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Hello, John
Well, troll is when someone starts a thread with the intent of starting a flame war. Since the Republicans came to power and some of the stuff I've seen, I'm willing to troll now. Not much matters anymore. The cw/no cw threads - which, from what I've seen, means "I don't want any tests". I seriously don't care that much anymore. I'm seriously thinking of moving to Florida and simply spending my days in the sunshine (and pool LOL). Let the freebanders have at it. Don't call me if there is a problem; I spent my time in 'Nam and figure the no-test folks will have all the answers anyways. There are no discussions anymore as politics is controlled via the various programs concerning national security and the sheep follow the leader regardless. Why study the calculus when you can pick up a calculator (never mind I've caught one kid making a mistake even using a calculator - if the owner looses his butt, that's his problem, not mine)? As to communications or electronics, it won't matter. I remember going down to a television station over 10 years ago and being told I'd have to join SMPTE (I think - Society of Motion Picture and Televison Employees .... not sure) and was shown a "difficult" test I'd have to take. Same damn test I passed as a teenager in front of the FCC to get my 1st class radiotelephone license. I was also a full member of that organization when I was designing UHF translator stations in 1971. Unfortunately, I reset my newsgroups as they were taking up considerable space and lost the start of this thread. Unfortunately, I have not been able to engage in any reasonable discussion in quite some time myself and I've about resigned myself to avoiding the flames and simply basking in the sun. I'm sure some enterprising individual will find a way to blame the folks that finally got tired of all the mess. Do let me know if Bush ever gets a clue or the No Test International folks ever think there might be a problem with letting everyone on any frequency they desire. I do not believe you ever started a thread with the intent of causing grief, but I've had some question as to some of your posts in the middle of threads. Then again, I've been getting a bit testy of late myself ![]() I heard that AOL died in London. The cell phones overload. Of course, everyone could be assigned their own "frequency" (rather than a free for all "freeband" agreement). With something like 6 billion folks in the world, that would take 6 GHz of channels 1 Hz wide. I don't think one can push much information through a channel 1 Hz wide. Also, no one could have a very useful antenna much below several hundred KHz. Maybe the answer is let everyone drive on whatever side of the road they want? LOL - no, John, it isn't you. I'm just getting a bit tired. Perhaps I'll go to bed. I'm seriously considering moving and trashing the computer. Retire and go fishing, perhaps. I might even invest in a beam and a good hf rig. I've never found a lid on cw and have had many interesting discussions on cw (as well as 440 MHz fm). 73 from Rochester, NY Jim AA2QA "John Smith" wrote in message news ![]() Jim: Can you remember when, here in America, we used to discuss matters, listen to points of view, examine every possibility--in the end, draw on everything, and finally reach real solutions, real fixes, and provide solutions everyone could live under? Do you see how now the word "troll" is tossed out and cowards fly to hiding places to escape any association with it? Do any of us really know what a "troll" is? Frankly, the only definition I will accept for "troll" is someone who only has the intent of causing anger, confusion and hate--for NO real purpose... Do you really see where I do that? Have you even seen where most accused of being a "troll" really are? I haven't! I see where some wish to open up discussions, debate and argument--and some simply wish to stop all discussion because they are afraid they will be in disagree with the final conclusions of that--and somehow they view that as a danger to themselves... Yanno, some of this is the strangest chit I have ever seen in my life... How about your take on it? John |
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![]() an_old_friend wrote: John Smith wrote: an_old_pervert: Hey, I own a set of that "male genitalia" you speak of, gotten quite a bit of use and enjoyment out of it too! Now you accuse me of being "genitalia-phobic" in addition to your accusations of my being "homophobic?" not unless you are in fact Stevie k4yz John...you'll have to forgive Markie...He was a regular in this forum in the late 90's, then he blew off. Then we only had Lennie and brain as our regular miscreants, but at least they can spell and put a sentence together. Markie has serious gender identification issues and as a consequence of those issues, any discussion that even remotely sounds like it's gender related get's him all wound up. I am sure you've also discovered by now that Markie is an absolutely unrepentant and actually quite proud pathological liar. His previous tales of his being a drafted "Colonel" in the US Army Chemical Corps and subsequent unravelling of THAT tale was absolutely hillarious. (In as much as the draft ended in the 70's, Markie would have had to have been about 8 years old when he was "drafted"...!) Watch him splash around in his little mudhole of lies. It's quite entertaining! 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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Your definition, "Well, troll is when someone starts a thread with the intent of starting a flame war." I don't think that happens often. Indeed, it is EXACTLY the opposite which is REALLY occurring. Here is how that really functions and ends up being blamed on the poster: "If you start a thread on a subject which is unpopular or I do not agree with--I will flame war there and accuse you of being a troll which provoked it all--and my flames!" (devil made me do it statement) I can see how some are confused by these two totally different situations though, unless you look closely the two can be confused. Perhaps we could call such, "Terrorist Flame War Threats" and report 'em to homeland security!!! ROFLOL! John "Jim Hampton" wrote in message ... Hello, John Well, troll is when someone starts a thread with the intent of starting a flame war. Since the Republicans came to power and some of the stuff I've seen, I'm willing to troll now. Not much matters anymore. The cw/no cw threads - which, from what I've seen, means "I don't want any tests". I seriously don't care that much anymore. I'm seriously thinking of moving to Florida and simply spending my days in the sunshine (and pool LOL). Let the freebanders have at it. Don't call me if there is a problem; I spent my time in 'Nam and figure the no-test folks will have all the answers anyways. There are no discussions anymore as politics is controlled via the various programs concerning national security and the sheep follow the leader regardless. Why study the calculus when you can pick up a calculator (never mind I've caught one kid making a mistake even using a calculator - if the owner looses his butt, that's his problem, not mine)? As to communications or electronics, it won't matter. I remember going down to a television station over 10 years ago and being told I'd have to join SMPTE (I think - Society of Motion Picture and Televison Employees .... not sure) and was shown a "difficult" test I'd have to take. Same damn test I passed as a teenager in front of the FCC to get my 1st class radiotelephone license. I was also a full member of that organization when I was designing UHF translator stations in 1971. Unfortunately, I reset my newsgroups as they were taking up considerable space and lost the start of this thread. Unfortunately, I have not been able to engage in any reasonable discussion in quite some time myself and I've about resigned myself to avoiding the flames and simply basking in the sun. I'm sure some enterprising individual will find a way to blame the folks that finally got tired of all the mess. Do let me know if Bush ever gets a clue or the No Test International folks ever think there might be a problem with letting everyone on any frequency they desire. I do not believe you ever started a thread with the intent of causing grief, but I've had some question as to some of your posts in the middle of threads. Then again, I've been getting a bit testy of late myself ![]() I heard that AOL died in London. The cell phones overload. Of course, everyone could be assigned their own "frequency" (rather than a free for all "freeband" agreement). With something like 6 billion folks in the world, that would take 6 GHz of channels 1 Hz wide. I don't think one can push much information through a channel 1 Hz wide. Also, no one could have a very useful antenna much below several hundred KHz. Maybe the answer is let everyone drive on whatever side of the road they want? LOL - no, John, it isn't you. I'm just getting a bit tired. Perhaps I'll go to bed. I'm seriously considering moving and trashing the computer. Retire and go fishing, perhaps. I might even invest in a beam and a good hf rig. I've never found a lid on cw and have had many interesting discussions on cw (as well as 440 MHz fm). 73 from Rochester, NY Jim AA2QA "John Smith" wrote in message news ![]() Jim: Can you remember when, here in America, we used to discuss matters, listen to points of view, examine every possibility--in the end, draw on everything, and finally reach real solutions, real fixes, and provide solutions everyone could live under? Do you see how now the word "troll" is tossed out and cowards fly to hiding places to escape any association with it? Do any of us really know what a "troll" is? Frankly, the only definition I will accept for "troll" is someone who only has the intent of causing anger, confusion and hate--for NO real purpose... Do you really see where I do that? Have you even seen where most accused of being a "troll" really are? I haven't! I see where some wish to open up discussions, debate and argument--and some simply wish to stop all discussion because they are afraid they will be in disagree with the final conclusions of that--and somehow they view that as a danger to themselves... Yanno, some of this is the strangest chit I have ever seen in my life... How about your take on it? John |
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![]() K4YZ wrote: an_old_friend wrote: John Smith wrote: an_old_pervert: Hey, I own a set of that "male genitalia" you speak of, gotten quite a bit of use and enjoyment out of it too! Now you accuse me of being "genitalia-phobic" in addition to your accusations of my being "homophobic?" not unless you are in fact Stevie k4yz John...you'll have to forgive Markie...He was a regular in this forum in the late 90's, then he blew off. Then we only had Lennie and brain as our regular miscreants, but at least they can spell and put a sentence together. break Markie has serious gender identification issues and as a consequence of those issues, any discussion that even remotely sounds like it's gender related get's him all wound up. more lies stevie I am sure you've also discovered by now that Markie is an absolutely unrepentant and actually quite proud pathological liar. His not pathological previous tales of his being a drafted "Colonel" in the US Army Chemical Corps and subsequent unravelling of THAT tale was absolutely hillarious. (In as much as the draft ended in the 70's, Markie would have had to have been about 8 years old when he was "drafted"...!) and more of your lies there Watch him splash around in his little mudhole of lies. It's quite entertaining! 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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Well, we may have all been guilty of that a time or two, but just might take some of longer to learn from our mistakes--tell ya the truth, I have been dishonest with a couple of women early on in my life to attempt to impress 'em. I suppose I can forgive another for such silliness... On the gender identification problem, that IS and DOES SEEM TO BE a real problem and stumbling block for him. I think he is full well to wage battle for decades in the attempt to get people to accept him which consider such a "lifestyle" (and I use that word loosely) PERVERSION!!!! The militarys' suggest of, "Don't ask, don't tell..." is about the best I can accommodate such people with... John "K4YZ" wrote in message oups.com... an_old_friend wrote: John Smith wrote: an_old_pervert: Hey, I own a set of that "male genitalia" you speak of, gotten quite a bit of use and enjoyment out of it too! Now you accuse me of being "genitalia-phobic" in addition to your accusations of my being "homophobic?" not unless you are in fact Stevie k4yz John...you'll have to forgive Markie...He was a regular in this forum in the late 90's, then he blew off. Then we only had Lennie and brain as our regular miscreants, but at least they can spell and put a sentence together. Markie has serious gender identification issues and as a consequence of those issues, any discussion that even remotely sounds like it's gender related get's him all wound up. I am sure you've also discovered by now that Markie is an absolutely unrepentant and actually quite proud pathological liar. His previous tales of his being a drafted "Colonel" in the US Army Chemical Corps and subsequent unravelling of THAT tale was absolutely hillarious. (In as much as the draft ended in the 70's, Markie would have had to have been about 8 years old when he was "drafted"...!) Watch him splash around in his little mudhole of lies. It's quite entertaining! 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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On the gender identification problem, that IS and DOES SEEM TO BE a what gender Id problem I know male and female I am aware of the various cases where some question can up real problem and stumbling block for him. I think he is full well to wage battle for decades in the attempt to get people to accept him which consider such a "lifestyle" (and I use that word loosely) PERVERSION!!!! why is Ham radio so bigoted? indeed in other threads it seem one the worstthings people can do to each other is call them homosexual why do so many hams care who is sleeping with whom The militarys' suggest of, "Don't ask, don't tell..." is about the best I can accommodate such people with... then when do you start trying to get stev John "K4YZ" wrote in message oups.com... an_old_friend wrote: John Smith wrote: an_old_pervert: Hey, I own a set of that "male genitalia" you speak of, gotten quite a bit of use and enjoyment out of it too! Now you accuse me of being "genitalia-phobic" in addition to your accusations of my being "homophobic?" not unless you are in fact Stevie k4yz John...you'll have to forgive Markie...He was a regular in this forum in the late 90's, then he blew off. Then we only had Lennie and brain as our regular miscreants, but at least they can spell and put a sentence together. Markie has serious gender identification issues and as a consequence of those issues, any discussion that even remotely sounds like it's gender related get's him all wound up. I am sure you've also discovered by now that Markie is an absolutely unrepentant and actually quite proud pathological liar. His previous tales of his being a drafted "Colonel" in the US Army Chemical Corps and subsequent unravelling of THAT tale was absolutely hillarious. (In as much as the draft ended in the 70's, Markie would have had to have been about 8 years old when he was "drafted"...!) Watch him splash around in his little mudhole of lies. It's quite entertaining! 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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On the gender identification problem, that IS and DOES SEEM TO BE a what gender Id problem I know male and female I am aware of the various cases where some question can up real problem and stumbling block for him. I think he is full well to wage battle for decades in the attempt to get people to accept him which consider such a "lifestyle" (and I use that word loosely) PERVERSION!!!! why is Ham radio so bigoted? indeed in other threads it seem one the worstthings people can do to each other is call them homosexual why do so many hams care who is sleeping with whom The militarys' suggest of, "Don't ask, don't tell..." is about the best I can accommodate such people with... then when do you start trying to get steve and a favor if you please finish the statement don't ask don't tell DON"T PURSUE, which is how it was written John |
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![]() John Smith wrote: an_old_friend: I am also a bigot against drug addicts in my neighborhood, I am bigoted against child molesters in my neighborhood, thieves, crooks, mobsters, crooked lawyers, crooked politicians, serial killers... Hey, sometimes ya just gotta be a bigot! I can live with that... well at least you are honest about it John |
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![]() John Smith wrote: an_old_friend: I am also a bigot against drug addicts in my neighborhood, I am bigoted against child molesters in my neighborhood, thieves, crooks, mobsters, crooked lawyers, crooked politicians, serial killers... Hey, sometimes ya just gotta be a bigot! I can live with that... John sorry need to follow up in being a bigot you taking the line like stevie that I have no rights and so forth |
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![]() an_old_friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: an_old_friend wrote: John Smith wrote: an_old_pervert: Hey, I own a set of that "male genitalia" you speak of, gotten quite a bit of use and enjoyment out of it too! Now you accuse me of being "genitalia-phobic" in addition to your accusations of my being "homophobic?" not unless you are in fact Stevie k4yz John...you'll have to forgive Markie...He was a regular in this forum in the late 90's, then he blew off. Then we only had Lennie and brain as our regular miscreants, but at least they can spell and put a sentence together. break Markie has serious gender identification issues and as a consequence of those issues, any discussion that even remotely sounds like it's gender related get's him all wound up. more lies stevie Nope. Absolutely true. Your own admissions of perversion refer. I am sure you've also discovered by now that Markie is an absolutely unrepentant and actually quite proud pathological liar. His not pathological Sure you are. You do it automatically. You think it's "OK" to lie. previous tales of his being a drafted "Colonel" in the US Army Chemical Corps and subsequent unravelling of THAT tale was absolutely hillarious. (In as much as the draft ended in the 70's, Markie would have had to have been about 8 years old when he was "drafted"...!) and more of your lies there Nope...Just more exposure of YOUR lies, "Colonel"... Watch him splash around in his little mudhole of lies. It's quite entertaining! See what I mean? Steve, K4YZ |
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