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![]() wrote: wrote: Well, after (ugh) reading through 3,599 filings on the FCC ECFS under WT Docket 05-235 (up to 31 October 2005), I'm convinced that way too many radio amateurs are still stuck to the glorious past of a half century ago in radio communications. Why, Len? Because the *majority* disagree with you? Steve agreed with removing the Morse Code Exam. I guess that makes him "progressive." Their bliss over the efficacy of morsemanship shines on under skies unclouded by progress in technology... which had already begun before they got their first amateur license. You haven't got *your* first amateur radio license, Len. That would make Len "unbiased." They BELIEVE deep in their little hearts that morsemanship is THE essential ingredient in becoming an extra-super-special radio "expert," "well-rounded" and a "leader" in amateurism. And what do *you* believe deep in your little heart, Len? That there is a God? It's a Belief so deep, so basic, that they are convinced that ALL morsemen are "experts" on everything and those who don't Believe as they do are heretics who know nothing about everything. Sounds like sour grapes on your part. Sounds like several of the amateurs that remain on this news group. The actual count of individuals commenting showed that once duplicates and nonresponsive filings were removed, 55% of those commenting support at least a Morse Code test for Extra. Only 45% support the NPRM, with its complete removal of Morse Code testing. Where did your numbers come from? A few days ago, you wrote: "3. The attitude towards morse code testing in the U.S. amateur community has been CHANGING all along...AWAY from the old, Old, OLD standards and practices." - Len Anderson But the filings on WT 05-235 show that the majority (55%!) of those who commented want at least some code testing. That majority is almost identical to those supporting more than one code test speed back in 1998. Show your work. Another quote from what you wrote a few days ago: "That seems to **** you off greatly and makes you petulant, whiny, and accusatory. Tsk." - Len Anderson A perfect lead-in to the following: Must be wonderful to exist in such deep delusions of grandeur, very satisfying, off in a wonderland of their own fantasies of self-importance and Greatness. shrug It's interesting that you will go on and on and on about the motivations of people you've never met, but you won't tell us *your* motivations for changing the regulations of the Amateur Radio Service. Which is a radio service you are not involved in. Lots of people deciding the outcome of the NPRM are not involved "in" amateur radio. |
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![]() wrote: wrote: wrote: Well, after (ugh) reading through 3,599 filings on the FCC ECFS under WT Docket 05-235 (up to 31 October 2005), I'm convinced that way too many radio amateurs are still stuck to the glorious past of a half century ago in radio communications. Why, Len? Because the *majority* disagree with you? Steve agreed with removing the Morse Code Exam. I guess that makes him "progressive." That's not what I said. I said I am in favor of allowing some access to HF without the Morse exam. I also said I favor retaining the Morse exam for the Extra Class license and for limiting access to those frequencies where Morse is most used where the licensee has not demonstrated at least some proficiency in Morse Code. Their bliss over the efficacy of morsemanship shines on under skies unclouded by progress in technology... which had already begun before they got their first amateur license. You haven't got *your* first amateur radio license, Len. That would make Len "unbiased." No, it would not. It VERY heavily predisposes Lennie to a specific view. They BELIEVE deep in their little hearts that morsemanship is THE essential ingredient in becoming an extra-super-special radio "expert," "well-rounded" and a "leader" in amateurism. And what do *you* believe deep in your little heart, Len? That there is a God Is there? Really? It's a Belief so deep, so basic, that they are convinced that ALL morsemen are "experts" on everything and those who don't Believe as they do are heretics who know nothing about everything. Sounds like sour grapes on your part. Sounds like several of the amateurs that remain on this news group. Such as? Seems everyone here, myself included, have expressed many different ideas on a great many issues. The actual count of individuals commenting showed that once duplicates and nonresponsive filings were removed, 55% of those commenting support at least a Morse Code test for Extra. Only 45% support the NPRM, with its complete removal of Morse Code testing. Where did your numbers come from? The FCC via Lennie's previous posts. Why? A few days ago, you wrote: "3. The attitude towards morse code testing in the U.S. amateur community has been CHANGING all along...AWAY from the old, Old, OLD standards and practices." - Len Anderson But the filings on WT 05-235 show that the majority (55%!) of those who commented want at least some code testing. That majority is almost identical to those supporting more than one code test speed back in 1998. Show your work. It's LENNIE'S Work, Brain...The number are fluid, of course, but as of his last compilation, those numbers still come pretty close. Another quote from what you wrote a few days ago: "That seems to **** you off greatly and makes you petulant, whiny, and accusatory. Tsk." - Len Anderson A perfect lead-in to the following: Must be wonderful to exist in such deep delusions of grandeur, very satisfying, off in a wonderland of their own fantasies of self-importance and Greatness. shrug It's interesting that you will go on and on and on about the motivations of people you've never met, but you won't tell us *your* motivations for changing the regulations of the Amateur Radio Service. Which is a radio service you are not involved in. Lots of people deciding the outcome of the NPRM are not involved "in" amateur radio. No...A FEW people are. Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() "K4YZ" wrote in message oups.com... wrote: wrote: wrote: [snip] Steve agreed with removing the Morse Code Exam. I guess that makes him "progressive." That's not what I said. I said I am in favor of allowing some access to HF without the Morse exam. I also said I favor retaining the Morse exam for the Extra Class license and for limiting access to those frequencies where Morse is most used where the licensee has not demonstrated at least some proficiency in Morse Code. I would disagree with this approach. Here's why. Let me start by saying that I believe all amateurs should have a basic ability in Morse code as it is one of the basics of amateur radio. There are two ways to get people to learn it. One, which is what we have now, is to tie the most desired privilege (HF voice) to the subject that they least desire to study. However there is a second way. Allow the novices and techs CW privileges only on the General HF bands without any further testing. They can have HF voice, digital, etc at any time they then pass the whatever the test will be in the future for General. This gives them a taste of HF. I would happily work them as slow as they want to go in order to encourage the use of CW. Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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On 2 Nov 2005 15:01:08 -0800, wrote: wrote: Well, after (ugh) reading through 3,599 filings on the FCC ECFS under WT Docket 05-235 (up to 31 October 2005), I'm convinced that way too many radio amateurs are still stuck to the glorious past of a half century ago in radio communications. Why, Len? Because the *majority* disagree with you? what majority? Where've you been? Did you miss the news about the hurricanes and Scooter Libby's indictment too? Their bliss over the efficacy of morsemanship shines on under skies unclouded by progress in technology... which had already begun before they got their first amateur license. You haven't got *your* first amateur radio license, Len. so what you keep beating that dead horse it smells pretty bad by now Yep, Len's carcass is beginning to stink up the joint after that "Extra right out of the box" comment. They BELIEVE deep in their little hearts that morsemanship is THE essential ingredient in becoming an extra-super-special radio "expert," "well-rounded" and a "leader" in amateurism. And what do *you* believe deep in your little heart, Len? It's a Belief so deep, so basic, that they are convinced that ALL morsemen are "experts" on everything and those who don't Believe as they do are heretics who know nothing about everything. Sounds like sour grapes on your part. The actual count of individuals commenting showed that once duplicates and nonresponsive filings were removed, 55% of those commenting support at least a Morse Code test for Extra. Only 45% support the NPRM, with its complete removal of Morse Code testing. nice to see the ARRL can whip it some of it memebrs into a lather Is it your opinion that the ARRL told its membership what view to take in commenting on the 05-235 issue? and of course your logica is Flawed in suggesting that all Ham favor coded extra oppose Code free general making the No code position clearly the purality What is clear is that you comprehend what Jim wrote. and indeed the coded extra support just shows the foolish ness of the Procode side I know it'll be a stretch, but do you think you could tell us what thought processes took place in your formulation of such a view? if there is any need for code testing at HF it applies to the general as well as the Extras Good idea, Mark. so the Procode side merely shows itself as being for restriction whad enough flushing the restN Let's see if I have this correct: The procode testing side is for restriction whad enough flushing the rest? Can that be what you meant to convey? Dave K8MN |
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From: on Nov 2, 4:38 pm
wrote: wrote: Well, after (ugh) reading through 3,599 filings on the FCC ECFS under WT Docket 05-235 (up to 31 October 2005), I'm convinced that way too many radio amateurs are still stuck to the glorious past of a half century ago in radio communications. Why, Len? Because the *majority* disagree with you? Steve agreed with removing the Morse Code Exam. I guess that makes him "progressive." Robeson is still nuts, but maybe "progressively" nuts. Jimmie is a whining little crybaby who loves to engage in word "food fights" about minutae. In any other venue this would be HECKLING. Both are growing ALIKE in behavior. Scary thought, ey? Jimmie thinks he knows ALL about long-time-ago radio. Thing is, he did NOT work in radio a half century ago. I did. But, Jimmie has READ a LOT about long-time-ago radio and must think he "knows" about it...just like he "knows" all about military life and how it feels to be geographically close to unfriendlies during the Cold War. There have now been 3,687 filings on WT Docket 05-235 at the FCC. That is, very roughly, only 1% of all U.S. licensees including or excluding those in their grace period. Statistically, that small number would be rather marginal for any REAL determination of either minority or majority. However, from the TEXT of those who are against the NPRM, it is rather obvious that the MAJORITY of THOSE are still stuck in the morse myths and standards-practices in amateur radio of the 1930s. Some of those believe they are engaging in some kind of "service to their nation" by their ham radio hobby. [the FCC uses the word "service" as a regulatory term, denoting a type and kind of radio being regulated...such as Citizens Band Radio SERVICE] You haven't got *your* first amateur radio license, Len. That would make Len "unbiased." Irrelevant to Jimmie. Jimmie NEVER operated any HF transmitter in the 1950s. Jimmie NEVER got any FCC license in that time. I did both. [First 'Phone in 1956 at an FCC Field Office in Chicago, one sitting, no retries and passed] Us readers do NOT know for sure whether or not Jimmie EVER worked in ANY radio service OTHER than amateur radio. He won't say in public. Jimmie hasn't admitted that all radio works by the SAME laws of physics. Since that is established fact, the distinction between 'amateur' and any other kind or type of radio is solely an adminstrative differentiation by a radio regulating agency. Jimmie wants to make amateur radio technology/operation somehow SPAY-SHUL and "more advanced" than any commercial or military radio. The Church Lady is in fine form... secular discussion omitted as not pertinent to "score cards" It's a Belief so deep, so basic, that they are convinced that ALL morsemen are "experts" on everything and those who don't Believe as they do are heretics who know nothing about everything. Sounds like sour grapes on your part. Sounds like several of the amateurs that remain on this news group. Sounds like ALL the pro-morse persons in here with the exception of Hans Brakob. The actual count of individuals commenting showed that once duplicates and nonresponsive filings were removed, 55% of those commenting support at least a Morse Code test for Extra. Only 45% support the NPRM, with its complete removal of Morse Code testing. Where did your numbers come from? Probably from that "Secret Source" of his that he will NOT name. Robeson still hasn't produced his "secret source" on the ex- NADC person who supposedly did a "performance review" of my assignment there for RCA Corporation in 1971. [NO such "review" was ever done on contractor-visitor personnel] Jimmie KNOWS things mo' bettah than anyone. Sigh. But the filings on WT 05-235 show that the majority (55%!) of those who commented want at least some code testing. That majority is almost identical to those supporting more than one code test speed back in 1998. Show your work. He will NOT. All must "show their work" to HIM if HE requests it. Jimmie's numbers are "accurate" by definition...of Jimmie. None may question that. [if they do, he goes into long, long, long, lonnnnng posts 'challenging' minutae in everything the challenger has said] It's interesting that you will go on and on and on about the motivations of people you've never met, but you won't tell us *your* motivations for changing the regulations of the Amateur Radio Service. Which is a radio service you are not involved in. Lots of people deciding the outcome of the NPRM are not involved "in" amateur radio. Irrelevant to Jimmie or any other PCTA in here. They haven't looked at the FCC budget figures showing how many work there. Jimmie is still stuck in "fraternal" concepts of rule. He apparently doesn't understand that a single federal agency regulates ALL of U.S. civil radio (i.e., non-government, non-military). The Laws of Congress (Communications Act of 1934, Telecommunications Act of 1996) have NOT required ANYONE in the FCC to hold amateur radio license grants. Jimmie and the Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society (ARS) think they are a "law" unto themselves. Bless the ARRL for continuing reinforcement of that conditioned thinking. Want to GET INTO amateur radio? Follow the 'rule' of the Archaic Radiotelegraphy Society and test for beeping. No beep, no get into HF ham bands. Gosh, and they did NOT tell the Army about that a half century ago! The fraternal order doesn't want non-beepers dirtying up their private sandbox. Their sand is elite. But their sand is also sometimes used for kitty litter. Beep, beep |
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