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Dave Holford article ...
^ I have personal experience, some 40 years ago, with an ^ HF antenna which consisted of the top half of the tail ^ (about a 15 to 20 foot square metal surface) which was ^ tuned by a remote ATU (Collins CU-351 ISTR) and performed ^ at least as well as a fixed wire over the range of 2.5 to ^ 30 MHz. If I could put an antenna like that 20,000 feet over my house I would be very happy indeed! Frank |
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Wes Stewart ...
^ Antennas are reciprocal, if they wouldn't work well for ^ transmitting, they will work equally poorly for receiving. I don't believe that. It's been my experience that an antenna used for receiving will function satisfactorily over a much broader range of conditions (environment, antenna length, etc.) than it will if used for transmitting under those same conditions. Frank |
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Believe what you will, the law of reciprocity will ignore your beliefs and
continue to function. "Frank" wrote in message news:01c3b0a2$989de120$0125250a@cqvdqntcxxawvjpo.. . Wes Stewart ... ^ Antennas are reciprocal, if they wouldn't work well for ^ transmitting, they will work equally poorly for receiving. I don't believe that. It's been my experience that an antenna used for receiving will function satisfactorily over a much broader range of conditions (environment, antenna length, etc.) than it will if used for transmitting under those same conditions. Frank |
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![]() Frank wrote: Dave Holford article ... ^ I have personal experience, some 40 years ago, with an ^ HF antenna which consisted of the top half of the tail ^ (about a 15 to 20 foot square metal surface) which was ^ tuned by a remote ATU (Collins CU-351 ISTR) and performed ^ at least as well as a fixed wire over the range of 2.5 to ^ 30 MHz. If I could put an antenna like that 20,000 feet over my house I would be very happy indeed! Frank Worked very nicely between 50 and 100 feet, and very seldom were we above 5,000. I am aware of it being used to communicate from Australia to the East Coast of Canada while on the ground, and I have personally used it to communicate to North America from Europe while on the ground - never ran over 400 Watts. Dave |
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![]() "Stinger" wrote in message . .. Homeowners associations are a good thing! They are basically an agreement that you and your neighbors will follow some clearly defined rules for the specific purpose of maintining optimum property values for everyone. Homeowners associations are private governmental authorities which rule over people who signed away their Constitutional rights! For what -- the promise that othersuch people will pay more later on? Well, maybe so. This Homeowner Association thing sounds like yet another odious invention of the New World Order. In other words, you won't have to worry about buying an expensive house and having your next-door neighbor decide to use his yard to store a dozen wrecked automobiles while he builds a hot-rod or runs a car-repair business. Common sense should tell anyone that their rights end when they start to infringe on anyone else's, but sometimes you need it in writing. ;^) Common sense says there's considerable value in a neighbor who can fix your car. Especially if you need a Sunday afternoon repair! I've done plenty of car work, back when I had a driveway. I got along fine with the neighbors. I suppose fixing their cars helped. We'd talk about cars, laugh at the Cubs, etc. It's the American way! Receiving antennas are easily concealed. If you can find mine from the street, you were born on Krypton. I think this is an overly-hyped problem. Anyone who is bothered by the sight of a wire belongs on another planet. Broadcasting antennas are another animal, though. For instance, nobody wants to live next to some clown running a bunch of linear amps through a CB "base station." It will literally be "seen" on well-shielded cable television connections, and is a nuisance. I think that's a lot of what the "external antenna" rules are meant to curb. -- Stinger External antenna rules and the rest are meant to intimidate lily-livered weenies who won't help fix their cars but are happy to sign away their Constitutional rights. And if some radio operator is splattering all over, there's plenty of Real Governmental Authority to answer to. Frank Dresser |
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Sit on a cactus or something, Wes? You seem a little edgy.
Nobody is forced to buy into a neighborhood with covenants. One can do exactly what you have done and buy some distance from your neighbors. That's great if it works out for you. However, my case is obviously different from yours. The home where I now live is not the home I will own when I retire. I won't need nearly as many bedrooms, etc., and it will be out on an acreage I own (that's currently a little farther than I care to commute to my job). Living in a good neighborhood with covenants makes sense for me right now, because I do want to protect the hefty investment I've made in my home, specifically because I do intend to sell it someday. Just because covenants aren't ideal for your situation doesn't make them a bad thing. As for your hair-splitting over "broadcasting," it was clear my intent was "transmitting." -- just as it is clear your intent is to act like an asshole. -- Stinger "Wes Stewart" wrote in message ... On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:58:40 -0600, "Stinger" wrote: |Homeowners associations are a good thing! They are basically an agreement |that you and your neighbors will follow some clearly defined rules for the |specific purpose of maintining optimum property values for everyone. In |other words, you won't have to worry about buying an expensive house and |having your next-door neighbor decide to use his yard to store a dozen |wrecked automobiles while he builds a hot-rod or runs a car-repair business. |Common sense should tell anyone that their rights end when they start to |infringe on anyone else's, but sometimes you need it in writing. ;^) I happen to subscribe to Fine Homebuilding Magazine and in one of the latest issues there is some discussion about people who will not make any changes to their house without considering resale value. They could be eight feet tall and planning to remodel the kitchen, but will they think of raising the height of the countertops to make it easier on themselves? Nooooo. It will affect resale value. They might be planning to die in the house but they worry that their heirs will have a hard time selling. The same mentality prevails in people who willingly submit to the whims of the homeowners' association board. If I want to leave my garage door open while I use my woodworking tools or work on my car, I don't want the guy across the street getting his panties in a bunch over it. Likewise, I don't want to be told when to mow the grass. Of course, in my case, across the street is 80 acres of Sonoran Desert and my landscaping is whatever grows here. (I gave the lawnmower to the guy that bought my last house.) And I'm not trying to keep up with Jones either because where I live, *I'm* Jones. Heh heh. | |Receiving antennas are easily concealed. If you can find mine from the |street, you were born on Krypton. I think this is an overly-hyped problem. If you don't want to hear anything, by all means conceal your antenna. Antennas are reciprocal, if they wouldn't work well for transmitting, they will work equally poorly for receiving. | |Broadcasting antennas are another animal, though. Broadcasting is done by broadcasting stations. Broadcasting is one-way communication. Hobbists; licensed radio amateurs (hams), and CBers (not to be confused with hams) are operating transmitting stations designed for two-way communications. |For instance, nobody |wants to live next to some clown running a bunch of linear amps through a CB |"base station." Nobody? That is an all-encompassing term. "Few", "some", "not too many" might be better. Not that I'm in favor of CBers running illegal stations. |It will literally be "seen" on well-shielded cable |television connections, and is a nuisance. A "well-shielded" system will not "see" anything of the sort. The problem will more likely be from some upstanding homeowner, who wouldn't dare leave his garage door open and violate association rules, making an illegal tap on the cable. | I think that's a lot of what the |"external antenna" rules are meant to curb. No, most antenna restrictions have nothing to do with the possibility of interference. The restrictions are for the same reasons as not wanting the garage door open, the grass an inch too high, painting the house the wrong shade of white, etc... |
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As I mentioned to Wes, nobody forces you to buy into a neighborhood with covenants. I also mentioned that they are not for everybody. In my case, they are a good idea, and one of the reasons I built my house where I did was specifically because I knew what to expect from neighbors as they built nearby. I don't feel bad that I can't let my yard get waist high, park junk cars on the lawn, or paint my roof purple. Rather, I feel good knowing my neighbor won't. By the way, I happen to be a Republican Kung-Fu black belt (Dragon Claw 1992) that knows a good, honest mechanic that helped me teach my son how to change the heads on his antique T-Bird in his garage. So much for your lily-livered weenie who won't fix their own car argument. I honestly don't understand the hostility in your tone, Frank. What's the real problem? -- Stinger "Frank Dresser" wrote in message ... "Stinger" wrote in message . .. Homeowners associations are a good thing! They are basically an agreement that you and your neighbors will follow some clearly defined rules for the specific purpose of maintining optimum property values for everyone. Homeowners associations are private governmental authorities which rule over people who signed away their Constitutional rights! For what -- the promise that othersuch people will pay more later on? Well, maybe so. This Homeowner Association thing sounds like yet another odious invention of the New World Order. In other words, you won't have to worry about buying an expensive house and having your next-door neighbor decide to use his yard to store a dozen wrecked automobiles while he builds a hot-rod or runs a car-repair business. Common sense should tell anyone that their rights end when they start to infringe on anyone else's, but sometimes you need it in writing. ;^) Common sense says there's considerable value in a neighbor who can fix your car. Especially if you need a Sunday afternoon repair! I've done plenty of car work, back when I had a driveway. I got along fine with the neighbors. I suppose fixing their cars helped. We'd talk about cars, laugh at the Cubs, etc. It's the American way! Receiving antennas are easily concealed. If you can find mine from the street, you were born on Krypton. I think this is an overly-hyped problem. Anyone who is bothered by the sight of a wire belongs on another planet. Broadcasting antennas are another animal, though. For instance, nobody wants to live next to some clown running a bunch of linear amps through a CB "base station." It will literally be "seen" on well-shielded cable television connections, and is a nuisance. I think that's a lot of what the "external antenna" rules are meant to curb. -- Stinger External antenna rules and the rest are meant to intimidate lily-livered weenies who won't help fix their cars but are happy to sign away their Constitutional rights. And if some radio operator is splattering all over, there's plenty of Real Governmental Authority to answer to. Frank Dresser |
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In article , "Wes Stewart"
wrote: Heh heh. When the guys from MIT come out to argue with you, you know you're in trouble. But fools rush in... I have made thousands of measurements in anechoic antenna ranges and I have never seen a difference between measuring s21 and s12. (Without the circulators, and accounting for mismatch effects of course) Where did I go wrong? You didn't ionize the air in the range :-) Seriously, for your purposes you did nothing wrong. Just don't call reciprocity a "law", OK? It's a useful idea of wide applicability, but physics does not require it in general. Calling it a law confuses people. Many years ago in grad school my advisor would vex visitors to his office with a little disk that looked like a piece of tinted glass. Put a quarter on the table, put the disk on top of it, the quarter looks black. Flip the disk over, put it back on the quarter, the quarter looks shiny. What was the construction of this thing? Some world class physicists couldn't figure it out. |2. In the cases where reciprocity applies you would be correct to say that |it requires that the antenna directivity and efficiency are the same for |transmitting and receiving. It does not follow, however, that a poor |transmitting antenna is necessarily a poor receiving antenna. Efficiency |matters much more when transmitting than it does when receiving. It also does not follow that a lousy receiving antenna is good enough. For example, I *always* got better moon echos on 2-meter EME using the same antenna for transmit and receive. When I tried a wet string on receive I didn't hear nuthin' g Directivity matters equally for receiving and transmitting. Was your wet string as directive as your other antenna? 2 meters is also quiet enough that there's not much room for inefficiency: in some directions the sky temperature is 200K. I have observed the same on 20 meters. My Yagi at a modest height of 50 feet is *always* better than an indoor wire. Throw a thin wire with dark brown insulation over a tall tree, up over one side, partway down the other (shaped like a "?"). Tie it in place with nylon fishing line. It will be invisible unless you're very close. Couple to coax with a grounded 9:1 broadband matching transformer. Bury the coax run to the house. Not only will this be much less conspicuous than a Yagi, but it will outperform your Yagi as a receiving antenna for nearly every signal over the range 100 kHz - 30 MHz. A Yagi is just too specialized an antenna for a listener. A trailing wire under sea water receives just fine at ELF and doesn't work worth a damn for transmitting. But those are special cases that can always be manufactured. Beverage antennas are also not something to be used for transmitting but you won't be disguising one as a chimney cap either ![]() For the listener from ELF to HF these are not manufactured special cases, they are the general case. MW and tropical band listeners often target their regions of interest with Beverages, either temporary or permanent. A Beverage is another antenna that can be very inconspicuous: if your soil's dry you can even bury a Beverage! For listening, a simple broadband antenna like a Beverage is much more practical than a complicated narrowband antenna like a Yagi. In the general sense of h-f to microwave, I stand by my claim. For the special case of confinement to a small number of narrow bands (as in ham radio), you are reasonably correct above 10 MHz. To me as a hobbyist listing to LW/MW/SW, that isn't the general case. Of course the game changes when I'm operating a satellite, but that isn't my *hobby*. -- | John Doty "You can't confuse me, that's my job." | Home: | Work: |
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![]() "Stinger" wrote in message . .. Frank, As I mentioned to Wes, nobody forces you to buy into a neighborhood with covenants. I also mentioned that they are not for everybody. In my case, they are a good idea, and one of the reasons I built my house where I did was specifically because I knew what to expect from neighbors as they built nearby. I don't feel bad that I can't let my yard get waist high, park junk cars on the lawn, or paint my roof purple. Rather, I feel good knowing my neighbor won't. By the way, I happen to be a Republican Kung-Fu black belt (Dragon Claw 1992) that knows a good, honest mechanic that helped me teach my son how to change the heads on his antique T-Bird in his garage. So much for your lily-livered weenie who won't fix their own car argument. I honestly don't understand the hostility in your tone, Frank. What's the real problem? -- Stinger I am hostile to the whole concept to a Homeowner's Association. These are contractual arrangements, and not laws. If a person is penalized, he doesn't have his usual legal rights. He either pays the penalty, sells the property or sues the Homeowner's Association. If he sues, it's the Homeowner's Association which will get the benefit of doubt in Court. Policing power is one of genuine responsibilities of the publicly elected government, and it ought to be done by public employees who are directly answerable to the courts. And there's the related issue of ownership. Let's say, after another marathon session of listening to SW kooks, I completely lose it and paint my roof purple. It's my roof, isn't it? If it does cause some damage to someone else it should be provable. But the complainer ought to be prepared to put up some sort of evidence. So, yeah, homeowner's associations ain't for me. I could go on with my opinions about the public sector getting improperly in the private sector and vice versa. My brother and I practically rebuilt his 64 T-Bird right in the driveway. If I was bothering anybody, nobody spoke up. |
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Different strokes for different folks, Frank.
In my view, I didn't give up anything when I built in a neighborhood with restrictive covenants. Instead, I gained the peace-of-mind that the neighborhood wouldn't decay. I gained "rights" as I agreed to covenants that I would have followed anyway, because my neighbors will as well. Your "public sector versus private sector" infringement of rights arguments isn't simply valid in this case because it is voluntary. My rights are just fine, thank you. However I do agree that there are plenty of cases where the public sector (government) does infringe on the rights of private property owners. I am vehemently against it. I believe it is unconstitutional for a city government to use eminent domain laws to force an owner of private property to sell it (so the government can grant the land to a developer who will build a shopping center) because the government will make more tax revenue on a new shopping center. Yet this is happening time and again all over the United States. It' just plain wrong. -- Stinger "Frank Dresser" wrote in message ... "Stinger" wrote in message . .. Frank, As I mentioned to Wes, nobody forces you to buy into a neighborhood with covenants. I also mentioned that they are not for everybody. In my case, they are a good idea, and one of the reasons I built my house where I did was specifically because I knew what to expect from neighbors as they built nearby. I don't feel bad that I can't let my yard get waist high, park junk cars on the lawn, or paint my roof purple. Rather, I feel good knowing my neighbor won't. By the way, I happen to be a Republican Kung-Fu black belt (Dragon Claw 1992) that knows a good, honest mechanic that helped me teach my son how to change the heads on his antique T-Bird in his garage. So much for your lily-livered weenie who won't fix their own car argument. I honestly don't understand the hostility in your tone, Frank. What's the real problem? -- Stinger I am hostile to the whole concept to a Homeowner's Association. These are contractual arrangements, and not laws. If a person is penalized, he doesn't have his usual legal rights. He either pays the penalty, sells the property or sues the Homeowner's Association. If he sues, it's the Homeowner's Association which will get the benefit of doubt in Court. Policing power is one of genuine responsibilities of the publicly elected government, and it ought to be done by public employees who are directly answerable to the courts. And there's the related issue of ownership. Let's say, after another marathon session of listening to SW kooks, I completely lose it and paint my roof purple. It's my roof, isn't it? If it does cause some damage to someone else it should be provable. But the complainer ought to be prepared to put up some sort of evidence. So, yeah, homeowner's associations ain't for me. I could go on with my opinions about the public sector getting improperly in the private sector and vice versa. My brother and I practically rebuilt his 64 T-Bird right in the driveway. If I was bothering anybody, nobody spoke up. |
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