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  #21   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 07:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN

Dave Heil wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

in the stuff als I cliped away scroll up in google
I never claimed he was precirbing I claimed he parcticing medicine

split hair all you like

Brian made the statement and you commented on it.

Brian Burke:

"But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion. When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

You didn't correct Brian and tell him that Steve did not prescribe
medicine, did you?

no I did not

nor do I feel there is anything to correct

so why should try

I sated that I never used accused him of presribing, I happen to think
a more proper choice is to say that he acted unethicalin medial matter
which as happens is the words of the regs that Govern Stevie's LPN

How does your imprecision with words become my splitting of hairs?

no imprecision with word occoured therefore of course that is not what
became your spliting of hairs

...which is cause to have his license revoked or for him to
suffer some kind of censure, according to state of TN BoN website

Go for it, Colonel. You have a number of issues which might lessen your

they might but not likely if I tell em about em up front

They might not?

indeed they might not

Do you really believe that?


Your past fabrications
regarding your military service and lies on numerous other topics,

what lies on other topics?

my lies conering my rank I can easily explain, and were obviously legal
enough that dispite the fact Stevie claims to have reported the matter
to the DoD no action was taken

by 7 yars of silence from the DoD I can legaly assume the assent of the
DoD and the FBI to that

I reported myself to the FBI all those years ago

ideas on sexual fun--you don't think those might lessen your credibility?

the State of TN requires that I not recieve any discrimination based on
my sexuality so yes I expect that Tennesse to obey its own rules

you seem to forget the care used by Phil(e) Kane I believe his name is
in his posts being that he is an attonrney

Are you trying to get Phil's license yanked?

nope nor making any allusion to such

I was pointing out the Licensed folks like Phil and Stevie have to be
more carefull than the rest of us

I have a friend who is a licensed plumber. I'll be sure to tell him to
watch his P's and Q's when posting here, lest you attempt to have his
license revoked.

if he lies about pumbing you can be sure I will

Why not go after me for
practicing medicine without a license?

if you kgo ahaed and make about 8000 post like Stevie I'll look into it

Sure you will, Mark. Go blow hot air toward someone likely to be impressed.

firsdt make about 800 more post then we will see

I'll post as I choose. You keep track of them and let me know when I've
exceeded the limit. Alternatively, you can reduce the number to five
and proceed next week. I'm telling you now that I don't care what
silliness you pull.

np I'll let you know

if that is your desire you had better begin typing

I'll type or not type as I choose, not as directed by you. You have no
leverage whatever on me.

i do if you want me to take a certain action

You don't get it, Colonel: Take any action your little perverted heart
desires. Write my mommy.

you momy is alive what is her address I'll be only to happy to tell her
what a hate filled bigot her son has turned into

Write my draft board. Contact the Today
Show. Telephone Oprah. Your threats are empty.

but if you want to be reported for practicing medicine without a
license you need to start some serious typing

Take two peach pits and call me in the morning.

I still maintain, by the way,
that I've made a correct diagnosis.

but real doctors know you are wrong

There is no factual evidence to support your claim.

none presented for your either

You're the one spouting what real doctors would say. None have popped
up here to challenge my diagnosis, Colonel.

becuase you can't make one

BTW why don't you stop your lying about addresing a Colonel Dave

YOu continue to foul this newsgroup with your paranoid and juvenile posts.

you foul it with your bigoted lying postings

If you'll look to some of the material which appears above, you'll find
at least two lies spouted by you.

not a one Dave

As to the accusations of bigotry on
my part, deal with it.

I will of course

I view your sexual perversity as being immoral.

what sexual perverity?

I've seen evidence of your frequent lying.

really you see thing that don't exist then wow prehaps help is out
there for you if you seek it

not sure if you need an Optical felow or MD or an MSSW

You've shrouded yourself
in victimhood and you want a free ride in life.

another lie on your part

You blame all of your
numerous problems on others.

another lie Dave

Now, see if you can have me fired.

where do you work?

if it is your wosh that I try and get you fired, I am willing to help
you out, but you need to provide the name of your boss a means of
contacting him and I promise to look into it

Dave K8MN

  #23   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 07:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Another Baseless BrainRant

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

You're welcome to try and document this as an attempt to
"prescribe". I'll offer the BoN my congratualtions on reserving thier
laughter now.....

Steve, K4YZ


Steve, when I put forth my opinion that you were nuts, you jumped up
and down asking where my medical degree came from, screaming and crying
like a little baby that I had made a medical diagnosis.

You did make a diagnosis.

But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion.

And here YOU are clearly making a fool out of yourself by
demonstrating your lack of understanding of what constitutes a

You make this easier and easier, Brain(less).

When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

No prescription was made.

Nioce rant, though.

You're such a two-faced little skunk.

Nope. But you've once again demonstraed that you've extended
yourself into yet another discipline for which you ahve no knowledge or

Best of Luck with the board.

No sweat. With such "knowledgeable" guys such as yourself in his
corner, Markie looks all-the-more pitiful.


Steve, K4YZ

  #25   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 07:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Brian and Markie Stretching Again.....

K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
On 5 Nov 2005 15:22:49 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

noted meaning unless you are lying you have no objection to my taking
my proposed action

Oh, I have objections, alright, however you DO have your legal
right to file whatever "complaint" you feel you want to do so long as
it's not filed maliciously.

make up your mind please

It is made up.

You're nuts.

How does my being nuts, if that were true jusitify you saying Todd's
father has Aids

However there are consequences for complaints filed maliciously.

Your lengthy pontifications in this NG to do just that establishes
that malicious intent, Markie. So have at it...Makes things easier for
me in the long run.

what kind of dreck is that

It's hardly "dreck".

it is dreck

You ahve provided me with YEARS of stuff here that will establish
your MALICIOUS intent in your "complaint", Markie.

nope it takes more than proving I dislike you to prove that Stvie

but you contiue to threaten

I have other posts of yours archived on CD with your alleged
knowledge of what constitutes proper prescribing authority.
Ironically, it was a post wherein you made a similar comment and I
questioned YOUR "medical" credentials. my guest...It's a CD-RW, so it's easy to add.

I am supposed to be concerned that you can store data on a CD?

You should be. The "data" stored is about you.

there is nothing in it for me to afraid of

there can't be

unless you are forging posts in there

but even that is something I hardly need to fear

Steve, K4YZ

  #26   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 07:49 AM
Posts: n/a
Default You Still Don't Get It Markie.....

nobodys_old_friend wrote:
On 6 Nov 2005 08:11:37 -0800,
an_old_friend wrote:
Steve Robeson
May 30 2000, 2:00 am hide options
From: (Steve Robeson) - Find messages by this author
Date: 2000/05/30
Subject: Kim's Callsign
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Subject: Kim's Callsign
From: (T.L. Bryant)
Date: 05/29/2000 8:07 PM Central Daylight Time
Thank you, Sigmund. Now, if our inadequacies offend you so much, please turn

your radio off, or change the frequency to something that isn't so
for you.


We hit a bit close to HOME, did we, Tom?

I didn't say ANYTHING about being inadeqaute for ME. I
placed that
onus upon those who find it necessary to resort to "shock-jock" antics

Take an Ativan, Tom. That's my professional suggestion.


The nation that is ready to fight in peacetime is less likely to HAVE
to fight
in wartime......(Author unknown, but he probably wasn't a politician!)

Hmmm? Is Tennessee Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN prescribing meds?

so it would seem med by name in his professional opinion

like you said Google provide

Yep, he even used "professional" to describe that he wasn't just some
yahoo, but a medical professional.

and i hope that is what is going to nail with the nursing board

Nothing you or me say is going to sway the nurses board.

you know what I don't think anything you or I will say will do it
either, what I think will do it is Stevie own words pointed out to the
BoN indeed all I will be doing is forwarding a set of posts looks like
about 70 will make the cut to the BoN (not his bosses but the people
that license him)

And YOU still don't get it...the Board of Nursing WILL be talking
to my employer. And when they conviene the hearing that they will be
required to do, there will be a literal laundry list of witnesses who
will testify that the "truth" is anything EXCEPT what you suggest.

And Markie...

I promise that not a single one of them will be former mental
health patients who consider lying to be "OK" or an admirable trait.

Steve will have to dissemble his own entrenching tool an bury his own
sorry ass (like that Marine has ever used an entrenching tool). God
knows he stinks and need burying. God give him the strength.

Jim and Mike say there is no God, so we might have to suffer Tennessee
Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN's stench for a long time to come.

I agree nothing I do with BoN will stop him from spreading his #### all
around here

The #### is coming from Michigan...Not Tennessee.

prehaps he will have to do so without the intials LPN though

The only way I'll "lose" that title, Markie, is when I transition
to RN or retire...

Steve, K4YZ

  #27   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 07:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Another Baseless BrainRant

K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:

You're welcome to try and document this as an attempt to
"prescribe". I'll offer the BoN my congratualtions on reserving thier
laughter now.....

Steve, K4YZ


Steve, when I put forth my opinion that you were nuts, you jumped up
and down asking where my medical degree came from, screaming and crying
like a little baby that I had made a medical diagnosis.

You did make a diagnosis.

if that is him making a diagnosis I have dozens of cases in my files of
YOU making them something you claim you cannot LEGALY do

But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion.

And here YOU are clearly making a fool out of yourself by
demonstrating your lack of understanding of what constitutes a

You make this easier and easier, Brain(less).

no he doesn't

I will be writing My report

When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

No prescription was made.

Nioce rant, though.

You're such a two-faced little skunk.

Nope. But you've once again demonstraed that you've extended
yourself into yet another discipline for which you ahve no knowledge or

Best of Luck with the board.

No sweat. With such "knowledgeable" guys such as yourself in his
corner, Markie looks all-the-more pitiful.

I have your word in my file lots of your words

Indeed I will have far more of your words than my own or anybody else


Steve, K4YZ

  #28   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 07:55 AM
Posts: n/a
Default More Markie Mularkie

an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

My diagnosis is that Mark is an irrational twit. I prescribe remedial
reading at a Special Education facility and a thirty-week, intensive
Morse Code training session for Colonel Morgan.

but you don't have license for that Stevie claims he does

No I don't.

Why do you misquote people then pass it off as having been someone
elses words, Markie?

and that he can do a a patient assement over the internet (his
words,google provide) that he can make assement and cause dangerous
stuff to be written in our files that will haunt us forever (or words
that effect) all based on our posts in USENET and yet it is according
to Stevie a FELONY to even report a concenr over wether he is bound to
the rules published by the BoN about his activities

Markie...I did NOT say it's a felony for you to "report your

I said it's a felony to file a MALICIOUS report, which is what
will be found to have happened. Your previous posts herein
substantiate that.

there is only one word for such a claim by Stevie and supported it
seems by you

BULL#### is the word

That's the word for your rantings here the last several days,

Keep heaping it on!

Steve, K4YZ

  #29   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 08:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Default You Still Don't Get It Stevie

K4YZ wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:

you know what I don't think anything you or I will say will do it
either, what I think will do it is Stevie own words pointed out to the
BoN indeed all I will be doing is forwarding a set of posts looks like
about 70 will make the cut to the BoN (not his bosses but the people
that license him)

And YOU still don't get it...the Board of Nursing WILL be talking
to my employer. And when they conviene the hearing that they will be
required to do, there will be a literal laundry list of witnesses who
will testify that the "truth" is anything EXCEPT what you suggest.

what witness will you call to support your claim that Todd's father has

what witness will you call to suport your claim that I am documented
pathological liar

what witness will you call to support your claim that I have AIDS

what witness will you to support your claim Len has OCD

or what witness will you call to show you did not make these claims

And Markie...

I promise that not a single one of them will be former mental
health patients who consider lying to be "OK" or an admirable trait.

how would even know ? unless you were accessing their record

BTW what witness will call to show I am a former mental patient

Steve will have to dissemble his own entrenching tool an bury his own
sorry ass (like that Marine has ever used an entrenching tool). God
knows he stinks and need burying. God give him the strength.

Jim and Mike say there is no God, so we might have to suffer Tennessee
Nurse: Steven J Robeson, LPN's stench for a long time to come.

I agree nothing I do with BoN will stop him from spreading his **** all
around here

The **** is coming from Michigan...Not Tennessee.

worng again

you smell it so clearly it must bein your yard or perhaps even your
home or your chiar

the smell of **** does not travel that far Stevie

prehaps he will have to do so without the intials LPN though

The only way I'll "lose" that title, Markie, is when I transition
to RN or retire...

or get it revoked or of course die Not threatening to kill you but
completing your thought for you

Steve, K4YZ

  #30   Report Post  
Old November 8th 05, 08:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Default More Markie Mularkie

nobodys_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
raped_an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Steve, when I put forth my opinion that you were nuts, you jumped up
and down asking where my medical degree came from, screaming and crying
like a little baby that I had made a medical diagnosis.

But here you are clearly prescribing a medication by name to a person
by name, and following it up with the statement that it's your
professional opinion. When you step outside your medical authority and
prescribe medication to someone that you've never met or examined, you
jump up and down and scream and cry that you aren't making a medical

If my doctor posts to r.r.a.p. and advises me to take blood pressure
medicine, he isn't prescribing medication. If my doctor shows up here
and demands that I take blook pressure medicine, he isn't prescribing
medicine. If my doc hands me a signed prescription for blood pressure
medication or telephones a prescription to my pharmacy, he has
prescribed medicine.

why does that only to Stevie on your doctor

Your words do not resemble a sentence. Try again to produce a coherent

according to Stevie if I or Brain advise that someone needs meds Stevie
charges in and says we are presribing and doing all sorts of nefarious

That's nice.

no it isn't nice

Sure it is.

it is abusive

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Here we go....More "I don't like it therefore
it's "abuse" rantings.

More pitty-seeking "I Am A Victim" rantings.

You need to get a grip on reality.

My diagnosis is that Mark is an irrational twit. I prescribe remedial
reading at a Special Education facility and a thirty-week, intensive
Morse Code training session for Colonel Morgan.

but you don't have license for that Stevie claims he does

That's going to make it a little hard for you to contact my board and to
try to cause me to lose my job, isn't it?

which is why I look into others ways of dealing with you

There we go...A verbalized intent to cause harm.

Stevie has a license it can be revoked according the BoN for "lying in
medcial matters"


There's not a single thing in ANY of these exchanges that even
remotely approaches a censurable cause, Markie...But you go right
ahead...Get your "complaint" 'on the record'.

you don't have such license so different standards apply (for that
matter different stanrds apply to me too becuase of that)

No, thye don't.

In addition you have written to the State of Michigan siging the letter
Dave Heil LPN where accoridng to Stveie he has written that state of
Michigan signing it Steve Robeson LPN (or what ever he in fact signed)

You don;t know, do you?

Since you and He are claiming he can't parctice medicine or nursing
over the USENET he must have made a false report to the State of
Michigan, which is cause to have his license revoked or for him to
suffer some kind of censure, according to state of TN BoN website

There's not a single thing on the "TN BoN website" that says
anything of the sort...

you seem to forget the care used by Phil(e) Kane I believe his name is
in his posts being that he is an attonrney

Why not go after me for
practicing medicine without a license?

if you kgo ahaed and make about 8000 post like Stevie I'll look into it

Oh? So the number of posts made is somehow a "threshold" for
filing malicous complaints?

That having been said, you'd better address a "complaint"
vis-a-vis Lennie and Brain, too...

if that is your desire you had better begin typing


I still maintain, by the way,
that I've made a correct diagnosis.

but real doctors know you are wrong

If you were under the care of any "real doctors", you'd most
likely not have access to a computer that has Internet access,

Steve, K4YZ

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