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  #361   Report Post  
Old December 18th 05, 03:56 AM posted to
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Default More Real Estate Follies


Do you?

Do you have a short memory? If so, scroll up a few messages for a refresher.

Beep beep
de Hans, K0HB

  #362   Report Post  
Old December 18th 05, 04:12 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Definitely Not Qualified

From: on Dec 17, 4:27 am
From: on Dec 16, 3:41 pm

Sorry, but the last REAL SERVING IN THE MILITARY President
was James Earle Carter, USN,

His middle name is spelled "Earl". Not "Earle".
Can't you get anyhting right? ;-)

You screwed up typing the word "anything" and now try to get
out of it by saying it was "deliberate."

Gee, Len, Can't you recognize *satire* and *parody*?

Can't you get *anything* right? ;-) ;-) ;-)


Now there's something you're familiar with!

Go to:

You WILL find that it is EARLE with an ending E, just like
his father spelled it.

Other sources say differently.

"Other sources?"

Yes. Other sources say "Earl".

The United States Navy, from whose Naval Academy James Earle
Carter graduated, spelled it "Earle."

How do you know? Did you go there?

The United States Navy, in which Lieutenant James Earle
Carter served, spelled it "Earle."

How do you know? Did you see his DD-214?

James Earle Carter, when he chooses to use his full legal
name, spells it "Earle."

Really? Did you ever meat the man?

But, Jimmie Miccolis, self-proclaimed Master of All Things,
is "other sources" who claim to "know better." shrug

No, Len, that's not true.

I don't use the name "Jimmie".

Second, I've never proclaimed myself to the Master of All Things.

Third, the other sources don't claim to know better.

Spelling isn't rocket science, Len :-)

I've worked WITH rocket scientists (and engineers) at
Rocketdyne Division of (then) Rockwell International
(now a Division of Boeing who purchased them a few
years ago).

As you flitted from job to job....

Advancing in salary and responsibility each time...

Inflation will result in rising salary. Responsibility is subjective.

Fact is, you don't seem to have stayed with any employer or
job very long.

Does having worked for "rocket scientists" somehow make
your opinions about amateur radio policy better or superior
to those of anyone else, Len?

You seem to think it does.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, "other sources," don't try to bulldoze a
mountain out of your little ant-hill faux pas.

Just answer the question.

When you've had some experience in REAL wordsmithing as
an article-seller and editing, you come on back.

I've had experience as both a writer and an editor, Len. Been
paid to do both.

Nowhere in Title 47 C.F.R. is it stated that an AMATEUR
radio license grant makes YOU "superior" to anyone in
anything, regardless of license class.

I'm superior to you in some things, Len. That's just a plain,
simple fact. Live with it.

So far in here, all you've done is to posture and post
(seemingly endlessly) about how "right" you are in
everything and how everyone who disagrees with you is
so terribly "wrong."

Len, you're projecting your behavior onto others - again.

Does that somehow make
your opinions about amateur radio policy better or superior
to those of anyone else, Len?

If I want to find out the correct spelling of the legal
name of a President of the United States, I can find it.
I don't need "other sources."

O rilly?

So far your little toy bulldozer hasn't made much of a
dent in that faux pas "spelling" ant-hill of yours.

Spelling isn't rocket science, Len.

Here's a DOS Tip, "official sources:" Don't try to
correct the USN, the Naval Academy, the Naval Bureau
of Personnel, the official United States Navy History
site, the state of Georgia, or the United States
Government on the spelling of a former President's name.

I'm not trying to correct them, Len. I'm simply correcting
*your* mistakes....

I've had my hands inside all kinds of things, Len.

Then isn't it time you washed your hands of this little
spelling faux pas of yours?

You sure do get upset about nothing.

Besides - how do we know any of these "rocket scientist" claims
of yours are true? You're big on demanding "proof" of
all sorts of stuff, and rejecting people's claims. Why
should we accept your claims? Pictures and verbiage on
someone's website aren't "proof".

Contact the Personnel Department of Rocketdyne Division
of Boeing Aircraft in Canoga Park, CA.

Do you need their mailing address? If so, contact your
"other sources."

That's just one employer, Len.

I can name ALL of my employers from part-time during
high school onward, and have.

So can I. In fact I can name them back to part-time during *grade*

So what?

Have you done the same?
No? Why not?

Why should I? What difference would it make to
amateur radio policy?

Anyone who has read your posts here long enough
knows how you react to other people's employment
information. There's *no* job someone could hold
or have held that would earn your civil behavior, let
alone respect, if that person disagrees with you.

Perhaps those "other sources" have your employment
details? I'm sure they must, since you carefully AVOID
stating anything yourself.

Is there any reason I should?

Perhaps what really bothers you about K0HB is that
he has better stories, and tells them better, than you do.

I have no stories of "CW operating," Jimmie.

Hans does. They're good stories, too.

Never used morse code mode in over a half century,
haven't been required to in either military or
civilian occupations.

So what? There's lots of things I haven't done either, but
I don't make a point of bragging about them.

As to "telling them better," show your chops as a
PAID-by-others editor and wordsmith FIRST.

I've been paid to do both writing and editing, Len.

But such employment is not needed for me to express
an opinion of others' writing.

Hans tells better stories than you. And he tells them better.

They're concise, not wordy, yet all necessary details are
included. They are interesting from a human standpoint
as well as a radio standpoint, because they include a
theme that is universal (the supposed hotshot Young
Squirt getting his comeuppance for being a bit too brash).

Hans is able to express the pride, arrogance and embarrassment
in such a way as to be humorous rather than annoying. He's able
to laugh at himself in a way that makes the reader both laugh and

A good story well told.

You are
so highly biased in favor of morse mode that you are
incapable of objectively critiquing any "story" for any
mass media publication other than some "CW organization."

O rilly?

Seems to me, Len, that you are so highly biased against
Morse Code in any form that you are incapable of objectively
critiquing any story involving Morse Code, Amateur Radio, or
many other things.

Hans sent me a copy of his "Speed Key" credential from
the United States Navy.

Pretty neat isn't it?

Do you have one of those?

I don't think I have a copy of Hans' Speed Key certification, no.
Perhaps he'll send me one if I ask nicely.

I do have Morse Code proficiency certificates. And an Amateur
Extra FCC license.

Is it wrong for me to have those things and be proud of them?

Or do your "other sources" have it?


You were never in the USN or USNR.

How do you know for sure, Len?

If you can somehow know for sure who has and has not
served in the US military services, then you know whether
or not K4YZ served in the US Marine Corps. Yet you demand
to see his DD-214.

I think you're just trolling.

You were never in
the Persian Gulf region.

How do you know for sure, Len?

You were never in the service
of the military of the United States.

How do you know for sure, Len?

And what does it matter? We've seen how you treat other veterans
if they disagree with you in any way.

We (other than "other sources") don't know if you
ever did any radio communications in professional/commercial
radio other than AMATEUR.

What difference would it make?

You are carefully ambiguous and
non-specific about that. Just like Dudly the Imposter.

[on living Presidents of the United States]

None of them had any direct contact with amateur radio.

How do you know for sure, Len?

If they did, QST would have had an orgasmic issue
special! :-)

Nope. They didn't have one about K7UGA.

Senator Barry Goldwater was never elected President of the
United States. He LOST.

That's true. But he was a candidate, yet there was never any
sort of special issue in QST. In fact, his candidacy and campaign
were hardly mentioned in that mag.

Go play with your AMATEUR radios.

That I can do. You can't - not legally, anyway.

You're definitely Not Qualified
to operate an Amateur Radio Station.

  #365   Report Post  
Old December 18th 05, 06:19 PM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Definitely Not Qualified

From: K0HB on Dec 14, 9:18 pm


No stories about "SUQ"-ing anything or high-speed morse nor of
saving the fleet in the Persian Gulf nor of being "hot****s"
with a code key. Just quiet massive military communications,
over three dozen high-power HF transmitters, doing the Army
Signal Corps' job of "getting the message through" 24/7. A
part of the military that wasn't glamorous, didn't wear flashy
or cute uniforms, and bore the brunt of national defense as it
always has since 1776...with the casualty rates the highest of
any branch, from battlefields of Pennsylvania to the Persian
Gulf area of Dubya's rule.

The Signal Corps has the highest casualty rate, or did you mean the U.S.
Army? Is that something to brag about?

Has Dudly the Imposter (aka "K4YZ") EVER posted ANYTHING
ANYHWERE about his glorious heroic 18 years of USMC "service"
in "seven hostile actions?" NO. A resounding NO!

A resounding "Not to your knowledge"!
Tsk, just how much do you
demand of all others? Besides "hotshot morse op" stories
that is? Sorry, I don't have any such stories...never used
any morse code at anytime in the last 52 years...haven't been
required to.

Exactly. Are you the kind of guy who only does what he is required to
do? :-) is "perfectly okay" to let Dudly the Imposter go on
and on. Never mind that he shames the entire U.S. military

He does? Could you offer us any proof of your claim?

Never mind that he doesn't speak well for the
"highest class" of United States amateur radio.

What is any of that to you? You aren't involved in U.S. or any other
amateur radio.

Dave K8MN

  #367   Report Post  
Old December 18th 05, 08:00 PM posted to
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
Default Definitely Not Qualified

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 17:19:28 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in et:


part of the military that wasn't glamorous, didn't wear flashy
or cute uniforms, and bore the brunt of national defense as it
always has since 1776...with the casualty rates the highest of
any branch, from battlefields of Pennsylvania to the Persian
Gulf area of Dubya's rule.

The Signal Corps has the highest casualty rate, or did you mean the U.S.

The Signal Corps. The first target of any combat unit is the guy (or
tank, amtrack, jeep, etc.) with the antennas. The second target is the
guy -next- to the guy with the antenna because he is usually an

Is that something to brag about?

Yep. It takes some big, hairy balls to walk onto the battlefield
carrying a piece of equipment that will be the first thing the enemy
shoots at, especially when the radio is bulky and/or heavy enough to
limit your mobility. The casualty rate for radiomen in combat is even
higher than EOD.

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  #368   Report Post  
Old December 18th 05, 08:55 PM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Definitely Not Qualified

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 00:58:21 GMT, "KØHB"
wrote in . net:

Anyway, this is not about you -- it's about Major Dud.

At least you'd like it to be.

Now if you and
I can post -our- DD-214's, why can't Dudly?

Why can't he or why does he choose not to? Is he under some sort of
mandate to do so, base upon the baying of Len, Brian and you?

Major Dud might be a ham, and you might share some similar beliefs
and/or opinions, but are those valid reasons to defend his fraudulent
military service?

Would that be the fraudulent military service about which you, Len
Anderson and Brian Burke have been wildly speculating?

Dave K8MN
  #369   Report Post  
Old December 18th 05, 09:17 PM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Definitely Not Qualified

From: Frank Gilliland on Dec 16, 4:36 am

On 15 Dec 2005 21:32:32 -0800, wrote in
From: Frank Gilliland on Dec 15, 6:25 pm
On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 00:58:21 GMT, "K0HB"

I've believed Hans' service in the USN. I've believed yours.
I've believed Brian Burke's service. I've believed Bill Sohl's.
I've lived mine and have documents and hundreds of pictures to
prove it.

Yeah, but do you *believe it*?

My DD-214 copy is recorded with the County Recorder
of Winnebago, Illinois, something I did in 1956 as a resident
there at the time. shrug

Who does that and why?

Unfortunately for all those "who can see their attachments just
fine," several ISPs just don't carry attachments on all groups.
That's just the way it is.

We'll just have to wait it out while all the pompous misdirection
dies down on AMATEUR RADIO POLICY matters in this morseblog. :-)

If we wait for a few days after one of your posting jags, I'm sure all
the pompous misdirection will die down.

In getting back to the nitty-gritty of who lies and who tells
the truth, all us readers have yet to see ANYTHING of Dudly
the Imposter's documents, pictures, whatever from his heroic
descriptions of being in "seven hostile actions."

Well, I'll be darned. Is it eating at you?

Jimmie Miccolis (who never served in any military) says that
Army RADIO on HF doesn't have anything to do with AMATEUR
RADIO on HF...despite the fact that all the physics pertaining
to RADIO generation and propagation are exactly the same...

Physics aside, Army RADIO on HF has nothing to do with AMATEUR RADIO on
HF or elsewhere.

despite the fact that high-power vacuum tube HF transmitters
of a half century ago generated and operated exactly the same
as vacuum tube HF transmitters do today. [that's just the
way it is]

You don't have authorization to operate an amateur radio station.
That's just the way it is.

Davie Heil (who supposedly served in the USAF and did get into
the Department of State of the USA..."he's from the government
and is here to help") is of the opinion that one MUST get an
amateur radio license before even thinking of posting in this
morseblog, let alone getting a (horrors) Commercial radio

There are two of your factual errors. I've never said that 1) you must
have an amateur radio license to post here or that 2) anyone would need
to obtain an amateur radio license before obtaining a commercial
license. Since you've been corrected on those points more than once,
your statements actually go beyond factual error and become deliberate

May the already-licensed-in-amateur-radio-in-highest-morse-
class enjoy the lump of coal in their Christmas stockings.
They can wear that with pride as they hobble down to the
lodge to sip their rum and tell tales of mighty morsemanship
derring-do of the old days.

Thus speaks the Grinch. Well, Leonid, the lodge hall is sure to be warm
and the talk needn't be just of the old days. It could be of last
night's activity in the Stew Perry contest. Do you think your absence
in that event or at the lodge hall will be noticed?

Dave K8MN
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