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  #11   Report Post  
Old September 12th 05, 08:01 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
Lloyd wrote:
Steve you are good at net copping and you would do a lot of pple a big
favor if you would net cop that childraper guy who posts from goggle and
get him kicked off. he is way worse than n9ogl and you got rid of him so
please get the childraper guy who is probaly realy Wiseman kicked off
goggle. thank you.

don't count on Stevie for action he was going to get arested 7 years
ago, and comitted to a mental institution

I was going to get arrested? I don't think so.

Yes you claimed you were going to get me arrested, you were lying of
course but you cliamed it

That's not what your "sentence" stated in the ini9tial post,

There was no "ini9tail" post

but indeed 7 years ago you claimed that one call would get me arrested

you also claimed you were going to get mental health to comit about a
month ago

No, I did not.

I stated I would file a complain and report. I did.

file a complain? what is that

You promised however to take action that would do more than anoy me

You lied plain and simple

you are also lying in claiming that you think lying and kid rape are
about the same in your eyes, as can be clearly seen you easily tolerate
the boasting of child rape but you flame relentlessly anyone you think
is lying (a term you seem to define as disagreeing with you)

You talk a good game but when it comes to action you are always MIA

Nope. Ask Toiddie.

but you denied any part in that

which statement was the lie

Indeed you are more offended by me than the "Childraper" poster showing
that you are truly sick you will tolerate Child rape but not what you
call lying

First of all I long ago blew off the silliness of the Lloyd,
Wiseman, et al group. I no more believe any of them to be a "child
raper" than I believe you to be a Colonel in the Army.

Meaning you tolerate a chid rpaing without a word but pounce on lying

Second of all, most of what you do IS lying, and we even have YOUR
acknowledgement of your mistruthfulness and deceit to back it up.

more lie from Stevie

Start telling the turth, it will not hurt you

You are a liar,
a bigot,
a bully,
a bragart,
a stalker,

we all know it why not adnit to

Steve, K4YZ

  #12   Report Post  
Old September 12th 05, 09:09 PM
Posts: n/a

nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
Lloyd wrote:
Steve you are good at net copping and you would do a lot of pple a big
favor if you would net cop that childraper guy who posts from goggle and
get him kicked off. he is way worse than n9ogl and you got rid of him so
please get the childraper guy who is probaly realy Wiseman kicked off
goggle. thank you.

don't count on Stevie for action he was going to get arested 7 years
ago, and comitted to a mental institution
I was going to get arrested? I don't think so.

Yes you claimed you were going to get me arrested, you were lying of
course but you cliamed it


No, I did not state I was going to "get you arrested".

yes you did you claimed that for saying I was colnel after you
threatened to kill me you going to get me aressted

"colonel" "arrested"

No, I said what you did was felonious and subjected you to arrest.

you also claimed you were going to get mental health to comit about a
month ago

No, I did not state I was going to get you committed.

you sure did

and that you would take action that would do more than anoy me


I said I was going to file the appropriate report. I did that.

If you're going to make crazy claims, at least get what I DID
say correct!

I am repateing your Crazy Claims


No...what you ARE doing is taking one thing, embellishing it and
re-wording it THEN "repateing" it as something I allegedly said.

That's dishonest and deceitful.

You talk a good game but when it comes to action you are always MIA


I can't force Michigan's hand, however the FACT remains that a
case file is now open. It has YOUR name on it.

Nah at best you have caused to a file to be labeled and stuck in
cabiment somewhere, already forgotten


No doubt it's hardly on anyone's "hot list"...However it was
received, acknowledged, and the next time your name comes up in the
right circles, it will be flagged.

You claimed that you could cause action that would do more than anoy me


You have caused nothing

The volume and tenor of your psots suggests otherwise.

Steve, K4YZ

  #13   Report Post  
Old September 12th 05, 09:15 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
Lloyd wrote:
Steve you are good at net copping and you would do a lot of pple a big
favor if you would net cop that childraper guy who posts from goggle and
get him kicked off. he is way worse than n9ogl and you got rid of him so
please get the childraper guy who is probaly realy Wiseman kicked off
goggle. thank you.

don't count on Stevie for action he was going to get arested 7 years
ago, and comitted to a mental institution
I was going to get arrested? I don't think so.

Yes you claimed you were going to get me arrested, you were lying of
course but you cliamed it


No, I did not state I was going to "get you arrested".

yes you did you claimed that for saying I was colnel after you
threatened to kill me you going to get me aressted

"colonel" "arrested"

No, I said what you did was felonious and subjected you to arrest.

you said that and that you would see to it that i was arested

you also claimed you were going to get mental health to comit about a
month ago

No, I did not state I was going to get you committed.

you sure did

and that you would take action that would do more than anoy me


I said I was going to file the appropriate report. I did that.

no you claimed that you could something done to me that would do more
than anoy me

If you're going to make crazy claims, at least get what I DID
say correct!

I am repateing your Crazy Claims


No...what you ARE doing is taking one thing, embellishing it and
re-wording it THEN "repateing" it as something I allegedly said.

You said more than anoy me

That's dishonest and deceitful.

You are the dishonest one

I am simply reporting your threats

you can't even admit that

You talk a good game but when it comes to action you are always MIA


I can't force Michigan's hand, however the FACT remains that a
case file is now open. It has YOUR name on it.

Nah at best you have caused to a file to be labeled and stuck in
cabiment somewhere, already forgotten


No doubt it's hardly on anyone's "hot list"...However it was
received, acknowledged, and the next time your name comes up in the
right circles, it will be flagged.

yea right

You claimed that you could cause action that would do more than anoy me


You have caused nothing

The volume and tenor of your psots suggests otherwise.

not at all

more lying

Steve, K4YZ

  #14   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 12:06 AM
Stagger Leechildraper
Posts: n/a

Lloyd wrote:

BWHAHAHAHA, you sniveled that same phrase behind that locked front door
when you had that "visitor" last xmas, huh, fatty?

Whine a litttle louder, fatty, the now 32 year old VIRGIN!

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Stagger Leechildraper wrote:

Lloyd wrote:
Steve you are good at net copping and you would do a lot of pple a big
favor if you would net cop that childraper guy who posts from goggle and
get him kicked off. he is way worse than n9ogl and you got rid of him so
please get the childraper guy who is probaly realy Wiseman kicked off
goggle. thank you.

Poor Lardass, he's now the 32 YEAR-OLD-VIRGIN, BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
No job, no, girlfriend, no money, no presents, not even a birthday card
will he have! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! Whine a little louder, Lardass!

  #15   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 12:55 PM
Stagger Lee
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Secwet Woger wrote:

BWHAHAHAHA, you sniveled that same phrase behind that locked front door
when you had that "visitor" last xmas, huh, fatty?

Except that Oris denies that he ever paid Lloyd a visit. But that doesn't
stop you from telling this fiction, does it? Lying is what you do

Now tell us the story about "Woger and the Skinheads" and the dropped

  #16   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 02:41 PM
Stagger Leechildraper
Posts: n/a

Saggytits Lee whined and lied and made excuses:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Secwet Woger wrote:

BWHAHAHAHA, you sniveled that same phrase behind that locked front door
when you had that "visitor" last xmas, huh, fatty?

Except that

Except you are lying out of your fat ass, Davies.

Saggytits Lee aka Lloydie Davies steps on his own tiny dick when he
tried to correct somebody else's English use first by saying one
"operates" a dictionary instead of reading it, then uses "things"
instead of "thinks" in :

"Translation: Woger can't figure out how to operate a dictionary, let
correct someone else's language.But that's not surprising from someone
who things that..."

Saggytits Lee manages to fumble again when he tried to backpedal on his
improper use of words by once again mangling the sentence in reply
"The word "operate" can be a synonym "use" in certain contexts"

  #17   Report Post  
Old September 14th 05, 04:36 PM
Stagger Lee
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Stagger Leechildraper wrote:
[nothing different]

Judging by the 24 hours of silence from Woger's childraper account, it
would appear that yet another account of Woger's has been nuked.

Lloyd's appeal apparently worked.
  #18   Report Post  
Old September 14th 05, 09:37 PM
Posts: n/a

nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
Lloyd wrote:
Steve you are good at net copping and you would do a lot of pple a big
favor if you would net cop that childraper guy who posts from goggle and
get him kicked off. he is way worse than n9ogl and you got rid of him so
please get the childraper guy who is probaly realy Wiseman kicked off
goggle. thank you.

don't count on Stevie for action he was going to get arested 7 years
ago, and comitted to a mental institution
I was going to get arrested? I don't think so.

Yes you claimed you were going to get me arrested, you were lying of
course but you cliamed it

That's not what your "sentence" stated in the ini9tial post,

There was no "ini9tail" post

Quite correct.

But there WAS an "initial" post.

but indeed 7 years ago you claimed that one call would get me arrested

Nope. I claimed it would get you INVESTIGATED.

you also claimed you were going to get mental health to comit about a
month ago

No, I did not.

I stated I would file a complain and report. I did.

file a complain? what is that

You promised however to take action that would do more than anoy me


Judging byt the tons of posts you've spewed in the last 3 weeks
I'd say it's been more than an annoyance.

You lied plain and simple


you are also lying in claiming that you think lying and kid rape are
about the same in your eyes...(SNIP)

That's one of your wordsmithing efforts, Markie.

I said that I consider kiddie porn and lying to be equally evil.

I also said I "blew off" the Wiseman/Lloyd routine and that I
didn't believe any of them were involved in "child rape".

YOU stated that "I" claimed that "kid rape and lying" are the
same...The truth is I never said that.

(UNSNIP) can be clearly seen you easily tolerate
the boasting of child rape but you flame relentlessly anyone you think
is lying (a term you seem to define as disagreeing with you)

Because I don't believe it happened.

The act of the boast was, in and of itself, meant to offend.

I don't think any of that lot could complete a sex act with
ANYone, child or adult, consenting or forced, it thier lives depended
on it.

You talk a good game but when it comes to action you are always MIA

Nope. Ask Toiddie.

but you denied any part in that

which statement was the lie

No...I said I did not threaten him. I didn't.

Get your stories straight...Even if YOU aren't...

Indeed you are more offended by me than the "Childraper" poster showing
that you are truly sick you will tolerate Child rape but not what you
call lying

First of all I long ago blew off the silliness of the Lloyd,
Wiseman, et al group. I no more believe any of them to be a "child
raper" than I believe you to be a Colonel in the Army.

Meaning you tolerate a chid rpaing without a word but pounce on lying



It means I no more believe any of them to be a "child raper" than
I believe you to be a Colonel in the Army.

Second of all, most of what you do IS lying, and we even have YOUR
acknowledgement of your mistruthfulness and deceit to back it up.

more lie from Stevie

Start telling the turth, it will not hurt you

I am telling the truth.

You are a liar


a bigot

Wrong again.

a bully

Off target.

a bragart

Not here either.

a stalker

Still wrong.

we all know it why not adnit to


You know very little, Markie.

But here's what WE know:

(1) You ARE a liar. By your own deeds AND admissions.

(2) You ARE a deviant. Again by your own deeds AND admissions.

(3) You ARE a threat maker. Still by your own deeds and
admissions...Just this past week, wherein you said that if I came to
Michigan " of us will be dead and I will do everthing to make
sure it's not me..."

(4) You ARE a braggart. We have your claims of an IQ of 248,
your claims to having passed up a job worth ovr $240K/year, and your
alleged property holdings of over $100K.

All of those by RECENT posts you've made.

Steve, K4YZ

  #20   Report Post  
Old September 14th 05, 10:35 PM
Posts: n/a

And, get your cocksucking lisp repaired, faggot.

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