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  #51   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 06:30 AM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

KØHB wrote:

We have NOT seen where any other radio amateur has
ever "worked" him on the amateur bands.

(Best observed using non-porportional font)

HyperLog extract station K0HB

Date ¦Time¦Call ¦rcv¦snt¦Bnd¦QRG ¦Emm¦PWR ¦Name ¦QTH
11/19/00¦0052¦K4YZ ¦59 ¦59 ¦20 ¦14.191¦A3J¦100 ¦Steve ¦Dunlap, TN ¦
11/05/00¦0111¦K4YZ ¦599¦599¦20 ¦14.032¦A1A¦100 ¦Steve ¦Dunlap, TN ¦

July 2001 issue of QST reports that K4YZ earned a "Clean Sweep" trophy for
working at least one station in each of the 80 ARRL and RAC sections during the
phone Sweepstakes contest the previous November. PDF available for viewing on
the web at


Log extract K8MN ARRL SS Phone:

K4YZ 11/19/2000 1601Z 14 MHz SSB NR 87A CK 72

Dave K8MN

  #52   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 07:48 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

Dave Heil wrote:
KØHB wrote:

We have NOT seen where any other radio amateur has
ever "worked" him on the amateur bands.

HyperLog extract station K0HB

(SNIP) Thanks again, Hans.

Log extract K8MN ARRL SS Phone:

(SNIP) You too, Dave.

Has anyone worked Lennie and his "Part 15 rig" yet? N0IMD?


Steve, K4YZ

  #53   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 11:19 AM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

K4YZ wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
KØHB wrote:

We have NOT seen where any other radio amateur has
ever "worked" him on the amateur bands.

Is that the papal 'we' or the royal 'we'?

HyperLog extract station K0HB

(SNIP) Thanks again, Hans.

Log extract K8MN ARRL SS Phone:

(SNIP) You too, Dave.

Has anyone worked Lennie and his "Part 15 rig" yet? N0IMD?


Let's see, of current and past rrap posters, I have worked:


using various amateur bands and modes. Mostly HF CW, but also VHF FM.

Also personally met W3RV and W1RFI.

(apologies to any I've forgotten).

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #54   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 01:01 PM posted to
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Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

on Thurs 17 Nov 2005 02:45

From: on Nov 16, 2:20 am
Dave Heil wrote:

What Len fails to understand is that such carryings-on are simply
delaying The R&O.

But you hadn't taken even the first baby step to getting an amateur
radio license.

WHY was that required?

It's not required.

You haven't explained the "necessity"
of gettng an amateur license FIRST.

Because there is none, Len.

The point is that this newsgroup is about amateur radio. And
the NPRM is about amateur radio and the Morse Code test
to get an amateur radio license.

A license you've never been able to earn.

you really DON'T understand the environment I was
working in/at.

Actually, I do, Len. That environment wasn't amateur radio.
It was military radip, back when *one* new teleprinter cost more
than most amateur radio stations of the time.

Go download:

Seen it. What's your point? Amateur radio isn't the Army. order to see that environment. NONE of it required any
"baby steps" going FIRST through some hobby license.

Nobody said it did, Len. You were trained at taxpayer expense,
and worked as part of a large supervised team that took care
of that facility.

Actually two errors. Got the date wrong and the sequence with cb.

With all those ERRORS you make, you are getting a reputation
for irrationality and unreliability...

Two errors, Len, and quickly corrected.

What I think happened is this: Len discovered that unlike "book learning",
he didn't pick up on the Morse Code in a few quick lessons.

Looks like that part's true.

starting to look as hateful
as Dudly, always seeking to impugn my "motivations" (that you
think up in your fantasy).

No fantasy involved, just a reading of what you wrote about it. You
simply "GAVE UP".

Heck, you wouldn't even spend the time or money to get/build a suitable
radio receiver and listen to real live Morse Code on the air back
then. Just some tapes copied from records...

There was NO INTELLECTUAL REWARD "waiting," sweetums.

Sure there was - the amateur radio license and all that you could
do with it. Wasn't worth your time? Fine!

So...I already had plenty of REAL experience in PROFESSIONAL
HF radio communications, a First 'Phone (Commercial), and
those were "NOT intellectual?!?"

Nobody said that.

Sounds like what you're saying is that you think your commercial
and experience as a military radio technician (not radio operator)
somehow give you a magic golden ticket to an amateur radio license. No
way the mighty Anderson should be required to actually *learn*
for an *amateur* license...right?

There was NO
INTELLECTUAL reward in it.

Then what's your problem?

YOUR irrationality.

Much ado about nothing, then.

In other words, if it didn't make money for you, it wasn't going to
get your time and effort.

You really can't understand anyone who doesn't have YOUR
immaculate set of "standards" can you?

I understand your "standards" very well, Len. To you, an amateur
radio license wasn't - and still isn't - worth the effort it would
for you to learn enough to pass the required tests. Right?

I have no problem with those "standards" at all.

Do you always have to be on the cutting edge, Len? Do you have a
cutting-edge computer?

Close enough.

In other words, no, you don't have a cutting-edge computer.

In 1962 I was 8 years old

5 years later, in 1967, I was a licensed amateur radio operator at age
13. You were not.

I got the Second Phone at age 18, in 1972. Didn't need a First Phone.

You don't tell us why *you* are so interested in something you are
not a part of and most probably never will be.

YOU, still in your baby shoes, aren't worthy of an answer
to your demands for "motivation."

Awwww..."not worthy"?

Are you ashamed of your motivations, Len? Or have I
already stated them, and you're angry that I understand
so much?

When given, you won't
accept any reasonable explanation.

Your explanations aren't complete.

Let's see...I am retired from a successful career (from regular
hours, I still do contract work IF I want to) in electronics
design engineering, have a fine house (all paid for), have a
wonderful wife (who was also my high school sweetheart), have
had enough TITLES and POSITIONS to satisfy me, half century,
a comfortable income to handle easy living now.

You've told us how great things are for you many, many times, Len.
As if all that somehow explains your obsession.

"Obsession?!?" :-)

Yes, Len. You're clearly obsessed with something that doesn't affect

Trying to change federal law is an "obsession?"

Nope. The way you behave in doing so definitely is. Particularly since
the "law" does not really affect you.

It's as if someone from far away from Sun City tried for years to get
the zoning rules there changed, because they *might* want to build
a house there.

Yes, I can see where baby shoe wearers would get petulant and
whiny if their hobby radio toys and merit badges are

I wear a size 12 in most shoes, Len. I prefer Saucony running shoes
most of the time. I ran 35 minutes before dawn today - kinda big steps
out there....

I do NOT NEED TO PROVE ANYTHING by getting more TITLES, more
certificates suitable for framing.

Not about that at all.

YES, it IS,

Nobody's asking you to prove anything, Len. It's just odd that you
are so interested in the rules of a radio service that you are so
completely uninvolved with.

But you mention them and your other accomplishments here, and in
comments to FCC, over and over again.

Yet you have no amateur radio license....


Yup, Jimmie, with that "comparison/analogue" you have exhibited

How? Your accomplishments do not give you a golden ticket to an
amateur radio license.

One of the wonderful things about amateur radio is that all must meet
the same requirements for the license, regardless of other radio
experience, licenses, education, age, income, etc. Always been that
way. The grade schooler has to meet the same license requirement
as the graybeard Ph.D. in EE with multiple patents and other licenses.

That simple equality really seems to burn you.

We are secure
in ourselves. We've "done it" and DON'T need to brag, don't
need more pretty certificates suitable for framing.

Then why are you here?

It is part of a greater effort to eliminate morse code testing
from United States amateur radio regulations on license exams.

Has it made *any* difference? Do you really think your words have
convinced anyone?

And why does it matter to you anyway?

How many times must I repeat that before you understand?

It seems to me that what you most enjoy about amateur radio is insulting
and denigrating radio amateurs via the internet.

Sorry, Jimmie, I only "insult" those poor misguided souls
who think that morse code mode communications is still
"cutting-edge technology skill" in radio.

Incorrect. You insult and denigrate anyone who disagrees with you.

Jimmie, WHY do YOU continue to insult, demean, anatagonize all
who see to remove the code test?

Who is this "Jimmie" you keep referring to? Your imaginary friend?

Why are YOU so obsessed with retaining it?

I'm not. I simply think the Morse Code test does more good than harm.
I think it's a good idea, for reasons stated here and in my Comments
to FCC.

Why are YOU so obsessed with regressing U.S. amateur radio?

I'm not - I'm about progress and moving forward.

Who is this "Jimmie" you speak of?

Yourself. Are you uncomfortable with affectionate, friendly

It's neither affectionate nor friendly.

You are NOT custodian of archaic radio
arts. You've NEVER worked in 24/7 long-haul HF radio traffic
services. You've apparently NEVER done any radio activity
outside of HF.

Actually, I have.

PROVE it by third-party references

I've worked W3RV, K3LT, and many others on VHF FM. Ask them.

Hell, you've never had PRIDE in
what you work at at work

Not me. I'm proud of what I do. I just don't repeat it over and over
and over in an amateur radio newsgroup.

Brother of Dudly, since you NEVER explained what you work at
or where you work, both lacking detail, you will NEVER be
accused of "repeating it over and over and over." :-)

You have done so, so you are guilty...

and try to keep your employer a
big, dark never talk about it except in very
vague descriptions and implications.

Why should I mention it here, Len? Is there *any* employment that would
change the way you behave towards others who disagree with you?

Brother of Dudly, don't try misdirection again. Tiresome.

Answer the question, Len.

We readers will just put you down as either NOT WORKING or
at some place not associated with electronics at all.

Readers know that you'd simply use my employment - whatever it is -
as another insult venue.

You don't talk shop.

Not here. Why should I?

Why are you so antagonistic to CHANGE,

I'm not. You are. As in "changes to real estate zoning"...

AMATEUR radio is a HOBBY, Jimmie.

And much more, Len. You think the amateurs who went to help
out after the recent hurricanes were only "hobbyists" doing it for

Thousands and thousands of human being helped the victims
of hurricanes Katrina and Rita. NO amateur radio license
was "required" to HELP A FELLOW HUMAN BEING.

Not required, but very helpful.

Cut out the sensationalist pandering to visceral emotion,
Jimmie. It's so phony.

Tell it to the folks at Electronic Design magazine, Len - a
"PROFESSIONAL" publication:


Not just a hobby, though. That seems to really bother you.

  #56   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 08:15 PM posted to
Cmdr Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a
Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments


a lot of usless bragging deleted

Let's see...I am retired from a successful career (from regular
hours, I still do contract work IF I want to) in electronics
design engineering, have a fine house (all paid for), have a
wonderful wife (who was also my high school sweetheart), have
had enough TITLES and POSITIONS to satisfy me, half century,
a comfortable income to handle easy living now.

Same here lennieboy, just like millions of others, so what makes you
think you are something special?

I do NOT NEED TO PROVE ANYTHING by getting more TITLES, more
certificates suitable for framing. I do not need my friends
and neighbors to come over and marvel at my cutting-edge radio
technology of homebuilt tube kludges designed in the 1990s; we
talk about other things and are friendly. I have ONE sole-
inventor patent and a nice plaque from RCA Corporation which
I NO LONGER display on the wall like a trophy. My wife has
THREE degrees, one BA, two MSs, and she doesn't need those
displayed on the wall; those are in storage up in Puget Sound
area weren't on display in the northern house. We are secure
in ourselves. We've "done it" and DON'T need to brag, don't
need more pretty certificates suitable for framing. The
FUTURE is just ahead and we are ENJOYING that. Why don't you
like others enjoying life as THEY prefer?

If you want a ham license lennieboy, you must pass the test, it's that
simple, or rather seems to be impossible for you. I has nothing to do
with 'proving anything' by getting more 'titles'. I has to do with
getting a license to operate on ham radio. Something that seems quite
beyond your capabilities.
  #58   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 08:58 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

Cmdr Buzz Corey wrote:
I has to do with
getting a license to operate on ham radio. Something that seems quite
beyond your capabilities.

When are you going to attempt the test, no-call?
  #59   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 11:21 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

From: "K؈B" on Fri 18 Nov 2005 01:16


We have NOT seen where any other radio amateur has
ever "worked" him on the amateur bands.

(Best observed using non-porportional font)

(best heard with BFO on?)

HyperLog extract station K0HB

Date ?Time?Call ?rcv?snt?Bnd?QRG ?Emm?PWR ?Name ?QTH
11/19/00?0052?K4YZ ?59 ?59 ?20 ?14.191?A3J?100 ?Steve ?Dunlap, TN ?
11/05/00?0111?K4YZ ?599?599?20 ?14.032?A1A?100 ?Steve ?Dunlap, TN ?

July 2001 issue of QST reports that K4YZ earned a "Clean Sweep" trophy for
working at least one station in each of the 80 ARRL and RAC sections during the
phone Sweepstakes contest the previous November. PDF available for viewing on
the web at


...and the above "proves" Dudly the Imposter was in the USMC?

Of course it does. If any Extra Morseman says it, then it "must"
be true!

Okay, so someone works an amateur radio contest and that is a
"proof" of his/her military service?

Tsk, the military of the United States has entered a strange,
new world since 1989 where amateur radio contesting is somehow
an "honorable discharge."

What next, the Congressional Medal of Honor awarded to a ham
who relayed the most health and welfare traffic during hurricane

  #60   Report Post  
Old November 18th 05, 11:24 PM posted to
Posts: n/a
Default Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments

From: on Thurs 17 Nov 2005 18:36

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Here, Len uses emoticons and SHOUTS by using all capitals. His
submissions to FCC are full of italics, bold text, and numbered

Ah, now Sister Nun of the Above is spanking for using
italics in filings on Dockets at the FCC?

And "numbered footnotes!" Tsk, tsk, what does Jimmie think
those funny superscript numbers in text and all that small
text at the bottoms of some pages, as in NPRM 05-143 are?

I remember Len referring to FCC Chairman Powell as "Mikey". As if he'd
actually address Mr. Powell that way....

No problem with me, Jimmie. I'm not afraid of authority.

You seem to be. Of course, you've never been in politics,
have you? I thought not.

I refer to our current President of the United States as
"W" or "Dubya." Are you going to have me arrested by
Homeland Security? Charged with treason? Go for it.

Some months back, Len mentioned here that he had once, way back
in the 1950s,

actually, the early 1960s

Oh, you finally went back in time through Google archives?

Good for you, Jimmie. If you are real nice, we might buy
you some kiddie shoes to replace those baby shoes you
keep talking about.

set about learning Morse Code. Claimed he'd actually
gotten up to about 6-8 wpm or so before deciding all the 'hard work'
wasn't worth it. That was just about the time 27 MHz cb came along,
and he jumped on that.

Other way around - he was on cb first.

No, no, NO, Jimmie, MUCH lower in frequency than that...somewhere
around 9 MHz if memory serves. Was in early February 1953, using
a BC-339 1 KW transmitter.

In his own words, he just "GAVE UP".

No, no, NO, Jimmie...I stayed there for nearly three years
after that until late January 1956.

Oh, you mean "did I give up" on learning more morse code?
Yes, I did. Roughly six years later in California I gave
up on bothering to continue learning morse code.

Jimmie think that a "crime?" Of course he does. He's a
religious zealot MORSEMAN! A proselyte for the Church of
St. Hiram. Do you also ride bicycles in your town, going
door to door preaching the Morse Way to residents?

Your point may be valid but I learned the Morse Code in the Scouts,
before I had any idea of becoming a ham. The fellow who taught it did
it right. There was no counting of dots and dashes. He linked the
letter sounds to groups of words like "here comes the bride" for "Q".
It wasn't work; it was fun. Brushing up my code a couple of years later
before taking the Novice exam wasn't any work either.

I learned it by listening to hams using Morse Code on 80 meters. I
first had to build myself a receiver, though.

Bully bull bull to Davie for being a Scout. And to Jimmie
Noserve for "building his own receiver!" Such advanced
teen-agers! Did you both get nice, pretty merit badges?

Basically, it comes down to the fact that Len thinks he's too good to
have to learn Morse Code - or anything else - for an amateur radio

Basically, Jimmie boy, you are full of snit.

I don't see any point in learning what was ONCE the only way
to communicate in radio in order to get an AMATEUR license.

Tsk, forget (conveniently and whenver possible)
that I'd already operated transmitters (note plural) on HF
many years before. Want to see them? Here's a link:

You might want to tell the United States ARMY on your demand
that all radio operators must get an amateur radio license
FIRST. Hurry up and tell them, do your "service for the
nation!" That's a good lad. pat on the head

After all, it's been possible to get a Technician class license without
a code test for more than 14 years. All FCC-issued amateur licenses
have been available for just a 5 wpm code test for 15 years now.

Oh, wow, Jimmie made his THIRD MAJOR MISTAKE in one posting!

Jimmie boy, FCC 99-412 ordered all morse code test rates for
radio amateur licenses to be fixed a 5 words-per-minute
beginning in 2000. That was only FIVE years ago. Not "15."

Tsk, you are rapidly getting a reputation for ERRORS and
MISTAKES! Not good. Are you under stress? Have you
gotten laid yet? Work on that...

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