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On 20 Oct 2005 04:01:24 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
raped_by_old_friend wrote: more of stvies fraud K4YZ wrote: wants_an_old_friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: cut why can't you answer a simple question? if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to hide and no reason to evade that you keep evading mounts up to more evidence you feel some kind of shame about it There's no "evasion"... yes there is nothing from but evasion Nope. yes nothing but evasion But we DO have YOU caught in your OWN mistruths, Markie! where? Brain has suggested that there's something "wrong" with starting a "new thread". I've pointed out that there's been no "rule" violation, nor is it inconsistent with the desired intent of redirecting my comments to a SEPERATE thread. Do we all just follow the Pied Piper and dance to one tune? Or is it OK to do what you want? I mean, afterall, MOST people consider lying and deceit to be undesireable, antisocial behaviour, yet you, Lennie and Mark do it at will. How come YOU don't do what "everyone else" considers proper? why should I do exactly as you do Exactly my point, ya nimrod. admiting to lying then I KNOW you're lying, Markie! YOU don't have to ADMIT to anything! I know you are lying I know you lie you just don't have the guts to admit to it It was as plain as day! you lie mosy everyday on here "most" No, I do not. yes you do amoug your latest whoopers is the statements that bandplans are laws "Among" "whoppers" "statement" However YOUR comment was, in and of itself, a blatant lie. not a word of it was a lie Sure it was. nope But then you DO revel in being a liar...However I can't for the life of me understand why... aracking up another Stevie there Huh? What was THAT? Is there a "rule" that says I can't "spin off" any given set of comments, observations, etc, without incurring some fine or noone said there is such a rule no one had suggested a fine you were just asked why you have to drag every thing all accross the newgruops "across" "newsgroups" I don't. you do And you DON'T..?!?! at times I do but the subject is YOUR lie in claiming you don't you lie you evade you make me (and I am certainly not the most socaible person on the plannet) lookvery socaible You "started" five new threads last night, Markie! no I did not in point of fact I started one new thread and Bought up 4 old threads get you facts straight or are you now claiming there is time limit on threads after all you contiue fight form 7 years ago why can't I cuting stevie going ooff the topic again Ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhh! Stop lying! not lying at all STOP LYING! not lying at all have hardly told a lie on here in months You mean MINUTES. No I mean months ..That was one right there ! ! ! ! ! ! ! wrong again cut yep. you generate more #### than a herd of bovine And even MORE lies! Sheesh, Markie! that is the absolute truth Nope. yes it is you generate more **** than a herd of bovine you also violate intelectual property Stop doing it and it won't be as embarrassing. Keep lying and acting the way you do and the rest will just follow. you keep up your lying and threatening of people What's "threatening" to you is not being able to freely act like an idiot without having it fed back to you. more lies Nope. It's the ABSOLUTE truth. not a word of truth "one shot one kill" is a threat saying you are going to contact the state of michgan is a threat you threaten and try to imtimadte anyone you don't like threat are posts "like one shot one kill" Still not a threat...Not then...not now... alwasy was alwasy will be and then following up year later by saying you planing on coming here "planning" Uh huh. And it's STILL legal for me to do so... legal to the UP yes a threat yes HOWEVER: I NOW have YOUR "threat" that is I come to Michigan, that one of us will be dead, but it won't be you. That was NOT in respose to some like-worded post. nor was it made at all I said if you come HERE one of us will be dead which is simple statement of fact and I repat you show up HERE , at my place, and one of us will end up dead So...Now we have YOUR violent intent to my legal and Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of movement posted in a public forum... nope we don't we have your effeort to distort my statement but agian report me if you like Tough. I've "laid off" on numerous occassions just ot have you and one of your cohorts drag it right back into the pit. you have never laid off Oh, MARKIE! you never have you were picking on me when I had not posted in RRAP in years I wasn't "picking" on you... yes you were Just this week we've had that VERY discussion! no you posted a bald faced lie No, I did not. yes you lied you claimed that calling Mark instead of Markie while calling me a Child abuser, pedophile, and elder raper was laying. I wasn't doing those things. yes you were cut Liar liar pants on fire! grow up Need some water? A HALON bottle? no But it is HIS excrement and the fact of the matter is that the shoe DOES fit... I see only your excrement smeared across RRAP. You mistake "my" excrement for Lennie's and yours being fed bck to you. Stop doing it and it won't be as embarrassing. Keep lying and acting the way you do and the rest will just follow. I've "laid off" on numerous occassions just to have you and one of your cohorts drag it right back into the pit. repeating your lie does not make it true It's not a lie. it is lie Nope... it is lie you have never laid off expect by leaving the group for a few days now and then Brain and most folks in the NG don't bother playing spelling cop That's because they can't. delsuonal Stevie truely you are displying frightening behavoir in that "Delusional" "truly" "displaying" "behaviour or behavior" you are still delusion in your statement which you evade by playing spelling cop your fixation on mens genitals for one Gee, Markie...It was BRAIN that brought it up... no it wasn't you go and on about men genitals Mark, WHY do you BLATANTLY lie like this..?!?! no lie at all Anyone following this post KNOWS you are a liar and KNOWS you are lying about THIS! wrong you are lying that is why many of us think you a closet gay or latent gay There's no "us" here for you, Markie... yes there is Not me... Since you're so big on what goes on in any given thread, you're invited to scroll back and find ONE place where I said any such thing.... If you're looking for a date, send an email to " or any other of the addee's he's using these days to beat the Goggle rate filter... He likes his protein fresh. more of your homosexual obbession "obsession" Obvioulsy YOU had yet another comprehension problem. not at all Absolutely "at all" not at all you are obsessed with homosexuals anyone that read you posts over the years knows that I guess you are just not bright enough to know you are obsessed It's you and BRAIN who have the "homosexual obbession" issues. I don't go around investagting what men might be doing with their genitals Sure you do. no I don't I don't care what you do with yours or Dan or dave or Len or Bill does with thier gentials You've even admitted that YOU engage in WHAT they do with them. no I have in point of fact I have admited that I am aroused by men and homosexual activity. I have not admitted to any particular sex act but hen you play fast and loose with facts you claim the ARRL has the power to make laws after all I at least hope you take a bath first... Steve, K4YZ _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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On 25 Oct 2005 04:21:11 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
wrote: On 20 Oct 2005 04:01:24 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote: raped_by_old_friend wrote: more of stvies fraud "Stevie's" The "fraud" being "committed" here is the one wherein we are to accept that you are an educated man. wrpng again when you alter the wors in a post that is fraud THAT is FRAUD. K4YZ wrote: wants_an_old_friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: cut why can't you answer a simple question? if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to hide and no reason to evade that you keep evading mounts up to more evidence you feel some kind of shame about it There's no "evasion"... yes there is nothing from but evasion Nope. yes nothing but evasion More MarkieFraud(r) you refuse to answer a question that is evasion But we DO have YOU caught in your OWN mistruths, Markie! where? Uhhhhhhhhhhh...From 1997 to the present. Starting with "I am a Colonel......" Brain has suggested that there's something "wrong" with starting a "new thread". I've pointed out that there's been no "rule" violation, nor is it inconsistent with the desired intent of redirecting my comments to a SEPERATE thread. Do we all just follow the Pied Piper and dance to one tune? Or is it OK to do what you want? I mean, afterall, MOST people consider lying and deceit to be undesireable, antisocial behaviour, yet you, Lennie and Mark do it at will. How come YOU don't do what "everyone else" considers proper? why should I do exactly as you do Exactly my point, ya nimrod. admiting to lying then I KNOW you're lying, Markie! YOU don't have to ADMIT to anything! I know you are lying Nope. I know you lie Not yet. bull **** I know that as Nurse in an ER you have to said something like "you are going to be all right" when you were sue of nothing of the sort you just don't have the guts to admit to it Admit what? that you have lied It was as plain as day! you lie mosy everyday on here "most" No, I do not. yes you do amoug your latest whoopers is the statements that bandplans are laws "Among" "whoppers" "statement" However YOUR comment was, in and of itself, a blatant lie. not a word of it was a lie Sure it was. nope Sure it was. YOUR own posts proved it. where you said bandplans are laws that is not true But then you DO revel in being a liar...However I can't for the life of me understand why... aracking up another Stevie there Huh? What was THAT? You didn't answer the question, Markie. no I did not Is there a "rule" that says I can't "spin off" any given set of comments, observations, etc, without incurring some fine or noone said there is such a rule no one had suggested a fine you were just asked why you have to drag every thing all accross the newgruops "across" "newsgroups" I don't. you do And you DON'T..?!?! at times I do MOST times you do. so what but the subject is YOUR lie in claiming you don't No...the SUBJECT is "Lennie Reveals True Identity of "Dudly"....And It Is HE!" na we left that behind long ago you lie Nope. you evade Wrong-o, Boy-o. you make me (and I am certainly not the most socaible person on the plannet) lookvery socaible "sociable" "planet" Hardly. You're a pathetic, sexually deviant, live-at-home-with-daddy leech for whom if it weren't for this forum, would have NO "social" interaction at all. better than a hate filled bag of **** like yourself whos socail life is nothing but spreading hate You "started" five new threads last night, Markie! no I did not in point of fact I started one new thread and Bought up 4 old threads You "bought up" 4 old threads? Get a deal on eBay, didya? get you facts straight "Get" "your" I did. or are you now claiming there is time limit on threads Nope. Have at it...Spead those threads out as liberally and as carefree as you care to... you were complaining before stop waffling after all you contiue fight form 7 years ago why can't I "After" "continue" "from" "?" And YOU continue to LIE from seven years ago...Poorly at that... nope cuting stevie going ooff the topic again "Cutting" "off" Just to lazy to answer the questions, are you? yea I do lack the time to bother with all of your crap Ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhh! Stop lying! not lying at all STOP LYING! not lying at all Sure you are. If your mouth is moving or your keyboard is tapping, you're lying about SOMEthing! bul**** have hardly told a lie on here in months You mean MINUTES. No I mean months No...MINUTES... months I have said you disagree with doesn't make em lies cuting some more boring carp you generate more **** than a herd of bovine So...Your family's in town? now you admit to it you also violate intelectual property N O T H I N G about you is even remotely "intellectual". not as a matter of LAW but you think that does abpply to you N O T H I N G posted in this forum is "protected intellectual property" unless a copyright is stated. not as a matter of LAW but you think that does abpply to you Stop doing it and it won't be as embarrassing. Keep lying and acting the way you do and the rest will just follow. you keep up your lying and threatening of people What's "threatening" to you is not being able to freely act like an idiot without having it fed back to you. more lies Nope. It's the ABSOLUTE truth. not a word of truth It's the ABSOLUTE truth. on shot one kill is threatening that was not fed back to me you made it up on your own cut I said if you come HERE one of us will be dead which is simple statement of fact No, it's not. It's a Clancyesque expression of hypertestosterone levels on YOUR part. it is a simple fact The FACTS are that you do not posses the requisite skills to carry out your THREAT. you are delsuional all it takes it pointing the shotgun at you and pulling the trigger no real skill at all is needed and I repat you show up HERE , at my place, and one of us will end up dead "repeat" And you've re-uttered the SAME threat. no threat a warning Are you REALLY THAT foolish, Markie? you are the stupid one So...Now we have YOUR violent intent to my legal and Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of movement posted in a public forum... nope we don't Sure we do! where? what I see a statement that if you show up here, when I am home that I certain things will escalate to point that at least one of us ends up dead I don't even state which of us will end up dead or how no threat there simple analyis given that you from your manner I am certain you will frighten me enough in person to pull out the shotgun I keep by the door loaded to protect my chickens from animals it isn't rocket science to suggest when frightened I point it at you you will think I lack the will to pull the trigger and fire the weapon no violation of any intention to violate your rights violently or not cut you claimed that calling Mark instead of Markie while calling me a Child abuser, pedophile, and elder raper was laying. I wasn't doing those things. yes you were Wrong again. lying sack of **** "Mark Morgan caight on tape molesting an 8 yo..." cut Nope... it is lie you have never laid off expect by leaving the group for a few days now and then Nope. There was almost 2 weeks of absolutley no "Markie" or other diminutive. that is not laying off you calling me a child abuser most of the time But hey...You've never let truth get in your way before...Don't start today! Brain and most folks in the NG don't bother playing spelling cop That's because they can't. delsuonal Stevie truely you are displying frightening behavoir in that "Delusional" "truly" "displaying" "behaviour or behavior" you are still delusion in your statement which you evade by playing spelling cop I think you meant to say something there, Markie, but again your fractured Englsih screwed it up for you. coward can't do anything but evade esp when caught lying your fixation on mens genitals for one Gee, Markie...It was BRAIN that brought it up... no it wasn't you go and on about men genitals Mark, WHY do you BLATANTLY lie like this..?!?! no lie at all Absolute lie, Markie. what lie you call people male gentials on a regaulr basis Anyone following this post KNOWS you are a liar and KNOWS you are lying about THIS! wrong you are lying Nope...they can S T I L L follow the thread back and see that YOU are an idiot AND a liar, Markie! No matter HOW many times you "cuting". that is why many of us think you a closet gay or latent gay There's no "us" here for you, Markie... yes there is No, there's not. yes there is you are obsessed with homosexuals anyone that read you posts over the years knows that No...YOU are obsessed with "homosexuals", Markie...Being one does that to you. well 2 lies in one sentence I am not a homosexual and you are obsessed with them cut no I don't I don't care what you do with yours or Dan or dave or Len or Bill does with thier gentials Good. but you do cut but hen you play fast and loose with facts you claim the ARRL has the power to make laws after all "when" Well, Markie, we again have you caught in yet ANOTHER lie... You've been making this "you claim the ARRL can make laws" thing for a week now and I have been challenging you to provide the quote wherein you think I said that. done it over and over again you said bandplans are laws the ARRL MAKES bandplans therefore you are claimng that the ARRL makes laws I know simple logical is hard for you but you posted it the rest is from the ARRL itself You've not done it. LiarLiar Pants On Fire. Your husband is going to be made at you for setting the playground ablaze! another lie I have no husband (Or are YOU the husband...?!?! Those "same sex" marriages get me confused...) i am the husband my lady is the wife since we are male and feamle nothing sohould confuse you about it but the fact I am currently invled with and married to a female does seem to drive you into a rage why is that? Steve, K4YZ _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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![]() wrote: On 25 Oct 2005 04:21:11 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote: wrote: On 20 Oct 2005 04:01:24 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote: raped_by_old_friend wrote: more of stvies fraud "Stevie's" The "fraud" being "committed" here is the one wherein we are to accept that you are an educated man. wrpng again WHAT again...?!?! You even spell "wrong" wrong! when you alter the wors in a post that is fraud What are "wors"..?!?! THAT is FRAUD. K4YZ wrote: wants_an_old_friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: cut why can't you answer a simple question? if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to hide and no reason to evade that you keep evading mounts up to more evidence you feel some kind of shame about it There's no "evasion"... yes there is nothing from but evasion Nope. yes nothing but evasion More MarkieFraud(r) you refuse to answer a question that is evasion What evasion? But we DO have YOU caught in your OWN mistruths, Markie! where? Uhhhhhhhhhhh...From 1997 to the present. Starting with "I am a Colonel......" Brain has suggested that there's something "wrong" with starting a "new thread". I've pointed out that there's been no "rule" violation, nor is it inconsistent with the desired intent of redirecting my comments to a SEPERATE thread. Do we all just follow the Pied Piper and dance to one tune? Or is it OK to do what you want? I mean, afterall, MOST people consider lying and deceit to be undesireable, antisocial behaviour, yet you, Lennie and Mark do it at will. How come YOU don't do what "everyone else" considers proper? why should I do exactly as you do Exactly my point, ya nimrod. admiting to lying then I KNOW you're lying, Markie! YOU don't have to ADMIT to anything! I know you are lying Nope. I know you lie Not yet. bull#### Yes, you are, Markie... I know that as Nurse in an ER you have to said something like "you are going to be all right" when you were sue of nothing of the sort Nope. I don't do that. Because lies like that backfire. you just don't have the guts to admit to it Admit what? that you have lied But I haven't. To "admit" to that WOULD be a lie. It was as plain as day! you lie mosy everyday on here "most" No, I do not. yes you do amoug your latest whoopers is the statements that bandplans are laws "Among" "whoppers" "statement" However YOUR comment was, in and of itself, a blatant lie. not a word of it was a lie Sure it was. nope Sure it was. YOUR own posts proved it. where you said bandplans are laws that is not true You've misquoted me, butn then what else is new? I've said they have the force of law. THAT is true. But then you DO revel in being a liar...However I can't for the life of me understand why... aracking up another Stevie there Huh? What was THAT? You didn't answer the question, Markie. no I did not Makes you a coward. Is there a "rule" that says I can't "spin off" any given set of comments, observations, etc, without incurring some fine or noone said there is such a rule no one had suggested a fine you were just asked why you have to drag every thing all accross the newgruops "across" "newsgroups" I don't. you do And you DON'T..?!?! at times I do MOST times you do. so what Your own words prove you to be the mistrustful liar that I accuse you of being. but the subject is YOUR lie in claiming you don't No...the SUBJECT is "Lennie Reveals True Identity of "Dudly"....And It Is HE!" na we left that behind long ago No...YOU left it behind. you lie Nope. you evade Wrong-o, Boy-o. you make me (and I am certainly not the most socaible person on the plannet) lookvery socaible "sociable" "planet" Hardly. You started to enter a reply here but weenied out. Why? You're a pathetic, sexually deviant, live-at-home-with-daddy leech for whom if it weren't for this forum, would have NO "social" interaction at all. better than a hate filled bag of #### like yourself whos socail life is nothing but spreading hate "social" "whose" But you ARE a "hate filled bag", Markie. That you spend countless hours and use multiple screen names to spread comments like "bigot" and "hate filled bag of ####", along with your other deviant behaviour, all over the NG proves it. You "started" five new threads last night, Markie! no I did not in point of fact I started one new thread and Bought up 4 old threads You "bought up" 4 old threads? Get a deal on eBay, didya? get you facts straight "Get" "your" I did. or are you now claiming there is time limit on threads Nope. Have at it...Spead those threads out as liberally and as carefree as you care to... you were complaining before stop waffling I prefer pancakes. And there was no "waffling" here...You picked one fight, then suddenly changed sides when it suited you. Got caught, had it pointed out to you, and had your nose rubbed in it... Sorry you found that distasteful, but perhaps you should pick one side and stay on it...?!?! after all you contiue fight form 7 years ago why can't I "After" "continue" "from" "?" And YOU continue to LIE from seven years ago...Poorly at that... nope Yep. And admitted to it. cuting stevie going ooff the topic again "Cutting" "off" Just to lazy to answer the questions, are you? yea I do lack the time to bother with all of your crap Obviously not. HOW MANY screen names are you using now to bypass Google's posting limits? Ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhh! Stop lying! not lying at all STOP LYING! not lying at all Sure you are. If your mouth is moving or your keyboard is tapping, you're lying about SOMEthing! bul#### Sheeesh. Can't even spell your profanities right any more...... have hardly told a lie on here in months You mean MINUTES. No I mean months No...MINUTES... months SECONDS! I have said you disagree with doesn't make em lies Try those words in a complete sentence, Markie...Maybe they'll make better sense then... cuting some more boring carp BBWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! ! "BORING CARP" BBBWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WHAT AN IDIOT! you generate more #### than a herd of bovine So...Your family's in town? now you admit to it No, YOU were talking about "####" and herds of "bovine". I ASKED if your family was in town...The two ARE one-in-the-same. you also violate intelectual property N O T H I N G about you is even remotely "intellectual". not as a matter of LAW but you think that does abpply to you "abpply"...?!?! WHAT are you TALKING about...?!?! N O T H I N G posted in this forum is "protected intellectual property" unless a copyright is stated. not as a matter of LAW but you think that does abpply to you SAME stupid mistake! WHAT are you TALKING about...?!?! Stop doing it and it won't be as embarrassing. Keep lying and acting the way you do and the rest will just follow. you keep up your lying and threatening of people What's "threatening" to you is not being able to freely act like an idiot without having it fed back to you. more lies Nope. It's the ABSOLUTE truth. not a word of truth It's the ABSOLUTE truth. on shot one kill is threatening Only if you're paranoid or carrying a communist flag. that was not fed back to me I don't have a fork big enough to fit that mouth. you made it up on your own No...The United States Army Sniper School did. It was further associated with the Marine Corps after the Battle of the Belleau Wood when US Marine infantrymen laid waste to hordes of attacking germans with withering rifle fire. The concept of "One Shot One Kill" is still the principle technique taught to all Marine recruits. cut I said if you come HERE one of us will be dead which is simple statement of fact No, it's not. It's a Clancyesque expression of hypertestosterone levels on YOUR part. it is a simple fact No, it's not. It's your fantasy. Just like mine with Brittny Spears...Fun to think about but "ain't happening". I think MY fantasy is a lot more fun! The FACTS are that you do not posses the requisite skills to carry out your THREAT. you are delsuional all it takes it pointing the shotgun at you and pulling the trigger No, that's NOT all it takes. no real skill at all is needed Sure there is. That's why hundreds of people wind up wounded or killed by thier own weapons every year...They think that "point and shoot" is all you have to do. And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS! and I repat you show up HERE , at my place, and one of us will end up dead "repeat" And you've re-uttered the SAME threat. no threat a warning A silly one. Like trying to stop an 18-wheeler with bad breath. Are you REALLY THAT foolish, Markie? you are the stupid one I didn't say "stupid"...I said foolish... And you didn't answer my question...Are you REALLY that foolish? So...Now we have YOUR violent intent to my legal and Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of movement posted in a public forum... nope we don't Sure we do! where? In this very response for one...Thanks. what I see a statement that if you show up here, when I am home that I certain things will escalate to point that at least one of us ends up dead No...You've threatened deadly force where no threat to your welfare was offered. Even if a person shows up and knowks on your door then refuses to leave you have no legal right to use deadly force...Check Michigan law, Markie...I did. I don't even state which of us will end up dead or how I know. no threat there simple analyis What you didn't analyze is how ludicrous your "analysis" was! given that you from your manner I am certain you will frighten me enough in person to pull out the shotgun I keep by the door loaded to protect my chickens from animals it isn't rocket science to suggest when frightened I point it at you you will think I lack the will to pull the trigger and fire the weapon Uh huh... Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. Right. no violation of any intention to violate your rights violently or not Sure there are. cut you claimed that calling Mark instead of Markie while calling me a Child abuser, pedophile, and elder raper was laying. I wasn't doing those things. yes you were Wrong again. lying sack of #### Let's not being your mother into this. "Mark Morgan caight on tape molesting an 8 yo..." "caught" And "yo"...?!?! What was that? cut Nope... it is lie you have never laid off expect by leaving the group for a few days now and then Nope. There was almost 2 weeks of absolutley no "Markie" or other diminutive. that is not laying off you calling me a child abuser most of the time I do not call you a "child abuser most of the time". That's YOUR paranoia in action, Markie. But hey...You've never let truth get in your way before...Don't start today! Brain and most folks in the NG don't bother playing spelling cop That's because they can't. delsuonal Stevie truely you are displying frightening behavoir in that "Delusional" "truly" "displaying" "behaviour or behavior" you are still delusion in your statement which you evade by playing spelling cop I think you meant to say something there, Markie, but again your fractured English screwed it up for you. coward Yes, you are! Good step forward, Markie! can't do anything but evade esp when caught lying Let it all out! Good self analysis! Today may be the first step into the light for you! your fixation on mens genitals for one Gee, Markie...It was BRAIN that brought it up... no it wasn't you go and on about men genitals Mark, WHY do you BLATANTLY lie like this..?!?! no lie at all Absolute lie, Markie. what lie you call people male gentials on a regaulr basis "regular" No, I don't. Anyone following this post KNOWS you are a liar and KNOWS you are lying about THIS! wrong you are lying Nope...they can S T I L L follow the thread back and see that YOU are an idiot AND a liar, Markie! No matter HOW many times you "cuting". that is why many of us think you a closet gay or latent gay There's no "us" here for you, Markie... yes there is No, there's not. yes there is No, there's not. you are obsessed with homosexuals anyone that read you posts over the years knows that No...YOU are obsessed with "homosexuals", Markie...Being one does that to you. well 2 lies in one sentence Nope. I am not a homosexual Sure you are. You have sex with men. and you are obsessed with them No, I don't. But you keep repeating that over and over again...No doubt in hope that I may play the flip side of the coin with you one day... Sorry, Deviant Boy! God put just too many fine looking REAL women on this Earth to want to play with a pretend woman! cut no I don't I don't care what you do with yours or Dan or dave or Len or Bill does with thier gentials Good. but you do And Mark Morgan continues his pattern of lying and deceit. Sheeesh. cut but hen you play fast and loose with facts you claim the ARRL has the power to make laws after all "when" Well, Markie, we again have you caught in yet ANOTHER lie... You've been making this "you claim the ARRL can make laws" thing for a week now and I have been challenging you to provide the quote wherein you think I said that. done it over and over again No, you've not. you said bandplans are laws No, I said they ahve the FORCE of law. They do. the ARRL MAKES bandplans therefore you are claimng that the ARRL makes laws No...the ARRL, in COOPERATION with other organizations and groups, comes to a CONCENSUS on what plans make the most sense. And in ANY case, you STILL have not QUOTED a SINGLE line wherein I said "The ARRL makes laws". I know simple logical is hard for you but you posted it the rest is from the ARRL itself Uh.....Yeeeeeeeeeeeah.....Right. You've not done it. LiarLiar Pants On Fire. Your husband is going to be made at you for setting the playground ablaze! another lie Oh? He LIKES his tubesteak toasted? I have no husband Oh....So HE is the wife, eh? (Or are YOU the husband...?!?! Those "same sex" marriages get me confused...) i am the husband my lady is the wife since we are male and feamle nothing sohould confuse you about it "I" "female" "should" The only part that confuses me is why you won't admit to your same-sex cohabitational arrangement, Markie? but the fact I am currently invled with and married to a female does seem to drive you into a rage why is that? "involved" I'm in no "rage", Markie...I find your "protestations" to be quite laughable and am, in acutallity, having quite a laugh over it! Steve, K4YZ |
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On 25 Oct 2005 17:33:29 -0700, "Gunny Dudly" wrote in
.com: snip on shot one kill is threatening Only if you're paranoid or carrying a communist flag. that was not fed back to me I don't have a fork big enough to fit that mouth. you made it up on your own No...The United States Army Sniper School did. Actually, it dates all the way back to the Revolutionary War. The phrase was used to encourage economic use of ammunition since lead and gunpowder were always in short supply, and because it took so long to reload; i.e, it was necessary to make every shot count. No doubt that precision shooting was important, but sniping per-se was of tertiary importance to economy and to the guerrilla tactics used by Americans during the war. It was further associated with the Marine Corps after the Battle of the Belleau Wood when US Marine infantrymen laid waste to hordes of attacking germans with withering rifle fire. ......."withering rifle fire"? Very "Clancyesque", Dudly. The concept of "One Shot One Kill" is still the principle technique taught to all Marine recruits. More horse**** from Gunny Dudly. One of the reasons the 5.56mm round was chosen is because military experts learned that merely wounding an enemy combatant had more benefits than killing the poor *******. One wounded soldier takes one or two more soldiers off the front line to carry him back. It also depletes the enemy's resources and ties up their supply lines. It drains the morale of both the soldiers and the enemy's civilian population. Etc, etc. And if the soldier's position is overrun then he can be captured and interrogated, something you can't do if he's dead. All that stuff you would have learned if you had graduated beyond the yellow footsteps. But you didn't. snip It's your fantasy. Just like mine with Brittny Spears...Fun to think about but "ain't happening". "Britney" I think MY fantasy is a lot more fun! Well, you certainly have a fondness for fantasy. The FACTS are that you do not posses the requisite skills to carry out your THREAT. "possess" you are delsuional all it takes it pointing the shotgun at you and pulling the trigger No, that's NOT all it takes. no real skill at all is needed Sure there is. That's why hundreds of people wind up wounded or killed by thier own weapons every year...They think that "point and shoot" is all you have to do. "their" And for a shotgun, the "point and shoot" tactic works pretty well. And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS! Obviously you have never fired an APERS round out of an M-203. The directions are really simple: 1. Point. 2. Shoot. 3. Rub your bruised shoulder while watching the people in front of you bleed profusely. It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS!" snip Even if a person shows up and knowks on your door then refuses to leave you have no legal right to use deadly force...Check Michigan law, Markie...I did. "knocks" snip But you keep repeating that over and over again...No doubt in hope that I may play the flip side of the coin with you one day... Mixed metaphors. snip No, I said they ahve the FORCE of law. "have" snip The only part that confuses me is why you won't admit to your same-sex cohabitational arrangement, Markie? Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never graduated from MCRD. but the fact I am currently invled with and married to a female does seem to drive you into a rage why is that? "involved" I'm in no "rage", Markie...I find your "protestations" to be quite laughable and am, in acutallity, having quite a laugh over it! "actuality" Hypocrite. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 19:36:46 -0700, Frank Gilliland
wrote: On 25 Oct 2005 17:33:29 -0700, "Gunny Dudly" wrote in s.com: cut And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS! Obviously you have never fired an APERS round out of an M-203. The directions are really simple: 1. Point. 2. Shoot. 3. Rub your bruised shoulder while watching the people in front of you bleed profusely. It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS!" snip Even if a person shows up and knowks on your door then refuses to leave you have no legal right to use deadly force...Check Michigan law, Markie...I did. answering Stevie missed in all the **** he was shoving one you can't get to my front door and you missed the various points of the law for example the law provides that if someone that has threatened you in the past shows up and in your case I am certain you would do something I founf threatening and the result would well you can fill it in "knocks" snip But you keep repeating that over and over again...No doubt in hope that I may play the flip side of the coin with you one day... Mixed metaphors. snip No, I said they ahve the FORCE of law. "have" snip The only part that confuses me is why you won't admit to your same-sex cohabitational arrangement, Markie? Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never graduated from MCRD. but the fact I am currently invled with and married to a female does seem to drive you into a rage why is that? "involved" I'm in no "rage", Markie...I find your "protestations" to be quite laughable and am, in acutallity, having quite a laugh over it! "actuality" Hypocrite. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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![]() Frank Gilliland wrote: On 25 Oct 2005 17:33:29 -0700, "Gunny Dudly" wrote in .com: snip on shot one kill is threatening Only if you're paranoid or carrying a communist flag. that was not fed back to me I don't have a fork big enough to fit that mouth. you made it up on your own No...The United States Army Sniper School did. Actually, it dates all the way back to the Revolutionary War. The phrase was used to encourage economic use of ammunition since lead and gunpowder were always in short supply, and because it took so long to reload; i.e, it was necessary to make every shot count. No doubt that precision shooting was important, but sniping per-se was of tertiary importance to economy and to the guerrilla tactics used by Americans during the war. In the Robeson Dictionary, getting it wrong constitutes a "lie." And why wouldn't he have enlightened us with the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper School info? Further, what does Steve know of the U.S. Army Sniper School? It was further associated with the Marine Corps after the Battle of the Belleau Wood when US Marine infantrymen laid waste to hordes of attacking germans with withering rifle fire. ......"withering rifle fire"? Very "Clancyesque", Dudly. I haven't read Clancy, but I've been acused of reading a 1950's copy of "This is the Air Force." Probably the copy that Steve had to read when he joined the Civil Air Patrol. The concept of "One Shot One Kill" is still the principle technique taught to all Marine recruits. More horse**** from Gunny Dudly. One of the reasons the 5.56mm round was chosen is because military experts learned that merely wounding an enemy combatant had more benefits than killing the poor *******. One wounded soldier takes one or two more soldiers off the front line to carry him back. It also depletes the enemy's resources and ties up their supply lines. It drains the morale of both the soldiers and the enemy's civilian population. Etc, etc. And if the soldier's position is overrun then he can be captured and interrogated, something you can't do if he's dead. All that stuff you would have learned if you had graduated beyond the yellow footsteps. But you didn't. He probably washed out somewhere between the underwear/sock issue and the immunization clinic. Marching, chewing gum. Non-adaptability... snip It's your fantasy. Just like mine with Brittny Spears...Fun to think about but "ain't happening". "Britney" I think MY fantasy is a lot more fun! Well, you certainly have a fondness for fantasy. Clancyesque fantasy. The FACTS are that you do not posses the requisite skills to carry out your THREAT. "possess" you are delsuional all it takes it pointing the shotgun at you and pulling the trigger No, that's NOT all it takes. no real skill at all is needed Sure there is. That's why hundreds of people wind up wounded or killed by thier own weapons every year...They think that "point and shoot" is all you have to do. "their" And for a shotgun, the "point and shoot" tactic works pretty well. Somehow it works for me on squirrel, but I do have to swing on dove. I prefer a .22 for squirrel but only after some leaves fall. And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS! Obviously you have never fired an APERS round out of an M-203. The directions are really simple: 1. Point. 2. Shoot. 3. Rub your bruised shoulder while watching the people in front of you bleed profusely. It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS!" In Steve's defense, he did get some sand in his eye. Which one? He never did say and it's not open for discussion. snip Even if a person shows up and knowks on your door then refuses to leave you have no legal right to use deadly force...Check Michigan law, Markie...I did. "knocks" Reminds me of National Lampoon's Animal House, "ROAD TRIP!" Wonder if Steve's got a full tank of gas? an obituary for Dawn Leiberman? snip But you keep repeating that over and over again...No doubt in hope that I may play the flip side of the coin with you one day... Mixed metaphors. Might be mixed amphetaphors. snip No, I said they ahve the FORCE of law. "have" Newton's Laws? snip The only part that confuses me is why you won't admit to your same-sex cohabitational arrangement, Markie? Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never graduated from MCRD. Probably slipped in the shower. but the fact I am currently invled with and married to a female does seem to drive you into a rage why is that? "involved" I'm in no "rage", Markie...I find your "protestations" to be quite laughable and am, in acutallity, having quite a laugh over it! "actuality" Hypocrite. At the very least. Hope he enjoys life on Mike's BBS where he doesn't have to put up with the riff-raff. |
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On 25 Oct 2005 20:11:19 -0700, wrote:
Frank Gilliland wrote: On 25 Oct 2005 17:33:29 -0700, "Gunny Dudly" wrote in .com: snip on shot one kill is threatening Only if you're paranoid or carrying a communist flag. that was not fed back to me I don't have a fork big enough to fit that mouth. you made it up on your own No...The United States Army Sniper School did. Actually, it dates all the way back to the Revolutionary War. The phrase was used to encourage economic use of ammunition since lead and gunpowder were always in short supply, and because it took so long to reload; i.e, it was necessary to make every shot count. No doubt that precision shooting was important, but sniping per-se was of tertiary importance to economy and to the guerrilla tactics used by Americans during the war. In the Robeson Dictionary, getting it wrong constitutes a "lie." And why wouldn't he have enlightened us with the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper School info? Further, what does Steve know of the U.S. Army Sniper School? corection anyone else getting it wrong is lie Stevie making a mistake never happens the universe changes it laws to accomdate him It was further associated with the Marine Corps after the Battle of the Belleau Wood when US Marine infantrymen laid waste to hordes of attacking germans with withering rifle fire. ......"withering rifle fire"? Very "Clancyesque", Dudly. I haven't read Clancy, but I've been acused of reading a 1950's copy of "This is the Air Force." Probably the copy that Steve had to read when he joined the Civil Air Patrol. The concept of "One Shot One Kill" is still the principle technique taught to all Marine recruits. More horse**** from Gunny Dudly. One of the reasons the 5.56mm round was chosen is because military experts learned that merely wounding an enemy combatant had more benefits than killing the poor *******. One wounded soldier takes one or two more soldiers off the front line to carry him back. It also depletes the enemy's resources and ties up their supply lines. It drains the morale of both the soldiers and the enemy's civilian population. Etc, etc. And if the soldier's position is overrun then he can be captured and interrogated, something you can't do if he's dead. All that stuff you would have learned if you had graduated beyond the yellow footsteps. But you didn't. He probably washed out somewhere between the underwear/sock issue and the immunization clinic. Marching, chewing gum. Non-adaptability... snip It's your fantasy. Just like mine with Brittny Spears...Fun to think about but "ain't happening". "Britney" I think MY fantasy is a lot more fun! Well, you certainly have a fondness for fantasy. Clancyesque fantasy. nah he don't come close the Clancy The FACTS are that you do not posses the requisite skills to carry out your THREAT. "possess" you are delsuional all it takes it pointing the shotgun at you and pulling the trigger No, that's NOT all it takes. no real skill at all is needed Sure there is. That's why hundreds of people wind up wounded or killed by thier own weapons every year...They think that "point and shoot" is all you have to do. "their" And for a shotgun, the "point and shoot" tactic works pretty well. Somehow it works for me on squirrel, but I do have to swing on dove. I prefer a .22 for squirrel but only after some leaves fall. and Stevie is a larger target And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS! Obviously you have never fired an APERS round out of an M-203. The directions are really simple: 1. Point. 2. Shoot. 3. Rub your bruised shoulder while watching the people in front of you bleed profusely. It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS!" In Steve's defense, he did get some sand in his eye. Which one? He never did say and it's not open for discussion. snip Even if a person shows up and knowks on your door then refuses to leave you have no legal right to use deadly force...Check Michigan law, Markie...I did. "knocks" Reminds me of National Lampoon's Animal House, "ROAD TRIP!" Wonder if Steve's got a full tank of gas? an obituary for Dawn Leiberman? amsuing how he thik I want to harm him though I don't I just want to stay away snip But you keep repeating that over and over again...No doubt in hope that I may play the flip side of the coin with you one day... Mixed metaphors. Might be mixed amphetaphors. snip No, I said they ahve the FORCE of law. "have" Newton's Laws? snip The only part that confuses me is why you won't admit to your same-sex cohabitational arrangement, Markie? Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never graduated from MCRD. Probably slipped in the shower. was caught bending over for the sopa perhaps that might explain his obsession with other men but the fact I am currently invled with and married to a female does seem to drive you into a rage why is that? "involved" I'm in no "rage", Markie...I find your "protestations" to be quite laughable and am, in acutallity, having quite a laugh over it! "actuality" Hypocrite. amusing how you can't even tell him the turth why does he bother to engage in conversation at all he already all there is to say currently I am involved with gal if that end likely the next one will be a guy I tend to run that way At the very least. Hope he enjoys life on Mike's BBS where he doesn't have to put up with the riff-raff. I just hope he chooses to leave (with the rest that don't want to discuss any issue) _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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![]() Frankie of Silliland wrote: Whole post snipped except for this: Hypocrite. Yes, you are. A lying, cowardly, deceiving, deceitful one at that. You swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and to obey the orders of those place above you. You not only didn't do it, you were court martialed TWICE for it in ONE ENLISTMENT! Then you somehow think that bragging about it absolves you of any wrong doing. Frank Gilliland is a liar and a cheat. Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() Frankie of Silliland wrote: On 25 Oct 2005 17:33:29 -0700, "Gunny Dudly" wrote in .com: The concept of "One Shot One Kill" is still the principle technique taught to all Marine recruits. More horse#### from Gunny Dudly. No...More lies from Frank Gilliland. But then you've made a career of lying, haven't you...?!?! One of the reasons the 5.56mm round was chosen...(SNIP) ...was the same reason other rounds are chosen...To kill the enemy. And STILL does not change the Marine Corps' practice of teaching "one shot one kill" to recruits. Perhaps if you'd paid a bit more attention in Boot you wouldn't have had such a hard time later on in your "career"... It's incomprehensible to think that you never fired one after 18 years in the Corp (and, of course, seven hostile actions). "And in that we have even MORE evidence that your claims of military service are BOGUS!" It's "CORPS", non-hacker, since you're pointing out typos yourself...And ESPECIALLY since you're doing so to try and make some argument that I didn't serve in that CORPS. All that stuff you would have learned if you had graduated beyond the yellow footsteps. But you didn't. Why are you lying, Frank? Probably for the same reason that you can't admit that you never graduated from MCRD. Platoon 2100, 03 Sept 74 to 20 Nov 74, Frankie...Just like I've said before. Frank, let's face it... You're just a punk. You were a punk in the service, you're a punk now. And with your present attitude, I am sure you'll die a punk. Back under your rock, non-hacker. It's where you belong. Steve, K4YZ |
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