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  #111   Report Post  
Old August 6th 05, 03:13 PM
Posts: n/a

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I repeat MY question....What makes you think I'd hazard my freedom
for a putz like you..?!?!

the fact you act like you are nuts enough to do it

Stop and think about this for a second, Markie...

On the one hand you claim I am "nuts enough to do it" , suggesting
that I'd actually perpetrate an act of violence against you...

sure are if I were closer

If I wanted to do you violence, Markie, it wouldn't matter if you
were across the street or across the country.

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

If I thought someone was a potential threat to myself or my family,
the LAST thing I'd do is get in their face!

I choose to balcane the risks verus not alowing a terroist such as
yourself to silence me

You choose to WHAT the risks...?!?!

And WHAT is a "terroist"...?!?!

The sum of it is that your own suggestion that you're in any danger
from me is ludicrous, as I have been saying for years.

Not when you keep making threats

I haven't made any threats.

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

"terorists" "balckmailer" "resited"

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

In your IMAGINATION maybe...but not in reality.

It is you being stupid to even type that

And it's even more idiotic for a putz like to you keep repeating it
when it was so obviously NOT a threat then OR now!

bull#### it was a threat...(SNIP)

cuting a lie

Then you cut nothing.

(UNSNIP)....foruately one you have havne't carried out,
but one you keep repeating, such as your threat to come to the UP

I don't "keep repeating" any threat. YOU keep repeating it.

you keep making threats of various sorts


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

You "substantiate" your claims by your OWN "evasion" in the form
of "cuting" the releveant questions.

yes I would rather take a threat more seriously than t deserves than
have my family and friends end up dead, any real man would see that

Any real man would stop perpetuating a story that was a lie when
he stated it and is a lie 7 years later.

then stop Stevie

Stop what?

stop making new threats

WHAT new threats?

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.

You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

"First Ammendment", Markie...

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourslef on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

been doing it for years

Yes, you have. Time for you to stop it, isn't it?

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

Steve, K4YZ

  #112   Report Post  
Old August 6th 05, 06:03 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I repeat MY question....What makes you think I'd hazard my freedom
for a putz like you..?!?!

the fact you act like you are nuts enough to do it

Stop and think about this for a second, Markie...

On the one hand you claim I am "nuts enough to do it" , suggesting
that I'd actually perpetrate an act of violence against you...

sure are if I were closer

If I wanted to do you violence, Markie, it wouldn't matter if you
were across the street or across the country.

sure sure more stavie bluster

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

your actions quailify

you continue to black mail me

If I thought someone was a potential threat to myself or my family,
the LAST thing I'd do is get in their face!

I choose to balcane the risks verus not alowing a terroist such as
yourself to silence me

speling cop cut

The sum of it is that your own suggestion that you're in any danger
from me is ludicrous, as I have been saying for years.

Not when you keep making threats

I haven't made any threats.


"one shot one kill..." Is a threat

Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up\

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut

yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

In your IMAGINATION maybe...but not in reality.

It is you being stupid to even type that

And it's even more idiotic for a putz like to you keep repeating it
when it was so obviously NOT a threat then OR now!

bull#### it was a threat...(SNIP)

cuting a lie

cuting another lie

(UNSNIP)....foruately one you have havne't carried out,
but one you keep repeating, such as your threat to come to the UP

I don't "keep repeating" any threat. YOU keep repeating it.

you keep making threats of various sorts


yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue

and you lie about it

threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion

yes I would rather take a threat more seriously than t deserves than
have my family and friends end up dead, any real man would see that

Any real man would stop perpetuating a story that was a lie when
he stated it and is a lie 7 years later.

then stop Stevie

Stop what?

stop making new threats

WHAT new threats?

threaten you come to the UP

threatening action with various parties

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.


You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

why do you tell such obvious lies

"First Ammendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten peoplethe 1st amendment does cover

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourslef on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ****, just calling you on it

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadateI would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

Steve, K4YZ

  #113   Report Post  
Old August 6th 05, 06:15 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I repeat MY question....What makes you think I'd hazard my freedom
for a putz like you..?!?!

the fact you act like you are nuts enough to do it

Stop and think about this for a second, Markie...

On the one hand you claim I am "nuts enough to do it" , suggesting
that I'd actually perpetrate an act of violence against you...

sure are if I were closer

If I wanted to do you violence, Markie, it wouldn't matter if you
were across the street or across the country.

more bluster and with your pattern threatening behavoir as well

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.


You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

perhaps you should try it but then you lie even to yourself about what
you are doing so you can't understand

If I thought someone was a potential threat to myself or my family,
the LAST thing I'd do is get in their face!

I choose to balcane the risks verus not alowing a terroist such as
yourself to silence me

cuting speling cop

The sum of it is that your own suggestion that you're in any danger
from me is ludicrous, as I have been saying for years.

Not when you keep making threats

I haven't made any threats.

"one shot one kill.. is a threat you made it so by the aove statement
you are a liar

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

no merely adknowing that you porven yourself a maker of idle threats,
just a school yard bully, moderately dangerous but I can handle that

that you take a state saying "you are a low level danger" and twist it
into So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family"." is truely amazing

but for the beifit of people you may bedazzled with your bull****,
(truely bull**** is the politest term for what you do Stevie)

I took you for a major threat then, now I see you a minor bully

wether you ever intended harm to me or were just Bluffing doesn't

you threatened

I took such measures then as I saw fit and i take such measures NOW as
I see , that my threat assess ment of you has changed not with standing

you nonsense that you had no intention of carring out your threats
does not alter the fact that ANY ressonable person may consider the
phrase "one shot, One kill, even in ILLIOPOLIS" a threat when directed
at a person living in that town

that I don't see you as much danger today and therefore It is safe
enough today to simply volley back at you does not alter the facts you
fraidten me and my family is action those years ago

you are a terrorist

pruning the thread back

  #114   Report Post  
Old August 7th 05, 04:25 PM
Posts: n/a

an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I repeat MY question....What makes you think I'd hazard my freedom
for a putz like you..?!?!

the fact you act like you are nuts enough to do it

Stop and think about this for a second, Markie...

On the one hand you claim I am "nuts enough to do it" , suggesting
that I'd actually perpetrate an act of violence against you...

sure are if I were closer

If I wanted to do you violence, Markie, it wouldn't matter if you
were across the street or across the country.

sure sure more stavie bluster


It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest.

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

Oh, you're MAD alright!

And what target? What threat?

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

you continue to black mail me

You continue to utter unfounded and hillarious lies in a public

If I thought someone was a potential threat to myself or my family,
the LAST thing I'd do is get in their face!

I choose to balcane the risks verus not alowing a terroist such as
yourself to silence me

speling cop cut




The sum of it is that your own suggestion that you're in any danger
from me is ludicrous, as I have been saying for years.

Not when you keep making threats

I haven't made any threats.


"one shot one kill..." Is a threat


Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

In other words...


Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up

There's nothing to be "back(ed) up", Markie.

The "threat" was a mixture of YOUR paranoia and your need to be a
victim in order to get what you want.

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often


terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut




yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

In your IMAGINATION maybe...but not in reality.

It is you being stupid to even type that

And it's even more idiotic for a putz like to you keep repeating it
when it was so obviously NOT a threat then OR now!

bull#### it was a threat...(SNIP)

cuting a lie

cuting another lie

We could do YOUR trick, Markie...

"cuting another lie...nothing left!"

But since you can't even get "cutting" right, it's apparent that
you've cut nothing but things you're too cowardly to address.

(UNSNIP)....foruately one you have havne't carried out,
but one you keep repeating, such as your threat to come to the UP

I don't "keep repeating" any threat. YOU keep repeating it.

you keep making threats of various sorts


yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue


I didn't threaten Todd.

and you lie about it


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

What threats?

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

Nope. All we have are your stories of threats. I am surprised we
haven't been treated to any black helo or unmarked vans stories, too.

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion



You couldn't have cut a distortion because there wasn't one there.

yes I would rather take a threat more seriously than t deserves than
have my family and friends end up dead, any real man would see that

Any real man would stop perpetuating a story that was a lie when
he stated it and is a lie 7 years later.

then stop Stevie

Stop what?

stop making new threats

WHAT new threats?

threaten you come to the UP


Exercising my rights to travel freely within the United States is
now a "threat"...?!?!

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

Not a liar and sure I'm sorry.

why do you tell such obvious lies

Why do you put words in others mouths and try to pass them off as

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from establishing laws IRT the
establishment of religion.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from abrdging one's freedom to
exercise religion of choice.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from abridging freedom of speech.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from impeding the press.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from restricting peaceful assembly.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from making laws that impede the
people's right to seek relief of their grievances.

What's NOT the

Any wording that says that, if I WANTED to, I couldn't threaten
you or anyone else.

Yes, there ARE laws that provide penalties for it...But the
Constitution, as you suggest, is NOT source of those laws.

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourself on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ####, just calling you on it

More anger. Even spelled it out this time.

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context




What was cut was more "hitting the nail on the head" comments that
Markie doesn't want to see again due to coward issues.

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

Sure you did.

Said you were going to use the ADA to force the FCC's hand to give
you a free ride on the code test.

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

You sure do like flattering yourself!

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

What? Huh? What's a "real crout"...?!?!

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

If I want to try an understand what you're saying.

I think learning Serbo-Croation by braille might be easier.

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it



I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

Steve, K4YZ

  #115   Report Post  
Old August 7th 05, 06:34 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I repeat MY question....What makes you think I'd hazard my freedom
for a putz like you..?!?!

the fact you act like you are nuts enough to do it

Stop and think about this for a second, Markie...

On the one hand you claim I am "nuts enough to do it" , suggesting
that I'd actually perpetrate an act of violence against you...

sure are if I were closer

If I wanted to do you violence, Markie, it wouldn't matter if you
were across the street or across the country.

sure sure more stavie bluster


It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest.

which is of course essencaily a confession that you threaten and
harrass folks

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

and I have answered it becuase you are nuts

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

cuting libel

And what target? What threat?

me the htreat s are violence, (one shot one kill..) outing Your
demands I comply or youd tell everyone I was gay, your conitued
harrasment unless I do as YOU say

It is all blackmail

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

sure do

you continue to black mail me

You continue to utter unfounded and hillarious lies in a public


you are simply an ignorant stalker, and blackmailer.

If I thought someone was a potential threat to myself or my family,
the LAST thing I'd do is get in their face!

I choose to balcane the risks verus not alowing a terroist such as
yourself to silence me

speling cop cut

The sum of it is that your own suggestion that you're in any danger
from me is ludicrous, as I have been saying for years.

Not when you keep making threats

I haven't made any threats.


"one shot one kill..." Is a threat


Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

it is in context Killing was never the subject

discsion of murder has nothing to do Radio or Morse Code


Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


sure is

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up

There's nothing to be "back(ed) up", Markie.

yes there is and you keep making threats

cuting another lies

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

One shot on kill .. is a threat,

you are lying in saying otherwise

that it was idle matters not

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often


abolsutely true

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut

yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

Just Stevie squirming to evade the turth of his bulling personality

In your IMAGINATION maybe...but not in reality.

It is you being stupid to even type that

And it's even more idiotic for a putz like to you keep repeating it
when it was so obviously NOT a threat then OR now!

bull#### it was a threat...(SNIP)

cuting a lie

cuting another lie

cuting speling cop

(UNSNIP)....foruately one you have havne't carried out,
but one you keep repeating, such as your threat to come to the UP

I don't "keep repeating" any threat. YOU keep repeating it.

you keep making threats of various sorts


yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue

cuting spelling cop

I didn't threaten Todd.

you sure did

you threatened to call his perants you threatened to contact his ISP
(you carried out that threat but it was still a threat

you are a bully and so juvi you can't even take responiblity for YOUR

you will now proceed to blame Todd for these threats

Nothing you do is YOUR responiblity

and you lie about it


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

What threats?

the threats typed above

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

your eveasion

I have typed it often typed a few examples in this post and will not
repeat just becuase Stevie the BULLY demands I do so

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

Nope. All we have are your stories of threats. I am surprised we
haven't been treated to any black helo or unmarked vans stories, too.

well if that suprises then yuare of stupid, but we all know that,
everyone but you of course

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion

cuting speling cop

You couldn't have cut a distortion because there wasn't one there.

sure was

yes I would rather take a threat more seriously than t deserves than
have my family and friends end up dead, any real man would see that

Any real man would stop perpetuating a story that was a lie when
he stated it and is a lie 7 years later.

then stop Stevie

Stop what?

stop making new threats

WHAT new threats?

threaten you come to the UP


Exercising my rights to travel freely within the United States is
now a "threat"...?!?!

when cuopled with your other behavoir certainly is

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

asked and answered

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



you harrass everyone here that you disgaree with, You harrass folks on
the Air, by what I hear from other hams

You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

Not a liar and sure I'm sorry.

2 lies with one sentence

why do you tell such obvious lies

Why do you put words in others mouths and try to pass them off as

that is your gig stevie

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

lying again

I have seen you threaten Todd and BB and you have threatened me

when 4 people tell you are doing something an inteligent man would
start to wonder if there wasn't something to it, but of course that
lets you out

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

so what?

a key word in the ruling of the court is peaceably

that is why threatening people ois ilegal that it why the hate speech
have a legs to stand on

you are guilty of threats and hate speech

cuting stevie off target rant

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourself on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ####, just calling you on it

More anger. Even spelled it out this time.

nope you would have to be angery to use the word ****. I use when I
deem it proper, very calmly

so another lie

I am not angery with I am disguted by you

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context

cuting speling cop
threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

Sure you did.

Said you were going to use the ADA to force the FCC's hand to give
you a free ride on the code test.

Lie I said a case could be made

I said it was a hard case at that time with the treaty lang in place

I also said It could be VERY expensive and more than I cared to venture

you don't understand the difference between saying something could be
done and it will be done , or that it will be attepted

that you confuse tense and moods is part of the process where you so
often distrot and twist a true stament someone has made, into lie of
YOUR making

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

sure are If Just filed it id would cost a fair amount of money

that applies to you or anyone for that matter

You sure do like flattering yourself!

more evidence that stevie does not have metal contact with the real

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

cuting spelling cop

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

If I want to try an understand what you're saying.

you don't want to understand you are just hunting for things you can

I think learning Serbo-Croation by braille might be easier.

more bashing of the Disabled, the blind in this case

with your clear lack of human compassion why did you become a nurse?

was it another power play?

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

cutin spelling cop

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

comenting on your words

Haven't you haerd about what it means when you talk to yourself

Steve, K4YZ

  #116   Report Post  
Old August 9th 05, 07:10 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest.

which is of course essencaily a confession that you threaten and
harrass folks


No, it's not.

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

and I have answered it becuase you are nuts

That's an answer?

Where are YOUR credentials to determine the stabilty of anyone
else's mental health, Mark?

The fact that YOU are a mental health patient?

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

cuting libel

And what target? What threat?

me the htreat s are violence, (one shot one kill..) outing Your
demands I comply or youd tell everyone I was gay, your conitued
harrasment unless I do as YOU say

What threats?

What 'outing (my) demands'...?!?!

You ARE gay, Markie. You stated so yourself in this forum.

It is all blackmail

What blackmail?

In order to "prove" blackmail, you have to prove that I stood to
gain from some act or threat of violence against you.

No such "blackmail" was caused since no such threat was made nor
did any potential gain exist.

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

sure do


We will now await your presentation of credentials in

you continue to black mail me

You continue to utter unfounded and hillarious lies in a public


you are simply an ignorant stalker, and blackmailer.

Nope, nope and nope.

"one shot one kill..." Is a threat


Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

it is in context Killing was never the subject

I never suggested to kill you.

That's your rampant paranoia.

discsion of murder has nothing to do Radio or Morse Code

You're suggesting the "murder" of Morse Code usage in Amateur

Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


sure is


you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up

There's nothing to be "back(ed) up", Markie.

yes there is and you keep making threats

Why do you continue to make and remake this assertion in the face
of evidence to the contrary?

cuting another lies

Avoiding other issues you don't want to get your nose rubbed in
any more.

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

One shot on kill .. is a threat


It MEANS, as it meant in the ORIGINAL CONTEXT, was that my
comments "squarely hit" what I "aim" for.

you are lying in saying otherwise

You are lying in tryng to make it anything more than it was.

that it was idle matters not

It wasn't a threat..."idle" or otherwise.

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often


abolsutely true

Absolutely UNtrue...

But don't let that slow you down...

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut

yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

Just Stevie squirming to evade the turth of his bulling personality

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again...and again...and

cuting a lie
cuting another lie

cuting speling cop

You just can't stand it, can you...cut, cut cut...

yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue

cuting spelling cop

I didn't threaten Todd.

you sure did

you threatened to call his perants you threatened to contact his ISP
(you carried out that threat but it was still a threat

It wasn't a threat.

Toddie violated the terms of his TOS. He refused to stop. He got
what he asked for.

you are a bully and so juvi you can't even take responiblity for YOUR

Sure I do.

you will now proceed to blame Todd for these threats

Nope. Toiddie is responsible for his own actions...And he had to
pay a price for them.

If YOU think that I have made all of these threats against you and
am the "stalker" you accuse me of, please, file a civil or criminal
charge against me, Markie..

It will be quite satisfying to have you served with the countersuit
and then see who's side holds up better in court.

Nothing you do is YOUR responiblity

Sure it is.

And I've put my "hand out" with apologies or corrections where

Ask around.

and you lie about it


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

What threats?

the threats typed above

What threats?

You keep saying "those threats" and I keep saying "cite them".

All YOU do is say "those threats".

There are NO threats.

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

your eveasion

What "eveasion"...?!?!

I have typed it often typed a few examples in this post and will not
repeat just becuase Stevie the BULLY demands I do so

You've retyped nothing except "your threats" and "your evasion",

You've not SUBSTANTIATED either...

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

Nope. All we have are your stories of threats. I am surprised we
haven't been treated to any black helo or unmarked vans stories, too.

well if that suprises then yuare of stupid, but we all know that,
everyone but you of course

I love being called "stupid" in a sentence that is so fractured
that it takes several re-readings to figure out that I was "insulted".

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion

cuting speling cop



You couldn't have cut a distortion because there wasn't one there.

sure was



Exercising my rights to travel freely within the United States is
now a "threat"...?!?!

when cuopled with your other behavoir certainly is



What "behaviour" do you refer to?

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



you harrass everyone here that you disgaree with, You harrass folks on
the Air, by what I hear from other hams


Then you've proven that you're "hearing voices", Markie.

You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

Not a liar and sure I'm sorry.

2 lies with one sentence


why do you tell such obvious lies

Why do you put words in others mouths and try to pass them off as

that is your gig stevie


As usual, you're welcome to TRY and "prove" that, however you'll
not be successful.

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

lying again


I have seen you threaten Todd and BB and you have threatened me

Nope, nope and nope.

when 4 people tell you are doing something an inteligent man would
start to wonder if there wasn't something to it, but of course that
lets you out

Any discussion group wherein YOU profess to be an "inteligent"
(intelligent) man is a conversation mispent.

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

so what?

The assertions YOU cut from the quote were NOT covered by a single
word of the First Amendment.

Let's put this BACK into context since you snipped all of that


you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from establishing laws IRT the
establishment of religion.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from abrdging one's freedom to
exercise religion of choice.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from abridging freedom of speech.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from impeding the press.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from restricting peaceful assembly.

The GOVERNMENT is prohibited from making laws that impede the
people's right to seek relief of their grievances.

What's NOT the

Any wording that says that, if I WANTED to, I couldn't threaten
you or anyone else.

Yes, there ARE laws that provide penalties for it...But the
Constitution, as you suggest, is NOT source of those laws.


Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd acknowldge your "respoinblty" to
TAKE "respoinblty" for your mistake.

a key word in the ruling of the court is peaceably

The fact remains that the First Amendment does NOT say what you
alleged it to say.

that is why threatening people ois ilegal that it why the hate speech
have a legs to stand on

"ois ilegal"

What were you trying to say?

What "hate speech"...?!?!

you are guilty of threats and hate speech

Nope. Not even close.

cuting stevie off target rant

Proving that YOUR assertions were "off target"...?!?!

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourself on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ####, just calling you on it

More anger. Even spelled it out this time.

nope you would have to be angery to use the word ####. I use when I
deem it proper, very calmly

Profanity is the tool of a violent mind, Markie.

so another lie


I am not angery with I am disguted by you

You are disgusted by getting your nose rubbed in your mistruths
and deceit?

Then stop doing it.

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context

cuting speling cop



Nice going, Markie...66 2/3 % error rate in one sentence...If one
can accurately call that a "sentence".

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

Sure you did.

Said you were going to use the ADA to force the FCC's hand to give
you a free ride on the code test.

Lie I said a case could be made

A case CAN be made for your deceitfulness and dishonesty.

So as I said earlier, if you think a case can be made against me,
file it.

I said it was a hard case at that time with the treaty lang in place

So what?

A M E R I C A N law allowed for alterations to the treaty as did
caveats IN the treaty that gave administrations some leeway.

I also said It could be VERY expensive and more than I cared to venture

Then obviously not enough dedication.

you don't understand the difference between saying something could be
done and it will be done , or that it will be attepted

Sure I do.

that you confuse tense and moods is part of the process where you so
often distrot and twist a true stament someone has made, into lie of
YOUR making

No lie made here.

You made threats of lawsuits under ADA.

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

sure are If Just filed it id would cost a fair amount of money

The cost would be yours twice over, Markie.

Your initial filing against me, then your defense expenses for the

that applies to you or anyone for that matter

Yep...And they can countersue too.

You sure do like flattering yourself!

more evidence that stevie does not have metal contact with the real

There's no metal in my body, Markie.

How would I have metal contact withn the world?

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

cuting spelling cop

Congratulations. Only 33 1/3% error rate that time.

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

If I want to try an understand what you're saying.

you don't want to understand you are just hunting for things you can

There's nothing to "twist". Your comments are twisted right out
of the box, Markie...I jsut ahve fun with them!

I think learning Serbo-Croation by braille might be easier.

more bashing of the Disabled, the blind in this case


Are you NOW alleging that only the blind can use Braille?

with your clear lack of human compassion why did you become a nurse?

What "clear lack of human compassion"...?!?!

You mean not being a soft touch for every self-appreciating,
self-victimizing jerk that tries to take advantge of others compassion,

If I were that, every hospital in every community would be filed
to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever seeing an empty bed again.

was it another power play?

By saying "another" powert play, you're suggesting an ORIGINAL
"power play".

What would have been the first.

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

cutin spelling cop

Still 33 1/3%, however this time you ever mispelled your mispelled

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to

No I didn't.

Quote the line where you alledge I say "I am trying to intimidate
you", Markie...

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

comenting on your words


Haven't you haerd about what it means when you talk to yourself


I am not "talking to (my)self"...

I am talking ABOUT you.

Steve, K4YZ

  #117   Report Post  
Old August 9th 05, 08:02 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest.

which is of course essencaily a confession that you threaten and
harrass folks


No, it's not.

yes of course it is

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

and I have answered it becuase you are nuts

That's an answer?

yes it is

cuting stevie rants

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

cuting libel

And what target? What threat?

me the htreat s are violence, (one shot one kill..) outing Your
demands I comply or youd tell everyone I was gay, your conitued
harrasment unless I do as YOU say

What threats?

you threats
One Shot one kill...

your threats to contact UP officals and (do something)\

your threat to expose me as Gay in the newsgrup those many years ago

why do you need everything repeated and again and agian

What 'outing (my) demands'...?!?!

You ARE gay, Markie. You stated so yourself in this forum.

but not until after you outed me, you preceeded that action by
threatening to do so unless I complied with your demands

that your blackmail was unsucessfull has no bearing on whether or not
your prefromed it

It is all blackmail

What blackmail?

In order to "prove" blackmail, you have to prove that I stood to
gain from some act or threat of violence against you.

no I don't, however in this case you did stand to gain you demanded I
stop posting in RRAP obviously you valued that

No such "blackmail" was caused since no such threat was made nor
did any potential gain exist.

you made the threat and stood to gain

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

sure do


We will now await your presentation of credentials in

you continue to black mail me

You continue to utter unfounded and hillarious lies in a public


you are simply an ignorant stalker, and blackmailer.

Nope, nope and nope.

"one shot one kill..." Is a threat


Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

it is in context Killing was never the subject

I never suggested to kill you.


it is a plain and clear threat

That's your rampant paranoia.

one shot one kill is a threat

discsion of murder has nothing to do Radio or Morse Code

You're suggesting the "murder" of Morse Code usage in Amateur

another Stevie lie I am making no such sugestion

after all Morse code is not a person, only people can be murdered

Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


sure is


by being one

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up

There's nothing to be "back(ed) up", Markie.

yes there is and you keep making threats

Why do you continue to make and remake this assertion in the face
of evidence to the contrary?

what eveidence?

cuting another lies

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

One shot on kill .. is a threat


It MEANS, as it meant in the ORIGINAL CONTEXT, was that my
comments "squarely hit" what I "aim" for.

Killing is killing

it was and remains a threat

you are lying in saying otherwise

You are lying in tryng to make it anything more than it was.


if you were manere when it was brought you would have adknowledged the
words to have been illchoosen or something like that

instead when I did not react as you wish you added various threats of
legal action, repated the thret in various manner and generaly behaved
in a threatening manner

that it was idle matters not

It wasn't a threat..."idle" or otherwise.

sure was

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often


abolsutely true

Absolutely UNtrue...

But don't let that slow you down...

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut

yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

nothing is Stevies fault

Just Stevie squirming to evade the turth of his bulling personality

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again...and again...and

cuting a lie
cuting another lie

cuting speling cop

You just can't stand it, can you...cut, cut cut...

yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue

cuting spelling cop

I didn't threaten Todd.

you sure did

you threatened to call his perants you threatened to contact his ISP
(you carried out that threat but it was still a threat

It wasn't a threat.

it sure is

apeartnly it seems an idle one

Toddie violated the terms of his TOS. He refused to stop. He got
what he asked for.

but you threatened to do , and apealently did it

have a reason to make a threat doesn't mean you are not threatening him

you realy don't know english do you

you are a bully and so juvi you can't even take responiblity for YOUR

Sure I do.

you will now proceed to blame Todd for these threats

Nope. Toiddie is responsible for his own actions...And he had to
pay a price for them.

yep as expected and predicted

If YOU think that I have made all of these threats against you and
am the "stalker" you accuse me of, please, file a civil or criminal
charge against me, Markie..

I have sought to do so, and there is realy very little I can do short
of traveling to Tenn. and doing so that is one of the problems with the

It will be quite satisfying to have you served with the countersuit
and then see who's side holds up better in court.

more threats

Nothing you do is YOUR responiblity

Sure it is.

And I've put my "hand out" with apologies or corrections where

still haven't adknowledged your mistakes about the Brothers Grim

Ask around.

No one answers yes you have

and you lie about it


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

What threats?

the threats typed above

What threats?

You keep saying "those threats" and I keep saying "cite them".

All YOU do is say "those threats".

There are NO threats.

sure are

not going to retype them and retype em

threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to come to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

your eveasion

What "eveasion"...?!?!


I have typed it often typed a few examples in this post and will not
repeat just becuase Stevie the BULLY demands I do so

You've retyped nothing except "your threats" and "your evasion",

lying agian

You've not SUBSTANTIATED either...

you have admited to typing "One shot on kill" that does it right there,
the rest just piles on

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

Nope. All we have are your stories of threats. I am surprised we
haven't been treated to any black helo or unmarked vans stories, too.

well if that suprises then yuare of stupid, but we all know that,
everyone but you of course

I love being called "stupid" in a sentence that is so fractured
that it takes several re-readings to figure out that I was "insulted".

then where is your thank you

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion

cuting speling cop

You couldn't have cut a distortion because there wasn't one there.

sure was



Exercising my rights to travel freely within the United States is
now a "threat"...?!?!

when cuopled with your other behavoir certainly is



What "behaviour" do you refer to?

your make threats

by the way It is infact ilegal for you to came HERE since you have been
informed your are unwelcome

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

asked and answered

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



you harrass everyone here that you disgaree with, You harrass folks on
the Air, by what I hear from other hams


Then you've proven that you're "hearing voices", Markie.


I have hear Hams call you a Papa Oscar serria on the air

You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

Not a liar and sure I'm sorry.

2 lies with one sentence


why do you tell such obvious lies

Why do you put words in others mouths and try to pass them off as

that is your gig stevie


As usual, you're welcome to TRY and "prove" that, however you'll
not be successful.

already have many times

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

lying again


yes One shot one kill is a threat

I have seen you threaten Todd and BB and you have threatened me

Nope, nope and nope.

yep yep and yep

when 4 people tell you are doing something an inteligent man would
start to wonder if there wasn't something to it, but of course that
lets you out

Any discussion group wherein YOU profess to be an "inteligent"
(intelligent) man is a conversation mispent.

more evasion

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

so what?

The assertions YOU cut from the quote were NOT covered by a single
word of the First Amendment.

Let's put this BACK into context since you snipped all of that

cuting out your evasive waste of bandwidth

Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd acknowldge your "respoinblty" to
TAKE "respoinblty" for your mistake.

no mistake

you keep trying to divert the issue

you have NO right to threaten people

you have NO right to harrass people

you have NO right to stalk people

The first amendent does not give the right to do ilgeal things

nor does any other part of the Constitution

a key word in the ruling of the court is peaceably

The fact remains that the First Amendment does NOT say what you
alleged it to say.

i was simply using your quoting of the text

that is why threatening people ois ilegal that it why the hate speech
have a legs to stand on

"ois ilegal"

What were you trying to say?

What "hate speech"...?!?!

your bashing of people for being gay or pagan or just different

you are guilty of threats and hate speech

Nope. Not even close.

sure are I posted awhile back some example form just your titles

cuting stevie off target rant

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourself on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ####, just calling you on it

More anger. Even spelled it out this time.

nope you would have to be angery to use the word ####. I use when I
deem it proper, very calmly

Profanity is the tool of a violent mind, Markie.


I do assert my free right to use such words as I choose as long I as I
don't violate the rights of others

so another lie


I am not angery with I am disguted by you

You are disgusted by getting your nose rubbed in your mistruths
and deceit?

No I am disgusted by your manner your hypocrazy, your stupidity

Then stop doing it.

more off tager Bull****

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context

cuting speling cop

cutng spelling cop

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

Sure you did.

Said you were going to use the ADA to force the FCC's hand to give
you a free ride on the code test.

Lie I said a case could be made

A case CAN be made for your deceitfulness and dishonesty.

So as I said earlier, if you think a case can be made against me,
file it.

If Thought It would yeild anything I would do so but I don't think you
have to money to pay the judgement so it is not worth doing

I said it was a hard case at that time with the treaty lang in place

So what?

A M E R I C A N law allowed for alterations to the treaty as did
caveats IN the treaty that gave administrations some leeway.


but the treaty lang made the ADA case much harder,

I also said It could be VERY expensive and more than I cared to venture

Then obviously not enough dedication.

if you like

you don't understand the difference between saying something could be
done and it will be done , or that it will be attepted

Sure I do.

then you must be willfully lying when you make these claims

that you confuse tense and moods is part of the process where you so
often distrot and twist a true stament someone has made, into lie of
YOUR making

No lie made here.

You made threats of lawsuits under ADA.


I discussed the posiblity

I discussed the pros and cons

I decided against it

you lie whan you make the staement "You made threats of lawsuits under

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

sure are If Just filed it id would cost a fair amount of money

The cost would be yours twice over, Markie.

prehaps which does not alter the factual statement I just made

going to court is such a crap shoot

Your initial filing against me, then your defense expenses for the

nope no doubling there I'd be handle one level on contingincy youd be
paying out of pocket the whole way mostlikely, or at least in your

that applies to you or anyone for that matter

Yep...And they can countersue too.

yea never said otherwise

It is easy to sue in America

not so easy to collect

You sure do like flattering yourself!

more evidence that stevie does not have metal contact with the real

There's no metal in my body, Markie.

How would I have metal contact withn the world?

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

cuting spelling cop

Congratulations. Only 33 1/3% error rate that time.

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

If I want to try an understand what you're saying.

you don't want to understand you are just hunting for things you can

There's nothing to "twist". Your comments are twisted right out
of the box, Markie...I jsut ahve fun with them!

I think learning Serbo-Croation by braille might be easier.

more bashing of the Disabled, the blind in this case


Are you NOW alleging that only the blind can use Braille?


but you are of course bashing the disabled

with your clear lack of human compassion why did you become a nurse?

What "clear lack of human compassion"...?!?!

your clear lack

You mean not being a soft touch for every self-appreciating,
self-victimizing jerk that tries to take advantge of others compassion,

Nope I mean your mean sprited obcessive bulling

If I were that, every hospital in every community would be filed
to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever seeing an empty bed again.

more lies this time about the number of hospital you could affect

was it another power play?

By saying "another" powert play, you're suggesting an ORIGINAL
"power play".


What would have been the first.

not sure what power play was the first you go on about so many

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

cutin spelling cop

Still 33 1/3%, however this time you ever mispelled your mispelled

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to

No I didn't.

sure did

Quote the line where you alledge I say "I am trying to intimidate
you", Markie...

no claim of such a an exact was ever made

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

comenting on your words


Haven't you haerd about what it means when you talk to yourself


I am not "talking to (my)self"...

I am talking ABOUT you.

Steve, K4YZ

  #118   Report Post  
Old August 10th 05, 02:15 AM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest.

which is of course essencaily a confession that you threaten and
harrass folks


No, it's not.

yes of course it is

Of course it's not.

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

and I have answered it becuase you are nuts

That's an answer?

yes it is

cuting stevie rants

More "cuting".

But here it is re-installed:

Where are YOUR credentials to determine the stabilty of anyone
else's mental health, Mark?

The fact that YOU are a mental health patient?

That weasn't a rant.

That was a question.

Why were you so embarrassed to address it?

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

cuting libel

And what target? What threat?

me the htreat s are violence, (one shot one kill..) outing Your
demands I comply or youd tell everyone I was gay, your conitued
harrasment unless I do as YOU say

What threats?

you threats
One Shot one kill...

Wasn't a threat seven years ago.

It's not a threat today, no matter how many times you repeat it out
of context.

your threats to contact UP officals and (do something)

Why does it concern you that you might be brought to the attention

your threat to expose me as Gay in the newsgrup those many years ago

I didn't threaten yoy with exposing your deviancy, Mark. Pardon
the choice of words, but you "exposed" yourslf all on your own.

why do you need everything repeated and again and agian

Why can't you type the same word the same way in one sentence?

And I keep hoping that sooner or later you'll come up with a
viable reason for your unviable assertions.

So far, you haven't done it, so expect to keep getting that same
question asked until you pony-up something that sounds remotely

What 'outing (my) demands'...?!?!

You ARE gay, Markie. You stated so yourself in this forum.

but not until after you outed me, you preceeded that action by
threatening to do so unless I complied with your demands

Markie...I DIDN'T OUT YOU! Whoever you THINK was under your saddle
about your deviancy, it wasn't me...You did that
alllllllllllllllllllllll by your self!

that your blackmail was unsucessfull has no bearing on whether or not
your prefromed it

I didn't blackmail you or attempt to blackmail you, ergo it's
irrelevent WHAT was "successful" or not.

It is all blackmail

What blackmail?

In order to "prove" blackmail, you have to prove that I stood to
gain from some act or threat of violence against you.

no I don't, however in this case you did stand to gain you demanded I
stop posting in RRAP obviously you valued that


And still no proof, Mark.

No such "blackmail" was caused since no such threat was made nor
did any potential gain exist.

wrong you made the threat and stood to gain

Nope. The ONLY person here who stands to gain anything by you not
posting here is YOU, Mark. Because as long as you post here, you'll be
known as the illiterate lying gay pagan draftee...

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

sure do


We will now await your presentation of credentials in

Guess you forgot about "cuting" that one....

you continue to black mail me

You continue to utter unfounded and hillarious lies in a public


you are simply an ignorant stalker, and blackmailer.

Nope, nope and nope.

"one shot one kill..." Is a threat


Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

it is in context Killing was never the subject

I never suggested to kill you.



it is a plain and clear threat

To a delusional paranoid personality, perhaps...

That's your rampant paranoia.

one shot one kill is a threat

To a delusional paranoid persoanlity, perhaps...

discsion of murder has nothing to do Radio or Morse Code

You're suggesting the "murder" of Morse Code usage in Amateur

another Stevie lie I am making no such sugestion

Sure you have.

You've deliberately stated that you'd make all Morse Code usage
stop if you could,

after all Morse code is not a person, only people can be murdered

Then why are you accusing me of trying to murder you?

Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


sure is


by being one

"by being one" what?

Re-read what you wrote, in response to what I wrote, Mark...

It doesn't make sense.

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up

There's nothing to be "back(ed) up", Markie.

yes there is and you keep making threats

Why do you continue to make and remake this assertion in the face
of evidence to the contrary?

what eveidence?

E X A C T L Y ! ! ! !

N O E V I D E N C E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

YOU have NO EVIDENCE of ANY threat!

cuting another lies

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

One shot on kill .. is a threat


It MEANS, as it meant in the ORIGINAL CONTEXT, was that my
comments "squarely hit" what I "aim" for.

Killing is killing

Not int he context of the comment I made, Mark. It meant then, as
it does now, taht I "hit" what I aim at...In the FULL CONTEXT of the
statement I amde in response to YOUR comments...

it was and remains a threat


Why do you continue to "force" this lie when it's apparent you're
not telling the truth, Mark?

you are lying in saying otherwise

You are lying in tryng to make it anything more than it was.



if you were manere when it was brought you would have adknowledged the
words to have been illchoosen or something like that

If I was "marere"...?!?!

As for "illchoosen", perhaps YOU should have thought about the
response YOUR

instead when I did not react as you wish you added various threats of
legal action, repated the thret in various manner and generaly behaved
in a threatening manner

that it was idle matters not

It wasn't a threat..."idle" or otherwise.

sure was

To a delusional paranoid persoanlity, perhaps...

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often


abolsutely true

Absolutely UNtrue...

But don't let that slow you down...

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut

yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

nothing is Stevies fault

It's only "Stevies fault" when Stevie does it wrong.

So far you've not presented any "evidence" to the contrary except
your childish sandlot "ya-HUH!" arguments.

Just Stevie squirming to evade the turth of his bulling personality

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again...and again...and

cuting a lie
cuting another lie
cuting speling cop

You just can't stand it, can you...cut, cut cut...

yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue
cuting spelling cop

I didn't threaten Todd.

you sure did

you threatened to call his perants you threatened to contact his ISP
(you carried out that threat but it was still a threat

It wasn't a threat.

it sure is

apeartnly it seems an idle one

To a delusional paranoid personality, perhaps...

Toddie violated the terms of his TOS. He refused to stop. He got
what he asked for.

but you threatened to do , and apealently did it


I told him I wouldn't tolerate his violent, profane and
threatening behaviour towards me.

He thought rules didn't apply to him.

He found out different.

have a reason to make a threat doesn't mean you are not threatening him

you realy don't know english do you

I know it better than you. I employ it more accurately, too.

I know that English is capitalized.

I know that "realy" is actually spelled "really", but you keep
screwing that up too.

I know that a sentence is started with a capital letter and ended
with a period, except where a question is asked. You seem to have a
problem with that.

you are a bully and so juvi you can't even take responiblity for YOUR

Sure I do.

you will now proceed to blame Todd for these threats

Nope. Toiddie is responsible for his own actions...And he had to
pay a price for them.

yep as expected and predicted

I am sure there was a point there.

Care to make it?

If YOU think that I have made all of these threats against you and
am the "stalker" you accuse me of, please, file a civil or criminal
charge against me, Markie..

I have sought to do so, and there is realy very little I can do short
of traveling to Tenn. and doing so that is one of the problems with the


All this past week you were telling us what great financial shape
you're allegedly in...two turned
down a $240K/yr job...

Guess that's yet ANOTHER lie we've caught you in.

It will be quite satisfying to have you served with the countersuit
and then see who's side holds up better in court.

more threats


A promise. You file any "charges" or "suit" against me, and your
ears will whistle for a week with the paper landing in your lap from
summons servers!

Nothing you do is YOUR responiblity

Sure it is.

And I've put my "hand out" with apologies or corrections where

still haven't adknowledged your mistakes about the Brothers Grim

It's "Grimm", Markie.

Ask around.

No one answers yes you have

You've not asked the question. And I bet most everyone is
ignoring these ask them directly.

and you lie about it


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

What threats?

the threats typed above

What threats?

You keep saying "those threats" and I keep saying "cite them".

All YOU do is say "those threats".

There are NO threats.

sure are


not going to retype them and retype em

You can retype the Magna Carta and it won't prove anything.

You'll still have no threats.

threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to come to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

your eveasion

What "eveasion"...?!?!



I have typed it often typed a few examples in this post and will not
repeat just becuase Stevie the BULLY demands I do so

You've retyped nothing except "your threats" and "your evasion",

lying agian

I am not lying and I am not an agian.

You've not SUBSTANTIATED either...

you have admited to typing "One shot on kill" that does it right there,
the rest just piles on

That wasn't a threat.

Wasn't then...isn't now...won't be 100 years from now...

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

Nope. All we have are your stories of threats. I am surprised we
haven't been treated to any black helo or unmarked vans stories, too.

well if that suprises then yuare of stupid, but we all know that,
everyone but you of course

I love being called "stupid" in a sentence that is so fractured
that it takes several re-readings to figure out that I was "insulted".

then where is your thank you

You flushed it after your last bowel movement, Markie.

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion

cuting speling cop

You couldn't have cut a distortion because there wasn't one there.

sure was



Exercising my rights to travel freely within the United States is
now a "threat"...?!?!

when cuopled with your other behavoir certainly is



What "behaviour" do you refer to?

your make threats

What threats?

by the way It is infact ilegal for you to came HERE since you have been
informed your are unwelcome

It would be illegal for me to knock on your front door or violate
your privacy.

It would NOT be illegal for me to come to Michigan...ANYwhere in

Nor would it be illegal for me to speak with local law enforcement
or mental health case workers about you, being careful to express my
concerns as just that...concerns.

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



you harrass everyone here that you disgaree with, You harrass folks on
the Air, by what I hear from other hams


Then you've proven that you're "hearing voices", Markie.


I have hear Hams call you a Papa Oscar serria on the air



I am sure you hear a LOT of voices doing that, Markie...

All part of your delusional mindset, Markie.

You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

Not a liar and sure I'm sorry.

2 lies with one sentence


why do you tell such obvious lies

Why do you put words in others mouths and try to pass them off as

that is your gig stevie


As usual, you're welcome to TRY and "prove" that, however you'll
not be successful.

already have many times've CLAIMED that you have tried...

All you do is make sandlot taunts.

None of them effective or accurate.

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

lying again


yes One shot one kill is a threat


A prosecuter won't touch your "claim" based upon the original
context and in response to your own words, Markie.

I have seen you threaten Todd and BB and you have threatened me

Nope, nope and nope.

yep yep and yep

Nope, nope and nope.

And no matter how many times you wish to carry that one out, it
still won't be true.

when 4 people tell you are doing something an inteligent man would
start to wonder if there wasn't something to it, but of course that
lets you out

Any discussion group wherein YOU profess to be an "inteligent"
(intelligent) man is a conversation mispent.

more evasion


You accused me of not being "inteligent". I corrected your error
and answerd the claim.

No evasion.

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

so what?

The assertions YOU cut from the quote were NOT covered by a single
word of the First Amendment.

Let's put this BACK into context since you snipped all of that

cuting out your evasive waste of bandwidth

Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd acknowldge your "respoinblty" to
TAKE "respoinblty" for your mistake.

no mistake

A bit mistake...on your part. The one wherein you think you can
keep blustering your way through your inappropriate claims.

you keep trying to divert the issue

No I don't.

you have NO right to threaten people

I don't.

you have NO right to harrass people

I don't.

you have NO right to stalk people

I don't.

The first amendent does not give the right to do ilgeal things

You again express your obvious misunderstanding of what is said in
the First Amendment to the Constitution, Markie.

nor does any other part of the Constitution

And there is nothing in ANY part of the Constitution that is
"violated" by our exchanges here, Mark....

a key word in the ruling of the court is peaceably

The fact remains that the First Amendment does NOT say what you
alleged it to say.

i was simply using your quoting of the text

You simply did not.

You tried to take ONE word from it and apply it contrary to it's
use in THAT Amendement.

You failed.

that is why threatening people ois ilegal that it why the hate speech
have a legs to stand on

"ois ilegal"

What were you trying to say?

What "hate speech"...?!?!

your bashing of people for being gay or pagan or just different

I don't "bash" you, Mark, and certainly NOT for any of those

You keep getting your nose tweeked because you keep getting caught

And in fact you've LIED about all of those things.

You claimed you WEREN'T gay, but it's since been proven with your
own words that you are.

You claimed you weren't pagan, but it's since been proven with your
own words that you are.

And you've claimed that you're not "dffrent" when it's CLEARLY
evident that you are!

you are guilty of threats and hate speech

Nope. Not even close.

sure are I posted awhile back some example form just your titles

And none of them were "hate speech" as defined by the Civil Rights

Try again.

cuting stevie off target rant

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourself on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ####, just calling you on it

More anger. Even spelled it out this time.

nope you would have to be angery to use the word ####. I use when I
deem it proper, very calmly

Profanity is the tool of a violent mind, Markie.



In the opinion of those "pros" you always refer to.

I do assert my free right to use such words as I choose as long I as I
don't violate the rights of others

By re-titling these posts "stvie ####" you violate MY right to not
be called a profane word or to have my "intellectual property"

Hence the "Markie Mularkie" posts in kind.

so another lie


I am not angery with I am disguted by you

You are disgusted by getting your nose rubbed in your mistruths
and deceit?

No I am disgusted by your manner your hypocrazy, your stupidity

Then you're focusing on the wrong things. You should be disgusted
by the fact that you are a decietful liar who can't post a word without
errors being laid bare.

Then stop doing it.

more off tager Bull####

What a "tager"...?!?!

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context
cuting speling cop

cutng spelling cop


It's "CUTTING", Markie. And at the beginning of a sentence, if
that's what that was, the "C" should be capitalized.

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

Sure you did.

Said you were going to use the ADA to force the FCC's hand to give
you a free ride on the code test.

Lie I said a case could be made

A case CAN be made for your deceitfulness and dishonesty.

So as I said earlier, if you think a case can be made against me,
file it.

If Thought It would yeild anything I would do so but I don't think you
have to money to pay the judgement so it is not worth doing

Uh huh.

What you DON'T have are (1) sufficent grounds and (2) what it would
take to pay your OWN "judgement" for the false suit charge that would
be appended.

I said it was a hard case at that time with the treaty lang in place

So what?

A M E R I C A N law allowed for alterations to the treaty as did
caveats IN the treaty that gave administrations some leeway.


but the treaty lang made the ADA case much harder

No it didn't.

If anything, the ADA made it EASIER to make your argument viable.

I also said It could be VERY expensive and more than I cared to venture

Then obviously not enough dedication.

if you like

Nope...If YOU like...Obviously you don't have the heart for it.

you don't understand the difference between saying something could be
done and it will be done , or that it will be attepted

Sure I do.

then you must be willfully lying when you make these claims


that you confuse tense and moods is part of the process where you so
often distrot and twist a true stament someone has made, into lie of
YOUR making

No lie made here.

You made threats of lawsuits under ADA.



I discussed the posiblity

You said your "laywr" was preparing your brief".

I discussed the pros and cons

I decided against it

One of the very few wise things you ever did...or should I say
DIDN'T do...?!?!

you lie whan you make the staement "You made threats of lawsuits under


I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

sure are If Just filed it id would cost a fair amount of money

The cost would be yours twice over, Markie.

prehaps which does not alter the factual statement I just made

going to court is such a crap shoot

In YOUR case it would be...

Your initial filing against me, then your defense expenses for the

nope no doubling there I'd be handle one level on contingincy youd be
paying out of pocket the whole way mostlikely, or at least in your

First of all, no lawyer is going to take a "he said/she said" case
"on contingency" unless it's against Wal-Mart, one of the Big Three in
Detroit, etc. In those cases they at least hope to win "shut up" money
and probably will.

Secondly, as I told you before, I have the resources to overcome
any legal case YOU could hopre to mount from Michigan. At the most,
I'd have to pony-up filing fees...No big deal...

that applies to you or anyone for that matter

Yep...And they can countersue too.

yea never said otherwise

But you, like Toiddie, throw "I'LL SUE! I'LL SUE" around as if in
doing so you are the only one who can use legal resourse.

As I have clearly demonstrated here, however, you'll quickly find
out that you are NOT the only person who can bring a suit.

It is easy to sue in America

Finally you get the idea...

not so easy to collect


You sure do like flattering yourself!

more evidence that stevie does not have metal contact with the real

There's no metal in my body, Markie.

How would I have metal contact withn the world?

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

cuting spelling cop

Congratulations. Only 33 1/3% error rate that time.

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

If I want to try an understand what you're saying.

you don't want to understand you are just hunting for things you can

There's nothing to "twist". Your comments are twisted right out
of the box, Markie...I jsut ahve fun with them!

I think learning Serbo-Croation by braille might be easier.

more bashing of the Disabled, the blind in this case


Are you NOW alleging that only the blind can use Braille?


but you are of course bashing the disabled


Serbo-Croation is a difficult language. I tried. Gave up.

And I can't differentiate the characters in Braille adequately to
use it.

No bashing occured.

with your clear lack of human compassion why did you become a nurse?

What "clear lack of human compassion"...?!?!

your clear lack

Clear lack of what?

You mean not being a soft touch for every self-appreciating,
self-victimizing jerk that tries to take advantge of others compassion,

Nope I mean your mean sprited obcessive bulling




The only one "bulling" anyone here, Mark, is you trying to bull
everyone else!

If I were that, every hospital in every community would be filed
to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever seeing an empty bed again.

more lies this time about the number of hospital you could affect

It's got nothing to do with me.

It's got to do with Nurses not being a "soft touch" as I stated

And trust me when I say that every ER I ahve worked in, East,
West, North and South has it's share of "frequent flyers"...system
abusers just like you, Markie.

was it another power play?

By saying "another" powert play, you're suggesting an ORIGINAL
"power play".


And it was...?!?!?

What would have been the first.

not sure what power play was the first you go on about so many

You've not named one so far.

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

cutin spelling cop

Still 33 1/3%, however this time you ever mispelled your mispelled

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to

No I didn't.

sure did


Where, Markie. WHERE did I say "I am trying to intimidate you",

Quote the line where you alledge I say "I am trying to intimidate
you", Markie...

no claim of such a an exact was ever made

Oh, but it was!


I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to


So...where's this alleged admission, Markie?

No quote = Markie Lying.

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

comenting on your words


Haven't you haerd about what it means when you talk to yourself


I am not "talking to (my)self"...

I am talking ABOUT you.


Steve, K4YZ

  #119   Report Post  
Old August 10th 05, 04:24 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest.

which is of course essencaily a confession that you threaten and
harrass folks


No, it's not.

yes of course it is

Of course it's not.

"It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest."

your words

and they are a confession to harrasment

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

and I have answered it becuase you are nuts

That's an answer?

yes it is

cuting stevie rants

more cuting of ranting and raving

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.

You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat

cuting libel

And what target? What threat?

me the htreat s are violence, (one shot one kill..) outing Your
demands I comply or youd tell everyone I was gay, your conitued
harrasment unless I do as YOU say

What threats?

you threats
One Shot one kill...

Wasn't a threat seven years ago.

it sure was

It's not a threat today, no matter how many times you repeat it out
of context.

it still is

just an idle one thankfuly

your threats to contact UP officals and (do something)

Why does it concern you that you might be brought to the attention

It does not realy concern me other than it could prove anoying

but that of course has nothing to do with wether it is a threat on your

your threat to expose me as Gay in the newsgrup those many years ago

I didn't threaten yoy with exposing your deviancy, Mark. Pardon
the choice of words, but you "exposed" yourslf all on your own.

liar Steve

you emailed me your proof and threatened to expose me if I did not stop
posting in the newsgroup

then you revealed it and found to your shock I never denied it

why do you need everything repeated and again and agian

Why can't you type the same word the same way in one sentence?


And I keep hoping that sooner or later you'll come up with a
viable reason for your unviable assertions.

liar what you realy want is for me to go away again

So far, you haven't done it, so expect to keep getting that same
question asked until you pony-up something that sounds remotely

not into horse's stevie

What 'outing (my) demands'...?!?!

You ARE gay, Markie. You stated so yourself in this forum.

but not until after you outed me, you preceeded that action by
threatening to do so unless I complied with your demands

Markie...I DIDN'T OUT YOU! Whoever you THINK was under your saddle
about your deviancy, it wasn't me...You did that
alllllllllllllllllllllll by your self!

lying stevie

nothing but lies on your part

You did the stalking looking for something you found it you tired
blackmail with it and I did not go along then you did it you outed me

that your blackmail was unsucessfull has no bearing on whether or not
your prefromed it

I didn't blackmail you or attempt to blackmail you, ergo it's
irrelevent WHAT was "successful" or not.

lying agian

It is all blackmail

What blackmail?

In order to "prove" blackmail, you have to prove that I stood to
gain from some act or threat of violence against you.

no I don't, however in this case you did stand to gain you demanded I
stop posting in RRAP obviously you valued that



And still no proof, Mark.

I have the proof and carefully in a file

No such "blackmail" was caused since no such threat was made nor
did any potential gain exist.

wrong you made the threat and stood to gain

Nope. The ONLY person here who stands to gain anything by you not
posting here is YOU, Mark. Because as long as you post here, you'll be
known as the illiterate lying gay pagan draftee...

another lie

You want me out of here,

very badly

I gain nothing by leaving, not even the end of your harassment

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

sure do


We will now await your presentation of credentials in

Guess you forgot about "cuting" that one....


but it isn't my credentcail that are important

you continue to black mail me

You continue to utter unfounded and hillarious lies in a public


you are simply an ignorant stalker, and blackmailer.

Nope, nope and nope.

"one shot one kill..." Is a threat


Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

it is in context Killing was never the subject

I never suggested to kill you.



yes you have

you sent the threat out in the gruops more threats in the NG and more
still by email

someone, possibly you called the Cops In illiopolas with some cock and
bull story

you have boasted of finding a picture of my home in those days here

it is a plain and clear threat

To a delusional paranoid personality, perhaps...

no to any reasonable person, which of course lets you out

That's your rampant paranoia.

one shot one kill is a threat

To a delusional paranoid persoanlity, perhaps...

no to any reasonable person, which of course lets you out

you are the delsuional paraniod

any questioning of the PR of the ARS is a personal attack on you that
is paranois and delusional,

it is also a sign of other mental problems

discsion of murder has nothing to do Radio or Morse Code

You're suggesting the "murder" of Morse Code usage in Amateur

another Stevie lie I am making no such sugestion

Sure you have.

You've deliberately stated that you'd make all Morse Code usage
stop if you could,

after all Morse code is not a person, only people can be murdered

Then why are you accusing me of trying to murder you?

not even accusing you of that, but of threatening too can't you keep
anything straight?

Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


sure is


by being one

"by being one" what?

by being a threat

Re-read what you wrote, in response to what I wrote, Mark...

It doesn't make sense.

sure does

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up

There's nothing to be "back(ed) up", Markie.

yes there is and you keep making threats

Why do you continue to make and remake this assertion in the face
of evidence to the contrary?

what eveidence?

E X A C T L Y ! ! ! !

N O E V I D E N C E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

right you have presented no eveidence that you are not making threats

I have posted various bit of evidence

therefore you are lying when you say"Why do you continue to make and
remake this assertion in the face of evidence to the contrary?",
becuase you have present no evidence to contrary

YOU have NO EVIDENCE of ANY threat!

I have your admission of sending the first threat, and then ore besides

what more do I need beyond an admission?

cuting another lies

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

One shot on kill .. is a threat


It MEANS, as it meant in the ORIGINAL CONTEXT, was that my
comments "squarely hit" what I "aim" for.

Killing is killing

Not int he context of the comment I made, Mark. It meant then, as
it does now, taht I "hit" what I aim at...In the FULL CONTEXT of the
statement I amde in response to YOUR comments...

Nothing in the context had anything to do with killing, the threat was
out of the blue. The is never a reason to threaten to kill anyone over
the ARS

Indeed what you intended isn't relavant. The standard is would a
reasonable person think they were being threatened

it was and remains a threat


sure is

Why do you continue to "force" this lie when it's apparent you're
not telling the truth, Mark?

becuase I am telling the truth

The only reason you don't see it is that you are pretty sick

you are lying in saying otherwise

You are lying in tryng to make it anything more than it was.



not at all

if it were nothing you would have appologized for the misunderstanding

You might try that now, but I doubt it

if you were manere when it was brought you would have adknowledged the
words to have been illchoosen or something like that

If I was "marere"...?!?!

As for "illchoosen", perhaps YOU should have thought about the
response YOUR

unfinished thought here?

My response was to put you off guard with a simple and harmless lie to
deflect you from your threat, based on your nestfew posts it diverted
you for several days, till I returned home and could take other actions

instead when I did not react as you wish you added various threats of
legal action, repated the thret in various manner and generaly behaved
in a threatening manner

that it was idle matters not

It wasn't a threat..."idle" or otherwise.

sure was

To a delusional paranoid persoanlity, perhaps...

to any reasonable person

You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often


abolsutely true

Absolutely UNtrue...

But don't let that slow you down...

terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible

There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.

spelling cop cut

yep there is his name is Steve Robeson

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again.

just Stevie unable to be a man an accept respoiblity for his own
actions, and his own words

nothing is Stevies fault

It's only "Stevies fault" when Stevie does it wrong.

but Stevie never admts to making mistake so accordoing to Stevie
nothing is Stevie fault

So far you've not presented any "evidence" to the contrary except
your childish sandlot "ya-HUH!" arguments.

I have your admissions

I guess a confession to all the elements of the crime isn't good enough
for you

Just Stevie squirming to evade the turth of his bulling personality

Nope. Just Markie Morgan lying in public again...and again...and

cuting a lie
cuting another lie
cuting speling cop

You just can't stand it, can you...cut, cut cut...

yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue
cuting spelling cop

I didn't threaten Todd.

you sure did

you threatened to call his perants you threatened to contact his ISP
(you carried out that threat but it was still a threat

It wasn't a threat.

it sure is

apeartnly it seems an idle one

To a delusional paranoid personality, perhaps...

to any reasonable person

Toddie violated the terms of his TOS. He refused to stop. He got
what he asked for.

but you threatened to do , and apealently did it


I told him I wouldn't tolerate his violent, profane and
threatening behaviour towards me.

and thereby threatened him

He thought rules didn't apply to him.

you don't think they apply to you

He found out different.


you were claiming that you had nothing to do with what happened to todd
with his ISp awhile back now you admit it?

have a reason to make a threat doesn't mean you are not threatening him

you realy don't know english do you

cuting speling cop ****

you are a bully and so juvi you can't even take responiblity for YOUR

Sure I do.

you will now proceed to blame Todd for these threats

Nope. Toiddie is responsible for his own actions...And he had to
pay a price for them.

yep as expected and predicted

I am sure there was a point there.

indeed and you made it for me thank you

Care to make it?

I can't you did the job for me

If YOU think that I have made all of these threats against you and
am the "stalker" you accuse me of, please, file a civil or criminal
charge against me, Markie..

I have sought to do so, and there is realy very little I can do short
of traveling to Tenn. and doing so that is one of the problems with the


All this past week you were telling us what great financial shape
you're allegedly in...two turned
down a $240K/yr job...

good shape, yes, your point?

Guess that's yet ANOTHER lie we've caught you in.


you really don't read do you.

I have to travel to tennesse at some point to deal with you, spend a
lot of money that you are not worth , to obtain a judgement that you
would not likely be able to pay

I am in good shape because I choose my fights carefully

Unlike you I don't go in full bore without thinking things through

It will be quite satisfying to have you served with the countersuit
and then see who's side holds up better in court.

more threats


A promise. You file any "charges" or "suit" against me, and your
ears will whistle for a week with the paper landing in your lap from
summons servers!

that is certainly a lie my ears would not wistle at all

at one point you were going to make a phone call and have me arrested
like that

You realy don't know much about how the world works

Nothing you do is YOUR responiblity

Sure it is.

And I've put my "hand out" with apologies or corrections where

still haven't adknowledged your mistakes about the Brothers Grim

It's "Grimm", Markie.

and still stevie you fail to fess up

Ask around.

No one answers yes you have

You've not asked the question. And I bet most everyone is
ignoring these ask them directly.

not most everyone other coment on them,

Again your claim you make it

lazy bum

and you lie about it


threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

your threats

What threats?

the threats typed above

What threats?

You keep saying "those threats" and I keep saying "cite them".

All YOU do is say "those threats".

There are NO threats.

sure are



you have admtted to making them, just denieng that they are threats

not going to retype them and retype em

You can retype the Magna Carta and it won't prove anything.

you even blew that one Stevie it would indeed prove something but of
course Magna Carta has nothing to do with this matter so again you
evade the issue

You'll still have no threats.

I have your admissions

threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to come to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

the one you typed and admitted to typing

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

your eveasion

What "eveasion"...?!?!




I have typed it often typed a few examples in this post and will not
repeat just becuase Stevie the BULLY demands I do so

You've retyped nothing except "your threats" and "your evasion",

lying agian

I am not lying and I am not an agian.

You are lying, and I never said you are an "again"

so 2 lies one sentence

You've not SUBSTANTIATED either...

you have admited to typing "One shot on kill" that does it right there,
the rest just piles on

That wasn't a threat.

sure was

Wasn't then...isn't now...won't be 100 years from now...

will always be a threat

You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.

yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again

Nope. All we have are your stories of threats. I am surprised we
haven't been treated to any black helo or unmarked vans stories, too.

well if that suprises then yuare of stupid, but we all know that,
everyone but you of course

I love being called "stupid" in a sentence that is so fractured
that it takes several re-readings to figure out that I was "insulted".

then where is your thank you

You flushed it after your last bowel movement, Markie.

more **** form you stevie

cuting another stevie evasion distrotion

cuting speling cop

You couldn't have cut a distortion because there wasn't one there.

sure was



Exercising my rights to travel freely within the United States is
now a "threat"...?!?!

when cuopled with your other behavoir certainly is



What "behaviour" do you refer to?

your make threats

What threats?

admitted to and documented more than once

by the way It is infact ilegal for you to came HERE since you have been
informed your are unwelcome

It would be illegal for me to knock on your front door or violate
your privacy.

it is ilegal for you to enter my land

It would NOT be illegal for me to come to Michigan...ANYwhere in

wrong It is ilegal for you to come to my Land

and would allow me to use deadly force if I choose

Nor would it be illegal for me to speak with local law enforcement
or mental health case workers about you, being careful to express my
concerns as just that...concerns.

HMM seem you were threatening me if I contacted Tennesse about my

those laws do work both ways

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

asked and answered
stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



you harrass everyone here that you disgaree with, You harrass folks on
the Air, by what I hear from other hams


Then you've proven that you're "hearing voices", Markie.


I have hear Hams call you a Papa Oscar serria on the air



I am sure you hear a LOT of voices doing that, Markie...

Only during a good opening to tennesse

is it so hard to admit there are other hams that don't like you?

All part of your delusional mindset, Markie.

nope it is part of yours I fear

You post, I respond. Period.

Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?

liar you are not a bit sorry

Not a liar and sure I'm sorry.

2 lies with one sentence


why do you tell such obvious lies

Why do you put words in others mouths and try to pass them off as

that is your gig stevie


As usual, you're welcome to TRY and "prove" that, however you'll
not be successful.

already have many times've CLAIMED that you have tried...

that too of course

but I have your repeated confessions that is about all I really need

All you do is make sandlot taunts.

None of them effective or accurate.

confessions are quite effective

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

lying again


yes One shot one kill is a threat


sure is

A prosecuter won't touch your "claim" based upon the original
context and in response to your own words, Markie.

there is no context in which it isn't a threat

I have seen you threaten Todd and BB and you have threatened me

Nope, nope and nope.

yep yep and yep

Nope, nope and nope.

sure have and I have posted and reported

And no matter how many times you wish to carry that one out, it
still won't be true.


It is ture that you have threatened me, both publicaly and in private

it is ture that you have harrased me publicaly and privately

You have threatened Todd Her I have seen that.

You ahve harrassed Todd I have seen that myself

You have admitng to conducting what Len discribes as harrassing IMing
of him on AOL

You harrass and Threaten BB in this forum

when 4 people tell you are doing something an inteligent man would
start to wonder if there wasn't something to it, but of course that
lets you out

Any discussion group wherein YOU profess to be an "inteligent"
(intelligent) man is a conversation mispent.

more evasion


You accused me of not being "inteligent". I corrected your error
and answerd the claim.

not at all I questioned it I still do, since you do not ACT like an
inteligent human being

let alone an adult one

you also did not address the point

No evasion.

Not addressing the point is an evasion stevie

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

so what?

The assertions YOU cut from the quote were NOT covered by a single
word of the First Amendment.

Let's put this BACK into context since you snipped all of that

cuting out your evasive waste of bandwidth

Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd acknowldge your "respoinblty" to
TAKE "respoinblty" for your mistake.

no mistake

A bit mistake...on your part. The one wherein you think you can
keep blustering your way through your inappropriate claims.

not at all

you keep trying to divert the issue

No I don't.

sure do

you have NO right to threaten people

I don't.

agreed you don't have the right so stop doing it

you have NO right to harrass people

I don't.

agreed you don't have the right so stop doing it

you have NO right to stalk people

I don't.

agreed you don't have the right so stop doing it

The first amendent does not give the right to do ilgeal things

You again express your obvious misunderstanding of what is said in
the First Amendment to the Constitution, Markie.

I understand it clearly your mind is fogged on that subject and many

nor does any other part of the Constitution

And there is nothing in ANY part of the Constitution that is
"violated" by our exchanges here, Mark....

never said that it was

What I said is that constitution does not give the right to threaten or
harrass people

a key word in the ruling of the court is peaceably

The fact remains that the First Amendment does NOT say what you
alleged it to say.

i was simply using your quoting of the text

You simply did not.

sure did

You tried to take ONE word from it and apply it contrary to it's
use in THAT Amendement.

nope not at all

You failed.

Not realy but then I wasn't doing what said I was doing and faling at
it, this rambling on and on is part of your SOP here, wander all over
the place

that is why threatening people ois ilegal that it why the hate speech
have a legs to stand on

"ois ilegal"

What were you trying to say?

What "hate speech"...?!?!

your bashing of people for being gay or pagan or just different

I don't "bash" you, Mark, and certainly NOT for any of those

lying again Stevie

You keep getting your nose tweeked because you keep getting caught

And in fact you've LIED about all of those things.


You claimed you WEREN'T gay, but it's since been proven with your
own words that you are.

well i ambisexual you are not up on the facts

You claimed you weren't pagan, but it's since been proven with your
own words that you are.


And you've claimed that you're not "dffrent" when it's CLEARLY
evident that you are!

another lie stevie

you are guilty of threats and hate speech

Nope. Not even close.

sure are I posted awhile back some example form just your titles

And none of them were "hate speech" as defined by the Civil Rights

sure are

Try again.

cuting stevie off target rant

You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourself on
numerous occassions.

stop making threats stopp harassing folks

I'm doing neither.

you keep doing it you lying SoS's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....

not realy you are a lying sack of ####, just calling you on it

More anger. Even spelled it out this time.

nope you would have to be angery to use the word ####. I use when I
deem it proper, very calmly

Profanity is the tool of a violent mind, Markie.



In the opinion of those "pros" you always refer to.

now you are just lying agian

I do assert my free right to use such words as I choose as long I as I
don't violate the rights of others

By re-titling these posts "stvie ####" you violate MY right to not
be called a profane word or to have my "intellectual property"

you have no such right

Hence the "Markie Mularkie" posts in kind.

so another lie


I am not angery with I am disguted by you

You are disgusted by getting your nose rubbed in your mistruths
and deceit?

No I am disgusted by your manner your hypocrazy, your stupidity

Then you're focusing on the wrong things. You should be disgusted
by the fact that you are a decietful liar who can't post a word without
errors being laid bare.

more lies from stevie

Then stop doing it.

more off tager Bull####

What a "tager"...?!?!

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context
cuting speling cop

cutng spelling cop

cuting spelling cop

threats harrasment trying to intimadate people

Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.

never made one

Sure you did.

Said you were going to use the ADA to force the FCC's hand to give
you a free ride on the code test.

Lie I said a case could be made

A case CAN be made for your deceitfulness and dishonesty.

So as I said earlier, if you think a case can be made against me,
file it.

If Thought It would yeild anything I would do so but I don't think you
have to money to pay the judgement so it is not worth doing

Uh huh.

What you DON'T have are (1) sufficent grounds and (2) what it would
take to pay your OWN "judgement" for the false suit charge that would
be appended.

I said it was a hard case at that time with the treaty lang in place

So what?

A M E R I C A N law allowed for alterations to the treaty as did
caveats IN the treaty that gave administrations some leeway.


but the treaty lang made the ADA case much harder

No it didn't.

sure did

If anything, the ADA made it EASIER to make your argument viable.

Stvie you have lost it

ADA made the case possible, the treaty made the case harder

what your last stament has to do with the matter I don't know

I also said It could be VERY expensive and more than I cared to venture

Then obviously not enough dedication.

if you like

Nope...If YOU like...Obviously you don't have the heart for it.

If it is what I like well I did not care to spend the money or time at
what I was sure would be won otherwise

indeed it apears that My discussing the possible case, may have
influneced NCI to include the ADA case arguement in there threat to the
FCC one they seem to caved on

So It seems other used the case as another wedge

you don't understand the difference between saying something could be
done and it will be done , or that it will be attepted

Sure I do.

then you must be willfully lying when you make these claims


sure do since you lie about what was said

that you confuse tense and moods is part of the process where you so
often distrot and twist a true stament someone has made, into lie of
YOUR making

No lie made here.

You made threats of lawsuits under ADA.




I discussed the posiblity

You said your "laywr" was preparing your brief".

no never said said anything about "laywr"

I discussed the pros and cons

I decided against it

One of the very few wise things you ever did...or should I say
DIDN'T do...?!?!

you lie whan you make the staement "You made threats of lawsuits under


yes have have lied and contiue to do so

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

sure are If Just filed it id would cost a fair amount of money

The cost would be yours twice over, Markie.

prehaps which does not alter the factual statement I just made

going to court is such a crap shoot

In YOUR case it would be...

in all cases it is

Your initial filing against me, then your defense expenses for the

nope no doubling there I'd be handle one level on contingincy youd be
paying out of pocket the whole way mostlikely, or at least in your

First of all, no lawyer is going to take a "he said/she said" case
"on contingency" unless it's against Wal-Mart, one of the Big Three in
Detroit, etc. In those cases they at least hope to win "shut up" money
and probably will.

again you are misinformed

Secondly, as I told you before, I have the resources to overcome
any legal case YOU could hopre to mount from Michigan. At the most,
I'd have to pony-up filing fees...No big deal...

that applies to you or anyone for that matter

Yep...And they can countersue too.

yea never said otherwise

But you, like Toiddie, throw "I'LL SUE! I'LL SUE" around as if in
doing so you are the only one who can use legal resourse.

no another lie on your part, or is it delusions again

As I have clearly demonstrated here, however, you'll quickly find
out that you are NOT the only person who can bring a suit.

more threats

It is easy to sue in America

Finally you get the idea...

no it has taken you several years to get that

not so easy to collect


which is why sueing you is not worth while

You sure do like flattering yourself!

more evidence that stevie does not have metal contact with the real

There's no metal in my body, Markie.

How would I have metal contact withn the world?

and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter

cuting spelling cop

Congratulations. Only 33 1/3% error rate that time.

Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.

really someone is making you read it?

If I want to try an understand what you're saying.

you don't want to understand you are just hunting for things you can

There's nothing to "twist". Your comments are twisted right out
of the box, Markie...I jsut ahve fun with them!

I think learning Serbo-Croation by braille might be easier.

more bashing of the Disabled, the blind in this case


Are you NOW alleging that only the blind can use Braille?


but you are of course bashing the disabled


sure are

Serbo-Croation is a difficult language. I tried. Gave up.

not really Russian now that is one is bad

And I can't differentiate the characters in Braille adequately to
use it.

you just didn't want to bad enough

No bashing occured.

sure did

with your clear lack of human compassion why did you become a nurse?

What "clear lack of human compassion"...?!?!

your clear lack

Clear lack of what?

human compassion

You mean not being a soft touch for every self-appreciating,
self-victimizing jerk that tries to take advantge of others compassion,

Nope I mean your mean sprited obcessive bulling

cutting more spelling cop

If I were that, every hospital in every community would be filed
to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever seeing an empty bed again.

more lies this time about the number of hospital you could affect

It's got nothing to do with me.

then you lied when you typed " If I were that, every hospital in every
community would be filed to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever
seeing an empty bed again."

You typed the I not me

It's got to do with Nurses not being a "soft touch" as I stated

no you stated something else

And trust me when I say that every ER I ahve worked in, East,
West, North and South has it's share of "frequent flyers"...system
abusers just like you, Markie.

more libel

was it another power play?

By saying "another" powert play, you're suggesting an ORIGINAL
"power play".


And it was...?!?!?

What would have been the first.

not sure what power play was the first you go on about so many

You've not named one so far.

sure have

Your actions as VE in denieing a properly issued code waiver for one

your efforts to control the posting of Todd, BB, Len and Me

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

cutin spelling cop

Still 33 1/3%, however this time you ever mispelled your mispelled

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to

No I didn't.

sure did


Where, Markie. WHERE did I say "I am trying to intimidate you",

never said you stated that I siad you were doing it

Quote the line where you alledge I say "I am trying to intimidate
you", Markie...

no claim of such a an exact was ever made

Oh, but it was!



I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to


So...where's this alleged admission, Markie?

in the post I was repsoning to as stated

No quote = Markie Lying.


You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

comenting on your words


Haven't you haerd about what it means when you talk to yourself


I am not "talking to (my)self"...

I am talking ABOUT you.


now you are talking to yourself

look at the lines

Steve, K4YZ

  #120   Report Post  
Old August 10th 05, 04:59 PM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

yes of course it is

Of course it's not.

"It's far more effective to rub an idiots nose in their foolishness
than it is to commit an act of violence against them. Peer pressure
does the rest."

your words

and they are a confession to harrasment

No, they are not.

They are proof that it's far more effective to rub an idiots nose
in his own foolishness than it is to commit an act of violence against

You're an idiot and you keep acting like a fool.

That I respond in such a way as to show you both is NOT

If you don't like what you see, Markie, correct your idiotic and
foolish behaviour.

And you continue to avoid answering my question..."What makes you
think that I'd hazard my freedom for a putz like you...?!?!"

and I have answered it becuase you are nuts

That's an answer?

yes it is

cuting stevie rants

more cuting of ranting and raving

Your "cuting" is nothing more than self preservation, Markie.

cuting stevie rants

More "cuting".

But here it is re-installed:

Where are YOUR credentials to determine the stabilty of anyone
else's mental health, Mark?

The fact that YOU are a mental health patient?

That wasn't a rant.

That was a question.

Why were you so embarrassed to address it?

me the htreat s are violence, (one shot one kill..) outing Your
demands I comply or youd tell everyone I was gay, your conitued
harrasment unless I do as YOU say

What threats?

you threats
One Shot one kill...

Wasn't a threat seven years ago.

It's not a threat today, no matter how many times you repeat it out

of context.

your threats to contact UP officals and (do something)

Why does it concern you that you might be brought to the attention

of mental health case workers or law enforcement if you're "OK",

It does not realy concern me other than it could prove anoying

I am sure that it would be. Most deviants and liars find having to
face thier problems head-long to be "annoying".

but that of course has nothing to do with wether it is a threat on your

It's not a threat.

your threat to expose me as Gay in the newsgrup those many years ago

I didn't threaten yoy with exposing your deviancy, Mark. Pardon
the choice of words, but you "exposed" yourslf all on your own.

liar Steve


you emailed me your proof and threatened to expose me if I did not stop
posting in the newsgroup

then you revealed it and found to your shock I never denied it

It's no "shock" on my part that you're a deviant, Markie.

And still no "proof" of ANY wrongdoing, Markie.

why do you need everything repeated and again and agian

Why can't you type the same word the same way in one sentence?



And I keep hoping that sooner or later you'll come up with a
viable reason for your unviable assertions.

liar what you realy want is for me to go away again

No...that would be more like winning the lottery.

So far, you haven't done it, so expect to keep getting that same
question asked until you pony-up something that sounds remotely

not into horse's stevie

But you're SOMETHING like a horse's, Markie...

What 'outing (my) demands'...?!?!

You ARE gay, Markie. You stated so yourself in this forum.

but not until after you outed me, you preceeded that action by
threatening to do so unless I complied with your demands

Markie...I DIDN'T OUT YOU! Whoever you THINK was under your saddle
about your deviancy, it wasn't me...You did that
alllllllllllllllllllllll by your self!

lying stevie

nothing but lies on your part

You did the stalking looking for something you found it you tired
blackmail with it and I did not go along then you did it you outed me

Uh huh...

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight......... .......

that your blackmail was unsucessfull has no bearing on whether or not
your prefromed it

I didn't blackmail you or attempt to blackmail you, ergo it's
irrelevent WHAT was "successful" or not.

lying agian

I'm not lying and I'm not an agian, whatever that is...

It is all blackmail

What blackmail?

In order to "prove" blackmail, you have to prove that I stood to
gain from some act or threat of violence against you.

no I don't, however in this case you did stand to gain you demanded I
stop posting in RRAP obviously you valued that




And still no proof, Mark.

I have the proof and carefully in a file

Uh huh...Along with pictures of the Pope fondling goats, no

No such "blackmail" was caused since no such threat was made nor
did any potential gain exist.

wrong you made the threat and stood to gain

Nope. The ONLY person here who stands to gain anything by you not
posting here is YOU, Mark. Because as long as you post here, you'll be
known as the illiterate lying gay pagan draftee...

another lie

You want me out of here,

very badly

I gain nothing by leaving, not even the end of your harassment

You gain everything...including the self-delusion that you're
right, that you're an "OK" person the way you are, that it's OK to lie,
and WHAT harrassment...???

your actions quailify

Not in an AMERICAN court of law they wouldn't.

sure do


We will now await your presentation of credentials in

Guess you forgot about "cuting" that one....


but it isn't my credentcail that are important

Sure it is.

Put it back in context, Markie, because that's where it would be
taken from in court.

it is in context Killing was never the subject

I never suggested to kill you.



yes you have

you sent the threat out in the gruops more threats in the NG and more
still by email

And you're still lying.

Why do you lie in public when it's already known that you're an
admtted liar, Markie?

How do you think all those admissions of lying are going to go
over in court...!?!

someone, possibly you called the Cops In illiopolas with some cock and
bull story

If it was a cock and bull story, it wasn't about you.

you have boasted of finding a picture of my home in those days here

YOU posted it, Markie. It was on your GeoCities site, along with
your picture...

it is a plain and clear threat

To a delusional paranoid personality, perhaps...

no to any reasonable person, which of course lets you out

Let's me in, Markie, and YOU out.

That's your rampant paranoia.

one shot one kill is a threat

To a delusional paranoid persoanlity, perhaps...

no to any reasonable person, which of course lets you out

you are the delsuional paraniod


I'm not the one who thinks that someone is stalking him, trying to
kill him over flaming in a newsgroup, and who thinks sexual and
societal devaiance is OK.

any questioning of the PR of the ARS is a personal attack on you that
is paranois and delusional

No...LYING about Amateur Radio is an attack on licensed Amateurs.

it is also a sign of other mental problems

Here we go with Dr Markie's diagnosis again...

after all Morse code is not a person, only people can be murdered

Then why are you accusing me of trying to murder you?

not even accusing you of that, but of threatening too can't you keep
anything straight?

Sure I can.

You've allegeded I threatened to kill (murder) you.

And yes, you've accused me of it.

Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat


sure is


by being one

"by being one" what?

by being a threat

How is talking to Todd's parents a threat unless he's doing
something wrong?

Re-read what you wrote, in response to what I wrote, Mark...

It doesn't make sense.

sure does

To YOU, perhaps...But English is my native tongue.

Why do you continue to make and remake this assertion in the face
of evidence to the contrary?

what eveidence?

E X A C T L Y ! ! ! !

N O E V I D E N C E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

right you have presented no eveidence that you are not making threats

I have posted various bit of evidence

You've posted nothing but your paranoid delusions.

therefore you are lying when you say"Why do you continue to make and
remake this assertion in the face of evidence to the contrary?",
becuase you have present no evidence to contrary

Upside down as usual, Mark!

Nice try, though!

YOU have NO EVIDENCE of ANY threat!

I have your admission of sending the first threat, and then ore besides

You have NO "admission".

what more do I need beyond an admission?

Facts, Boyo, because you have no admission of ANYthing...

cuting another lies

Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them

I didn't make any, Markie.

One shot on kill .. is a threat


It MEANS, as it meant in the ORIGINAL CONTEXT, was that my
comments "squarely hit" what I "aim" for.

Killing is killing

Not int he context of the comment I made, Mark. It meant then, as
it does now, taht I "hit" what I aim at...In the FULL CONTEXT of the
statement I made in response to YOUR comments...

Nothing in the context had anything to do with killing, the threat was
out of the blue. The is never a reason to threaten to kill anyone over
the ARS

You continue this unhealthy rant about threats, Mark.

No threat was made.

Indeed what you intended isn't relavant.

Sure it is. Ask a lawyer.

The standard is would a
reasonable person think they were being threatened

And as you said..."that leaves you out"....

it was and remains a threat


sure is

More evidence of self-delusional acts, Markie...

Why do you continue to "force" this lie when it's apparent you're
not telling the truth, Mark?

becuase I am telling the truth

No, you're not.

The only reason you don't see it is that you are pretty sick

No, actually I am in very good health.

you are lying in saying otherwise

You are lying in tryng to make it anything more than it was.



not at all

if it were nothing you would have appologized for the misunderstanding

You might try that now, but I doubt it

You're the one with the misunderstanding, Mark.

Why should I apologize for YOUR misunderstanding?

if you were manere when it was brought you would have adknowledged the
words to have been illchoosen or something like that

If I was "marere"...?!?!

As for "illchoosen", perhaps YOU should have thought about the
response YOUR

unfinished thought here?

Nope. Computer hiccup. Oh well.

But here it is in it's entirety:

"As for "illchoosen", perhaps YOU should have thought about the
response YOUR words might elicit".

My response was to put you off guard with a simple and harmless lie to
deflect you from your threat, based on your nestfew posts it diverted
you for several days, till I returned home and could take other actions

Again with this story about "putting me off" and "other actions".

Fiction, Markie...Nothing but fiction...

instead when I did not react as you wish you added various threats of
legal action, repated the thret in various manner and generaly behaved
in a threatening manner

that it was idle matters not

It wasn't a threat..."idle" or otherwise.

sure was

To a delusional paranoid persoanlity, perhaps...

to any reasonable person

But you're not that.

nothing is Stevies fault

It's only "Stevies fault" when Stevie does it wrong.

but Stevie never admts to making mistake so accordoing to Stevie
nothing is Stevie fault

You keep saying that but it's not true.

I keep suggesting you ask around but you refuse to do it.

So far you've not presented any "evidence" to the contrary except
your childish sandlot "ya-HUH!" arguments.

I have your admissions

I guess a confession to all the elements of the crime isn't good enough
for you

No admissions.

No confessions.

No least one commited by me.

apeartnly it seems an idle one

To a delusional paranoid personality, perhaps...

to any reasonable person

Then that leaves you out.

Toddie violated the terms of his TOS. He refused to stop. He got
what he asked for.

but you threatened to do , and apealently did it


I told him I wouldn't tolerate his violent, profane and
threatening behaviour towards me.

and thereby threatened him


He thought rules didn't apply to him.

you don't think they apply to you

Sure they do.

You just haven't proven where I've "violated" some "rules".

He found out different.



you were claiming that you had nothing to do with what happened to todd
with his ISp awhile back now you admit it?

What happened to Todd was a direct result of Todd's violation of
his TOS with Consolidated Communications. Todd had it in his control
to NOT violate them.

have a reason to make a threat doesn't mean you are not threatening him

you realy don't know english do you

cuting speling cop ####

Let me put it back for you:


you realy don't know english do you

I know it better than you. I employ it more accurately, too.

I know that English is capitalized.

I know that "realy" is actually spelled "really", but you keep
screwing that up too.

I know that a sentence is started with a capital letter and ended
with a period, except where a question is asked. You seem to have a
problem with that.

UNQUOTE's still as true today aas it was yesterday.

you are a bully and so juvi you can't even take responiblity for YOUR

Sure I do.

you will now proceed to blame Todd for these threats

Nope. Toiddie is responsible for his own actions...And he had to
pay a price for them.

yep as expected and predicted

I am sure there was a point there.

indeed and you made it for me thank you

What point?

That Toiddie was responsible for his own actions...?!?! Then
you'd be correct.

Care to make it?

I can't you did the job for me

What point?

If YOU think that I have made all of these threats against you and
am the "stalker" you accuse me of, please, file a civil or criminal
charge against me, Markie..

I have sought to do so, and there is realy very little I can do short
of traveling to Tenn. and doing so that is one of the problems with the


All this past week you were telling us what great financial shape
you're allegedly in...two turned
down a $240K/yr job...

good shape, yes, your point?

The point is you're lying about THIS, too...

You claim you can't afford to come to Tennessee.

Guess that's yet ANOTHER lie we've caught you in.



you really don't read do you.

Congratualtions on getting "really" right for a change. Now if we
can work on the capitalization and proper punctuation, you'll be well
on your way...

I have to travel to tennesse at some point to deal with you, spend a
lot of money that you are not worth , to obtain a judgement that you
would not likely be able to pay

I am in good shape because I choose my fights carefully

You're in good shape because the countersuit would leave you with
the clothes on your back, a pup-tent and a bicycle to get around on.

Unlike you I don't go in full bore without thinking things through

Sure you do.

You're making ludicrous charges in a public forum EVERY day.

You've admitted to being a prolific liar and that's been archived.

Seems pretty "full bore" to me...

It will be quite satisfying to have you served with the countersuit
and then see who's side holds up better in court.

more threats


A promise. You file any "charges" or "suit" against me, and your
ears will whistle for a week with the paper landing in your lap from
summons servers!

that is certainly a lie my ears would not wistle at all

Sure they would.

at one point you were going to make a phone call and have me arrested
like that

Nope. Have you INVESTIGATED. There IS a difference.

You realy don't know much about how the world works

Seems you're the one with the perception deficits, Markie.

Nothing you do is YOUR responiblity

Sure it is.

And I've put my "hand out" with apologies or corrections where

still haven't adknowledged your mistakes about the Brothers Grim

It's "Grimm", Markie.

and still stevie you fail to fess up

On what?

Ask around.

No one answers yes you have

You've not asked the question. And I bet most everyone is
ignoring these ask them directly.

not most everyone other coment on them,

Again your claim you make it


YOU claimed I never apologize or admit mistakes.

I've given you references to verify.

You refuse to do it.

lazy bum


There are NO threats.

sure are



you have admtted to making them, just denieng that they are threats

I can't "admit to making them" and then deny them, Markie.

I've stated all along, and correctly so, that I never made a

not going to retype them and retype em

You can retype the Magna Carta and it won't prove anything.

you even blew that one Stevie it would indeed prove something but of
course Magna Carta has nothing to do with this matter so again you
evade the issue


You'll still have no threats.

I have your admissions

I didn't admit to any wrongdoing, Markie.

You have nothing.

threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to come to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain

What threats?

the one you typed and admitted to typing

I never typed a threat.

Why do you keep lying about this? (And then snipping my questions
about WHY you lie about it...?!?!)

cuting stevie evasion

What evasion?

your evasion

WHAT evasion...?!?!

your eveasion

What "eveasion"...?!?!




Still no evasion, Markie...

Just your tit-for-tat accusations that are patently false.

I have typed it often typed a few examples in this post and will not
repeat just becuase Stevie the BULLY demands I do so

You've retyped nothing except "your threats" and "your evasion",

lying agian

I am not lying and I am not an agian.

You are lying, and I never said you are an "again"

Re-read the sentence above, IdiotBoy.

so 2 lies one sentence

Nope...but we have YOU looking stupid over one of YOUR typos

You've not SUBSTANTIATED either...

you have admited to typing "One shot on kill" that does it right there,
the rest just piles on

That wasn't a threat.

sure was

Why does Mark Morgan continue to lie?

Wasn't then...isn't now...won't be 100 years from now...

will always be a threat

Only to a paranoid delusional mind, Markie...

I love being called "stupid" in a sentence that is so fractured
that it takes several re-readings to figure out that I was "insulted".

then where is your thank you

You flushed it after your last bowel movement, Markie.

more #### form you stevie



No punctuation.

Looks like the #### was coming from you.

your make threats

What threats?


admitted to and documented more than once

I've not admitted to ANY threats. Not a one.

by the way It is infact ilegal for you to came HERE since you have been
informed your are unwelcome

It would be illegal for me to knock on your front door or violate
your privacy.

it is ilegal for you to enter my land

That's what I said, IdiotBoy.

Now where's YOUR basis for stating that it would be illegal for me
to travel to Michigan...the UP or otherwise...?!?!

It would NOT be illegal for me to come to Michigan...ANYwhere in

wrong It is ilegal for you to come to my Land

As I said above...

and would allow me to use deadly force if I choose

Now THERE'S a THREAT ! ! ! ! ! !

Better read the law on what constitutes the VALID use of deadly
force, Markie.

Hint: Cutting across your front yard isn't it....

Nor would it be illegal for me to speak with local law enforcement
or mental health case workers about you, being careful to express my
concerns as just that...concerns.

HMM seem you were threatening me if I contacted Tennesse about my


I just said if YOU file a suit, be prepared for the result.

those laws do work both ways

As I have been telling YOU, IdiotBoy.

threatening action with various parties

What threats?

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

asked and answered

Avoided and evaded by you.

asked and answered

Escaped and evaded.

stop harassing people

I'm not harrassing people.



you harrass everyone here that you disgaree with, You harrass folks on
the Air, by what I hear from other hams


Then you've proven that you're "hearing voices", Markie.


I have hear Hams call you a Papa Oscar serria on the air



I am sure you hear a LOT of voices doing that, Markie...

Only during a good opening to tennesse

is it so hard to admit there are other hams that don't like you?

I am sure there are.

But unless YOU get on the air and say something, I doubt you'll
hear them...

All part of your delusional mindset, Markie.

nope it is part of yours I fear

You have good reason to fear, Markie.

You're sick and need help.'ve CLAIMED that you have tried...

that too of course

but I have your repeated confessions that is about all I really need

You keep claiming THAT too, but you have no confession from me on

All you do is make sandlot taunts.

None of them effective or accurate.

confessions are quite effective

They would be if you had one.

"First Amendment", Markie...

you don't have any right to threaten people

I haven't threatened anyone.

lying again


yes One shot one kill is a threat


sure is


A prosecuter won't touch your "claim" based upon the original
context and in response to your own words, Markie.

there is no context in which it isn't a threat

Sure there is...The original context in which it was stated and
the comments to which it was responding...YOUR comments by the way...

I have seen you threaten Todd and BB and you have threatened me

Nope, nope and nope.

yep yep and yep

Nope, nope and nope.

sure have and I have posted and reported

Nope, nope and nope.

And no matter how many times you wish to carry that one out, it
still won't be true.


N o m a t t e r h o w m a n y t i m e s y o u w i s h
t o c a r r y
t h a t o n e o u t, i t s t i l l w o n ' t b e t r u e.

Was that better since I slowed down when I wrote it...?!?!

It is ture that you have threatened me, both publicaly and in private

No, it's not.

it is ture that you have harrased me publicaly and privately


You have threatened Todd Her I have seen that.

Why are you calling Todd a "Her"...?!?! And I didn't threaten

You ahve harrassed Todd I have seen that myself

Gee, "have" spelled wrong...'magine that.

And you're deluding yourself again.

You have admitng to conducting what Len discribes as harrassing IMing
of him on AOL

Lennie's another liar. Documented.

He lied then, he's lied since.

You harrass and Threaten BB in this forum

S T I L L more mistruths, Markie!

When will it stop?

when 4 people tell you are doing something an inteligent man would
start to wonder if there wasn't something to it, but of course that
lets you out

Any discussion group wherein YOU profess to be an "inteligent"
(intelligent) man is a conversation mispent.

more evasion


You accused me of not being "inteligent". I corrected your error
and answerd the claim.

not at all I questioned it I still do, since you do not ACT like an
inteligent human being

You're reading your own stuff, Markie.

let alone an adult one

You're reading your own stuff, Markie.

you also did not address the point

Several times over, but that hasn't stopped you!

No evasion.

Not addressing the point is an evasion stevie

Then you're guiltyn of THAT "rule" over and over...

the 1st amendment does cover that

No, it does not.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


What IS the

so what?

The assertions YOU cut from the quote were NOT covered by a single
word of the First Amendment.

Let's put this BACK into context since you snipped all of that
cuting out your evasive waste of bandwidth

Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd acknowldge your "respoinblty" to
TAKE "respoinblty" for your mistake.

no mistake

A big mistake...on your part. The one wherein you think you can
keep blustering your way through your inappropriate claims.

not at all


you keep trying to divert the issue

No I don't.

sure do


you have NO right to threaten people

I don't.

agreed you don't have the right so stop doing it

No...I said I don't threaten people.

you have NO right to harrass people

I don't.

agreed you don't have the right so stop doing it

No...I said I don't harrass people.

you have NO right to stalk people

I don't.

agreed you don't have the right so stop doing it

No...I said I don't stalk people.

The first amendent does not give the right to do ilgeal things

You again express your obvious misunderstanding of what is said in
the First Amendment to the Constitution, Markie.

I understand it clearly your mind is fogged on that subject and many

Your mind is the fogged one, IdiotBoy.

You're the one who said the First Amendment said things it didn't

nor does any other part of the Constitution

And there is nothing in ANY part of the Constitution that is
"violated" by our exchanges here, Mark....

never said that it was

Sure you did!

What I said is that constitution does not give the right to threaten or
harrass people

You said the First Amendment said that. You were wrong. I
re-posted the same thing three times over proving you were wrong.

Are you going to admit your error, or do we just throw this one on
the pile with the rest?

a key word in the ruling of the court is peaceably

The fact remains that the First Amendment does NOT say what you
alleged it to say.

i was simply using your quoting of the text

You simply did not.

sure did

You're NOW lying about the content of the First Amendment.

Is there ANY topic that you won't lie about, Markie...?!?!

You tried to take ONE word from it and apply it contrary to it's
use in THAT Amendement.

nope not at all

Yep. Absolutely.

You failed.

Not realy but then I wasn't doing what said I was doing and faling at
it, this rambling on and on is part of your SOP here, wander all over
the place

Nope...YOU are the one making FALSE references to the First
Amendment of the Constitution. I proved you wrong. Are you going to
admit your error?

that is why threatening people ois ilegal that it why the hate speech
have a legs to stand on

"ois ilegal"

What were you trying to say?

What "hate speech"...?!?!

your bashing of people for being gay or pagan or just different

I don't "bash" you, Mark, and certainly NOT for any of those

lying again Stevie


You keep getting your nose tweeked because you keep getting caught

And in fact you've LIED about all of those things.



You claimed you WEREN'T gay, but it's since been proven with your
own words that you are.

well i ambisexual you are not up on the facts

Sure I am.

You're having sex with men. You're doing it right now. Why lie
MORE about it?

You claimed you weren't pagan, but it's since been proven with your
own words that you are.



And you've claimed that you're not "dffrent" when it's CLEARLY
evident that you are!

another lie stevie

Not in the least.

You're a proven liar, sexual deviate and untrustworthy.

All of it proven by your own word.

you are guilty of threats and hate speech

Nope. Not even close.

sure are I posted awhile back some example form just your titles

And none of them were "hate speech" as defined by the Civil Rights

sure are


Profanity is the tool of a violent mind, Markie.



In the opinion of those "pros" you always refer to.

now you are just lying agian

Nope. Not lying, and not lying "agian".

I do assert my free right to use such words as I choose as long I as I
don't violate the rights of others

By re-titling these posts "stvie ####" you violate MY right to not
be called a profane word or to have my "intellectual property"

you have no such right

Sure I do.

No I am disgusted by your manner your hypocrazy, your stupidity

Then you're focusing on the wrong things. You should be disgusted
by the fact that you are a decietful liar who can't post a word without
errors being laid bare.

more lies from stevie


Then stop doing it.

more off tager Bull####

What a "tager"...?!?!

been doing it for years

cuting stvie distoring context
cuting speling cop

cutng spelling cop

cuting spelling cop

It's "CUTTING", Markie. And at the beginning of a sentence, if
that's what that was, the "C" should be capitalized.

And some punctuation at the end would be appropriate, too.

A M E R I C A N law allowed for alterations to the treaty as did
caveats IN the treaty that gave administrations some leeway.


but the treaty lang made the ADA case much harder

No it didn't.

sure did

Sure it did...that was the whole urpose of the provide a
"one stop shopping" law that, in essence, said not matter what may be
written in any other law, the disabled have certain rights.

If anything, the ADA made it EASIER to make your argument viable.

Stvie you have lost it

ADA made the case possible, the treaty made the case harder

what your last stament has to do with the matter I don't know

You "don't know" because you have a hard time comprehending
English and paying attention to the flow of the conversation.

I also said It could be VERY expensive and more than I cared to venture

Then obviously not enough dedication.

if you like

Nope...If YOU like...Obviously you don't have the heart for it.

If it is what I like well I did not care to spend the money or time at
what I was sure would be won otherwise

Not likely. Not with blind and deaf people passing Element 1
within the liberal guidelines that the FCC had already established.

Makes it pretty hard to establish a need for a change of federal
rules when one can point to people with the same disabilites you
suggest need the help who have already passed the exam you claim they
can't pass WITHOUT the help.....

indeed it apears that My discussing the possible case, may have
influneced NCI to include the ADA case arguement in there threat to the
FCC one they seem to caved on

So It seems other used the case as another wedge

Uh huh..........

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight................ ......

you don't understand the difference between saying something could be
done and it will be done , or that it will be attepted

Sure I do.

then you must be willfully lying when you make these claims


sure do since you lie about what was said

I've quoted what YOU have said, Markie.

Are you now claiming that YOU were lying?

that you confuse tense and moods is part of the process where you so
often distrot and twist a true stament someone has made, into lie of
YOUR making

No lie made here.

You made threats of lawsuits under ADA.





I discussed the posiblity

You said your "laywr" was preparing your brief".

no never said said anything about "laywr"


I discussed the pros and cons

I decided against it

One of the very few wise things you ever did...or should I say
DIDN'T do...?!?!

you lie whan you make the staement "You made threats of lawsuits under


yes have have lied and contiue to do so

I KNOW you have lied and continue to do so.

Why won't you stop it? It does NOTHING to help your point!

I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking

I am not "vunerable" to any suit brought by you!

sure are If Just filed it id would cost a fair amount of money

The cost would be yours twice over, Markie.

prehaps which does not alter the factual statement I just made

going to court is such a crap shoot

In YOUR case it would be...

in all cases it is


Your initial filing against me, then your defense expenses for the

nope no doubling there I'd be handle one level on contingincy youd be
paying out of pocket the whole way mostlikely, or at least in your

First of all, no lawyer is going to take a "he said/she said" case
"on contingency" unless it's against Wal-Mart, one of the Big Three in
Detroit, etc. In those cases they at least hope to win "shut up" money
and probably will.

again you are misinformed


You forget what "contingency" means...

It means the lawyer get's paid CONTINGENT upon winning ang getting
a settlement.

NO lawyer, unless he's "family", is going to take that he said/she
said case, Markie...

Secondly, as I told you before, I have the resources to overcome
any legal case YOU could hopre to mount from Michigan. At the most,
I'd have to pony-up filing fees...No big deal...

that applies to you or anyone for that matter

Yep...And they can countersue too.

yea never said otherwise

But you, like Toiddie, throw "I'LL SUE! I'LL SUE" around as if in
doing so you are the only one who can use legal resourse.

no another lie on your part, or is it delusions again


No delusions.

As I have clearly demonstrated here, however, you'll quickly find
out that you are NOT the only person who can bring a suit.

more threats

Nope. A promise. "Sue" me and see what happens.

It is easy to sue in America

Finally you get the idea...

no it has taken you several years to get that

I have no doubt that it takes you "several years" to get a lot,

not so easy to collect


which is why sueing you is not worth while

It's not worth "suing" me because the results to you would be
catastrophic financially.

but you are of course bashing the disabled


sure are


Serbo-Croation is a difficult language. I tried. Gave up.

not really Russian now that is one is bad

Obviously English is pretty hard, too, judging by that last
sentence of yours...

And I can't differentiate the characters in Braille adequately to
use it.

you just didn't want to bad enough

Nope. Didn't need to.

No bashing occured.

sure did


with your clear lack of human compassion why did you become a nurse?

What "clear lack of human compassion"...?!?!

your clear lack

Clear lack of what?

human compassion

Where do you get that?

Just because I don't buy your self-victimizing routine?

You mean not being a soft touch for every self-appreciating,
self-victimizing jerk that tries to take advantge of others compassion,

Nope I mean your mean sprited obcessive bulling

cutting more spelling cop

Then let me help you again:




And there was none of it.

If I were that, every hospital in every community would be filed
to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever seeing an empty bed again.

more lies this time about the number of hospital you could affect

It's got nothing to do with me.

then you lied when you typed " If I were that, every hospital in every
community would be filed to the rafters 24/7 with no hope for ever
seeing an empty bed again."

You typed the I not me

It's got to do with Nurses being soft touches for system abusers
such as yourself.

It's got to do with Nurses not being a "soft touch" as I stated

no you stated something else

Nope. I meant what I said. Anything else is YOU putting words in
other people's mouths.

And trust me when I say that every ER I ahve worked in, East,
West, North and South has it's share of "frequent flyers"...system
abusers just like you, Markie.

more libel



was it another power play?

By saying "another" powert play, you're suggesting an ORIGINAL
"power play".


And it was...?!?!?

What would have been the first.

not sure what power play was the first you go on about so many

You've not named one so far.

sure have

Your actions as VE in denieing a properly issued code waiver for one

I am under NO responsibility to sign an application if I feel that
the applicaiton would represent the submission of a falsified

your efforts to control the posting of Todd, BB, Len and Me

Oh make no doubts, Markie...I don't "control" them...

I just have fun pointing out the patent lies, deceit and mistruths
you four generate.

And lord knows you four generate a lot!

And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,

not trying to intimadate I would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it

cutin spelling cop

Still 33 1/3%, however this time you ever mispelled your mispelled

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to

No I didn't.

sure did


Where, Markie. WHERE did I say "I am trying to intimidate you",

never said you stated that I siad you were doing it

Sure you said I said it, Markie!


I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to


To "admit" to anything, I'd have to say or write it.

Quote the line where you alledge I say "I am trying to intimidate
you", Markie...

no claim of such a an exact was ever made

Oh, but it was!


Sure it was!


I'm not trying to intimidate anyone, Markie.

liar you admited to it in the post I am responding to


So...where's this alleged admission, Markie?

in the post I was repsoning to as stated


No quote = Markie Lying.



No quote means you were making it up all along.

You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!

But you HAVE left us laughing!

comenting on your words


Haven't you haerd about what it means when you talk to yourself


I am not "talking to (my)self"...

I am talking ABOUT you.


now you are talking to yourself

look at the lines

It's not "talking to (my)self", Markie.

It was pointing out that you're STILL a laughing stock!

Steve, K4YZ

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