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  #31   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 05, 10:03 PM
Posts: n/a

From: "K4YZ" on Sun 21 Aug 2005 20:33

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 21 Aug 2005 16:50:37 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote in

You have already discussed your military service here so that excuse
is moot. Try again.


As much as anyone else here, "Frank", you have more than enough
information to validate my service, assuming your insinuations of
intimacy with such notables as LtCol North are accurate.

"...insinuations of intimacy with..."? :-)

As I have found with OTHERS here, even when you DO give specifics,
the pat answer is "So, we just accept it because you say so?" , and
it's "just one more thing" to add to the flame war. It doesn't matter
how objective or reliable the corroborating source is.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. We all "must" accept Stebie's "word" on HIS
service, yet all he can do is shout "call the VA!" :-)

"It doesn't matter how objective or reliable the corroborating
source is..." if its against what Stebie said or if Stebie no
like it, it is a "LIE." :-)

Poor Stebie...he can't stand up to scrutiny and his "respone" is
to heap abuse on the personals of his challengers.

I also notice you snipped the line where I suggested you e mail me
directly and I'd provide more than enough information, off group. You
didn't even take the time to answer it HERE, let alone privately.

Stebie, it takes as much time to write a single private e-mail
as it does to write a PUBLIC posting in here. Just write your
response IN PUBLIC if you want to be believed. That way anyone
can check it out as they wish. If it is verifiable, it will be
be believed. If it isn't verifiable, then you are just making
with a Confidence Game piece of BS.

This leads me to believe that it's most likely that if you did and
I research the headers, we'll find some close relationship between you
and one of the Infamous Four.

"...close relationship?!?" :-)

Anyone can "research headers" and find the ISP of a poster, and
that's about IT. :-)

Sorry, little Stebie, but nobody has hacked the IEEE website
for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
professional association. I may be the only one with that
"header origin." I have NO "relationship" with Frank, with Mark
or with Brian Burke, or Todd, don't know them personally, haven't
met them, don't even live close to them (don't know where Frank
lives, but that is irrelevant). WE all SHARE a feeling that all
you do is lay down a Snow Job, A Con Game Scam, lots of BS, and
a bunch of other nefarious braggadoccio. shrug

Lastly, I find it curious (and certainly lends significant
credence to doubting you and YOUR stories...) that you show up from no
where in an Amateur Radio forum, CLAIM to be a former Marine with
impeccable "references", yet have absolutely nothing to say ABOUT
Amateur Radio policy.

Tell us how the USMC "career" of Stebie Robeson "affects amateur
radio policy?" :-)

Tell us how the Civil Air Patrol "pilot in command" experience
relates to amateur radio policy? :-)

Add that to language in your posts that sounds hauntingly like
Lennie Anderson and I'd say your accusations of fraud belong in your
own lap.

Poor baby, feeling worried are you?

YOU just POST some verifiable REAL claims to your statements in
order to be believed. So far all you've done is shout "call the
VA!" [the VA will NOT divulge details unless one is a family
member or a reputable, verifiable personnel department of a
company or a verifiable agent of a police force]

You could digitize your DD214 and have it available for private
e-mail (this newsgroup doesn't carry binaries) to PROVE your
military release from active duty. It's only one page long.
But, you won't, claiming some "personal outrage" at having to
do such a thing! Oh, my. We are all supposed to BELIEVE you,
right? While everyone else not believing you LIES?" :-)

con gam

  #32   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 05, 10:14 PM
Posts: n/a


Stebie, it takes as much time to write a single private e-mail
as it does to write a PUBLIC posting in here. Just write your
response IN PUBLIC if you want to be believed. That way anyone
can check it out as they wish. If it is verifiable, it will be
be believed. If it isn't verifiable, then you are just making
with a Confidence Game piece of BS.

You've been GIVEN information IN PUBLIC that can be verified on an
number of topics, Lennie.

You blow it off with your own little song-and-dance.

WE all SHARE a feeling that all
you do is lay down a Snow Job, A Con Game Scam, lots of BS, and
a bunch of other nefarious braggadoccio. shrug

So far you also share (with the exception of "Frank") deceit and
dishonesty. You also have COPIOUS quantities of your own snow jobs,
con games, BS, and nefarious braggadoccio in this forum, Lennie...Your
pointing finger has plenty of all of them dripping off of them.


Steve, K4YZ

  #33   Report Post  
Old August 22nd 05, 10:31 PM
Posts: n/a

here BTw is stevie accusing me of hiring Frank

Well, Markie...Glad you were able to hire someone to "support" you!

K4YZ wrote:

Stebie, it takes as much time to write a single private e-mail
as it does to write a PUBLIC posting in here. Just write your
response IN PUBLIC if you want to be believed. That way anyone
can check it out as they wish. If it is verifiable, it will be
be believed. If it isn't verifiable, then you are just making
with a Confidence Game piece of BS.

You've been GIVEN information IN PUBLIC that can be verified on an
number of topics, Lennie.

You blow it off with your own little song-and-dance.

You have not given anything to verify

one can verify the existance of a marine but nothing to contecting it

WE all SHARE a feeling that all
you do is lay down a Snow Job, A Con Game Scam, lots of BS, and
a bunch of other nefarious braggadoccio. shrug

So far you also share (with the exception of "Frank") deceit and
dishonesty. You also have COPIOUS quantities of your own snow jobs,
con games, BS, and nefarious braggadoccio in this forum, Lennie...Your
pointing finger has plenty of all of them dripping off of them.


more of your sex obsession

Steve, K4YZ

  #34   Report Post  
Old August 23rd 05, 01:30 AM
Posts: n/a

From: K4YZ on Aug 22, 1:14 pm


Stebie, it takes as much time to write a single private e-mail
as it does to write a PUBLIC posting in here. Just write your
response IN PUBLIC if you want to be believed. That way anyone
can check it out as they wish. If it is verifiable, it will be
be believed. If it isn't verifiable, then you are just making
with a Confidence Game piece of BS.

You've been GIVEN information IN PUBLIC that can be verified on an
number of topics, Lennie.

Those consist solely of Stebie's messages. That is all.

You blow it off with your own little song-and-dance.

"Song and dance?" :-)

[just a minute while I put on my Haney plates and move the rug...]

[dancers count in Octal, did you know that? :-) ]

"Song and Dance" Listings I've made:

1. Short-form WORK RESUME, not a "CV" or Curriculum Vitae.
Curriculum Vitae is for academics, is a whole Life
Experience listing.
2. Names and callsigns of living radio amateurs (N2JTV, KD6JG,
W6MJN) who know me (Gene was IN my signal battalion and
worked at the same transmitting station, different shift).
3. Issue date of the Pacific Stars and Stripes military
newspaper which had my interview in it, still archived at
the www.estripes website.
4. E-mail digitized copy of my first 'First Phone license
certificate which you said you didn't look at (impossible
to verify that a recipient has looked at anything).
5. Twice given others' listings of Ham Radio magazine articles
indexes which include my articles published there plus
mention of the fact that I was on their masthead as
Associate Editor in the 1980s (sold to CQ Communications
in 1990 after 22 years of independent publishing).
6. Included mentions of enough events, history, details of
the entire radio world to indicate a familiarity with
that documented history, giving specific websites for
information to verify that.
7. Given websites' URLs for collections for some of my
papers on radio.
8. Given websites for verification of DoD directives,
government radio activities, the NTIA (including Reports),
radio history other than ARRL versions of same.
9. Given book references on radio history and theory.

ALL of that is verifiable by anyone, anyone who cares to LOOK,
write the corporations' personnel departments about my employment,
or write the individuals I've listed.

In addition, I've made all of my PC programs for radio-electronics
freeware. I've mentioned only one, LCie4 (design-analysis of
passive L-C filters) in public communications with Jim Weir,
(WX6RST?) both in here and in

NONE of what I've said/written is any sort of fabrication. It is
ALL independently verifiable. NONE of it is "song and dance."

Do we readers of this newsgroup see anything remotely similar
from Stebie? NO! All we get is vague generalities, no details,
smokescreened by innumerable personal insults against the
challengers in an attempt to divert attention.

WE all SHARE a feeling that all
you do is lay down a Snow Job, A Con Game Scam, lots of BS, and
a bunch of other nefarious braggadoccio. shrug

So far you also share (with the exception of "Frank") deceit and

What "deceit" and "dishonesty?" Anyone is free to independently
verify for themselves what I've said is TRUE.

You seem to be operating from your own fantasy world where you
IMAGINE what others "really are." THAT is wrong, that isn't the
real world where the rest of us live.

You REFUSE TO ACCEPT what some of us have done in radio-electronics
and prefer to engage in petty squabbling and Flame War ignition
because you get challenged on your own opinions. Your ego is
seemingly so sensitive that you can't stand anything negative
said about your opinions, attitudes, or general comportment...yet
you insist on being "blameless" for heaping personal abuse on
others IN PLACE OF replying on the SUBJECT under discussion.

You've done the latter as shown quoted above. You do the same
thing in the quoted text following -

You also have COPIOUS quantities of your own snow jobs,
con games, BS, and nefarious braggadoccio in this forum, Lennie...Your
pointing finger has plenty of all of them dripping off of them.

ANYONE can verify my "background" (work/hobby/life experiences)
from the references I've given in public. Independently verify
them. Having a different opinion on something is NOT a "snow
job," "con game", "BS", or (love this one) "nefarious
braggadoccio". It is simply HAVING A DIFFERENT OPINION. That
YOU don't like an opinion different from yours is NOT some
kind of "exemption" to call others names, to insult them. Yet,
you routinely insult, demean, heap abuse on those who differ in
their opinions. Sooner or later you MUST learn to take it in
regards to differing opinions. The real world does NOT run on
Stebie fantasies or ego-centric thought.

All you need do is to post some VERIFIABLE information or have
some digitized documents available for e-mail to prove your
statements. You SHOULD state YOUR case on "experiences" in
enough first-person detail so that others - who have shared
similar experiences - can judge whether or not they are "true."
Avoid the constant barrage of petty insults thrown at those
who challenge you in place of supplying verifiable references.

The constant, almost unremitting Flame War you engage in here
only makes "your case" unbelievable, as if your whole reason-
for-being is to FIGHT with everyone. I'm sure there's a
"rec" newsgroup just for FIGHTING. Go there and work out if
you must. Remember that THIS newsgroup is for recreational
radio, amateur policy matters, NOT "Stebie Against The World."

Oh, work on your salesmanship skills. All good con men are
salesmen at heart. So far you've not sold much...if anything.

for gon

  #35   Report Post  
Old August 23rd 05, 01:31 AM
Posts: n/a

From: K4YZ on Aug 22, 7:35 am

Frank Gilliland wrote:

Add that to language in your posts that sounds hauntingly like
Lennie Anderson and I'd say your accusations of fraud belong in your
own lap.

And all your ranting has done nothing to resolve the topic of this
discussion. If you can think of anything that would make me believe
that you were in the USMC then feel free to speak up. Otherwise, it
looks like you are just stalling -- making excuses, obfuscating,
changing topics -- in hopes that I'll give up and leave.

Oh no, don't leave, "Frank"...

It just makes the LennieRants more colorful.

Lesssee...You claim I've given you nothing but vague information,
yet you refuse to e mail me directly and get "the details"...

So far we've got NOTHING but vagueness.

Must be a lot of that vagueness stuff going around...

Furthermore, I've given you MORE than enough to verify my duty
without giving you my SSAN to do it with.

"SSAN?" :-)

"Lesssee"...You claim that you were "in seven hostile actions."
Tsk, we don't know the Where or When of your involvement.

"Lesssee"...You claim to have been an "avionics tech" yet
you've been UNABLE to mention a single piece of aviation
electronics by nomenclature or familiar name. [were you
"brain-wiped" on leaving the Corps?]

"Lesssee"...You've NOT mentioned a single name of a "bud" or
Corps comrade who can be reached for independent verification
of your Corps existance...after 18 years of service you have
NO friends or references? [that's cause for alarm to everyone
right there]

You demonstrate lapses in proper USMC etiquette yet try and "dis"
my service just because I won't do a LennieRant and give a complete CV
of my service here.

"...proper USMC etiquette...?"

[did your mess tables have little doilies and place settings? :-) ]

Tsk, Stebie had better look up "curriculum vitae" in his Latin
dictionary. Those of us who WORKED FOR A LIVING in the radio-
electronics industry called it a "resume" (pronouce it "resz-
u-may") and, lo and behold, so did the Human Resources folks
(fancy new name for Personnel Departments)!

You were in an AAV unit so of course you know
EVERYONE who ever served, including a guy who's service ended 13 years

Don't YOU? :-)

Tsk, back a few years in here, I made a humorous mention of "Street
Road" going through Bucks County, PA. A big Flame War erupted
about my being at Naval Air Development Center in Warminster, PA
(as a field engineer for my employer, RCA Corporation, specifically
on air tests of an R&D collision-avoidance system). I was there in
the winter of '71-'72 for three months plus three other short trips
there in '72. At NO time did I ever "seek employment" there or
"work for the USN" at any time (I worked for a private corporation).
YOU said "you knew several" there that were "your buds" who aid I
"wasn't a good employee" or words to that effect. That was a
fabrication but you did not yield ANY details about me or your
"buds" or even where I was working (the Warminster NAS or Naval
Air Station, a one-runway field was bisected by a road separating
it from the NADC main building...I was mainly in the main building).

Later on, in here, you brought out some UNNAMED "now-PhD" who
"knew me" back then and said "I was not a good employee [of the
Navy]." You kept insisting that unnamed person was "real" yet
you "were obliged to keep his identity secret." That's ten kinds
of BS crock, Stebie. In the short three months bisected by year-
end Holidays, I worked directly with only 3 civilian employees of
the USN, was NEVER a USN employee, always had a Visitor badge worn
in addition to my RCA badge, met some of the pilots and aircrew
(enlisted all USN, one civilian pilot, three USN commission pilots),
and assorted USN and civilian NADC and NAS workers. The three
civilians I worked with directly all retired long ago but here
are their initials: S O B M J R - all you have to do is get them
in pairs to think up their names...and then NAME the NADC section
I was visiting for this R&D program's flight test for the U.S.
government, NOT specifically for Navy development. While you are
at it, you have to name the OTHER private corporation who ALSO
had their anti-collision system flight tested there also for the
U.S. government, not for Navy development. Feel free to name
the USN aircraft used in those flight tests if you wish...I was
in ALL of them.

You CANNOT complete any of those requirements, Stebie, because
- if you were really assigned to Warminster NAS - you were there
TEN YEARS AFTERWARDS when the NADC main building was shutting down
and projects there moved elsewhere. NADC is long GONE now and
perhaps the NAS is also (I don't really care). I was NEVER trying
for any Navy civilian employment position there just as I NEVER
tried to do so at China Lake or Point Mugu or Key West NAS or
Patuxent River (MD) Test Range ("Pax River"). You kept saying I
was either a "Navy employee" or "tried to get a job there", neither
of which was true.

Now YOU NAME this "now-PhD who knew me" back 33 1/2 years ago or
admit it was all a weird FABRICATION of yours. Your choice.
You haven't given detail One on this fabricated individual other
than glossed-over generalities and dire implications.

Tsk, you've "accused" Frank Gilliland of "making things up" yet
that is what YOU have been doing for years in here!

oop now

  #38   Report Post  
Old August 23rd 05, 04:42 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

On 22 Aug 2005 07:35:29 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote in


Gee Steve, first you whine about me snipping your posts then you snip
almost my entire reply. Looks like you are a hypocrite, too.

Frank Gilliland wrote:

Add that to language in your posts that sounds hauntingly like
Lennie Anderson and I'd say your accusations of fraud belong in your
own lap.

And all your ranting has done nothing to resolve the topic of this
discussion. If you can think of anything that would make me believe
that you were in the USMC then feel free to speak up. Otherwise, it
looks like you are just stalling -- making excuses, obfuscating,
changing topics -- in hopes that I'll give up and leave.

Oh no, don't leave, "Frank"...

Where did I say I was going to leave? I didn't. It was just wishful
thinking on your behalf.

It just makes the LennieRants more colorful.

Lesssee...You claim I've given you nothing but vague information,
yet you refuse to e mail me directly and get "the details"...

All I was looking for was a simple tidbit of info that only a Marine
would know, but that seems to be beyond your capabilities. But it
doesn't matter anymore...... see my other post.

Furthermore, I've given you MORE than enough to verify my duty
without giving you my SSAN to do it with.

I don't need your SSN, nor did I ask for it. What's your obsession
with your SSN?

You demonstrate lapses in proper USMC etiquette

.......say WHAT?

yet try and "dis"
my service just because I won't do a LennieRant and give a complete CV
of my service here.

I don't seem to recall asking for any long-winded rant. Just any bit
of information I can use to verify your claim.

You were in an AAV unit so of course you know
EVERYONE who ever served, including a guy who's service ended 13 years

Yep, you're right..... I bypassed boot camp, went straight to AAVs,
stayed there until my discharge, and never spoke to anyone outside the
unit. Sure thing, Steve.

You twist the facts almost as bad as Bush.

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  #39   Report Post  
Old August 23rd 05, 04:42 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

On 22 Aug 2005 07:27:29 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote in
. com:

Frank Gilliland wrote:

(And BTW, the rank of Gy.Sgt. is pretty low for retired enlisted.)

I was trying to keep an open mind as to YOUR "status" as a Marine
and your experience in matters of the Armed Forces...

Until this.


Gunnery Sergeant (and indeed pay grade E7 throughout the services
as a whole) is the MEDIAN retirement rank.

Really? I have never heard of -any- Marine retiring as a Staff
Sergeant or lower (unless they retired before Korea). I suppose there
were a few, but not many.

Also, Marines abbreviate "Gunnery Sergeant" as "GySgt"...Not

Marines don't give a **** just as long as what's printed, written or
typed is understood.

My suspiscions as to you being a LenniePhantom and gleaning your
"knowledge from Clancy novels is vindicated.

I'm happy for you.

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  #40   Report Post  
Old August 23rd 05, 04:44 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

On 22 Aug 2005 07:51:25 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote in

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 21 Aug 2005 16:28:13 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote in

....."armor guys"?

Uh huh...Neat thing, military aeroclubs. The person sitting next
to you might be fresh off the yellow foot prints or wear stars on thier

I think you referred to yellow footprints in an earlier post. That's
interesting since I didn't even remember they were yellow until I
looked in my boot camp 'yearbook'. After that I started remembering
all kinds of things about receiving, like the lines on the floor, the
overwhelming smell of brasso and dura-glit, and blood on the shower
room floor because some of those guys didn't even know how to shave.

Very colorful.

Thank you. My minor was Communications so I took a few lit classes. My
favorite is Pynchon. Clancy, IMO, is the Danielle Steele of action
novels -- i.e, his stuff is mental popcorn. If you want to break into
fiction that is at least readable (barely) try some early Dean Koontz.

My I draw your obviously tainted opinon to SSGT selection board of
1983, Precendent number 60A. You may also refer to the Gunnery
Sergeant selection board of 1987. To be truthful, I forgot my
precedent number on that one but it was high due to the overlap with
the previous years promotions.

What you can't understand is that we all know the public DOD files
only have the name, rank, service, MOS, and sometimes the hometown.
That's far from a definitive identification since anyone with the same
name can 'steal' that serviceman's identity and make up the rest.

Uh huh...Two "Steven J Robeson"...With the exact same DOB...?!?!


I guess I have to spell it out for you: There's no proof that you are
him. In fact, there's a good possibility that you are one of his
deadbeat offspring; i.e, little Stevie Junior, the jobless mutant
child coddled by mommy and living in the basement. Assuming you really
-are- who you claim, you sure are setting a -=BAD=- example of the
discipline both required and expected of a retired Marine Gunny of 18
years (which is bull**** in and of itself) by wasting so much time
engaging in flame wars on Usenet. I can get away with it because I was
a ****bird..... but you? Heck, if I was USMC retired and behaving the
way you do I'd go outside and kick my -own- ass out of respect for the
Corps. And -THAT'S- what Semper Fidelis means, Steve.


And there you go snipping again, right after whining about being

And if you happen to doubt -my- service in the USMC...(SNIP)

No...but I doubt your understanding of the motto "Semper Fidelis".

Prove you were a Marine and I'll vanish those doubts.

I already have. You simply wish to argue.


STOP....hey, what's that sound?

I also question your motives in this forum. So far, nothing
relevent, other than catching the back of guys who are archived chronic

yada, yada, yada.

Guess you don't like having it thrown back at you...especially
when there's nothing in your defense you can say about it.

See below.

And I told you if you'd care to e-mail me directly I'd be glad to
give it to you off-group. I've explained my reasons for doing so.

And I questioned why your military service is so secret. That's why I
alluded to "Col. Vinson at Ft. Gordon", which you obviously didn't
understand but should have. You can email -me- if you want but don't
expect me to keep anything you say quiet if you fail to verify your

I know who Col Vinson was and I know where Ft Gordon is. Never
served with him/for him/within 100 miles of him.

And here is where your lies finally come to an end. If -you- were in
avionics in the 80's then you most certainly -DID- 'serve' under
"Colonel Vinson"...... who, BTW, is not a real person, and you would
have known that if your story was true. VINSON was the crypto system
that was used for almost all radio equipment in that era, and EVERY
tech -- avionics AND ground -- was trained to do first and second
echelon repairs on that equipment. You could have easily replied with
"KY-58" (the avionics equivalent of the KY-57), or KYK-13 (key holder
used for both). But you didn't even recognize the name VINSON even in
context with Ft. Gordon, home of the crypto schools.

You had several chances, "Steve"..... you flunked.

And BTW, the info above isn't much of a secret since Time magazine put
a picture of a KY-57 on the front cover back in '83 -- nice pic of a
Beirut Marine next to a jeep with a VRC-12.

Again...colorful. Clancyesque.

You and fiction seem to get along quite well.

That you attempt to diminish my military service simply because I
do not wish to discuss it in this forum like Lennie's rantings, or like
some drunk at the end of the bar at 3AM only further substantiates MY
claim that your motives here have nothing to do with Amateur Radio,
have more to do with being argumenative, and are dubious at best.

Blah, blah, blah. You've been both outed and spanked. Either fess up
or shut up.

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