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On 16 Feb 2006 06:53:59 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: On 14 Feb 2006 16:21:17 -0800, wrote: Forging attributes again, Steve? Once a forger, always a forger. Nope. Just putting your filth in perspective, Brain. just caring out your deceit N9ObsessiveGeekLeech nice to hear that steve, does your lawyer know your pretending to be someone else?? what's his number an d I'll give him a call and inform him of that. Todd N9OGL Steve will actually take advice from an attorney? I doubt it I think he got busted or maybe his wife took away the PC after a the investagtors came by and she got wind of what he has been upto on line Sorry to break your happy-bubble A day without Steven J Robeson K4YZ, is like a day with sunshine, both here at RRAP and at the ER in TN. And yet again Brian P Burke, N0IMD, better known as "hot-ham-and-cheese" shows us one of his two faces... One that feigns disgust and anger at NG flamefests, and the other one that just spits more fuel on the fire. looking in the Mirrror steve , boys, (stress on boys), We know you stress on boys. Only when I know that the likes of you and Morkie are allowed to be in their presence without a chaparone yes we know steve everyone you dislike is a child molestor, grow up and try to act like andult or even a teen ager if you can however I got a chance to attend a month long course on critical care. Wonder why you got picked? I don't. I don't either. My employer doesn't spend this kind of money on risky investments. an obvious lie Hopefully this isn't one of those "train the trainer" deals. You send the guy you can most afford to lose, he isn't smart enough to pick up 50% of the content, and you're stuck with him training everyone else. It's a lose/lose situation. Most things with you involved are. Oh? Such as? Since you've now made that statement as a fact, you'll be so kind as to provide us with documented cases wherein someone I've trained, mentored or otherwise provided skills training to has failied to perform to the trained standard. as soon as you porve you claim Mark Morgan caught on tape I am sure he will consider it Leaves me with little time to be the thorn in the side that you so richly deserve. Actually, we deserved you going off for training. Ditto your ER. Gee, Brain...Don't see your name in the ER at ALL, as patient OR staffer. so? More of Brain's Bovine Bowel Bombs. how so? See ya in another two weeks! Oh Thank God! Two more weeks of bliss. Bliss? only if your word was worth anything but you prove right ere you are a Liar but so many such proofs exist You and Morkie accuse me of being the progentiator of the flames, yet it's as bad as ever, if not worse, with my markedly limited posts in the last two weeks. hardly and most of those flame are just Mr Slit like the parrot he is repeating your calims about me so in that sense you still have been the progentiatorof the flames in the NG you are still in deneil about bout that Ergo even more evidence of Feeble Five Falsehoods. wrong agin Dudly Enjoying reading your usual flailings about, though! Seems that WITHOUT me here, the level of trash and deceit is at an all time high. Actually, without you posting it is down in the noise. Nope. It's right there...With all of the ususal profane and altered subject lines courtesy of Morkie the Molester. you alone are able to using profane and vulgar language Steve? Kudos to Feeble Five for once again validating everything I've ever said about them! How so? How so, indeed! By simply being proven wrong...AGAIN! where? Putzii! As if stressing about boys wasn't enough, you have to bring up the penis word. Do you like "fun", Brain? Do you ask your kids if THEY like "fun"? Do you and your wife have "fun" together? your point? you realy seem oer the edge there steve _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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![]() Shove your illiterate, mental retard coments up your pajamas, Mark. I can run mental rings around you and any of the ******* kids you and that Iraqi woman gave birth to. You are not overly bright, Mark. In fact, at the risk of hurting your feelings, you are extremely stupid. Get it, Mark? STUPID in capital letters. Bold letters. You and that insipid little dwarf in West Virginia are two peas in the same pod. Both of you are mental midgets. It is easy t0 understand why the two of you are so alike since stupidity begets stupidity. Roger lives on a postage stamp lot that were it not for a Legal Non-Conforming status, he could not so much as pitch a tent. You two are pees in a pod. Losers both. |
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On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 06:00:07 -0500, "Whiny Wogie Skidmark"
Woger@Glendale wrote: Shove your illiterate, mental retard coments up your pajamas, Mark. I can run mental rings around you and any of the ******* kids you and that Iraqi woman gave birth to. Iraqi woman? and if I have (or hopefully you mean my wife) have any kids this in news to us You are not overly bright, Mark. In fact, at the risk of hurting your feelings, you are extremely stupid. evryone is entitled to an opinion Get it, Mark? STUPID in capital letters. Bold letters. I clearly read you the first time that you feel the need to repat yourself whows you uncertainly in your own position You and that insipid little dwarf in West Virginia are two peas in the same pod. Both of you are mental midgets. I asusme by this remark (taking a risk I know)you don't like my usgestion that cataloging spelling error in a forum where the comon "subject" is calling people of being child molestors It is easy t0 understand why the two of you are so alike since stupidity begets stupidity. Roger lives on a postage stamp lot that were it not for a Legal Non-Conforming status, he could not so much as pitch a tent. so? You two are pees in a pod. Losers both. Like I have said you entitled to an opinion as am I what you and Mr Slit and Steve refuse to accept that so do I _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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![]() Whiny Lloyd Davies eats Wogie's Skidmarks wrote: Shove your illiterate, mental retard coments up your pajamas, Mark. I can run mental rings around you and any of the ******* kids you and that Iraqi woman gave birth to. Lardass, you still play pretend you are "Dr. Who." You are a 32 year old virgin with the mental age of a 6 year old. You are not overly bright, Mark. In fact, at the risk of hurting your feelings, you are extremely stupid. Get it, Mark? STUPID in capital letters. Bold letters. Says the **** who said: Lloyd Asswipe proves is as ignorant of history and politics as he is in everything else when he "wrote" in message ... "There are those call Liberty People "Nazis" What does supposed to mean? I thought a Nazi was a communist." You IKYABWAI Says the career pizza delivery boy who lives in a two room, filthy HUD apartment surrounded by blacks, latinos and other poor white trash like him. https://pic.hud.gov/pic/haprofiles/haprofilelist.asp Records 1 to 1 of 1 HA Code HA Name HA City Program Type Low Rent Units Activity status AL067 ATHENS ATHENS Low-Rent 239 Active Housing Authority: AL067 ATHENS General HA Details HA Program Type: Low-Rent HA Fiscal Year End: 12/31 Last Update: 01/27/2005 HA Inventory Details Low Rent Inventory Information Status Developments Units In Management 4 239 In Development 0 0 Total 4 239 fax: Fax Number: (256) 232 - 5430 Housing Authority: AL067 ATHENS Address Information Select Address Type: MailingPhysical Address Line 1: 700 5TH Avenue Address Line 2: Building J City/Locality: ATHENS County Name: LIMESTONE State: AL Zip Code: 35611 - 1565 Additional Address Information Rural Route Code: Highway Contract Route Code: C004 County Code: 083 State Numeric Code: 01 Congressional District Code: 5 Locality Code: 2956 MSA Code: 3440 MCD Code: 90144 Census Tract Code: 020600 Block Code: 3 Centroid Match Code: Geo Match Code: 4 Entity Code: Class Code: Latitude: 34.812366 Longitude: - 86.976378 Place Code: 02956 Callsign: N0VFP Class: Technician Codes: HAI USA Name: LLOYD A DAVIES Addr1: 710 S CLINTON ST APT 202 Addr2: ATHENS, AL 35611 Country: USA Effective: 11 Dec 2002 Expires: 26 Jan 2013 FRN: 0006069298 What's this? FCC: ULS Listing Coordinates: 34.796993 -86.968061 State: Alabama County: Limestone Grid: EM64mt Area Code: 256 GMT Offset: -6 Time Zone: Central Has DST?: Y Birthday: 12 Sep 1973 Email: Show email address Home Page: http://www.qsl.net/n0vfp |
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From: on Thurs, Feb 16 2006 4:03 pm
K4YZ wrote: wrote: More Robeson forgeries. Name-calling. K4YZ wrote: wrote: On 14 Feb 2006 16:21:17 -0800, wrote: Forging attributes again, Steve? Once a forger, always a forger. Nope. Just putting your filth in perspective, Brain. More Robeson lies. And once a liar, always a liar. You just don't know when to quit. All he does is call others nasty names such as "liar." snip One that feigns disgust and anger at NG flamefests, and the other one that just spits more fuel on the fire. I especially liked the one where you agreed to abide by a forged apology. Hi! I'm still waiting (years later) for him to present ANY tangible proof on his USMC "career" and his "seven hostile actions." The remainder of his newsgroup output is merely name-calling against anyone who disagrees with him. Only when I know that the likes of you and Morkie are allowed to be in their presence without a chaparone Really? Why do you say that? [it's spelled either "chaperon" or "chaperone"] His "technique" in here is to insult others, make them reply in kind, then to feign "insult" or "outrage" to himself as if he is a "victim." however I got a chance to attend a month long course on critical care. Wonder why you got picked? I don't. I don't either. My employer doesn't spend this kind of money on risky investments. Hi! Nobody wonders why the cost of healthcare continues to skyrocket when they waste it on you. You are playing into his hands, Brian. He hasn't really stated much. 1. He hasn't identified his "employer." 2. He hasn't stated what that "critical care" is (there are many kinds with different disciplines). 3. He hasn't stated any dates of this "course" other than it was supposedly a "month." Since you've now made that statement as a fact, you'll be so kind as to provide us with documented cases wherein someone I've trained, mentored or otherwise provided skills training to has failied to perform to the trained standard. Most things with you on RRAP are a lose/lose situation. Why would it be any different elsewhere unless you were two or more faced??? He's asked leading questions again, and in a negative manner. He's previous stated that he has (or implied he has) "elmered" (mentored) "many hams" in achieving their amateur radio license. Problem is, he has never mentioned their names, callsigns, or even the approximate number of those he mentored. It's the same with his claims of USMC active duty or those infamous "seven hostile actions." All implications, no specifics. Gee, Brain...Don't see your name in the ER at ALL, as patient OR staffer. More of Brain's Bovine Bowel Bombs. Awww. You gotta call names, Steve? It's the only style he knows how to use... :-( You and Morkie accuse me of being the progentiator of the flames, yet it's as bad as ever, if not worse, with my markedly limited posts in the last two weeks. Ergo even more evidence of Feeble Five Falsehoods. You see what you want to see. Meanwhile, we'd sure appreciate it if you'd get back to your training. It was most pleasant with you gone. Not "pleasant." He's given the impetus to all the other anony- mousies in here to turn the newsgroup into a cesspool of name- calling and personal insulting. That worked very well. Nope. It's right there...With all of the ususal profane and altered subject lines courtesy of Morkie the Molester. You see what you want to see. He posts what he wants to post. He sees no fault in himself. It's everyone else's faults. The rest of the world is a great big conspiracy against him! :-) Do you like "fun", Brain? Do you ask your kids if THEY like "fun"? Do you and your wife have "fun" together? Always gotta bring the women folk into your degradations. It may be that he has such a poor family life of his own that he wants to bring everyone else down to his level? So much for any more insistence on "putz" being "penis" in this application. That's YOUR suggestion...NOT mine. Putz. Putz means penis. In etymological correctness, "Putz" is Yiddish-ethnic meaning "penis head" as in "one who thinks with his penis." Not a nice word. Equivalent to "dickhead" in colloquial American speech. It's difficult to imagine him as associating with any Yiddish, yet he uses a Yiddish pejorative as if it were "familiar" to him. [he should walk up to a JDL member and call him "putz" to see what kind of reaction results...] The word "putz" has four letters, as do the "four-letter Anglo-Saxon" pejoratives. Because there are so few in here familiar with Yiddish, he thinks he can get away with using a "strange" four-letter word? :-) Major Dud is still angry, still insulting others (who don't agree with him), and pretending to be something he isn't. Life is normal. |
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![]() wrote: From: on Thurs, Feb 16 2006 4:03 pm K4YZ wrote: wrote: More Robeson forgeries. Name-calling. When doesn't he? K4YZ wrote: wrote: On 14 Feb 2006 16:21:17 -0800, wrote: Forging attributes again, Steve? Once a forger, always a forger. Nope. Just putting your filth in perspective, Brain. More Robeson lies. And once a liar, always a liar. You just don't know when to quit. All he does is call others nasty names such as "liar." That is perfectly acceptable to him. snip One that feigns disgust and anger at NG flamefests, and the other one that just spits more fuel on the fire. I especially liked the one where you agreed to abide by a forged apology. Hi! I'm still waiting (years later) for him to present ANY tangible proof on his USMC "career" and his "seven hostile actions." Wasn't any career. Weren't any hostile actions. The remainder of his newsgroup output is merely name-calling against anyone who disagrees with him. To the tune of 1,500 or more posts each month. Only when I know that the likes of you and Morkie are allowed to be in their presence without a chaparone Really? Why do you say that? [it's spelled either "chaperon" or "chaperone"] His "technique" in here is to insult others, make them reply in kind, then to feign "insult" or "outrage" to himself as if he is a "victim." He's a professional victim. He practices falling down. however I got a chance to attend a month long course on critical care. Wonder why you got picked? I don't. I don't either. My employer doesn't spend this kind of money on risky investments. Hi! Nobody wonders why the cost of healthcare continues to skyrocket when they waste it on you. You are playing into his hands, Brian. He hasn't really stated much. 1. He hasn't identified his "employer." 2. He hasn't stated what that "critical care" is (there are many kinds with different disciplines). 3. He hasn't stated any dates of this "course" other than it was supposedly a "month." With a golf course. Since you've now made that statement as a fact, you'll be so kind as to provide us with documented cases wherein someone I've trained, mentored or otherwise provided skills training to has failied to perform to the trained standard. Most things with you on RRAP are a lose/lose situation. Why would it be any different elsewhere unless you were two or more faced??? He's asked leading questions again, and in a negative manner. He's previous stated that he has (or implied he has) "elmered" (mentored) "many hams" in achieving their amateur radio license. Problem is, he has never mentioned their names, callsigns, or even the approximate number of those he mentored. My guess is that they choose to remain anonymous. It's the same with his claims of USMC active duty or those infamous "seven hostile actions." All implications, no specifics. I can't imagine anyone being short-sheeted seven times, except for Steve. Gee, Brain...Don't see your name in the ER at ALL, as patient OR staffer. More of Brain's Bovine Bowel Bombs. Awww. You gotta call names, Steve? It's the only style he knows how to use... :-( Style? I would never associate that word with Steve. Maybe "rut." You and Morkie accuse me of being the progentiator of the flames, yet it's as bad as ever, if not worse, with my markedly limited posts in the last two weeks. Ergo even more evidence of Feeble Five Falsehoods. You see what you want to see. Meanwhile, we'd sure appreciate it if you'd get back to your training. It was most pleasant with you gone. Not "pleasant." He's given the impetus to all the other anony- mousies in here to turn the newsgroup into a cesspool of name- calling and personal insulting. That worked very well. I've skipped over his possie for years. I no longer notice them. Nope. It's right there...With all of the ususal profane and altered subject lines courtesy of Morkie the Molester. You see what you want to see. He posts what he wants to post. He sees no fault in himself. It's everyone else's faults. The rest of the world is a great big conspiracy against him! :-) Wasn't it Helen Reddy that sang, "Me and Me against the world?" Do you like "fun", Brain? Do you ask your kids if THEY like "fun"? Do you and your wife have "fun" together? Always gotta bring the women folk into your degradations. It may be that he has such a poor family life of his own that he wants to bring everyone else down to his level? Eavesdropping on all those MARS calls from Okinawa was the forerunner of the Springer show.. So much for any more insistence on "putz" being "penis" in this application. That's YOUR suggestion...NOT mine. Putz. Putz means penis. In etymological correctness, "Putz" is Yiddish-ethnic meaning "penis head" as in "one who thinks with his penis." Not a nice word. Equivalent to "dickhead" in colloquial American speech. Perhaps he is envious? It's difficult to imagine him as associating with any Yiddish, yet he uses a Yiddish pejorative as if it were "familiar" to him. [he should walk up to a JDL member and call him "putz" to see what kind of reaction results...] They'd probably knock him in the dirt. The word "putz" has four letters, as do the "four-letter Anglo-Saxon" pejoratives. Because there are so few in here familiar with Yiddish, he thinks he can get away with using a "strange" four-letter word? :-) He tries so hard to appear worldly. Major Dud is still angry, still insulting others (who don't agree with him), and pretending to be something he isn't. Life is normal. Abbie Normal. |
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![]() wrote: On 16 Feb 2006 16:03:46 -0800, wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: More Robeson forgeries. K4YZ wrote: wrote: On 14 Feb 2006 16:21:17 -0800, wrote: Forging attributes again, Steve? Once a forger, always a forger. Nope. Just putting your filth in perspective, Brain. More Robeson lies. And once a liar, always a liar. You just don't know when to quit. he is simply not able to tell the truth it has become obvious Painfully so. |
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On 17 Feb 2006 17:15:16 -0800, wrote:
wrote: On 16 Feb 2006 16:03:46 -0800, wrote: K4YZ wrote: wrote: More Robeson forgeries. K4YZ wrote: wrote: On 14 Feb 2006 16:21:17 -0800, wrote: Forging attributes again, Steve? Once a forger, always a forger. Nope. Just putting your filth in perspective, Brain. More Robeson lies. And once a liar, always a liar. You just don't know when to quit. he is simply not able to tell the truth it has become obvious Painfully so. very painfully so _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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On 17 Feb 2006 17:13:18 -0800, wrote:
wrote: From: on Thurs, Feb 16 2006 4:03 pm cut Only when I know that the likes of you and Morkie are allowed to be in their presence without a chaparone Really? Why do you say that? [it's spelled either "chaperon" or "chaperone"] His "technique" in here is to insult others, make them reply in kind, then to feign "insult" or "outrage" to himself as if he is a "victim." He's a professional victim. He practices falling down. but he does it badly cut Since you've now made that statement as a fact, you'll be so kind as to provide us with documented cases wherein someone I've trained, mentored or otherwise provided skills training to has failied to perform to the trained standard. Most things with you on RRAP are a lose/lose situation. Why would it be any different elsewhere unless you were two or more faced??? He's asked leading questions again, and in a negative manner. He's previous stated that he has (or implied he has) "elmered" (mentored) "many hams" in achieving their amateur radio license. Problem is, he has never mentioned their names, callsigns, or even the approximate number of those he mentored. My guess is that they choose to remain anonymous. who could balmes them It's the same with his claims of USMC active duty or those infamous "seven hostile actions." All implications, no specifics. I can't imagine anyone being short-sheeted seven times, except for Steve. Gee, Brain...Don't see your name in the ER at ALL, as patient OR staffer. More of Brain's Bovine Bowel Bombs. Awww. You gotta call names, Steve? It's the only style he knows how to use... :-( Style? I would never associate that word with Steve. Maybe "rut." nahe that is what the deer bucks do every fall round here cut So much for any more insistence on "putz" being "penis" in this application. That's YOUR suggestion...NOT mine. Putz. Putz means penis. In etymological correctness, "Putz" is Yiddish-ethnic meaning "penis head" as in "one who thinks with his penis." Not a nice word. Equivalent to "dickhead" in colloquial American speech. Perhaps he is envious? or just interested It's difficult to imagine him as associating with any Yiddish, yet he uses a Yiddish pejorative as if it were "familiar" to him. [he should walk up to a JDL member and call him "putz" to see what kind of reaction results...] They'd probably knock him in the dirt. The word "putz" has four letters, as do the "four-letter Anglo-Saxon" pejoratives. Because there are so few in here familiar with Yiddish, he thinks he can get away with using a "strange" four-letter word? :-) He tries so hard to appear worldly. Major Dud is still angry, still insulting others (who don't agree with him), and pretending to be something he isn't. Life is normal. Abbie Normal. _________________________________________ Usenet Zone Free Binaries Usenet Server More than 140,000 groups Unlimited download http://www.usenetzone.com to open account |
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