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  #11   Report Post  
Old November 16th 05, 05:10 PM posted to
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Tennessee Nurse

On 16 Nov 2005 07:02:10 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in

he would be required to own them in the Army

Having never served in the Army, I never had that problem.

The two sets of dress blues I owned while in the Marine Corps were
issued to me, free of charge. A "perk" of assigned duties.

More bull**** from Major Dud [sigh]. Uniforms in the Corps are never
issued "free of charge", assigned duties or not. You get a small
clothing allowance each month but it's not nearly enough to maintain
the minimum required uniforms, let alone pay for dress blues. And from
the time I joined the Corps to this very day I think I have seen only
two sets of used dress blues for sale -- the uniform means too much to
a Marine to buy them second-hand, and for the same reason they are
rarely ever sold or given away even after discharge. Heck, I still
have mine hanging in the closet next to my float jacket. Yet Dudly
claims he "owned" (past tense) not one but two sets? Pure bull****.

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  #12   Report Post  
Old November 16th 05, 05:34 PM posted to
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default Tennessee Nurse

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 16 Nov 2005 07:02:10 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in

he would be required to own them in the Army

Having never served in the Army, I never had that problem.

The two sets of dress blues I owned while in the Marine Corps were
issued to me, free of charge. A "perk" of assigned duties.

More bull**** from Major Dud [sigh]. Uniforms in the Corps are never
issued "free of charge", assigned duties or not. You get a small
clothing allowance each month but it's not nearly enough to maintain
the minimum required uniforms, let alone pay for dress blues. And from
the time I joined the Corps to this very day I think I have seen only
two sets of used dress blues for sale -- the uniform means too much to
a Marine to buy them second-hand, and for the same reason they are
rarely ever sold or given away even after discharge. Heck, I still
have mine hanging in the closet next to my float jacket. Yet Dudly
claims he "owned" (past tense) not one but two sets? Pure bull****.

I Stil Have my Dress Blues (don't have the army greens) have even been
ableto wear em recebtly (got an order to report of physical they are
getting a bit hard up for active 54E's) wore em to a few rasied
eyebrows to a physical that I made sure to to fail by leaving my
diabetes uncontroled a about 10 days was an interesting ride

but I guess we army types are not as sentimental I aquired the dress
mess and sold em later as well the army whites

bit evenn watching Gomer Pile USMC one would know that USMC doesn't
issue those things

My blues were rare enough to get me out of standing certain duties (so
I could stand in for some one else RHIP in some cerimmony or parade)

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  #13   Report Post  
Old November 17th 05, 02:55 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Tennessee Nurse

From: on Tues 15 Nov 2005 15:32

From: on Nov 14, 4:22 am
From: on Sat 12 Nov 2005 14:17

QRZ last updated 01/29/2004, signed as "MAJOR Robeson."

Photo of a guy with Captain's bars.

Wonder why Steve isn't updating his official photograph?

He didn't on his "official" AOL home page. Gave excuses
there..."didn't get 'promoted' until July...this is
November...verrrry slow "developing" of that photo.

Must be suer-high resolution photo paper. Takes longer.

I'd likely believe that the "Sergeant Grit" USMC store
ran out of cloth major insignia for his poopy suit.

I'll have to revise that...more likely Sergeant Grit REFUSED
his order. Probably from signing "semper paratus" too much.

"I was on the ground in Slidell, LA, for 45 minutes on Saturday. I
don't believe that even if I possessed the skills of a poet laureat
that I could put into words the devastation. I never served with the
Marines in Viet Nam, but have always heard about the "1000 yeard
stare"...Well, now I've seen it...In the eyes of hundreds of those
brutalized by this horrific event."

I'd like to see that "1000 yeard stare" in his next photo. Or maybe "a
thousand yards of stairstepper" would improve the photo.

...and a dentist to fix his teeth...

"If Chesty didn't like it, we wouldn't carry it" is
their shop slogan. :-)

[Frank knows who "Chesty" is, Dudly doesn't...:-)]

Steve only knows "Chesty Thumper." They're buds.

Heh...Dudly seems to BE Chesty Thumper!

Note the "headline" on his "official" AOL home page:

"A Man of Many Talents."

He was "homeland security before there was homeland


He has a talent for shooting his mouth off.

AHA!! That explains MANY things! He can't smile in any
photo because the teeth are gone! THAT may be the "injury"
that caused his "medical discharge" due to an "accident!"

Welp, he did say it happens.

Post-traumatic stress disorder after all those "seven hostile
actions" must have distracted him from shooting his mouth off

His little Cessna 150 (or was it Aeronca C3?) got
hard points for WEAPONRY? Whoooeee...look out all
general av flyers wherever you are...Ace Security
"MAJOR" gonna get on your tails!

I can just imagine the MAJOR getting behind someone and opening fire.
"He invaded my airspace, he invaded my airspace!" Then he shoots his
prop off.

His own...

Then maybe he could see a thousand yards without that obstruction to

That's "yeards" in Dudly talk...

On the con-man scale of 1 to 10, Dudly the Imposter (aka
"United States Air Force Auxilliary" MAJOR) might nudge
the meter to a 2...with enough QRM to raise baseline...

And he tries so hard. Kind of sad, isn't it? Should we clue him in
that it's "Major?" No need to go ALLCAPS for emphasis.

I used all caps. Dudly is very RANK. :-)

He used ALL CAPS on QRZ. He must be in agreement.

Really? I didn't look close. Hard to do that when laughing
so hard... :-)

Drunk, laying face up on a cot... "whomp, whomp, whomp, whomp..."

The ceiling fan turns into a helo rotor...

"I asked for a mission, and for my SINS they gave me one..."

He looks at the fan with that famous "one yard blear."


Wonder where he could get the cash as a "commissioned
officer" to afford dress blues? Maybe on "Amelia's"
credit card?

Don't know "Amelia." Maybe he got it on the "Katrina" credit card, or
maybe they will just up and issue one to him.

"Amelia" supposed to be Mrs. Dudly according to MAJOR Dudly.

Dudly have "thousand yeards of credit?"

Do we have a photo of him in his Tennessee Militia uniform?

No, but I saw one a few years ago. The "brigade" changed
their website all around. Cannot find any mention at all
of any "communications officer" or the name "Robeson."

Gone. And forgotten.

Maybe Dud got a medical discharge from TN State Guard? And
it turned into an "honorable?"

How about a white dress and white shoes?

Not until WE have "confirmation," Brian... :-)

Temper fry.

Does the reformed church have "confirmation?"

Reform Judaism has "mitzvah" for both genders. If Dudly wore
a white dress would he also have to have a white yarmulke?
Just wonderin'...cross-dressing and all that...

Oy veh!

  #14   Report Post  
Old November 17th 05, 02:58 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Tennessee Nurse

From: Frank Gilliland on Wed 16 Nov 2005 08:10

On 16 Nov 2005 07:02:10 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in


he would be required to own them in the Army

Having never served in the Army, I never had that problem.

The two sets of dress blues I owned while in the Marine Corps were
issued to me, free of charge. A "perk" of assigned duties.

More bull**** from Major Dud [sigh]. Uniforms in the Corps are never
issued "free of charge", assigned duties or not. You get a small
clothing allowance each month but it's not nearly enough to maintain
the minimum required uniforms, let alone pay for dress blues. And from
the time I joined the Corps to this very day I think I have seen only
two sets of used dress blues for sale -- the uniform means too much to
a Marine to buy them second-hand, and for the same reason they are
rarely ever sold or given away even after discharge. Heck, I still
have mine hanging in the closet next to my float jacket. Yet Dudly
claims he "owned" (past tense) not one but two sets? Pure bull****.

Strange that Dudly has not posted - and bragged about - any
photo of him wearing his dress blues. So far, what has been
uncovered about Dudly are the following uniform pictures:

1. Snapshot of him in hospital scrubs, not fully identified.
Civilian clothing.

2. Photo of him in cammies while with the Tennessee STATE
militia. [green camoflage utility uniform with boots]
No longer seen.

3. Semi-portrait of him in a flight suit bearing Captain's
cloth bars...flight suit NOT identified as USAF. Could
be obtained at store at/near any large airport.

If Dudly has "two sets" of dress blues, why NO photograph of
him in either one? No snapshot, no portrait, NOTHING.

Not as an active-duty Marine, not as a Marine Reservist...
You are right, Dudly speak with fertilized tongue.

We didn't get any nice formal portrait photo in dress
uniform free in the 1950s, even if in a Signal Corps unit
that had a photographic group. Never cost a great deal
and I paid for mine in the summer uniform. Like it might
cost all of two bucks today for a good snapshot and drugstore
enlargement of old film, Kinkos or Office Depot service
available for digitizing one for a few dollars. shrug


In the "old Army" I was in of the 1950s, I don't recall any
clothing allowance. Us soldiers got issued "fatigues" (our
name for utility uniform), olive-drab "winter" uniform,
khaki "summer" uniform, socks, minimal underwear, boots,
and "low-quarters" (dress shoes). Patches, insignia of
rank, were free but no allowance for sewing them on...nearly
all posts had concessionaire tailor facilities that would do
that at low cost. While we got the "overseas" cap free, we
would all buy a better version in the PX. [indelicate name
for that "overseas" cap that would offend pansies here]
Supply Clerk kept records on our minimum allowance for free
clothing...destruction beyond normal wearability re-issue
had to have CO approval or it was a "statement of charges"
pay deduction. As a field test engineer at a military
place, there were few needs for "uniform" clothing and,
when that was required, civilian contractor personnel had
to sign for it, then return it. If damaged the contractor
had to pay for it.

We could wear a FULL dress uniform ("pinks and greens"
approved by regulation...same tailoring as commissioned
officers)...IF we bought it ourselves. Since few of us
enlisted types went to embassy balls or veddy formal
parties, having a set of enlisted man pinks and greens
was VERY rare. One of my classmates at our 2001 50th
High School Reunion had gone Army for Thirty, came to the
Reunion dinner in MSgt-rank pinks and greens; he had been
out for about two decades, stood out vividly in the group
of about 350. One of my good friends from high school
had also done a Thirty, but as a Warrant Officer, and came
in a civilian suit. That Reunion took place a week-plus
before the "9/11" Attack.

For stylish comfort, I shelled out some bucks to have my
fatigues tailored, the separate blouse using snaps instead
of buttons and the huge side pockets of the issue pants
made into conventional pants pockets. Was approved, by
the way. As an E-5 with overseas pay supplement, monthly
salary I got was all of $154, and all taxable. RHIP? :-)

  #15   Report Post  
Old November 17th 05, 03:26 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Frank Gilliland is an Unmitigated Liar..As If THAT Was News.....

Frankie of Silliland untruthfully wrote but still tried to pass off as
On 16 Nov 2005 07:02:10 -0800, wrote in

he would be required to own them in the Army

Having never served in the Army, I never had that problem.

The two sets of dress blues I owned while in the Marine Corps were
issued to me, free of charge. A "perk" of assigned duties.

More bull#### from Major Dud [sigh]. Uniforms in the Corps are never
issued "free of charge", assigned duties or not.

Deeper sigh....

Frankie of Silliland (Mr. FoS) simply proves he IS the liar I
accuse him of being.

Marines assigned to Eighth and I, Recruiting Duty, Drill Field,
Embassy Duty and Independent Duty (ie: Active Duty Marines assigned to
the active support component of Reserve units, ROTC Instructor Duty,
duty at a military acadamy, etc...) ARE issued Dress Blues and they ARE
issued "free of charge".

And the first issue of uniforms IS issued "free of charge", and
the monies that Frankie refers to are MAINTENACE fees. There is no
assessment against the service person for their issue.

You get a small
clothing allowance each month but it's not nearly enough to maintain
the minimum required uniforms, let alone pay for dress blues.

Uhhhhhh...Franikie...Unless they changed it BACK since 1992, the
clothing allowance was made a once-a-year entitlement in the late 80's.

And from the time I joined the Corps to this very day I think I have seen only
two sets of used dress blues for sale -- the uniform means too much to
a Marine to buy them second-hand, and for the same reason they are
rarely ever sold or given away even after discharge. Heck, I still
have mine hanging in the closet next to my float jacket. Yet Dudly
claims he "owned" (past tense) not one but two sets? Pure bull####

The bull#### is yours, Frankie.

I was assigned to Independent Duty TWICE in my career. I received
TWO issues of Dress Blues. One as a Lance Corporal, the other as a
Staff Sergeant.

And you know what the difference is between YOUR "dress blues" and
mine, Frankie...?!?!

Steve, K4YZ

  #16   Report Post  
Old November 17th 05, 03:33 AM posted to
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Default Uniforms And The Feeble Five


We could wear a FULL dress uniform ("pinks and greens"
approved by regulation...same tailoring as commissioned
officers)...IF we bought it ourselves.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Lennie in pink.....?!?! Naaaahhhhh...

Markie? Of course. Toiddie...more than likely.

And Let's not forget Frankie...Yellow is his color.

Then there's Brain and his "blues"...The most likely of the bunch
to be even close to being accurate.

And I can't see ANY of them in anything "green" unless they fell
into the beer at a St Patty's Day bust...

Steve, K4YZ

  #17   Report Post  
Old November 17th 05, 01:04 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Tennessee Nurse

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 16 Nov 2005 07:02:10 -0800, "Major Dud" wrote in

he would be required to own them in the Army

Having never served in the Army, I never had that problem.

The two sets of dress blues I owned while in the Marine Corps were
issued to me, free of charge. A "perk" of assigned duties.

More bull**** from Major Dud [sigh]. Uniforms in the Corps are never
issued "free of charge", assigned duties or not.

It might be possible that Steve was assigned to guard the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier. They probably make a special allowance for uniforms

  #18   Report Post  
Old November 17th 05, 04:11 PM posted to
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Default Uniforms And The Feeble Five

And don't forget the "Commander" Buzz Corey, who has a yellow streak
down his back and that lavender spacesuit.

  #20   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 01:25 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Uniforms And The Feeble Five

From: K4YZ on Nov 16, 6:33 pm


We could wear a FULL dress uniform ("pinks and greens"
approved by regulation...same tailoring as commissioned
officers)...IF we bought it ourselves.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Lennie in pink.....?!?! Naaaahhhhh...

"Pinks and greens" is a colloquial (familiar) name for the
commissioned officer's winter dress uniform from WW2 through
past the Vietnam War era. The "pink" is actually a light tan
that, with prolonged wear and cleaning, tended to turn
towards pinkish. The "green" is the color of the blouse
(official name for a suit jacket), actually a dark green,
more green than the olive-drab of the "Ike Jacket" which was
a standard dress uniform for all ranks from late WW2 years
towards the Vietnam War times.

In the late 60s to early 70s, pink was a fashion statement
among male clothing, particularly in dress shirts. Such
were worn by macho-hetero males and considered "cool."
Dudly doesn't know that because he couldn't see beyond
the mountain people's dress of Tennessee then...

And I can't see ANY of them in anything "green" unless they fell
into the beer at a St Patty's Day bust...

NONE of us readers have seen ANYTHING of Dudly the Imposter
in ANY USMC uniform of any kind from his alleged 18-year
"career" in the USMC.

All we readers can see is a pudgy 50-something middle aged,
balding, scowling poser in a beat-up sort-of-olive-drab
flight suit coverall with cloth captain's bars on the
shoulder pads. Dudly put that there himself on the QRZ
website. The poopy suit (flight suit) looks like it could
have been bought at any large-airport supplies store.

NOT ONE SINGLE PHOTO of Dudly in his dress blues, despite his
claim of have TWO FREE sets of them.

Total BULL**** from Dudly...a FAKE...a POSEUR...a FRAUD.

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