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  #241   Report Post  
Old June 28th 05, 04:08 AM
Posts: n/a

John Smith wrote:
... the amateur tests are a trivial problem to men with real

What about women with real educations?

Would you consider someone with a BSEE from the University of
Pennsylvania and an MSEE from Drexel University to have
"a real education"?

... the cw part

Is an amateur test. And is a trivial problem to people with
real educations..

Simply not neccasarly so Jim

makes as much sense as learning to play a "jew's
harp"--a lot of sense if you wish to, none if you don't...

Then why require someone with no interest in VHF-UHF to learn
those techniques in order to operate on HF? Why require
knowedge of FSK, PSK and other data modes to operate voice?
Why require knowledge of transistors and ICs to operate
vacuum-tube equipment?

Why? We don't require it you don't have to get right fully 25 percent
of the stuff, and you can pick and choose what not to know

IOW, why require anyone to learn anything about a subject they
are not interested in, just to get a license to do the things
they *are* interested in?

We don't you presentation is inaccurate


Perhaps what bothers some people the most about the code test
is that it isn't something most people already know. And it
isn't something that can be learned by reading a book, watching
a video, etc. It's a skill, not "book learning".

In learning the code, a Ph.D in EE has to start at the same place
as a grade-schooler. And the grade schooler may learn faster and
do better! Perhaps it is this characteristic of the test - its
ability to act as a Great Equalizer - that causes some to resent
it so much.

Not true, surely you understand that not everyone has the difficulty in
learning Morse Code.

That creates a bias based on brain fucntion and anything but a level

  #242   Report Post  
Old June 28th 05, 04:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Leo wrote:
On 27 Jun 2005 09:59:04 -0700, wrote:

Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 18:08:19 -0700,

Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 11:19:31 -0700,
What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

Then what do you suggest I do?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest I do?

Isn't that rather obvious?
What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?
What do you suggest I do, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest I do differently, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?

And your suggestion is?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What do you suggest I do differently, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?

In a word: No.

It's not rather obvious, Leo.

Sorry to hear that, Jim. How simplified do you need things to be?

It's not about simplification, Leo. It's about clarity.

Why can't you just clearly and plainly state what you
suggest that I do?

I have - many, many times.

You just keep writing that I must decide. But
you do not state concrete actions that the
decision will produce.

You must decide.


What *do* you suggest? Just speak plainly rather than
answering a question with another question, or a zinger.

What's your suggestion?

The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Continue to be suckered in to foolish arguments.
2. Do not continue to be suckered in to foolish arguments.

OK so far.

Glad to hear it!

So far, so good.

Option 1 is expensive - you become a possession of those who goad you
in to responding. A puppet, as it were, dancing at the end of someone's strings....

That's your spin on it - does not address what actions you
suggest *I* take.

That is your current reality.

That's your soft-science psychobabble spin, then. ;-)

Option 2 is much more difficult than Option 1

For you, maybe.

- it requires the
intelligence to recognize a legitimate argument from bait,
considerable inner strength to resist the drive to respond,
even when you know you are in the right.

You're begging the question, Leo.

This is your potential future reality.

So what do you suggest *I* do?


Actions, Leo.

Owned or free.

That's your spin.

That's your opinion.


Owned - or free.

You must decide.


The path you choose will be entirely up to you.

So there *is* a choice!

There is always a choice.

Odd to hear from someone who told me I could not stop

Yours to make if your are able to do so,

Ah - now there's a condition!

You must decide!


Choose wisely!

Wise by whose standards?

We'll all see the answer to that one soon enough - when you

How will you know what is decided?

How would such a choice be demonstrated in concrete, practical terms?

Hmmm - you read the two options, right?

Just can't make yourself spell them out, I see.

What actions do you suggest?

Decide! Only you can make this decision - you're on your own

You have not offered the requested information. Seems to me that
when you speak of "abuse" and "control" and "goading", you're
really talking about yourself, not Len.

Or perhaps you and he are one and the same.

Good luck!

Be seeing you.

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #244   Report Post  
Old June 28th 05, 07:12 AM
Posts: n/a

From: Leo on Jun 27, 9:52 pm

On 27 Jun 2005 16:02:31 -0700, wrote:
From: Leo on Mon 27 Jun 2005 07:19
On 26 Jun 2005 18:08:19 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 11:19:31 -0700, wrote:

The following cantu-respondu is repeated 14 times, more
or less the same

Thank God for copy-and-paste - I'd never have made it!

Tsk, his "answers" were little better than cut-and-paste. :-(

What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

In a word: No.

It's not rather obvious, Leo.

Sorry to hear that, Jim. How simplified do you need things to be?

Based on years of trying to play the Olde Guru of Amateur
Radio in here, he simply wants things HIS WAY. He was that
way on an AOL amateur radio group, too.

BTW - are there archives of those discussions on the Net anywhere?

Might make interesting reading.....

I seriously doubt it would be "interesting." It was just
"ARRL south" parrot phrases. AOL did not have a large
ham radio group. If it was archived, it would be on AOL
(which I can access) but it was the same old stuff as in

Option 1 is expensive - you become a possession of those who goad you
in to responding. A puppet, as it were, dancing at the end of
someone's strings....

He will do it again (and did) following. Predictable. :-)

We'll soon see - he might surprise us!

I wouldn't put any serious money on that...

Option 2 is much more difficult than Option 1 - it requires the
intelligence to recognize a legitimate argument from bait, and
considerable inner strength to resist the drive to respond, even when
you know you are in the right.

Owned or free.

The path you choose will be entirely up to you.

Choose wisely!

He hasn't, but then HE MUST BE *RIGHT* in whatever he sayeth.

He might! We'll all know soon enough......

Usual tactic is to jump off into a NEW preaching subject, this
week it is "Riley Hollingsworth Speaks!"

Looks rather like a Sermon on the Antenna Mount first draft...
along with a segue into U.S. ham radio a la 1912. :-(

All who speak contrary to His wisdom are WRRRONNNNGGGG.

The bells have been ringing in here with the above for years.

Watch the replies to his "Riley" encyclical. :-)

Heh. I'm watching 'er grow day by day.........

Ding Dong School is in session. Sheesh.

  #245   Report Post  
Old June 28th 05, 07:48 PM
Posts: n/a

From: on Mon 27 Jun 2005 19:12

Leo wrote:
On 27 Jun 2005 09:59:04 -0700,
Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 18:08:19 -0700,
Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 11:19:31 -0700,

What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

not to those who cannot see

What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

billboard displays too small

What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

we try for Mt. Rushmore size

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

maybe do some crop circles

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

two-page ads in QST?

Then what do you suggest I do?

Isn't that rather obvious?

new reading glasses might help

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

we send obvious in morse?

What do you suggest I do?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?


What do you suggest I do, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?


What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

still at it?

What do you suggest I do differently, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?

yup, drain is still clogged

And your suggestion is?

Isn't that rather obvious?

call Roto-Rooter!

What do you suggest I do differently, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?

use Bangalore Torpedo?

In a word: No.

It's not rather obvious, Leo.

excavate, dump in lye, cover...

Sorry to hear that, Jim. How simplified do you need things to be?

It's not about simplification, Leo. It's about clarity.

Why can't you just clearly and plainly state what you
suggest that I do?

I have - many, many times.

You just keep writing that I must decide. But
you do not state concrete actions that the
decision will produce.

Give up eating those crackers, polly. You get repetitious.

Makes your cage all crumby.

You must decide.


Tsk, tsk, all you're doing in here is "busy work" writing many
words (over and over again) without doing any deciding. :-)

Decide, decide, that is not the question. - Ham-let

What *do* you suggest? Just speak plainly rather than
answering a question with another question, or a zinger.

What's your suggestion?

The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Continue to be suckered in to foolish arguments.
2. Do not continue to be suckered in to foolish arguments.

OK so far.

Glad to hear it!

So far, so good.

Option 1 is expensive - you become a possession of those who
goad you
in to responding. A puppet, as it were, dancing at the end
of someone's strings....

That's your spin on it - does not address what actions you
suggest *I* take.

That is your current reality.

That's your soft-science psychobabble spin, then. ;-)

Tsk. Only Jimmie speak "truth," "facts" from QTH on Mount
Olympus...while he make babble, babble like motel proprietor
in "Psycho."

He parent too many children...

Option 2 is much more difficult than Option 1

For you, maybe.

Tsk, be a MAN and admit defeat. You've LOST these rounds a
few go-arounds ago.

- it requires the
intelligence to recognize a legitimate argument from bait,
considerable inner strength to resist the drive to respond,
even when you know you are in the right.

You're begging the question, Leo.

Tsk, tsk. YOU were begging for solutions before, now you can't
implement any? Not MANLY! NO decision!

This is your potential future reality.

So what do you suggest *I* do?


Actions, Leo.

Decide for YOURSELF. If you cannot, quit. Simple.

Owned or free.

That's your spin.

That's your opinion.


No, just your opinion.

Owned - or free.

You must decide.


Grasshopper doesn't understand the world does not revolve
around him. Tsk.

The path you choose will be entirely up to you.

So there *is* a choice!

There is always a choice.

Odd to hear from someone who told me I could not stop

You can't. You feel obsessed, compelled to continue deep
denial of anything wrong.

Yours to make if your are able to do so,

Ah - now there's a condition!

You have a "condition," and that is true. :-)

You must decide!


Only YOU can stop yourself before it is too late.

Choose wisely!

Wise by whose standards?

We'll all see the answer to that one soon enough - when you

How will you know what is decided?

"Wise we are," said Yoda, "Know we will when comes the time."

How would such a choice be demonstrated in concrete, practical

Hmmm - you read the two options, right?

Just can't make yourself spell them out, I see.

They were all spelled out. In English. English English.

What actions do you suggest?

Decide! Only you can make this decision - you're on your own

You have not offered the requested information. Seems to me that
when you speak of "abuse" and "control" and "goading", you're
really talking about yourself, not Len.

Or perhaps you and he are one and the same.

We are all AI constructs living in your computer, out to do you
harm in public.

All we are the same.

Good luck!

Be seeing you.

"Worry not," said Yoda, "'Decisions for Dummies' mailed it will
be to you, plain brown wrapper in."

May the Farce be with you, grasshopper.

  #247   Report Post  
Old June 28th 05, 10:15 PM
Posts: n/a

You must decide!


You decide everytime you post, you can't avoid it

Choose wisely!

Wise by whose standards?

We'll all see the answer to that one soon enough - when you

How will you know what is decided?

He may not, nor is it required that he does,

How would such a choice be demonstrated in concrete, practical terms?

Hmmm - you read the two options, right?

Just can't make yourself spell them out, I see.

He has

What actions do you suggest?

Decide! Only you can make this decision - you're on your own

You have not offered the requested information. Seems to me that
when you speak of "abuse" and "control" and "goading", you're
really talking about yourself, not Len.

He is not required to indeed he lacks the information you require only
you have it within yourself

Or perhaps you and he are one and the same.

Good luck!

Be seeing you.

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #248   Report Post  
Old June 29th 05, 04:24 AM
Posts: n/a

On 28 Jun 2005 10:48:49 -0700, wrote:

on Mon 27 Jun 2005 19:12

Leo wrote:
On 27 Jun 2005 09:59:04 -0700,
Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 18:08:19 -0700,
Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 11:19:31 -0700,

What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

not to those who cannot see

What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

billboard displays too small

What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

we try for Mt. Rushmore size

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

maybe do some crop circles

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

two-page ads in QST?

Then what do you suggest I do?

Isn't that rather obvious?

new reading glasses might help

What do you suggest I do instead?

Isn't that rather obvious?

we send obvious in morse?

What do you suggest I do?

Isn't that rather obvious?

What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?


What do you suggest I do, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?


What do you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

still at it?

What do you suggest I do differently, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?

yup, drain is still clogged

And your suggestion is?

Isn't that rather obvious?

call Roto-Rooter!

What do you suggest I do differently, Leo?

Isn't that rather obvious?

use Bangalore Torpedo?

In a word: No.

It's not rather obvious, Leo.

excavate, dump in lye, cover...

Sorry to hear that, Jim. How simplified do you need things to be?

It's not about simplification, Leo. It's about clarity.

Why can't you just clearly and plainly state what you
suggest that I do?

I have - many, many times.

You just keep writing that I must decide. But
you do not state concrete actions that the
decision will produce.

Give up eating those crackers, polly. You get repetitious.

Makes your cage all crumby.

You must decide.


Tsk, tsk, all you're doing in here is "busy work" writing many
words (over and over again) without doing any deciding. :-)

Decide, decide, that is not the question. - Ham-let

What *do* you suggest? Just speak plainly rather than
answering a question with another question, or a zinger.

What's your suggestion?

The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Continue to be suckered in to foolish arguments.
2. Do not continue to be suckered in to foolish arguments.

OK so far.

Glad to hear it!

So far, so good.

Option 1 is expensive - you become a possession of those who
goad you
in to responding. A puppet, as it were, dancing at the end
of someone's strings....

That's your spin on it - does not address what actions you
suggest *I* take.

That is your current reality.

That's your soft-science psychobabble spin, then. ;-)

Tsk. Only Jimmie speak "truth," "facts" from QTH on Mount
Olympus...while he make babble, babble like motel proprietor
in "Psycho."

He parent too many children...

Option 2 is much more difficult than Option 1

For you, maybe.

Tsk, be a MAN and admit defeat. You've LOST these rounds a
few go-arounds ago.

- it requires the
intelligence to recognize a legitimate argument from bait,
considerable inner strength to resist the drive to respond,
even when you know you are in the right.

You're begging the question, Leo.

Tsk, tsk. YOU were begging for solutions before, now you can't
implement any? Not MANLY! NO decision!

This is your potential future reality.

So what do you suggest *I* do?


Actions, Leo.

Decide for YOURSELF. If you cannot, quit. Simple.

Owned or free.

That's your spin.

That's your opinion.


No, just your opinion.

Owned - or free.

You must decide.


Grasshopper doesn't understand the world does not revolve
around him. Tsk.

The path you choose will be entirely up to you.

So there *is* a choice!

There is always a choice.

Odd to hear from someone who told me I could not stop

You can't. You feel obsessed, compelled to continue deep
denial of anything wrong.

Yours to make if your are able to do so,

Ah - now there's a condition!

You have a "condition," and that is true. :-)

You must decide!


Only YOU can stop yourself before it is too late.

Choose wisely!

Wise by whose standards?

We'll all see the answer to that one soon enough - when you

How will you know what is decided?

"Wise we are," said Yoda, "Know we will when comes the time."

How would such a choice be demonstrated in concrete, practical

Hmmm - you read the two options, right?

Just can't make yourself spell them out, I see.

They were all spelled out. In English. English English.

What actions do you suggest?

Decide! Only you can make this decision - you're on your own

You have not offered the requested information. Seems to me that
when you speak of "abuse" and "control" and "goading", you're
really talking about yourself, not Len.

Or perhaps you and he are one and the same.

We are all AI constructs living in your computer, out to do you
harm in public.

All we are the same.

Good luck!

Be seeing you.

"Worry not," said Yoda, "'Decisions for Dummies' mailed it will
be to you, plain brown wrapper in."

May the Farce be with you, grasshopper.

He must decide.

Owned - or free!

73, Leo
  #250   Report Post  
Old June 29th 05, 04:34 AM
Posts: n/a

On 27 Jun 2005 22:12:03 -0700, wrote:

From: Leo on Jun 27, 9:52 pm

On 27 Jun 2005 16:02:31 -0700, wrote:
From: Leo on Mon 27 Jun 2005 07:19
On 26 Jun 2005 18:08:19 -0700, wrote:
Leo wrote:
On 26 Jun 2005 11:19:31 -0700, wrote:

The following cantu-respondu is repeated 14 times, more
or less the same

Thank God for copy-and-paste - I'd never have made it!

Tsk, his "answers" were little better than cut-and-paste. :-(

True - much dogma and little substance.

This may change!

What would you suggest?

Isn't that rather obvious?

In a word: No.

It's not rather obvious, Leo.

Sorry to hear that, Jim. How simplified do you need things to be?

Based on years of trying to play the Olde Guru of Amateur
Radio in here, he simply wants things HIS WAY. He was that
way on an AOL amateur radio group, too.

BTW - are there archives of those discussions on the Net anywhere?

Might make interesting reading.....

I seriously doubt it would be "interesting." It was just
"ARRL south" parrot phrases. AOL did not have a large
ham radio group. If it was archived, it would be on AOL
(which I can access) but it was the same old stuff as in

God forbid.....

Option 1 is expensive - you become a possession of those who goad you
in to responding. A puppet, as it were, dancing at the end of
someone's strings....

He will do it again (and did) following. Predictable. :-)

We'll soon see - he might surprise us!

I wouldn't put any serious money on that...


Option 2 is much more difficult than Option 1 - it requires the
intelligence to recognize a legitimate argument from bait, and
considerable inner strength to resist the drive to respond, even when
you know you are in the right.

Owned or free.

The path you choose will be entirely up to you.

Choose wisely!

He hasn't, but then HE MUST BE *RIGHT* in whatever he sayeth.

He might! We'll all know soon enough......

Usual tactic is to jump off into a NEW preaching subject, this
week it is "Riley Hollingsworth Speaks!"

Looks rather like a Sermon on the Antenna Mount first draft...
along with a segue into U.S. ham radio a la 1912. :-(

True enough.

But this may change. He will decide.....soon.

All who speak contrary to His wisdom are WRRRONNNNGGGG.

The bells have been ringing in here with the above for years.

Watch the replies to his "Riley" encyclical. :-)

Heh. I'm watching 'er grow day by day.........

Ding Dong School is in session. Sheesh.

Heh heh heh...

73, Leo
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