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  #41   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 05:40 AM
Posts: n/a

Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

I opose hazing ritual frat boy rituals for access to the public

Translation: "I don't want to learn anything technical, or anything
about regulations, or take a test to determine if I am half-way capable
of operating a transmitter responsibably on the ham bands".

guess you failed english

Looks like the Childrens Band is a perfect fit for you.

  #42   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 05:51 AM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

I can any definifation I care to I don't have to choose the same one as
you do

When your "definifations" mean something other than what is commonly
accepted, you make it impossible to communicate with others. Of course
you've pretty much done that with your misspellings and grammatical

only to narrow minded people that everything spoon fed to them

Gee, Mark, don't you get it? You are one of the narrow minded people
who wants to be spoon fed. You want amateur radio to be easier in order

No not at all, I want the ARs to respect the liberites of all Americans
myself included

Manure! Nothing in amateur radio takes away any of the "liberites"
granted by the Constitution.

the code test does indeed do so

As with any number of things of late, you're simply wrong.

IYO opinion

doesn't make it so

you want to deprive american of their rights if they don't jump though
the same hoops you did

You have no Constitutional right to an amateur radio license.

I have a right to anything not denied to me by the constition of the
USa unless regulated by treaty since the constitution of the US and the
treaties we sign are the supreme law of the land

Oh, you have a right to attempt to pass an amateur radio exam but you
aren't guaranteed success. The "constition" doesn't address or regulate
motor car licensing but you still have to pass a test in order to obtain
a driving license. It can be revoked by your state or denied if you
have a medical or mental condition rendering you a hazard to others.
Deal with the fact that you don't a right to something simply because
you want to do it.

But to use your analogy I am propected from making me take a test on
the use of the Buggy whip in order to drive

Nothing in the Consittution allows the FCC to cintinue codetesting ,
and nothing in the treaty gives it that power there the power does not
exist in law

Nothing in the U.S. Constitution prevents the FCC from administering a
morse code test for amateur radio licensing. You have no right to an
amateur radio license.

Nothing gives it he power to impose an uneeded test

I have a right to a fair test

I opose hazing ritual frat boy rituals for access to the public

I opossum your view.

and the Constitution of the US

Okay, I opossum the Constitution.

You support frat boy **** and don't bother to use language as you
demand I do

to accomodate you. You want explanations about 5 MHz modes to be in

No I want people to answer questions aksed instaed of droning on about
irelavant garbage

Everything you needed for an answer was right before you--spelled out.
That, of course, might have been the problem. Next time, ask Hans for
the aural version.

not it wasn't

Yes, Mark, it was. Your repeated denials of reality are just making you
look stupid.

He did not answer the question of wether CW was premitted

Hans has spent a couple of weeks ont eh suject of what is a band that
is waste

To try explaining it to you was certainly a waste.

do understand what I am saying when I type 60m Band or not?

Yes, you mean the spot frequencies which are not a band at all.

then stop your whining becuase that is all it is whining

Mark-sized chunks. You want all others to have to try to decipher your

can't you read it is a matter of indifference to me read or don't read
at your pleasure

hieroglyphs rather than you doing the work to post messages in

properly-spelled and grammatically correct English. You'd like folks to
guess as to how you'll define terms which have a specific meaning to all
the rest of us.

Really then form Stevie the NBA and NFL are lying ervy years when they
say they are holding a draft

Do you know the difference between a military draft and an NFL or NBA
draft? Were you being drafted by either the NFL or NBA? The definition
of both types of draft is the same, by the way.

nope it isn't at least ot according to Stevie

I don't know Steve's views on the NBA or NFL draft. I do know what
you've written previously about being drafted. Now we're to understand
that you didn't actually mean "drafted".

never said that either as I then a year later , and a few days ago I
using the word in other senses. That you and Stevie are hung out on one
meaning is not my fault. I have also admitted the use was unforunate
but you are just in attacking

no one has yet to come up with a term other than band to describe 60 m
doesn't stop setvie and hans from going on and on about how wrong it is

Hans gave you a term to use. There is no 60m band by definition.

and yet you, steve and Hans know better than the ARRL and W5YI

Yeah, it surely looks that way. It certainly won't be the first time.

such humility

Dave K8MN

  #43   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 12:31 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
I can any definifation I care to I don't have to choose the same one as
you do

When your "definifations" mean something other than what is commonly
accepted, you make it impossible to communicate with others. Of course
you've pretty much done that with your misspellings and grammatical

only to narrow minded people that everything spoon fed to them

Gee, Mark, don't you get it? You are one of the narrow minded people
who wants to be spoon fed. You want amateur radio to be easier in order

No not at all, I want the ARs to respect the liberites of all Americans
myself included

Manure! Nothing in amateur radio takes away any of the "liberites"
granted by the Constitution.

the code test does indeed do so

As with any number of things of late, you're simply wrong.

IYO opinion

doesn't make it so

Here's a plain, simple fact: The license requirements are
determined almost entirely by someone's opinion.

For example, why is the written test for Extra 50 questions
rather than, say, 100? Or 25?

For that matter, why do Advanceds an Generals have to take the
same test to upgrade to Extra?

The Advanced and Extra licenses don't add any bands, modes or
power level to General privileges. Why is more testing required
for those licenses?


In all cases the reason is the same: FCC's opinion says it's
a good idea.

you want to deprive american of their rights if they don't jump though
the same hoops you did

You have no Constitutional right to an amateur radio license.

I have a right to anything not denied to me by the constition of the
USa unless regulated by treaty since the constitution of the US and the
treaties we sign are the supreme law of the land

An amateur radio license is a privilige, not a right.

Oh, you have a right to attempt to pass an amateur radio exam but you
aren't guaranteed success.


The "constition" doesn't address or regulate
motor car licensing but you still have to pass a test in order to obtain
a driving license. It can be revoked by your state or denied if you
have a medical or mental condition rendering you a hazard to others.
Deal with the fact that you don't a right to something simply because
you want to do it.

But to use your analogy I am propected from making me take
a test on the use of the Buggy whip in order to drive

That's true - but buggy whips aren't used much on the roads of
America by people driving cars. Morse Code is very extensively
used on the MF/HF amateur bands by radio amateurs operating
amateur radio stations.

The "buggy whip" argument just doesn't hold up. A more valid
argument would be that you don't want to have to answer
questions on driving at night, because you only intend to
drive in the daytime, nor questions on driving in ice and
snow because you live in a place that rarely if ever has
those weather conditions.

Nothing in the Consittution allows the FCC to cintinue codetesting ,
and nothing in the treaty gives it that power there the power does not
exist in law

Nothing in the U.S. Constitution prevents the FCC from administering a
morse code test for amateur radio licensing. You have no right to an
amateur radio license.

Nothing gives it he power to impose an uneeded test

Whether a test is "needed" or "unneeded" is a matter of
opinion. Nothing more or less.

I have a right to a fair test

That's true. "A fair test" means that everyone applying for
a license at a particular time has to meet the same basic
test requirements.

IOW, if someone has a Ph.D in EE, or is a member of some
organization or other, they don't get a pass on the exam.

I opose hazing ritual frat boy rituals for access to the public

I opossum your view.

and the Constitution of the US

Okay, I opossum the Constitution.

You support frat boy ****
and don't bother to use language as you
demand I do

Your example is not one to be emulated.

to accomodate you. You want explanations about 5 MHz modes to be in

No I want people to answer questions aksed instaed of droning on about
irelavant garbage

Sounds like "internet disease" to me - the desire to have
everything spelled out in custom-made explanations rather
than having to look anything up or exert some mental
effort to understand the available information.

The refusal to use a spellchecker when one is obviouslysorely needed is
a clear symptom.

Everything you needed for an answer was right before you--spelled out.
That, of course, might have been the problem. Next time, ask Hans for
the aural version.

not it wasn't

Yes, Mark, it was. Your repeated denials of reality are just making you
look stupid.

He did not answer the question of wether CW was premitted

Yes, he did. By direct quote of the relevant sections of
Part 97.

If you won't make the effort to use correct grammar, spelling,
punctuation and capitalization, why should anyone make the
effort to answer your questions?

If you won't make the effort to look up the relevant rules and
understand them, why should anyone make the
effort to answer your questions?

  #44   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 01:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:
You failed English and spelling. Like I say, you would fit perfectly on

the Chicken Band, they are all on just about your level.

You're no netter than him jj, your drivel is worse than what's on CB.

  #45   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 03:55 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

You have agreed that I am deffeent and that I have the right to be
therfore I all right or at least not wroug

You can be "deffeent" and wrong too.

You keep insisting that I am "agreeing" with you.

you seem tobut then it like Senator Kerry you flipflop very fast


No. Rude for treating Hans the way you did for ANSWERING your

stevie you are flaimng me for reareaching part 97 which you complained
I wasn't doing

No...I was complaining that you're lying.

prove it

See all under "an_old_friend"

Pretty hillarious stuff there.

i was rading the sections of part 97 and noticed this hole in the stuff
from the FCC

There's no hole. Other than in your head, that is......

and decided to coment on it

And made a fool out of yourself in the process.

you claim everything I do is some of plot to confuse you and now Hans

The only thing confusing about you is your broken grammar and
illogical expressive patterns.

get over your self

Get over WHAT about myself?

When was you last post on Radio here

Which was evident in your post.


making up wityhput eveident that I am trying to decieve folks

"wityhput eveident"...?!?!

What the heck is that?

what you are engaged in attacks with nothing to back em up

You didn't answer the question.

WhatEVER that was, it wasn't English.

Try again.

You suggested intercourse. We are the same gender, and that's

not according to medical authority

Sure it is. What "medical authority" are YOU refering to? Jack

nor did I suggest I would #### you

Good thing. Or you WOULD have something to worry about.

And I've never seen the word "truthfull" either.



and you cut stuff out again

I see no need to re-post things that are three or more posts old,

I have used the word before therefore you have seen therefore you are
lieing about not having seen it

"Truthfull" is not correct, Mark.

That YOU spell "mistruthful" taht way does NOT make it right.

never seen it before

Maybe because Webster's isn't written in crayon...?!?!

doubt that

why are you so obsessed with crayons?

Because I am certain that writing with crayons is about your
developmental level.

You act childish, so I assume you function better at a child-like

which does not alter its threatening nature esp from a guy saying "one
shot one Kill even in illiopolis"

More out-of-context quotes, Markie!


Yep. Sure is. Just like Brain keeps trying to insinuate that I
allegedly threatened to "slash tires" and "terrorize wives".

you typed it

And Brain snipped it and quoted it out of context.

Forgot your "Is that your best shot" comment that inspired the


Obviously you did.

nope you just think you are above the law, fortunately for you it
doesn't seem to bother with usenet's OK for YOU to choose words that can be misconstrued to a
violent intent, but if anyone else uses such words, it's "above the

Uh huh....

What "shot" were YOU suggesting, Markie...?!?!

I was not suggesting a gunshot

That's not what I asked you.

I asked you what "shot" were YOU suggesting.

Do you not understand the question?

I have 100% Hukman DNA



So what is "Hukman DNA"...?!?!

Is that some distant alien race that seeded the Earth...?!?!?

There's no "distorted uses" I can apply to words that YOU won't
print clearly.

Stevie you didtort my words wether I type them clearly or not

How can I "didtort" your words any worse than YOU

An absolute lie, Markie. You were MONTHS with that

nope you just did not bother to read it so I had to repate it

You're lying, Morgan.

You lied about being in the Army.

You lied aboout being threatened.

You continue to lie about being "stalked".

Why not just TRY being truthful for ONE WEEK and see if you aren't
accepted just a wee bit better than what you are now.

and then these years later you claim I never did at all

which lie is your final answer?

There's no lie on my part, ergo no final answer.

You needed reapeated a year later and again 6 years later

Nope. YOU needed to be reminded that there is only ONE meaning of
the word "drafted" as applied to military service.

the choie of the word was alas unforunate, but I am not bound by your
narrowminded vision

It isn't MY "vision".

YOU chose to represent yourself as a commissioned officer in the
Armed Forces, ergo YOUR "choie" of words could only be construed as
being in the military vernacular.

More lies! Sheesh, Morgan, where DO you get this stuff...?!?!

you sent those email I remember them well

I am sure you "remember" a lot of things in your few lucid

None of it correct, but I am sure you THINK it is.

What time? What money? You're a useless layabout. What have YOU
got to do?

Stevie I run my own company. a small one, I take care of a Terminal ill
man, I am active in politics. I even try to get on the air

Oh God...that's scary....

Bad enough the poor fellow is ill, but to have to wake up and see
YOUR mug...

my income is the range of about 30K a year, and I own my home (not me
and the bank but me) I have a family


Most sexual deviants live in the middle of "Middle America", and
everyone is aghast when the news hits the presses.

that you are bigoted enough to judge a person by his typing is not my

It's not just your "typing", Mark.

It's your ignorance. It's your behaviour. It's your arrogance.

But most of all, it's the lying.

Note that Lennie Anderson is quite verbose...bordering poetic on
rare occassion, yet I despise him.

I despise him because he's a liar...And he doesn't take too great
care to hide his misrepresentations, either.

You don't humilate me.

No, I don't.

progress boyo

But not what you think wusso.

anoy harrass stalker threaten me yes

No. No. No. No.

yes yes yes

Three out of four.

"Progress boyo"

you dare to claim you don't anoy me?

Do I?

I hadn't noticed.

Jesus Mary and Joeseph

Peter, Paul and Mary.

yes all in that #### brains head of yours

that #### for brains of yours

Have you been taking Toiddie's correspondence course for online

talking about killing people is always a threat and never justified on

Then why did you start it?

and anyne who make the threats you do over Ham radio must be unblanced,
not sure exactly how, but you must be

What threats have I made "...over Ham Radio..."

to kill me

I've NEVER discussed you over Ham Radio, Mark.

of course you are distring the context again I gues I shoudl have said
over the subject of Ham radio but that would hardly help since youd
just find some other way to twist my words

No twisting needed, Mark.

If you'd learn PROPER ENGLISH instead of exepcting the rest of the
world to adapt to you, you'd find life a lot more pleasant.

Speaking the same language as those around you does NOT detract
from your individuality or "freedom", Mark. It enhances it.

I don't discuss you on the air. I wouldn't be able to stop
laughing long enough to get my call and QTH across...

never said you did another of your distortions

No distortion.

YOU said that I threatened to harm you "..over Ham Radio"...

In the COMPLETE context of the sentence, any reasonable person
competent in English would ahve drawn the same conclusion

Please, Markie...

Tell us of YOUR credentials to determine mental instability...!

years of reading your posts

Then you are acknowledging that you ahve NO credentials.

i don't ahve anything nor does anyone else

yes a cheap shot at your spelling, but I pass on most of them

Don't use the letter transposition as an excuse to ignore the
question, Mark.

What are YOUR credentials for determining mental instability?

Do you have any? Yes or no will suffice.

If you understood English well, you'd have a better than average
likelyhood of spelling it correctly.

not realy proves you don't know much about dyslexia

I know it can be treated.

Yes according to Tom Cruise where did he get his MD?

Tom Cruise needs an MD in order to tell people he had a dysfunction
that he got help for?

Steve, K4YZ

  #46   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 04:02 PM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

Steveo wrote:
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:

You failed English and spelling. Like I say, you would fit perfectly on

the Chicken Band, they are all on just about your level.

You're no netter than him jj, your drivel is worse than what's on CB.


Stick to the Childrens Band with the rest of the scum of radio land, you
are way out classed here steveio.
  #47   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 04:11 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

I opose hazing ritual frat boy rituals for access to the public

Translation: "I don't want to learn anything technical, or anything
about regulations, or take a test to determine if I am half-way capable
of operating a transmitter responsibably on the ham bands".

guess you failed english

Better to "fail" it than bend it over and rape it in broad

And let's face it, Mark...That IS what you suggest.

For the past week you've been refusing to apologize to Hans because
he had the temerity to use proper emission designators in response to
an inquiry BY you...

He provided you specific information, but you've since made a
"federal case" out of having been "forced" to learn something.

Steve, K4YZ

  #48   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 04:28 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Manure! Nothing in amateur radio takes away any of the "liberites"
granted by the Constitution.

the code test does indeed do so

As with any number of things of late, you're simply wrong.

IYO opinion

doesn't make it so

But in this case he's right.

Neither you or any other person has been denied their
Constitutional rights due to ANY Amateur examination.

Nothing in the U.S. Constitution prevents the FCC from administering a
morse code test for amateur radio licensing. You have no right to an
amateur radio license.

Nothing gives it he power to impose an uneeded test

Uneeded in YOUR opinion.

I have a right to a fair test

It IS fair.

The FCC will allow almost ANY accomodation for the test other than
just paying someone to tkae it for you.

I opose hazing ritual frat boy rituals for access to the public

I opossum your view.

and the Constitution of the US

Okay, I opossum the Constitution.

You support frat boy #### and don't bother to use language as you
demand I do

He was using YOUR style, Mark.

What's a matter?

Having trouble understanding it?

Everything you needed for an answer was right before you--spelled out.
That, of course, might have been the problem. Next time, ask Hans for
the aural version.

not it wasn't

Yes, Mark, it was. Your repeated denials of reality are just making you
look stupid.

He did not answer the question of wether CW was premitted

Yes he did.

Why do you continue to blatantly lie when Hans' post is archived
for all to see?

do understand what I am saying when I type 60m Band or not?

Yes, you mean the spot frequencies which are not a band at all.

then stop your whining becuase that is all it is whining

No, it's correcting your misconceptions.

I don't know Steve's views on the NBA or NFL draft. I do know what
you've written previously about being drafted. Now we're to understand
that you didn't actually mean "drafted".

never said that either as I then a year later , and a few days ago I
using the word in other senses. That you and Stevie are hung out on one
meaning is not my fault. I have also admitted the use was unforunate
but you are just in attacking

It's not "one meaning".

It's that you lied.

Ask any American citizen what "drafted" means in military terms,
and they will tell you it means involuntary conscription, or words to
that effect.

no one has yet to come up with a term other than band to describe 60 m
doesn't stop setvie and hans from going on and on about how wrong it is

Hans gave you a term to use. There is no 60m band by definition.

and yet you, steve and Hans know better than the ARRL and W5YI

Yeah, it surely looks that way. It certainly won't be the first time.

such humility

Facts are facts.

If I (or any person, for that matter...) is "right" but not part
of some "organization", does it make it any LESS "true"...?!?!

Steve, K4YZ

  #49   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 06:24 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

You have agreed that I am deffeent and that I have the right to be
therfore I all right or at least not wroug

You can be "deffeent" and wrong too.

ture a little progress Boyo

However I can't be wroung about a matter of opinion

You keep insisting that I am "agreeing" with you.

you seem tobut then it like Senator Kerry you flipflop very fast


sure do

No. Rude for treating Hans the way you did for ANSWERING your

stevie you are flaimng me for reareaching part 97 which you complained
I wasn't doing

No...I was complaining that you're lying.

prove it

See all under "an_old_friend"

Pretty hillarious stuff there.

funny to you prehaps but no proof of lying

i was rading the sections of part 97 and noticed this hole in the stuff
from the FCC

There's no hole. Other than in your head, that is......

more lies

and decided to coment on it

And made a fool out of yourself in the process.

nope according to you I can't make a fool of myself

you claim everything I do is some of plot to confuse you and now Hans

The only thing confusing about you is your broken grammar and
illogical expressive patterns.

then you are lieing in saying i saying I was ploting to confuse/divert

get over your self

Get over WHAT about myself?

get over yourself

When was you last post on Radio here

again whenwas YOUR last port on Radio 1998

Which was evident in your post.


making up wityhput eveident that I am trying to decieve folks

"wityhput eveident"...?!?!

What the heck is that?

what you are engaged in attacks with nothing to back em up

You didn't answer the question.

nope I didn't

I have the same rights as you do

WhatEVER that was, it wasn't English.

Try again.

You suggested intercourse. We are the same gender, and that's

not according to medical authority

Sure it is. What "medical authority" are YOU refering to? Jack

The standard refernces of the mental health feild disagree

nor did I suggest I would #### you

Good thing. Or you WOULD have something to worry about.

You should be worring about your obsession with sex

And I've never seen the word "truthfull" either.



and you cut stuff out again

I see no need to re-post things that are three or more posts old,

no you cut stuff inorder to build a stawman to nock down

I have used the word before therefore you have seen therefore you are
lieing about not having seen it

"Truthfull" is not correct, Mark.

sure is

That YOU spell "mistruthful" taht way does NOT make it right.

does not make it wroung either

never seen it before

Maybe because Webster's isn't written in crayon...?!?!

doubt that

why are you so obsessed with crayons?

Because I am certain that writing with crayons is about your
developmental level.

then you are simply stupid

You act childish, so I assume you function better at a child-like

more personal attack boring

which does not alter its threatening nature esp from a guy saying "one
shot one Kill even in illiopolis"

More out-of-context quotes, Markie!


Yep. Sure is. Just like Brain keeps trying to insinuate that I
allegedly threatened to "slash tires" and "terrorize wives".

you typed it

And Brain snipped it and quoted it out of context.

Why do you claim that only you may decide how you are quoted
The context looked pretty clear to me

Forgot your "Is that your best shot" comment that inspired the


Obviously you did.

nope you just think you are above the law, fortunately for you it
doesn't seem to bother with usenet's OK for YOU to choose words that can be misconstrued to a
violent intent, but if anyone else uses such words, it's "above the

what violent intent are you talking about

and "One shot one kill.." can ONLY be taken as a violent intent

Uh huh....

What "shot" were YOU suggesting, Markie...?!?!

I was not suggesting a gunshot

That's not what I asked you.

I was refering to some now forgottn cheap retorical shot you made just
before that as you well knew

I asked you what "shot" were YOU suggesting.

Do you not understand the question?

simply don't remeber enough from 5 years ago

I have 100% Hukman DNA



So what is "Hukman DNA"...?!?!

Is that some distant alien race that seeded the Earth...?!?!?

There's no "distorted uses" I can apply to words that YOU won't
print clearly.

Stevie you didtort my words wether I type them clearly or not

How can I "didtort" your words any worse than YOU

Stevie I don't know how can do it? esp and make the claim that you are
upholding some kind of civlized standard, but you do


An absolute lie, Markie. You were MONTHS with that

nope you just did not bother to read it so I had to repate it

You're lying, Morgan.


You lied about being in the Army.


You lied aboout being threatened.


You continue to lie about being "stalked".


Why not just TRY being truthful for ONE WEEK and see if you aren't
accepted just a wee bit better than what you are now.

why don't you try being truthfull for even one post

and then these years later you claim I never did at all

which lie is your final answer?

There's no lie on my part, ergo no final answer.

mases of lies to many to sort out

You needed reapeated a year later and again 6 years later

Nope. YOU needed to be reminded that there is only ONE meaning of
the word "drafted" as applied to military service.

the choie of the word was alas unforunate, but I am not bound by your
narrowminded vision

It isn't MY "vision".

yes it is

YOU chose to represent yourself as a commissioned officer in the
Armed Forces, ergo YOUR "choie" of words could only be construed as
being in the military vernacular.

bull**** nor is selected service the only use of drafted in military

More lies! Sheesh, Morgan, where DO you get this stuff...?!?!

you sent those email I remember them well

I am sure you "remember" a lot of things in your few lucid

and you are not man enough to admit your crimes

None of it correct, but I am sure you THINK it is.

What time? What money? You're a useless layabout. What have YOU
got to do?

Stevie I run my own company. a small one, I take care of a Terminal ill
man, I am active in politics. I even try to get on the air

Oh God...that's scary....

what is scary. that you are stupid

Bad enough the poor fellow is ill, but to have to wake up and see
YOUR mug...

it was bad enough that your daughter had to see your till she died many
that had something to do with her death

my income is the range of about 30K a year, and I own my home (not me
and the bank but me) I have a family


your welcome

Most sexual deviants live in the middle of "Middle America", and
everyone is aghast when the news hits the presses.

not a sexual deviant according the satndrads of mental health

that you are bigoted enough to judge a person by his typing is not my

It's not just your "typing", Mark.

yes it is

It's your ignorance. It's your behaviour. It's your arrogance.

arogance you are far more aroagnt than I

and more childish to be carrying on about th facts I don't choose to
use words as narowwly as you do for 5 ****ing years

But most of all, it's the lying.

then grow and face facts, "everyone lies"(B5)

Note that Lennie Anderson is quite verbose...bordering poetic on
rare occassion, yet I despise him.

I was under no impression you like him

I despise him because he's a liar...And he doesn't take too great
care to hide his misrepresentations, either.

again then grow and face facts, "everyone lies"(B5)

You don't humilate me.

No, I don't.

progress boyo

But not what you think wusso.

Like i said progress not sucesss

anoy harrass stalker threaten me yes

No. No. No. No.

yes yes yes

Three out of four.

progress boyo

"Progress boyo"

you dare to claim you don't anoy me?

Do I?

yes right above
you did you dening it now

get yoour stories striaght

I hadn't noticed.

Jesus Mary and Joeseph

Peter, Paul and Mary.

yes all in that #### brains head of yours

that #### for brains of yours

Have you been taking Toiddie's correspondence course for online

nope just excerising my free speech rights

talking about killing people is always a threat and never justified on

Then why did you start it?

another lie

One shot one kill even in Illiolpolis" were your words not mine

and anyne who make the threats you do over Ham radio must be unblanced,
not sure exactly how, but you must be

What threats have I made "...over Ham Radio..."

to kill me

I've NEVER discussed you over Ham Radio, Mark.

and as normal you chosee to distort the meaning

of course you are distring the context again I gues I shoudl have said
over the subject of Ham radio but that would hardly help since youd
just find some other way to twist my words

No twisting needed, Mark.


right you threaten me over the subject of ham radio and can't even
accept that

If you'd learn PROPER ENGLISH instead of exepcting the rest of the
world to adapt to you, you'd find life a lot more pleasant.

Speaking the same language as those around you does NOT detract
from your individuality or "freedom", Mark. It enhances it.

yes it does detract from my freedom if it forced upon me, the very use
of force denies freedom

I don't discuss you on the air. I wouldn't be able to stop
laughing long enough to get my call and QTH across...

never said you did another of your distortions

No distortion.

yes another distortion

YOU said that I threatened to harm you "..over Ham Radio"...

then when you did not "understand" that I corrected to over the subject
of ham radio and you continue to ignore the corection sthereby
dieffecting a distortion

In the COMPLETE context of the sentence, any reasonable person
competent in English would ahve drawn the same conclusion


Please, Markie...

Tell us of YOUR credentials to determine mental instability...!

years of reading your posts

Then you are acknowledging that you ahve NO credentials.

i don't ahve anything nor does anyone else

yes a cheap shot at your spelling, but I pass on most of them

Don't use the letter transposition as an excuse to ignore the
question, Mark.

why not you do all the time I try to keep it to just once a week

What are YOUR credentials for determining mental instability?

don't claim any don't need any to repeat the words of a professional
who in my case knows enough about me to make a pronouncement

Do you have any? Yes or no will suffice.

If you understood English well, you'd have a better than average
likelyhood of spelling it correctly.

not realy proves you don't know much about dyslexia

I know it can be treated.

Yes according to Tom Cruise where did he get his MD?

Tom Cruise needs an MD in order to tell people he had a dysfunction
that he got help for?

he needs to say it can simply be cured

you are claiming I need credencails to repeat my word of my own

Steve, K4YZ

  #50   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 06:30 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

You have agreed that I am deffeent and that I have the right to be
therfore I all right or at least not wroug

You can be "deffeent" and wrong too.

not over a matter of opinion

You keep insisting that I am "agreeing" with you.

you seem tobut then it like Senator Kerry you flipflop very fast



No. Rude for treating Hans the way you did for ANSWERING your

stevie you are flaimng me for reareaching part 97 which you complained
I wasn't doing

No...I was complaining that you're lying.

prove it

See all under "an_old_friend"

Pretty hillarious stuff there.

what proof?

nothing as normal for stevie

claims everyone should do his work for him

i was rading the sections of part 97 and noticed this hole in the stuff
from the FCC

There's no hole. Other than in your head, that is......

yes there is

Indeed the FCC adknowleds the proble with them refering people to both
an out of date copy and a corect one

and decided to coment on it

And made a fool out of yourself in the process.

accroding to you that is not possibe, so another lie Stevie

you claim everything I do is some of plot to confuse you and now Hans

The only thing confusing about you is your broken grammar and
illogical expressive patterns.

get over your self

Get over WHAT about myself?

get over yourself is comon expression corretly used

so get over yourself

When was you last post on Radio here

when was it BTW

Which was evident in your post.


making up wityhput eveident that I am trying to decieve folks

"wityhput eveident"...?!?!

What the heck is that?

what you are engaged in attacks with nothing to back em up

You didn't answer the question.

no I did not

WhatEVER that was, it wasn't English.

Try again.

You suggested intercourse. We are the same gender, and that's

not according to medical authority

Sure it is. What "medical authority" are YOU refering to? Jack

members of AMA

nor did I suggest I would #### you

Good thing. Or you WOULD have something to worry about.

And I've never seen the word "truthfull" either.



and you cut stuff out again

I see no need to re-post things that are three or more posts old,

no you choose to change context

I have used the word before therefore you have seen therefore you are
lieing about not having seen it

"Truthfull" is not correct, Mark.

That YOU spell "mistruthful" taht way does NOT make it right.

doesn't make it worung either

never seen it before

Maybe because Webster's isn't written in crayon...?!?!

doubt that

why are you so obsessed with crayons?

Because I am certain that writing with crayons is about your
developmental level.

proves you are stupid then

You act childish, so I assume you function better at a child-like

which does not alter its threatening nature esp from a guy saying "one
shot one Kill even in illiopolis"

More out-of-context quotes, Markie!


Yep. Sure is. Just like Brain keeps trying to insinuate that I
allegedly threatened to "slash tires" and "terrorize wives".

you typed it

And Brain snipped it and quoted it out of context.

no out of context quote either by Brain or me

Forgot your "Is that your best shot" comment that inspired the


Obviously you did.

nope you just think you are above the law, fortunately for you it
doesn't seem to bother with usenet's OK for YOU to choose words that can be misconstrued to a
violent intent, but if anyone else uses such words, it's "above the

you though I was threantening you with give my your best shot

Uh huh....

What "shot" were YOU suggesting, Markie...?!?!

I was not suggesting a gunshot

That's not what I asked you.

I asked you what "shot" were YOU suggesting.

Do you not understand the question?

not really and more to the point it has been 5 years

I have 100% Hukman DNA



So what is "Hukman DNA"...?!?!

Is that some distant alien race that seeded the Earth...?!?!?

There's no "distorted uses" I can apply to words that YOU won't
print clearly.

Stevie you didtort my words wether I type them clearly or not

How can I "didtort" your words any worse than YOU

An absolute lie, Markie. You were MONTHS with that

nope you just did not bother to read it so I had to repate it

You're lying, Morgan.

You lied about being in the Army.

You lied aboout being threatened.

You continue to lie about being "stalked".

Why not just TRY being truthful for ONE WEEK and see if you aren't
accepted just a wee bit better than what you are now.

and then these years later you claim I never did at all

which lie is your final answer?

There's no lie on my part, ergo no final answer.

You needed reapeated a year later and again 6 years later

Nope. YOU needed to be reminded that there is only ONE meaning of
the word "drafted" as applied to military service.

the choie of the word was alas unforunate, but I am not bound by your
narrowminded vision

It isn't MY "vision".

YOU chose to represent yourself as a commissioned officer in the
Armed Forces, ergo YOUR "choie" of words could only be construed as
being in the military vernacular.

More lies! Sheesh, Morgan, where DO you get this stuff...?!?!

you sent those email I remember them well

I am sure you "remember" a lot of things in your few lucid

None of it correct, but I am sure you THINK it is.

What time? What money? You're a useless layabout. What have YOU
got to do?

Stevie I run my own company. a small one, I take care of a Terminal ill
man, I am active in politics. I even try to get on the air

Oh God...that's scary....

Bad enough the poor fellow is ill, but to have to wake up and see
YOUR mug...

my income is the range of about 30K a year, and I own my home (not me
and the bank but me) I have a family


Most sexual deviants live in the middle of "Middle America", and
everyone is aghast when the news hits the presses.

that you are bigoted enough to judge a person by his typing is not my

It's not just your "typing", Mark.

It's your ignorance. It's your behaviour. It's your arrogance.

But most of all, it's the lying.

Note that Lennie Anderson is quite verbose...bordering poetic on
rare occassion, yet I despise him.

I despise him because he's a liar...And he doesn't take too great
care to hide his misrepresentations, either.

You don't humilate me.

No, I don't.

progress boyo

But not what you think wusso.

anoy harrass stalker threaten me yes

No. No. No. No.

yes yes yes

Three out of four.

"Progress boyo"

you dare to claim you don't anoy me?

Do I?

I hadn't noticed.

Jesus Mary and Joeseph

Peter, Paul and Mary.

yes all in that #### brains head of yours

that #### for brains of yours

Have you been taking Toiddie's correspondence course for online

talking about killing people is always a threat and never justified on

Then why did you start it?

and anyne who make the threats you do over Ham radio must be unblanced,
not sure exactly how, but you must be

What threats have I made "...over Ham Radio..."

to kill me

I've NEVER discussed you over Ham Radio, Mark.

of course you are distring the context again I gues I shoudl have said
over the subject of Ham radio but that would hardly help since youd
just find some other way to twist my words

No twisting needed, Mark.

If you'd learn PROPER ENGLISH instead of exepcting the rest of the
world to adapt to you, you'd find life a lot more pleasant.

Speaking the same language as those around you does NOT detract
from your individuality or "freedom", Mark. It enhances it.

I don't discuss you on the air. I wouldn't be able to stop
laughing long enough to get my call and QTH across...

never said you did another of your distortions

No distortion.

YOU said that I threatened to harm you "..over Ham Radio"...

In the COMPLETE context of the sentence, any reasonable person
competent in English would ahve drawn the same conclusion

Please, Markie...

Tell us of YOUR credentials to determine mental instability...!

years of reading your posts

Then you are acknowledging that you ahve NO credentials.

i don't ahve anything nor does anyone else

yes a cheap shot at your spelling, but I pass on most of them

Don't use the letter transposition as an excuse to ignore the
question, Mark.

What are YOUR credentials for determining mental instability?

Do you have any? Yes or no will suffice.

If you understood English well, you'd have a better than average
likelyhood of spelling it correctly.

not realy proves you don't know much about dyslexia

I know it can be treated.

Yes according to Tom Cruise where did he get his MD?

Tom Cruise needs an MD in order to tell people he had a dysfunction
that he got help for?

Steve, K4YZ

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