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![]() wrote in message ... On Sat, 4 Oct 2003 13:20:34 -0400, "Lou" in rec.radio.scanner - : wrote in message .. . On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 01:30:47 -0000, "Frank" in rec.radio.scanner - 01c3894d$f475bdf0$0125250a@nhnluyjvlzevaupj : ... ^ Perhaps after a few incidences like that, the law makers will ^ ... pass some legislation to get you ... OFF the road and ON ^ the sidewalk where you belong. Bicycles do not belong on the sidewalk, and in many cities it is unlawful to ride them there. Everywhere I've been bicycles belong on the road and are required to follow motor vehicle laws. They certainly belong on the sidewalk since they can't even come close to the legal speed limit. Why do you think everyone hates them? It's not because they look stupid, it's because they seem to enjoy causing unsafe conditions on the roads! Man you must have had a rotten childhood... to suggest such a thing.. The man is RIGHT.. THEY ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THE SIDEWALK! THEY ARE TO FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE ROAD AS ALL OTHER USERS. YOU MUST SUFFER FROM ROAD RAGE. WOULD LOVE TO RIDE BEHIND YOU FOR A DAY TO WATCH YOUR HABITS. I BET THEY WOULD SHOCK MOST. My childhood was wonderful, I rode my bike on the sidewalk! As for now, I drive approximately 150 miles a day and poses a safe driver endorsement on my license, no tickets in over ten years! None of that changes the fact a pack of morons on bikes going 10MPH on a road designated for 50 MPH causes a safety issue for everyone involved! Don't the rules of the road specify a MINIMUM speed? Don't you feel 50 riders clogging an entire lane is a problem? I personally love when some impatient ahole passes around them into oncoming traffic.. Well you have a good driving record, that is great. Good for you. Minimum speed for a bicycle? None exists. By "rules of the road", I meant with hand signals, making turns using them, mirrors for safe viewing in rear, traveling in same direction and so on. Even wearing a helmet now, since they have been introduced in previous years. IF you ever see the pamphlets and they have been printed in previous years regarding bicycle safety you would know. Bicycles have been a long standing part of our society among others. More so than cars or trucks at some periods. I'm "NOT" advocating bicyclists to ride like idiots on the roads. I'm saying they should do it safely and with the "rules of the road". The problem is, between unsafe cyclists, road rage by vehicle drivers and such, we have a real problem. To advocate what I've seen in here though, purposely running cyclists over and so on, is UNCALLED FOR. That is nothing short of attempted homicide. That won't correct a problem. It creates more. I've already spoken to one gentleman in here regarding cycling.. I suggested that since he is involved in some cycling organizations, that perhaps they put a push on for a renewed sense of cycle safety. Will it happen? Maybe with some. When you take a test for a drivers license, they try to drill it into you about safe use of a vehicle. That doesn't stop some people from driving like idiots afterwards. Same with bicycles. You can teach safe riding courses, it doesn't mean all will comply. Best to start when they are in infancy riding tricycles. Teach good habits and usually they'll be retained. IF those who cycled would retain the rules of the road, they would fair better. I guess too, that they must remember they are on a cycle. Around here, most - if on the road - go to the side with oncoming traffic. BUT in some cases, it isn't possible. They could hit a rut and have an accident, maybe even throwing them into the path of the oncoming traffic. Speaking of bikes on the sidewalks, at least around here, skateboards are becoming a problem. Now, combine skate boards, bicycles, etc, and what room is left for pedestrians to walk safely? NONE. Where do they go?? ON THE ROAD. So, it is a big problem for all. Lawmakers in cities are between a rock and a hard spot often. They want to try to protect all, but at the same time not infringe on people's freedoms.. It isn't easy... try being in "local" government. You try to pass something to keep kids from using sidewalks in a reckless manner perhaps even to save them from injury, and your hit with taking "away from the kids". IT IS NOT EASY. SOME ONE ends up on the short end of the stick. It's a no win situation - simply because KINDNESS and MUTUAL RESPECT do NOT exist anymore. Again, it takes courtesy and rules of the road by "ALL" who use the roads. OR any other place for that matter. When this happens, as it used to be not too awfully long ago, THEN and ONLY THEN can things run a bit smoother. Lou |
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![]() wrote in message ... On Sat, 4 Oct 2003 14:23:56 -0400, "Lou" in rec.radio.scanner - : To Edna or whoever you are.... I "AM" a law maker here locally, and I'll tell you. SIDEWALKS are for PEDESTRIANS. WE DO NOT ALLOW bicycles on our sidewalks.. SO WE ARE NOT ON OUR DEAD ASSES. WE ARE DOING OUR JOBS. Bicycles being on the road, is nothing new. It's been that way for YEARS. YOU need to get a life and learn how to deal with society. YOU are not the sole inhabitant here. IF you can't deal with that then you may want to consider seeking some therapy or Prozac or both. I'm sure glad you don't live here. I can just about imagine what fun we would have. And I don't mean in the humorous way. Lou So you want to beat me up for my opinion that you aholes belong on the sidewalk, and not doing 5 - 10 MPH on a road designated for 50 MPH? I'll bet you do that in your car as well! If anyone needs help, it is you guys who thinking creating an unsafe traffic situation FOR YOUR SOLE benefit is OK! I guess bikers are just a bunch of folks who feel the world owes them something. Their are lots of designated bike routes for you guys that cars are exempt from. Use them. "I" am not beating you up for your opinion. You're entitled to it.. The same as I am mine. See my previous post just filed. But first of all, "I" am not an ASS HOLE. I don't think I bent that low in my reply to you... I mentioned you may have had a miserable childhood, since you hate cycles so much or so it seems. I thought maybe you were cheated out of one perhaps as a child. I mentioned that it may be worth following you in a car, to view your driving. You did sound as though you had a "road rage" type of aura. NOTICE I'm NOT ACCUSING. But I NEVER - least not that I can see, called you an ass hole or a derivative thereof. SO why the problem? Can't we be adults? I'm merely pointing out MANY use our roads, they don't belong to any one group. RULES OF THE ROAD APPLY TO ALL! YOU have a point, you made it.. I'm sure there are "some" cyclists who aren't keen to others road usage. I made mine in this post and previous. Only when people again start to respect others and the rules for living among others as they apply, then maybe we can get back to the business of living in a "get a long society". Road Rage among car drivers is - at least here, a bigger problem than cyclists. Take Motorcycles, many hate them too! Buses, same thing. 18 wheelers.. EVERYONE has their pick of what they hate on the road when it is in their way. People pull out in front of them, cut them off, etc to try to save time or just because! Usually resulting in injury or death. So, there are multiple problems when it comes to use of the roads. WE MUST SHARE the road. It wasn't put there for any ONE person's benefit. Furthermore, DRIVING IS A PRIVILEGE granted to you by the state department of motor vehicles, it is not a God given right. WE ALL must earn it. Some choose to ABUSE it. The main thrust of my posts to start with is NO ONE has a right to advocate HITTING cyclists to cause injury or death, just because they are on the road. That is Attempted Homicide OR could even go to PREMEDITATED MURDER if you "look" for doing those things. Doing that is down right preposterous. There is no easy solution to the problem, it is one created by society and will have to be corrected by society. Getting back to the D.J. thing, telling others to "run cyclist's off the road" or hit them as the case was. I'd hate to be in the drivers shoes when he/she does that and injury or death results. You're plea will be what? Guilty? Innocent, because someone told you to do it, it wasn't your idea? Temporary insanity? WHAT? We're all born with a brain and a conscience. Just because someone tells us to do something doesn't mean WE DO IT. I can hear your lawyer or the judge OR the DA now... So, you killed this person because some one told you to? IF you were standing on a bridge and they told you to jump after them, would you???? Anyone following this D.J.'s "orders" wouldn't have a chance in court. HE/SHE may be prosecuted for Accessory to commit or some other charge, but the actual doer faces the stiffest penalty I think (you had the option not to follow along). AND FOR WHAT? HOW STUPID IS THAT?????? Reminds me of say the Jim Jones case or some other where one man speaks and many gullibles follow him. USE YOUR BRAIN that you were given by GOD to "THINK" with. No, I'm not "beating you up for your opinion". I'm trying to show how silly this all is.. WE ALL must live on this planet til we die. Things are getting out of hand everywhere. It isn't "just" the cyclists. It's is others as well. When we're lying in bed waiting for death to take us, these petty arguments such as this, are so miniscule, you must wonder why they had to begin anyway. Surely, there are more important issues to argue especially to the higher forms of government who DO have the powers to strip our rights and freedoms OR at least get away with it. Try fighting for something more meaningful. If nothing else, and you want to stay on the cyclists, follow through with your local areas and try to get a movement going for safe cycling - surely SOME could use it. Be an activist in the right way. The other way solves nothing. An example is: bombing abortion clinics, its not going to present one's cause (anti-abortion) in a positive light. You just can't go off half cocked to present an issue. Use statistics if you can, to prove your case.. Present them, present alternatives (not hitting cyclists).. Try to change things in a positive manner or at least a mutual solution if doable. ANY THING is better than the ridiculous notion of "hitting cyclists" on purpose. Lou |
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![]() "Burr" wrote in message ... wrote: Their are lots of designated bike routes for you guys that cars are exempt from. Use them. Their are also designated road where bikes are exempt!!! Burr Many areas are not so lucky to have specified riding/driving areas... Again, the rules of the road apply to ALL. Lou |
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