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  #31   Report Post  
Old July 6th 05, 11:16 AM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

You'd have to show me where I've insulted your father, Markie...As
a matter of fact, I seem to remember where I praised him for not
holding a pillow over your head when you were an infant

you just admitted to insulting by repating one of them

I didn't admit anything.

I said I praised him.

Is the pillow trick how your little girl died?

Nope. She fell asleep peacefully.

You should be as lucky to go as peacefully as she did.

and you can't spell "ahve" you have been blwoing that one all day

Yep. I transpose the a and h more thyan I care to say.

and you are allowed to do that and I am not allowed my problems


Your "problems" are complete and utter contempt for the people
reading your stuff, Mark. Most people do make OCCASSIONAL typos, and
we can all understand those.

Yours are in almost every sentence.

You also have extremely poor grammar and sentence construction.

It's got nothing to do with dyslexia. It's got everything to do
with WANTING to be "special".

Tom Cruise is dyslexic. He fixed his problem. You're just lazy
on several levels.

He may be our next democrat candidate for president.

Thank god even the Dems are not that Kamikaze

Thanks a REAL god that I'm not stupid enough to be a Democrat

Now a dig at my religion

What religion?


Where did I say anything about paganism?

God please protect me form your (alleged) followers

Who's alleged to follow what?

You have alleged to be christian


I've said that I adhere to many Christian principles. I have not
said I am Christian.

I said relitively harmless, they are far more dangerous one than
Stevie. more wooried about him inciting other folks with his crap.

The thought of Steve as puppetmaster...

Not a Puppet master by any means a puppeteer, maybe

Either way you look at it, neither of you are capable of
maneuvering without someone to set your course for you.

Bull####, plain and simple

Yes, you are.


and it was Bull#### not bull####

I choose to not wilfully recite your profanity, Mark.

It's easy enough to show people what an idiot you are without it.

And yes, you require guidance.

nope esp not yours

Yes...Anyone's. You need help. More than I could ever offer.

Anyone who admits, boastfully so, that he's a prolific liar needs

I decide my course...(SNIP)

That's the part where you require guidance. You don't see this
jerky, all over the road behaviour that the rest of us see.

excuse me? now you claim I don't reconize my tempter is eratic, that I
am touchy


You do not see the consequences of your actions.

If you did, you'd correct your behaviour.

In addtion your statement I am not lead by another

Then you should be.

You are in desperate need of adult supervision.

you do influence it a bit, but their is no "No Code
conspricy" we nocoders don't even agree on all that much besides ending
code testing

"No code conspiracy..."...?!?!?

My latest guess as to which puppeteer you are refering to

What? Huh?

You're slipping,
Markie.........waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaay

But you will always be down there in case I fall

Just to point and laugh.

The slippery spot has been pointed out to you...But you keep
trying to walk through it. That deserves a good laugh when you fall.

And lately that's been just about every post you make.

I'd offer you a rope, but only with the caveat that you put it
around your neck and let go...

enouaging suicide? and you call yourself a Medic for shame

No, I don't call myself a medic.

But then, when he made his "bricks through windows, slashed tires, and
terrorized wives" comments, he assured us that it was only "other
people" who do such things. He is as pure as the driven snow.

Missed that one

You missed a lot more than Brain lets on.

Ok fine sure you don't need meds

Nope. What I need is to see liars and misfits like you and Brian
P Burke dealt with in some fashion.


Because it's the right thing to do...Like stopping little old
ladies from being mugged or reporting drunk drivers.

and what of your oath to the constitution of the US , Marine. It binds
YOU to rspect the rule of LAW,
guess you don't qualify as "semper fi"

My Oath to the Constitution of the United States has nothing to do
with pointing a finger and calling a liar a liar, Mark.

And you are, by your own admssion, a liar.

You've even reproved it numerous times in the last 24 hours.

And you'll never know what "Semper Fi" stands for...Oh yes, I know
you can cite the translation, but you'll never know what it is to be
one of the Band of Brothers.


I could do exactly what HE does and extract single words from
posts and make it sound ominous, too.

You do that often enough yourself



See what I mean. There's a lie right now.

But there's a difference...

Brian P Burke is a chronic and deceitful liar....He NEEDS to
manufacture such things in order tod etract from his online misdeeds.

I don't need to do such things.

Then why do you?

I don't.

But you do you spin pages out of your deciding that a word must men
just what you want it to mean.

Never have done that, Markie!

YOU "drafted".

You never did adequately explain your meaning of "drafted". I, of
course, gave you the true definition as it pertains to the Armed
Forces, whcih YOU were alleging membership in...

So let's hear it...

But you cheat Steve of his due He is pure as the driven over snow deny
him what you but grant him his due

Not as pure as the driven snow, but certainly not the YELLOW snow
like the two of you.

Now the Kinky references again missed those

What "kinky references"...???

go look up the Fetish Watersports, and don't complain about being asked
since you also complain about sexual and/or kinky content in here

What I am trying to figure out is how you worked that in to the
conversation...I certainly didn't and neither did anyone else I see.

Of course you blame others for such introductions...Yet here you
are doing it yorself...


Hence i take and have always taken precautions and thus Steve has never
managed to get closer than I have choosen to allow him he has contacted
people that know me and where the trails of breadcrumbs lead

I think he's a creep. Leave no crumbs if you can help it.

I have left crumbs that lead to blind alleys, but places where his
efforts will be detected.

"...places where his efforts will be detected..."...?!?!

yep, places where if you do something (serious) I will hear, as I heard
of someone making calls to the Illiopolis PD (maybe you maybe ole MD
maybe someone else)trying to get the address that went with the PoB


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiight!


More lies, Markie...Or at least paranoid delusions.

I bet they are plentiful in your realm.

Don't insult creeps, please don't bring down that merely disrepuable

Too late...You're already here.

and you you are vermin


yes you are vermin


an Oathbreaker (your service oath to the constitution)

I dare you to recite that oath in here, Mark, and then provide
some even remote substantiation of your claim.

Vermin Like Steve is why I am not nor will I ever be completely honest
on the Internet about my bio or location etc

Vermin! Hi!

And I like the way you broke his name down; Robber's Son.

Been looking for the right moment for that one found when he was claim
someone was a thief

A Cheap shot what is is fun and is valid on the face of it

But one that's easily disproven. NCIC refers.

NCIC? gigo

again NCIC means what?

Look it up, idiot. What were you saying about "carrying

and so what

"So what"...?!?!

You've just re=proven my assertions about your cowardace in the
face of facts.

Insinuate my father was a thief, and when I suggest that you find
out for your selg you try that "GIGO" routine.

My selg?
But you lie I never insinulated your father was a thief I stated quite
plainly that one of your
male forefathers was a thief

Lies, lies, lies, Markie.

I have only one father. He's deceased. His Amateur call was
N8DOS and it's still on QRZ. I dare you to get his name and run it
through NCIC

Roberson or robeson are coruptions of RobberSon look it up in the work
of the Brothers Grim

The "Brothers Grim" wrote tales.

"Robeson" is not a corruption of "Robberson"

Perhaps you should be doing your research somewhere other than in
children's fairey tales...

If you want to see "garbage", re-read all of the posts under your
own hand...THERE'S garbage.

nO don't want to see garbe which maybe I should stop reading your posts

There's more of that very same garbage, Mark.


Hooked On Phonics

Get them both...Use them.

Steve, K4YZ

  #32   Report Post  
Old July 6th 05, 11:20 AM
Posts: n/a

b.b. wrote:
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:

And you can't can't spell 'about' or 'return' or 'blowing' or
'conspiracy'. And what is 'are complain', do you mean 'are complaining'?

Did you know that Mark is dyslexic?

Did YOU know that Mark's a chronic liar?

Did YOU know that dyslexia is treatable?

Did YOU know that technology exists to allow him to correct his
sloppy, lazy writing style before ever hitting the "send" key, and that
in many cases it's a freeware item?

One chronic liar supporting another...why am I not

Steve, K4YZ

  #33   Report Post  
Old July 6th 05, 05:07 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

You'd have to show me where I've insulted your father, Markie...As
a matter of fact, I seem to remember where I praised him for not
holding a pillow over your head when you were an infant

you just admitted to insulting by repating one of them

I didn't admit anything.


I said I praised him.

and according to him your words were insulting to him

Is the pillow trick how your little girl died?

Nope. She fell asleep peacefully.

You should be as lucky to go as peacefully as she did.

and you can't spell "ahve" you have been blwoing that one all day

Yep. I transpose the a and h more thyan I care to say.

and you are allowed to do that and I am not allowed my problems


Your "problems" are complete and utter contempt for the people
reading your stuff, Mark. Most people do make OCCASSIONAL typos, and
we can all understand those.

still a hypoctrite

you don't even check your admission for of typos for typos

OTOH you do have point I have a complete and utter contempt for those
people reading my stuff most closely. First on the that list is your
Name these days.

Anything you want is more likely to get the opposite than your desired
result, and I certainly am not spending an effort on plesing you

Grow up, get over it, move on

and please stop beating the dead equine

Yours are in almost every sentence.

I deny almost ervy sentence but tha is a quibble

I don't deny making typos

I don't deny making LOTS of typos

Grow up, get over it, move on

and please stop beating the dead equine

You also have extremely poor grammar and sentence construction.

not realy stevie, it is as other have agreed that I treat this medium

I don't see the Usenet as truely a written form sinc it is not
inteneded for any formal purpose.

I see it as more akin to spoken engligh

Indeed I seem to recall other agreeing that reading my aloud and
lsitening to it often clears things up

You can choose to do this or not

but you lack the right to dictate what I must do

It's got nothing to do with dyslexia. It's got everything to do
with WANTING to be "special".


Defferent perhaps. indeed if you are Normal Stevie I don't want it,
would turn it down if offered,

Your concerns as near as I can see them disgust me.

Tom Cruise is dyslexic. He fixed his problem. You're just lazy
on several levels.

he says he has

Ok I am lazy on several levels

Lazy is not a crime

If you feel it is chacter flaw the to you it is
Grow up, get over it, move on

and please stop beating the dead equine

He may be our next democrat candidate for president.

Thank god even the Dems are not that Kamikaze

Thanks a REAL god that I'm not stupid enough to be a Democrat

Now a dig at my religion

What religion?


Where did I say anything about paganism?

Never said you did

God please protect me form your (alleged) followers

Who's alleged to follow what?

You have alleged to be christian


I've said that I adhere to many Christian principles. I have not
said I am Christian.

HMM i thought you had still

but do you deny being christain?

I said relitively harmless, they are far more dangerous one than
Stevie. more wooried about him inciting other folks with his crap.

The thought of Steve as puppetmaster...

Not a Puppet master by any means a puppeteer, maybe

Either way you look at it, neither of you are capable of
maneuvering without someone to set your course for you.

Bull####, plain and simple

Yes, you are.


and it was Bull#### not bull####

I choose to not wilfully recite your profanity, Mark.

No you choose to alter my words

**** is not profanity

**** is ****

It's easy enough to show people what an idiot you are without it.

then do so without forging my words into soemthing else

And yes, you require guidance.

nope esp not yours

Yes...Anyone's. You need help. More than I could ever offer.

realy another lie. Anyone's Help? Ole Jeffery Dahmer perhaps?

Anyone who admits, boastfully so, that he's a prolific liar needs

IYO just becuase you say it don't make it so

Let me quote from again from lost in space, "don't mistake my deception
for a character flaw it is a philosical choice, a result of a profund
understandering of the universe works"or words to that effect

perhaps by your standards I am in fact EVIL. I however am entitled to
be evil in your eyes if I choose, that is what the first amendments
means in part. It is something YOU SWORE an oath to uphold

Fine go ahead and think that

I decide my course...(SNIP)

That's the part where you require guidance. You don't see this
jerky, all over the road behaviour that the rest of us see.

excuse me? now you claim I don't reconize my tempter is eratic, that I
am touchy


You do not see the consequences of your actions.

You know this how? I foresaw most of what has been happening (in wide
strokes) since i returned to the newsgroup Made a couple of mistakes
but that is ok One was assmuing it would take you more than a few hours
to start up your gay bashing again, but everyone makes mistakes

If you did, you'd correct your behaviour.

One, MY behaviour IS correct by the only standard that matter to me,

Two, everything is proceeding much as I expected it to

Can't you get it through your head that I am different than you. Are
you so narrow minded that you can't conceive that any would look at the
world in other ways than you? I guess so, and then you have the nerve
to call ME narrow minded

In addtion your statement I am not lead by another

Then you should be.


In mine as you should know by now you are full of ****

You are in desperate need of adult supervision.


Grow up, get over it, move on

and please stop beating the dead equine

you do influence it a bit, but their is no "No Code
conspricy" we nocoders don't even agree on all that much besides ending
code testing

"No code conspiracy..."...?!?!?

My latest guess as to which puppeteer you are refering to

What? Huh?

you said I was a puppet I am still trying to figure out who you think
is pulling the strings?

You're slipping,
Markie.........waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaay

But you will always be down there in case I fall

Just to point and laugh.

no you will be under me do watch out

The slippery spot has been pointed out to you...But you keep
trying to walk through it. That deserves a good laugh when you fall.


And lately that's been just about every post you make.


I'd offer you a rope, but only with the caveat that you put it
around your neck and let go...

enouaging suicide? and you call yourself a Medic for shame

No, I don't call myself a medic.

good thing too

But then, when he made his "bricks through windows, slashed tires, and
terrorized wives" comments, he assured us that it was only "other
people" who do such things. He is as pure as the driven snow.

Missed that one

You missed a lot more than Brain lets on.

Ok fine sure you don't need meds

Nope. What I need is to see liars and misfits like you and Brian
P Burke dealt with in some fashion.


Because it's the right thing to do...Like stopping little old
ladies from being mugged or reporting drunk drivers.

Harassing people lying about them stalking them is the right thing to

and what of your oath to the constitution of the US , Marine. It binds
YOU to rspect the rule of LAW,
guess you don't qualify as "semper fi"

My Oath to the Constitution of the United States has nothing to do
with pointing a finger and calling a liar a liar, Mark.

No it doesn't but that was the point of course.

It is about respecting the religous diversity of the nation.

It is about upholding the rule of law, not vigilantism

And you are, by your own admssion, a liar.

Grow up, get over it, move on

and please stop beating the dead equine

You've even reproved it numerous times in the last 24 hours.

Repoved an odd use of the word

And you'll never know what "Semper Fi" stands for...Oh yes, I know
you can cite the translation, but you'll never know what it is to be
one of the Band of Brothers.

But I do



I could do exactly what HE does and extract single words from
posts and make it sound ominous, too.

You do that often enough yourself



See what I mean. There's a lie right now.


But there's a difference...

Brian P Burke is a chronic and deceitful liar....He NEEDS to
manufacture such things in order tod etract from his online misdeeds.

I don't need to do such things.

Then why do you?

I don't.

But you do you spin pages out of your deciding that a word must men
just what you want it to mean.

Never have done that, Markie!


YOU "drafted".

You never did adequately explain your meaning of "drafted". I, of
course, gave you the true definition as it pertains to the Armed
Forces, whcih YOU were alleging membership in...

yes I did

So let's hear it...

Reatined In any service involontary, or having a reserve activation
used as a threat to in negoating compesatiion, or haveing legal force
used on a person to force their consent to something

But you cheat Steve of his due He is pure as the driven over snow deny
him what you but grant him his due

Not as pure as the driven snow, but certainly not the YELLOW snow
like the two of you.

Now the Kinky references again missed those

What "kinky references"...???

go look up the Fetish Watersports, and don't complain about being asked
since you also complain about sexual and/or kinky content in here

What I am trying to figure out is how you worked that in to the
conversation...I certainly didn't and neither did anyone else I see.

Yellow snow is ****on on snow

If you are that clueless I give up

Can't even satify you by being polite

Of course you blame others for such introductions...Yet here you
are doing it yorself...

Nope you were



Hence i take and have always taken precautions and thus Steve has never
managed to get closer than I have choosen to allow him he has contacted
people that know me and where the trails of breadcrumbs lead

I think he's a creep. Leave no crumbs if you can help it.

I have left crumbs that lead to blind alleys, but places where his
efforts will be detected.

"...places where his efforts will be detected..."...?!?!

yep, places where if you do something (serious) I will hear, as I heard
of someone making calls to the Illiopolis PD (maybe you maybe ole MD
maybe someone else)trying to get the address that went with the PoB


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiight!


More lies, Markie...Or at least paranoid delusions.

prove it

I bet they are plentiful in your realm.

you lose
Grow up, get over it, move on

and please stop beating the dead equine

Don't insult creeps, please don't bring down that merely disrepuable

Too late...You're already here.

and you you are vermin


yes you are vermin


you are

an Oathbreaker (your service oath to the constitution)

I dare you to recite that oath in here, Mark, and then provide
some even remote substantiation of your claim.

I dare you? what next you will double dog dare me

Inamesware to uphold and defend the constitution of the US and the to
obey the offers put over me etc

You derespect the Constitution.

You deny the rights of other to practice their faith unmoslested by you

Vermin Like Steve is why I am not nor will I ever be completely honest
on the Internet about my bio or location etc

Vermin! Hi!

And I like the way you broke his name down; Robber's Son.

Been looking for the right moment for that one found when he was claim
someone was a thief

A Cheap shot what is is fun and is valid on the face of it

But one that's easily disproven. NCIC refers.

NCIC? gigo

again NCIC means what?

Look it up, idiot. What were you saying about "carrying

but yo knwo I am lazy stevie you said so yourself

and so what

"So what"...?!?!

You've just re=proven my assertions about your cowardace in the
face of facts.

Insinuate my father was a thief, and when I suggest that you find
out for your selg you try that "GIGO" routine.

My selg?
But you lie I never insinulated your father was a thief I stated quite
plainly that one of your
male forefathers was a thief

Lies, lies, lies, Markie.

IT is not a lie that I have stated one of your male forefathers was a

I have only one father. He's deceased. His Amateur call was
N8DOS and it's still on QRZ. I dare you to get his name and run it
through NCIC

ah NCIC now get it

Forefather not 4 fathers you idoit

Your ancestors if you now that word

but I never said he was the theif

merely that either several generations back when your family got the
anme His father was a thief

that is how names were given in english (and most other langs)

MacNiel starts as son of Neil,

Cooperson is son of a copper (barrelmaker)


Roberson or robeson are coruptions of RobberSon look it up in the work
of the Brothers Grim

The "Brothers Grim" wrote tales.

they recoded fairy tales and that is what they are best known for but
Like, Heddy Lamar was best known as actress not an inventor, they were
also linguists and wote most of the basic work in that field

"Robeson" is not a corruption of "Robberson"

Prove it

Perhaps you should be doing your research somewhere other than in
children's fairey tales...

Maybe you should know what you are talking about

If you want to see "garbage", re-read all of the posts under your
own hand...THERE'S garbage.

nO don't want to see garbe which maybe I should stop reading your posts

There's more of that very same garbage, Mark.


Hooked On Phonics

Get them both...Use them.

To please you Never

Steve, K4YZ

  #34   Report Post  
Old July 6th 05, 07:36 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:


You read what the FCC says about K1MAN. You read about what other
hams say about K1MAN. Where do you read about what K1MAN says?
ARRL? No! QST? No! CQ? No! World Radio! No! K1TP? No!
QRZ? No! What is wrong with this picture, you ignorant hypocrites?

I'd say "nothing". What obligation do those other entities have
to promulgate your BS and sad story?

Stevbie, I think K1MAN arguement is that his side of the story isn't
getting out, because most of those groups he mention either banned him
or don't want to here his side of the story. Secondly, this is a FREE
country and I know a Nazi, sadist hateful person like youself don't
believe in allowing people telling there side of the story,

You got yourself into this corner all by yourself.

The ignorant one is the idiot facing his third NAL just before his
license is due to be renewed!

No wonder the Arabs hate our guts so much.

For whatever reason persons of Arabic nationalities may dislike
the United States, I'm willing to be that NONE of them have ANYthing to
do with Amateur Radio.

No wonder Amateur Radio is going down the tubes, led by ARRL.

It's not going down ANY tubes led by the ARRL.

It's going "down the tubes" coutesy of lawbreaking,
hate-mongering, selfish punks like you, N9OGL, AB8MQ, etc etc etc...

OH, your high and mighty ARRL hasn't screwed amateur radio
over...right, and your a basard and a sadist for calling me a
hate-monger, as for selfish, yeah I am, I didn't get in this hobby for
you or your asshole buddies at the ARRL, I got into for myself, I'm not
a ****ing communist you believe this hobby is a "collective" like you
I love both America and Amateur Radio, however.

No you don't.

And you do stevbie?? you and your little commie buddies on here
suppress people right to free speech, or you bad mouth them and then
turn around and try to justify yourself as if it's your moral duty
because you can face a debate head on,

If you did, you wouldn't break the laws of the first and
practicies of the second, then try to rub everyone's nose in it.

K1MAN will be on for many many years to come...(SNIP)

I forecast no longer than your next renewl date plus the period of
time your application will be under review/prosecution.

Well wait and see, it's a long process, he has the Administrative
process (through the FCC), then the legal process (through the courts)

...(UNSNIP) and the true scum of our precious hobby and

service will be thoroughly exposed in the upcoming court proceedings.

"We" already know where the scum is. He's a selfish, self-centered
egotistical idiot living in Maine, with an ugly step-cousin in

Well Crybaby Steve, Unlike K1MAN, I USE an UnUSED frequency, and I
check to see if the frequency is not in uses, Secondly, all my programs
deal directly with amateur radio, no off the topic subject matterand no
pencuniary interest, but hey a asshole like you hasn't heard my
transmission, so you wouldn't know.

K1MAN has been on the air with IARN information bulletins since 1987,
and the FCC is as powerless to stop them as K1MAN is powerless to stamp
out amateur radio ignorance.

Like I said....Your next renewal plus the period of time your case
is being litigated...Then...QRT.

well see stevbie, I hope K1MAN brings up section 326 of the
Communication Act of 1934..


=A7 326. Censorship

Nothing in this chapter shall be understood or construed to give the
Commission the power of censorship over the radio communications or
signals transmitted by any radio station, and no regulation or
condition shall be promulgated or fixed by the Commission which shall
interfere with the right of free speech by means of radio

Fear not fellow Radio Amateurs. You have the constitutional right to be

That's really the way to generate sympathy and support for your

Only in America!

Only in America would a law-breaker like you be tolerated for so
long. Your "day" is past due. It's time to get the garbage off the
front step.


Join the American Amateur Radio Association today!

Why? It's not going to be around much longer either.


Finally ponied-up the bucks for another Yahoo domain, I see.



In a "NAL" released 7 June 2005, the FCC has opened a pandora's box,
according to Glenn Baxter...(SNIP)

What a self-glorifying putz.


Bet he's got family in Southern California.

Manager of IARN, the International Amateur Radio Network, and
AARA, the American Amateur Radio Association. Mr. Baxter was
recognized by the State of Maine legislature on March 13, 1991 and
named as a Vermont Academy Distinguished Alumnus on October 1, 1993 for
international amateur radio communications work with his IARN.

Jim Jones and Ted Bundy won civic service awards too.

Your proabably in that catagory too...

Mr. Baxter says that this whole charade is being driven by petty ham
jealousy and the blatent incompetence of ARRL in failing over the years
to come even close to the work of IARN in emergency
communications work.


! ! ! ! ! !

Yeah...that's why the fed's are pouring hundreds-of-thousands of
bucks into ARRL-sponsored and operated Emergency Communications

Show me scumbag, where, it says the ARRL can be the only national

Baxter welcomes these court actions since he has been trying to "face
off" with the Commission for over 15 years. "Many heads are finally
going to roll," acording to Baxter.


we will see stevbie

Just one.

K1MAN's response is printed below together with the full text of the

In the matter of
Glenn A. Baxter, P.E.
Registered Professional Engineer

.....and UNregistered Court Jester...

Licensee of Amateur Radio Station K1MAN

File. No. EB-04-BS-111
NAL/Acct. No. 200532260001
FRN 0013164975

Reply dated 12 June 2005

Respondent Glenn A. Baxter, K1MAN, denies any apparent liability for
forfeiture in the amount of $21,000 or any other violations of FCC
rules, state law, or federal law...(SNIP TO...)

Respondent hereby requests the Commission to supply all documentation
regarding the alleged apparent liability and criminal violations for
respondent to use in preparation for the again demanded trial like
hearing before the full Commission and for the other court actions.

It's apparent that Glennda is going to be representing hisself.
Had a real attorney been requeting this information, there wouldn't
have been any grandstanding or "opening remarks" in his request.

Respondent will be calling witnesses, introducing affivavits, and
further demonstrating many ACTUAL criminal violations of Sections 333
and 501 of the 1934 Communications Act by numerous persons complained
about by your respondent and others in Felony Complaint Affidavits
filed with the U.S. Attorney including the two FCC officials mentioned

Oh no! Glennda is going to waive his "felony complaint
affidavits" in front of a REAL judge ! !


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Maybe this is where Glennda leads the court to believe he's off
his rocker in an attempt to avoid prosecution of the complaints!

Whatta schmuck!

Steve, K4YZ


Todd O'Dochartaigh N9OGL
Saturday's @4.00 pm CST

  #35   Report Post  
Old July 6th 05, 10:47 PM
Posts: n/a

K1MAN will win his case, because the FCC and ARRL have been
involved in illegal and unethical collusion for decades.

73s de Larry
Detroit, Michigan

  #36   Report Post  
Old July 7th 05, 01:00 AM
AKC owns this NG
Posts: n/a

Larry wrote:
K1MAN will win his case, because the FCC and ARRL have been
involved in illegal and unethical collusion for decades.

73s de Larry
Detroit, Michigan

K1MAN is a wristflipper

  #37   Report Post  
Old July 7th 05, 03:42 AM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
b.b. wrote:

Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:

And you can't can't spell 'about' or 'return' or 'blowing' or
'conspiracy'. And what is 'are complain', do you mean 'are complaining'?

Did you know that Mark is dyslexic?

Quit stalking him, "bb".

Dave K8MN

It's interesting that we has a post from Jim (I think) where every word
in a paragraph was misspelled, but was easily readable. But Steve
constantly has issues with everyone's misspellings, except his own.

Now we've got the W.V. banjo picker trying to make an important point.

What a bunch of misfits.

  #38   Report Post  
Old July 7th 05, 03:49 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
b.b. wrote:
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:

And you can't can't spell 'about' or 'return' or 'blowing' or
'conspiracy'. And what is 'are complain', do you mean 'are complaining'?

Did you know that Mark is dyslexic?

Did YOU know that Mark's a chronic liar?

I'm aware that you are.

Did YOU know that dyslexia is treatable?

Nurse, heal thyself.

Did YOU know that technology exists to allow him to correct his
sloppy, lazy writing style before ever hitting the "send" key, and that
in many cases it's a freeware item?

Sloppy, lazy writing style??? We're talking about a disability here.

So we've got a guy who claims to be perfectly fit enough to kick
anyone's ass on RRAP pulling down a disability check, and he's making
fun of people with a real disability, calling them sloppy and lazy.

One chronic liar supporting another...why am I not

Steve, K4YZ

Because you're on anti-depressants?

  #39   Report Post  
Old July 7th 05, 03:57 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:

Your "problems" are complete and utter contempt for the people
reading your stuff, Mark. Most people do make OCCASSIONAL typos, and
we can all understand those.

Yours are in almost every sentence.

You also have extremely poor grammar and sentence construction.

It's got nothing to do with dyslexia. It's got everything to do
with WANTING to be "special".

Tom Cruise is dyslexic. He fixed his problem. You're just lazy
on several levels.

Yep. Tom hires a reader to read his scripts out loud to him which he
then memorizes. Doesn't have to do any writing himself, either.

Some cure.

Meanwhile, you crucify a disabled person for not having the
wherewithall to hire an assistant as Tom Cruise is able to do. You're
a pig.

  #40   Report Post  
Old July 7th 05, 04:11 AM
Posts: n/a

"Larry" wrote:
"AKC owns this NG" wrote in message

Larry wrote:
K1MAN will win his case, because the FCC and ARRL have been
involved in illegal and unethical collusion for decades.

73s de Larry
Detroit, Michigan

K1MAN is a wristflipper

And your IP is dangling in the open

Ask him how he made out after the rain report, and felony.
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