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  #21   Report Post  
Old July 21st 05, 03:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

My thoughts.

First, the unit has a lot of promise. While I think I prefer separate
components between the computer and the rig for flexibility, this setup
might just be fun to use.

Some folks might like the integrated internal computer. It's certainly
the first rig to offer it. My only concern is that a computer's life
cycle is much shorter than most ham rigs'.

Of course, the computer would work for all the Ham radio
functions at
the time of manufacture, so it wouldn't "go" out of date.

Would you like a nice 4100 MHz Pentium 1 running Win95 for your shack
computer, Mike? Ten years ago, that was a dream machine...

Plus my idea given down below might be a winner.

Next, I don't buy the teeny florescent screen rationale. My idea of the
modern integrated rig is more along the line of looking like a laptop,
with a folding large screen on top of the RF portions of the box. But
that's just me.

You can plug an external VGA display into the rig.


But you see, here is what I'm thinking of. A computer with the RF guts,
and a laptop of some choice that plugs into the computer, and sets on
top of it. Many of the features now used in hardware could be handled by
the laptop. You would have logging, digital modes, dsp - probably not
important to you, but for a growing group of us, it would be great.

Been done. Kachina 505. Also TT Pegasus. Rigs without a front panel.

If the laptop were to become obsolete, say if a new mode came along
that required too much horsepower, then the unit could be replaced. A
mounting kit could be made available. In fact, a radio could be designed
so that you could attach your present laptop.

Remember the Warbler?

In any event what you're suggesting is a rig that is controlled by the
computer - an RF modem of sorts. Great if you like that sort of thing,
but they didn't sell all that well. Maybe times have changed.

Interesting that they chose an LDG autotuner. This is a concept that
might be expanded upon.

It would be wonderful if ham rigs were like desktop computers in the
form of standardization.


Why not? Look at what it's done for PCs. Why not for ham rigs?

Don't like the computer interface screenshot.

I really hope that they do well. I do think the price point is too
high. I would be willing to pay extra for an American made unit, but 3K
for the entry level, and 6K for the works unit is pretty high.

Perhaps - but a lot depends on how well it really performs.

Unless of course, the rig has outstanding performance. I would love to
see some test results.

Mo bettah, some actual on-air performance. Somebody wins CQWW DX with
one, then watch the fireworks...

Or to really get to the bottom of it: Is it $6000 worth of fun?

And is it 6K worth of fun for the XYL? ;^)

Who is to say that the spouse doesn't get his/her fun items too?

Hoping that they can sell enough to expand the concept, because it is a
good one....

Expand which concept? Kits have been around a long time - curious that
they never mention Elecraft or any of the other kits...

For me, the concept isn't the kit - its the idea of the integral
computer, the modular construction, even to using another manufacturers

That *would be* a good thing!

Of course my entire main HF rig cost me less than one of
their optional
filters, so I guess everything is relative....

One more observation on price:

Go to the local Home Depot, Lowes or similar outfit, as long as they
carry a full range of appliances and such. Look at the ranges,
refrigerators, countertops, etc.

You can get a nice range for $300-400, or spend double,
quadruple that price for one with all the gizmos like self-
stainless steel, high-capacity oven, dissimilar burners, etc. Same for
dishwashers, refrigerators, etc. Countertops? Granite seems
to have
replaced Corian and similar materials around here, at $100 a square
foot, installed. Me, I prefer a nice laminate like
Formica, but apparently a lot of folks prefer fancier stuff.

Does a burger taste any better if it's made in such a
kitchen? I dunno,
but they must be selling the fancy stuff because they
continue to stock it.

If its involved with real estate, people will
shuck out astoundingly
foolish amounts of money.

Sure! But consider:

1) How do home values relate to incomes when adjusted for inflation? Go
back 20, 30, 40, 50 years and compare house prices to income levels.
Houses were cheap then until you look at what the typical income level

2) A house is one of the few investments an individual can make
that can be used without selling it.

3) A house is one of the few necessities an individual can buy
that will almost certainly appreciate in value. Look at the everyday
things you own - how many of them will be worth more
in 10 years?

4) Home loan interest is a tax deduction for most people. What other
debt reduces your taxes?

BTW, those McMansions are becoming very, very hard to resell.

Not around here!

And it's not the McMansion owners that are buying the stuff. It's the
people in older homes who are fixing up. Often it's easier to fix up
than to move.

73 de Jim, N2EY

36 years ago today.....

  #24   Report Post  
Old July 21st 05, 03:46 PM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
Hoping that they can sell enough to expand the concept, because it is a
good one....

I don't think that's going to happen, Mike.

First off, I don't think very many folks will drop $3K to $6K on a
radio that comes incomplete, computer or not.


Incomplete as it requires more than providing a power source,
ground and an antenna to get operating.

Yes, $3000 to $6000 is a lot of dough. Definitely way above *my* ham
budget. But that's just me, and what I'm willing to spend. Others will
down a lot more for just a tower..

But a tower is a rigid structural item. That's one of the LAST
things I'd skimp any money on!

The DZ website makes the point of comparing popular rigs of ~40 years
and their prices when adjusted for inflation. New ham gear in the bad
days was amazingly expensive when you consider the inflation factor.

In fact, consider what PCs cost just ten years ago! A 486DX50 with 32
meg of RAM and a half-gig hard drive could cost you big bucks then -
and it's a doorstop today.'s 2005 and $3000 is still a chunk of change!

I can spend a heck of a
lot of LESS money and get more radio AND computer for my bucks!

Maybe more computer, but not more radio, if the performance is up to
the claims.

Is that "performance" worth it, Jim, for a non-professional
station? Sure, if I was trying to transmit high fidelity audio I might
want to drop those extra bucks. But in an era when I can communicate
via a satellie with an HT and a hand help yagi, I'd be hard pressed to
justify the cost.

But the big issue is how many hams will spend the money, and how many
DZ needs to sell to be viable. Maybe he only needs/plans to sell 100
or so.

How many Amateurs might have the need for the specifications?

Consider the Elecraft K2. When it first came out, I heard some
scoffing in the peanut gallery that said very few hams would pay
almost $600 for a rig that was, in basic form, CW only, hambands only
and QRP. They said that having SSB, 160, NB, ATU and 100W all as
extra-cost options would doom the rig and the company.

But more than 5000 have been sold since 1999 with minimal advertising.


But a topped-out K2 still comes in UNDER $2000 if you add in ALL
of the options...And not mcuh more if you add in the new VHF
transverters. And in it's present configuration, you can get started
for well under $750. That's a lot easier pill to swallow.

Secondly, it's a "kit" only in the sense that it does come
"disassembled". The potential buyer is actually paying the
"manufacturer" for the privilege of him (the "manufacturer) not having
to pay an assembly line.

I don't think so. It's not clear from the website how much assembly the
buyer actually does. Obviously it's less than the bag-o-parts scenario
of some kits but less than fully assembled.

OK...maybe you ahve to solder the wires going to the front panel
pots and antenna connectors and a couple of point-to-point chassis

To make his "three evening" claim it can't be much more elaborate
than that.

Lastly, he brags about the "kit" being "built in America" because
the owner "builds it right here in America". I wish I had the spare
change to drop to buy one for no other reason than to see where all of
the pre-assembled boards are actually assembled. No doubt in some
PacRim nation where the guy who REALLY built it wouldn't be able to
afford it in a lifetime.

I think the boards may be assembled here in the USA. There are all
of prototype and assembly outfits here in the USA to do small runs. Of
they cost a lot more per unit than "offshore", but if you're not making
million units or even 10,000 units, the total package price can be very

I know. I did that for a while, as Lennie will quickly remind

But even on "limited production runs" of 500 or less units, the
cost was prohibitive

There aren't nearly as many components built in the U.S. as in the past,
Steve. Even back in the late seventies and early eighties, most solid
state devices were produced in Mexico, Maylasia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.

Yep. And while first runs of new devices may be US made, the production
quickly moves away. Not just silicon devices, either, but many other

By "components", I didn't mean the actual resistors, SMD's,
etc...My bust.

Among the reasons that I continue to use Ten-Tec gear is that families
in the U.S. receive pay checks when I do so. Ten-Tec manufactures their
enclosures, plastic components, variable caps and the like. When I
telephone for service, a real person answers the telephone and directs
my call. A service tech in the U.S. handles my inquiry. If my
equipment needs service, I ship it a relatively short distance, pay a
fair price and it is turned around in short order. Parts are on hand
for most Ten-Tec gear produced.

Yep. Service alone is a reason to buy Ten Tec.


My "made in USA" Orion is filled with components manufactured in the far
east. Everybody's else's rig is filled with 'em.

Not everybody's! ;-)

Not mine!

Thank-you old TV's!

For me to buy this latest assemble-it-yourself transceiver, it'd have to
be considerably better than what I have now. From what I've read, it
has numerous features which I see as having dubious value.

The real telling point will be the performance up against an Orion or
other top-of-the-line state-of-the-art rig.


But who's gonna pony-up the change for one to find out...?!?!


Steve, K4YZ

  #25   Report Post  
Old July 21st 05, 07:54 PM
Michael Coslo
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo wrote:


Mike Coslo wrote:


My thoughts.

First, the unit has a lot of promise. While I think I prefer separate
components between the computer and the rig for flexibility, this setup
might just be fun to use.

Some folks might like the integrated internal computer. It's certainly
the first rig to offer it. My only concern is that a computer's life
cycle is much shorter than most ham rigs'.

Of course, the computer would work for all the Ham radio
functions at
the time of manufacture, so it wouldn't "go" out of date.

Would you like a nice 4100 MHz Pentium 1 running Win95 for your shack
computer, Mike? Ten years ago, that was a dream machine...

I want a computer that can do the work. I can run Digipan (as well as a
lot of other soundcard software) on a P1 class computer, as well as a
lot of logging software. So assuming that there is not aome huge change
in something, the computer will continue to function, the radio will
continue to work.

Obviously an up to date laptop would be included in any modern designed

And it would be upgradeable, so it wouldn't be much of a problem.

Plus my idea given down below might be a winner.

Next, I don't buy the teeny florescent screen rationale. My idea of the
modern integrated rig is more along the line of looking like a laptop,
with a folding large screen on top of the RF portions of the box. But
that's just me.

You can plug an external VGA display into the rig.


But you see, here is what I'm thinking of. A computer with the RF guts,
and a laptop of some choice that plugs into the computer, and sets on
top of it. Many of the features now used in hardware could be handled by
the laptop. You would have logging, digital modes, dsp - probably not
important to you, but for a growing group of us, it would be great.

Been done. Kachina 505. Also TT Pegasus. Rigs without a front panel.

Not what I am describing. Imagine some sort of HF transciever. Size
would be similar to what we use today. A laptop or the equivalent would
be setting on top of the device. The laptop would dock into the
transciever. Functions would be controlled by the laptop. Although
transciever front panel controls would be a possibility, the ideal
method for what I am talking about would be all control via the laptop.

This would not be a unit that needed a take-along computer, or an LCD
screen, both with their own separate power supplies. It would be a unit
that you plug in, open the case and "boot" the computer and transciever.
There were a few devices that touched on the idea, including the
unmanufactured PSK rig by the Sienna people, and another PSK31 kit rig
that sits outboard of a laptop.

But this would be a full featured rig, SSB, AM, FM, CW, RTTY, PSK Hell,
and onaonaonaonaon. At least 100 watts output. DSP that is upgradeable,
logging software, and whatever else you might do with the rig.

If the laptop were to become obsolete, say if a new mode came along
that required too much horsepower, then the unit could be replaced. A
mounting kit could be made available. In fact, a radio could be designed
so that you could attach your present laptop.

Remember the Warbler?

Yup. That's about 25 percent of the way there.

In any event what you're suggesting is a rig that is controlled by the
computer - an RF modem of sorts. Great if you like that sort of thing,
but they didn't sell all that well. Maybe times have changed.

Not completely. This rig isn't "controlled by the computer, any more
than it is controlled by the transmitter. cuz if either one isn't there,
it isn't going to work.

Interesting that they chose an LDG autotuner. This is a concept that
might be expanded upon.

It would be wonderful if ham rigs were like desktop computers in the
form of standardization.


Why not? Look at what it's done for PCs. Why not for ham rigs?

One of the areas in which digital people often make a mistake is in
thinking that RF is the same thing as digital. That is why they
sometimes design skunks like BPL.

The idea of an RF PCI board is a little chilling. Perhaps a very low
power UHF version, such as my PC card wireless card, of course, but not
likely any substsntial power.

Don't like the computer interface screenshot.

I really hope that they do well. I do think the price point is too
high. I would be willing to pay extra for an American made unit, but 3K
for the entry level, and 6K for the works unit is pretty high.

Perhaps - but a lot depends on how well it really performs.

Unless of course, the rig has outstanding performance. I would love to
see some test results.

Mo bettah, some actual on-air performance. Somebody wins CQWW DX with
one, then watch the fireworks...

Or to really get to the bottom of it: Is it $6000 worth of fun?

And is it 6K worth of fun for the XYL? ;^)

Who is to say that the spouse doesn't get his/her fun items too?

Hoping that they can sell enough to expand the concept, because it is a
good one....

Expand which concept? Kits have been around a long time - curious that
they never mention Elecraft or any of the other kits...

For me, the concept isn't the kit - its the idea of the integral
computer, the modular construction, even to using another manufacturers

That *would be* a good thing!

Of course my entire main HF rig cost me less than one of
their optional
filters, so I guess everything is relative....

One more observation on price:

Go to the local Home Depot, Lowes or similar outfit, as long as they
carry a full range of appliances and such. Look at the ranges,
refrigerators, countertops, etc.

You can get a nice range for $300-400, or spend double,
quadruple that price for one with all the gizmos like self-
stainless steel, high-capacity oven, dissimilar burners, etc. Same for
dishwashers, refrigerators, etc. Countertops? Granite seems
to have
replaced Corian and similar materials around here, at $100 a square
foot, installed. Me, I prefer a nice laminate like
Formica, but apparently a lot of folks prefer fancier stuff.

Does a burger taste any better if it's made in such a
kitchen? I dunno,
but they must be selling the fancy stuff because they
continue to stock it.

If its involved with real estate, people will
shuck out astoundingly
foolish amounts of money.

Sure! But consider:

1) How do home values relate to incomes when adjusted for inflation? Go
back 20, 30, 40, 50 years and compare house prices to income levels.
Houses were cheap then until you look at what the typical income level

There is an old paradigm about the amount of money spent on a house
should be 2X your yearly income. Perhaps 10 years ago, it went to
2.5-3X. Now it seems to have been abandoned into whatever the maximum
amount the bank will loan you.

That progression indicates that a change has happened. A lot higher
percentage goes to putting the roof over the head. That's "okay", just
get another Credit card or two!

2) A house is one of the few investments an individual can make
that can be used without selling it.

If you do the home equity thing, you sort of have sold it.

3) A house is one of the few necessities an individual can buy
that will almost certainly appreciate in value. Look at the everyday
things you own - how many of them will be worth more
in 10 years?

4) Home loan interest is a tax deduction for most people. What other
debt reduces your taxes?

All true, Jim. and all used to get people to become "house poor".

BTW, those McMansions are becoming very, very hard to resell.

Not around here!

Interesting! My XYL, who works in the industry doing a lot of high-end
houses around here, notes that the people who have 500K to a million and
up almost always insist on building their own. If you have a million
dollar property around here that you want to sell, you better be
prepared to wait a while. And oddly enough, another persom might be
building an almost identical 1 mil house on the lot next to you!

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #26   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 01:14 AM
Posts: n/a

Michael Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

My thoughts.
First, the unit has a lot of promise. While I think I prefer separate
components between the computer and the rig for flexibility, this setup
might just be fun to use.

Some folks might like the integrated internal computer. It's certainly
the first rig to offer it. My only concern is that a computer's life
cycle is much shorter than most ham rigs'.

Of course, the computer would work for all the Ham radio
functions at
the time of manufacture, so it wouldn't "go" out of date.

Would you like a nice

100 MHz Pentium 1 running Win95 for your shack
computer, Mike? Ten years ago, that was a dream machine...

I want a computer that can do the work. I can run Digipan (as well as a
lot of other soundcard software) on a P1 class computer, as well as a
lot of logging software. So assuming that there is not aome huge change
in something, the computer will continue to function, the radio will
continue to work.

Of course, but over time support disappears.

Obviously an up to date laptop would be included
in any modern designed system.

I think we're saying the same thing two different ways. If the

And it would be upgradeable, so it wouldn't be much of a problem.

Plus my idea given down below might be a winner.

Next, I don't buy the teeny florescent screen rationale. My idea of the
modern integrated rig is more along the line of looking like a laptop,
with a folding large screen on top of the RF portions of the box. But
that's just me.

You can plug an external VGA display into the rig.


But you see, here is what I'm thinking of. A computer with the RF guts,
and a laptop of some choice that plugs into the computer, and sets on
top of it. Many of the features now used in hardware could be handled by
the laptop. You would have logging, digital modes, dsp - probably not
important to you, but for a growing group of us, it would be great.

Been done. Kachina 505. Also TT Pegasus. Rigs without a front panel.

Not what I am describing.

Except for the form factor, it's exactly what you're describing.

Imagine some sort of HF transciever. Size
would be similar to what we use today. A laptop or the
equivalent would
be setting on top of the device. The laptop would dock into the
transciever. Functions would be controlled by the laptop.
transciever front panel controls would be a possibility, the
method for what I am talking about would be all control via the laptop.

Except for the docking station part, that's what a Kachina was.
And a Pegasus. Computer did all the control functions, transceiver was
an RF modem of sorts.

This would not be a unit that needed a take-along computer,
or an LCD
screen, both with their own separate power supplies.
It would be a unit
that you plug in, open the case and "boot" the computer and

All that's really changed is the form factor. And maybe the integration
of power supply.

There were a few devices that touched on the idea, including
unmanufactured PSK rig by the Sienna people, and another PSK31 kit rig that sits outboard of a laptop.

You mean the Warbler?

But this would be a full featured rig, SSB, AM, FM, CW, RTTY,
PSK Hell,
and onaonaonaonaon. At least 100 watts output. DSP that is
logging software, and whatever else you might do with the rig.

Right. Now who is going to bell that cat?

I can well understand your dislike of the klugey nature of many
rig-computer setups. Two different big boxes (computer and rig)
interconnected by a bunch of cables, and a bunch of little boxes too.
Bulky and clunky and very unportable.

Meanwhile, there are excellent CW rigs like the KX1 that can be
configured to be self-contained (rig, battery, ATU, even paddles)
except for antenna and headphones. Toss up a wire, plug in the 'phones,
turn on the rig and you're on the air.

You'd think the digital folk would be ahead of that curve...

If the laptop were to become obsolete, say if a new mode came along
that required too much horsepower, then the unit could be replaced. A
mounting kit could be made available. In fact, a radio could be designed
so that you could attach your present laptop.

Remember the Warbler?

Yup. That's about 25 percent of the way there.

In any event what you're suggesting is a rig that is controlled by the
computer - an RF modem of sorts. Great if you like that sort of thing,
but they didn't sell all that well. Maybe times have changed.

Not completely. This rig isn't "controlled by the computer, any more
than it is controlled by the transmitter. cuz if either one isn't there,
it isn't going to work.

Can it be used without a computer or not?

Interesting that they chose an LDG autotuner. This is a concept that
might be expanded upon.

It would be wonderful if ham rigs were like desktop computers in the
form of standardization.


Why not? Look at what it's done for PCs. Why not for ham rigs?

One of the areas in which digital people often make a mistake is in
thinking that RF is the same thing as digital. That is why they
sometimes design skunks like BPL.

I'm not talking about using PC methods, just the basic idea. The rig
would have certain standard insides that could be made by a variety of

Example: Suppose we decide on a basic architecture with a given IF,
LO/BFO frequencies, power voltages, control signals, signal & impedance
levels, and form factor.

Once those things are set, the parts could come from anywhere. Want a
DDS VFO? All it has to do is meet the interface requirements. PLL? Same

e idea of an RF PCI board is a little chilling. Perhaps a very low
power UHF version, such as my PC card wireless card, of course, but not
likely any substsntial power.

Don't like the computer interface screenshot.

I really hope that they do well. I do think the price point is too
high. I would be willing to pay extra for an American made unit, but 3K
for the entry level, and 6K for the works unit is pretty high.

Perhaps - but a lot depends on how well it really performs.

Unless of course, the rig has outstanding performance. I would love to
see some test results.

Mo bettah, some actual on-air performance. Somebody wins CQWW DX with
one, then watch the fireworks...

Or to really get to the bottom of it: Is it $6000 worth of fun?

And is it 6K worth of fun for the XYL? ;^)

Who is to say that the spouse doesn't get his/her fun items too?

Hoping that they can sell enough to expand the concept, because it is a
good one....

Expand which concept? Kits have been around a long time - curious that
they never mention Elecraft or any of the other kits...

For me, the concept isn't the kit - its the idea of the integral
computer, the modular construction, even to using another manufacturers

That *would be* a good thing!

Of course my entire main HF rig cost me less than one of
their optional
filters, so I guess everything is relative....

One more observation on price:

Go to the local Home Depot, Lowes or similar outfit, as long as they
carry a full range of appliances and such. Look at the ranges,
refrigerators, countertops, etc.

You can get a nice range for $300-400, or spend double,
quadruple that price for one with all the gizmos like self-
stainless steel, high-capacity oven, dissimilar burners, etc. Same for
dishwashers, refrigerators, etc. Countertops? Granite seems
to have
replaced Corian and similar materials around here, at $100 a square
foot, installed. Me, I prefer a nice laminate like
Formica, but apparently a lot of folks prefer fancier stuff.

Does a burger taste any better if it's made in such a
kitchen? I dunno,
but they must be selling the fancy stuff because they
continue to stock it.

If its involved with real estate, people will
shuck out astoundingly
foolish amounts of money.

Sure! But consider:

1) How do home values relate to incomes when adjusted for inflation? Go
back 20, 30, 40, 50 years and compare house prices to income levels.
Houses were cheap then until you look at what the typical income level

There is an old paradigm about the amount of money spent on a house
should be 2X your yearly income.

Not as I remember it!

The old rule was that your *mortgage* should not exceed 2x your annual
income. But that was in the days when most people were SILKs, not

Perhaps 10 years ago, it went to
2.5-3X. Now it seems to have been abandoned into whatever the
amount the bank will loan you.

That's due in part to lower interest rates, and in part to a big flow
of money from the stock market to real estate.

That progression indicates that a change has happened. A lot higher
percentage goes to putting the roof over the head. That's "okay", just
get another Credit card or two!

There are lots of other factors. For example, longer term mortgages
increase buying power. Two-income families, and
delayed family starts, have their own effects.

The biggest change is that RE values vary widely with location. *Very*

2) A house is one of the few investments an individual can
make that can be used without selling it.

If you do the home equity thing, you sort of have sold it.

Not at all! You still live there.

3) A house is one of the few necessities an individual can buy
that will almost certainly appreciate in value. Look at the
things you own - how many of them will be worth more
in 10 years?

4) Home loan interest is a tax deduction for most people.
What other debt reduces your taxes?

All true, Jim. and all used to get people to become "house poor".

What's the alternative, Mike?

Some people resort to living a long way from their jobs in order to pay
less for a house, get away from CC&Rs and HOAs, etc. Trouble is, they
spend lots of time and money commuting, and are at the mercy of
weather, traffic and fuel prices.

BTW, those McMansions are becoming very, very hard to resell.

Not around here!

Interesting! My XYL, who works in the industry doing a lot of high-end
houses around here, notes that the people who have 500K to a million and
up almost always insist on building their own.

Where *you* are, $500K is high end. Around here, $500K is a 30-40 year
old 4 br 2-1/2 ba Cape Cod tract house on a half-acre lot that needs a
bit of work.

And it will sell in a week.

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #27   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 02:40 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
Hoping that they can sell enough to expand the concept, because it is a
good one....
I don't think that's going to happen, Mike.

First off, I don't think very many folks will drop $3K to $6K on a
radio that comes incomplete, computer or not.


Incomplete as it requires more than providing a power
source, ground and an antenna to get operating.

So what?

Yes, $3000 to $6000 is a lot of dough. Definitely way above *my* ham
budget. But that's just me, and what I'm willing to spend. Others will
down a lot more for just a tower..

But a tower is a rigid structural item. That's one of the LAST
things I'd skimp any money on!

The point is that there are plenty of hams for whom the cost is not

The DZ website makes the point of comparing popular rigs of
~40 years ago
and their prices when adjusted for inflation. New ham gear
in the bad old
days was amazingly expensive when you consider the inflation factor.

In fact, consider what PCs cost just ten years ago! A 486DX50 with 32
meg of RAM and a half-gig hard drive could cost you big bucks then -
and it's a doorstop today.'s 2005 and $3000 is still a chunk of change!

Sure - but not what it was back when.

I can spend a heck of a
lot of LESS money and get more radio AND computer for my bucks!

Maybe more computer, but not more radio, if the performance is up to
the claims.

Is that "performance" worth it, Jim, for a non-professional

"non-professional"? What does that mean?

Let's talk about how it relates to *amateur* radio.

Sure, if I was trying to transmit high fidelity audio I might
want to drop those extra bucks.

For most applications the difference isn't noticeable.

But the competitive DXer/contester types *do* notice the difference.
Much of that difference is in the receiver, not
the transmitter. For example, when the band is full of big
signals during a contest, lesser rigs experience an apparent
rise in noise level. What's really going on is all sorts of
mixing between signals in the rx front end, which limits the
ability to hear the weak ones. A better rx can handle the mass
of big signals without problems.

The "professionals" often avoided this problem by having separate
transmitting and receiving sites. Most hams can't do that.

But in an era when I can communicate
via a satellie with an HT and a hand help yagi, I'd be hard
pressed to justify the cost.

If you're going to make that argument, why not just use the internet?

But the big issue is how many hams will spend the money, and how many
DZ needs to sell to be viable. Maybe he only needs/plans to
sell 100 or so.

How many Amateurs might have the need for the specifications?

I dunno. But look how many FT-1000s have been sold. Or any other
top-end rig.

Remember when Icom introduced the IC-781? How many did they sell?

Consider the Elecraft K2. When it first came out, I heard some
scoffing in the peanut gallery that said very few hams would pay
almost $600 for a rig that was, in basic form, CW only,
hambands only
and QRP. They said that having SSB, 160, NB, ATU and 100W all as extra-cost options would doom the rig and the company.

But more than 5000 have been sold since 1999 with minimal


But a topped-out K2 still comes in UNDER $2000 if you add in ALL of the options...

And you can get a lot of other rigs for less than $2000, ready built.
Yet the K2 succeeds - why?

And not mcuh more if you add in the new VHF
transverters. And in it's present configuration, you can get
for well under $750. That's a lot easier pill to swallow.

There are plenty of hams out there for whom $750 is what they'll spend
on IF filters....

Secondly, it's a "kit" only in the sense that it does come
"disassembled". The potential buyer is actually paying the
"manufacturer" for the privilege of him (the "manufacturer) not having
to pay an assembly line.

I don't think so. It's not clear from the website how much assembly the
buyer actually does. Obviously it's less than the bag-o-parts scenario
of some kits but less than fully assembled.

OK...maybe you ahve to solder the wires going to the front panel
pots and antenna connectors and a couple of point-to-point chassis

I wonder if the instruction manual will show that?

To make his "three evening" claim it can't be much more elaborate
than that.

Sure it can. Heck, back in high school, I built a complete 150 watt
transmitter in one evening. Of course I had the metalwork done and all
the parts on hand, and it was a long night.

Lastly, he brags about the "kit" being "built in America" because
the owner "builds it right here in America". I wish I had the spare
change to drop to buy one for no other reason than to see where all of
the pre-assembled boards are actually assembled. No doubt in some
PacRim nation where the guy who REALLY built it wouldn't be able to
afford it in a lifetime.

I think the boards may be assembled here in the USA. There are all
of prototype and assembly outfits here in the USA to do small runs. Of
they cost a lot more per unit than "offshore", but if you're not making
million units or even 10,000 units, the total package price can be very

I know. I did that for a while, as Lennie will quickly remind

Lennie who?

But even on "limited production runs" of 500 or less units, the
cost was prohibitive

For what?

There aren't nearly as many components built in the U.S. as in the past,
Steve. Even back in the late seventies and early eighties, most solid
state devices were produced in Mexico, Maylasia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.

Yep. And while first runs of new devices may be US made, the production
quickly moves away. Not just silicon devices, either, but many other

By "components", I didn't mean the actual resistors, SMD's,
etc...My bust.

Among the reasons that I continue to use Ten-Tec gear is that families
in the U.S. receive pay checks when I do so. Ten-Tec manufactures their
enclosures, plastic components, variable caps and the like. When I
telephone for service, a real person answers the telephone and directs
my call. A service tech in the U.S. handles my inquiry. If my
equipment needs service, I ship it a relatively short distance, pay a
fair price and it is turned around in short order. Parts are on hand
for most Ten-Tec gear produced.

Yep. Service alone is a reason to buy Ten Tec.


My "made in USA" Orion is filled with components manufactured in the far
east. Everybody's else's rig is filled with 'em.

Not everybody's! ;-)

Not mine!

Thank-you old TV's!

Old TVs, od BC radios, old test gear, military surplus (swords into
plowshares), old ham gear, etc., etc.

For me to buy this latest assemble-it-yourself transceiver, it'd have to
be considerably better than what I have now. From what I've read, it
has numerous features which I see as having dubious value.

The real telling point will be the performance up against an Orion or
other top-of-the-line state-of-the-art rig.


But who's gonna pony-up the change for one to find out...?!?!

Not me! But some will, and then we'll know.

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #28   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 04:27 PM
Michael Coslo
Posts: n/a

Michael Coslo wrote:


Mike Coslo wrote:


Mike Coslo wrote:


My thoughts.
First, the unit has a lot of promise. While I think I prefer separate
components between the computer and the rig for flexibility, this setup
might just be fun to use.

Some folks might like the integrated internal computer. It's certainly
the first rig to offer it. My only concern is that a computer's life
cycle is much shorter than most ham rigs'.

Of course, the computer would work for all the Ham radio
functions at
the time of manufacture, so it wouldn't "go" out of date.

Would you like a nice

100 MHz Pentium 1 running Win95 for your shack
computer, Mike? Ten years ago, that was a dream machine...

I want a computer that can do the work. I can run Digipan (as well as a
lot of other soundcard software) on a P1 class computer, as well as a
lot of logging software. So assuming that there is not aome huge change
in something, the computer will continue to function, the radio will
continue to work.

Of course, but over time support disappears.

I pretty much have to support myself with my old Icom.

Obviously an up to date laptop would be included
in any modern designed system.

I think we're saying the same thing two different ways. If the

Whoops - think we missed something there.

And it would be upgradeable, so it wouldn't be much of a problem.

Plus my idea given down below might be a winner.

Next, I don't buy the teeny florescent screen rationale. My idea of the
modern integrated rig is more along the line of looking like a laptop,
with a folding large screen on top of the RF portions of the box. But
that's just me.

You can plug an external VGA display into the rig.


But you see, here is what I'm thinking of. A computer with the RF guts,
and a laptop of some choice that plugs into the computer, and sets on
top of it. Many of the features now used in hardware could be handled by
the laptop. You would have logging, digital modes, dsp - probably not
important to you, but for a growing group of us, it would be great.

Been done. Kachina 505. Also TT Pegasus. Rigs without a front panel.

Not what I am describing.

Except for the form factor, it's exactly what you're describing.

The form factor, having several different pieces of equipment to hook
together, cabling, and different power supplies.

Imagine a rig that has a 15 - 17 inch screen and a keyboard that
otherwise looks like a typical HF rig. You turn it on and use it.

You arent going to use the Pegasus unless you plug it into a computer.

IMO, those things are similar, but in the same way that a transciever
and separate transmitter/reciever setups are similar.

In fact, I see this sort of thing as as a natural progression, just
like from separates to transcivers.

Imagine some sort of HF transciever. Size
would be similar to what we use today. A laptop or the
equivalent would
be setting on top of the device. The laptop would dock into the
transciever. Functions would be controlled by the laptop.
transciever front panel controls would be a possibility, the
method for what I am talking about would be all control via the laptop.

Except for the docking station part, that's what a Kachina was.
And a Pegasus. Computer did all the control functions, transceiver was
an RF modem of sorts.

This system would be much more highly integrated.

You might thiink of this as a system that someone would consider using
in their automobile. I doubt that there were too many mobile Pegasus
setups. 8^) Of course, I don't suggest using a keyboard while mobile!
But that is okay, the rig would perform all the other functions.

This would not be a unit that needed a take-along computer,
or an LCD
screen, both with their own separate power supplies.
It would be a unit
that you plug in, open the case and "boot" the computer and

All that's really changed is the form factor. And maybe the integration
of power supply.

I guess I'm having trouble making myself clear.

There were a few devices that touched on the idea, including
unmanufactured PSK rig by the Sienna people, and another PSK31 kit rig that sits outboard of a laptop.

You mean the Warbler?

But this would be a full featured rig, SSB, AM, FM, CW, RTTY,
PSK Hell,
and onaonaonaonaon. At least 100 watts output. DSP that is
logging software, and whatever else you might do with the rig.

Right. Now who is going to bell that cat?

Oh, I imagine someone will eventually. I can't imagine that I'm the
only one begging for better system integration.

The Warbler, the unmanufactured kit, and a lot of the others are
interesting, but they are toys by comparison - thats not an insult, just
an observation, because I enjoy toys too.

But the new Sienna HF rig is where it is starting to come together

I can well understand your dislike of the klugey nature of many
rig-computer setups. Two different big boxes (computer and rig)
interconnected by a bunch of cables, and a bunch of little boxes too.
Bulky and clunky and very unportable.

Meanwhile, there are excellent CW rigs like the KX1 that can be
configured to be self-contained (rig, battery, ATU, even paddles)
except for antenna and headphones. Toss up a wire, plug in the 'phones,
turn on the rig and you're on the air.

You'd think the digital folk would be ahead of that curve...

We're trying! Seems some people don't like our ideas though! ;^)

If the laptop were to become obsolete, say if a new mode came along
that required too much horsepower, then the unit could be replaced. A
mounting kit could be made available. In fact, a radio could be designed
so that you could attach your present laptop.

Remember the Warbler?

Yup. That's about 25 percent of the way there.

In any event what you're suggesting is a rig that is controlled by the
computer - an RF modem of sorts. Great if you like that sort of thing,
but they didn't sell all that well. Maybe times have changed.

Not completely. This rig isn't "controlled by the computer, any more
than it is controlled by the transmitter. cuz if either one isn't there,
it isn't going to work.

Can it be used without a computer or not?


Interesting that they chose an LDG autotuner. This is a concept that
might be expanded upon.

It would be wonderful if ham rigs were like desktop computers in the
form of standardization.


Why not? Look at what it's done for PCs. Why not for ham rigs?

One of the areas in which digital people often make a mistake is in
thinking that RF is the same thing as digital. That is why they
sometimes design skunks like BPL.

I'm not talking about using PC methods, just the basic idea. The rig
would have certain standard insides that could be made by a variety of

Example: Suppose we decide on a basic architecture with a given IF,
LO/BFO frequencies, power voltages, control signals, signal & impedance
levels, and form factor.

Once those things are set, the parts could come from anywhere. Want a
DDS VFO? All it has to do is meet the interface requirements. PLL? Same

It is an interesting concept. We wouldn't get all the advantadges that
the PC people would have, given that we wouldn't have the economy of
scale. But one *very* nice feature is that the homebrewers could make up
their own subassy boards.

I guess that should wait until after the warranty is over!!

did some snipping

That's due in part to lower interest rates, and in part to a big flow
of money from the stock market to real estate.

That progression indicates that a change has happened. A lot higher
percentage goes to putting the roof over the head. That's "okay", just
get another Credit card or two!

There are lots of other factors. For example, longer term mortgages
increase buying power.

For that house, they do. But the longer the term, the greater the
future impact. No free lunch. More house now by stretching the paymoents
out, the less capital available later

Two-income families, and
delayed family starts, have their own effects.

The biggest change is that RE values vary widely with location. *Very*

2) A house is one of the few investments an individual can
make that can be used without selling it.

If you do the home equity thing, you sort of have sold it.

Not at all! You still live there.

Kinda like renting, eh?

The money isn't free, yaknow. I have a relative who has refied her
house ever time she could. She bought her place a few years before we
bought ours. The house prices were almost the same. We are almost
finished with our mortgage (15 years), and she's still paying, as every
time she refied, she reset the mortgage. Looks like she'll be making
mortgage payments for her entire life.

3) A house is one of the few necessities an individual can buy
that will almost certainly appreciate in value. Look at the
things you own - how many of them will be worth more
in 10 years?

4) Home loan interest is a tax deduction for most people.
What other debt reduces your taxes?

All true, Jim. and all used to get people to become "house poor".

What's the alternative, Mike?

Living within ones means. When we bought our place, we spent around
100K less than we were "approved" for. The banks thought we were nuts,
the real estate people thought we were nuts (as well as making for a
smaller commission) Big deal - we bought a nice place, and have
discretionary money for investment and other stuff. And the
folks thought we were nuts for not investing in them, too.....

Some people resort to living a long way from their jobs in order to pay
less for a house, get away from CC&Rs and HOAs, etc. Trouble is, they
spend lots of time and money commuting, and are at the mercy of
weather, traffic and fuel prices.

Sometimes it is just nice to not live in a city too.

BTW, those McMansions are becoming very, very hard to resell.

Not around here!

Interesting! My XYL, who works in the industry doing a lot of high-end
houses around here, notes that the people who have 500K to a million and
up almost always insist on building their own.

Where *you* are, $500K is high end. Around here, $500K is a 30-40 year
old 4 br 2-1/2 ba Cape Cod tract house on a half-acre lot that needs a
bit of work.

Philadelphia area right? No doubt that they are more expensive.

But 500K isn't really the high end around here.

And it will sell in a week.

As I said, all those "benefits" of owning a house convince people to do
extrordinarily stupid things...

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #29   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 02:47 AM
Posts: n/a

Michael Coslo wrote:
Michael Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
But you see, here is what I'm thinking of. A computer with the RF guts,
and a laptop of some choice that plugs into the computer, and sets on
top of it. Many of the features now used in hardware could be handled by
the laptop. You would have logging, digital modes, dsp - probably not
important to you, but for a growing group of us, it would be great.

Been done. Kachina 505. Also TT Pegasus. Rigs without a front panel.

Not what I am describing.

Except for the form factor, it's exactly what you're describing.

The form factor, having several different pieces of equipment to hook
together, cabling, and different power supplies.

Exactly. You want it all in an integrated box rather than bits and

Imagine a rig that has a 15 - 17 inch screen and a keyboard that
otherwise looks like a typical HF rig. You turn it on and use it.

The 'DZ is almost there.

As I see it, the trick would be to have the RF part as a lapper docking
station. The laptop makers do the heavy lifting on the digital end.

You arent going to use the Pegasus unless you plug it into a computer.

IMO, those things are similar, but in the same way that a transciever
and separate transmitter/reciever setups are similar.

In fact, I see this sort of thing as as a natural progression, just
like from separates to transcivers.

Total integration rather than boxes patched together.

Imagine some sort of HF transciever. Size
would be similar to what we use today. A laptop or the
equivalent would
be setting on top of the device. The laptop would dock into the
transciever. Functions would be controlled by the laptop.
transciever front panel controls would be a possibility, the
method for what I am talking about would be all control via the laptop.

Except for the docking station part, that's what a Kachina was.
And a Pegasus. Computer did all the control functions, transceiver was
an RF modem of sorts.

This system would be much more highly integrated.

You might thiink of this as a system that someone would consider using
in their automobile. I doubt that there were too many mobile Pegasus
setups. 8^) Of course, I don't suggest using a keyboard while mobile!
But that is okay, the rig would perform all the other functions.

One big difference would be that the DSP/SDR would happen at IF from
the getgo.

This would not be a unit that needed a take-along computer,
or an LCD
screen, both with their own separate power supplies.
It would be a unit
that you plug in, open the case and "boot" the computer and

All that's really changed is the form factor. And maybe the integration
of power supply.

I guess I'm having trouble making myself clear.

No, I see what you mean now. Rather than the computer and rig being two
separate entities connected by cables, they'd be one integrated unit.
Avoids duplication of function. Like in a transceiver where one set of
oscillators and filters does the job for both transmit and receive.

There were a few devices that touched on the idea, including
unmanufactured PSK rig by the Sienna people, and another PSK31 kit rig that sits outboard of a laptop.

You mean the Warbler?

But this would be a full featured rig, SSB, AM, FM, CW, RTTY,
PSK Hell,
and onaonaonaonaon. At least 100 watts output. DSP that is
logging software, and whatever else you might do with the rig.

Right. Now who is going to bell that cat?

Oh, I imagine someone will eventually. I can't imagine that I'm the
only one begging for better system integration.

Fun fact: The earliest example of a true heterodyne transceiver I have
been able to find in the amateur radio literature was a CW rig made
from a BC-453. "True heterodyne transceiver" means:

1) The same tunable oscillator tunes both transmitter and receiver

2) the receiver is a superhet

3) the whole unit is an integrated one-box unit (except for power
supply, antenna, headphones/speaker, and key or microphone).

What you're asking for is the next step - integrated rig/computer.

The Warbler, the unmanufactured kit, and a lot of the others are
interesting, but they are toys by comparison - thats not an insult, just
an observation, because I enjoy toys too.

But the new Sienna HF rig is where it is starting to come together

I can well understand your dislike of the klugey nature of many
rig-computer setups. Two different big boxes (computer and rig)
interconnected by a bunch of cables, and a bunch of little boxes too.
Bulky and clunky and very unportable.

Meanwhile, there are excellent CW rigs like the KX1 that can be
configured to be self-contained (rig, battery, ATU, even paddles)
except for antenna and headphones. Toss up a wire, plug in the 'phones,
turn on the rig and you're on the air.

You'd think the digital folk would be ahead of that curve...

We're trying! Seems some people don't like our ideas though! ;^)

Who would that be?

Seems to me the real problem is the divide between the digital and RF
worlds. On one side you have the folks who build "radios" - the digital
stuff is simply a way to get the job done. So you have dedicated custom
microcontrollers in the rig to run the DDS, choose bands, do DSP, etc.,
but they don't do things like word processing, logging, PSK31
interface, etc. On the other side you have the computer folks with the
neat software and generic hardware - but it's all external to the rig.

If the laptop were to become obsolete, say if a new mode came along
that required too much horsepower, then the unit could be replaced. A
mounting kit could be made available. In fact, a radio could be designed
so that you could attach your present laptop.

Remember the Warbler?

Yup. That's about 25 percent of the way there.

In any event what you're suggesting is a rig that is controlled by the
computer - an RF modem of sorts. Great if you like that sort of thing,
but they didn't sell all that well. Maybe times have changed.

Not completely. This rig isn't "controlled by the computer, any more
than it is controlled by the transmitter. cuz if either one isn't there,
it isn't going to work.

Can it be used without a computer or not?


Interesting that they chose an LDG autotuner. This is a concept that
might be expanded upon.

It would be wonderful if ham rigs were like desktop computers in the
form of standardization.


Why not? Look at what it's done for PCs. Why not for ham rigs?

One of the areas in which digital people often make a mistake is in
thinking that RF is the same thing as digital. That is why they
sometimes design skunks like BPL.

I'm not talking about using PC methods, just the basic idea. The rig
would have certain standard insides that could be made by a variety of

Example: Suppose we decide on a basic architecture with a given IF,
LO/BFO frequencies, power voltages, control signals, signal & impedance
levels, and form factor.

Once those things are set, the parts could come from anywhere. Want a
DDS VFO? All it has to do is meet the interface requirements. PLL? Same

It is an interesting concept. We wouldn't get all the advantadges that
the PC people would have, given that we wouldn't have the economy of
scale. But one *very* nice feature is that the homebrewers could make up
their own subassy boards.

I guess that should wait until after the warranty is over!!

The big problem is that somebody has to make up the standards, and then
the manufacturers stand to lose because people will buy a piece here
and a piece there.

did some snipping

That's due in part to lower interest rates, and in part to a big flow
of money from the stock market to real estate.

That progression indicates that a change has happened. A lot higher
percentage goes to putting the roof over the head. That's "okay", just
get another Credit card or two!

There are lots of other factors. For example, longer term mortgages
increase buying power.

For that house, they do. But the longer the term, the greater the
future impact. No free lunch. More house now by stretching the paymoents
out, the less capital available later

Of course. But people are living longer and working longer. Two careers
has become very common.

Two-income families, and
delayed family starts, have their own effects.

The biggest change is that RE values vary widely with
location. *Very* widely.

2) A house is one of the few investments an individual can
make that can be used without selling it.

If you do the home equity thing, you sort of have sold it.

Not at all! You still live there.

Kinda like renting, eh?

Except renters have *no* equity, and no tax breaks.

The money isn't free, yaknow. I have a relative who has
refied her
house ever time she could. She bought her place a
few years before we
bought ours. The house prices were almost the same.

The big question is - why did she refi and take the cash out? What
happened to the money?

A refi to pay for improvements can be a good idea. Say you take out
$100K for a renovation, but that renovation makes the house
worth $100K more and you avoid needing to move. That's a win.

We are almost
finished with our mortgage (15 years), and she's still paying, as every
time she refied, she reset the mortgage. Looks like she'll be
mortgage payments for her entire life.

Why did she cash out with every refi? I did the refi thing some time
back to get a lower interest rate and to shorten the term.

3) A house is one of the few necessities an individual can buy
that will almost certainly appreciate in value. Look at the
things you own - how many of them will be worth more
in 10 years?

4) Home loan interest is a tax deduction for most people.
What other debt reduces your taxes?

All true, Jim. and all used to get people to become "house poor".

What's the alternative, Mike?

Living within ones means.

Of course. But who defines what that is?

At one extreme, "living within your means" is saving up for everything
and never carrying any debt at all. Which means you'll be quite old
before you buy a house.

At the other extreme, "living within your means" is taking advantage of
every financial tool there is, to make debt work for you.

Somewhere in the middle is the best path.

When we bought our place, we spent around
100K less than we were "approved" for. The banks thought we
were nuts,
the real estate people thought we were nuts (as well as making for a
smaller commission) Big deal - we bought a nice place, and have
discretionary money for investment and other stuff.

But you could find such a place. In a lot of situations, finding a
house you can afford is a real challenge.

And the
folks thought we were nuts for not investing in them, too.....


Some people resort to living a long way from their jobs in
order to pay
less for a house, get away from CC&Rs and HOAs, etc. Trouble is, they
spend lots of time and money commuting, and are at the mercy of weather, traffic and fuel prices.

Sometimes it is just nice to not live in a city too.

Of course. Point is, it's a question of balance and situation.

Suppose A buys a house for $500K that means a short commute, good
schools, etc. B buys a similar house for $300K but then has to spend
hours and dollars each day commuting, puts the kids in private schools,
and has to hire out a lot of things s/he could
have DIT'ed except for lack of time.

Who is really ahead?

BTW, those McMansions are becoming very, very hard to resell.

Not around here!

Interesting! My XYL, who works in the industry doing a lot of high-end
houses around here, notes that the people who have 500K to a million and
up almost always insist on building their own.

Where *you* are, $500K is high end. Around here, $500K is a 30-40 year
old 4 br 2-1/2 ba Cape Cod tract house on a half-acre lot that needs a
bit of work.

Philadelphia area right?

Philadelphia's Main Line. Where suburbia and commuting was invented
over 100 years ago.

No doubt that they are more expensive.


But 500K isn't really the high end around here.

Nor here. Check out with my zip code. Make sure the
properties are in Radnor or Lower Merion school districts. Also make
sure they're houses where a ham could have an antenna, even if it's
just a G5RV.

And it will sell in a week.

As I said, all those "benefits" of owning a house convince
people to do
extrordinarily stupid things...

For me, "stupid" is putting that kind of money into a house in a place
where the ground shakes every so often. Or the hurricanes come in and
wipe everything out.

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #30   Report Post  
Old July 23rd 05, 04:34 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Michael Coslo wrote:


Michael Coslo wrote:


Mike Coslo wrote:


Mike Coslo wrote:


But you see, here is what I'm thinking of. A computer with the RF guts,
and a laptop of some choice that plugs into the computer, and sets on
top of it. Many of the features now used in hardware could be handled by
the laptop. You would have logging, digital modes, dsp - probably not
important to you, but for a growing group of us, it would be great.

Been done. Kachina 505. Also TT Pegasus. Rigs without a front panel.

Not what I am describing.

Except for the form factor, it's exactly what you're describing.

The form factor, having several different pieces of equipment to hook
together, cabling, and different power supplies.

Exactly. You want it all in an integrated box rather than bits and

Imagine a rig that has a 15 - 17 inch screen and a keyboard that
otherwise looks like a typical HF rig. You turn it on and use it.

The 'DZ is almost there.

As I see it, the trick would be to have the RF part as a lapper docking
station. The laptop makers do the heavy lifting on the digital end.

You arent going to use the Pegasus unless you plug it into a computer.

IMO, those things are similar, but in the same way that a transciever
and separate transmitter/reciever setups are similar.

In fact, I see this sort of thing as as a natural progression, just
like from separates to transcivers.

Total integration rather than boxes patched together.

Imagine some sort of HF transciever. Size
would be similar to what we use today. A laptop or the
equivalent would
be setting on top of the device. The laptop would dock into the
transciever. Functions would be controlled by the laptop.
transciever front panel controls would be a possibility, the
method for what I am talking about would be all control via the laptop.

Except for the docking station part, that's what a Kachina was.
And a Pegasus. Computer did all the control functions, transceiver was
an RF modem of sorts.

This system would be much more highly integrated.

You might thiink of this as a system that someone would consider using
in their automobile. I doubt that there were too many mobile Pegasus
setups. 8^) Of course, I don't suggest using a keyboard while mobile!
But that is okay, the rig would perform all the other functions.

One big difference would be that the DSP/SDR would happen at IF from
the getgo.

This would not be a unit that needed a take-along computer,
or an LCD
screen, both with their own separate power supplies.
It would be a unit
that you plug in, open the case and "boot" the computer and

All that's really changed is the form factor. And maybe the integration
of power supply.

I guess I'm having trouble making myself clear.

No, I see what you mean now. Rather than the computer and rig being two
separate entities connected by cables, they'd be one integrated unit.
Avoids duplication of function. Like in a transceiver where one set of
oscillators and filters does the job for both transmit and receive.

There were a few devices that touched on the idea, including
unmanufactured PSK rig by the Sienna people, and another PSK31 kit rig that sits outboard of a laptop.

You mean the Warbler?

But this would be a full featured rig, SSB, AM, FM, CW, RTTY,
PSK Hell,
and onaonaonaonaon. At least 100 watts output. DSP that is
logging software, and whatever else you might do with the rig.

Right. Now who is going to bell that cat?

Oh, I imagine someone will eventually. I can't imagine that I'm the
only one begging for better system integration.

Fun fact: The earliest example of a true heterodyne transceiver I have
been able to find in the amateur radio literature was a CW rig made
from a BC-453. "True heterodyne transceiver" means:

1) The same tunable oscillator tunes both transmitter and receiver

2) the receiver is a superhet

3) the whole unit is an integrated one-box unit (except for power
supply, antenna, headphones/speaker, and key or microphone).

What you're asking for is the next step - integrated rig/computer.

Yup! And it is kind of a scary-hairy step! But I think it is the sort of
thing that can revolutionize the industry.

The Warbler, the unmanufactured kit, and a lot of the others are
interesting, but they are toys by comparison - thats not an insult, just
an observation, because I enjoy toys too.

But the new Sienna HF rig is where it is starting to come together

I can well understand your dislike of the klugey nature of many
rig-computer setups. Two different big boxes (computer and rig)
interconnected by a bunch of cables, and a bunch of little boxes too.
Bulky and clunky and very unportable.

Meanwhile, there are excellent CW rigs like the KX1 that can be
configured to be self-contained (rig, battery, ATU, even paddles)
except for antenna and headphones. Toss up a wire, plug in the 'phones,
turn on the rig and you're on the air.

You'd think the digital folk would be ahead of that curve...

We're trying! Seems some people don't like our ideas though! ;^)

Who would that be?

Perhaps I exxagerate. But the earlier digital rigs were not total
successes. Perhaps they were just ahead of their time.

Seems to me the real problem is the divide between the digital and RF
worlds. On one side you have the folks who build "radios" - the digital
stuff is simply a way to get the job done. So you have dedicated custom
microcontrollers in the rig to run the DDS, choose bands, do DSP, etc.,
but they don't do things like word processing, logging, PSK31
interface, etc. On the other side you have the computer folks with the
neat software and generic hardware - but it's all external to the rig.

There does need to be a sort of meeting between the two. The digital
parts of radios are a tad new and strange (but cool) to me. I've spent
most of my life in the computer end of things. But the potential is
there, and waiting....

Weeohhh, I'm starting to sound like a cheerleader again - Brian is going
to have to come in and slap some sense back into me!!!!! hehe...

If the laptop were to become obsolete, say if a new mode came along
that required too much horsepower, then the unit could be replaced. A
mounting kit could be made available. In fact, a radio could be designed
so that you could attach your present laptop.

Remember the Warbler?

Yup. That's about 25 percent of the way there.

In any event what you're suggesting is a rig that is controlled by the
computer - an RF modem of sorts. Great if you like that sort of thing,
but they didn't sell all that well. Maybe times have changed.

Not completely. This rig isn't "controlled by the computer, any more
than it is controlled by the transmitter. cuz if either one isn't there,
it isn't going to work.

Can it be used without a computer or not?


Interesting that they chose an LDG autotuner. This is a concept that
might be expanded upon.

It would be wonderful if ham rigs were like desktop computers in the
form of standardization.


Why not? Look at what it's done for PCs. Why not for ham rigs?

One of the areas in which digital people often make a mistake is in
thinking that RF is the same thing as digital. That is why they
sometimes design skunks like BPL.

I'm not talking about using PC methods, just the basic idea. The rig
would have certain standard insides that could be made by a variety of

Example: Suppose we decide on a basic architecture with a given IF,
LO/BFO frequencies, power voltages, control signals, signal & impedance
levels, and form factor.

Once those things are set, the parts could come from anywhere. Want a
DDS VFO? All it has to do is meet the interface requirements. PLL? Same

It is an interesting concept. We wouldn't get all the advantadges that
the PC people would have, given that we wouldn't have the economy of
scale. But one *very* nice feature is that the homebrewers could make up
their own subassy boards.

I guess that should wait until after the warranty is over!!

The big problem is that somebody has to make up the standards, and then
the manufacturers stand to lose because people will buy a piece here
and a piece there.

Which is why the first rigs of this sort are almost certainly NOT going
to come from YaeComWood. It will probably be from a much smaller
manufacturer who is either a start-up, or a visionary.

did some snipping

That's due in part to lower interest rates, and in part to a big flow
of money from the stock market to real estate.

That progression indicates that a change has happened. A lot higher
percentage goes to putting the roof over the head. That's "okay", just
get another Credit card or two!

There are lots of other factors. For example, longer term mortgages
increase buying power.

For that house, they do. But the longer the term, the greater the
future impact. No free lunch. More house now by stretching the paymoents
out, the less capital available later

Of course. But people are living longer and working longer. Two careers
has become very common.

No doubt. Even so, to me it makes a lot of sense to live well within
your means, and to be sure that as retirement looms, that your bills
will be lower.

Two-income families, and
delayed family starts, have their own effects.

The biggest change is that RE values vary widely with
location. *Very* widely.

2) A house is one of the few investments an individual can
make that can be used without selling it.

If you do the home equity thing, you sort of have sold it.

Not at all! You still live there.

Kinda like renting, eh?

Except renters have *no* equity, and no tax breaks.

The money isn't free, yaknow. I have a relative who has
refied her
house ever time she could. She bought her place a
few years before we
bought ours. The house prices were almost the same.

The big question is - why did she refi and take the cash out? What
happened to the money?

To pay bills! Gasp!! NOt emergency ones either, Just everyday running a
gazillion Credit cards up to the max sort of bills.

A refi to pay for improvements can be a good idea. Say you take out
$100K for a renovation, but that renovation makes the house
worth $100K more and you avoid needing to move. That's a win.

We are almost
finished with our mortgage (15 years), and she's still paying, as every
time she refied, she reset the mortgage. Looks like she'll be
mortgage payments for her entire life.

Why did she cash out with every refi? I did the refi thing some time
back to get a lower interest rate and to shorten the term.

That bill thing. We also refied to lower the interest rate. There are
good reasons that you might refi of course.

I'm waiting for her to find out about the "interest-only" loans.

3) A house is one of the few necessities an individual can buy
that will almost certainly appreciate in value. Look at the
things you own - how many of them will be worth more
in 10 years?

4) Home loan interest is a tax deduction for most people.
What other debt reduces your taxes?

All true, Jim. and all used to get people to become "house poor".

What's the alternative, Mike?

Living within ones means.

Of course. But who defines what that is?

At one extreme, "living within your means" is saving up for everything
and never carrying any debt at all. Which means you'll be quite old
before you buy a house.

Whoah! I have several Credit cards that are paid off every month. So I
essentially pay for most things with cash, excepting the mortgage, and
the cars.

And I've found out a big secret. It is called discipline. When I was in
my early 20's, and just having gotten married, we had old furniture, old
cars, lived in a mobile home, and went without a few of the things that
a lot of young people simply "have to have." And after we got credit
cards, they were paid off every month, with the exception of the odd
month when the re was a big car bill or somesuch.

After 10 years or so, I noticed that many of our friends were divorced,
yet still paying off their CC card bought furniture and other stuff. I
knew that because they were grousing about it. Cool huh? I'm assuming
that many of the ones who still were together were doing the same.

Slowly but surely, we were buying new furniture - often with cash,
taking nice vacations - with cash, and doing other things that our
friends popped out the plastic for - with cash. Hard to imagine that
paying for 10 year old furniture is ever a good idea.

Do you know what the interest rate is for paying with cash? 8^)

I don't think the CC companies like us all that much tho'..

At the other extreme, "living within your means" is taking advantage of
every financial tool there is, to make debt work for you.

Yeah, another person we know is into that. He spends a lot of time
figuring out what to do, almost like a hobby for him. As far as I can
figure out, he just about breaks even.

Somewhere in the middle is the best path.

When we bought our place, we spent around
100K less than we were "approved" for. The banks thought we
were nuts,
the real estate people thought we were nuts (as well as making for a
smaller commission) Big deal - we bought a nice place, and have
discretionary money for investment and other stuff.

But you could find such a place. In a lot of situations, finding a
house you can afford is a real challenge.

And the
folks thought we were nuts for not investing in them, too.....


Some people resort to living a long way from their jobs in
order to pay
less for a house, get away from CC&Rs and HOAs, etc. Trouble is, they
spend lots of time and money commuting, and are at the mercy of weather, traffic and fuel prices.

Sometimes it is just nice to not live in a city too.

Of course. Point is, it's a question of balance and situation.

Suppose A buys a house for $500K that means a short commute, good
schools, etc. B buys a similar house for $300K but then has to spend
hours and dollars each day commuting, puts the kids in private schools,
and has to hire out a lot of things s/he could
have DIT'ed except for lack of time.

Who is really ahead?

Well now wait a second! Does not living in a city mean that you have to
put your kids in private schools? Our so called rural area has a "world
class" school system.

BTW, those McMansions are becoming very, very hard to resell.

Not around here!

Interesting! My XYL, who works in the industry doing a lot of high-end
houses around here, notes that the people who have 500K to a million and
up almost always insist on building their own.

Where *you* are, $500K is high end. Around here, $500K is a 30-40 year
old 4 br 2-1/2 ba Cape Cod tract house on a half-acre lot that needs a
bit of work.

Philadelphia area right?

Philadelphia's Main Line. Where suburbia and commuting was invented
over 100 years ago.

No doubt that they are more expensive.


But 500K isn't really the high end around here.

Nor here. Check out with my zip code. Make sure the
properties are in Radnor or Lower Merion school districts. Also make
sure they're houses where a ham could have an antenna, even if it's
just a G5RV.

(whining) But I don't wanna live there Jim! 8^)

And it will sell in a week.

As I said, all those "benefits" of owning a house convince
people to do
extrordinarily stupid things...

For me, "stupid" is putting that kind of money into a house in a place
where the ground shakes every so often. Or the hurricanes come in and
wipe everything out.

No doubt. But then again, I realize that my financial outlook is just
about 180 degrees out of synch with most other people. Different
strokes-different folks..

- Mike KB3EIA -
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