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  #22   Report Post  
Old November 9th 05, 09:52 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

Cmdr Buzz Corey wrote:
On 9 Nov 2005 11:34:35 -0800, "N9OGL" wrote:

not if you want to count GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) which is
a class A CB license. only Class B, C, and D are not licensed.

well you do need to toleratnt of the Comnader after all he is just a
cartoon figure and for a cartoon figure he is pretty inteligent

Commander Buzz Corey of the United Planets Space Patrol was never a
cartoon you idiot.

sorry Space Cadet

guess what ever he was he got canceeled long ago

  #23   Report Post  
Old November 9th 05, 10:25 PM
Cmdr Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

On 9 Nov 2005 11:34:35 -0800, "N9OGL" wrote:

not if you want to count GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) which is
a class A CB license. only Class B, C, and D are not licensed.

well you do need to toleratnt of the Comnader after all he is just a
cartoon figure and for a cartoon figure he is pretty inteligent

Commander Buzz Corey of the United Planets Space Patrol was never a
cartoon you idiot.
  #24   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 04:32 AM
Ashley VK3HAG
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

Wrong Toadfish you don't even know your own countries law, so to show
how dumb you are, here is a VK to tell you the US Regs WHICH YOU SHOULD

Whilst I'm not American, I would bet (yes, I looked at fcc site) that as
the FCC is the department responsible for radio and tele communications
then it would and does have regulatory power over the internet.



From FCC Site:
"The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is
charged with regulating interstate and international communications by
radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction
covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions."

So if your stupidity-Toadfish-travels by tv, radio, wire, satellite or
cable then you can have a complaint lodged against you. How does the
internet arrive at your QTH Toadfish? Immaculate Connection perhaps?

Which means, they can and do also regulate the internet within the US
and possessions...idiot. For a ham Mr Toad, I thought you'd know what
tele and radio communications mean. Just shows how thick you are, here's
a VK that know's more about your FCC than you do, just shows how little
about the FCC and your regs that you actually know. Perhaps a licence
re-test for you as you appear to need to study up on regulations Toadfish.

BTW. We have a ham in VK who does his own radio show each week, like
Toadfish and K1MAN but it's nothing like thier crap. See, this VK uses
AM on 160m with a 2m FM crossband signal and has technical discussions
with other hams, as he was a former radio broadcaster, he enjoys using
the AM mode, but he uses professional, commercial standard AM broadcast
equipment, not a CD Walkman and a Walmart microcphone plugged into a
Karoake machine. He also puts on old, historic broadcasts that the
stations he worked at turfed out years ago-such as the 1930 Melbourne
Cup, the Skylab Crash, WW1 & WW2 transmissions from world leaders,
advertisments from last century, mostly during Radio's Golden Age. But
these are of a historical nature and are really archival audio, that
many VK's enjoy listening to every Saturday night. They've also done
shows from the beach on New Year's Eve over the years. What they do is
just within the regs, but these guys do it professionally with
professional equipment. He does not put his show up on THE PRIME DX
BAND, does he Toady.

Fortunatly, we don't get the Toad Bulletin or K1MAN's b/s down under,
but I'm willing to bet, that if anyone here downloads and listens to the
VK AM 'broadcasts' of VK3ASE from his website, that they will be at
least within the amateur service regs. Remember it's a bit of silly fun
to these guys.

If your local AM station was, say, attacked Toady, could you take over
and become their studio/transmitter immediatly? If yes, then you have
met some standards. If not, then what you're doing is a waste of time. .

He doesn't- (a) put his show on HF DX bands, (c)is carrying out
technical investigation (c) his shows and studio is a former AM station
and his signal is of the highest (almost as good as MW stations)
standard. (d) other hams are there talking cross-band, so it becomes
like a 'ham-radio talkback show' if you like. But the main difference I
notice is these guys do it for fun and a bit of a laugh on a Sat night,
Toady & K1MAN have this granduer dream that they are somehow important,
and as they are so important, the need a bulletin like the ARRL.

I suggest you look here Toady, to see how an amateur does 'bulletins'

Look at pictures on that homepage Toady....and clean that mess of ya

After much reading this n/g I have concluded that N9OGL and K1MAN are
politicians in training. Only pollies could be such ******s LOL.

Oh, I know, K1MAN and N9OGL should team up with Eminem, 'cause the FCC
won't let him be' either... and you could all work together to 'screw
the fcc'.

N9OGL wrote:
The FCC does NOT have any juridiction over the Internet...nice try

  #25   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 04:36 AM
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

Ashley VK3HAG wrote:
Wrong Toadfish you don't even know your own countries law, so to show
how dumb you are, here is a VK to tell you the US Regs WHICH YOU SHOULD

Whilst I'm not American, I would bet (yes, I looked at fcc site) that as
the FCC is the department responsible for radio and tele communications
then it would and does have regulatory power over the internet.

you'd lose the FCC lacks the power to regulate interest content

which was the subject

  #26   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 10:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

HAG said:
Wrong Toadfish you don't even know your own countries law, so to show
how dumb you are, here is a VK to tell you the US Regs WHICH YOU SHOULD

I do know thank you very much, more then what some of these morons on
here know.

Whilst I'm not American, I would bet (yes, I looked at fcc site) that as
the FCC is the department responsible for radio and tele communications
then it would and does have regulatory power over the internet.

Technically the do, however, they don't have control over the CONTENT.
The US congress from 1996 to 2005 has tried to give the FCC the power
over the content of the Internet, but our Federal courts has repeatedly
struck them down as being unconsititutional, see Communication Decency
Act 1996


except content, Again the FCC is prohibited from controlling the
content of a website. As for radio they are also prohibited from
controlling the content of a station. Section 326 of the Communication
Act of 1934 prohibits the FCC from controling the content of any radio
station, except obscene and indecent material. (See below)

§ 326. Censorship

Nothing in this chapter shall be understood or construed to give the
Commission the power of censorship over the radio communications or
signals transmitted by any radio station, and no regulation or
condition shall be promulgated or fixed by the Commission which shall
interfere with the right of free speech by means of radio

(47 USC 326)


From FCC Site:

"The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is
charged with regulating interstate and international communications by
radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction
covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions."

So if your stupidity-Toadfish-travels by tv, radio, wire, satellite or
cable then you can have a complaint lodged against you. How does the
internet arrive at your QTH Toadfish? Immaculate Connection perhaps?

Again, the FCC isn't allow to control the content of a website. They
are also prohibited to control the content of any radio station, except
obscene and indecent material over radio or tv. As a matter of fact the
link litoi posted is a link to the FCC complaint form for indecency
over broadcast radio.

Which means, they can and do also regulate the internet within the US
and possessions...idiot. For a ham Mr Toad, I thought you'd know what
tele and radio communications mean. Just shows how thick you are, here's
a VK that know's more about your FCC than you do, just shows how little
about the FCC and your regs that you actually know. Perhaps a licence
re-test for you as you appear to need to study up on regulations Toadfish.

Hon, let me tell you something I've been in radio and communications a
long time, LOOOONNNNG before I got into amateur radio and my knowledge
over radio law is a little better then what you and some of amateur
radio operators (who I would call nothing more then licensed CB
operators) think.

BTW. We have a ham in VK who does his own radio show each week, like
Toadfish and K1MAN but it's nothing like thier crap. See, this VK uses
AM on 160m with a 2m FM crossband signal and has technical discussions
with other hams, as he was a former radio broadcaster, he enjoys using
the AM mode, but he uses professional, commercial standard AM broadcast
equipment, not a CD Walkman and a Walmart microcphone plugged into a
Karoake machine. He also puts on old, historic broadcasts that the
stations he worked at turfed out years ago-such as the 1930 Melbourne
Cup, the Skylab Crash, WW1 & WW2 transmissions from world leaders,
advertisments from last century, mostly during Radio's Golden Age. But
these are of a historical nature and are really archival audio, that
many VK's enjoy listening to every Saturday night. They've also done
shows from the beach on New Year's Eve over the years. What they do is
just within the regs, but these guys do it professionally with
professional equipment. He does not put his show up on THE PRIME DX
BAND, does he Toady.

First of toots, I don't use a "walmart walkman" and a "karoake machine"
I run top of the line "commercial quality equipment" including duel CD
player and duel CD burners (no computer burners but industy recording
burners. duel tape / editing equipment, two audio mixers and recently
i've been formatting old programs I've done into MP3 format with my
iMac G5

Secondly babe, There is no rule in the FCC rules that prohibit
Information bulletins on any band, back in mid 90's W5YI and others
tried to get the rule changed to prohibit information bulletins on any
HF band the ones against this change...ARRL which rules information
bulletins on a number of HF bands (more band then I run mine on). Today
the FCC will not hear any changes regarding prohibiting information
bulletins on any HF band

Fortunatly, we don't get the Toad Bulletin or K1MAN's b/s down under,
but I'm willing to bet, that if anyone here downloads and listens to
VK AM 'broadcasts' of VK3ASE from his website, that they will be at
least within the amateur service regs. Remember it's a bit of silly fun

to these guys.

The problem I think you and a number of amateur operators have is it:
The difference here between legal and illegal one-way communications a
illegal one-communication is a broadcast. A broadcast under FCC rules
is a transmitted directed to the general public. A information bulletin
is a bulletin directed to amatuer operators consisting sole of material
of interest to the amateur community. Now I know you and and few amatur
operators on here are SLOW so let me give you some examples.

if my show, the n9ogl show was on 20 meter and I was talking about
healthcare, that would be considered a broadcast. because it is not of
amateur interest and would fall under the Broadcasting rules. Now if My
show was on 20 meters and giving my opinion regarding national antenna
regulation and how it affects amateur radio it would be considered an
information bulletin. Hams need to get it through their heads there is
NO FCC STANDARD on what format amateur's are suppose to use in regards
to information bulletin, amateur's have got it in their thick heads
that a information bulletin has to be a "NEWSCAST" however there is NO
FCC rule or order that states that. The FCC does in a sense look at the
content to see if it's of amateur in natural. The problem is however if
that hasn't been tested in the courts, which have somewhat the final
say in the whole thing.

If your local AM station was, say, attacked Toady, could you take over
and become their studio/transmitter immediatly? If yes, then you have
met some standards. If not, then what you're doing is a waste of time. .


He doesn't- (a) put his show on HF DX bands, (c)is carrying out
technical investigation (c) his shows and studio is a former AM station
and his signal is of the highest (almost as good as MW stations)
standard. (d) other hams are there talking cross-band, so it becomes
like a 'ham-radio talkback show' if you like. But the main difference I
notice is these guys do it for fun and a bit of a laugh on a Sat night,
Toady & K1MAN have this granduer dream that they are somehow important,
and as they are so important, the need a bulletin like the ARRL.

No dreams of graduer here babe, I do it fun, the problem is a bunch of
****ing licensed CB operators dictating to another station on how he is
to run his station.

[I suggest you look here Toady, to see how an amateur does 'bulletins'

Look at pictures on that homepage Toady....and clean that mess of ya

After much reading this n/g I have concluded that N9OGL and K1MAN are
politicians in training. Only pollies could be such ******s LOL.

Oh, I know, K1MAN and N9OGL should team up with Eminem, 'cause the FCC
won't let him be' either... and you could all work together to 'screw
the fcc'. ]

Whatever toots, go back to playing with your kangaroos

  #27   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 01:13 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

Lots of snippage here, Kids...Afterall, there's nothing serions here to

N9OGL wrote:
HAG said:

Hon, let me tell you something I've been in radio and communications a
long time, LOOOONNNNG before I got into amateur radio and my knowledge
over radio law is a little better then what you and some of amateur
radio operators (who I would call nothing more then licensed CB
operators) think.

The intimate come-on nothwithstanding, the very content of the
paragraph is obviously FALSE since Toiddie-mouth hasn't been able to
overcome the simple task of filing an application correctly.

If the FCC resumed CB radio licensing, I seriously doubt that
Toodles could fill that one out...I am still wondering how he got an
610 form by the FCC in crayon and who took the test for him...

His USENET rantings about his trials-and-tribulations with the FCC
date back into the mid-90's...You'd think all that "experience" would
have led to the desired licensure by now...

BTW. We have a ham in VK who does his own radio show each week, like
Toadfish and K1MAN but it's nothing like thier crap. See, this VK uses
AM on 160m with a 2m FM crossband signal and has technical discussions
with other hams, as he was a former radio broadcaster, he enjoys using
the AM mode, but he uses professional, commercial standard AM broadcast
equipment, not a CD Walkman and a Walmart microcphone plugged into a
Karoake machine. He also puts on old, historic broadcasts that the
stations he worked at turfed out years ago-such as the 1930 Melbourne
Cup, the Skylab Crash, WW1 & WW2 transmissions from world leaders,
advertisments from last century, mostly during Radio's Golden Age. But
these are of a historical nature and are really archival audio, that
many VK's enjoy listening to every Saturday night. They've also done
shows from the beach on New Year's Eve over the years. What they do is
just within the regs, but these guys do it professionally with
professional equipment. He does not put his show up on THE PRIME DX
BAND, does he Toady.

First of toots, I don't use a "walmart walkman" and a "karoake machine"

Another come-on followed up by yet another lie.

I run top of the line "commercial quality equipment" including duel CD
player and duel CD burners...(SNIP)

But obviously you DON'T use any of that college education you brag
about getting.

A "duel" is a contest between two combatants. "Dual" refers to a
combination of things.

(UNSNIP)...(no computer burners but industy recording
burners. duel tape / editing equipment, two audio mixers and recently
i've been formatting old programs I've done into MP3 format with my
iMac G5

A lie, no doubt.

Toiddie's been challenged to describe his "station" in detail, but
has yet to do so. The post being responded to could have very easily
included makes, manufacturers, etc, but only stated "commercial quality
equipment". Even just a picture if the words are too difficult to

I say the snotty little punk has a bunch of hamfest leftovers
stacked in a corner of the basement without a single clue as to how to
get any of it running!

Secondly babe...(SNIP)

Really hitting hard, aren't ya, Toiddie...?!?!

if my show, the n9ogl show was on 20 meter and I was talking about
healthcare, that would be considered a broadcast. because it is not of
amateur interest and would fall under the Broadcasting rules. Now if My
show was on 20 meters and giving my opinion regarding national antenna
regulation and how it affects amateur radio it would be considered an
information bulletin.

No, it would be considered an editorial, and would NOT be an
"information bulletin".

Hams need to get it through their heads there is
NO FCC STANDARD on what format amateur's are suppose to use in regards
to information bulletin, amateur's have got it in their thick heads
that a information bulletin has to be a "NEWSCAST" however there is NO
FCC rule or order that states that.

I N F O R M A T I O N B U L L E T I N.

I have no doubt that Snotty will be the one to push the case
law...then Amatuers will, in true knee-jerk FCC reaction, wind up
losing yet another privilege...Just to sate the ego of one Junior DJ

No dreams of graduer here babe, I do it fun, the problem is a bunch of
####ing licensed CB operators dictating to another station on how he is
to run his station.

Ahhhhhhhh...Toidie's getting tired or hitting the bottle
again...the profanity is slipping back in...Not to mention yet more
intimate familiarities.

Steve, K4YZ

  #28   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 02:23 PM
Ashley VK3HAG
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

And like most Mr Toad, you should learn that in Australia "Ashley" is a
guy's name *ONLY*, Ashleigh for gals down under, mate, so all the
'honey' , 'babe' and 'toots' references must mean you, as a guy, see me,
a guy, as a babe. Aarrgghh! I'm gonna spew....bucket pls

It's also disappointing to see that as you assumed I was female, rather
than referring to me by name, callsign, or anything (even an insult)it's
'babe' 'toots' etc. How about some respect for the fairer sex, last time
I went out with a girl she happened to have a name and it wasn't Babe or
Toots. That kind of language to female operators is usually confined to
the 27MHz Chook Band down under. No wonder there ain't many 'toots' or
'babes' on the ham bands, I'm sure they'd rather be called by their name
or callsign than "QSL that babe". Amateur Radio is supposed to sound
professional, not like a high school yard at lunchtime or CB bands. Or
at least, use ma'am, madam, mrs, miss or Ms. There are salutations for a
reason, please learn to use them!

Mr Toad, sure, whilst recently licensed as an amateur (1/5/05), my
family heritage is all radio. My Pop was Darwin's WW2 Signal Corp Sarge
for Aust and US Military, my uncle was a Viet Vet from our Signal Corps
(I still have his radio from Viet Nam on the air to this day),I used to
work at D24 (Victoria's police radio centre, now known as VPC or Tally
Ho), and also did the radio since I was fifteen for the local fire
brigade after school, and yes I used CB for years, still do, but I
wouldn't even know how to tune up on 10m FM would I? Oh, and I first got
interested in radio at 10yo during JOTA, and have been ever since, but
you know that you know more/less than me-or anyone else-how? We are all
qualified hams, meaning we all should have the same/similar quals and
same knowledge to an extent.

Or is it a case of
"Anything you can do I can do better..I can do anything better than
you.." Yes I can...No You Can't..Yes I Can...Yes I Can"

In the real world, there's plenty (read most) of hams who know much more
than me...I can learn from these people and hopefully pass it on yet
again when I am more knowledgeable and much older. I'm also sure there'd
be one or two things I know well that I could teach others. We can all
learn from each other every day. I look to all our Old Timers for help
and advice on many areas, (learning CW for instance) sometimes I've
helped a few OT's connect with overseas stations via IRLP as they
sometimes have difficulty working it out. I have three choices: Ignore
them, help them or bag them. I'm sure that most would agree that help
them would be the best option. It's not about me being better or knowing
more or less than them, it's about helping a fellow ham end of story,
regardless of all else. In ham radio we should all look to each other as
equals who all have an equal amount of knowledge to contribute to our hobby.

To assume you can't learn from someone else, anyone else is a big
mistake, and your loss. Whilst I hate to say it, I'm sure that there is
one or two things that I've learn from you Mr Todd, and more I could
learn, you need to accept that the same applies , both ways-to every
other living human being on this planet, except you it seems.

Still, the FCC doesn't control the content, but it does control how it
travels, so it could still find you guilty of using 'x' medium to send
'x' message, but it couldn't prosecute you for the content, it could
prosecute you for the transmission. Reality tells me, that if you made a
threat, said something illegal, it doesn't matter how it traveled, snail
mail, pots, mobile, sms, fax whatever you still made the statement, the
medium being irrelevant. If I ring you and threaten to kill you, I'd bet
I could be charged, therefore to some extent the content of that
telephone call is regulated isn't it? Oh sorry, if I rang up and made
that threat, the police would say 'Sorry can't help ya we can't do much
about the content of that telephone call." Is that right Mr Todd?

Seeing they ain't regulate web content Toady, why don't ya start a
terror-cell website and see how long you and the content last...not long
I bet. So if that's the case, then to some extent the content is
regulated isn't it?

....hopping off now on my 'roo to work, I'm going "Kangaroo Mobile" to
call CQ DX on 14.321.00 MHz. Who wants to be the first US station to
work a VK "Kangaroo Mobile?"

And in 'our language' for you Mr Todd, "I am not a bloody shiela, mate!"

How do you know that all people here are morons? Haven't you learn how
to command the English language enough to debate and 'have a dig' at
others without resorting to insults?

Oh ****, so your another US wannabe lawyer driving a taxi or delivering
pizza's right now huh? Are you sure your name
is Todd, not Lionel Hutz, "Cases won or ya pizza's free!" (Apologies to
Matt Groening)

And you would know my age, my quals, how long I've been qualified and
how long I've been interested in radcomms from? how?

Whatever toots, go back to playing with your kangaroos

You can play with kangaroos if you are that damn stupid. Don't you know
(obviously not) that roo's are great kickboxers, and if they see you as
a threat they will either (a) hop off or (b) kick-box the **** out of
you (yes, ppl have been 'murdered' by 'roos.) It's why our 'sporting
flag' has the Boxing Kangaroo. Only a ****ed idiot after a night at the
pub would attempt to play with a kangaroo, remembering that Kangaroo's
have flattened semi's and killed their driver's at high speed. An animal
that can crush a Jeep in one hop...and you think we ride and play with
them. Idiot. They are great to watch, from a distance in the open plains
of Oz, but I certainly wouldn't have one as a pet. You'd be surprised to
learn of the injuries sustained, time and time again, by the cast and
crew of the "Skippy" TV series and how much 'roos contribute to our road

I think you need a good long swim in the water of Darwin, NT. You could
pat the crocs while ya swim too!

Remember Todd, "it's OK, I'm Australian." and that both our legal system
and yours, whilst different in content are both based solely on the
British Westminster System, meaning many principles are the same, just
different interpretations of it. As we say here, "I'll bare my arse in
Bourke St if the FCC can't prosecute you, for say, using the "F" word on
air." If they can, then they do regulate the content, don't they?

.....Keeping the N/G Entertained....while I head off for a giant beer...

Cheers & Beers America from Down Under..hope to work ya'll on air one
day soon....
  #29   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 04:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

K4YZ wrote:
Lots of snippage here, Kids...Afterall, there's nothing serions here to

N9OGL wrote:
HAG said:

Hon, let me tell you something I've been in radio and communications a
long time, LOOOONNNNG before I got into amateur radio and my knowledge
over radio law is a little better then what you and some of amateur
radio operators (who I would call nothing more then licensed CB
operators) think.

The intimate come-on nothwithstanding, the very content of the
paragraph is obviously FALSE since Toiddie-mouth hasn't been able to
overcome the simple task of filing an application correctly.

If the FCC resumed CB radio licensing, I seriously doubt that
Toodles could fill that one out...I am still wondering how he got an
610 form by the FCC in crayon and who took the test for him...

His USENET rantings about his trials-and-tribulations with the FCC
date back into the mid-90's...You'd think all that "experience" would
have led to the desired licensure by now...

BTW. We have a ham in VK who does his own radio show each week, like
Toadfish and K1MAN but it's nothing like thier crap. See, this VK uses
AM on 160m with a 2m FM crossband signal and has technical discussions
with other hams, as he was a former radio broadcaster, he enjoys using
the AM mode, but he uses professional, commercial standard AM broadcast
equipment, not a CD Walkman and a Walmart microcphone plugged into a
Karoake machine. He also puts on old, historic broadcasts that the
stations he worked at turfed out years ago-such as the 1930 Melbourne
Cup, the Skylab Crash, WW1 & WW2 transmissions from world leaders,
advertisments from last century, mostly during Radio's Golden Age. But
these are of a historical nature and are really archival audio, that
many VK's enjoy listening to every Saturday night. They've also done
shows from the beach on New Year's Eve over the years. What they do is
just within the regs, but these guys do it professionally with
professional equipment. He does not put his show up on THE PRIME DX
BAND, does he Toady.

First of toots, I don't use a "walmart walkman" and a "karoake machine"

Another come-on followed up by yet another lie.

I run top of the line "commercial quality equipment" including duel CD
player and duel CD burners...(SNIP)

But obviously you DON'T use any of that college education you brag
about getting.

A "duel" is a contest between two combatants. "Dual" refers to a
combination of things.

(UNSNIP)...(no computer burners but industy recording
burners. duel tape / editing equipment, two audio mixers and recently
i've been formatting old programs I've done into MP3 format with my
iMac G5

A lie, no doubt.

Toiddie's been challenged to describe his "station" in detail, but
has yet to do so. The post being responded to could have very easily
included makes, manufacturers, etc, but only stated "commercial quality
equipment". Even just a picture if the words are too difficult to

I say the snotty little punk has a bunch of hamfest leftovers
stacked in a corner of the basement without a single clue as to how to
get any of it running!

Secondly babe...(SNIP)

Really hitting hard, aren't ya, Toiddie...?!?!

if my show, the n9ogl show was on 20 meter and I was talking about
healthcare, that would be considered a broadcast. because it is not of
amateur interest and would fall under the Broadcasting rules. Now if My
show was on 20 meters and giving my opinion regarding national antenna
regulation and how it affects amateur radio it would be considered an
information bulletin.

No, it would be considered an editorial, and would NOT be an
"information bulletin".

Hams need to get it through their heads there is
NO FCC STANDARD on what format amateur's are suppose to use in regards
to information bulletin, amateur's have got it in their thick heads
that a information bulletin has to be a "NEWSCAST" however there is NO
FCC rule or order that states that.

I N F O R M A T I O N B U L L E T I N.

I have no doubt that Snotty will be the one to push the case
law...then Amatuers will, in true knee-jerk FCC reaction, wind up
losing yet another privilege...Just to sate the ego of one Junior DJ

Toadie's a real "Wolfman Jack-off"!

No dreams of graduer here babe, I do it fun, the problem is a bunch of
####ing licensed CB operators dictating to another station on how he is
to run his station.

Ahhhhhhhh...Toidie's getting tired or hitting the bottle
again...the profanity is slipping back in...Not to mention yet more
intimate familiarities.

Toadie is upset his boyfriend broke up with him.

  #30   Report Post  
Old November 10th 05, 04:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Pottymouth N9OGL Beware

But you certainly *are* a cartoon, you ****ing imbecile.

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