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  #71   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 05:11 AM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


Just could explain why all these cars have taken on an "aerodynamic
look" to 'em... yes indeed, I think I can see your hand at work here.

If fact, now I look closer, some pretty feline lines grace those rigs!

Just offhand, I'd bet aerospace was much more interesting...


"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"John Smith" wrote in message

Yes, you are indeed a cut above most I have run across, your text
reflects that well, what is your engineering degree in?

I have a BS in EE and a MS in CS... I keep threatening to complete
my doctorate--just so I can make 'em call me "Dr. Smith"

I have been called a software engineer frequently--but I am just a
white hacker at heart... in fact, some can still remember when I
was just a barefoot kid with holes in the knees of my blue jeans
and a curiosity which dove 'em all nuts!


My degree is in Aerospace Engineering. However, I now work in the
automotive industry since the aerospace industry took a major slump
a few years ago.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

  #72   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 06:21 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

"John Smith" wrote in message

No. You make one big mistake if you think I asked for all these
changes, or for that matter, find some easy to tolerate. Dumpsters
full of aborted fetuses, 14 year old child prostitutes, gangs of
murderous thug teenagers, homeless people in masses, child molesters
demanding rights, etc, etc...--looks kind of like a third world
country if you ask me...

CW is a simple thing for me. I never did like it, and still bitched I
had to learn it to get a decent license!

I have passed a 20 WPM test--and managed NEVER to use it on the bands,
if you catch me on CW it will be a code reader/keyboard handling my
key--I hate the sound of morse in my ears, I type 80+ words a
minute--and can talk more words than both those two sums combined, a
minute! Which, I vastly prefer to do (I prefer women to chat with
too--you don't have a 45-55 year old sister do ya

I simply want more people on am/ssb phone to chat with, as it stands
now you will generally only catch me chatting with the aussie gals on
HF--if not there, then on CB...

In fact, because of the lack of interesting and/or younger people on
the bands, I have been on msn chat, yahoo messenger, IRC, etc, etc
lately, and of course--here in the newsgroups...

One thing I am positive of, amateur radio needs to change just to get
me back, let alone new guys/gals into the hobby...

I can't say I don't like arguing, but my real goal is a change here.

My bark is much worse than my bite, I am here for the long haul (where
they haul my coffin off that is, and I'd sooner not be in it!!! But,
really can't promise I will be able to pull that trick off... grin)

I am actually a friendly type--I don't expect you to be able to tell
from our exchanges here... ROFLOL!!!

We march on and hold a stiff upper lip--it'll all work out...


Hello, John

Actually, I enjoyed your response (did I admit that? For shame! LOL).

If you can type 80 words per minute, you'll certainly beat me. My best
days, years (and years!) ago, I might have been able to keep an average of
75 or so. I did 65 on the typing test on a manual typewriter in high school
after a 1 year business typing course (I can not write or print decently;
readable, perhaps, but not well). I must admit to having slowed a tad (not
a lot, but a bit) as I've aged. Sigh.

I honestly don't know what can or should be changed with amateur radio. If
someone is truly interested in it, they will learn and pass the tests. The
tests are hardly difficult. Heck, I got a commercial telegraph ticket and
never used it. Very difficult technical questions such as "why do you avoid
long horizontal sections of waveguide?". Ooops, that was the radar
endorsement. Everyone should know that radio waves have to bounce up and
down to be reflected. Horizontal doesn't cut it. Right? )) Common
sense dictates about condensation and many of the questions on the
radiotelegraph, radio telephone, and amateur tickets are simply common
sense. Sure, there are some tougher questions, but common sense will get
you through perhaps 1/3 of the exam. With no study.

The fact is that between cell phones and the Internet, a lot of kids don't
even see why anyone would be interested in radio. Should they not even
think about it until they are 12 or 13, then their minds tend to gravitate
*very* strongly towards the opposite sex and just about anything else seems
unimportant. Been there, worn that T-shirt LOL. I had been bitten,
however, around the age of 11 and the radio bug just didn't completely go
away (although it did fade quite a bit from time to time).

I've seen folks try and start honest threads about what should be done to
try and kickstart amateur radio again. I honestly don't have an answer.
Usually, arguments result.

Eliminating cw may eliminate a "barrier", but how do amateurs interest
others in amateur radio? Forget the barrier as it appears about to be

There are a lot of good CBers, but I certainly don't want folks screaming
"AUDIOOOO" into their mics. I also don't care to hear the "radio cops"
slamming someone for saying something like "my preferred first personal is
...." or "the handle here is ....". All of us were beginners at some point.

Quite frankly, in the early 60s, it was common in amateur radio to use the
term "handle". My guess is that when the CB community picked it up, the
radio cops started condemning it on amateur frequencies.

Unless you fear causing real hate and dissent amongst this group, I'd like
to hear some suggestions concerning getting folks interested in amateur

As to me, I'm not going anywhere very soon as I've a number of graves I've
yet to p*ss on LOL

73 from Rochester, NY

  #73   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 06:29 AM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:

always with the obsessive attacks steve

wel you can't spoil a day like this for me

Why are you dragging your silliness into another thread, Markie?

And any day with you in it has to be a spoiled day for

Steve, K4YZ

  #74   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 06:39 AM
Posts: n/a

Jayson Davis wrote:

As soon as cw falls, I see the most important step being in

"advertising" the fact that cw is no longer a requirement. Spreading
the word and helping others to study and pass the written exam will be
key in getting the numbers we need at that time.

I don't even see that as being a "happening thing", Jayson.
Amateur Radio, just like fishing, or NASCAR, or R/C models, etc etc has
always attracted a certain "crowd".

It's not an issue of numbers, it's an issue of why would anyone want to
become an amateur radio operator. Really now, why would you want to do
that? To talk on repeaters? To work some guy on 20 meters? The whole
hobby is passe.

So's dropping a line in the water and trying to hook a fish, but
millions of folks do it every year...Not because it's the only way to
feed their families, but just for fun.

Anyone can get into chat rooms or exchange e-mail with folks
almost anywhere in the world...but there will still be the thrill of
doing it with "wireless".

If you want to attract the bright intelligent minds, you better be
prepared to challenge them. Challenge them to let them in, challenge
them when they get here. Do you think ax.25 is going to attract people?


Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllp....Markie wil chime in here and say I
am "attacking" Lennie, but there's been a no code license for just that
very kind of experimentation for 14 years now, and Lennie and hi ilk
have been more than welcome to jump right in and develop all the new
data protocols they'd like to do.

Yet all they whine about is the code test and that 3% of the
allocations that do require a code test.


Because all THEY are interested in is playing on HF...If all those
engineering types had any interest in obtaining an Amateur Radio
license for "experimenting" purposes, it would be a done deal.


Steve, K4YZ

  #75   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 06:48 AM
robert casey
Posts: n/a

John Smith wrote:

Yes, in fact you should get ready for the flood of anxious cw'ers...

I'd go there now and wait if I were you, and wait, and wait, and
wait... grin

... don't kid yourself.

Well, it was a fantasy of sorts. Probably not gonna

  #76   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 06:50 AM
robert casey
Posts: n/a

It came to him via the voices in his head.

Not voice (phone), but in CW! CW in his head. :-)
  #77   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 02:08 PM
Posts: n/a

"John Smith" wrote in message

I think a woman "taking a free ride" on her husbands license

Oh buhruther, that is almost a scarey comment--but I won't go there

probably not a significant number to really thwart the benefits which
are possible.

Hmmmm, yeah, I am not sure how anything would thwart a benefit...(?)

Let's face it, marriage too is becoming a thing of the
past, and certainly is no longer a real lifetime commitment for the
younger generations. Gay marriage is probably the final nail in that

Uh oh. Yeah, 'dem gays is ruining everything. It's because of them that
parents don't raise their kids with enough gumption to make smart decisions
on love and marriage, and having kids. It's because of them that skillsets
to handle the baggage of everyday life aren't instilled by our society and,
therefore, our children. It's because of them (gays--to remind everyone)
that parents and educators are too busy getting their pockets lined and so
can't raise kids to have more dignity and respect than to go out as a
teen-ager and get pregnant. It's because of them that, well hell, let's
just lay it out there for everyone to see: it's because of those darned
friggin' faggots and lesbians that our whole damned world has gone to hell
in a handbasket.

The younger women of today are a different breed and don't want to be
seen as "getting something for nothing." (which might imply, at least
to some, that they are less able or intelligent)

OK, so wait a minute. One sentiment you express is that gays have ruined
the institution of marriage. The next, you are saying that "the younger
women of today" (spoken, it seems, as a true male chauvinist asshole, by the
way) have, ummmm, higher standards? Is this the same women who get all
those divorces, screw other womens' husbands, suck their boss'
you-know-whats, etc., as you mentioned above? The very same women who,
today, are so wrapped up in using their bodies and sex to get anything and
anywhere that the workplace has become a disgusting display of seething sex
fashions? Because, I want to make sure we are on the same page...uh, if
that's even possible?

OK, back to reality. You are one piece of work. I am pretty convinced that
it's ridiculous for me to mention here that you are spewing a whole huge
CONTROL OPERATOR!!!! For friggin' cryin' out loud, dude, get a chill pill.

I would venture a guess that at least half of under 35 year old women
would never stand for a free ride on their husbands license--choosing
to make a point they "have what it takes." (today's women are much
more competitive)

You friggin' nitwit. FIRST, you'd have to get half of the under-35 year old
women the slightest bit interested IN HAM RADIO and/or AT LEAST, help them
let their wimpy-assed husbands get into it and get a radio. THEN come back
to me and discuss this flood of estrogen on YOUR ham bands, k? Where'd
y'all drag this one up from?

I feel the dropping of CW will open this hobby up to these women.

Love it. Hey, Jim? While you're sitting there laughing hysterically ( )
Get a load of this: "these" women.

Even if they are only dating a guy which is in amateur radio, it may
be enough to prompt them into studying and grabbing a license of their
own--especially if the boyfriend is smart enough to set up a
competitive spirit and invoke the challenge. grin


Oh my good Lord. If you were sitting across the table from me, I'd have to
see your--uh, Dee, please close your eyes, oh wait, I can put it this way:
see your "thing." How tiny is that thing? You are speaking of
strong-willed, competive, and--I'll inject here--independent women, of whom
it is obvious you have absolutely NO EXPERIENCE. Because THIS
strong-willed, competitve, independent woman, would shrivel your mighty
little thing up in half-a second and throw you back out to the curb. By the
way, if the women you have been around need your permission, or your
guidance, to get competitive and have the challenge "invoked," you need to
get out of that closet you're in.

Oh my, I am going to go back to normal and get ready for the
office--where a *FEW* of us women still get around on our own. My little
pal here, to whom I am responding with this post, is obviously surrounded by
idiot women, the only types he can deal with.


"Kim" wrote in message
"Dee Flint" wrote in message

wrote in message

73 de Jim, N2EY

Well now we will see if the Techs are paying attention. If they
are, we
should (but I bet we won't) see a major increase in people taking

over the next several months as the FCC should have this wrapped up
their CSCEs expire.

And now we'll see how many people have been "kept out by the Morse
Of course we'll need to monitor over several years to see if their
is a
trend. A few months won't tell us a thing.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

I am a TechPlus who never upgraded to General, or any other class.
are some considerations that may set me apart from the broad (no pun
intended) population of the ARS:

I am a female
I have a husband who is a General Class (i.e., not sure how many
are spouses to each other)--and I could, technically, get on HF
Class freqs any time I wanted
I enjoy simple ragchewing and emergency communications at a local
level WHEN
I am even "hooked up"
I enjoy the "quiet" mode of communicating--HF makes way too much

There's probably some other differentiating items, and there may be
correlation at all.


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News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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  #78   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 02:15 PM
Posts: n/a

"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"John Smith" wrote in message

You are correct about one thing, those who are in danger of having their
egos deflated, of being forced to wakeup, those realizing they are not
going to be allowed to "be special" anymore are going to scream like

and look for some way to divert the fixes which are coming this way...


I find it difficult to see how extracted that concept from what I said.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

ROFLMAO...Dee, just look at what he extracted from me getting on the radio
under my husband's General Class license and talking whenever I want.
Which, by the way, I have never done yet. snorkle We haven't had HF on
much since he was licensed as a General.


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  #79   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 03:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Kim wrote:
"John Smith" wrote in message

I think a woman "taking a free ride" on her husbands license

Big snip to....

OK, back to reality. You are one piece of work. I am pretty convinced that
it's ridiculous for me to mention here that you are spewing a whole huge
CONTROL OPERATOR!!!! For friggin' cryin' out loud, dude, get a chill pill.

The point, I think, Kim, was that there was, once upon a time, a
suggestion to allow the spouse to operate a "unit" of an Amateur Radio
station just like CB or GMRS...

And ultimately that's what the patitioner was told...Get a GMRS

I would venture a guess that at least half of under 35 year old women
would never stand for a free ride on their husbands license--choosing
to make a point they "have what it takes." (today's women are much
more competitive)

You friggin' nitwit. FIRST, you'd have to get half of the under-35 year old
women the slightest bit interested IN HAM RADIO and/or AT LEAST, help them
let their wimpy-###ed husbands get into it and get a radio.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...A picture of a scantilly clad Schwartzenegger
brandishing an HT saying "Don't be a girlie girl....." maybe?

THEN come back
to me and discuss this flood of estrogen on YOUR ham bands, k? Where'd
y'all drag this one up from?

I feel the dropping of CW will open this hobby up to these women.

Love it. Hey, Jim? While you're sitting there laughing hysterically ( )
Get a load of this: "these" women.

Even if they are only dating a guy which is in amateur radio, it may
be enough to prompt them into studying and grabbing a license of their
own--especially if the boyfriend is smart enough to set up a
competitive spirit and invoke the challenge. grin


Oh my good Lord. If you were sitting across the table from me, I'd have to
see your--uh, Dee, please close your eyes, oh wait, I can put it this way:
see your "thing." How tiny is that thing? You are speaking of
strong-willed, competive, and--I'll inject here--independent women, of whom
it is obvious you have absolutely NO EXPERIENCE. Because THIS
strong-willed, competitve, independent woman, would shrivel your mighty
little thing up in half-a second and throw you back out to the curb. By the
way, if the women you have been around need your permission, or your
guidance, to get competitive and have the challenge "invoked," you need to
get out of that closet you're in.

Kim...if you were in Tennessee right now, or I in Texas, I'd have
only two words for a woman with an attitude like that...

SADDLE UP! =) =) =) =)

Oh my, I am going to go back to normal and get ready for the
office--where a *FEW* of us women still get around on our own. My little
pal here, to whom I am responding with this post, is obviously surrounded by
idiot women, the only types he can deal with.

A bit, uuh...dare I say it..."hormonal" are we, today...?!?!



Steve, K4YZ

  #80   Report Post  
Old July 22nd 05, 04:41 PM
John Smith
Posts: n/a


I expected as much, a women libber who isn't a libber at all.

Rather a spoiled female brat which wants all the perks of being female
and none of the responsibility.

And, you are right, gays marrying makes a mockery out of marriage. Two
butt buddies (or two lesbian lick masters) are ridiculous and should
be give mental health to repair their suffering mental conditions...

You wouldn't know a real female if she ran up and bit ya on yer bum.
Already you are whinning because your tricks ain't going to work here.

Screw off, you are just a new age wacko and they are a dime a dozen!
You are too used to people kissing yer bum to be politically correct,
ain't gonna happen here--I have too much respect for myself.

If you want to stay focused on ham issues good. If you want to argue
being politically correct or I have to suffer your opinions and
views--chuck it girl!


"Kim" wrote in message
"John Smith" wrote in message

I think a woman "taking a free ride" on her husbands license

Oh buhruther, that is almost a scarey comment--but I won't go there

probably not a significant number to really thwart the benefits
are possible.

Hmmmm, yeah, I am not sure how anything would thwart a benefit...(?)

Let's face it, marriage too is becoming a thing of the
past, and certainly is no longer a real lifetime commitment for the
younger generations. Gay marriage is probably the final nail in

Uh oh. Yeah, 'dem gays is ruining everything. It's because of them
parents don't raise their kids with enough gumption to make smart
on love and marriage, and having kids. It's because of them that
to handle the baggage of everyday life aren't instilled by our
society and,
therefore, our children. It's because of them (gays--to remind
that parents and educators are too busy getting their pockets lined
and so
can't raise kids to have more dignity and respect than to go out as
teen-ager and get pregnant. It's because of them that, well hell,
just lay it out there for everyone to see: it's because of those
friggin' faggots and lesbians that our whole damned world has gone
to hell
in a handbasket.

The younger women of today are a different breed and don't want to
seen as "getting something for nothing." (which might imply, at
to some, that they are less able or intelligent)

OK, so wait a minute. One sentiment you express is that gays have
the institution of marriage. The next, you are saying that "the
women of today" (spoken, it seems, as a true male chauvinist
asshole, by the
way) have, ummmm, higher standards? Is this the same women who get
those divorces, screw other womens' husbands, suck their boss'
you-know-whats, etc., as you mentioned above? The very same women
today, are so wrapped up in using their bodies and sex to get
anything and
anywhere that the workplace has become a disgusting display of
seething sex
fashions? Because, I want to make sure we are on the same
page...uh, if
that's even possible?

OK, back to reality. You are one piece of work. I am pretty
convinced that
it's ridiculous for me to mention here that you are spewing a whole
trashcan of idiocy over: A WOMAN TALKING ON HAM RADIO WITH HER
CONTROL OPERATOR!!!! For friggin' cryin' out loud, dude, get a
chill pill.

I would venture a guess that at least half of under 35 year old
would never stand for a free ride on their husbands
to make a point they "have what it takes." (today's women are much
more competitive)

You friggin' nitwit. FIRST, you'd have to get half of the under-35
year old
women the slightest bit interested IN HAM RADIO and/or AT LEAST,
help them
let their wimpy-assed husbands get into it and get a radio. THEN
come back
to me and discuss this flood of estrogen on YOUR ham bands, k?
y'all drag this one up from?

I feel the dropping of CW will open this hobby up to these women.

Love it. Hey, Jim? While you're sitting there laughing
hysterically ( )
Get a load of this: "these" women.

Even if they are only dating a guy which is in amateur radio, it
be enough to prompt them into studying and grabbing a license of
own--especially if the boyfriend is smart enough to set up a
competitive spirit and invoke the challenge. grin


Oh my good Lord. If you were sitting across the table from me, I'd
have to
see your--uh, Dee, please close your eyes, oh wait, I can put it
this way:
see your "thing." How tiny is that thing? You are speaking of
strong-willed, competive, and--I'll inject here--independent women,
of whom
it is obvious you have absolutely NO EXPERIENCE. Because THIS
strong-willed, competitve, independent woman, would shrivel your
little thing up in half-a second and throw you back out to the curb.
By the
way, if the women you have been around need your permission, or your
guidance, to get competitive and have the challenge "invoked," you
need to
get out of that closet you're in.

Oh my, I am going to go back to normal and get ready for
office--where a *FEW* of us women still get around on our own. My
pal here, to whom I am responding with this post, is obviously
surrounded by
idiot women, the only types he can deal with.


"Kim" wrote in message
"Dee Flint" wrote in message

wrote in message

73 de Jim, N2EY

Well now we will see if the Techs are paying attention. If they
are, we
should (but I bet we won't) see a major increase in people
over the next several months as the FCC should have this wrapped
their CSCEs expire.

And now we'll see how many people have been "kept out by the
Of course we'll need to monitor over several years to see if
is a
trend. A few months won't tell us a thing.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

I am a TechPlus who never upgraded to General, or any other
are some considerations that may set me apart from the broad (no
intended) population of the ARS:

I am a female
I have a husband who is a General Class (i.e., not sure how many
are spouses to each other)--and I could, technically, get on HF
Class freqs any time I wanted
I enjoy simple ragchewing and emergency communications at a local
level WHEN
I am even "hooked up"
I enjoy the "quiet" mode of communicating--HF makes way too much

There's probably some other differentiating items, and there may
correlation at all.


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News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
120,000+ Newsgroups
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Encryption =----

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