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  #21   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 11:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 09:08:36 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

WTF are you saying, stupid?

read it and find out

If CIA crytographers read it they couldn't figure out what you were
trying to say, you illiterate son of a bitch.

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."

no I am not part of the FBI

Just on their most watched list.

I don't care however

Then why are you going on and on about it?

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.

for what?

the only class they could form part would be of hate filled bigots

For your defamation, Marky.

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

Wtf are you on, Marky?

nothing for you to worry about after all I am lying according to you
about taking any action with the FBI

That's right. Nice of you to admit it. I'm not worried, dumbass.

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

You were the drama queen, weren't you?

nope just an unwilling player

According to the Google archives, you've been the "bend-over" boy for
years and years.

it seem you are trying to direct this little play while trying to man
behind the curtain (like the fraud in the Wizard of OZ)

I bet you wish you could wear Judy Garland's clothes, don't you,
If I am the director then CUT! "You're FIRED!"

I will report it, but with roughly the same confience I reported the
fact that someone has Id Mr Slit as N0VFP, which is not very seriously
but the best I have

The best you have is you can get up in the morning.

I can't do better than that altough I rarely getu p in the morning

It shows, stupid.

  #22   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 11:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 14:28:00 -0700, wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 09:18:12 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,


Run away, Marky, run away!

yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

Yes, you did. Or you are lying about the whole thing.




I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

yes I do even you and Stevie know something

But we were discussing YOU, Marky.

and I do at something I know you know something if nothing else

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

right you are acting stupidly or insanely....

But the State of Michigan isn't looking into me like they are you,

Gee this is news the State of Michigan is looking into me?

not that I know of

and the State of Michigan would not be looking into you unless you
lived here which obviously you don't since you don't much about the

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

your point?

Again the point flys over your thick skull. Can't you read, stupid?

I can you just are not making any

perhaps you think you are typing more than you are

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

gee he did send it I have it

Then post it or stfu.

i'll do neither after all you know what it contians
you lack the power to compell me to shut up, I would think even you
would know that


Run away,Marky.

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

you lose

Wrong, **** for brains.

No You lose

OTOH I lose from being forced to deal with such a piece of **** as

and I will do what I can to se you lose as big as I can

No, you can't suck my dick, Marky.

don't want to would never suck you anyway I only deal sexual with
adult humans

we will see what that ammounts to

Indeed, filing a false report, tsk tsk, it doesn't look too good for
you, Marky.

looks fine to me but then I have not filed any false report

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


maybe but not about that

You already admitted you are a liar.

yes but not about the subject you were referring to

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

I have plenty of them and getting everytime you and Whinny post

You couldn't get a clue in a million years, stupid.

I will not be recieveing Clues in 1 or more millions years you are
right about that

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

no screw up

Your stupidity has no bounds, does it, Marky?

hmm it would have to exist to have bounds so I guess you got that one
right, after a fashion

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

I am right on target

Afraid not, stupid.

right on target

but you are afraid you are very frightened of my mere existence

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

when you make such a false statement you are the lair

1) You admitted to being a liar.
2) You lied and said you did something you didn't do.

we were tlaking about you

you made a statement that was not true

you calim to be able to read

therefore you know it was unture

therefore you are a liar

I am lying to you here and there which is prefectly and will not in
anyway undermine any arrest that may result

So you think you are about to be arrested again, Marky?

no I don't

I know I am not going to be arrested, and certainly for nothing to do
with you your threats, or your hate filled fantascies

I have been arrested even charged over the years but none of those
ever even got past the Prelim hearing


Run, Marky, run!!!!!!!!!!

the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

that I am not fond of cops, or of them as a general rule

I wonder what the "FBI" will think of that.

all prefectly true statements

It won't put you in solid with them, Marky.


Run away, Marky, you imbecile!

your point Mr Slit?

Was just proven by you, idiot.

impossible to to have a point proven you have to make a point, without
a point to begin with you can't prove a point

What the hell are you babbling about, Marky? You are babbling in
circles like a dog chasing it's own tail.

learn to read

learn to reason

learn to use logic

Follow your own advice.

I have

When? You have yet to show it in your 30-some years.

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  #23   Report Post  
Old October 22nd 05, 11:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 14:32:54 -0700, wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 09:08:36 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

WTF are you saying, stupid?

read it and find out

If CIA crytographers read it they couldn't figure out what you were
trying to say,

you gravely under estimate the CIA littleboy

you illiterate son of a bitch.

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."

no I am not part of the FBI

Just on their most watched list.

not that I know but then I would not know of it, but prehaps I am on
such a list but I doubt it. I am not anyway near important enough to
merit such attention

perhaps you are on that list, but for now I doubt it

I don't care however

Then why are you going on and on about it?

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.

for what?

the only class they could form part would be of hate filled bigots

For your defamation, Marky.


what are you talking about?

It is a plain fact that folks mentioned have facts involved in such an

that is no defamation

that I Believe K4YZ is guilty of actionable crimes might be
defamation, but it is true statement that I have made before

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

Wtf are you on, Marky?

nothing for you to worry about after all I am lying according to you
about taking any action with the FBI

That's right. Nice of you to admit it. I'm not worried, dumbass.

I know you are not worried and indeed I think you are safe, becuase
you I think are nuts enough to be safe from any criminal charge

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

You were the drama queen, weren't you?

nope just an unwilling player

According to the Google archives, you've been the "bend-over" boy for
years and years.

just an unwilling player in what ever sick game you are playing

it seem you are trying to direct this little play while trying to man
behind the curtain (like the fraud in the Wizard of OZ)

I bet you wish you could wear Judy Garland's clothes, don't you,

you lose again

If I am the director then CUT! "You're FIRED!"

yu mean I was supposed to paid for taking your bull****, then fine
I'll take my 2 week severance

I will report it, but with roughly the same confience I reported the
fact that someone has Id Mr Slit as N0VFP, which is not very seriously
but the best I have

The best you have is you can get up in the morning.

I can't do better than that altough I rarely getu p in the morning

It shows, stupid.

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  #24   Report Post  
Old October 23rd 05, 02:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 14:28:00 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 09:18:12 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,


Run away, Marky, run away!

yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

Yes, you did. Or you are lying about the whole thing.




Yep. Or you are a liar, take your pick.

I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

yes I do even you and Stevie know something

But we were discussing YOU, Marky.

and I do at something I know you know something if nothing else

Speak English, fool!

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

right you are acting stupidly or insanely....

But the State of Michigan isn't looking into me like they are you,

Gee this is news the State of Michigan is looking into me?

not that I know of

Want to bet, child abuser?

and the State of Michigan would not be looking into you unless you
lived here which obviously you don't since you don't much about the

Awww, are you going to keep barking little doggie or are you going to

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

your point?

Again the point flys over your thick skull. Can't you read, stupid?

I can you just are not making any

No, you are to dense to see it.

perhaps you think you are typing more than you are

Perhaps you should lay off the illegal drugs.

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

gee he did send it I have it

Then post it or stfu.

i'll do neither after all you know what it contians
you lack the power to compell me to shut up, I would think even you
would know that

So in other words, there is no e-mail. STFU, Marky.


Run away,Marky.

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

you lose

Wrong, **** for brains.

No You lose

You lost, Marky, because you lied. I checked.

OTOH I lose from being forced to deal with such a piece of **** as

Too stupid to either ignore me or use a killfile? No, Marky, you enjoy
this too much.
It gives you attention you would not normally get.

and I will do what I can to se you lose as big as I can

No, you can't suck my dick, Marky.

don't want to would never suck you anyway I only deal sexual with
adult humans

That's not what the children in your neighborhood say, Marky.

we will see what that ammounts to

Indeed, filing a false report, tsk tsk, it doesn't look too good for
you, Marky.

looks fine to me but then I have not filed any false report

No, you lied about the whole thing.

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


maybe but not about that

You already admitted you are a liar.

yes but not about the subject you were referring to

Once a liar, always a liar, Marky.

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

I have plenty of them and getting everytime you and Whinny post

You couldn't get a clue in a million years, stupid.

I will not be recieveing Clues in 1 or more millions years you are
right about that

You admit being that stupid, Marky? Damn are you dumb.

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

no screw up

Your stupidity has no bounds, does it, Marky?

hmm it would have to exist to have bounds so I guess you got that one
right, after a fashion

No, your stupidity is plain to see.

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

I am right on target

Afraid not, stupid.

right on target

No, stupid.

but you are afraid you are very frightened of my mere existence

No, not of a bumbling fool like you.

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

when you make such a false statement you are the lair

1) You admitted to being a liar.
2) You lied and said you did something you didn't do.

we were tlaking about you

No, stupid.

you made a statement that was not true

Every statement you make that is untrue, dumbass.

you calim to be able to read

Obviously you can't.

therefore you know it was unture

What's "unture?"

therefore you are a liar

Therefore a self-admitted liar like you has no credibility.

I am lying to you here and there which is prefectly and will not in
anyway undermine any arrest that may result

So you think you are about to be arrested again, Marky?

no I don't

You don't think! And you admitted it.

I know I am not going to be arrested, and certainly for nothing to do
with you your threats, or your hate filled fantascies

Have these delusions much, Marky?

I have been arrested even charged over the years but none of those
ever even got past the Prelim hearing

BWHAHAHAHAHA...nice confession, Marky.


Run, Marky, run!!!!!!!!!!

the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

that I am not fond of cops, or of them as a general rule

I wonder what the "FBI" will think of that.

all prefectly true statements

It won't put you in solid with them, Marky.


Run away, Marky, you imbecile!

your point Mr Slit?

Was just proven by you, idiot.

impossible to to have a point proven you have to make a point, without
a point to begin with you can't prove a point

What the hell are you babbling about, Marky? You are babbling in
circles like a dog chasing it's own tail.

learn to read

learn to reason

learn to use logic

Follow your own advice.

I have

When? You have yet to show it in your 30-some years.

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  #25   Report Post  
Old October 23rd 05, 02:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 22 Oct 2005 14:32:54 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 09:08:36 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

WTF are you saying, stupid?

read it and find out

If CIA crytographers read it they couldn't figure out what you were
trying to say,

you gravely under estimate the CIA littleboy

You don't get sarcasm, do you Marky? Or will you claim to be a KFC
"Colonel" with the CIA, now?

you illiterate son of a bitch.

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."

no I am not part of the FBI

Just on their most watched list.

not that I know but then I would not know of it, but prehaps I am on
such a list but I doubt it. I am not anyway near important enough to
merit such attention

No, you are not important at all, to anybody.

perhaps you are on that list, but for now I doubt it

Perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass.

I don't care however

Then why are you going on and on about it?

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.

for what?

the only class they could form part would be of hate filled bigots

For your defamation, Marky.


"Defamation" Stupid. Even when it's in front of you you screw it up.

what are you talking about?

Read it again, stupid.

It is a plain fact that folks mentioned have facts involved in such an

It is plain to see you lied about the whole thing, Marky.

that is no defamation

Want to bet?

that I Believe K4YZ is guilty of actionable crimes might be
defamation, but it is true statement that I have made before

Too bad you spend all your money on booze, or you would do something
about it.

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

Wtf are you on, Marky?

nothing for you to worry about after all I am lying according to you
about taking any action with the FBI

That's right. Nice of you to admit it. I'm not worried, dumbass.

I know you are not worried and indeed I think you are safe, becuase
you I think are nuts enough to be safe from any criminal charge

That's the pot calling the kettle black.

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

You were the drama queen, weren't you?

nope just an unwilling player

According to the Google archives, you've been the "bend-over" boy for
years and years.

just an unwilling player in what ever sick game you are playing

And like a puppy, you always come back for more. Sounds like you are
willing to me.

it seem you are trying to direct this little play while trying to man
behind the curtain (like the fraud in the Wizard of OZ)

I bet you wish you could wear Judy Garland's clothes, don't you,

you lose again

Too fat to fit in them are you?

If I am the director then CUT! "You're FIRED!"

yu mean I was supposed to paid for taking your bull****, then fine
I'll take my 2 week severance

God, are you stupid, Marky.

  #26   Report Post  
Old October 23rd 05, 07:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 23 Oct 2005 05:41:16 -0700, wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 14:28:00 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 09:18:12 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,


Run away, Marky, run away!

yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

Yes, you did. Or you are lying about the whole thing.




Yep. Or you are a liar, take your pick.

I chose opition three I made a report of the facts as I know them

as long as I present the afcts as I know the clues i have with ,y
assement of the reliablity of them I am not filing a false report

I may be filing an erroronous report but that is not a crime

I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

yes I do even you and Stevie know something

But we were discussing YOU, Marky.

and I do at something I know you know something if nothing else

Speak English, fool!

I refuse to Speak english in this forum

I do write in it as I have done in the sentence he can't understand

it is subtle so I guess it was beyond him

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

right you are acting stupidly or insanely....

But the State of Michigan isn't looking into me like they are you,

Gee this is news the State of Michigan is looking into me?

not that I know of

Want to bet, child abuser?

not with someone that can't even post his own name

and the State of Michigan would not be looking into you unless you
lived here which obviously you don't since you don't much about the

Awww, are you going to keep barking little doggie or are you going to

gota to get in the right place draw you out on what I need to know

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

your point?

Again the point flys over your thick skull. Can't you read, stupid?

I can you just are not making any

No, you are to dense to see it.

perhaps you think you are typing more than you are

Perhaps you should lay off the illegal drugs.

since I don't take any I can't stop taking em

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

gee he did send it I have it

Then post it or stfu.

i'll do neither after all you know what it contians
you lack the power to compell me to shut up, I would think even you
would know that

So in other words, there is no e-mail. STFU, Marky.

no said nothing of the kind

but you would know if you sent or not

besides you confessed in NEwsgruop


Run away,Marky.

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

you lose

Wrong, **** for brains.

No You lose

You lost, Marky, because you lied. I checked.

it is not a crime to lie to you, unless you are a federal agent acting
in the line of duty

BTW if you choose to claim such status you should it might be a crime
to make that claim falsely

OTOH I lose from being forced to deal with such a piece of **** as

Too stupid to either ignore me or use a killfile? No, Marky, you enjoy
this too much.

neither when involved others the other Mr Morgan you took away my
abilty moraly to ignore you

It gives you attention you would not normally get.

You got that right

I don't normaly get the attention of folks I believe are so screwed up
that they clikely can't even stand trail for there crimes

It is a new experence

thank you for putting that into prespective for me

and I will do what I can to se you lose as big as I can

No, you can't suck my dick, Marky.

don't want to would never suck you anyway I only deal sexual with
adult humans

That's not what the children in your neighborhood say, Marky.

another lie Mr Slit

we will see what that ammounts to

Indeed, filing a false report, tsk tsk, it doesn't look too good for
you, Marky.

looks fine to me but then I have not filed any false report

No, you lied about the whole thing.

not at all

for your own sake you realy should get that though your head, if you

I have filled my report. I will have to follow though or risk it being
labeled a false report

this means the FBI will be taking a look at you Mr Slit how close they
will come I realy don't know

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


maybe but not about that

You already admitted you are a liar.

yes but not about the subject you were referring to

Once a liar, always a liar, Marky.

I refer to other answerin this post

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

I have plenty of them and getting everytime you and Whinny post

You couldn't get a clue in a million years, stupid.

I will not be recieveing Clues in 1 or more millions years you are
right about that

You admit being that stupid, Marky? Damn are you dumb.

no I admit that I will not be around in a million years as you would
know if you bothered to read or just to think

I am respond to your hyperbole with deadpan sarcasm

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

no screw up

Your stupidity has no bounds, does it, Marky?

hmm it would have to exist to have bounds so I guess you got that one
right, after a fashion

No, your stupidity is plain to see.

you are of course entitled to your opinion

does not make it true however

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

I am right on target

Afraid not, stupid.

right on target

No, stupid.

but you are afraid you are very frightened of my mere existence

No, not of a bumbling fool like you.

yes you are

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

when you make such a false statement you are the lair

1) You admitted to being a liar.
2) You lied and said you did something you didn't do.

we were tlaking about you

No, stupid.

yes I was

you made a statement that was not true

Every statement you make that is untrue, dumbass.

"everything I say is lie" Harry Mudd, I Mudd ST:TOS


you calim to be able to read

Obviously you can't.

we werre discuising you

therefore you know it was unture

What's "unture?"

therefore you are a liar

Therefore a self-admitted liar like you has no credibility.

we shall see

I am lying to you here and there which is prefectly and will not in
anyway undermine any arrest that may result

So you think you are about to be arrested again, Marky?

no I don't

You don't think! And you admitted it.

no I think I am going to be aressted you dolt

I know I am not going to be arrested, and certainly for nothing to do
with you your threats, or your hate filled fantascies

Have these delusions much, Marky?

no delusions

a few simple facts there are just not enough jail cells to confine all
those that report to the police stalking and threats that they can't
or won't follow up on

neither of us has any real reason to believe I will draw some specail

I will take my at bat and we shall see the results

I believe that your involving another man thinking he was me will
increase the chances of action being taken against you and that it
will give me an at bat against Stevie

but we shall see

I have been arrested even charged over the years but none of those
ever even got past the Prelim hearing

BWHAHAHAHAHA...nice confession, Marky.

well my mom did time for anti Nam protest (less the 90 days) and my
dad was convicted and given a suspended sentence for slugging a cop he
(and my mom) felt groped her improperly during her arest

i guess I am just less afraid of the legal system than you and stevie

so i will take my stand and risk taking my lumps


Run, Marky, run!!!!!!!!!!

the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

that I am not fond of cops, or of them as a general rule

I wonder what the "FBI" will think of that.

all prefectly true statements

It won't put you in solid with them, Marky.

missed the above only saw it

but the answer is so what

the FBI are generaly professionals

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  #27   Report Post  
Old October 23rd 05, 07:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 23 Oct 2005 05:47:59 -0700, wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 14:32:54 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 09:08:36 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

WTF are you saying, stupid?

read it and find out

If CIA crytographers read it they couldn't figure out what you were
trying to say,

you gravely under estimate the CIA littleboy

You don't get sarcasm, do you Marky? Or will you claim to be a KFC
"Colonel" with the CIA, now?

neither I just claim the same to use it myself

the style I use is called "deadpan" for reason unknown to me

you illiterate son of a bitch.

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."

no I am not part of the FBI

Just on their most watched list.

not that I know but then I would not know of it, but prehaps I am on
such a list but I doubt it. I am not anyway near important enough to
merit such attention

No, you are not important at all, to anybody.

meaning you kew you were lying in claiming i was on the FBI mst
watched list

perhaps you are on that list, but for now I doubt it

Perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass.

again it would have to be there first and I am no where near that

I don't care however

Then why are you going on and on about it?

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.

for what?

the only class they could form part would be of hate filled bigots

For your defamation, Marky.


"Defamation" Stupid. Even when it's in front of you you screw it up.

what are you talking about?

Read it again, stupid.

It is a plain fact that folks mentioned have facts involved in such an

It is plain to see you lied about the whole thing, Marky.

Truely I would advise you to not think that, for your own sake

that is no defamation

Want to bet?

that I Believe K4YZ is guilty of actionable crimes might be
defamation, but it is true statement that I have made before

Too bad you spend all your money on booze, or you would do something
about it.

action on Crime requires the aid of the State not something i can buy
( or at least not without comitting the crime of bribery)

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

Wtf are you on, Marky?

nothing for you to worry about after all I am lying according to you
about taking any action with the FBI

That's right. Nice of you to admit it. I'm not worried, dumbass.

I know you are not worried and indeed I think you are safe, becuase
you I think are nuts enough to be safe from any criminal charge

That's the pot calling the kettle black.

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

You were the drama queen, weren't you?

nope just an unwilling player

According to the Google archives, you've been the "bend-over" boy for
years and years.

just an unwilling player in what ever sick game you are playing

And like a puppy, you always come back for more. Sounds like you are
willing to me.

it seem you are trying to direct this little play while trying to man
behind the curtain (like the fraud in the Wizard of OZ)

I bet you wish you could wear Judy Garland's clothes, don't you,

you lose again

Too fat to fit in them are you?

If I am the director then CUT! "You're FIRED!"

yu mean I was supposed to paid for taking your bull****, then fine
I'll take my 2 week severance

God, are you stupid, Marky.

i just have a sense of humor
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  #28   Report Post  
Old October 24th 05, 12:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 23 Oct 2005 05:41:16 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 14:28:00 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 09:18:12 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

On 22 Oct 2005 08:41:24 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

an_old_friend wrote:
On 21 Oct 2005 21:33:14 -0700,


Run away, Marky, run away!

yes filing a false one would, good thing for me I have not filled a
false report

Yes, you did. Or you are lying about the whole thing.




Yep. Or you are a liar, take your pick.

I chose opition three I made a report of the facts as I know them

No you are lying out of your faggot ass.

as long as I present the afcts as I know the clues i have with ,y
assement of the reliablity of them I am not filing a false report


I may be filing an erroronous report but that is not a crime

Giving false information is.

I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

yes I do even you and Stevie know something

But we were discussing YOU, Marky.

and I do at something I know you know something if nothing else

Speak English, fool!

I refuse to Speak english in this forum

You refuse even speak English offline, too, stupid.

I do write in it as I have done in the sentence he can't understand

No, you prove what an illiterate idiot you are.

it is subtle so I guess it was beyond him

Nobody can understand your gibberish.

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

right you are acting stupidly or insanely....

But the State of Michigan isn't looking into me like they are you,

Gee this is news the State of Michigan is looking into me?

not that I know of

Want to bet, child abuser?

not with someone that can't even post his own name

And I suppose "an_old_friend_ is on your birth certificate? Or do you
HAVE a birth certificate?

and the State of Michigan would not be looking into you unless you
lived here which obviously you don't since you don't much about the

Awww, are you going to keep barking little doggie or are you going to

gota to get in the right place draw you out on what I need to know

Again, you fail to understand the concept of sarcaqsm.

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

your point?

Again the point flys over your thick skull. Can't you read, stupid?

I can you just are not making any

No, you are to dense to see it.

perhaps you think you are typing more than you are

Perhaps you should lay off the illegal drugs.

since I don't take any I can't stop taking em

Then it must be the alcohol and your inherent stupidity posting.

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

gee he did send it I have it

Then post it or stfu.

i'll do neither after all you know what it contians
you lack the power to compell me to shut up, I would think even you
would know that

So in other words, there is no e-mail. STFU, Marky.

no said nothing of the kind

You don't post, you have nothing to boast.

but you would know if you sent or not

You claim to have it. I say you don't.

besides you confessed in NEwsgruop

What's newsgruop?"


Run away,Marky.

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

you lose

Wrong, **** for brains.

No You lose

You lost, Marky, because you lied. I checked.

it is not a crime to lie to you, unless you are a federal agent acting
in the line of duty

You lied to a federal agent, Marky.

BTW if you choose to claim such status you should it might be a crime
to make that claim falsely

Nobody is claiming any such thing, stupid.

OTOH I lose from being forced to deal with such a piece of **** as

Too stupid to either ignore me or use a killfile? No, Marky, you enjoy
this too much.

neither when involved others the other Mr Morgan you took away my
abilty moraly to ignore you

The "other Mr. Morgan"???? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

It gives you attention you would not normally get.

You got that right

Poor pathetic Marky.

I don't normaly get the attention of folks I believe are so screwed up
that they clikely can't even stand trail for there crimes

What are your thoughts on thinking, Marky?
It is a new experence

I'm sure it is for you.

thank you for putting that into prespective for me

No problem, dumbass. It was my pleasure.

and I will do what I can to se you lose as big as I can

No, you can't suck my dick, Marky.

don't want to would never suck you anyway I only deal sexual with
adult humans

That's not what the children in your neighborhood say, Marky.

another lie Mr Slit

Oh so you say.

we will see what that ammounts to

Indeed, filing a false report, tsk tsk, it doesn't look too good for
you, Marky.

looks fine to me but then I have not filed any false report

No, you lied about the whole thing.

not at all

You lied.

for your own sake you realy should get that though your head, if you

You are a self-confessed liar.

I have filled my report. I will have to follow though or risk it being
labeled a false report

You can count on the latter happening, Marky.

this means the FBI will be taking a look at you Mr Slit how close they
will come I realy don't know

Quit lying, stupid.

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


maybe but not about that

You already admitted you are a liar.

yes but not about the subject you were referring to

Once a liar, always a liar, Marky.

I refer to other answerin this post

Waffling again, Marky?

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

I have plenty of them and getting everytime you and Whinny post

You couldn't get a clue in a million years, stupid.

I will not be recieveing Clues in 1 or more millions years you are
right about that

You admit being that stupid, Marky? Damn are you dumb.

no I admit that I will not be around in a million years as you would
know if you bothered to read or just to think

Even if you were you still wouldn't catch any clues.

I am respond to your hyperbole with deadpan sarcasm

No, you formulate a 3rd grade response that makes you look like a

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

no screw up

Your stupidity has no bounds, does it, Marky?

hmm it would have to exist to have bounds so I guess you got that one
right, after a fashion

No, your stupidity is plain to see.

you are of course entitled to your opinion

Oh, how nice of you, jackass.

does not make it true however

You remember that, when you think people are "threatening" you,

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

I am right on target

Afraid not, stupid.

right on target

No, stupid.

but you are afraid you are very frightened of my mere existence

No, not of a bumbling fool like you.

yes you are


you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

when you make such a false statement you are the lair

1) You admitted to being a liar.
2) You lied and said you did something you didn't do.

we were tlaking about you

No, stupid.

yes I was

No, stupid.

you made a statement that was not true

Every statement you make that is untrue, dumbass.

"everything I say is lie" Harry Mudd, I Mudd ST:TOS


It figures you'd be a trekkie, Marky. Do you post with your Spock ears
on, too?

you calim to be able to read

Obviously you can't.

we werre discuising you

You can't even post in English.

therefore you know it was unture

What's "unture?"

therefore you are a liar

Therefore a self-admitted liar like you has no credibility.

we shall see

Indeed. Your false report will probably come back to bite you on the
ass, Marky. That or they will be made aware of some of your postings at
the very least.

I am lying to you here and there which is prefectly and will not in
anyway undermine any arrest that may result

So you think you are about to be arrested again, Marky?

no I don't

You don't think! And you admitted it.

no I think I am going to be aressted you dolt

No, you don't think.

I know I am not going to be arrested, and certainly for nothing to do
with you your threats, or your hate filled fantascies

Have these delusions much, Marky?

no delusions

The one with the delusions is alwasy the last to know, Marky.

a few simple facts there are just not enough jail cells to confine all
those that report to the police stalking and threats that they can't
or won't follow up on


neither of us has any real reason to believe I will draw some specail

You are as dense as a black hole, Marky.

I will take my at bat and we shall see the results

Strike three! You're out! as usual, Marky!

I believe that your involving another man thinking he was me will
increase the chances of action being taken against you and that it
will give me an at bat against Stevie


but we shall see

Indeed. snicker

I have been arrested even charged over the years but none of those
ever even got past the Prelim hearing

BWHAHAHAHAHA...nice confession, Marky.

well my mom did time for anti Nam protest (less the 90 days) and my
dad was convicted and given a suspended sentence for slugging a cop he
(and my mom) felt groped her improperly during her arest

Marky reveals his jailbird family..........

i guess I am just less afraid of the legal system than you and stevie

so i will take my stand and risk taking my lumps

Then black Bubba will give you something else, but you'll like that


Run, Marky, run!!!!!!!!!!

the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

that I am not fond of cops, or of them as a general rule

I wonder what the "FBI" will think of that.

all prefectly true statements

It won't put you in solid with them, Marky.

missed the above only saw it

You miss a lot of things, dumbass!

but the answer is so what

the FBI are generaly professionals

They will take that above statement that they aren't noble into
consideration, I'm sure.

  #29   Report Post  
Old October 24th 05, 12:46 AM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 23 Oct 2005 05:47:59 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 14:32:54 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 09:08:36 -0700, "N0VFP" wrote:

in the day since I made this report I have recieved reports the Wisman
AB8MQ is whiny trying to make me think he is N0VFP and the the later
is threatening so I will make trouble for N0VFP on AB8MQ behalf

WTF are you saying, stupid?

read it and find out

If CIA crytographers read it they couldn't figure out what you were
trying to say,

you gravely under estimate the CIA littleboy

You don't get sarcasm, do you Marky? Or will you claim to be a KFC
"Colonel" with the CIA, now?

neither I just claim the same to use it myself

Another lie, Marky?

the style I use is called "deadpan" for reason unknown to me

The style you use is "sniveling moron," which is what you are.

you illiterate son of a bitch.

I will report this line of thought to the FBI when next they and I
speak ( as pormised to try and devlope more leads for her)

Yeah, like you are part of their crack undercover team, KFC "Colonel."

no I am not part of the FBI

Just on their most watched list.

not that I know but then I would not know of it, but prehaps I am on
such a list but I doubt it. I am not anyway near important enough to
merit such attention

No, you are not important at all, to anybody.

meaning you kew you were lying in claiming i was on the FBI mst
watched list

No, you are just not that important.

perhaps you are on that list, but for now I doubt it

Perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass.

again it would have to be there first and I am no where near that

Keep it up there, then.

I don't care however

Then why are you going on and on about it?

I will press the FBI to help me get to the bottom of it, whereever the
trail leads

Probably for you at the bottom of that Thunderbird bottle.

I will not care if N0VFP gets questioed I hope he does,

the same for AB8MB

the same K4YZ

Hope you like a class action lawsuit, Marky.

for what?

the only class they could form part would be of hate filled bigots

For your defamation, Marky.


"Defamation" Stupid. Even when it's in front of you you screw it up.

what are you talking about?

Read it again, stupid.

It is a plain fact that folks mentioned have facts involved in such an

It is plain to see you lied about the whole thing, Marky.

Truely I would advise you to not think that, for your own sake

STFU, liar.

that is no defamation

Want to bet?

that I Believe K4YZ is guilty of actionable crimes might be
defamation, but it is true statement that I have made before

Too bad you spend all your money on booze, or you would do something
about it.

action on Crime requires the aid of the State not something i can buy
( or at least not without comitting the crime of bribery)

WTF has that got to do with anything, Dodgeball Marky?

with regard to emailing me about wisemans role in such a plot (for
wnat of a better word)

Wtf are you on, Marky?

nothing for you to worry about after all I am lying according to you
about taking any action with the FBI

That's right. Nice of you to admit it. I'm not worried, dumbass.

I know you are not worried and indeed I think you are safe, becuase
you I think are nuts enough to be safe from any criminal charge

That's the pot calling the kettle black.

like Hayward Floyd in 2010 it is very diffcult to take the wiseman
angle seriously unless I (and the FBI) can know who we are dealing
with after all this could be NoVFP or someone as yet unknown in this
little drama trying to get me to make trouble for AB8MQ by aming it
seem like AB8MQ is trying to make trouble for N0VFP

You were the drama queen, weren't you?

nope just an unwilling player

According to the Google archives, you've been the "bend-over" boy for
years and years.

just an unwilling player in what ever sick game you are playing

And like a puppy, you always come back for more. Sounds like you are
willing to me.

it seem you are trying to direct this little play while trying to man
behind the curtain (like the fraud in the Wizard of OZ)

I bet you wish you could wear Judy Garland's clothes, don't you,

you lose again

Too fat to fit in them are you?

If I am the director then CUT! "You're FIRED!"

yu mean I was supposed to paid for taking your bull****, then fine
I'll take my 2 week severance

God, are you stupid, Marky.

i just have a sense of humor

No, your mother and father do by letting an abortion like you live.

  #30   Report Post  
Old October 24th 05, 12:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Default the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie

On 23 Oct 2005 15:37:51 -0700, wrote:

On 23 Oct 2005 05:41:16 -0700,

On 22 Oct 2005 14:28:00 -0700,



Yep. Or you are a liar, take your pick.

I chose opition three I made a report of the facts as I know them

No you are lying out of your faggot ass.

I can absolutely assure I never out of my ass

as long as I present the afcts as I know the clues i have with ,y
assement of the reliablity of them I am not filing a false report



I may be filing an erroronous report but that is not a crime

Giving false information is.

nothing false in the information I have provided or will provide in
the future

I have filed a true one, with all the proper caveats since I don't
know what you are doing

You don't know anything, Marky.

yes I do even you and Stevie know something

But we were discussing YOU, Marky.

and I do at something I know you know something if nothing else

Speak English, fool!

I refuse to Speak english in this forum

You refuse even speak English offline, too, stupid.

wrong again

I do write in it as I have done in the sentence he can't understand

No, you prove what an illiterate idiot you are.

wrong again

it is subtle so I guess it was beyond him

Nobody can understand your gibberish.

wrong again

since if you are in fact N0VFP you are acting stupidly (or insanely)
in bring down more even attention to the idea that you might be Mr

Wrong, stupid.

right you are acting stupidly or insanely....

But the State of Michigan isn't looking into me like they are you,

Gee this is news the State of Michigan is looking into me?

not that I know of

Want to bet, child abuser?

not with someone that can't even post his own name

And I suppose "an_old_friend_ is on your birth certificate? Or do you
HAVE a birth certificate?

every one know my name even you as you proved

but you were the suject of my question

you want me to bet with someone with no name

no thanks

and the State of Michigan would not be looking into you unless you
lived here which obviously you don't since you don't much about the

Awww, are you going to keep barking little doggie or are you going to

gota to get in the right place draw you out on what I need to know

Again, you fail to understand the concept of sarcaqsm.

I understand it well

OTOH you seem to overlook I am able to emply it as well

You are an idiot.

not true but even if true it matters not one wit

Yes it is true. There was no threat, stupid.

there was a threat, you have made that clear


absoutely and you have confessed to making a threat

Wrong as usual,Marky.

but if you are not Mr Slit then you could not know I am wrong in
saying Mr Slit has confessed to making a threat

I can read, stupid.

your point?

Again the point flys over your thick skull. Can't you read, stupid?

I can you just are not making any

No, you are to dense to see it.

perhaps you think you are typing more than you are

Perhaps you should lay off the illegal drugs.

since I don't take any I can't stop taking em

Then it must be the alcohol and your inherent stupidity posting.

no it does not have to anything to with alcohol anyone with any real
information about me knows better than that

If I am lying in saying the Mr Slit has confessed in emal to the
threat you would not know this unless you were Mr Slit

Slit didn't send you an e-mail,stupid. You're lying again.

gee he did send it I have it

Then post it or stfu.

i'll do neither after all you know what it contians
you lack the power to compell me to shut up, I would think even you
would know that

So in other words, there is no e-mail. STFU, Marky.

no said nothing of the kind

You don't post, you have nothing to boast.

wasn't boasting

you posted it yourself

but you would know if you sent or not

You claim to have it. I say you don't.

you posted it online

besides you confessed in NEwsgruop

What's newsgruop?"


Run away,Marky.

There is absolutely a threat

No, stupid there wasn't. Hope they get you for filing a false rerport.

we shall see

Yes, we shall. Dumbass!

but I doubt it

So you are lying about the whole thing.

no but you need to learn to read


I doubt I will arrested for filling a false report since I have filed
no false report only a true one, that I will follow up on

You either filed a false report of lying about the whole thing. My odds
are on the latter.

you lose

Wrong, **** for brains.

No You lose

You lost, Marky, because you lied. I checked.

it is not a crime to lie to you, unless you are a federal agent acting
in the line of duty

You lied to a federal agent, Marky.

a dangerous statement but likely just safe enough for you to get away

I have lied to no federal agent

BTW if you choose to claim such status you should it might be a crime
to make that claim falsely

Nobody is claiming any such thing, stupid.

never said you did was just making the coment

OTOH I lose from being forced to deal with such a piece of **** as

Too stupid to either ignore me or use a killfile? No, Marky, you enjoy
this too much.

neither when involved others the other Mr Morgan you took away my
abilty moraly to ignore you

The "other Mr. Morgan"???? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

yes the incocent you would have harmed if you acted as you were
threatening to

It gives you attention you would not normally get.

You got that right

Poor pathetic Marky.

I don't normaly get the attention of folks I believe are so screwed up
that they clikely can't even stand trail for there crimes

What are your thoughts on thinking, Marky?

my own
It is a new experence

I'm sure it is for you.

what you adknowledgeing I got something right

May word... can my haert stand the strain?

thank you for putting that into prespective for me

No problem, dumbass. It was my pleasure.

and I will do what I can to se you lose as big as I can

No, you can't suck my dick, Marky.

don't want to would never suck you anyway I only deal sexual with
adult humans

That's not what the children in your neighborhood say, Marky.

another lie Mr Slit

Oh so you say.

yes I do

it is also a fact

we will see what that ammounts to

Indeed, filing a false report, tsk tsk, it doesn't look too good for
you, Marky.

looks fine to me but then I have not filed any false report

No, you lied about the whole thing.

not at all

You lied.


for your own sake you realy should get that though your head, if you

You are a self-confessed liar.

for your own sake you realy should get that though your head, if you

I have filled my report. I will have to follow though or risk it being
labeled a false report

You can count on the latter happening, Marky.

if you are right you have nothing to worry about

but I am not worried about any charge from filing a report consisting
of the facts

all that worries me is that they may not rise to a level that DA will

the later is certainly possible

OTOH if it happens yet another files will exist for the next time

one of these it seem likely that you or Stevie or Dan based on his
latest posts wil most likely cross the line. I wish I did not believe
that but I do

this means the FBI will be taking a look at you Mr Slit how close they
will come I realy don't know

Quit lying, stupid.

not lying no need to lie Like I said I do wonder how much yahoo will
go along with them

well we shall see

They could see that, I'm

I read her peices from Mr Slit's postings she agreed that a threat
seemed to exist and to contact the police to arrage for protection for
this man, in the conversation it develped between uthe thought that any
Mark Morgan in the phone book and in the UP may be also at risk and so
a memo/bultin will be sent out to UP law enforencement says someone may
attemtpt some type of crime against persona with the name Mark Morgan
based on a case of mistaken ID ( or words to that effect) She also
agreed with me, that likehood of Mr Slit carring out that threat is low

based on the fact I have been told that Mr Slit may be (according
sources I deem of low reliablity) N0VFP she will seek at some point to
have N0VFP questioned to see if he is fact Mr Slit etc

God are you stupid Marky.

I (and others don't think so) but perhaps

No everybody thinks so.

simply not true Brain Todd len anderson Bill shol and other don't
seem to think so

Wrong, Marky.

true enough little boy, and that is just here in This forum online

No, it's true offline as well.

not at all


maybe but not about that

You already admitted you are a liar.

yes but not about the subject you were referring to

Once a liar, always a liar, Marky.

I refer to other answerin this post

Waffling again, Marky?

no just refusing to retype it all

you should notice BTW even Stevie who knows certain statement I have
made recently are lies has choosen to back off and let me deal with you
in my own way (he will likely try and make me pay for it later but that
is another matter

By whining is not dealing, stupid.

I am dealing with you and Mr Slit trying to lead you down the garden
path into giving me the clues I need for the FBI

You couldn't get a clue if you sprayed yourself with clue pheromones
and went out into a field of clues,Marky.

I have plenty of them and getting everytime you and Whinny post

You couldn't get a clue in a million years, stupid.

I will not be recieveing Clues in 1 or more millions years you are
right about that

You admit being that stupid, Marky? Damn are you dumb.

no I admit that I will not be around in a million years as you would
know if you bothered to read or just to think

Even if you were you still wouldn't catch any clues.

you are right of course in one or more million I am sure senility will
have set in

I am respond to your hyperbole with deadpan sarcasm

No, you formulate a 3rd grade response that makes you look like a

ah you don't like deadpan sarcasm

too bad

yes I am lying to you and there but where?

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing.

another lie N0VFP

Another stupid Marky screw up!

no screw up

Your stupidity has no bounds, does it, Marky?

hmm it would have to exist to have bounds so I guess you got that one
right, after a fashion

No, your stupidity is plain to see.

you are of course entitled to your opinion

Oh, how nice of you, jackass.

you are welcome

does not make it true however

You remember that, when you think people are "threatening" you,

the law says I get to decide that for most legal matters

So long as I believe you are threatening me I am not making a false
report in saying so to Law enforcement

some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

Post in English, Marky.

Have these delusions much?

what delusion are you reffering to?

Oh, delusions that threats were made when they weren't,

you made statements you clearly intended to be taken as threat

Bull****, pea brain.

you clearly intended them to be taken as a threat

No, retard. Learn to read.

they were clearly intended to make me feel threatened, I suspect even
Stevie will conceed that was the intent of the poster

No, stupid, as usual, you miss the mark.

I am right on target

Afraid not, stupid.

right on target

No, stupid.

but you are afraid you are very frightened of my mere existence

No, not of a bumbling fool like you.

yes you are


intrestering choice of word

you talking to
the FBI when you didn't.

sure did called thrusday they called friday morning


at times but not there

Marky admits to lying about the whole thing a second time.

another lie N0VFP


some what I said here is a Lie some not I know which and where as well
when we catch up the FBI

So you admit you lied about the whole thing.

when you make such a false statement you are the lair

1) You admitted to being a liar.
2) You lied and said you did something you didn't do.

we were tlaking about you

No, stupid.

yes I was

No, stupid.

yes I was

you made a statement that was not true

Every statement you make that is untrue, dumbass.

"everything I say is lie" Harry Mudd, I Mudd ST:TOS


It figures you'd be a trekkie, Marky. Do you post with your Spock ears
on, too?

you just checking on that I am a SciFi fan?

you calim to be able to read

Obviously you can't.

we werre discuising you

You can't even post in English.

therefore you know it was unture

What's "unture?"

therefore you are a liar

Therefore a self-admitted liar like you has no credibility.

we shall see

Indeed. Your false report will probably come back to bite you on the
ass, Marky. That or they will be made aware of some of your postings at
the very least.

my repost might but I am moreworried that the UP will taken out by a
killer rock from space

they will be made aware them you can be sure of that

I am lying to you here and there which is prefectly and will not in
anyway undermine any arrest that may result

So you think you are about to be arrested again, Marky?

no I don't

You don't think! And you admitted it.

no I think I am going to be aressted you dolt

No, you don't think.

I know I am not going to be arrested, and certainly for nothing to do
with you your threats, or your hate filled fantascies

Have these delusions much, Marky?

no delusions

The one with the delusions is alwasy the last to know, Marky.

true enough which my be your problem

a few simple facts there are just not enough jail cells to confine all
those that report to the police stalking and threats that they can't
or won't follow up on


simple truth

neither of us has any real reason to believe I will draw some specail

You are as dense as a black hole, Marky.

no way near that dense

I will take my at bat and we shall see the results

Strike three! You're out! as usual, Marky!

out of what?

I believe that your involving another man thinking he was me will
increase the chances of action being taken against you and that it
will give me an at bat against Stevie


we shall see

but we shall see

Indeed. snicker


I have been arrested even charged over the years but none of those
ever even got past the Prelim hearing

BWHAHAHAHAHA...nice confession, Marky.

well my mom did time for anti Nam protest (less the 90 days) and my
dad was convicted and given a suspended sentence for slugging a cop he
(and my mom) felt groped her improperly during her arest

Marky reveals his jailbird family..........

at least we have courage to do what we think is right

i guess I am just less afraid of the legal system than you and stevie

so i will take my stand and risk taking my lumps

Then black Bubba will give you something else, but you'll like that

nah I no fears of "Bubba"


Run, Marky, run!!!!!!!!!!

the shows show the cops as far more noble than the cops tend to be

I wonder what the "FBI" would think of your statement, Marky?

that I am not fond of cops, or of them as a general rule

I wonder what the "FBI" will think of that.

all prefectly true statements

It won't put you in solid with them, Marky.

missed the above only saw it

You miss a lot of things, dumbass!

but the answer is so what

the FBI are generaly professionals

They will take that above statement that they aren't noble into
consideration, I'm sure.

is that what you are counting to save you?

that is good for alaugh
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