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  #12   Report Post  
Old March 14th 06, 06:58 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.geno-paris,,alt.test,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Whinyslit Whines

Woger being the mentally unstable twit that he is believes his own lies that
any self respecting guy would want to have anything to do with him. Then
again when you are a total loser with women like Woger you would prefer men.
Why did both of his ex's hit the road. Of course, they wanted nothing to do
with a repulsive slime like him. That explains why he moved back with Mommy
at the age of 40.

wrote in message

Lisping cocksucker Lloydie wrote:


Poor Lloyd, spending his Saturday night whining about Roger Wiseman. Of
course, "Lloyd" fails to mention how he called Roger on the telephone
and asked Roger if he could suck his dick.

  #13   Report Post  
Old March 14th 06, 06:59 AM posted to,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Lardassed Queer Toad Whines

Kind of like when you pull your blow up doll out of the closet so you can
pump something. Eh, Curtains Boy?

wrote in message

Queer Toad wrote:
In February 2006

Poor Toad, another lonely Saturday night, but aren't they all?

  #14   Report Post  
Old March 14th 06, 03:35 PM posted to,alt.test,,
Posts: n/a
Default Contains Dave Heil Stupidity - Caution! Other groups restored

Dave Heil wrote:
Does that take your own Wellbutrin, FATASS

Does that mean you are indeed stalking Roger Wiseman, you fatassed
obsessive asshole?
And here you are spending your Saturday night watching your wife eat
out your dog and whining to the internet. Go **** yourself.

Dave Heil, aspiring actor, yet English impaired said
In article :
"I didn't ask if you cold read."

Davey's grammar suggestion falls flat as he should really use the
suggestion for himself in
Message-ID: t:
"I think little details like spelling and grammar and important to a
number of us here in r.r.a.p. Why not have the pool of typists polish
the stuff you intend to post here?"

Davey Vile whines to the "Police" even if he can't spell it, too bad
they didn't inform him how to correctly spell "Police" in
Message-ID: . net
"I learned of it during several visits to Glen Dale, WV Polic Chief"

Dave Heil shows off his knowledge of Spelling as well as Geography
in t:
"the one in a narrow velley between two hills"

Dave pegs the irony meter, given his narrow minded mindset and
newsgroup behavior in
Message-ID: . net:
"I'm sure that you have difficulty dealing with anyone unlike

Dave Vile the liar and hypocrite fails to follow his own advice in
. net:
"Your saying so does not make your statement true. You may think it,
you are not correct."

Hypocrite Dave Vile always demands answers to *his* questions but when
pressed to answer a few questions he always replies as in
. net:
"I am under no obligation to provide you answers just because you have

There Dave Vile goes mangling a sentence again
in . net:
"There you go underestimated people again."

Well, there's a start. You've admitted to demented.

Well, You've just admitted you can't ****ing read.

Isn't there? You seem to have an obsession with mothers and daughters.

You seem to have an obsession with Roger Wiseman, you closeted
Of course, you and Bertie have been sucking each other off for years.

meaning you have no acheivement to list

No, it means he doesn't have to list them on your say so, dumbass.


More gender bending is in your family.

I'll take

The only thing you'll take is Leila's dildo up your fat ass.

What in

Get help for your Roger Wiseman obsession, dumbass.

By the way:

You lied. Now go take your pictures of your ex streetwalker lapping
your dog's ****.

  #15   Report Post  
Old March 14th 06, 03:40 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Lardassed Queer Toad Whines

Billy "Toad Daugherty" Smith wrote:
Kind of like when you know I pull your blow up doll out of the closet so you know I can
pump something. Eh, Curtains Boy?

Toad admits to having and porking a male blow up doll he calls Roger.

Woger being the

And Taod still lives with mommy and daddy and plays with hot wheel toys
can't get a girlfriend, he's still a virgin like Lardass Davies!

wrote in message

Queer Toad wrote:
In February 2006

Poor Toad, another lonely Saturday night, but aren't they all?

  #16   Report Post  
Old March 15th 06, 12:14 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman,,,
Posts: n/a
Default Contains Dave Heil Stupidity - Caution! Other groups restored

Does that mean I am indeed stalking Lloyd Davies like a psychotic,
obsessive asshole?
And here I am, wasting my Tuesday morning on the internet whining like
a woman scorned. I need a friend.

Any you should learn to spell like I do. I spell good.

"exaggerarte" Good one.

"eteranl" As in forever?

"ionly" Ions? Lonely? Who knows?

"expossed" Still no spell check.

"workibg" As in working?

"assulted" Darned typos!

"Georgaphy." Georgia on his mind?

"remibndded" It is hard to talk with your mouth full.

"corrpuption" Is that a dog?

"molsetred" Only 2Test knows.

"Whinyng". What?

"Plagairizing". Geesh

"emnpty" The inside of Roger's head.

"rloer" Not sure what Roger means here.

"lilusp" Woger meant to thay lithp.

"poat" Post?

"publich" Public?


"agasin". Play it agasin, Sam.


"doens't" Dagnabbit, Timmy.


"chcien****" You figure this one out.

"imginary" Hey, Rog. Another typo?

"asck" Sack or ask?

"Ultimte" Hooked on Phonics?

"greade" First or Second?

"attentiopn" Hooked on phonics, are we?

"copuple" Damn. Lloyd moved my keys around again.

"licvense" What Riley makes you retest for.

"havfe" Half? Halve? Have? Who knows.

"Baout" Bout? About?

"unsubstantiateed" It gets better.

"pompousity" Oops! Darn that keyboard, anyway!

"suergery" That is Devry for ya.

"aditting" Darn those typos!

"abckpedals" His greasy hair got in his eyes again

"shreeched" Wasn't he the guy in a sit com? Screech?

"stuid" Pot calling the kettle black?

"heared" That's West Virginia for heard.

"assuslted" Rog just makes em' up as he goes along.

"experieince" Oh, DUH!

"abouve" Is this a French word?

"Cosast" Some place by a body of water?

"mebership", Just a typo, right?

"retqards" Regards or Retards? Who can tell?

"coordinbator" Huh?

"Realy" Really?

"Nitoiced" Keyboard error or stupidity?





"occurance" Say what?



"delapidated" What a dufus.


"permenatly" Ebonics again?

"Arest" You need a rest, Wogie.

"Sentenceing" No comment.

"Narcotices" What?

"Undre" Is this a city in Germany?

"Surgeoun" And this would be?

"Commuications" Who is laughing at who?

"Ovre" Ovre and out!

"Wondreful" It's a "wondreful" day in the neighborhood?

"Derivitave" Still no spell-checker, eh?

"You lose, **** for brians." Woger showing who real loser is.

"Deisowned" Deis what?

"Deeppest" Roger strikes again.

"Dodgeing". Is he talking about a car?

"Staedy" Steady?

"Linme" Transmission line?

"Getr" Nobody knows.

"Experieince" Wogie is good, ain't he?

"Appropiate" What kind of opiate?

"Laywer" Lay what?

"Visitpors" You never have any, ergo you don't know how to spell it.

"It's "complaintant," you sniveling weasel." (Roger Wiseman on spelling

"Irreevant" Good going, Wogie.

"Forwared" Forward HO!

"Glady" Glad Bags?

"Neighborhod" It's a wonderful day in Wogie's neighborhood.

"Mena" Mean? What you mean, Wogie?

"Notr" Not?

"Sassifyed" ALA Rolling Stones.No Sassifaction..

"Fantasises" That is "fantasizes", Wussman.

"Illarate" West BY GOD Virginny!

"Reveresed" Must be one of those off-brand keyboards.

"Soem".as in Some? What a loser.

"VIRIN".What Wogie was before he met the Lavender Lads.

"Minisule".he mussa meant miniscule. Like his IQ.

"Champoin".Whassup, Wiseman? No dictionaries in the mental ward?

"Anoinymous"...a cross between anonymous and annoying?

"Acident" Roger's mom got preggers by accident.

"Alreaedy" Alright, already!

"Amouints" Roger amounts to nothing.

"Aposterphe" This guy is a hoot, ain't he?

"Basios"...word Woger uses when he gets neeeerrrrvous.
"Behing"...a cross between being and behind?

"Coiward" As in peeking from behind his mommy's curtains.
"Feamle"...I think he meant female.
"Losser"...only loser Roger can do it better.
"Ignroant"...typical, considering the source.
"Sluprs"...only Rogie knows what this means.
"Travelled"...a Rogerism, replete with ignorance.
"Postss"...pssst...Roger..that should be Posts.
"Defgenerate"...well, it's Roger's word...
"Faity"...he meant to say Fairy, but you know Roger.

"Ghet" Get a load of Curtain Boy!
"Distribiution"...Roger likes using phonics.
"Biotch"...he meant Bitch, but his phonics took over again.
"Methjadone"...a West Virginia substitute for Heroin.
"Sumbliminal" of Roger's favorites.
"Recepticle"...either of Roger's moist cavaties.
"Cociane"...a West Virginia drug of choice?
"Tiome"...Roger meant to say Time...but his fingers were numb.
"Beraking" definition. Could mean 'beraking' the leaves,
"Amny"...he meant 'any',
"Nlay"...a town in Maylaysia? Vermont?
"Al;ong"...only Wussman knows what this means.
"Becasu"...well, becasu Roger is not the brightest bulb on the tree.
"Seperation". Why? Because Roger cannot "seperate" from his mommie!
"Sisnce" He meant Since, but his pudgy little fingers slipped off the keys.
"gnetically" What?
"provce" (prove?)
"Piuzza" (West Virginia Pizza)
"Schol" (school?)
"strill" (still?)
"shoitgun" 12 ga or 20 ga?
"Snoip" (How they spell "snip" in Glen Dale)
"Maturbater". Wiseman does it all the time, he just can't spell it.(leaves a
sticky residue on his right hand)
"Coskscuking". It's a Roger thing, as in Lavender Lads.
"Waddleing". Only in Glen Dale, eh?
"Spaeaking". Curtain Boy did this after his second retest.

" Stgop" Roger's version of Stop.

"Fahter's" He meant Father's Day.

"fserting"..would that be festering?

"poists". Roger meant "posts".

"snadwich" As in peanut butter and jelly?

"regualr" Glen Dale rendition of "regular".

"aftrer" After? Aftrer what?

"soory". Sorry Roger ****s up again.

"didnb't" He didn't?

"whoile". He ate the whoile thing?

"Woamn" He's hooked on West Virginia phonics, all right.

"prrof" And he kin prove it, too.

"beforfe" Was that before he lurned to spell?

"yoiuy" Roger's version of "y'all".

"illerate" Only illiterate Roger can spell like this.

"haeart" Aw, how heartless of me to laugh!

"valule" Roger has no values. No wonder he can't spell it.

"proch" Doesn't everyone have one on their house?

"inmstitution" Where Roger's mom put him in June 1999.

"timne" It's Howdy Doody time?

"whgo" What? Who dat?

"gnetically" Only Roger knows what this one means.

"crfy" Like, cry, Roger, cry.

"stutrtering" Some stutter, Wiseman stutrters.

"Whjere" Where is Curtain Boy?

"Webiste" That's Website to the rest of us.

"Youire" Your? You're? Who knows.

"fiored" As in fired?

"Parety" Roger gave a party once. Nobody came.

"Bouynce" Bounce?

"Varification" Verifiable mental case.

"Probelms" Poor Rogie.has many problems of the mental sort.

"Partricipate" Oh, DUH!!!!

"Cryed" Gee, Wogie..cry me a dolt!

"Stoick" What a dork. His old 386 has no spell check program.

"Partiall" More WV Phonics, I see.

"Obsucred" Either obscured or Rogie has "sucre" on his mind.

"Infinate" Stupid. Think finite, Rogie.

"Sustinance" As in Sustenance?

"Juvinile". This is the way Roger likes his boys.

"Piut" Put it where, Rogie?

"Toyus". "Toyus R Us?

"Diminuative". Roger's height.

"Definitely" Definitely

"Percriptions" Say what?

"Credibiliy" More Glen Dale intellect.

"Thsoe" Yet another Glen Dale gaffe.


See what my friends think of me?? They like me, huh?

"long as you try to post here you will be treated like the scum you
are. You can only post on this board and play your psychotic games
150 posts in one hour is spam you moron, and to top it off you use at
least 4 different dial up accounts

you have threatened
Lloyd's life
Chosen's life [who ever he is]
Steve's Life
DeLorean's life
my life

you have threatened to get numerous people fired from their jobs, and
have Tos'd this board and still are trying to Tos it

you are one sick son of a bitch and you will never post on NIM Busters."

  #17   Report Post  
Old March 15th 06, 01:06 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman,,,
Posts: n/a
Default Contains Dave Heil Stupidity - Caution! Other groups restored

Lloydie wrote:
Does that mean I am indeed stalking Lloyd Davies like a psychotic,
obsessive asshole?

And here I am, wasting my Tuesday morning on the internet whining like
a woman scorned. I need a friend.

Any you should learn to spell like I do. I spell good.

  #18   Report Post  
Old March 15th 06, 05:13 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.geno-paris,,,
Posts: n/a
Default Contains Dave Heil Stupidity - Caution! Other groups restored

Lloydie wrote:
Does that mean I am indeed an obsessive asshole

Yes, Davies, you cocksucking queer, it does.

  #19   Report Post  
Old March 15th 06, 07:44 AM posted to,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Lardassed Queer Toad Whines

Woger moved back in with mommy at the age of 40.
Because his ex-wives found out he was a fag.

wrote in message

Billy "Toad Daugherty" Smith wrote:
Kind of like when you know I pull your blow up doll out of the closet so
you know I can
pump something. Eh, Curtains Boy?

Toad admits to having and porking a male blow up doll he calls Roger.

Woger being the

And Taod still lives with mommy and daddy and plays with hot wheel toys
can't get a girlfriend, he's still a virgin like Lardass Davies!

wrote in message

Queer Toad wrote:
In February 2006

Poor Toad, another lonely Saturday night, but aren't they all?

  #20   Report Post  
Old March 15th 06, 07:46 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman,,,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Contains Dave Heil Stupidity - Caution! Other groups restored

BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, Just another spelling lesson done by the Bucktoothed
Choad of Glendale, WV. Wussman, did you ever learn to spell?

"Lloydie" Woger@anon wrote in message ...
Does that mean I am indeed stalking Lloyd Davies like a psychotic,
obsessive asshole?
And here I am, wasting my Tuesday morning on the internet whining like
a woman scorned. I need a friend.

Any you should learn to spell like I do. I spell good.

"exaggerarte" Good one.

"eteranl" As in forever?

"ionly" Ions? Lonely? Who knows?

"expossed" Still no spell check.

"workibg" As in working?

"assulted" Darned typos!

"Georgaphy." Georgia on his mind?

"remibndded" It is hard to talk with your mouth full.

"corrpuption" Is that a dog?

"molsetred" Only 2Test knows.

"Whinyng". What?

"Plagairizing". Geesh

"emnpty" The inside of Roger's head.

"rloer" Not sure what Roger means here.

"lilusp" Woger meant to thay lithp.

"poat" Post?

"publich" Public?


"agasin". Play it agasin, Sam.


"doens't" Dagnabbit, Timmy.


"chcien****" You figure this one out.

"imginary" Hey, Rog. Another typo?

"asck" Sack or ask?

"Ultimte" Hooked on Phonics?

"greade" First or Second?

"attentiopn" Hooked on phonics, are we?

"copuple" Damn. Lloyd moved my keys around again.

"licvense" What Riley makes you retest for.

"havfe" Half? Halve? Have? Who knows.

"Baout" Bout? About?

"unsubstantiateed" It gets better.

"pompousity" Oops! Darn that keyboard, anyway!

"suergery" That is Devry for ya.

"aditting" Darn those typos!

"abckpedals" His greasy hair got in his eyes again

"shreeched" Wasn't he the guy in a sit com? Screech?

"stuid" Pot calling the kettle black?

"heared" That's West Virginia for heard.

"assuslted" Rog just makes em' up as he goes along.

"experieince" Oh, DUH!

"abouve" Is this a French word?

"Cosast" Some place by a body of water?

"mebership", Just a typo, right?

"retqards" Regards or Retards? Who can tell?

"coordinbator" Huh?

"Realy" Really?

"Nitoiced" Keyboard error or stupidity?





"occurance" Say what?



"delapidated" What a dufus.


"permenatly" Ebonics again?

"Arest" You need a rest, Wogie.

"Sentenceing" No comment.

"Narcotices" What?

"Undre" Is this a city in Germany?

"Surgeoun" And this would be?

"Commuications" Who is laughing at who?

"Ovre" Ovre and out!

"Wondreful" It's a "wondreful" day in the neighborhood?

"Derivitave" Still no spell-checker, eh?

"You lose, **** for brians." Woger showing who real loser is.

"Deisowned" Deis what?

"Deeppest" Roger strikes again.

"Dodgeing". Is he talking about a car?

"Staedy" Steady?

"Linme" Transmission line?

"Getr" Nobody knows.

"Experieince" Wogie is good, ain't he?

"Appropiate" What kind of opiate?

"Laywer" Lay what?

"Visitpors" You never have any, ergo you don't know how to spell it.

"It's "complaintant," you sniveling weasel." (Roger Wiseman on spelling

"Irreevant" Good going, Wogie.

"Forwared" Forward HO!

"Glady" Glad Bags?

"Neighborhod" It's a wonderful day in Wogie's neighborhood.

"Mena" Mean? What you mean, Wogie?

"Notr" Not?

"Sassifyed" ALA Rolling Stones.No Sassifaction..

"Fantasises" That is "fantasizes", Wussman.

"Illarate" West BY GOD Virginny!

"Reveresed" Must be one of those off-brand keyboards.

"Soem".as in Some? What a loser.

"VIRIN".What Wogie was before he met the Lavender Lads.

"Minisule".he mussa meant miniscule. Like his IQ.

"Champoin".Whassup, Wiseman? No dictionaries in the mental ward?

"Anoinymous"...a cross between anonymous and annoying?

"Acident" Roger's mom got preggers by accident.

"Alreaedy" Alright, already!

"Amouints" Roger amounts to nothing.

"Aposterphe" This guy is a hoot, ain't he?

"Basios"...word Woger uses when he gets neeeerrrrvous.
"Behing"...a cross between being and behind?

"Coiward" As in peeking from behind his mommy's curtains.
"Feamle"...I think he meant female.
"Losser"...only loser Roger can do it better.
"Ignroant"...typical, considering the source.
"Sluprs"...only Rogie knows what this means.
"Travelled"...a Rogerism, replete with ignorance.
"Postss"...pssst...Roger..that should be Posts.
"Defgenerate"...well, it's Roger's word...
"Faity"...he meant to say Fairy, but you know Roger.

"Ghet" Get a load of Curtain Boy!
"Distribiution"...Roger likes using phonics.
"Biotch"...he meant Bitch, but his phonics took over again.
"Methjadone"...a West Virginia substitute for Heroin.
"Sumbliminal" of Roger's favorites.
"Recepticle"...either of Roger's moist cavaties.
"Cociane"...a West Virginia drug of choice?
"Tiome"...Roger meant to say Time...but his fingers were numb.
"Beraking" definition. Could mean 'beraking' the leaves,
"Amny"...he meant 'any',
"Nlay"...a town in Maylaysia? Vermont?
"Al;ong"...only Wussman knows what this means.
"Becasu"...well, becasu Roger is not the brightest bulb on the tree.
"Seperation". Why? Because Roger cannot "seperate" from his mommie!
"Sisnce" He meant Since, but his pudgy little fingers slipped off the
"gnetically" What?
"provce" (prove?)
"Piuzza" (West Virginia Pizza)
"Schol" (school?)
"strill" (still?)
"shoitgun" 12 ga or 20 ga?
"Snoip" (How they spell "snip" in Glen Dale)
"Maturbater". Wiseman does it all the time, he just can't spell it.(leaves
sticky residue on his right hand)
"Coskscuking". It's a Roger thing, as in Lavender Lads.
"Waddleing". Only in Glen Dale, eh?
"Spaeaking". Curtain Boy did this after his second retest.

" Stgop" Roger's version of Stop.

"Fahter's" He meant Father's Day.

"fserting"..would that be festering?

"poists". Roger meant "posts".

"snadwich" As in peanut butter and jelly?

"regualr" Glen Dale rendition of "regular".

"aftrer" After? Aftrer what?

"soory". Sorry Roger ****s up again.

"didnb't" He didn't?

"whoile". He ate the whoile thing?

"Woamn" He's hooked on West Virginia phonics, all right.

"prrof" And he kin prove it, too.

"beforfe" Was that before he lurned to spell?

"yoiuy" Roger's version of "y'all".

"illerate" Only illiterate Roger can spell like this.

"haeart" Aw, how heartless of me to laugh!

"valule" Roger has no values. No wonder he can't spell it.

"proch" Doesn't everyone have one on their house?

"inmstitution" Where Roger's mom put him in June 1999.

"timne" It's Howdy Doody time?

"whgo" What? Who dat?

"gnetically" Only Roger knows what this one means.

"crfy" Like, cry, Roger, cry.

"stutrtering" Some stutter, Wiseman stutrters.

"Whjere" Where is Curtain Boy?

"Webiste" That's Website to the rest of us.

"Youire" Your? You're? Who knows.

"fiored" As in fired?

"Parety" Roger gave a party once. Nobody came.

"Bouynce" Bounce?

"Varification" Verifiable mental case.

"Probelms" Poor Rogie.has many problems of the mental sort.

"Partricipate" Oh, DUH!!!!

"Cryed" Gee, Wogie..cry me a dolt!

"Stoick" What a dork. His old 386 has no spell check program.

"Partiall" More WV Phonics, I see.

"Obsucred" Either obscured or Rogie has "sucre" on his mind.

"Infinate" Stupid. Think finite, Rogie.

"Sustinance" As in Sustenance?

"Juvinile". This is the way Roger likes his boys.

"Piut" Put it where, Rogie?

"Toyus". "Toyus R Us?

"Diminuative". Roger's height.

"Definitely" Definitely

"Percriptions" Say what?

"Credibiliy" More Glen Dale intellect.

"Thsoe" Yet another Glen Dale gaffe.


See what my friends think of me?? They like me, huh?

"long as you try to post here you will be treated like the scum you
are. You can only post on this board and play your psychotic games
150 posts in one hour is spam you moron, and to top it off you use at
least 4 different dial up accounts

you have threatened
Lloyd's life
Chosen's life [who ever he is]
Steve's Life
DeLorean's life
my life

you have threatened to get numerous people fired from their jobs, and
have Tos'd this board and still are trying to Tos it

you are one sick son of a bitch and you will never post on NIM Busters."

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