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  #1   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 09:47 AM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

In case their are those who get a CB-type rig such as the 817
in their stockings and are misled by those-who-ought-to-know-better
into thinking that they are Radio Hams, the weekly (and
revised) FAQ is posted a couple of days early to enable
the parents to take the CB gear back to the shop.....

What is Ham Radio?

Ham Radio is a technical pursuit for those who
are interested in the science of radio wave
propagation and who are also interested in the
way that their radios function. It has a long-standing
tradition of providing a source of engineers who
are born naturals.

Ham Radio awakens in its aficionados a whole-life
fascination with all things technical and gives
an all-abiding curiosity to improve one's scientific
knowledge. It's a great swimming pool, please dive in!

This excitement causes a wish to share the experience
with ones fellow man, and shows itself in the
gentlemanly traditions of Ham Radio.

Radio Hams are in a unique privileged position in that
they can construct and operate their own equipment! No-one
else has this privilege. Users, such as broadcasters,
the po lice and armed farces, CBers and mobile phone
users have to purchase ready-made gear. Manufacturers
are not licensed to operate their gear. Radio Hams
are qualified to design, build and then
operate their own pieces of equipment. They do this
with gusto, and also repair and modify their own
equipment. This is a privilege well worth the effort
to gain, and one to be jealously guarded.

The excitement that drives a Radio Ham starts with
relatively simple technologies at first, perhaps making
his own Wimshurst machine and primary cells. Small pieces
of test equipment follow, possibly multimeters and signal
generators. Then comes receivers and transmitters. It is with
the latter that communication with like-minded technically
motivated people takes off. The scope for technical
development grows with the years
and now encompasses DSP and DDS. There is also a great deal
of excitement in the areas of computer programming to
be learnt and applied.

The technical excitement motivates Radio Hams to compete
with each other to determine who has designed and manufactured
the best-quality station. This competitiveness is found in DXing,
competitions and fox-hunts.


However, beware! A Ham Radio licence is such a
desirable thing to have that there are large
numbers of people who wish to be thought of
as Radio Hams when, in fact, they are nothing
of the kind! Usually such people are a
variation of the CB Radio hobbyist; they buy their
radios off the shelf and send them back to be
repaired; they are not interested in technical discussion
and sneer at those who are; they have no idea how
their radios work inside and have no wish to find out;
they are free with rather silly personal insults;
they have not satisfied any technical qualification
and their licences prevent the use of
self-designed-and-built equipment.

These CB types engage in the competitive activities
with their Cheque-Book-purchased off-the-shelf radios
in a forlorn effort to prove that they are Radio Hams.

No _REAL_ Radio Hams are deceived by such people!


One such CB type is the so-called "Not-Ham". Otherwise
known as the CBer-Masquerading-As-A-Radio-Ham, this type
had their background in the hobby that is CB Radio and not
in the technical pursuits that lead up to a coveted Ham licence.
Easily recognised by their boasts of the criminal activity of
11 metre SSB operation, one wonders why they don't go back to
the CB Bands if such bands are dearer in their hearts than are the Ham
Bands? No _REAL Radio Hams associate with those who made an
illegal installation of transmitting equipment before being
in possession of an appropriate licence.


One infallible way to disambiguate the CB Radio Hobbyist
from the _REAL_ Radio Ham is to solicit their view of the
difference between CB Radio and Ham Radio. A Radio Ham will
perceive Ham Radio to be a technical pursuit and will
perceive CB Radio to be a social communications facility
no different in essence to a land-line telephone or a
GSM mobile in the hands of a 6-year-old. Thus a Radio Ham
could also hold a CB licence safe in the knowledge that
such a licence says no more about him than having a land-line
telephone, whilst continuing to regard Ham Radio as a separate
technical pursuit.

A CB Radio hobbyist, on the other hand, sees no difference between
a Ham Radio licence and a CB Radio licence. To him, they are
sisters-under-the-skin. Wrongly, the CB Radio Hobbyist then
tries to classify himself as the equal of the Radio
Ham when, in fact, he is nothing of the kind. A sure sign of
a CB Radio hobbyist is if he holds, or has ever held, a licence
issued under the gangrenous degeneration that is the
M3/CB Fools' Licence scheme.


One group of people who claim to be of the standard of
Radio Hams but who are in reality nothing more than an
apology for the failure of a CBer are those class B
licensees who falsely proclaimed that they were against
the use of a Morse Test to control access to the HF
bands, until, that is, a test was introduced at their
intellectual level, the intellectual level of 6-year-olds.

6 year-olds simply lack the mathematical tool kit to
enable them to handle even the simplest algebraic manipulation
for Ohm's Law and thus, the disgraceful Class Ber's in
the aforementioned category are not Radio Hams by any stretch
of the imagination!

Remember - A sure sign of a CB Radio hobbyist is if he holds,
or has ever held, a licence issued under the gangrenous
degeneration that is the M3/CB Fools' Licence scheme!

  #2   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 10:10 AM posted to,,
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

Over-wound Spring wrote:
In case their are those who get a CB-type rig such as the 817
in their stockings and are misled by those-who-ought-to-know-better
into thinking that they are Radio Hams, the weekly (and
revised) FAQ is posted a couple of days early to enable
the parents to take the CB gear back to the shop.....

Could this possibly have been posted by the man who, just 8 years ago,
was selling his FT101E on the grounds that it was too difficult to tune
up without the manual?

2. FT101E, pristine condition, CW filter. (Purchased Longleat '95, never
used on TX by me 'cos critical tuning-up pages missing from manual!) "
73 de Gareth G4SDW
13 Hardens Close, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3AA
(01249) 651897

You should get an 817 yourself - no tuning required!

  #3   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 10:42 AM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

If you wish to be henceforth perceived as a Childish Broadcaster (CBer)
then carry right on with the Childish Broadcasting (CB) such as
you utter below.

You seem to be obsessed with me, you are chanting your
infantile playground tirades at every turn. Brian Reay says that
such obsession is a sign of envy. Have you no life of your own?

All _REAL_ Radio Hams have a number of ongoing projects
simultaneously. Some are held up for lack of components, some
for a lack of time, others for lack of info.
I wouldn't recommend anyone whose background
is in transistorised QRP to tackle the neutralising of a compact
PA stage with 600 VDC on the anodes after replacing the
antenna coupling capacitor unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly. The
was held up awaiting info, and when I needed the space, was
one of a number that I disposed of. ISTR that an R1475 awaiting
also was disposed of at the same time. The project was underway,
I was fully prepared to have a go, in sharp contrast to the
CBers-Masquerading-As-Radio-Hams of today who buy their
goods from a shop and return them to a shop if needing repair.

You really do seem anxious to score some pathetic and childish
points. You may feel at home starting and then desperately
trying to continue a ****ing-in-the-playground
competition, but that is not my style.

You do yourself, this NG, and Ham Radio in general no service
by discouraging the discussion of what we do and the problems
we encounter along the way if you pick up on minor points out
of context and sneer and chant from the sidelines. How are
we to encourage the novitiate other than by discussing what
we do?

Shame on you.

Grow up, Mike Gathergood!

Stupid boy.

Over-wound Spring wrote:
In case their are those who get a CB-type rig such as the 817
in their stockings and are misled by those-who-ought-to-know-better
into thinking that they are Radio Hams, the weekly (and
revised) FAQ is posted a couple of days early to enable
the parents to take the CB gear back to the shop.....

Could this possibly have been posted by the man who, just 8 years ago,
was selling his FT101E on the grounds that it was too difficult to tune
up without the manual?

2. FT101E, pristine condition, CW filter. (Purchased Longleat '95, never
used on TX by me 'cos critical tuning-up pages missing from manual!) "

You should get an 817 yourself - no tuning required!

  #4   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 10:56 AM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

OK - are you a man, or a yellow-bellied coward?

I notice that your own personal details are withheld
in the callbook.

How brave of you to publish someone else's, including
their phone number while you yourself hide shaking
and quivering behind the safety of the playground fence
while you chant your infantile sneers.

Grow up, Mike Gathergood!

Stupid boy.

73 de Gareth G4SDW
13 Hardens Close, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3AA
(01249) 651897

  #5   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 10:59 AM posted to,,
Posts: n/a
Default tedious ******** - revised version

Pierian Spring wrote:
You may feel at home starting and then desperately
trying to continue a ****ing-in-the-playground
competition, but that is not my style.

Oh - it seems I owe you an apology?

It must be some other Pierian Spring who "****es" the same tedious
self-righteous drivel into these newsgroups umpteen times a week.

  #6   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 11:02 AM posted to,,
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

Pierian Spring wrote:
OK - are you a man, or a yellow-bellied coward?

I notice that your own personal details are withheld
in the callbook.

How brave of you to publish someone else's, including
their phone number while you yourself hide shaking
and quivering behind the safety of the playground fence
while you chant your infantile sneers.

QTHR on the website ( and at

You'll also find Nick G3VCP, whom you accused of being a pirate, is

And at least I use my own name, rather than claiming to be the Pierian
Spring of Greek mythology.

"A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep or taste not the Pierian Spring"
Alexander Pope

Mike G4KFK

  #7   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 11:21 AM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
Posts: n/a
Default tedious ******** - revised version

If it is your wish to be for ever perceived as a Childish
Broadcaster (CBer), then carry right on with uttering
your obsessive Childish Broadcasting (CB) such as you
do below.

You're not doing yourself any favours with your
infantile tirades, and you really ought to know better.

Shame on you.

Grow up, Mike Gathergood!

Stupid boy.

Pierian Spring wrote:
You may feel at home starting and then desperately
trying to continue a ****ing-in-the-playground
competition, but that is not my style.

Oh - it seems I owe you an apology?
It must be some other Pierian Spring who "****es" the same tedious
self-righteous drivel into these newsgroups umpteen times a week.

  #8   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 11:36 AM posted to,,
Pierian Spring
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

I don't follow web links - if you have something valid
to contribute to a discussion in this NG - possibly
your address and telephone number, then contribute it,
or else be for ever dismissed as a cowardly child.

You really must get out of this habit of yours of
chanting infantile untruths; it does you no favours.
I did not accuse anybody of being a pirate as you
imply below.

As to using one's own name, I used to until my
family was subject to malicious and threatening
correspondence coming from Stephen G Bryan G0SGB.
I advise anybody to remain anonymous as there are
malicious and obsessive loonies to be found in this NG
and in this thread to this day.

You also seem to not understand the tradition
of using a pseudonym, in my case for the reason
discussed above - I do not claim to be a font of any sort;
I am merely using a pseudonym.

Once again, you should give serious consideration to
presenting to this NG a persona other than the
insult-sneering infant that you continue to do below.

Grow up, Mike Gathergood!

Stupid boy.

Pierian Spring wrote:
OK - are you a man, or a yellow-bellied coward?
I notice that your own personal details are withheld
in the callbook.
How brave of you to publish someone else's, including
their phone number while you yourself hide shaking
and quivering behind the safety of the playground fence
while you chant your infantile sneers.

QTHR on the website ( and at
You'll also find Nick G3VCP, whom you accused of being a pirate, is
And at least I use my own name, rather than claiming to be the Pierian
Spring of Greek mythology.
"A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep or taste not the Pierian Spring"
Alexander Pope

  #9   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 11:48 AM posted to,,
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

Pierian Spring wrote:
... there are malicious and obsessive loonies to be found in this NG

You're right about one thing!

  #10   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 05, 11:48 AM posted to,,
Posts: n/a
Default FAQ - revised version

Pierian Spring wrote:
... there are malicious and obsessive loonies to be found in this NG

You're right about one thing!

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