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  #21   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 08:33 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

lying sack of ####

Whoa...THAT was meaningful.

enough that you have to alter it

I didn't alter's still there...I just masked the stench.

lying again you altered it

And I can see that in addition to not having a really good grasp
on English, you have a poor understanding of the concept of sarcasm.

I understand it, Indeed there seem to veiw I don't understand better
than you

Go ahead laugh

It's easy to when you make such a farce out of it!

farce is at least humor

As for manners...YOU have NO right to tell anyone about "manners".

I have everyright same as anyone else

Not with that potty mouth of yours.

yes I do


Yes I do that in fundemental to USA and to say otherwise is unamercian
My rights are always the same as yours

if they are not then no one has any real rights

You substitue "rights" for privileges.

no I do not

you want to rewrite rights into revokable priviledges

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I am labeling the posts accurately if you don't like the content or the
subject then you should show some manners and change the tone

I already have.

nope you go on and on in one note

It's yours to change, Markie. You're the one who keeps up with
the profanities.

your tone never changes as dangerous as it is to use the word never it
seems to fit

Just by deleting the profanities and refusing to resort to them

not at all

same tone same tone you have used for years

You mean not tolerating liars and idiots...?!?!

you have macros programs with this ****?

The rest is "all you", Markie.


A B S O L U T E L Y all you, Markie!


indeed there is OTOH the diffeence between Hamburgers and hookers

You S T I L L don't know, Mark.

I do stevie

So then...TELL us the difference between a hooker and a hamburger,

well one you have as diner one you rent for sex (if you don't mind a
good chance of catching an infection)

You already ahve an infection, Markie...It's obviously gotten to
your brain.

ahve again

more simple personal attacks

with no basis and no constructive purpose

You keep showing us with every post.

Never denied it

Do you really keep throwing me these bits that PROVE my assertions
about your idiocity, or is it truly just a lapse of situational
awareness on your part?

neither but then you cut out the context

since you have cut ti out and I am lazy I will not discuss what I have
admitted to there

Too late, Markie.

not at all

You've admitted to lying, and anyone who has been following this
has already seen it. Anyone who doubts MY word can just step back
throught he archives and see YOURS!

he archives?

losing it are we Stevie

losing it stevie

There's nothing for ME to have to do!

no you can scertainly continue you hate filled attacks

There's no hate here, Markie.

yes there is

If there was, you wouldn't be reading these lines.

losing it stevie

And there's my point. You ahve no idea what's going on. Without
re-copying every line of ever post ad-nauseum, you're lost.

again with ahve

No Stevie I don't bother memorizing you ####, I do have better things
but you clearly don't

You mean like how you created another Google account just to get
around posting limits...?!?!

yea you make a guy do stuff like to just to keep up with you

! ! ! ! !

whining baby

I have made a conclusion logicaly following form your statements over
the last 7 years, no forgery there

No, YOU chose the words and then presumed to state them as if I had
said them.

Yes exactly what I have done, after due and carfull consdieration of
posts over the past seven years

Then you admit YOU are the one "forging" words.


I admit to making and stating conclusions supported by eveidence

LiarLiar Pants on fire A G A I N! ! !

my pants are not on fire

I am sure your "partner" wished otherwise.

I just checked no she does not

another lie on your your part

You're calling him "she" now...?!?!

she happens to be female My partner could have been male sure did not
work out that way

Make it easier to kiss "her" good night, does it...???

no it does not

I know you can't understand but other than for purposes of having kids,
and using pronouns, I realy don't about the gender of my partner,
merely my feeling for them.

That people can decide (homo or hetero) based solely on gender who
theywill love has always rather disgusted me when I think about it

No what I would not, one of us would be dead if I tried to live in your

Yes, you would be.

maybe. maybe you would be dead or perhaps both of us


yep i got it right

only a fool assumes he knows the outcome of a fight

There's a great many things I love about the South.

that they are barbariains?


you seem to be

I left the barbarians when I moved South.

well we yankees rarely threaten to kill people over their postions on
Morse code

One is the sense of community, even when you're not in yours.
Drive down Southern roads, especially in TN, AR, MS and AL. Folks in
opposing traffic wave...with all five fingers.

And they don't long suffer perverts or idiots.

gues you have never been to memphis or atlanta, or certainly not to New
Orleans now there is a wild town

I've been to all of them...

and you were not apying attenion or you kept your blinders on

None of them match New York, Boston, etc.

New york has Nothing on New Orleans, Only SanFran can begin to match it

You don't..

I certainly don't and I don't have to express myself as you wish

Be my guest.

then shut up and let me get on with it

I haven't once stopped you.

you try


you try make demand after demand

you have not suceeded

I have succeeded in rubbing your nose in YOUR silliness.


The only one stopping you is yourself.

there is certainly a lie



I just grew past YOUR level about the...oh...fourth grade.

no you have not haven't even got near my level today I am a more honest
toleratant forgiving open minded than you.


You're a documented liar, Markie. On a federal felony level.

prove it

You already did it...

no I haven't.

Sure you have. Witness:

Every post where you said "I am a Colonel in the US Army Chemical

then turn me in


So you could get to go to Levenworth where you'd live out your
greatest fantsies yet?

becuase you already tried and failed to convince anyone I had done
anything wrong

You posted of your efforts back then

you are an documented felon yourself

One shot one kill even in illiopolis

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Markie.

tsk tsk yourself

Out of context again.

no in perfect context

Why do you insist on lying in public, Mark.

that isn't a lie

you said "One shot one kill even in illiopolis"

And yet another lie.

nope the truth

Mark Morgan does not know the truth.

yes I do

one has to know the truth in order to lie

Not that any of these
things are hard with you as the standard rather like being more in
foavor of abolition than a southern planter in 1860 (or even 1960 as I
typed breifly before correcting it)

You should have kept right on correcting "breifly", Mark.


Nope. In fact.

Nope IYO

Nope. In fact.

no facts on your part

Here...let me slow down for you:


Did you get it that time, Markie?

so what does anyone care when you bash my spelling again

And I am trying to figure out where you think you're going with
the "southern planter" routine.

then you are stupid

Nope. Just confused by your irrational "logic" and misplaced

neither I'd laugh at you if I were not a better man than that

But you're not, so go right ahead and have it out!

I am a better man than you

you can't figure it then don't bother trying

How can you "figure out" that which is irrational?

good question go off and consider it awhile

Don't remember where I was born and raised, do ya?

Yes I do and that is why I choose that metaphor

Thee was no metaphor there, Markie. (You obviously don't know the
definition of "metaphor"), because nothing you said addressed where I
am from.

sure did adress where you are from admittly it would better if you
lived futher south but nothing is perfect

Still not right.

still was right

Try again.

You don't even have to get the city right, Markie...Just the

no mention of any city and no need to mention any city


That's not an adjective.

it is now

No it's not. Try again.

yep it is

another newsflash for you

English is a Living tongue not one who's words are forever fixed

Sheesh, "boyo", you sure are big on using words that you don't
know the definition of tonight, aren't you...?!?!

gues the Boyo must be getting to you

Nope. Just throwing it back at ya, since you insist like actiong
like a little boy.


BTW..Do Hukman's HAVE little boys?

admitt to the efforts you take boyo

It's not effort, Mark.


Nope. Not much effort needed. You provide almost all of the

but you supply the twisted mind

Like I said, YOU make this all too easy!

But you being an inattentive idiot sure helps.

See...I ahd it right the first time!

ahd it right indeed could not have said it better myself

Probably not, Mark.

Steve, K4YZ

  #22   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 04:18 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

lying sack of ####

Whoa...THAT was meaningful.

enough that you have to alter it

I didn't alter's still there...I just masked the stench.

lying again you altered it

Nope. Just went back a post and checked. It's still there. Just
the way your feeble mind wrote it.

And I can see that in addition to not having a really good grasp
on English, you have a poor understanding of the concept of sarcasm.

I understand it, Indeed there seem to veiw I don't understand better
than you

Go ahead laugh

It's easy to when you make such a farce out of it!

farce is at least humor

Not always, Mark.

It's yours to change, Markie. You're the one who keeps up with
the profanities.

your tone never changes as dangerous as it is to use the word never it
seems to fit

A feeble mind is a feeble mind, Mark.

You've proven that.

Steve, K4YZ

  #23   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 04:24 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

English is a Living tongue not one who's words are forever fixed

But the meaning of what an adjective is. I doubt that linguistics
scholars around the world will be hard pressed to let a foul mouthed
punk like you redefine that.

Steve, K4YZ

  #24   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 05:56 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

English is a Living tongue not one who's words are forever fixed

But the meaning of what an adjective is. I doubt that linguistics
scholars around the world will be hard pressed to let a foul mouthed
punk like you redefine that.

you are feeble minded the linguists don't define or redine the
langauage. the users of it do

The job of the linguist is to study the changes and they are always
goin on

Steve, K4YZ

  #25   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 09:02 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

English is a Living tongue not one who's words are forever fixed

But the meaning of what an adjective is. I doubt that linguistics
scholars around the world will be hard pressed to let a foul mouthed
punk like you redefine that.

you are feeble minded the linguists don't define or redine the
langauage. the users of it do

An adjective is still an adjective.

The job of the linguist is to study the changes and they are always
goin on

And what's YOUR job as an abuser of the language? To see just how
crappy you can abuse it and still get by?

  #26   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 11:07 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

English is a Living tongue not one who's words are forever fixed

But the meaning of what an adjective is. I doubt that linguistics
scholars around the world will be hard pressed to let a foul mouthed
punk like you redefine that.

you are feeble minded the linguists don't define or redine the
langauage. the users of it do

An adjective is still an adjective.

The job of the linguist is to study the changes and they are always
goin on

And what's YOUR job as an abuser of the language? To see just how
crappy you can abuse it and still get by?

not at all I don't do this professoinaly as you know

  #27   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 11:17 PM
Posts: n/a

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

English is a Living tongue not one who's words are forever fixed

But the meaning of what an adjective is. I doubt that linguistics
scholars around the world will be hard pressed to let a foul mouthed
punk like you redefine that.

you are feeble minded the linguists don't define or redine the
langauage. the users of it do

An adjective is still an adjective.

The job of the linguist is to study the changes and they are always
goin on

And what's YOUR job as an abuser of the language? To see just how
crappy you can abuse it and still get by?

not at all I don't do this professoinaly as you know

I didn't say anything about "professionally".

I asked you what was YOU job as an abuser of the language.

If you understood English as well as you say, you WOULD have

Steve, K4YZ

  #28   Report Post  
Old July 20th 05, 12:07 AM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

English is a Living tongue not one who's words are forever fixed

But the meaning of what an adjective is. I doubt that linguistics
scholars around the world will be hard pressed to let a foul mouthed
punk like you redefine that.

you are feeble minded the linguists don't define or redine the
langauage. the users of it do

An adjective is still an adjective.

The job of the linguist is to study the changes and they are always
goin on

And what's YOUR job as an abuser of the language? To see just how
crappy you can abuse it and still get by?

not at all I don't do this professoinaly as you know

I didn't say anything about "professionally".

I asked you what was YOU job as an abuser of the language.

was you what try was "your"

But it is not my job i certainly don't get paid for it

don't even abuse the langauage as a hobby

If you understood English as well as you say, you WOULD have

I understood just choose to repsond as I saw fit

I know you object to people using there personaly freedoms

Steve, K4YZ

  #29   Report Post  
Old July 20th 05, 09:34 AM
Posts: n/a

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

And what's YOUR job as an abuser of the language? To see just how
crappy you can abuse it and still get by?

not at all I don't do this professoinaly as you know

I didn't say anything about "professionally".

I asked you what was YOU job as an abuser of the language.

was you what try was "your"

Like you got the message.

But it is not my job i certainly don't get paid for it

don't even abuse the langauage as a hobby

Then is has to be a sickness, and you STILL need help.

If you understood English as well as you say, you WOULD have

I understood just choose to repsond as I saw fit

As I said...You "choose" to abuse us ALL with it. You're forcing
everyone else to adapt to you rahter than the other way around.

I know you object to people using there personaly freedoms

"personaly freedoms"...?!?!

I object to idiots being allowed to abuse others, hence I object
to you.

Steve, K4YZ

  #30   Report Post  
Old July 20th 05, 06:35 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

And what's YOUR job as an abuser of the language? To see just how
crappy you can abuse it and still get by?

not at all I don't do this professoinaly as you know

I didn't say anything about "professionally".

I asked you what was YOU job as an abuser of the language.

was you what try was "your"

Like you got the message.

But it is not my job i certainly don't get paid for it

don't even abuse the langauage as a hobby

Then is has to be a sickness, and you STILL need help.

not at all

If you understood English as well as you say, you WOULD have

I understood just choose to repsond as I saw fit

As I said...You "choose" to abuse us ALL with it. You're forcing
everyone else to adapt to you rahter than the other way around.

no I am not nobody is forcing to read a word of it.

Indeed you have promised not in the past and then broke that promise

I know you object to people using there personaly freedoms

"personaly freedoms"...?!?!

you understand and you can't stand anyone asserting their rights

Bigot and bully and childish fool

I object to idiots being allowed to abuse others, hence I object
to you.

only object to idoits abusing others is that how you rationlize you
attacks on Todd

Steve, K4YZ

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