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![]() K4YZ wrote: an_old_friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: nobodys old friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: nobodys old friend wrote: how long are you going to carry on with you BS about michigan taking your claims seriously? What BS? you bs What BS? (And that should have been "Your BS.", Markie) It is your BS? The proper grammatical structure was, Markie...Not that being "proper" is important to you. so what it is your bull**** you shovel it you claim Michigan would do something. According to them, they are. Lying again Stevie It will not Ooops. Wrong again. so you are lying and bsing when you claim it will Nope. yep if you were telling the turth and sent a letter then you have n't talked to them so you don't know they are doing something or not or else you lied when you said you contacted them by letter either way you lied so how long you going to keep it up It's not "mine" to "keep up", Markie. it sure is cuting the spelling cop "cutting" when you going to admit you are full of #### in claiming Michigan is going to do something on your say so more bs You censor out what I said but "respond" to it... another stevie lie You censor my words, I don't cesor your I choose to dismiss them and say so, but unlike you I don't alter the words of another person You do you violate the intelectual property of other people that makes you a theft of sorts, certainly a fraud Coward. you are the coward and the bully you have no right to demend I respond to every peice of **** you write you have leid and said they are investagting "lied" "investigating" a letter form out of state they laughed and threw it away "from" Nope. yep they have done something by now, or else theyd have lost it by now with there caseload if you are truely involeved in the medcail feild youd know that Steve, K4YZ |
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From: Frank Gilliland on Aug 24, 3:54 pm
On 24 Aug 2005 14:44:41 -0700, " wrote in snip Dudly LOVES uniforms. On himself. Scrubs, cammies, or a one-piece "flight suit." Doesn't matter...as long as it makes him look IMPORTANT. He be a "somebody." Classic narcissism -- he thinks the uniform will command the respect he thinks he deserves. And by looking through a few of his posts it looks like he has a 'wannabe-hero' complex as well. Heh heh. It comes out in some of his other remarks, notably the personal insult kind: "You think you're so important!" - I've never assumed MY "importance" in much of anything done over the last seven decades. Dudly remarked more than once that "I just swept floors in aerospace [industry]" or that I was "just a technician." Well, I HAVE swept a floor or two and, in early years was an electronics technician but I worked my way up to being a Senior Engineering Staff employee with a load of responsibilities such as being the final sign-off on drawings' title blocks for a project I was assigned to, as engineer or project engineer. Those are typical remarks Dudly tried to put down in here. He wants to diminish ANY accomplishments of others that he deems are his "opponents." Dudly went on at great length about how Ham Radio magazine went "defunct" after I was on its staff as Associate Editor. Ham Radio was IN BUSINESS for 22 years as an independent ham radio oriented monthly. It is still regarded as the superior periodical for radio technology (in practical and theoretical ways) in North America. It never had the support of an entire membership organization to back them up monetarily (as does QST or QEX). The advertising monies were tightening up in the late 1980s and, without ad sales, an independent periodical can't operate. Seeing the handwriting on the ledger sheet, co-founder Publisher Skip Tenney decided to sell everything to CQ in 1990. CQ would have to drop its spin-off monthly, "CQ VHF", due to less and less ad sales. Even "73" magazine had to shut down completely. BUSINESS conditions. Dudly (and a few other duds in here) snarled and spouted about "defunct! defunct!" like it was a moral-negative condition. Both CQ and ARRL still sell 3-disk CD sets of all 22 years of Ham Radio's articles for $150. Not quite as "defunct" as they want to demonstrate. But I really think this newsgroup facade is just the tip of the iceberg. How much you wanna bet he has a Crown Victoria with door-mounted spotlights and a light bar in the trunk? Heh heh heh...I wouldn't bet against it... :-) snip If the -real- Gunny Robeson is K4YZ then this imposter is stealing both his military history -and- his amateur status. Not an idle matter for military. Certainly not. The Master Gunny I called up the other day was really adamant about checking out Dudly's story. In this Los Angeles area, it's not unusual to have a few dozen Crown Vics all dolled up as "official 'to protect and serve'" police cars. Several rental companies have them for movies and TV location shooting. A grip I met once said he'd bought a banged-up prop cop car from a rental company for his personal vehicle...said he made a mistake of keeping the paint black and white and the slogan on the side (but not the Mars Light bar or the City of L.A. logo on the door)...a BIG mistake he said...he got tickets for ALL kinds of things, moving and stationary violations, was hauled out and frisked more than once. He had to spend extra money to repaint the car "more civilian." Was a good vehicle even when he had to install smog controls that went into effect here (real cop cars were exempt from that). LAPD are fussy about imitators here, even IN the entertainment industry, and DO do things about those who are pretenders. snip A DD 214 form has been relatively unchanged in 50 years, While I was hashing out Kerry's record with Dave Hall (N3CVJ) it became obvious that the DD-214 was used for both discharges -and- transfers until around 1980 (official title: "Report of Transfer or Discharge"). That's how the Rove/Bush campaign managed to confuse the public regarding Kerry's service -- using shill blogs (and sheople like N3CVJ) to suggest that Kerry's records were somehow forged or faked. Anyway, Gunny Robeson should have more than one DD-214. Dudly has claimed to have only one. Looks like he flunked again. I was referring to the general nature of the form. :-) Can't help you on later editions. My single DD-214 form is dated 1 Jul 52 and was filled in at Fort Sheridan, IL, in February 1956. Back then its title was "Report of Separation From the Armed Forces of the United States." Other than an acknowledgement from the Winnebago County, IL, draft board on status change to "reserve" (inactive) received shortly thereafter, the only other form I got was the Honorable Discharge certificate in April 1960. Not a fancy certificate, either...:-) I carry around a credit-card-size reduction of my DD-214 for fun, have used it as local proof (needs a magnifying glass to see the detail). Once got into a conversation with a Vietvet at a party who had gotten a similar laminated reduction...he got out in '74... we compared forms and they seemed to be very nearly identical. for example...the major change being in that old military records were typed in by manual typists...as were old government forms such as license certificates. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to fake/substitute/distort old books and periodicals that were printed in thousands of identical copies and distributed to subscribers, libraries, and stores. Nearly all old documents can be scanned, digitized for distribution as proof of something...or xerocopied at a nickel a page. I have a microfiche copy of both my SRB and medical records. They were sent to me after my final discharge. It's pretty hard to retouch a hundred or so pages crammed onto a 4' x 5' negative. Ow! Mass-reduction 'fiche! I'm used to the "IBM punch card 'fiche" which have only one image on the card, for drawings...or the library style 'fiche film reels, one newspaper-page-size image per frame. per fil |
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From: on Aug 24, 4:20 pm
wrote: From: Frank Gilliland on Wed 24 Aug 2005 00:18 On 23 Aug 2005 18:27:27 -0700, wrote in Sometimes an imposter can hang around a long time if he's got a knack of diverting attention from himself to others. That is what Dudly does in here. He spends long hours at it. Tsk. He could be ON his radios "working the rare ones" or something like that vital to the nation's well-being. For a while, Dudly was "communications officer" of a Tennessee State Guard unit with a "title" of "1st Lieutenant." [TN State Guard is NOT affiliated with federal National Guard] Had his picture in the State Guard web pages. For a while. Then it wasn't there anymore. Stebie claimed he "had to move" and other things. But he quit mentioning his "commission" soon afterwards. Sound suspicious? :-) He'll do any-damned-thing to get into a uniform, including becoming a nurse. Then he claims he doesn't wear a white dress. Maybe he evolved into a George Clooney wannabe? [was one of the actors playing docs on "ER" but left] There's Dudly's famous foray into civilian electronics "engineering" for a few months...as a Purchasing Agent. A Purchasing Agent just doesn't DO a single bit of engineering yet Dudly could "tell us all about it from his 'experience.'" Didn't last a half year. Even then he would get confused on which "division" he was in. Why so SHORT an employment? Didn't he work at a "You've got questions, Steve's got blank stares" location? That's what he claimed. [Radio Shack to be exact...but the description probably fits...:-) ] Radio Shack is not exactly a hotbed of electronics expertise. Perhaps Dudly really has a private pilot's license. But, having once been keen on private flying as a fun thing to do, and then being around aviation while engaged in designing civilian and military avionics, I've NEVER heard a private pilot refer to themselves as "pilot in command!" That's a USAF thing for high-rankers entitled to wear wings with the laurel wreath around the star above the shield on their wings. Hey, hey, hey! I had an anemometer with a star and a laurel wreath around it but it didn't entitle me to be "Weatheman In Command." Pffft. It was the "master meteorologist" badge. Dudly needs to buy hisself one of those "official" Radio Cop shields complete with artificial leather wallet holder. He is in a TN CAP unit "flying missions" involving search-and- rescue. Ahem. Like there's a LOT of flying around TN? :-) Steve likes to volunteer for things where there's nothing to do... "A" NCOIC, for example. In truth, I've never met many MARS military personnel so I have NO idea what "Assistant" Non-Commissioned Officers In Charge would do. I suspect it is on par with "communications officer" in a state guard unit (not affiliated with National Guard)...get together with "the boys" once a month and play sojer. Dudly LOVES uniforms. On himself. Scrubs, cammies, or a one-piece "flight suit." Doesn't matter...as long as it makes him look IMPORTANT. He be a "somebody." He's "somebodies buddy." Really? I thought he hated everyone... That "somebody-ness" is not unusual in the hobby of amateur radio. Licensees are "federally-authorized" and they have to pass a TEST! Some consider themselves VITAL to the nation in emergencies when "all else fails" and they can save the day by heroic morsemanship...the only mode that gets through! [geez] They dream up incredible disaster scenarios where only Morse Code will get through. Hi! Fevered imaginations listening to too much QRN...hearing signals that aren't there. * In the book, not in the shortened black-and-white movie of the same title name. It's in Chapter 16 (or "XVI" as typeset), character name given as "Dudley." That might be a good nickname for Steve -- "Dudly the Dud", or maybe "Dudly Didn't-Do-Right"..... You've got it. I opt for just "Dudly." Wonder who's tied to the RR track? Ahem...not THAT "Dudly" but a less-animated black-and-white cartoon version tying his OWN feet to the track... There IS a registry with the state of Tennessee for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with the name Steven James Robeson. Not for an RN (Registered Nurse) as would be common in California for ER (Emergency Room) work. Maybe he hangs around just in case they need a mop-up. Agreed that there are differences VAST differences I think...betweeen what he says and what he really is. All I asked for was a copy of his letter of appointment to "A" NCOIC Okinawa MARS. Did you really expect you would get one, Brian? :-) NIS? I'd suggest NIH (National Institute of Health). Nut case. NIMH = National Institute of Mental Health. Correction noted. Thank you. :-) Hmmm...on second thought, maybe the Center for Disease Control? Dudly's condition seems to be catching...Jeswald may have it now... Dan keeps falling down a lot with all that "plonking." :-) say sic |
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On 24 Aug 2005 17:35:53 -0700, "
wrote in . com: snip Those are typical remarks Dudly tried to put down in here. He wants to diminish ANY accomplishments of others that he deems are his "opponents." Well, he failed there, too. Now he has Tweedle Dave and Tweedle Buzz fighting his fights for him. snip LAPD are fussy about imitators here, even IN the entertainment industry, and DO do things about those who are pretenders. So do Marines. snip A DD 214 form has been relatively unchanged in 50 years, While I was hashing out Kerry's record with Dave Hall (N3CVJ) it became obvious that the DD-214 was used for both discharges -and- transfers until around 1980 (official title: "Report of Transfer or Discharge"). That's how the Rove/Bush campaign managed to confuse the public regarding Kerry's service -- using shill blogs (and sheople like N3CVJ) to suggest that Kerry's records were somehow forged or faked. Anyway, Gunny Robeson should have more than one DD-214. Dudly has claimed to have only one. Looks like he flunked again. I was referring to the general nature of the form. :-) My bad. Can't help you on later editions. My single DD-214 form is dated 1 Jul 52 and was filled in at Fort Sheridan, IL, in February 1956. Back then its title was "Report of Separation From the Armed Forces of the United States." One of Kerry's DD-214's (filled out 15 Dec. 66) was edition 1 NOV 55, and states that it "replaces edition of 1 JUL 52". Looks like your admin clerk took an extra-long Christmas vacation.....;-) snip I carry around a credit-card-size reduction of my DD-214 for fun, have used it as local proof (needs a magnifying glass to see the detail). Once got into a conversation with a Vietvet at a party who had gotten a similar laminated reduction...he got out in '74... we compared forms and they seemed to be very nearly identical. Hey, that's a neat idea! I gotta do that, keep it right next to my Blue Nose card. snip I have a microfiche copy of both my SRB and medical records. They were sent to me after my final discharge. It's pretty hard to retouch a hundred or so pages crammed onto a 4' x 5' negative. Ow! Mass-reduction 'fiche! I'm used to the "IBM punch card 'fiche" which have only one image on the card, for drawings...or the library style 'fiche film reels, one newspaper-page-size image per frame. The reels are bad enough, but the 4x5..... I can't even read it by scanning it at 1200 dpi! I would have to take it to a photo shop and have it enlarged. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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![]() nobodys_old_friend wrote: First Stevie when you goign to cut the bull#### about michigan "going" What "bull####"...?!?! wrote: wrote: cut That's the first WISE thing you've done with ANYthing Lennie or PuppetBoy has written! There IS a registry with the state of Tennessee for a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) with the name Steven James Robeson. Not for an RN (Registered Nurse) as would be common in California for ER (Emergency Room) work. Maybe he hangs around just in case they need a mop-up. Stevie has admitted to being an RN dropout Yet another Markl Morgan lie... Wonder where the proof of THAT assertion is...?!?! Sheeeeesh. Losers making up lies to facilitate being losers... That's the Infamous Four...Now the Feeble Five. Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() Frank of Silliland wrote: On 24 Aug 2005 17:35:53 -0700, " wrote in . com: snip Those are typical remarks Dudly tried to put down in here. He wants to diminish ANY accomplishments of others that he deems are his "opponents." Of course we have over seven YEARS of Lennie's "remarks" diminishing any/everyone who dared to "oppose" him... Well, he failed there, too. Now he has Tweedle Dave and Tweedle Buzz fighting his fights for him. So Frank of Silliland shows us his true colors, not that it was too much in doubt... Funny how when Frank of Silliland came in here his FIRST posts slammed Lennie as an "obvious fraud"...until it was pointed out that he was talking about Lennie... Frank wasn't even sure WHO he was "dissing". Of course you make the sarcastic commetns about anyone who may have something in support of me as being "Tweedle..".... But I wonder where that leaves YOU IRT fighting Lennie's and Mark's fights for them, Frank of Silliland...?!?! Afterall, that IS your only purpose here. snip LAPD are fussy about imitators here, even IN the entertainment industry, and DO do things about those who are pretenders. So do Marines. So stop pretending to be something, Frank... Put the Clancy novels away. SNIP snip I carry around a credit-card-size reduction of my DD-214 for fun, have used it as local proof (needs a magnifying glass to see the detail). Once got into a conversation with a Vietvet at a party who had gotten a similar laminated reduction...he got out in '74... we compared forms and they seemed to be very nearly identical. Hey, that's a neat idea! I gotta do that, keep it right next to my Blue Nose card. Judging by your interactions with Lennie, I'd say that should be a "Brown Nose" card. Being someone's yes-man isn't a USMC MOS, but I bet you were good at it. You seem to have it down pat here. Steve, K4YZ |
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Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 24 Aug 2005 17:35:53 -0700, " wrote in . com: snip Those are typical remarks Dudly tried to put down in here. He wants to diminish ANY accomplishments of others that he deems are his "opponents." Well, he failed there, too. Now he has Tweedle Dave and Tweedle Buzz fighting his fights for him. It's only fair, Twiddle Frank. After all, we've got a CBer and a non-ham (Twaddle Len) writing all sorts of malicious nonsense. snip LAPD are fussy about imitators here, even IN the entertainment industry, and DO do things about those who are pretenders. So do Marines. There you go. You've got a mission. Contact the Corps about Steve and let them know that he wasn't a Marine. snip A DD 214 form has been relatively unchanged in 50 years, While I was hashing out Kerry's record with Dave Hall (N3CVJ) it became obvious that the DD-214 was used for both discharges -and- transfers until around 1980 (official title: "Report of Transfer or Discharge"). That's how the Rove/Bush campaign managed to confuse the public regarding Kerry's service -- using shill blogs (and sheople like N3CVJ) to suggest that Kerry's records were somehow forged or faked. Anyway, Gunny Robeson should have more than one DD-214. Dudly has claimed to have only one. Looks like he flunked again. I was referring to the general nature of the form. :-) My bad. ....but just a few posts ago, a DD-214 (according to you) was for transfers and made Steve guilty of something. I carry around a credit-card-size reduction of my DD-214 for fun, have used it as local proof (needs a magnifying glass to see the detail). Once got into a conversation with a Vietvet at a party who had gotten a similar laminated reduction...he got out in '74... we compared forms and they seemed to be very nearly identical. Hey, that's a neat idea! I gotta do that, keep it right next to my Blue Nose card. What kind of guy carries a copy of his DD-214 around with him? Dave K8MN |
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On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:42:41 GMT, Dave Heil sang:
"H-e-e-e-r-e I come to save the d-a-a-a-y!" Frank Gilliland wrote: On 24 Aug 2005 17:35:53 -0700, " wrote in . com: snip Those are typical remarks Dudly tried to put down in here. He wants to diminish ANY accomplishments of others that he deems are his "opponents." Well, he failed there, too. Now he has Tweedle Dave and Tweedle Buzz fighting his fights for him. It's only fair, Twiddle Frank. After all, we've got a CBer and a non-ham (Twaddle Len) writing all sorts of malicious nonsense. What you have is a USMC imposter that is probably also a ham imposter, and two EE's with verifiable military backgrounds. snip LAPD are fussy about imitators here, even IN the entertainment industry, and DO do things about those who are pretenders. So do Marines. There you go. You've got a mission. Contact the Corps about Steve and let them know that he wasn't a Marine. I let them know that a person in here is claiming to be a retired USMC gunny but is most likely an imposter, if that's what you mean. If they choose to act on it that's up to them. snip A DD 214 form has been relatively unchanged in 50 years, While I was hashing out Kerry's record with Dave Hall (N3CVJ) it became obvious that the DD-214 was used for both discharges -and- transfers until around 1980 (official title: "Report of Transfer or Discharge"). That's how the Rove/Bush campaign managed to confuse the public regarding Kerry's service -- using shill blogs (and sheople like N3CVJ) to suggest that Kerry's records were somehow forged or faked. Anyway, Gunny Robeson should have more than one DD-214. Dudly has claimed to have only one. Looks like he flunked again. I was referring to the general nature of the form. :-) My bad. ...but just a few posts ago, a DD-214 (according to you) was for transfers and made Steve guilty of something. I see that you are just as deficient in quantitative reasoning skills as you are in qualitative reasoning skills. To wit: From 1955 to 1979 the DD-214 was used for both transfers and discharges. Dudly claims to have served from 1974 until 1992, and therefore would have served five of those years during the time when the DD-214 was used for transfers. The only people who stay at one duty station for five years or more are high-ranking uppity-ups. Therefore, Gunny Robeson would have at least one (and probably two) DD-214's -in addition to- the DD-214 used for his discharge. Dudly only claims to have -one- DD-214. Therefore, Dudly is -not- Gunny Robeson. Did you understand that or do you need me to draw you a picture? I carry around a credit-card-size reduction of my DD-214 for fun, have used it as local proof (needs a magnifying glass to see the detail). Once got into a conversation with a Vietvet at a party who had gotten a similar laminated reduction...he got out in '74... we compared forms and they seemed to be very nearly identical. Hey, that's a neat idea! I gotta do that, keep it right next to my Blue Nose card. What kind of guy carries a copy of his DD-214 around with him? What kind of Marine lets someone else fight his battles? ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:42:41 GMT, Dave Heil sang: "H-e-e-e-r-e I come to save the d-a-a-a-y!" Frank Gilliland wrote: On 24 Aug 2005 17:35:53 -0700, " wrote in ps.com: snip Those are typical remarks Dudly tried to put down in here. He wants to diminish ANY accomplishments of others that he deems are his "opponents." Well, he failed there, too. Now he has Tweedle Dave and Tweedle Buzz fighting his fights for him. It's only fair, Twiddle Frank. After all, we've got a CBer and a non-ham (Twaddle Len) writing all sorts of malicious nonsense. What you have is a USMC imposter that is probably also a ham imposter, and two EE's with verifiable military backgrounds. I'm beginning to understand how you came to make PFC over and over. According to a CBer named Frank Gilliland, Steve was not a Marine and is probably not a radio amateur. I see. *guffaw* snip LAPD are fussy about imitators here, even IN the entertainment industry, and DO do things about those who are pretenders. So do Marines. There you go. You've got a mission. Contact the Corps about Steve and let them know that he wasn't a Marine. I let them know that a person in here is claiming to be a retired USMC gunny but is most likely an imposter, if that's what you mean. If they choose to act on it that's up to them. You let them know? Really? I have trouble believing you, Frank. snip A DD 214 form has been relatively unchanged in 50 years, While I was hashing out Kerry's record with Dave Hall (N3CVJ) it became obvious that the DD-214 was used for both discharges -and- transfers until around 1980 (official title: "Report of Transfer or Discharge"). That's how the Rove/Bush campaign managed to confuse the public regarding Kerry's service -- using shill blogs (and sheople like N3CVJ) to suggest that Kerry's records were somehow forged or faked. Anyway, Gunny Robeson should have more than one DD-214. Dudly has claimed to have only one. Looks like he flunked again. I was referring to the general nature of the form. :-) My bad. ...but just a few posts ago, a DD-214 (according to you) was for transfers and made Steve guilty of something. I see that you are just as deficient in quantitative reasoning skills as you are in qualitative reasoning skills. To wit: From 1955 to 1979 the DD-214 was used for both transfers and discharges. Dudly claims to have served from 1974 until 1992, and therefore would have served five of those years during the time when the DD-214 was used for transfers. The only people who stay at one duty station for five years or more are high-ranking uppity-ups. Therefore, Gunny Robeson would have at least one (and probably two) DD-214's -in addition to- the DD-214 used for his discharge. Dudly only claims to have -one- DD-214. Therefore, Dudly is -not- Gunny Robeson. Did you understand that or do you need me to draw you a picture? Sure, Frank. I understood what you wrote. I just can't accept it as fact. My DD-214 (you know, the full-sized one which I don't carry around with me), issued in 1972 says nothing about transfers. It is the only DD-214 issued to me in four years of service. I had three transfers while in the Air Force. None were on a DD-214. Go figure. I carry around a credit-card-size reduction of my DD-214 for fun, have used it as local proof (needs a magnifying glass to see the detail). Once got into a conversation with a Vietvet at a party who had gotten a similar laminated reduction...he got out in '74... we compared forms and they seemed to be very nearly identical. Hey, that's a neat idea! I gotta do that, keep it right next to my Blue Nose card. What kind of guy carries a copy of his DD-214 around with him? What kind of Marine lets someone else fight his battles? You answer my question, I'll answer yours. Dave K8MN |
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