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  #11   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 05:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

I don't care however

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

I will report it, but with roughly the same confience I reported the
fact that someone has Id Mr Slit as N0VFP, which is not very seriously
but the best I have

On 21 Oct 2005 13:38:18 -0700, "an_old_friend"

today the FBI returned my call and I spooke to the agent that will be
handling the case

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

In giving her the background of the case and my history here on RRAP
and the various threats I receive we will sometime next week or the
week after get togther and go thought the archives of RRAP together.
she was not certain wether or not the posts of one K4YZ both in 1998
and 2005 were in fact criminal actions (we discused various 1st
amdement issues and how they might and might not apply), but after
hearing me read the "one shot one kill" post to her that it merits
further investagation and promised that it would receive as soon as her
case load premitted it.

she thanked me for coming to the FBI with this matter even if we should
turn out to chasing the wild aquatic fowl, assured me, by discusing
some the cases she has handled that are similar that I have been
assigned the right agent, and that it was her job, and suggestd that
prehaps with the first posts that I saw as a threat from Stevie would
have receieved action for the FBI if it had been after 9/11. we agred
that the follow up in this case could clearly

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  #12   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 06:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,

an_old_friend wrote:
N0VFP wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
today the FBI returned my call and I spooke to the agent that will be
handling the case


not bull****

You are a known liar.

your point?

Marky admits he is a liar.

your point

Everybody's point is missed by you, Marky.

wrong again

I only as I have stated about mattter of Identity in an effort to
avoid stlakers like yourself

What a mental midget you are, retard.

tranference again i see

Pee Wee Herman-ing again I see.

I may be guilty of taking you more seriously than you deserve,but I'll
take that chance

You are so ****ing stupid,Marky. Filing false reports will get you in
hot water,Marky.

yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

you choose to imply the threat was for death and it may have been you
have admited that you inttedn to emabarras who ever lives at that

One wouldn't have to work very hard to embarrass you, Marky, you do it
all by yourself.

I would not have been the target, when you involved in your ignorance
other I had no moral choice but to report and seek protection for those
who whom be your victums if you were able to carry it through

You take stupidity to another new low, Marky.

It used to be your address, wasn't it?

no it isn't I have never lived in MQT


absolute truth

address, that is a threat

You can't comprehend the written word can you, dumbass?

I certainly can and do

You have yet to show it, retard.

that you brake up a quote and then complain about a sentence fragment
is as eveidence is a sign of your lacking much upstairs

And you constantly whining about it instead of composing a better
response shows you are a mental midget, Marky.

nothing I can do can stop Mr Slit or anybody in relpy from taking a
prefectly good and choping it into fragments and then bitching about
the lack of gramar

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read

I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

it has been post that Mr Slit is N0VFP the poster is someone I tend not
to believe as I indicated to the agent, but it is the only lead I had
at the time

You aren't a detective, stupid. You are Inspector Clueless.

since then a new lead (which comes from sources I deem even less
realible) calims Mr slit is Roger Wiseman I will when I speak with her
report this leads and why I currectltend to discount it

And they told you it would be a week or two before they would get
around to looking into it. Not much of a life or death priority to
them, now is it?

and after agreeing to obtain protection for the Mark Morgan in MQT it
isn't a life and death matter, nor should it

So *you* say, Marky, but you are a known liar.

but it is an obviously true statement

Yes, it is true that you are a known liar.

indeed I am but the statement "and after agreeing to obtain protection
for the Mark Morgan in MQT it isn't a life and death matter, nor
should it" is also obviously true as well

you are not a life and death matter once the target of your threat is
protected after all it is unlikely that you have the means, the will,
or the brains to carry out the threat

No credibility, Marky. That's you.

we agreed it was unlikely you had the abilty to carry through on the
threat that in and of itself lowers the priority. now it is a matter
of cleaning up the mess left behind

You shouldn't watch old cop shows on TV and pretend they are the real
FBI, Marky.

I don't wacth cop shows

Too many painful reminders of your real life run-ins with them, Marky?

not at all

the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

In giving her the background of the case and my history here on RRAP
and the various threats I receive we will sometime next week or the
week after get togther and go thought the archives of RRAP together.
she was not certain wether or not the posts of one K4YZ both in 1998
and 2005 were in fact criminal actions (we discused various 1st
amdement issues and how they might and might not apply), but after
hearing me read the "one shot one kill" post to her that it merits
further investagation and promised that it would receive as soon as her
case load premitted it.

she thanked me for coming to the FBI with this matter even if we should
turn out to chasing the wild aquatic fowl, assured me, by discusing
some the cases she has handled that are similar that I have been
assigned the right agent, and that it was her job, and suggestd that
prehaps with the first posts that I saw as a threat from Stevie would
have receieved action for the FBI if it had been after 9/11. we agred
that the follow up in this case could clearly

You are a ****ing liar, Marky.

not a lie in the post there are statements that may turn out to be
untrue but I have reported the facts as I know the rest as I belive it

You are an idiot and a liar.

your point Mr Slit?

Was just proven by you, idiot.

impossible to to have a point proven you have to make a point, without
a point to begin with you can't prove a point

What the hell are you babbling about, Marky? You are babbling in
circles like a dog chasing it's own tail.

learn to read

learn to reason

learn to use logic

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  #13   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 06:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

WTF are you saying, stupid?

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."

I don't care however

Then why are you going on and on about it?

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

Wtf are you on, Marky?

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

You were the drama queen, weren't you?

I will report it, but with roughly the same confience I reported the
fact that someone has Id Mr Slit as N0VFP, which is not very seriously
but the best I have

The best you have is you can get up in the morning.

  #14   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 06:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,

an_old_friend wrote:
N0VFP wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
today the FBI returned my call and I spooke to the agent that will be
handling the case


not bull****

You are a known liar.

your point?

Marky admits he is a liar.

your point

Everybody's point is missed by you, Marky.

wrong again

And you proved it again, stupid.

I only as I have stated about mattter of Identity in an effort to
avoid stlakers like yourself

What a mental midget you are, retard.

tranference again i see

Pee Wee Herman-ing again I see.

I may be guilty of taking you more seriously than you deserve,but I'll
take that chance

You are so ****ing stupid,Marky. Filing false reports will get you in
hot water,Marky.

yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

Yes, you did. Or you are lying about the whole thing.

I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

you choose to imply the threat was for death and it may have been you
have admited that you inttedn to emabarras who ever lives at that

One wouldn't have to work very hard to embarrass you, Marky, you do it
all by yourself.

I would not have been the target, when you involved in your ignorance
other I had no moral choice but to report and seek protection for those
who whom be your victums if you were able to carry it through

You take stupidity to another new low, Marky.

It used to be your address, wasn't it?

no it isn't I have never lived in MQT


absolute truth


address, that is a threat

You can't comprehend the written word can you, dumbass?

I certainly can and do

You have yet to show it, retard.

that you brake up a quote and then complain about a sentence fragment
is as eveidence is a sign of your lacking much upstairs

And you constantly whining about it instead of composing a better
response shows you are a mental midget, Marky.

nothing I can do can stop Mr Slit or anybody in relpy from taking a
prefectly good and choping it into fragments and then bitching about
the lack of gramar

Cry louder, Marky.

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

it has been post that Mr Slit is N0VFP the poster is someone I tend not
to believe as I indicated to the agent, but it is the only lead I had
at the time

You aren't a detective, stupid. You are Inspector Clueless.

since then a new lead (which comes from sources I deem even less
realible) calims Mr slit is Roger Wiseman I will when I speak with her
report this leads and why I currectltend to discount it

And they told you it would be a week or two before they would get
around to looking into it. Not much of a life or death priority to
them, now is it?

and after agreeing to obtain protection for the Mark Morgan in MQT it
isn't a life and death matter, nor should it

So *you* say, Marky, but you are a known liar.

but it is an obviously true statement

Yes, it is true that you are a known liar.

indeed I am

There you have it, Marky confesses he is a liar, folks.

you are not a life and death matter once the target of your threat is
protected after all it is unlikely that you have the means, the will,
or the brains to carry out the threat

No credibility, Marky. That's you.

we agreed it was unlikely you had the abilty to carry through on the
threat that in and of itself lowers the priority. now it is a matter
of cleaning up the mess left behind

You shouldn't watch old cop shows on TV and pretend they are the real
FBI, Marky.

I don't wacth cop shows

Too many painful reminders of your real life run-ins with them, Marky?

not at all


the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

In giving her the background of the case and my history here on RRAP
and the various threats I receive we will sometime next week or the
week after get togther and go thought the archives of RRAP together.
she was not certain wether or not the posts of one K4YZ both in 1998
and 2005 were in fact criminal actions (we discused various 1st
amdement issues and how they might and might not apply), but after
hearing me read the "one shot one kill" post to her that it merits
further investagation and promised that it would receive as soon as her
case load premitted it.

she thanked me for coming to the FBI with this matter even if we should
turn out to chasing the wild aquatic fowl, assured me, by discusing
some the cases she has handled that are similar that I have been
assigned the right agent, and that it was her job, and suggestd that
prehaps with the first posts that I saw as a threat from Stevie would
have receieved action for the FBI if it had been after 9/11. we agred
that the follow up in this case could clearly

You are a ****ing liar, Marky.

not a lie in the post there are statements that may turn out to be
untrue but I have reported the facts as I know the rest as I belive it

You are an idiot and a liar.

your point Mr Slit?

Was just proven by you, idiot.

impossible to to have a point proven you have to make a point, without
a point to begin with you can't prove a point

What the hell are you babbling about, Marky? You are babbling in
circles like a dog chasing it's own tail.

learn to read

learn to reason

learn to use logic

Follow your own advice.

  #15   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 07:41 PM
20 Meter Kookenschlong
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

"an_old_friend" wrote in message

(much bull**** circumcised in the back of a Cadillac on a bumpy road
with a shaving razor)

You guys in this NG are worse than a bunch of 8-year-olds snotnose kids
fighting over a dodgeball at recess time. Now I know and can appreciate
why the local emergency services are today hesitant to call in
help from ham radio OP's. Jeezehus-h-christ-on-a-stick doing the electric guys are the most immature bunch of pathetic dotting fatasses
I've ever heard come thru a speaker on the radio or on a computer screen.
Even the nutcases I see at the freakin train shows aren't as bad as the

Oy meshhuga!

  #16   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 07:56 PM
Senior Member
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2005
Posts: 156

Originally Posted by an_old_friend
today the FBI returned my call and I spooke to the agent that will be handling the case
Let's all give a cheer for Col Morgan.


The Man in the Maze
QRV at Baboquivari Peak, AZ
The Man in the Maze
QRV at Baboquivari Peak
  #17   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 07:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 09:18:12 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,


yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

Yes, you did. Or you are lying about the whole thing.


I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

yes I do even you and Stevie know something

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

right you are acting stupidly or insanely....

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

your point?

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

gee he did send it I have it

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

you lose

and I will do what I can to se you lose as big as I can

we will see what that ammounts to

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


maybe but not about that

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

I have plenty of them and getting everytime you and Whinny post

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

no screw up

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

I am right on target

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

when you make such a false statement you are the lair

I am lying to you here and there which is prefectly and will not in
anyway undermine any arrest that may result


the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

that I am not fond of cops, or of them as a general rule

all prefectly true statements


your point Mr Slit?

Was just proven by you, idiot.

impossible to to have a point proven you have to make a point, without
a point to begin with you can't prove a point

What the hell are you babbling about, Marky? You are babbling in
circles like a dog chasing it's own tail.

learn to read

learn to reason

learn to use logic

Follow your own advice.

I have

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  #18   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 08:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 09:08:36 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

WTF are you saying, stupid?

read it and find out

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."

no I am not part of the FBI

I don't care however

Then why are you going on and on about it?

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.

for what?

the only class they could form part would be of hate filled bigots

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

Wtf are you on, Marky?

nothing for you to worry about after all I am lying according to you
about taking any action with the FBI

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

You were the drama queen, weren't you?

nope just an unwilling player

it seem you are trying to direct this little play while trying to man
behind the curtain (like the fraud in the Wizard of OZ)

I will report it, but with roughly the same confience I reported the
fact that someone has Id Mr Slit as N0VFP, which is not very seriously
but the best I have

The best you have is you can get up in the morning.

I can't do better than that altough I rarely getu p in the morning
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  #19   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 08:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 13:41:34 -0400, "20 Meter Kookenschlong"

"an_old_friend" wrote in message

(much bull**** circumcised in the back of a Cadillac on a bumpy road
with a shaving razor)

You guys in this NG are worse than a bunch of 8-year-olds snotnose kids
fighting over a dodgeball at recess time. Now I know and can appreciate
why the local emergency services are today hesitant to call in
help from ham radio OP's. Jeezehus-h-christ-on-a-stick doing the electric guys are the most immature bunch of pathetic dotting fatasses
I've ever heard come thru a speaker on the radio or on a computer screen.
Even the nutcases I see at the freakin train shows aren't as bad as the

inded there are nut jobs in the ARS as everywhere else

but you look like one them

Oy meshhuga!

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  #20   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 11:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 09:18:12 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,


Run away, Marky, run away!

yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

Yes, you did. Or you are lying about the whole thing.



I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

yes I do even you and Stevie know something

But we were discussing YOU, Marky.

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

right you are acting stupidly or insanely....

But the State of Michigan isn't looking into me like they are you,

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

your point?

Again the point flys over your thick skull. Can't you read, stupid?

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

gee he did send it I have it

Then post it or stfu.


Run away,Marky.

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

you lose

Wrong, **** for brains.

and I will do what I can to se you lose as big as I can

No, you can't suck my dick, Marky.

we will see what that ammounts to

Indeed, filing a false report, tsk tsk, it doesn't look too good for
you, Marky.

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


maybe but not about that

You already admitted you are a liar.

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

I have plenty of them and getting everytime you and Whinny post

You couldn't get a clue in a million years, stupid.

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

no screw up

Your stupidity has no bounds, does it, Marky?

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

I am right on target

Afraid not, stupid.

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

when you make such a false statement you are the lair

1) You admitted to being a liar.
2) You lied and said you did something you didn't do.

I am lying to you here and there which is prefectly and will not in
anyway undermine any arrest that may result

So you think you are about to be arrested again, Marky?


Run, Marky, run!!!!!!!!!!

the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

that I am not fond of cops, or of them as a general rule

I wonder what the "FBI" will think of that.

all prefectly true statements

It won't put you in solid with them, Marky.


Run away, Marky, you imbecile!

your point Mr Slit?

Was just proven by you, idiot.

impossible to to have a point proven you have to make a point, without
a point to begin with you can't prove a point

What the hell are you babbling about, Marky? You are babbling in
circles like a dog chasing it's own tail.

learn to read

learn to reason

learn to use logic

Follow your own advice.

I have

When? You have yet to show it in your 30-some years.

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