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![]() wrote in message oups.com... R. Steve Walz wrote: wrote: I have to laugh, I think Dave C. is a lawyer. The minute I remove the phones from my house because I can't trust my kids, then when there is an emergency and something happens to my minor child, I will be considered an irresponsible parent because they can't call 911 and I'll be sued by my kid and the child welfare department. Where is the common sense here. Parents are responsible for their minor childs actions.....PERIOD. Parents, do what you must to keep your kids safe! ---------------------------- You simply don't grasp this deeply enough. Here's what parental responsibility ACTUALLY means! Actually: The parent deserves everything their child decides to inflict upon them!! And why? Because the treatment of the child is wholly responsible for how the child treats the parent and in fact wholly JUSTIFIES that same treatment!! YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE FROM YOUR KIDS! If you can't trust them, YOU did it! If they hate you, YOU MADE THEM! If you were unable to justify their love for you, then you deserve their hate!! If you don't give them what you were supposed to, AND in a mode and manner so that they WANTED TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT IT, then you DESERVE ALL the results!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're wasting your time with this clown. He's a loon from square 1, havent you seen the signs in the parks?? Dont feed the animals?? ----- errrr I mean trolls. Jeff --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.802 / Virus Database: 545 - Release Date: 11/26/2004 |
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![]() "R. Steve Walz" wrote: dragonlady wrote: Nope, she was doing what was her RIGHT, and YOU simply didn't LIKE it! She can't possibly "dishonor herself", that's YOU talking and making judgements you don't even have a RIGHT to make. and doing things that were dangerous. ----------------- Her RIGHT, NOT YOURS! I've seen what many pricks like you SAY is "dangerous", it being anything that YOU don't happen to favor, nothing more! If you hadn't been abusing her rights she'd have had no desire to do anything truly dangerous. It is your dishonoring abuse of her equality that made her want to take risks merely to contradict your overbearing attempts at control! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your're never going to make any points with this cretin,, dont waste your time. He is a wacko from the word go.... A self made one at that. Jeff --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.802 / Virus Database: 545 - Release Date: 11/26/2004 |
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Da-man wrote:
--------------------------------- I don't have to be ominiscient to know alot more than you do. Steve Ya know, you sit there and type **** about people you don't even ****ing know. ------------------- I know them, I read the **** their minds spew. Derogatory things. I hope to hell you are sued out your ass for the libelous - defamatory things you've said. -------------------- Ain't any. Now you're being delusional. The responses you have been giving - derate any sort of professionalism you claim. --------------------- I don't charge. Once again you're confabulating wildly. YOU are acting on the same scale you're putting those debating you - on. ------------------------- Study english composition. It sure must suck to be you, because you're so full of it you must stink so bad no one can stand to be around you. --------------------- Blah blah, childish nonsense. Some day - some one will knock you off your high horse. --------------------- It won't be you, you're on your knees in ****. I didn't say throne, because the only throne you own is the white porcelain one you park your ass on - trying to expel some of the stuff you're so full of - but obviously constipated - by your head stuck up there. ------------------- More immature blah-blah. HOW DARE you act like some GOD and put people down you've never met or know nothing about - as to how their children came up in life. ------------------------------ Simple, after studying people for over 50 years I know them by the **** they spew. In case you've not heard the news reports in past few years, there have been quite a few teens - who've had the best of homes, end up dead or in jail - why? -------------------- Because the idiot writing the story asked their PARENTS, instead of their child's friends and neighbors, OR THE KID. When it comes to honest reportage as to the state of homelife, PARENTS PATHOLOGICALLY LIE, LIE, LIE!!! More than a century of recorded psychiatric interviews in the science of penology has demonstrated that EVERY SINGLE PARENT OF A MASS MURDERER THINKS THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, and you can be deluded into believing them if you stopped there and didn't ask anyone ELSE who knew them, but once you DO IT BECOMES BLOODY ****ING OBVIOUS WHY AND HOW THEY WARPED THE **** OUT OF THEIR KID!!! BECAUSE - they went their own way - contrary to the goodness their parents tried to instill in them. --------------------------- Classic LIES to excuse abuse. All abusive authoritarians or wannabe abusers say this kind of moronic ****, when every single systematic and scientific approach to the psychology of parents and children produces results that refute it. This is the kind of sick Xtian mind-control crap they try to brainwash people with in sunday school, to keep the collections coming in that pay their priests to anally abuse more acolytes. You obviously never heard of the drug epidemic that kids get caught up in, the drinking and so on. ------------------------------ **** lady, we ****ing STARTED it! Except we were more interested in the drugs that reveal the mind's deeper nature, like pot and acid. PEER PRESSURE, NOT JUST BAD PARENTING can do it. ------------------------------ That's every bit as moronic as each parent believing that THEIR child was corrupted by "those creeps he hangs around with", when ACTUALLY HE'S THEIR DEALER!! Abusive parents are what interests kids in altering their minds toward unconsciousness, it's self-medication of the poor self-esteem that this parental abuse CAUSES!! For you not to acknowledge those facts, ------------------------ You HAVE NO "facts". You merely blather! you are the one who is clueless. There are countless tales on TV and radio of teens who've gone astray or died - due to their decisions. ------------------- Which "decisions" they make because they are abused by their parents. Decisions to get involved in things their parents had no clue of. WHY? ------------------------ Because their parents don't need to have a clue about drugs n order to instigate drug abuse. BECAUSE - those "loving parents" as you say - trusted their children. ----------------------------- They abused them and hoped for the best, you mean!! They THOUGHT/WERE TOLD they were doing the best for their child by abusing the **** out of them, but somehow it JUST DIDN'T WORK OUT!! Why? Because kids are NOT like cattle, which can be steered left and right with a cattle prod or a stick. When dishonored by being coerced, threatened, belittled, controlled, kids turn and fight back against the insult, even if they have to take their hands off the "steering wheel" of their Life to do it!! The certain way to cause a child to hate you and intentionally do the reverse of what you want is to behave JUST LIKE YOU DO! They could do no wrong. Kids who had the best of homes. A GOOD HOME - does NOT guarantee a GOOD KID. -------------------- Ain't a "good home" then, that was just a LIE! Get your head out of your ass for a change. Expel some of the crap you're so full of. Open your eyes once wiped clean of the crappy film - blow your nose of the fecal matter you inhaled, clean your throat - then take a nice long look at and deep breath of "REALITY". --------------------------- More immature blah-blah bull****. Contrary to your "perfect" bringing up of kids, I've personally seen kids in loving homes - trusted - end up in trouble. ------------------------ Then they weren't perfect, now were they! The proof IS that they didn't do what WE did! I've also seen many kids who's asses were beat for doing wrong - like stealing or disrespecting their elders/authority figures and grew up to be fine outstanding people - like many of the older population can attest too. Ask some of them how many times they were taken out behind the barn and had their asses tanned. They'll tell you how much better off they are for it. --------------- These aren't achievers, they are psychological cripples who secretly hate the **** out of their lives and have no creativity or capacity to love. Beating someone till they tell you what you want to hear merely makes an ingrown secretive deceptive personality who play-acts at everything their whole life and has no ethics. This is why many more Rightist Xtians get caught in corruption and criminal scandals than Leftists who were raised with acceptance. This is why the "red" states have all the divorce and corruption, and the lowest divorce rate is in MASSACHUSETTS! Those who don't believe in correcting a child, are the pussies in this society who are now reaping what they sow - disobedient children. ------------------- No, that's just a myth used to try to justify child-abuse. Actually exactly the reverse is true, a child whose decisions are accepted and who is loved for his independence loves you back, and would never hurt you, while children you beat on will kill you in your sleep and burn your house down, and good riddance to you! You Rightist clowns always claim crime is caused by "permissiveness", but all the actual socialogical data proves that you're merely LYING! Now why would you LIE about something like that? Here's why!: When someone is beaten they will never feel adult and recover their inner humilation until they get to beat on someone smaller than them so as to attain the position their parents held, that of abuser, rather than abusee!! This is the familiarpsychological phenomenon of cognitive dissonance, ala the Stockholm Syndrome, where weak people who are abused come to worship their abusers and seek to be just like them. The whole criminal bully psychology comes FROM child abuse, it isn't PREVENTED by it! The same children who will tell their parents, teachers, ministers, police officers and so on - to go **** themselves. ---------------------- Only people who hate you tell you to **** your self. Now just ask yourself WHY they hate you. You abused them, that's why, there is NO other possible reason to wish to abuse others back, if they have been nice to you! They have NO respect for authority. ------------------------ There is no "authority", your kind are too stupid to deserve it, and nobody with a brain who's not damaged even wants it. The candy asses of this country have placed them above any form of correction. ---------------------- If they've managed it they ain't so candy, now are they, you little corn-hole. All Free people do that, it's called rebellion against illicit authority. Remember King George IV? This isn't the "Leave it to Beaver" or "Ozzie and Harriet" - age. I'm not saying kids need to be, should be or deserve to be "abused", but they do NOT grow up trouble free - without proper guidance and correction as needed. ------------------------ Ain't any "proper" or "correction", and no such "guidance" is needed. The Majority of other cultures on earth totally do without anything like that with respect to children. You're suggesting that if you treat your children right, they won't even need corrected. MAN, THAT IS SOME CROCK.... ---------------------- So lessee, because you're crippled from your childhood abuse, now you don't even believe that you have the brains to treat someone nice who treats YOU nice? I'll believe that because you're damaged, but can you see why only a damaged person like you could ever believe such crap?? Every child I've seen loved people who loved and respected him and his wants as an equal. In fact that's all that children and other people actually want, if they haven't been damaged by ****heads like you, and that's to be nice to people who are nice to them!!! IF you are the professional you say, obviously, you've missed a few classes along the lines and shut your life off to the rest of the world - to see what is REALLY going on. Used to be, kids in my school days duked it out, got over it. Today, they take bombs, guns and so on - to blow half their class mates away. ----------------- You just couldn't afford the guns and bombs, or you'd be the same. I know "Preacher's" kids who were raised in a loving home - end up in jail. ------------------- That's because Xtianity preaches your kind of abusive crap, and it abuses children. There are NO "loving" preacher's homes. Strict Christian/Catholic kids going to school - needing corrected for getting into trouble. ---------------------- The viciousness that Xtianity pumps into kids is abusive and dishonoring. You pump that **** into anyone and they'kll be damaged by it too! THERE IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE! IT ISN'T ALL "JUST" THE PARENTS. ------------------------- No, YOU just have a delusion that religion makes for a "good home", when it does THE OPPOSITE!!! It is sex, --------------- There's nothing wrong with sex, kids should be having sex with their friends at home in their rooms with their parents' blessings. MY kids did! drugs, --------------- SOME drugs are GOOD for you! etc. THIS - THE COMPUTER - is a large part of the problem, what with cook books for bombs available online and so on. --------------------------- Nobody bombs anybody if they don't deserve it. Abusing kids means deserving it. The Computer is information that destroys the superstitions of stupid Xtian Antisex and Capitalist Feudalistic enslavement. Information which they'd never had before. Sexual exploitation also. -------------------- Nonsense, people need lots MORE sex, not less. There is no "exploitation" of kids who are sexually informed. Parenting is a key, but it isn't the only key. There is more to this than meets the eye. ------------------------- Yours. You seriously need to open your eyes and mind up a lot more to see the "reality" of this world. You're living in a clouded world. You claim to have written chunks of books on the subject. CHUNKS? So you're not even a true author in the sense of a complete book works? -------------------------- Pro-writers write specific chapters and sections, very few books today are written by solitary authors. Your works are buried in with someone else's? Tell us, was it points you've made being dispelled by those truly in the know? Using your uh hem - examples of life according to you as an example of what not to believe? Tell us, which books did you "help" produce, so we may check the books to see if the credits list your name. They DO list your name, right? ------------------- My nom de plume. ;- I do that to keep my private and public lives totally separate, and so that ****heads like you can't interfere. IF SO, let us see. IF you're the professional you claim to be and did do the writing, you should be proud to have us know about it. So, lets have it... Give us some book titles we can check out. Show us your credentials. You're not ashamed of them are you? You shouldn't be. Instead of cutting down on those you know nothing of, try defending your own words for a change. DO as the saying goes. PUT UP OR SHUT UP. YOU are the one claiming to have written on the subject and know it all. SO SHOW US. PROVE IT. You CAN do it, right? Instead of condemning others here of being abusive parents - people you know nothing about, show us what gives you your right to claim your superiority. ---------------------------------- Writing books doesn't prove anything. Nor will I bother. I enjoy having social effect without any responsibility. The way you talk, you are probably the founder of the "KIDS, REPORT YOUR PARENTS FOR CHILD ABUSE - IF THEY DON'T GIVE YOU YOUR WAY" routine. ----------------------- Gee, if I were, you'd have never heard of it yet. Instead, it's the major social question of the age. It is time for the parents to reclaim the home and the rule IN that home. ------------------ That was lost half a century ago, join the future. As long as that parent is paying the bills to keep that child clothed, fed, medically cared for, that PARENT should be the one in charge. ----------------------------- You owe your child that. You don't get to push around those you OWE a debt! If you don't like that, then don't have kids! THEY should have the final say - NOT THE KID. A child is too young to make informed decisions. DM -------------------- Nonsense, they make most of them from the very beginning. They learn by doing. Dishonor them and you cripple them. You're an immature whiner who never learned to live with equals. And if you try to prevent their autonomy, you'll just have them knocking your ass out on the floor. Or you'll never see your grandchildren or receive their help when you're old. They'll be adults in your life a LOT longer than they'll be kids, and they remember every slight! Don't **** up your family! Steve |
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Jeff wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" wrote: dragonlady wrote: Nope, she was doing what was her RIGHT, and YOU simply didn't LIKE it! She can't possibly "dishonor herself", that's YOU talking and making judgements you don't even have a RIGHT to make. and doing things that were dangerous. ----------------- Her RIGHT, NOT YOURS! I've seen what many pricks like you SAY is "dangerous", it being anything that YOU don't happen to favor, nothing more! If you hadn't been abusing her rights she'd have had no desire to do anything truly dangerous. It is your dishonoring abuse of her equality that made her want to take risks merely to contradict your overbearing attempts at control! Your're never going to make any points with this cretin,, dont waste your time. He is a wacko from the word go.... A self made one at that. Jeff ----------------------- You mean One you can't argue with successfully. Steve |
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![]() "R. Steve Walz" wrote in message ... Da-man wrote: --------------------------------- I don't have to be ominiscient to know alot more than you do. Steve Ya know, you sit there and type **** about people you don't even ****ing know. ------------------- I know them, I read the **** their minds spew. Derogatory things. I hope to hell you are sued out your ass for the libelous - defamatory things you've said. -------------------- Ain't any. Now you're being delusional. The responses you have been giving - derate any sort of professionalism you claim. --------------------- I don't charge. Once again you're confabulating wildly. YOU are acting on the same scale you're putting those debating you - on. ------------------------- Study english composition. It sure must suck to be you, because you're so full of it you must stink so bad no one can stand to be around you. --------------------- Blah blah, childish nonsense. Some day - some one will knock you off your high horse. --------------------- It won't be you, you're on your knees in ****. I didn't say throne, because the only throne you own is the white porcelain one you park your ass on - trying to expel some of the stuff you're so full of - but obviously constipated - by your head stuck up there. ------------------- More immature blah-blah. HOW DARE you act like some GOD and put people down you've never met or know nothing about - as to how their children came up in life. ------------------------------ Simple, after studying people for over 50 years I know them by the **** they spew. In case you've not heard the news reports in past few years, there have been quite a few teens - who've had the best of homes, end up dead or in jail - why? -------------------- Because the idiot writing the story asked their PARENTS, instead of their child's friends and neighbors, OR THE KID. When it comes to honest reportage as to the state of homelife, PARENTS PATHOLOGICALLY LIE, LIE, LIE!!! More than a century of recorded psychiatric interviews in the science of penology has demonstrated that EVERY SINGLE PARENT OF A MASS MURDERER THINKS THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, and you can be deluded into believing them if you stopped there and didn't ask anyone ELSE who knew them, but once you DO IT BECOMES BLOODY ****ING OBVIOUS WHY AND HOW THEY WARPED THE **** OUT OF THEIR KID!!! BECAUSE - they went their own way - contrary to the goodness their parents tried to instill in them. --------------------------- Classic LIES to excuse abuse. All abusive authoritarians or wannabe abusers say this kind of moronic ****, when every single systematic and scientific approach to the psychology of parents and children produces results that refute it. This is the kind of sick Xtian mind-control crap they try to brainwash people with in sunday school, to keep the collections coming in that pay their priests to anally abuse more acolytes. You obviously never heard of the drug epidemic that kids get caught up in, the drinking and so on. ------------------------------ **** lady, we ****ing STARTED it! Except we were more interested in the drugs that reveal the mind's deeper nature, like pot and acid. PEER PRESSURE, NOT JUST BAD PARENTING can do it. ------------------------------ That's every bit as moronic as each parent believing that THEIR child was corrupted by "those creeps he hangs around with", when ACTUALLY HE'S THEIR DEALER!! Abusive parents are what interests kids in altering their minds toward unconsciousness, it's self-medication of the poor self-esteem that this parental abuse CAUSES!! For you not to acknowledge those facts, ------------------------ You HAVE NO "facts". You merely blather! you are the one who is clueless. There are countless tales on TV and radio of teens who've gone astray or died - due to their decisions. ------------------- Which "decisions" they make because they are abused by their parents. Decisions to get involved in things their parents had no clue of. WHY? ------------------------ Because their parents don't need to have a clue about drugs n order to instigate drug abuse. BECAUSE - those "loving parents" as you say - trusted their children. ----------------------------- They abused them and hoped for the best, you mean!! They THOUGHT/WERE TOLD they were doing the best for their child by abusing the **** out of them, but somehow it JUST DIDN'T WORK OUT!! Why? Because kids are NOT like cattle, which can be steered left and right with a cattle prod or a stick. When dishonored by being coerced, threatened, belittled, controlled, kids turn and fight back against the insult, even if they have to take their hands off the "steering wheel" of their Life to do it!! The certain way to cause a child to hate you and intentionally do the reverse of what you want is to behave JUST LIKE YOU DO! They could do no wrong. Kids who had the best of homes. A GOOD HOME - does NOT guarantee a GOOD KID. -------------------- Ain't a "good home" then, that was just a LIE! Get your head out of your ass for a change. Expel some of the crap you're so full of. Open your eyes once wiped clean of the crappy film - blow your nose of the fecal matter you inhaled, clean your throat - then take a nice long look at and deep breath of "REALITY". --------------------------- More immature blah-blah bull****. Contrary to your "perfect" bringing up of kids, I've personally seen kids in loving homes - trusted - end up in trouble. ------------------------ Then they weren't perfect, now were they! The proof IS that they didn't do what WE did! I've also seen many kids who's asses were beat for doing wrong - like stealing or disrespecting their elders/authority figures and grew up to be fine outstanding people - like many of the older population can attest too. Ask some of them how many times they were taken out behind the barn and had their asses tanned. They'll tell you how much better off they are for it. --------------- These aren't achievers, they are psychological cripples who secretly hate the **** out of their lives and have no creativity or capacity to love. Beating someone till they tell you what you want to hear merely makes an ingrown secretive deceptive personality who play-acts at everything their whole life and has no ethics. This is why many more Rightist Xtians get caught in corruption and criminal scandals than Leftists who were raised with acceptance. This is why the "red" states have all the divorce and corruption, and the lowest divorce rate is in MASSACHUSETTS! Those who don't believe in correcting a child, are the pussies in this society who are now reaping what they sow - disobedient children. ------------------- No, that's just a myth used to try to justify child-abuse. Actually exactly the reverse is true, a child whose decisions are accepted and who is loved for his independence loves you back, and would never hurt you, while children you beat on will kill you in your sleep and burn your house down, and good riddance to you! You Rightist clowns always claim crime is caused by "permissiveness", but all the actual socialogical data proves that you're merely LYING! Now why would you LIE about something like that? Here's why!: When someone is beaten they will never feel adult and recover their inner humilation until they get to beat on someone smaller than them so as to attain the position their parents held, that of abuser, rather than abusee!! This is the familiarpsychological phenomenon of cognitive dissonance, ala the Stockholm Syndrome, where weak people who are abused come to worship their abusers and seek to be just like them. The whole criminal bully psychology comes FROM child abuse, it isn't PREVENTED by it! The same children who will tell their parents, teachers, ministers, police officers and so on - to go **** themselves. ---------------------- Only people who hate you tell you to **** your self. Now just ask yourself WHY they hate you. You abused them, that's why, there is NO other possible reason to wish to abuse others back, if they have been nice to you! They have NO respect for authority. ------------------------ There is no "authority", your kind are too stupid to deserve it, and nobody with a brain who's not damaged even wants it. The candy asses of this country have placed them above any form of correction. ---------------------- If they've managed it they ain't so candy, now are they, you little corn-hole. All Free people do that, it's called rebellion against illicit authority. Remember King George IV? This isn't the "Leave it to Beaver" or "Ozzie and Harriet" - age. I'm not saying kids need to be, should be or deserve to be "abused", but they do NOT grow up trouble free - without proper guidance and correction as needed. ------------------------ Ain't any "proper" or "correction", and no such "guidance" is needed. The Majority of other cultures on earth totally do without anything like that with respect to children. You're suggesting that if you treat your children right, they won't even need corrected. MAN, THAT IS SOME CROCK.... ---------------------- So lessee, because you're crippled from your childhood abuse, now you don't even believe that you have the brains to treat someone nice who treats YOU nice? I'll believe that because you're damaged, but can you see why only a damaged person like you could ever believe such crap?? Every child I've seen loved people who loved and respected him and his wants as an equal. In fact that's all that children and other people actually want, if they haven't been damaged by ****heads like you, and that's to be nice to people who are nice to them!!! IF you are the professional you say, obviously, you've missed a few classes along the lines and shut your life off to the rest of the world - to see what is REALLY going on. Used to be, kids in my school days duked it out, got over it. Today, they take bombs, guns and so on - to blow half their class mates away. ----------------- You just couldn't afford the guns and bombs, or you'd be the same. I know "Preacher's" kids who were raised in a loving home - end up in jail. ------------------- That's because Xtianity preaches your kind of abusive crap, and it abuses children. There are NO "loving" preacher's homes. Strict Christian/Catholic kids going to school - needing corrected for getting into trouble. ---------------------- The viciousness that Xtianity pumps into kids is abusive and dishonoring. You pump that **** into anyone and they'kll be damaged by it too! THERE IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE! IT ISN'T ALL "JUST" THE PARENTS. ------------------------- No, YOU just have a delusion that religion makes for a "good home", when it does THE OPPOSITE!!! It is sex, --------------- There's nothing wrong with sex, kids should be having sex with their friends at home in their rooms with their parents' blessings. MY kids did! drugs, --------------- SOME drugs are GOOD for you! etc. THIS - THE COMPUTER - is a large part of the problem, what with cook books for bombs available online and so on. --------------------------- Nobody bombs anybody if they don't deserve it. Abusing kids means deserving it. The Computer is information that destroys the superstitions of stupid Xtian Antisex and Capitalist Feudalistic enslavement. Information which they'd never had before. Sexual exploitation also. -------------------- Nonsense, people need lots MORE sex, not less. There is no "exploitation" of kids who are sexually informed. Parenting is a key, but it isn't the only key. There is more to this than meets the eye. ------------------------- Yours. You seriously need to open your eyes and mind up a lot more to see the "reality" of this world. You're living in a clouded world. You claim to have written chunks of books on the subject. CHUNKS? So you're not even a true author in the sense of a complete book works? -------------------------- Pro-writers write specific chapters and sections, very few books today are written by solitary authors. Your works are buried in with someone else's? Tell us, was it points you've made being dispelled by those truly in the know? Using your uh hem - examples of life according to you as an example of what not to believe? Tell us, which books did you "help" produce, so we may check the books to see if the credits list your name. They DO list your name, right? ------------------- My nom de plume. ;- I do that to keep my private and public lives totally separate, and so that ****heads like you can't interfere. IF SO, let us see. IF you're the professional you claim to be and did do the writing, you should be proud to have us know about it. So, lets have it... Give us some book titles we can check out. Show us your credentials. You're not ashamed of them are you? You shouldn't be. Instead of cutting down on those you know nothing of, try defending your own words for a change. DO as the saying goes. PUT UP OR SHUT UP. YOU are the one claiming to have written on the subject and know it all. SO SHOW US. PROVE IT. You CAN do it, right? Instead of condemning others here of being abusive parents - people you know nothing about, show us what gives you your right to claim your superiority. ---------------------------------- Writing books doesn't prove anything. Nor will I bother. I enjoy having social effect without any responsibility. The way you talk, you are probably the founder of the "KIDS, REPORT YOUR PARENTS FOR CHILD ABUSE - IF THEY DON'T GIVE YOU YOUR WAY" routine. ----------------------- Gee, if I were, you'd have never heard of it yet. Instead, it's the major social question of the age. It is time for the parents to reclaim the home and the rule IN that home. ------------------ That was lost half a century ago, join the future. As long as that parent is paying the bills to keep that child clothed, fed, medically cared for, that PARENT should be the one in charge. ----------------------------- You owe your child that. You don't get to push around those you OWE a debt! If you don't like that, then don't have kids! THEY should have the final say - NOT THE KID. A child is too young to make informed decisions. DM -------------------- Nonsense, they make most of them from the very beginning. They learn by doing. Dishonor them and you cripple them. You're an immature whiner who never learned to live with equals. And if you try to prevent their autonomy, you'll just have them knocking your ass out on the floor. Or you'll never see your grandchildren or receive their help when you're old. They'll be adults in your life a LOT longer than they'll be kids, and they remember every slight! Don't **** up your family! Steve Oh boy, I got your number now - numb nuts. Drugs are ok? Bombs are ok? AND NO IDIOT - THE BOMBS WEREN'T MEANT FOR THE PARENTS, I'M TALKING FELLOW SCHOOL STUDENTS. EVER HEAR OF COLUMBINE - ASS HOLE? MAN YOU ARE ONE SICK MAN. NO BOOK TITLES to back up your claims. YOU just lost every ounce of credibility. Oh and as for proper English, you made a few slips yourself, so go **** off......... You are hereby PLONKED. You're not worth my time. I don't know what kind of drugs you may be on, but that is one hell of a trip....... I hope you have a safe landing. DM |
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Sorry, if some duplication of previous post is included here.
There is a conflict of laws. Mother listening to her child on the phone. She overhead the friend or her was going to commit a crime. By law (unless it your spouse) she has to report it or she would be commenting a crime. Other the mater of the State Law. Maybe she did violated here privacy rights. However, the State forgot to go by Federal Wiretapping Laws. As long as one person is aware you are allowed to tape the conversation. Just tell your kids. That you conversations will be taped or listen too. Federal Laws always overrides State Laws. For your parents who don‘t allow kids the use the phone. Tell them they can’t use the phone unless it is an emergency. Greg R |
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![]() "Da-man" wrote in message erio.net... "R. Steve Walz" wrote in message ... Da-man wrote: Oh boy, I got your number now - numb nuts. Drugs are ok? Bombs are ok? AND NO IDIOT - THE BOMBS WEREN'T MEANT FOR THE PARENTS, I'M TALKING FELLOW SCHOOL STUDENTS. EVER HEAR OF COLUMBINE - ASS HOLE? MAN YOU ARE ONE SICK MAN. NO BOOK TITLES to back up your claims. YOU just lost every ounce of credibility. Oh and as for proper English, you made a few slips yourself, so go **** off......... You are hereby PLONKED. You're not worth my time. I don't know what kind of drugs you may be on, but that is one hell of a trip....... I hope you have a safe landing. DM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- This guy is "seriously" whacked in the head. Its obvious he has a major anger problem, along with the delusions of grandeur. He also seems(is) one of those who believe quite simply whatever they "think" to be true,, is true. They call that delusional, or even psychotic. Its scary that this idiot may have actually raised kids...... I also find it interesting he has not answered your requests for "confirmed" contributions to any serious publication and/or book............ Batman maybe, Pschology Today, I dont think so,,,,, Dr. Spock he aint. (its a 50's - 60's) thing. Jeff --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.802 / Virus Database: 545 - Release Date: 11/26/2004 |
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Da-man wrote:
"R. Steve Walz" wrote: Nonsense, they make most of them from the very beginning. They learn by doing. Dishonor them and you cripple them. You're an immature whiner who never learned to live with equals. And if you try to prevent their autonomy, you'll just have them knocking your ass out on the floor. Or you'll never see your grandchildren or receive their help when you're old. They'll be adults in your life a LOT longer than they'll be kids, and they remember every slight! Don't **** up your family! Steve Oh boy, I got your number now - numb nuts. Drugs are ok? ----------- Some. Bombs are ok? ------------ Some. AND NO IDIOT - THE BOMBS WEREN'T MEANT FOR THE PARENTS, I'M TALKING FELLOW SCHOOL STUDENTS. EVER HEAR OF COLUMBINE - ASS HOLE? ------------------- You're very confused by what you read. MAN YOU ARE ONE SICK MAN. NO BOOK TITLES to back up your claims. YOU just lost every ounce of credibility. ---------------------- Lots of people write books, moron, where do you think they all come from, hmmmm???? Don't tell me you worship book authors as Gawds! Oh and as for proper English, you made a few slips yourself, so go **** off......... ---------------- S'yeah right. Mine are typos, yours are because you're stupid. You are hereby PLONKED. You're not worth my time. I don't know what kind of drugs you may be on, but that is one hell of a trip....... I hope you have a safe landing. DM ------------------- You're a poor desperate little **** who is now finding that he is unable to express his badly thought-out ideas, just like all you ignorant little pricks. Steve |
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![]() "R. Steve Walz" wrote in message ... Da-man wrote: Bombs are ok? ------------ Some. So what bombs are ok genius? |
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