that some new idea, argument, or
information will result from a discussion. Even the passage of time
gives new insights.

For example, the 2000 restructuring that reduced both code and
written testing did not result in sustained growth of the number
of US hams. We saw a small rise for a few years, but since April 2003
or so the numbers have been in a slow decline. This data clearly
indicates that the license test requirements aren't the
limiting factor to longterm growth.

Sooner or later the FCC will rule and we'll all have to
live with the consequences good or bad.

Yep. But until they do, we can refine and develop our
arguments on both sides.

As for it being unhealthy to discuss, I'd say that as long as
the discussion remains at a civil level, without misquotes and
personal attacks, it's healthy.

If the result is as the NCTA state that it will be, i.e. a big wave of new
hams plus a big wave of hams upgrading and getting on HF, just watch the DX
stations, especially the rare ones, hide down on CW even more
than they are now.

That's one big reason we have subbands-by-mode.

If you exclude Japan, the US has more amateur radio operators
than the
rest of the world combined. If the bands get as busy as the
NCTAs imply
they will from this rush of new and upgrading hams, a lot of us will be drifting even more to CW just to find some room.

Or the data modes.

On the other hand, if the PCTAs are correct, i.e. the impact
will be
insignificant just as other changes of the recent past have
been, then there
is NO reason to change the requirements. Changes that have
little to no
noticeable impact aren't worth the bother of implementing.

That's true. But there are other factors:

- Reducing the license requirements still further may have negative

- If there's no real effect, the solution obviously lies elsewhere. But
some may not want to accept that fact.

- Once the requirements are reduced, it may be near-impossible
to get them raised back up.

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #129   Report Post  
Old June 21st 05, 01:40 AM
Posts: n/a

Yep......he had his ass beat in a barracks party, more than one I am sure.

Lennie the loser.


wrote in message
From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:53

wrote in message
From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 00:07
"bb" wrote in message

You sir, are nothing but a agitator and a disgrace to ham radio in
assuming you have a license that is.

Godwin invoked. [ :-) ]

Attitude-wise, Dan = Stebie.

ALL shall march to the same drummer, in ranks, with one voice
counting cadence as taught in the Church of St. Hiram. NONE
shall speak against the Elite, the PCTA Extras.

ONE "service," all wearing the same "uniform." Totalitarian.

Hey Lennie....did that beating you took with the lye soap leave any
permanent scars?

No "beating," no "lye soap," no "scars," you southern-fried
dumbass dip****.

I never ever suffered something that YOU must have gone through.

I've figured this guy out folks. He was a barracks lawyer that got caught
up in several barracks parties. A total loser.

"Loser?" In what? I was in Signal, not Judge Advocate Corps.
A long time ago. Radio communications for a major area
command. Began that as an E-2 no-striper, ended it as an E-5
with three up and one down after three years in last assignment.
Half a century ago. Never had to learn/use radiotelegraphy then
or since in a career in electronics design...nor in electronics
AND radio as a hobby activity.

What am I a "loser" IN, southern-fried dumbass dip**** Dan?
I've got an education via formal schooling and self-study, money
in the bank, house(s) long-ago all paid off, a brand-new car in
the garage since Friday (all paid off fully this Monday) and am
happily married to my high school sweetheart.

Oh, yeah...I'm a "loser" because I don't "respect" and "honor"
your amateur radio ethos and mythology about morsemanship? I'm a
"loser" because I won't sit back and take your FILTHY comments
when you act all "tuff" in words? It's absurdly easy to call
others all sorts of filthy names like "dip****," "dumbass,"
"putz" and other things. Maybe that's it...I'll have to get
all "manly" and start calling others names?

I'm a "loser" because I was interested in ALL radio and did NOT
get a ham license first as I "was supposed to?" Must be. I
"cheated" and got a COMMERCIAL license FIRST and then went to
WORK in the aerospace industry. Yeah, a "loser" because I don't
worship at the Church of St. Hiram and tell tales down at the
Hall about radio heroism in southern Asia, a war that ENDED

Yeah, I'm a "loser" because I don't kiss your extra ass and
give you TLC when you make all your sob stories about "how
tough YOU had it" long ago...? Is that it?

Oh yeah, I'm a "loser" because I just want the government to
eliminate the code test for a HOBBY radio license...and watch
all those PCTA extra "winners" sit here and call the NCTAs lots
of filthy names and make up stories about what I "did."

Dip**** Dan, ordinarily I'd tell you to just "go to hell."
I don't need to. You've made it there on your own. Enjoy.

  #130   Report Post  
Old June 21st 05, 12:15 PM
Posts: n/a

From: "Dan/W4NTI" on Sun 19 Jun 2005 22:46

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

Some folks back then wanted the General but settled for a tech license when
they couldn't pass muster at 13. Unfortunately, if you got on the air (back
when, 2 meters was the novice voice band to try and get more activity on 2
meters!) it was possible to *never* work on the code and you were stuck as a
tech. Most likely 6 meters was the band of choice as the best front ends
might have had a 4.5 dB noise figure on 440 MHz. Even 2 meters wasn't all
that busy; Heathkit sixers and twoers were the rigs of the day. I really
wan't familiar with any territory above 30 MHz back then.

When is "back then?" And how can an LOS path be "busy" in a
non-urban area? Picture sitting around waiting for ducting or
temperature inversion to reach out beyond 30 to 40 miles...

The twoers and sixers were rock-bound. Anyway, he said that he wasn't
familiar with VHF.

The other choice was to work on your code. The novice license was issued
for one year and was not renewable. I took this choice and it took me a
while to get my code speed up. When I did take the test and pass 13, I was
good for about 18 (which helps when you're nervous and travel 60 miles to
take the test administered by the FCC, not a VEC).

So? I traveled 90 miles by train to the Chicago FCC office for
my First 'Phone test. No snow and I kept my shoes on all the way.

Aha! Gotcha!

You forgot to mention the changes in elevation over changes in

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