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  #1   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 07:46 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default stevie ****

first a few words of explaination

It seem google has limits on how much one can pus through one account
in a period of time

limits that repling to stevie have exceeded so addd another account to
take up the slack sorry for any confused caused

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

It's not hate and venom, Markie.

yes it is

Nope. It's your own words and behaviour, Markie.

why did you attack me when I had not posted in years

I didn't "attack" you.

yes you did

It's not an "attack" if it's true.

wrong the truth of stement has nothing to do with wether the statement
is an attack

it was an attack and on someone who had not been around in years

can you answer that?

I did...See above.

no you did not

Yes I did. See above.


you obviously hate what for I can't understand


you obviously hate me why I don't know

I don't hate you.

yes you do or fear me

! ! !


You alter words of mine and then "respond" to them that is forgery I am
assesing your words and commenting on their meaning

You're already an admitted liar, Markie...This is only more
evidence that that accusation is accurate.


No..Not hate.

yes hate or fear

You flatter yourself, Markie.

no it isn't flatering

you might have a point if it were just me but you go off on Lenn and
Tood in the same hate filled manner

Lennie and Todd are cut from the same cloth. Oh, Lennie's far
more competent with the English language than you'll ever hope to be,
but you're "cousins" none-the-less.

not we are very different people all we really have in comon is that we
are not cowed by a bully like yourself

Your "common thread" are the lies in THESE threads.


"Hate" in YOUR words.

yes Hate

But not in mine. You may stop "forging" any time you like,

yes hate

no forgeing

and you can stop distring the quoting anytime too

Huh? Stop what the quoting?

you understand

You apnder to and indulge the worst impulses of Soceity

Huh? I what the worst impulses?

you indulge them, and pander to them

a simple letter tranposition as you know I make often, and which you
say is all when you do it

Intolerance of the deceitful and liars, Markie. Nothing else.

hate or fear

Intolerance of the decitful and liars, Markie. Nothing else.

of deitful...

hate and/or fear

I reserve "hate" for child molesters, spousal abusers, murderers

well you have all but accused me of being a Child molester

No, I've not.

yes you have



I said you were dangerous to leave kids around and I explained

wby calling me somekind of olester

The only person using your name and "child molester" in the same
sentences is YOU, Markie...

you just used them both stevie more honest on your part

I HAVE said it's dangerous to leave kids around you, but not
because I think you'd take advantage of them physically. You're a bad
influence. You're functionally illiterate, you are an acknowledged
liar, and a sexual deviant.

not illerate or deviant or a bad influnece, and I am more honest than
you are

That's a lie in and of itself.

nope I am more honest than you

nor Ileterate or deviant

I am dysgraphic of course

If you really knew what compromises the training of Marines, you'd
know better.

I know the training of the Army and The from others the Navy Adm Ray
spruance said that basic training was mostly brain washing to produce a
guy that would react as his comanders wish him to

ADM Spruance was not a Marine.

never said he was

from a speech about 1970 at the redication fo the Naval reservse armory
in Indy

An affair you were not at.

yes I was

And even more evidence that you know nothing of, nor were ever
part of, "the military".

in some way you right when you say i was never part of the military,
since i never ever could stop thinking, as was desired by my trainers

You were never in the Armed Forces...Never inducted, never sworn
in, never served a day in uniform (Good Humor Man and Crossing Guard do
not count....)

yes I did

And I loathe liars. And you ARE a prolific liar.

ah yes self loathing Stevie

Yes, I am sure you are self-loathing. You should be.

no I like myself I even love myself

I am sure you do.

then you were lyinng when you said I loathed myself

"Lyinng"...?!?! No, I wasn't "lyinng".

but you were lying

you lie with evidence right on the page


yep is it

I am sure that you've watched enough episodes of ER and General
Hospital to think so.

nope I have never sat through an episode of General hospital, never
seen ER. It is on network TV haven't seen it in years

Both shows are on cable...non-network.

are they? hadn't noticed

why? I simply don't expect you to understand

So...your fractured English is some sort of INTENTIONAL deceit, I

More making more #### stevie


yes more ####


yes it is

this statement of yours

" So...your fractured English is some sort of INTENTIONAL deceit, I

is a lie. It is not intentional and you know it or should know it

I just make fun of what YOU make up.

by lying about it

What lying about YOUR words, Markie?

you lie about my meaning

There's a dozen people here who'd be on me like white on rice if
you had even a THREAD of validity in any of YOUR claims.

there are not a dozen poster here any more Stevie so clawk up another

and you can't tolerate lying so resolve your conflict comit suicide

After you.

no thanks

You ahve soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more to
"resolve", Markie.


I simply don't expcept you to understand, simple fact

I understand that YOU are INTENTIONALLY attempting to not be
understood clearly.

another lie

Why..I have no idea...

no ideas at all have you (in my best Yoda voice, back to normal) which
is why I say you are so narrow minded

I love how you try to claim I have no ideas all-the-while having
to mimic a movie character to find the words to do it with...

glad you enjoyed it, too bad your were not wee paying ateention



In the mean time, your posts look like Scrabble tiles dumped on
the floor.

if that sin't a le then your claim to understand any part of is which
would mean your claims I said any given thing would be a lie etc

I am sure that was a coherent thought as you typed it out, Markie,
but it didn't make it to the keyboard that way...

progress boyo

You have involved yourself in Brain's deceit and lies about my
MARS participation.

which accrding to you has lasted about 6 months not years

There's more to the story, Markie.

then you were lying in saying it went 6 months

You just jumped in in the middle.....

not at all likely since you will no doubt spin it on for years more

I was here a while starting around 97 till about 2000 then left for
about 4-5 years and came back

with nothing in between

You posted here briefly in 2002 or 3...Several days worth.

no I did not

Liar. Again.

no I did not

Nothing after 9/11 till late june of this years

Actually it was AFTER 9/11 since I had moved from Sequatchie
County to Franklin County.

i did not post anything after 9/11 stopped well before it. Perhaps
someone was jerking your chain

No hate. No venom. Just putting all the animals in the same

that sure sound like hate to me

Nope. Just a zookeeper doing his duty.

more of your Compassion it is overwhleming

You should be glad I'm passing out compassion rather than syringes
from the euthanasia department.


You can't even adknowledge our status as humans

Are you? Then prove it. Stop lying.

I have the DNA

Not human, you don't.

yes i do more atacks

You're Hukman, remember...?!?!

typo stupid

then you are Claimng FDR was not human Nixon was not Human even JFK
doesn't seem likely to quailify BYS

They didn't claim to be Hukmans, so I take it on faith they were

thus You support and condone lying

must be hate or fear

Must be Markie on drugs.

not on drugs don't need em

Yes, Markie...You NEED drugs...lots and lots of drugs.


Steve, K4YZ

  #2   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 08:48 PM
Posts: n/a

an old friend wrote:
first a few words of explaination

It seem google has limits on how much one can pus through one account
in a period of time

limits that repling to stevie have exceeded so addd another account to
take up the slack sorry for any confused caused

The confusion comes from trying to make sense of that dreck you
call English.

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

It's not an "attack" if it's true.

wrong the truth of stement has nothing to do with wether the statement
is an attack

If not said anything untrue about you.

it was an attack and on someone who had not been around in years

You were around. That you're hear now to whine about it proves

! ! !



Ribauld laughter.

You can lie to yourself if you care to and call it "crying",
however anyone else reading knows better.

You alter words of mine and then "respond" to them that is forgery I am
assesing your words and commenting on their meaning

You're already an admitted liar, Markie...This is only more
evidence that that accusation is accurate.



No..Not hate.

yes hate or fear

You flatter yourself, Markie.

no it isn't flatering

Yes...You are flattering yourself to think that I, or anyone for
that matter, would "fear" you.

LEAST of all me!

not we are very different people all we really have in comon is that we
are not cowed by a bully like yourself

Your "common thread" are the lies in THESE threads.



and you can stop distring the quoting anytime too

Huh? Stop what the quoting?

you understand

No, I don't. Try it in English, please.

You apnder to and indulge the worst impulses of Soceity

Huh? I what the worst impulses?

you indulge them, and pander to them

No, I don't.

But I put people who pander in places where they can't hurt anyone

a simple letter tranposition as you know I make often, and which you
say is all when you do it

No...YOU do it ALL the time.

Intolerance of the deceitful and liars, Markie. Nothing else.

hate or fear

Intolerance of the decitful and liars, Markie. Nothing else.

of deitful...

hate and/or fear

Fool and/or idiot.

Which are you?

I said you were dangerous to leave kids around and I explained

wby calling me somekind of olester

English. Use English

The only person using your name and "child molester" in the same
sentences is YOU, Markie...

you just used them both stevie more honest on your part

Only to point out that YOU are the only one making the accusation,

I still have not called you a molester.

I HAVE said it's dangerous to leave kids around you, but not
because I think you'd take advantage of them physically. You're a bad
influence. You're functionally illiterate, you are an acknowledged
liar, and a sexual deviant.

not illerate or deviant or a bad influnece, and I am more honest than
you are

That's a lie in and of itself.

nope I am more honest than you

Nope. You've even admitted being a chronic liar, Markie.

Who's going to believe you now?

nor Ileterate or deviant


"...nor Ileterate..."

! ! ! ! ! !

You just don't get it, do you...?!?!

Mark Morgan is Mark Morgan's biggest enemy!

I am dysgraphic of course

You're lazy and incompetent.

The rest is "repairable" with therapy and work.

If you really knew what compromises the training of Marines, you'd
know better.

I know the training of the Army and The from others the Navy Adm Ray
spruance said that basic training was mostly brain washing to produce a
guy that would react as his comanders wish him to

ADM Spruance was not a Marine.

never said he was

Good. You woke up.

Because in the paragraph where you go into some dialog about NAVY
officers, I correctly cited where YOU don't know about what makes up
the training of Marines.

Big snip of Markie tit-for-tat

if that sin't a le then your claim to understand any part of is which
would mean your claims I said any given thing would be a lie etc

I am sure that was a coherent thought as you typed it out, Markie,
but it didn't make it to the keyboard that way...

progress boyo

What's progress, wusso?

Nothing YOU have done.

As I said, that paragraph was incoherent.

Nothing after 9/11 till late june of this years

Actually it was AFTER 9/11 since I had moved from Sequatchie
County to Franklin County.

i did not post anything after 9/11 stopped well before it. Perhaps
someone was jerking your chain

Nope. It was you.

No hate. No venom. Just putting all the animals in the same

that sure sound like hate to me

Nope. Just a zookeeper doing his duty.

more of your Compassion it is overwhleming

You should be glad I'm passing out compassion rather than syringes
from the euthanasia department.


Veterinarians are nazis?

You can't even adknowledge our status as humans

Are you? Then prove it. Stop lying.

I have the DNA

Not human, you don't.

yes i do more atacks


You claimed you were Hukman.

You're Hukman, remember...?!?!

typo stupid

I'm not stupid. I didn't make the typo.

The STUPID one was the idiot that made the Hukman typo.

then you are Claimng FDR was not human Nixon was not Human even JFK
doesn't seem likely to quailify BYS

They didn't claim to be Hukmans, so I take it on faith they were

thus You support and condone lying


You said that I said they weren't human.

I never said anything of the like.

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

Must be a "pagan" thing.

must be hate or fear

Must be Markie on drugs.

not on drugs don't need em

Yes, Markie...You NEED drugs...lots and lots of drugs.



Steve, K4YZ

  #3   Report Post  
Old July 18th 05, 09:07 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
first a few words of explaination

It seem google has limits on how much one can pus through one account
in a period of time

limits that repling to stevie have exceeded so addd another account to
take up the slack sorry for any confused caused

The confusion comes from trying to make sense of that dreck you
call English.

not here another stevie

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

It's not an "attack" if it's true.

wrong the truth of stement has nothing to do with wether the statement
is an attack

If not said anything untrue about you.

it was an attack and on someone who had not been around in years

You were around. That you're hear now to whine about it proves

no it sdoesn't
was aroound had not posted in years

! ! !




Ribauld laughter.

You can lie to yourself if you care to and call it "crying",
however anyone else reading knows better.

whining prehaps

You alter words of mine and then "respond" to them that is forgery I am
assesing your words and commenting on their meaning

You're already an admitted liar, Markie...This is only more
evidence that that accusation is accurate.



no it isn't

No..Not hate.

yes hate or fear

You flatter yourself, Markie.

no it isn't flatering

Yes...You are flattering yourself to think that I, or anyone for
that matter, would "fear" you.

you do fear me in fact i seem to terrify you that someone like myself
is allowed to exist seems to get you into a rage

LEAST of all me!

most of all you

not we are very different people all we really have in comon is that we
are not cowed by a bully like yourself

Your "common thread" are the lies in THESE threads.




and you can stop distring the quoting anytime too

Huh? Stop what the quoting?

you understand

No, I don't. Try it in English, please.

then you are stupid

You apnder to and indulge the worst impulses of Soceity

Huh? I what the worst impulses?

you indulge them, and pander to them

No, I don't.

yes you do

But I put people who pander in places where they can't hurt anyone

another threat?

a simple letter tranposition as you know I make often, and which you
say is all when you do it

No...YOU do it ALL the time.

no i don't

Intolerance of the deceitful and liars, Markie. Nothing else.

hate or fear

Intolerance of the decitful and liars, Markie. Nothing else.

of deitful...

hate and/or fear

Fool and/or idiot.

fool most likely

Which are you?

I said you were dangerous to leave kids around and I explained

wby calling me somekind of olester

English. Use English

I do

The only person using your name and "child molester" in the same
sentences is YOU, Markie...

you just used them both stevie more honest on your part

Only to point out that YOU are the only one making the accusation,

which never the less proves the statement a lie. it is your clear

again if I though you had anything worth taking Id venture a lawyers
reatiner on a contigency Libel/slander suit

I still have not called you a molester.

you imply it as I have said

I HAVE said it's dangerous to leave kids around you, but not
because I think you'd take advantage of them physically. You're a bad
influence. You're functionally illiterate, you are an acknowledged
liar, and a sexual deviant.

not illerate or deviant or a bad influnece, and I am more honest than
you are

That's a lie in and of itself.

nope I am more honest than you

Nope. You've even admitted being a chronic liar, Markie.

Yes Becuase I have admited to lying and you haven't That is one of the
things that makes me more honest than you

Who's going to believe you now?

who beleives you?

nor Ileterate or deviant


"...nor Ileterate..."

! ! ! ! ! !

You just don't get it, do you...?!?!

Mark Morgan is Mark Morgan's biggest enemy!


I am dysgraphic of course

You're lazy and incompetent.

lazy sure BYS. incompentant well not sure of the definitionyou are
using. I am not legaly incompetant that I know

The rest is "repairable" with therapy and work.

nothing needs repair

If you really knew what compromises the training of Marines, you'd
know better.

I know the training of the Army and The from others the Navy Adm Ray
spruance said that basic training was mostly brain washing to produce a
guy that would react as his comanders wish him to

ADM Spruance was not a Marine.

never said he was

Good. You woke up.

nope you simply made up a claim that you said I made which I then

Because in the paragraph where you go into some dialog about NAVY
officers, I correctly cited where YOU don't know about what makes up
the training of Marines.

Marine Officers are trained at the US Naval academy therefore a Naval
officer does know something about the training of Marines

Big snip of Markie tit-for-tat

more cuting context

if that sin't a le then your claim to understand any part of is which
would mean your claims I said any given thing would be a lie etc

I am sure that was a coherent thought as you typed it out, Markie,
but it didn't make it to the keyboard that way...

progress boyo

What's progress, wusso?

you don't know?

sorry that subject is not in the RRAP charter

Nothing YOU have done.

missed the point again

As I said, that paragraph was incoherent.

you sure said it

Nothing after 9/11 till late june of this years

Actually it was AFTER 9/11 since I had moved from Sequatchie
County to Franklin County.

i did not post anything after 9/11 stopped well before it. Perhaps
someone was jerking your chain

Nope. It was you.


prove it

No hate. No venom. Just putting all the animals in the same

that sure sound like hate to me

Nope. Just a zookeeper doing his duty.

more of your Compassion it is overwhleming

You should be glad I'm passing out compassion rather than syringes
from the euthanasia department.


Veterinarians are nazis?

nope but you are

You can't even adknowledge our status as humans

Are you? Then prove it. Stop lying.

I have the DNA

Not human, you don't.

yes i do more atacks


not even man enough to admit you are attacking someone

You claimed you were Hukman.

You're Hukman, remember...?!?!

typo stupid

I'm not stupid. I didn't make the typo.

You are stupid to base you point on a typo

The STUPID one was the idiot that made the Hukman typo.

nope typos are not evidence of iq or a lack of IQ

only someone stupid like yourself would claim it was

then you are Claimng FDR was not human Nixon was not Human even JFK
doesn't seem likely to quailify BYS

They didn't claim to be Hukmans, so I take it on faith they were

thus You support and condone lying



You said that I said they weren't human.

but you did

I never said anything of the like.

Yes you did

you said No human being would lie in public
they lied therfore BYS they are human BYS

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

Must be a "pagan" thing.

more **** from you

must be hate or fear

Must be Markie on drugs.

not on drugs don't need em

Yes, Markie...You NEED drugs...lots and lots of drugs.



maybe an asprin after reading your ****

Steve, K4YZ

  #4   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 12:15 AM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
first a few words of explaination

It seem google has limits on how much one can pus through one account
in a period of time

limits that repling to stevie have exceeded so addd another account to
take up the slack sorry for any confused caused

The confusion comes from trying to make sense of that dreck you
call English.

not here another stevie

Uh huh.

Another "Markie"...Trying to "diss" me with the very same
gang-raped English he claims he doesn't use!

just using the same sort of english you do. gues you are admiting to
gang raping english then

But i certainly don't gang rape english or anything else being only one

Huge snip of tit-for-tat Markie Dreck

more doging the point you mean

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

But you're not human. You're a Hukman. You said so yourself.


Must be a "pagan" thing.

more #### from you

More profanity from you.

sure thing but your **** is still ****

must be hate or fear

Must be Markie on drugs.

not on drugs don't need em

Yes, Markie...You NEED drugs...lots and lots of drugs.



maybe an asprin after reading your ####

Perhaps if you understood English a bit better...?!?!

I understand it and I understand your **** too

Steve, K4YZ

  #5   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 12:23 AM
Posts: n/a

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Another "Markie"...Trying to "diss" me with the very same
gang-raped English he claims he doesn't use!

just using the same sort of english you do. gues you are admiting to
gang raping english then


You're just a liar, Markie.

You'll always be second place...more like 3rd or 4th.

But i certainly don't gang rape english or anything else being only one

Sure you do. Your abuse of the language is horrific.

Huge snip of tit-for-tat Markie Dreck

more doging the point you mean


More snipping your tit-for-tat.

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

But you're not human. You're a Hukman. You said so yourself.


Yep. You said it.

Must be a "pagan" thing.

more #### from you

More profanity from you.

sure thing but your #### is still ####

Now you're a proctologist? A pathologist?

I doubt it.

Perhaps if you understood English a bit better...?!?!

I understand it and I understand your #### too

No, you don't.

Steve, K4YZ

  #6   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 12:53 AM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Another "Markie"...Trying to "diss" me with the very same
gang-raped English he claims he doesn't use!

just using the same sort of english you do. gues you are admiting to
gang raping english then


You're just a liar, Markie.

as are you

You'll always be second place...more like 3rd or 4th.

to what

But i certainly don't gang rape english or anything else being only one

Sure you do. Your abuse of the language is horrific.

not possible I am one personson gang mean at least 2 or more

Huge snip of tit-for-tat Markie Dreck

more doging the point you mean



More snipping your tit-for-tat.

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

But you're not human. You're a Hukman. You said so yourself.


Yep. You said it.


Must be a "pagan" thing.

more #### from you

More profanity from you.

sure thing but your #### is still ####

Now you're a proctologist? A pathologist?

neither but your **** is still ****

I doubt it.

me too

Perhaps if you understood English a bit better...?!?!

I understand it and I understand your #### too

No, you don't.

yes I did

Steve, K4YZ

  #7   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 06:50 AM
Posts: n/a

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Another "Markie"...Trying to "diss" me with the very same
gang-raped English he claims he doesn't use!

just using the same sort of english you do. gues you are admiting to
gang raping english then


You're just a liar, Markie.

as are you


You'll always be second place...more like 3rd or 4th.

to what

To everything.

You enjoy being the victim. Your own fetish for being the
whipping boy will keep you second place regardless of the endeavor

But i certainly don't gang rape english or anything else being only one

Sure you do. Your abuse of the language is horrific.

not possible I am one personson gang mean at least 2 or more

Not for people who think they are better than any two other
people, Mark.

Huge snip of tit-for-tat Markie Dreck

more doging the point you mean



Nope. Same tit-for-tat one word answers from you for the most

More snipping your tit-for-tat.

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

But you're not human. You're a Hukman. You said so yourself.


Yep. You said it.


Yep...Said you're Hukman.

Were you lying them or lying now?

Must be a "pagan" thing.

more #### from you

More profanity from you.

sure thing but your #### is still ####

Now you're a proctologist? A pathologist?

neither but your #### is still ####

How can you tell?

If you're not a proctologist or pathologist, how did you know?

Taste test...?!?!

Perhaps if you understood English a bit better...?!?!

I understand it and I understand your #### too

No, you don't.

yes I did

You NEVER "did"...

Steve, K4YZ

  #8   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 08:48 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Another "Markie"...Trying to "diss" me with the very same
gang-raped English he claims he doesn't use!

just using the same sort of english you do. gues you are admiting to
gang raping english then


You're just a liar, Markie.

as are you


yes you are

You'll always be second place...more like 3rd or 4th.

to what

To everything.

never to you

You enjoy being the victim. Your own fetish for being the
whipping boy will keep you second place regardless of the endeavor

nope more Stevie lies

You are projecting it seems You enjoy whiping so you assume

Indeed you realy seem to get off on whiping men

But i certainly don't gang rape english or anything else being only one

Sure you do. Your abuse of the language is horrific.

not possible I am one personson gang mean at least 2 or more

Not for people who think they are better than any two other
people, Mark.

never said I was better than any 2 people

just better than you

which isn't hard

Huge snip of tit-for-tat Markie Dreck

more doging the point you mean



Nope. Same tit-for-tat one word answers from you for the most

all that is needed

More snipping your tit-for-tat.

I DID say YOU have some DNA anomolies that make YOUR genetic
history dubious. YOU then validated my assumption by claiming to be a

nope typos do not affect DNA if you think so please turn in your LPN

But you're not human. You're a Hukman. You said so yourself.


Yep. You said it.


Yep...Said you're Hukman.


Were you lying them or lying now?


Must be a "pagan" thing.

more #### from you

More profanity from you.

sure thing but your #### is still ####

Now you're a proctologist? A pathologist?

neither but your #### is still ####

How can you tell?

becuase I know **** is ****

If you're not a proctologist or pathologist, how did you know?

i know even if you might happen to think your **** isn't **** it still

Taste test...?!?!


Perhaps if you understood English a bit better...?!?!

I understand it and I understand your #### too

No, you don't.

yes I did

You NEVER "did"...

I always have understood you for what you are

A coward, a Bully, a Bigot

Steve, K4YZ

  #9   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 04:28 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

You enjoy being the victim. Your own fetish for being the
whipping boy will keep you second place regardless of the endeavor

nope more Stevie lies

You are projecting it seems You enjoy whiping so you assume

Indeed you realy seem to get off on whiping men


An other obvious bit of evidence that you don't understand the
English language well.

I understand it and I understand your #### too

No, you don't.

yes I did

You NEVER "did"...

I always have understood you for what you are

A coward, a Bully, a Bigot

Nope. That's your schtick, Markie. Too afraid to come out and be
a man...Hiding behind profanities and insults on screen, demanding that
all of us get with YOUR program.

Ain't happening.

Steve, K4YZ

  #10   Report Post  
Old July 19th 05, 06:00 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

You enjoy being the victim. Your own fetish for being the
whipping boy will keep you second place regardless of the endeavor

nope more Stevie lies

You are projecting it seems You enjoy whiping so you assume

Indeed you realy seem to get off on whiping men


you seem preopied with it

An other obvious bit of evidence that you don't understand the
English language well.

I understand it quite

But I am not the guy that keep insisting on draging sexuality into a
Radio newsgroup

I understand it and I understand your #### too

No, you don't.

yes I did

You NEVER "did"...

I always have understood you for what you are

A coward, a Bully, a Bigot

Nope. That's your schtick, Markie. Too afraid to come out and be
a man...Hiding behind profanities and insults on screen, demanding that
all of us get with YOUR program.

Projecting again

I am a man

you are so afraid of a word that you go on a enternal rant

you are the personal attack man and a coward that can dish it (lately
esp to Todd) but you can't take it yourself

no demand at all beyond being allowed basic rights

what program BTW am I pusshing (according to you)

Ain't happening.

Steve, K4YZ

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