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![]() First of all John I see little humor in this discussion bringing into the mix those poor souls with Alzheimer's syndrome ..... It is like the idiot who posts here with references to colostomy bags ...... I sincerely hope that either of you never have to go through that in your lives. Wow. A LECTURE! No lecture the Mr. Len just that I can't see injecting this in to the mix ...... Tom, try to calm down and look at the big picture. Growing dementia ("Alzheimer's") in older people and is a terrible thing to observe up-close and personal. I'm quite familiar with that, having watched my own mother go through that, little bit by little bit every day, the last four years of her life in a nursing home. I visited her every day and could see others in the same hospital succumb slowly...and share the inner turmoil of their family and friends watching their loved ones. Then I am sure you would agree that we do not need to name call and use those problems as a source of a cheap shot.... The same with those other patients having various physical damage from injury or illness. Three hundred beds in that one single-floor facility, seen every day. Am I lecturing you Leonard ????..don't think so ... I just don't like to see peoples misfortunes utilized for cheap shots for whatever reasons .... I really think that we on this group are ALL above that. Go ahead, make my day, try to lecture ME on "taking all that so very, very seriously" about handicaps and illnesses... Again where did you pull that from Len .... did I say you took those shots as mentioned above ???? Don't put words in my mouth there Len ..... the post was not addressed to LA I am still awaiting John for specifics on what you have done to foster an appreciation in younger people for the service. Not a requirement of amateur radio licensing, Tom. Quite right Len but as a "hobby" don't we have a bit....just a bit of responsiblity to help others .....I have seen your postings on other groups where you have done the same .....and not to be patronizing but to your credit. General bitching about the way things are won't cut it ...that my friend is too easy and is the tact of a pontificating twit. ...and you are as guilty as anything of doing the SAME "pontificating" about Alzheimer's suffering. Just as you brought your poor mom into the mix ??????? Nope general bitching is just that .....give me some positives ..... It's no more, no less of a pontification than all the high and mighty amateur extras in here praising the glory and majesty and "necessity" of morse code testing or rank-status-privilege "due them" in a HOBBY activity involving radio. Now Len you don't know me that well do you ..... I do not consider myself the morse elite ......I have suggested things in the past regarding the place the mode, excuse me protocol, could be better served not only for the amature service but for CW itself .... Yesterday was a day I will always remember at our club meeting. Matt, a teen with a LD passed his no code. He studied his backside off for the test ....took it 3 times before. I have more respect for that young fellow than incessant moaners I see on this list and in other places. Now that's just a wonderful thing...out of the blue comes a nice MORAL LECTURE about a younger person "overcoming all obstacles" "despite physical handicaps" "working hard, hard, hard to pass a test." Reads like second-rate Reader's Digest material. No Len it reads like a person despite some real problems showing some inititive and passing a test honestly. Your second rate Reader's Digest comment is a cheap shot. And may I add CW had nothing to do with this test as Matt got his No-code tech ..... I've never met that young person, Tom, just like YOU have never met hundreds of other sufferers of various things...which I don't mention in here because they don't apply to THE SUBJECTS AT HAND either. Oh no look out here comes the off topic lecture ..... The above comments were taken from and about the discussions on this group. Please point out to me where my comment have not been ...THE SUBJECT AT HAND ..... At stake is some federal regulations regarding amateur radio, a HOBBY activity, a recreational pursuit done for personal enjoyment. "Overcoming obstacles" is NOT a part of the overall picture. Oh yes it is Leonard ...look at the Handiham program and what is done there ...... those people aren't overcoming obstacles ???? I have worked many people on the air who have multiple problems where this "hobby" has been a source of enjoyment over the years. Morality lectures to others don't help a bit...except to cure the lecturer's mild rage at others not taking things so damn "seriously" as the lecturer does. No rage here Leonard ....just discussion .....and as far as taking things seriously on this group .....the overwhelming number of Leonard posts over the years sure bears whose rage is in this arena. Oh, wow, "overcoming the obstacle of learning morse code!" Where in the heck have I mentioned anythng about overcoming the obstacles of CW in this latest round of comments????? Again trying to put words in my mouth Len ....please don't do that ...it really is good engineering practice ...... Terrific emotionally-loaded over-limit baggage. The real question ought to be the TEST itself and why it "must" be passed just to enjoy a radio hobby below 30 MHz. Have any of my posts with in the last several years reflected the CW or die mentality ????? But, that isn't a thing for you or anyone else who has already passed that TEST, is it? The real purpose is to keep on with the myth where "hard, hard WORK" is such a "moral necessity" and perhaps - in a screwball perverse way - somehow closer to Godliness? Here we go again with the church of CW ......frankly I am tired of this tact ....it belongs with CW always gets through and the old buddywhip-standard transmission saw .... I've known, seen, been around all sorts of folks with handicaps, just as I've already legally and successfully operated on HF in five other radio services other than amateur radio. Any TEST for a LICENSE is just a regulatory tool of the federal government. Maybe not for you and your position in the radio kingdom but for many it is an achievement and I for one will not belittle those who worked for and achieved a ticket honestly ...no matter what class it is .... That license is NOT an academic achievement, is NOT soem magic talisman that one "Must" posssess in order to operate any radio transmitter below 30 MHz. Morsemanship isn't a "qualification" to operate below 30 MHz...I was long-ago perfectly qualified to operate a radio transmitter below 30 MHz without morse code smarts and did. That morse TEST is an artificiality of old-time emotion that has long-since passed its usefulness. The TEST itself, and the license, is just a regulatory tool...for a radio HOBBY. Well Len I will go along with most of that except that the govinmint says it is a service ....na I don't want to get in to that argument .....better things to do .... Those who want to preach a ham radio LIFESTYLE will be outraged at the above. TS. I got a new punch and am set for lots of cards. I'm a bit sick and tired of these emotionally-loaded MORALITY plays by the self-righteous unfolding in this stage. A lot of readers are feeling the same way. Put on a bad performance and you get bad reviews. TS. That's show biz... I am not outraged Len ... bad reviews ....could care less ......my lifestyle does not revolve around hamradio ..... nor does it revolve around incessant posting about worn out arguments over the last number of years as apparently yours has ..... Take care Leonard ....beep beep ...... |
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![]() "John Smith" wrote in message ... KXHB: Yes, that is always the trouble with those getting their "15 minutes of fame"--they NEVER leave gracefully... frown ... time for new ideas and motivated minds with energy to move up front... ... all walkers, wheelchairs and crutches to the back, next to those clutching bottles of laxatives, blood pressure medication, heart burn medication, viagra, etc, etc... if you forget your name--don't worry--a name tag has been placed on your chest to remind you... John Hello, John My you bounce around a lot ![]() Given my druthers, I'd pick someone who has shown the capability to do a job other than someone with a gift of gab. We had a couple of those back in the 80s. One they caught up with - he was running up long distance phone bills to the company and was a real gem. The other could turn out twice the pile of paper of the experienced folks. I left in 1989. I sent an e-mail 2 years later asking if they had figured out why they had lost half of their purchasing information. LOL! They had the guys in the 3 piece suits from IBM running around trying to figure out what happened. I knew. They guy professed to be a genius and he pushed twice the paper of the older guys. His code was terrible. When he hit end of file on either co-ordinated file, he closed everything. Which left records in one of the buffers. The company got exactly what it deserved. I reworked one program. What cost us $150.00 per run ended up costing $1.45. It just took a little more code (which is why he pushed out more paper, but it cost them dearly). The cpu budget was over $700,000 per year in that area. They could have cut their cost from 60% to 90%, depending upon how tight they wanted to write the code. This was not my estimate; rather it was the estimates from 3 folks that reviewed my submissions with highlighter over the sections that were bad. As far as hams go, I'd choose a guy who could figure out how to load up a stupid wire fence to re-establish communications with Guam from Saipan. I know as I was on the other end when Hans did exactly that. I had to go to work and other guys picked up with no questions asked. Then, Captain Delaney came to the shack and secure those guys from all further duty and they passed traffic to ComNavMar directly. No problem. Military folks who could follow orders and hams than knew what to do (the regular Navy folks couldn't figure out what to do with a signal that was overloading their receivers). I'm willing to help someone who wants to measure their antenna "resistance" with an ohm meter, but if they insist, well, go at it with a DVM ![]() Heck, I've had my 5 or 10 minutes of fame. Pulled a kid out of a river years back who was going under. No big deal. I heard Hans (sparkplug1) and answered him, starting the communications between Saipan and Guam. No big deal. I showed my former employer how to do 8 hours of tool engineering work in 15 minutes (yes, I wrote a program to generate the ladders). My question is this: who would you trust? Someone with several instances of "15 minutes of fame" or someone who talks a good story but has nothing to show for it? I'm not suggesting shutting out young folks, that would be stupid. I am suggesting not shutting out older folks simply because they are getting old. That is also very stupid. The fact that someone can copy cw at 30 or 40 words per minute does *not* mean they don't know anything else. Trust me on that. Admittedly, we slow down a bit as we age. I can't easily do much over 60 or 65 words per minute typing. I used to feel a 100 word per minute teletype fighting me as I did bursts in excess of 90 words per minute. I could keep a 60 word per minute machine going continuously so that the other station assumed I was using a tape. Who cares? How many folks can type over 60 words per minute? Cut and paste does *not* count. I can do that also LOL. With all due regards from Rochester, NY Jim AA2QA |
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![]() "Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... KØHB wrote: "John Smith" wrote ....so younger and more capable minds .... Gee, and I always thought that experience was "the best teacher". Silly me! Turns out younger is more capable. By that tortured logic, we ought to be issuing call signs on birth certificates so we can capture the REALLY capable minds! Didn't' you know, Hans - there are a brand new set of laws of physics now - and the big thing is that they can only be understood by those under 25..... - Mike KB3EIA - Hello, Mike I'm not sure it is necessarily the young folks. I keep hearing that pi is exactly equal to three. Dang, I'm getting old. I thought it was approximately 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10. Of course, I may have well made a type. I know another 50 places or so, but if I didn't make a typo in the first 50, I sure as heck will in the next 50 LOL. Funny how they love their cell phones and satellite television. I keep hearing that the theory of gravity is only a theory, but, if you try, you will find that you can't achieve a stable orbit with anything but the established "theory". Of course, even Einstein was mistaken for a janitor and also dismissed by folks after WWII about the dangers of atomic fission and fusion. He was, after all, old and decrepit. BWAAAAHAHAHAHA! Have they found the weapons of mass destruction yet? I hear they know where Bin Laden is. So ... ???? Nada. Zilch. Zero. It is claimed that they don't want to offend certain nations. Yet, I hear that the U.K. is left-leaning. You know, I am getting sick to my stomach of the "spin" some folks are putting on things. 73 from Rochester, NY Jim AA2QA |
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Jim Hampton wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... K=D8HB wrote: "John Smith" wrote ....so younger and more capable minds .... As if! Gee, and I always thought that experience was "the best teacher". Silly me! Turns out younger is more capable. By that tortured logic, we ought to be issuing call signs on birth certificates so we can capture the REALLY capable minds! Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.. Didn't' you know, Hans - there are a brand new set of laws of physics now - and the big thing is that they can only be understood by those under 25..... - Mike KB3EIA - Hello, Mike I'm not sure it is necessarily the young folks. I keep hearing that pi is exactly equal to three. Dang, I'm getting old. I thought it was approximately 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10. Of course, I may have well made a type. I know another 50 places or so, but if I didn't make a typo in the first 50, I sure as heck will in the nex= t 50 LOL. Funny how they love their cell phones and satellite television. I keep hearing that the theory of gravity is only a theory, but, if you try, you will find that you can't achieve a stable orbit with anything but the established "theory". Of course, even Einstein was mistaken for a janitor and also dismissed by folks after WWII about the dangers of atomic fission and fusion. He was, after all, old and decrepit. BWAAAAHAHAHAHA! Have they found the weapons of mass destruction yet? I hear they know where Bin Laden is. So ... ???? Nada. Zilch. Zero. It is claimed that they don't want to offend certain nations. Yet, I hear that the U.K. is left-leaning. You know, I am getting sick to my stomach of the "spin" some folks are putting on things. Me too, Jim and Mike... Seems that it's not technology they object to as much as science. Like any science that says the earth is more than about 6000 years old. Or science that shows we share an enormous amount of DNA with other primates. Or any science that says maybe we shouldn't have so many babies, because the earth can only support a limited number of people. Global climate change? Hole in the ozone layer? Just theory, from "liberal academics"... Nothing new - look what happened to folks like Galileo who said the earth wasn't the center of the universe. Next thing ya know they'll take "Inherit The Wind" off the shelves... 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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From: "garigue" on Wed 22 Jun 2005 22:38
First of all John I see little humor in this discussion bringing into the mix those poor souls with Alzheimer's syndrome ..... It is like the idiot who posts here with references to colostomy bags ...... I sincerely hope that either of you never have to go through that in your lives. Wow. A LECTURE! No lecture the Mr. Len just that I can't see injecting this in to the mix snip Tom, you had a LECTURE going whether you meant it or not. That happens every once in a while when someone feels like they have to proctor morality or preach "good works." In truth, I posted a STRONG response...but that's because I've seen a half century's worth of such LECTURES all about HAVING to "help the young ones" or all about some deaf, blind, dumb quadriplegic person "finally passing their ham test." As if the ham test is some Holy Grail to seek, the ultimate test of one's life? Amateur radio is a HOBBY. De facto if not de jure. [that means "in fact" even though it is not explicitly defined in some law or regulation as such] NO ONE "owes anyone" for something they do when no money has changed hands. If someone feels obligated to another, fine, that's a personal thing to that someone. But, that is NOT in any rules or regulations, and its "requirement" is just inside some folks' heads...besides the Sumner editorial pages in QST. If you or anyone else has TRUE enthusiasm for some hobby, you can PROJECT that to others and share the enthusiasm. If you know more than they do, you can - if you are still enthusiastic and want to share - help them out by increasing their knowledge. Your enthusiasm for something will help you impart such new knowledge to them. Even after over a half century of being involved in radio-electronics, I'm still fascinated by it and am still enthusiastic about learning more...but that does NOT mean that I "MUST" "teach others" or any of that false "good works" stuff for THEM. That's not any sort of "moral obligation" that I "MUST" do in any hobby. Nor for anyone else with their hobby. Hobbies are personal activities done for personal enjoyment and recreation purposes. As to the "service" word in Title 47, C.F.R., if you ask the FCC they will tell you it is "a regulatory term denoting the type and kind of radio activity being regulated." It does NOT imply some grandiose "national service" at all. Ah, but "the FCC says so" say many, not understanding what the FCC is saying...and then they get all confused when I point out other services such as the Citizens Band Radio SERVICE, the Radio Control Radio SERVICE, the Family Radio SERVICE and so forth. It's in Title 47 in nearly every Part. Now, some folks seem to be tuckered out by all the lifting of THEIR emotional baggage, at the use of "certain words" and "certain phrases." In here lots seem to be carrying very OLD baggage, complete with those stickers from olden times as if they were there (even though they couldn't have) plastered all over that "baggage." Sorry, the boat don't go there no more. Time travel to "happier times" hasn't been invented yet. FCC rules and regulations apply to time NOW and there's lots more citizens of the U. S. of A. who MIGHT be interested in a radio license and have much more modern "baggage" without all those old-time travel stickers on it. Old-timers do NOT "own" the hobby despite what they think and shout and demand. Some folks get a big kick out of being "re-enactors" of every- thing from midieval life to the American Civil War. Fine. If that's what makes them happy, I say "have fun" and go for it. But, trying to ENFORCE such "re-enactment" by keeping hard and fast rules in LAW to freeze an activity in old, outmoded standards and practices goes beyond the reasonable. LAW applies to ALL, not just a bunch of old-timers trying to re-enact a time when most of them did not exist. The future cannot be eliminated by mere legislation holding it static. |
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From: "Jim Hampton" on Thurs 23 Jun 2005 03:45
"John Smith" wrote in message ... KXHB: Yes, that is always the trouble with those getting their "15 minutes of fame"--they NEVER leave gracefully... frown ... time for new ideas and motivated minds with energy to move up front... ... all walkers, wheelchairs and crutches to the back, next to those clutching bottles of laxatives, blood pressure medication, heart burn medication, viagra, etc, etc... if you forget your name--don't worry--a name tag has been placed on your chest to remind you... John Hello, John My you bounce around a lot ![]() Given my druthers, I'd pick someone who has shown the capability to do a job other than someone with a gift of gab. A "job?" :-) Is amateur radio a "job?" We had a couple of those back in the 80s. One they caught up with - he was running up long distance phone bills to the company and was a real gem. The other could turn out twice the pile of paper of the experienced folks. I left in 1989. I sent an e-mail 2 years later asking if they had figured out why they had lost half of their purchasing information. LOL! They had the guys in the 3 piece suits from IBM running around trying to figure out what happened. I knew. They guy professed to be a genius and he pushed twice the paper of the older guys. His code was terrible. When he hit end of file on either co-ordinated file, he closed everything. Which left records in one of the buffers. The company got exactly what it deserved. I reworked one program. What cost us $150.00 per run ended up costing $1.45. It just took a little more code (which is why he pushed out more paper, but it cost them dearly). The cpu budget was over $700,000 per year in that area. They could have cut their cost from 60% to 90%, depending upon how tight they wanted to write the code. This was not my estimate; rather it was the estimates from 3 folks that reviewed my submissions with highlighter over the sections that were bad. Okay, send me your TS card, I'll punch it. [got a new punch] As far as hams go, I'd choose a guy who could figure out how to load up a stupid wire fence to re-establish communications with Guam from Saipan. I know as I was on the other end when Hans did exactly that. I had to go to work and other guys picked up with no questions asked. Then, Captain Delaney came to the shack and secure those guys from all further duty and they passed traffic to ComNavMar directly. No problem. Military folks who could follow orders and hams than knew what to do (the regular Navy folks couldn't figure out what to do with a signal that was overloading their receivers). Oh, boy! Heah come de "Guam-Saipan" hams-save-the-day story again! :-) I'm willing to help someone who wants to measure their antenna "resistance" with an ohm meter, but if they insist, well, go at it with a DVM ![]() Heck, I've had my 5 or 10 minutes of fame. Pulled a kid out of a river years back who was going under. No big deal. I heard Hans (sparkplug1) and answered him, starting the communications between Saipan and Guam. No big deal. I showed my former employer how to do 8 hours of tool engineering work in 15 minutes (yes, I wrote a program to generate the ladders). Your certificate is in the mail, credited with 45 minutes for three (3) Warhols. [mailed in a plain, brown envelope] My question is this: who would you trust? Someone with several instances of "15 minutes of fame" or someone who talks a good story but has nothing to show for it? Everyone MUST have a personal webpage with their homebuilt kluge displayed on it. [praise endorsements from neighbors optional] I'm not suggesting shutting out young folks, that would be stupid. I am suggesting not shutting out older folks simply because they are getting old. That is also very stupid. Don't olde-fahrts RULE in here? The fact that someone can copy cw at 30 or 40 words per minute does *not* mean they don't know anything else. Trust me on that. Really? :-) Admittedly, we slow down a bit as we age. I can't easily do much over 60 or 65 words per minute typing. I used to feel a 100 word per minute teletype fighting me as I did bursts in excess of 90 words per minute. I could keep a 60 word per minute machine going continuously so that the other station assumed I was using a tape. Been there, done that. Did you want a Certificate for THAT, too? [Teletype Corporation is DEFUNCT] Who cares? How many folks can type over 60 words per minute? Cut and paste does *not* count. I can do that also LOL. Is there a "typing test" in amateur radio license examinations? Last I heard, there was just this morse code test for manual skill demonstrations. You should write the VEC QPC and insist they include a question on How To Wire A Fence To Restore Guam-Saipan Communications For MARS! Maybe Hans could help you with that letter? [a thought] Oh, by the way, computer source code is NOT the "code" that is supposed to be talked about in here. Has nothing to do with ham radio, I'm told. [just passing along an advisory] Wanna compare ACM membership numbers? :-) |
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![]() Tom, you had a LECTURE going whether you meant it or not. That happens every once in a while when someone feels like they have to proctor morality or preach "good works." No not preaching good works Len ...just in some small way trying to make some people think about what they say and using cheap shots with unfortunate situations. A number of years ago I called a radio station and complained about the jocks using a lady and her breast cancer as a "joke". The fellow I talked to brushed me off as if it was an OK thing to do ...... sort of reflective of our society... unfortunately. In truth, I posted a STRONG response.. No problem Len ... ..but that's because I've seen a half century's worth of such LECTURES all about HAVING to "help the young ones" or all about some deaf, blind, dumb quadriplegic person "finally passing their ham test." No Len just an example of courage ..... and my comment was in response to moaning vs something positive ... As if the ham test is some Holy Grail to seek, the ultimate test of one's life? If only my salvation were dependent on that Len ..... lets see the big radio club in the sky .... I'd have to think about that before I would step through the gaits ....sort of like the 72 virgins or so that are promised ....could anyone go through eternity with 72 women on their case .... sounds like the other place ... Amateur radio is a HOBBY. De facto if not de jure. [that means "in fact" even though it is not explicitly defined in some law or regulation as such] Some say yes and some no ...to be honest Len I let that quit bothering me years ago ...it is what it is ... and besides thanks for the translation as I haven't been in a Latin text since 70 or so .... NO ONE "owes anyone" for something they do when no money has changed hands. If someone feels obligated to another, fine, that's a personal thing to that someone. But, that is NOT in any rules or regulations, and its "requirement" is just inside some folks' heads...besides the Sumner editorial pages in QST. I see the personal things to someone all the time ...that makes this veil of tears a little more bearable for all ... If you or anyone else has TRUE enthusiasm for some hobby, you can PROJECT that to others and share the enthusiasm. If you know more than they do, you can - if you are still enthusiastic and want to share - help them out by increasing their knowledge. Your enthusiasm for something will help you impart such new knowledge to them. Even after over a half century of being involved in radio-electronics, I'm still fascinated by it and am still enthusiastic about learning more... Good point Len .... but that does NOT mean that I "MUST" "teach others" or any of that false "good works" stuff for THEM. I'll let that up to someone else to determine if it is false or not .... That's not any sort of "moral obligation" that I "MUST" do in any hobby. Nor for anyone else with their hobby. Hobbies are personal activities done for personal enjoyment and recreation purposes. I think Len, in all fairness, that this is a point that you are missing by not being directly involved with this "hobby". The very essence when all is stripped away is that you need someone to communicate with lest we would all be shortwave listeners .... ergo help the other fellow or at best don't interfere with his enjoyment. As to the "service" word in Title 47, C.F.R., if you ask the FCC they will tell you it is "a regulatory term denoting the type and kind of radio activity being regulated." It does NOT imply some grandiose "national service" at all. Ah, but "the FCC says so" say many, not understanding what the FCC is saying...and then they get all confused when I point out other services such as the Citizens Band Radio SERVICE, the Radio Control Radio SERVICE, the Family Radio SERVICE and so forth. It's in Title 47 in nearly every Part. Again no problem with description as mentioned before ... Now, some folks seem to be tuckered out by all the lifting of THEIR emotional baggage, at the use of "certain words" and "certain phrases." In here lots seem to be carrying very OLD baggage, complete with those stickers from olden times as if they were there (even though they couldn't have) plastered all over that "baggage." Sorry, the boat don't go there no more. Time travel to "happier times" hasn't been invented yet. Twern't no such place ever .... FCC rules and regulations apply to time NOW and there's lots more citizens of the U. S. of A. who MIGHT be interested in a radio license and have much more modern "baggage" without all those old-time travel stickers on it. I would have to agree especially with the MIGHT part .... Old-timers do NOT "own" the hobby despite what they think and shout and demand. Na Len ....not an owner just a renter on the spectrum of life .... Some folks get a big kick out of being "re-enactors" of every- thing from midieval life to the American Civil War. Fine. If that's what makes them happy, I say "have fun" and go for it. But, trying to ENFORCE such "re-enactment" by keeping hard and fast rules in LAW to freeze an activity in old, outmoded standards and practices goes beyond the reasonable. Resonable ...I guess that is dependent on whose ox is being tested for what ..... for now it is regs that exist ....as I have said before I will not rent my clothes and pour ash on my head when 5 WPM goes .... there are a lot better things to do ... LAW applies to ALL, not just a bunch of old-timers trying to re-enact a time when most of them did not exist. The future cannot be eliminated by mere legislation holding it static. Take care Len .... Tom KI3R In the world of toil and sin ..... your head grows bare but not your chin ... Burma Shave |
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![]() garigue wrote: In the world of toil and sin ..... your head grows bare but not your chin ... Burma Shave Ben met Anna Made a hit Neglected beard Ben-Anna split He used a match To check gas tank That's why they call him, Skinless Frank Said Juliet To Romeo If you won't shave Go homeo.. Speed was high Curve was sharp White robe, halo Wings and harp Trains don't wander All over the map 'Cause no one sits On the engineer's lap He had the ring He had the flat She felt his chin And that was that Stop at crossings If you'd be spared Trains don't whistle Because they're scared 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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![]() wrote in message oups.com... garigue wrote: In the world of toil and sin ..... your head grows bare but not your chin ... Burma Shave Ben met Anna Made a hit Neglected beard Ben-Anna split He used a match To check gas tank That's why they call him, Skinless Frank Said Juliet To Romeo If you won't shave Go homeo.. Speed was high Curve was sharp White robe, halo Wings and harp Trains don't wander All over the map 'Cause no one sits On the engineer's lap He had the ring He had the flat She felt his chin And that was that Stop at crossings If you'd be spared Trains don't whistle Because they're scared 73 de Jim, N2EY I knew it ...I knew it ....that would bring some out of the wood work ...... Good ones Jim ...now Len can add this to his off topic list ..... They bring back a lot of good memories from the back seat of my dad's 50 Merc .... as a kid that is ..... 73 Jim Tom Popovic KI3R Belle Vernon Pa |
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