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![]() "John Smith" wrote in message news ![]() AOF: Look, they pose the most excellent argument, to their own argument, if you look closely... First, they say there that CW is a useful current protocol, and that it is useful, then they say people are going to flock to use it and keep CW alive no matter what... I've seen no one say that people will "flock to use it". However there is reason to think that enough people will choose to use it to keep this as an active mode. Then, they turn around and argue to keep the test, why? Because deep inside their brain, at the center where the denial does not exist, they realize without forcing people to learn morse, not many will (darn few in my best estimate.) I'd expect avid QRP enthusiasts and contesters to have quite a bit of interest. However, I agree that "Joe Average" may not pursue it unfortunately if not required to learn a very minimal, basic level of performance. Due to all the activities of those trying to eliminate the test, he may falsely believe it to be beyond his abilities. We may end up with only the very elite operators, i.e. those who learn easily and progress to lightning speeds. The casual ragchewer (i.e. the person who operates at around 13wpm or so) may find slim pickings. Isn't it quite obvious? They fool themselves (else they are liars), but if they fool you, think how others will judge the weight of your intellect... It is all pretty clear, think about it... John Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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"Joe BelowAverage", "Joe SixPack", his bother-in-law "Joe Geriatric", his cousins, "Joe CW-ReligiousFreak", "Joe Control-Freak", etc are already amateurs... in amongst them are a few, currently active and current hardware techs (but not many these days)... "Joe ComputerSavvy" will be working on other protocols for data xfer on HF... and running a computer wan on HF... probably actively petitioning for changes to allow such... And, of course, we all expect "Joe ChickenBander" to be there... as much a BS'er as any you can now find on 160-80-75-and-on-up... And, "Joe RepeaterUser" will probably continue to dwindle, repeaters pale the most when compared to the internet, their only possible use for local lan/wan... I am hoping all radio will go digital audio packet (for all phone)--one freq can be used for multiple QSOs' at a time, with no interfearence between, no ear will be of use anymore (packets are decoded and sent though the sound card), the computer becomes the "shack gear"... and hams are forced to update... some are already playing with this in the Ghz... John On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 18:38:48 -0400, Dee Flint wrote: "John Smith" wrote in message news ![]() AOF: Look, they pose the most excellent argument, to their own argument, if you look closely... First, they say there that CW is a useful current protocol, and that it is useful, then they say people are going to flock to use it and keep CW alive no matter what... I've seen no one say that people will "flock to use it". However there is reason to think that enough people will choose to use it to keep this as an active mode. Then, they turn around and argue to keep the test, why? Because deep inside their brain, at the center where the denial does not exist, they realize without forcing people to learn morse, not many will (darn few in my best estimate.) I'd expect avid QRP enthusiasts and contesters to have quite a bit of interest. However, I agree that "Joe Average" may not pursue it unfortunately if not required to learn a very minimal, basic level of performance. Due to all the activities of those trying to eliminate the test, he may falsely believe it to be beyond his abilities. We may end up with only the very elite operators, i.e. those who learn easily and progress to lightning speeds. The casual ragchewer (i.e. the person who operates at around 13wpm or so) may find slim pickings. Isn't it quite obvious? They fool themselves (else they are liars), but if they fool you, think how others will judge the weight of your intellect... It is all pretty clear, think about it... John Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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"an old friend" wrote in
oups.com: wrote: an old friend wrote: wrote: an old friend wrote: wrote: What you folks are describing is just a form of RTTY using Morse Code as the encoding method, rather than ASCII or Baudot or some other scheme. indeed we are Glad you agree Of course it can be done, and has been done. Why it would be done is another issue. It is certainly not a "better way". that does depend on the goal, and the operator. True enough. Personaly I find the idea of the manual morse and compter morse interacting the only redeeming virtue of the mode (please I know you disagree but go along for a minute) It's just *one* good thing about Morse Code (the ease and flexibility of human-machine interface. There are many more good things (redeeming virtues?) of Morse Code. IYO Not just my opinion. The good things about Morse Code are an objective fact. Of course that doesn't mean Morse Code *must* be tested, any more than the good things about, say, a standard phonetic alphabet means it must be tested. not in mine it is a fact manual morse is quite useless to me and others If you have a mcahine that can interface with someone using manual Morse Code, whom you otherwise could not contact at all, how can that manula Morse Code be useless to you? because it is useless to me, simple fact, and i will never know wether it is usefull to any other particular person, unless they tell me and I believe them That someone could use the simple assembly of the QRP rig to reach out to a station like mine reading fby machine and sending it back the same way. One more tool in the toolbox. and yet you opose allowing me in the playing feild at all That's simply not true! All anyone has to do to get the license is to pass the required tests. and you spport the Morse code test and therefore you opose me on the field at all VEs are empowered to use all sorts of accomodations in the tests (both written and Morse Code) if needed. In fact, a Morse Code *sending* test can be substituted. which doesn't meet the ADA standards of accomodation at all, since that law allows me anything that will in fact work, my choice would be a code reader based my expeences in the past that is about all that would do it However that aside you insist I develope some varraint of a skill that I can't use. My station is at least one if not several such tool but you don't wish to allow it without ahvng that ONE tool I have no idea what you are trying to say. becuase you think Morse code is just a trival bit of work to learn, and for some it is and lacking that skill you would choose to sideline my station which is able right now to work HF (I have up a G5RV conected to my ft 847 satelite rig which is also HF cappable It is one the few occasion I can realy see much use in the mode during an emergency gives the user the low signal abilities of RTTY or PSK 31 but allowing the station in the affected area to despense with a PC If the operators know Morse Code, there's no reason for a PC at either station. agreed but so what A tool that is with someone always is the most useful. The above noted for later reference as "A" but only if it is ever with that person. even if through some accomdated test I passed it I would not have a tool to use this doesn't justify keeping me from being there and using my sation to help the pcles staion No one is saying you cannot use a PC for Morse Code. but you are supporting not allowing me access to specturm Thus it is 'better" in some ways, indeed I am a much better operator of computer morse than manual and it would make my staion a bteer station by your standards (more modes more abilities) In that regard, it is "better". But it is not universally "better", just as an automobile is not universally "better" than a bicycle. I have never said it was it is your side that varies from stating or impling that Manaul is always better which just isn't so Where have *I* ever said Morse Code is always better? in the post I am replying to you make a statement to that effect it survies above as noted as "A" so where your beef? The idea that machine operation is somehow universally better. and my beef is your insitance that manual morse is always better *Where* have *I* said that? at A it is not your cup of tea sure fine Consider a bicycle. If another wheel is added, the rider doesn't need to worry about falling over, so the skill required to ride it is greatly reduced. Add a small gasoline engine and a suitable transmission, and pedaling becomes much easier. A simple cover will protect the rider from rain and other inclement weather. Eventually you wind up with a small, three-wheeled automobile that could win the Tour de France. Except it's not a bicycle anymore, and its rider isn't a cyclist by any stretch of the imagination. Or consider the piano. Pianos and similar keyboard instruments have been around for hundreds of years. It takes considerable skill and practice to play them, and reading sheet music is a skill of its own. With modern computers and software, however, one can simply have a machine that scans in the sheet music and turns it into a "performance" - without all those lessons, practice, etc. break all depends on what you want, to listen or to play Point is, there's a big difference. which by analogy is up to me. Id rather listen than play that tune and what about Manual Morse justifies making ME play that tune? The same things about all the other things hams are required to learn. no becuase I blow everything On AM or on SSB or FM and still get a license Code testing is deferent nothing else in Ham radio has that status so your staement is simply not true -- Suppose you were given the following test: You're sitting at a table with pencil and paper, and your choice of speaker or headphones. Through the headphones you hear a series of words spoken slowly and clearly, spaced so there is one word every 2 seconds or so. All you have to do is write down the first letter of each word. The test always uses a standard phonetic alphabet, too. So if you heard: "Sierra....Tango.....Alpha.....Romeo.....Tango.... .....Whiskey.....Indi a.....Tango.....Hotel" you would write down "START WITH..." etc. The test goes on for 5 minutes, but all you need is one minute correct to pass the test. Could you pass such a test? Is there anyone who can converse in English, and who is literate in that language, who could not pass such a test? I might well not be able to, that is the meaning of Dyslexiod Aphasia, I would hear the S in might write Y it all but certain I would suffer from one of these occurances if a minute was 27 letters, any time I am changing media there is high chance for making such errors, there is a decent chance if I am just coping writen text, indeed to take your test seeing the writen word one at a time and trying to copy them first leters I can make such errors I fequenly do in the newsgroup find myself unable to copy corectly a word on the screen Does not mean I can't read text and understand it and tell you about later All the Morse Code test does is to replace the words with specific sounds. Instead of "Sierra", for example, you would hear three short beeps. What is so impossible about that? get it though your head, I have failed exactly that test a number of times Jim I could see that if someone had an auditory or cognition problem, they might have trouble with both tests. But it seems incredible that people who would have no trouble with the first claim the second to be impossible, or even very difficult, for them. In My case it is a set of learning disablities, varies people have varies abilities when you add morseyou have tranlating . to "e" which might make it to the page as "y" when you sart with letters .- which I think is "a" I may hear -. think "a" (becuase dyslexics reverse stuff) and might not get even that "a" to the paper right I do better with keyboards where I am tring to learn not the . is "e" but is the trhid finger of left hand up one key (the touch tpye position of "e" of course) Of course for some folks, "can't" actually means "won't" or "don't want to". so to answer your title I doubt I could pass the test phoenetic test you describe, unless it was realy slow, and certainly not with any test anxeity I agree with you, but you won't get very far with Jim. I especially liked the bit about using a code reader as a handicap accomodation for the Morse test! I am a VE and never thought of that! Can you imagine if we had tried to get that past the ARRL VEC - they would have flipped for sure, but I think it may well meet the rules. It's all academic now, or will be soon. The NPRM abolishes the code test, and the R&O will do the same. The pro-code test side have lost the war. Roll on VC Day (Victory over the Code Day, LOL!). 73 de Alun, N3KIP (A 20wpm Extra who wasted years learning Morse code that I will probably never use) |
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![]() Alun L. Palmer wrote: "an old friend" wrote in oups.com: wrote: an old friend wrote: hack so to answer your title I doubt I could pass the test phoenetic test you describe, unless it was realy slow, and certainly not with any test anxeity break I agree with you, but you won't get very far with Jim. sadly I fear you are right, and Jim is the most reasonable of the devoted Procoders but the target (mine anyway YMMV) is more moderate lurker in the NG anyway no matter who one is addressing directly I do have some (dwidnling fast) hope that prehaps some of the procoders can be presauded to accept the new folks without basshing em over the head over how they are unworthy not having done.... I especially liked the bit about using a code reader as a handicap accomodation for the Morse test! I am a VE and never thought of that! Can you imagine if we had tried to get that past the ARRL VEC - they would have flipped for sure, but I think it may well meet the rules. I am certain as is a Lawyer I know, if I were not certain other means would prevail (even thought hey have taken longer than I thought) I would likely have tried the formal complaint under DoJ rules to find out It's all academic now, or will be soon. The NPRM abolishes the code test, and the R&O will do the same. The pro-code test side have lost the war. Roll on VC Day (Victory over the Code Day, LOL!). now or soon it is time to pick up the peices, 73 de Alun, N3KIP (A 20wpm Extra who wasted years learning Morse code that I will probably never use) |
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David Breckman here. I registered on this site for one express purpose, which was to contact you about my father, Jack Breckman. This post of yours that mentions him by name (and in the most flattering of terms) came up as a hit in a Google search I was conducting about him earlier in the evening. Dad died in the summer of '73 when I was just seven years old, so I didn't know him particularly well, and the only memories I have of him now, nearly forty years on, are foggy at best. But in the last year or so (belatedly) I have been trying to talk or correspond with as many people as I can who may've known or had occasion to work with him -- people very much like yourself. By all accounts, Dad was a gentle and exceptionally gifted man, and a wonderful husband and father. But firsthand accounts are scarce, and I am naturally interested in learning more about him. So with your permission -- and at your convenience -- I would love to follow up with you on the subject of Jack Breckman. Would this be possible? You can reach me at my email: I would be grateful for ANYTHING you can tell me about him. Even vague, fleeting impressions would be helpful. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours (gratefully), David Breckman Sherman Oaks, CA |
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Morse Code: One Wonders... and Begins to Think ! [ -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ] | Shortwave | |||
Response to "21st Century" Part One (Code Test) | Policy | |||
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NCVEC NPRM for elimination of horse and buggy morse code requirement. | Policy |