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![]() an old freind wrote: wrote: an_old_friend wrote: How can I claim? easy Claim what? These aren't "claims". "Claims" usually require SOME sort of truth in basis. Maj Roesnon refuses to accept evidence that he is wrong. when he refuses to accept evidence of of flasehoods in the eyes of many they become his lies Who is "Maj Roesnon" and WHAT SOLID EVIDENCE has he or she refused to accept, Mork? You've provided NOTHING. No proof of your military service. sure I have No, you haven't. I gave you a unit just like you do Too bad yours was a lie. or are you admiting you have not PROVEN your serivice No, he's proving you never served. you can call st sill OK indeed you are insisting we call overseas to prove your claims Why, did you serve in a foreign military? No proof of your "business". what proof is required MY clinet list so you can harrass them There is no client list. No proof of your "marriage". blatant lie I have provided or rather Wismen ahs provided you with the means to confirm the Marriage and my wifes gender Nope, you haven't proved a thing. you simply refuse to make the call You already said if you could catch your shemale wife at home we could ask him. No proof of your MULTIPLE college degrees. but proof I went to college you erefuse to accept even that fact No proof has been given. after you publicly accept that fact as prooven I will work on more Robeson You should work at mastering basic English, instead. Nothing. The ONLY "proof" of any kind we have from you is your grammatically fractured, misspelled, and frequent acknowledgements of your belief in lying as a morally correct and reasonable thing to do...And your name appears in the FCC database. Congratulations. Take the matter of my wife for he has been offered the chance to proove her gender one way or another . what does he do, he comits frauds by altering a post or taking a sentence our of context instead of follwoing up on the lead provided. There's no fraud here, Mork, other than your attempt to use a call-forwarded number to a sockpuppet of yours to perpetuate your tales. the number was rpoided by WISEMEN not an ally of mine further you could look it up yourself Nope. you just refuse to do the legwork Just like you can't provide proof to the contrary. because you are a lazy bum Like how you sit on your fat ass and mooch? Here's the PROOF you need to submit: A PICTURE of you and your "Mrs" holding hands, a CURRENT copy of USA Today to validate the date, and a sign in her hand stating that she IS your wife. to you or wismen mangle and repost all over the web noway I am helping you stalk us In other words, you can't prove it. you have been provided proof you just refuse to accept it No proof has been given. indeed he attacks me for providing the lead in the first place I "attack" you for proving that you're a liar? no you attacked for telling the turth You've yet to tell the truth about anything, Markie. indeed you normaly attack for telling the turth Ibid. That's NOT an "attack", Mork. That's the truth. no it is libel Maj Robeson Not if it's the truth about you, liar. He and his confederates publish my father in law's person info weeks ago so no further intrution realy occours by my republishing it and yet that refference gives Robeson the ability to verify my story after all he truned up the addres his confederate turned up the number to go with so why should thye not trust it. First of all, Morkie, I never "published" any such thing. yes you and you confederates did, (wisemen is your coconspritor) you publish his name and address yourself wwismen added the number Liar. You posted it. more blatant lies Robeson From you. Secondly, I have been telling YOU for WEEKS what you need to do to prove your allegations: TAKE THE PICTURE. you have for week been trying to obtain materail that you and your confederates can use for further harrassment I refuse to provide that and instaed offer you proof of a kind that does NOT allow you to further invade our privacy In other words, you don't have proof! This suggestion of yours to use a call-forwarded number is a last minute dodge on your part to try and re-direct the fact that YOU have been caught in yet another lie. Wismen ferreted out the number and posted and then you accuse me of Being in League with him Public information isn't that hard to find, stupid. you realy do need therapy and you have added more libel Keep telling yourself that, hypocrite. Indeed he accused me of setting him up. I didn't "accuse" you, Mork...I caught you! lying again Robeson you have lost it accusing me of seting something up with Wisemen Sure he did, and the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. are in on it too! what he demands is picture of my wife, so her and his confederates can play digtal games with all over these NG's as has already been done with my ten year old image. he demands as well I provide a curent photo of myself Would you rather I provide the picture, Mork? Telephoto lenses aren't that expensive any more. And I bet my pics will be far less flattering than the one you might provide. you have been threatening to produce photos of me for a year now If you can provide a real photo then you you KNOW she is female Nope. Your wife's a shemale. particularly if you catch her swimingin the pool she is fond of skinny dipping in our pool Two faggots skinnydipping? What does your father think? you would be admiting that I am not fat either another of your lies But you are fat! but the facts are you lack access to us Not at all. he claims then he will stop harrassing me (and then denies he has ever harrassed me) How can I "harass" you about your "wife" if YOU provide a valid photo that PROVES your allegeations, Mork? by claiming it is a fake or playing digital games with it as has been done to Wisemen check out these blogs and scrool down http://whywogersucks.blogspot.com/ http://deloreanv20.blogspot.com/ All blogs Markie set up to take the heat off of him. Markie's a libeling Hypocrite. The fact that you haven't done so simply PROVES that I am right. no it provoes I am smart enough to avoid the fact metted out to Wismen You could never be smart, Morkie. he claimsI am not a hs graduate and when offered proof to the contary he refuses to take me up on the matter insiting instead I provide him access to my personal college transprits I NEVER asked for your "transprits", Mork...Never...not once...nada... sure you have Nope, but you can call and they have no record of you atteneding, liar. I asked you for the name of the institution, the degree that was confeered upon you and when...PERIOD. you asked for the names and that was provided then you ask for more it is how you work you harrassment I reufse to play that game your way In other words, you can't back up your claims. and in all this making demands he insists HE is the one being stalked As long as you keep trying to redirect these exchanges to a non-related newsgroup in an attempt to intimidate me, yes...YOU are the stalker, Mork. then you have just confessed to stalking me Robeson turn aboutis fair GAME So you admit to stalking people. You followed Roger to a message board for the express reason to spam him. |
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Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, posing as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
So you admit to stalking people. You followed Roger to a message board for the express reason to spam him. Hilarious, UnWiseman. You're the guy who posts peoples' property tax info, addresses/telephone numbers and who fills usenet with filthy lies about parents, wives and children. You're calling someone else a stalker? You're a piece of human debris. You need to be locked away in a mental hospital. Dave K8MN |
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![]() an old freind creates yet more deceit and confusion: wrote: an_old_fiend wrote: How can I claim? easy Claim what? These aren't "claims". "Claims" usually require SOME sort of truth in basis. Maj Roesnon refuses to accept evidence that he is wrong. when he refuses to accept evidence of of flasehoods in the eyes of many they become his lies Who is "Maj Roesnon" and WHAT SOLID EVIDENCE has he or she refused to accept, Mork? You've provided NOTHING. No proof of your military service. sure I have Nope. Nothing. And Mork...WHO is "Maj" Robeson...?!?! I gave you a unit just like you do You gavve nothing that could be used to identify YOU as a veteran, Morkie. Nothing. or are you admiting you have not PROVEN your serivice Nope. I've given TONS of PUBLIC references with my name in them. YOU have given NOTHING. you can call st sill OK indeed you are insisting we call overseas to prove your claims "st sill"...?!?! And you don't have to call "overseas" to verify MY service, Morkie. No proof of your "business". what proof is required MY clinet list so you can harrass them Nope. A business card. A copy of a business license. Some formal document of organization...You know...the stuff REAL businessmen have. No proof of your "marriage". blatant lie Blatant truth. I have provided or rather Wismen ahs provided you with the means to confirm the Marriage and my wifes gender Yeah...A phone number call forwarded to your sockpuppet. you simply refuse to make the call I simply refuse to be duped so easily. No proof of your MULTIPLE college degrees. but proof I went to college you erefuse to accept even that fact You;ve never been on a college campus except as janitorial staff or on a tour bus. after you publicly accept that fact as prooven I will work on more Robeson Accept what? OK...Here..."I accept that Mark Morgan has actually walked on a college campus." And let me add "I further accept that he's never graduated from an accredited college program." Nothing. The ONLY "proof" of any kind we have from you is your grammatically fractured, misspelled, and frequent acknowledgements of your belief in lying as a morally correct and reasonable thing to do...And your name appears in the FCC database. Congratulations. Ditto. Take the matter of my wife for he has been offered the chance to proove her gender one way or another . what does he do, he comits frauds by altering a post or taking a sentence our of context instead of follwoing up on the lead provided. There's no fraud here, Mork, other than your attempt to use a call-forwarded number to a sockpuppet of yours to perpetuate your tales. the number was rpoided by WISEMEN not an ally of mine further you could look it up yourself you just refuse to do the legwork because you are a lazy bum Nope. I see through your dception. It was vaporously thin. Here's the PROOF you need to submit: A PICTURE of you and your "Mrs" holding hands, a CURRENT copy of USA Today to validate the date, and a sign in her hand stating that she IS your wife. to you or wismen mangle and repost all over the web noway I am helping you stalk us you have been provided proof you just refuse to accept it I've been provided nothing but your call-forwarded deception. Photo. You and Mrs. Sign. USA Today. Nothing less is acceptable. indeed he attacks me for providing the lead in the first place I "attack" you for proving that you're a liar? no you attacked for telling the turth indeed you normaly attack for telling the turth Nope. That's NOT an "attack", Mork. That's the truth. no it is libel Maj Robeson Who is "Maj" Robeson? He and his confederates publish my father in law's person info weeks ago so no further intrution realy occours by my republishing it and yet that refference gives Robeson the ability to verify my story after all he truned up the addres his confederate turned up the number to go with so why should thye not trust it. First of all, Morkie, I never "published" any such thing. yes you and you confederates did, (wisemen is your coconspritor) What's a "coconspritor" Mork? you publish his name and address yourself wwismen added the number I publsihed nothing of the sort, Mork. more blatant lies Robeson I see your lies, Mork. Why do you persist? Secondly, I have been telling YOU for WEEKS what you need to do to prove your allegations: TAKE THE PICTURE. you have for week been trying to obtain materail that you and your confederates can use for further harrassment I refuse to provide that and instaed offer you proof of a kind that does NOT allow you to further invade our privacy Picture. You and Mrs. Sign. USA Today. Nothing less is acceptable. This suggestion of yours to use a call-forwarded number is a last minute dodge on your part to try and re-direct the fact that YOU have been caught in yet another lie. Wismen ferreted out the number and posted and then you accuse me of Being in League with him you realy do need therapy and you have added more libel Nope. No therapy needed. No libel since no lies were stated by me. Indeed he accused me of setting him up. I didn't "accuse" you, Mork...I caught you! lying again Robeson you have lost it accusing me of seting something up with Wisemen No...I accuse you of arranging a deception all on your own, Morkie... what he demands is picture of my wife, so her and his confederates can play digtal games with all over these NG's as has already been done with my ten year old image. he demands as well I provide a curent photo of myself Would you rather I provide the picture, Mork? Telephoto lenses aren't that expensive any more. And I bet my pics will be far less flattering than the one you might provide. you have been threatening to produce photos of me for a year now If you can provide a real photo then you you KNOW she is female I know nothing of the sort. particularly if you catch her swimingin the pool she is fond of skinny dipping in our pool Oh God...Orca meets Jaws...There's a "picture" I didn't need to see! you would be admiting that I am not fat either another of your lies but the facts are you lack access to us The fqacts are you need to pull the curtains a bit tighter, fatboy. he claims then he will stop harrassing me (and then denies he has ever harrassed me) How can I "harass" you about your "wife" if YOU provide a valid photo that PROVES your allegeations, Mork? by claiming it is a fake or playing digital games with it as has been done to Wisemen check out these blogs and scrool down http://whywogersucks.blogspot.com/ http://deloreanv20.blogspot.com/ I don't have a horse in those races, Morkie...Never did. Your buddy Lennie used to like to provide bogus pictures under false pretenses though... The fact that you haven't done so simply PROVES that I am right. no it provoes I am smart enough to avoid the fact metted out to Wismen No, it STILL proves that I am right and you are everything I have claimed. he claimsI am not a hs graduate and when offered proof to the contary he refuses to take me up on the matter insiting instead I provide him access to my personal college transprits I NEVER asked for your "transprits", Mork...Never...not once...nada... sure you have Nope. Not once. I have demanded DIPLOMAS, Mark, but those are given to every successful graduate, whether they got a D average or Cum Laude. You're not a successful college graduate. You don't have one, let alone three. I asked you for the name of the institution, the degree that was confeered upon you and when...PERIOD. you asked for the names and that was provided then you ask for more it is how you work you harrassment I reufse to play that game your way Nope. I asked you for the college, the dates you graduated and the degree confered. Nothing else. Everyone else in this forum knows that to be true, Mork, so why are you lying about THAT too? and in all this making demands he insists HE is the one being stalked As long as you keep trying to redirect these exchanges to a non-related newsgroup in an attempt to intimidate me, yes...YOU are the stalker, Mork. then you have just confessed to stalking me Robeson turn aboutis fair GAME What "confession", Morkie? Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() Dave Heil the paranoid stalker guessed wrong and wrote: "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote: So you admit to stalking people. You followed Roger to a message board for the express reason to spam him. Hilarious, UnWiseman. So's you and your ex streetwalker wife's faces. Your additions to names are so lame, loser. So square......... You're the guy who posts peoples' property tax info, addresses/telephone numbers and who fills usenet with filthy lies about parents, wives and children. You're calling someone else a stalker? And it's funny how you went to somebody's house to take a picture of it to plaster it all over the net, hypocrite. And you posted Wiseman's tax info and filthy lies about his mother on the net. Maybe you can post under "Stagger Lee" again so you can clear your conscience, what little you have of one. You're a piece of human debris. You need to be locked away in a mental hospital. You're a piece of ****. You need to be flushed down the sewer. Maybe your house that sits on a coal mine will fall down into it one night and bury you while you sleep. |
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![]() "Dave Heil" wrote in message nk.net... Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, posing as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote: So you admit to stalking people. You followed Roger to a message board for the express reason to spam him. Hilarious, UnWiseman. You're the guy who posts peoples' property tax info, addresses/telephone numbers and who fills usenet with filthy lies about parents, wives and children. You're calling someone else a stalker? You're a piece of human debris. You need to be locked away in a mental hospital. Dave K8MN I'm locked in my living room hiding behind the curtains. |
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On 2 Aug 2006 06:08:11 -0700, peewee_lloyd_davies Secwet Woger wrote:
: : And it's funny how you went to somebody's house to take a picture of it : to plaster it all over the net, hypocrite. And you posted Wiseman's tax : info and filthy lies about his mother on the net. Maybe you can post : under "Stagger Lee" again so you can clear your conscience, what little : you have of one. I see that, while you accuse others of not being able to read headers, you yourself are living in a glass house. If you looked carefully at the headers for any of my posts, you'd see that they do not come from Earthlink. At one time you were able to do that, but alas, your mind has noticeably deteriorated over the last several years. You are hardly able to write anything coherent any longer, which is why I have largely ignored you (You aren't entertaining any more). : You're a piece of human debris. You need to be locked away in a mental : hospital. : : You're a piece of ****. You need to be flushed down the sewer. Maybe Classic projection. But, if anything, you are a fly. Wherever there are feces, you are to be found wallowing in them and celebrating their presence as food for the maggots you will leave. You are Usenet's Lord of the Files. |
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Stagger Lee wrote:
On 2 Aug 2006 06:08:11 -0700, peewee_lloyd_davies Secwet Woger wrote: : : You're a piece of ****. You need to be flushed down the sewer. Maybe Classic projection. But, if anything, you are a fly. Wherever there are feces, you are to be found wallowing in them and celebrating their presence as food for the maggots you will leave. You are Usenet's Lord of the Files. Now you've insulted flies everywhere. Dave K8MN |
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