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  #11   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 06:34 PM
Alex Clayton
Posts: n/a

"Lou" wrote in message

"Alex Clayton" wrote in message
"Lou" wrote in message

Usenet is a real poor place to ask any kind of legal question. You, as
you have seen, can get all kinds of answers. If you rely on the responses
here, get in trouble with the law, telling some judge you "read it on the
net" will get you nothing.
If the state you are in has laws regarding scanners, I would have to
assume the law is available on line?
As to the Public bus, if you find there is no law against them, the easy
way would seem to be not let the driver know you have a scanner. If the
guy is using headphones who is going to know what he is listening to?
The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogen and Stupidity.
(not necessarily in that order)

I understand and certainly agree that Usenet is not a "legal" authority.
What I was attempting to do, was get a feel for what is out there as to
laws - since it would seem to me the hundreds if not thousands of users
would have by now - tapped into their state laws in interest and may have
weighed in with anything in comparison OR in any instances similar. Maybe
even case history as to challenges. Sorry I asked.........

You don't need to be sorry you asked. I was just warning not only you, but
anyone reading. Many people come to the "net" for the first time every day.
Many don't seem to understand what they read "may" have no basis in fact. I
well remember when I finally got my Father to get a PC. He had a few rather
humorous times with some of the stuff he was finding.
If someone posts a link to make your state's law easier to look up, great.
Just be careful of stories about "well I do this, and it's fine" kind of
things. For one, you don't know if the person really does, or if they are in
the same jurisdiction you are, or if they may be breaking the law, and may
not know it themselves. As I said if you break some law, end up in court,
and have only the "excuse" that you "read" it on the net, you will get no
where, no matter what "stories" you hear about people running rings around
the court.
As to some of the "stupid" responses you get, that's just Usenet. there
are always a lot of people here who got beat up all the time at school, so
they come here with their cape on ready to "kick some cyber ass", shrug.
You just have to wade through it, there is LOT'S of good info out there too.
Just be careful what you act on.
The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogen and Stupidity.
(not necessarily in that order)

  #12   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 06:45 PM
Posts: n/a

"Cat" wrote in message
We're not all goody-two-shoes types, in fact, I know of a guy that USED to
post stuff in this NG who was just the opposite, he used scanners to beat
the cops regularly (as do a lot of this NGs regulars to this day, you can
tell who they are because they feel the greatest need to hide behind loud,
strident exclamations of shocked,
responses --- you'll see what I mean, just watch).
As for bus drivers, whoa. I for one am not too fond of some of those
dyed-in-the-wool rodents. The personality disorders of some of these
individuals is pathetic, they should have these retards working in the
back of a warehouse somewhere they NEVER come into contact with the
public, never mind on a public bus where they can brag to each other about
how far they keep people running after the bus before speeding away, and
how many old people they knock down by sudden acceleration/deceleration
for no reason other than an old person is standing up and vulnerable to
being pushed over.
My advice to you is, use your scanner wherever and whenever you damn well
want to, and use it for whatever you want to. How are they going to know?

It was another that occurred to. I use mine all the time. I've never had an
issue - nor do I hide it. On board, I use headphones and often times off
walking around as well. Around here, "most" bus drivers are ok - so I won't
paint them with the same brush. The driver this person had the issue with -
well.... seems to make his own laws. He is well known for all the wrong
reasons. Friendly - is not in his dictionary. A shining example of your
description. A job in the public is not the place to be if you can't handle
it. But that is another issue. Personally, I think "I" would have asked the
driver to show me in his book where that is written - especially in PA.
Whether the man mentioned he had a scanner or the driver just happened to
see it, I don't think he should have singled him out for "that". I think he
overstepped his bounds. Matter of fact, that is the first incident of such
thing "here" I've heard of.

I don't condone people who use scanners for illegal gain - however they may
be doing it - but scanners can and have been known to be of great help too.
Everything has it's pluses and minuses

Not everything makes it to the web as some suggest or would be found in
search to any "law". I thought I could get some "experiences" off of those
who value scanner use. I "know" that none of this would hold in court.
Believe me, this is the LAST place I would turn to for "law" especially to
use as evidence. Asking for experiences is not the same as asking for legal
advice. Was just wanting a feel for what others have perhaps been through. I
didn't think I'd ruffle any feathers. Sometimes, you just never know.


  #13   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 06:51 PM
Posts: n/a

"Alex Clayton" wrote in message
"Lou" wrote in message

"Alex Clayton" wrote in message
"Lou" wrote in message

Usenet is a real poor place to ask any kind of legal question. You, as
you have seen, can get all kinds of answers. If you rely on the
responses here, get in trouble with the law, telling some judge you
"read it on the net" will get you nothing.
If the state you are in has laws regarding scanners, I would have to
assume the law is available on line?
As to the Public bus, if you find there is no law against them, the
easy way would seem to be not let the driver know you have a scanner. If
the guy is using headphones who is going to know what he is listening
The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogen and Stupidity.
(not necessarily in that order)

I understand and certainly agree that Usenet is not a "legal" authority.
What I was attempting to do, was get a feel for what is out there as to
laws - since it would seem to me the hundreds if not thousands of users
would have by now - tapped into their state laws in interest and may have
weighed in with anything in comparison OR in any instances similar. Maybe
even case history as to challenges. Sorry I asked.........

You don't need to be sorry you asked. I was just warning not only you, but
anyone reading. Many people come to the "net" for the first time every
day. Many don't seem to understand what they read "may" have no basis in
fact. I well remember when I finally got my Father to get a PC. He had a
few rather humorous times with some of the stuff he was finding.
If someone posts a link to make your state's law easier to look up,
great. Just be careful of stories about "well I do this, and it's fine"
kind of things. For one, you don't know if the person really does, or if
they are in the same jurisdiction you are, or if they may be breaking the
law, and may not know it themselves. As I said if you break some law, end
up in court, and have only the "excuse" that you "read" it on the net, you
will get no where, no matter what "stories" you hear about people running
rings around the court.
As to some of the "stupid" responses you get, that's just Usenet. there
are always a lot of people here who got beat up all the time at school, so
they come here with their cape on ready to "kick some cyber ass", shrug.
You just have to wade through it, there is LOT'S of good info out there
too. Just be careful what you act on.
The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogen and Stupidity.
(not necessarily in that order)

I'm not new... not by a long shot. Was just trying to get feelers for anyone
who may have experienced this sort of situation and so on. Trust me, this
doesn't even rate as my last resort for "legal" info or evidence. Yes,
you're so right, there is lots of good info to be had. AND just as often,
many not so helpful answers to be had. I could look up PA law without a
doubt. Was more so interested in any "transit" related situations around the
nation - even in the states where no "scanner" law applies. Any "hidden"
policies which the net may not produce.


  #14   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 06:51 PM
Posts: n/a

Lou - yes, ignore the trolls who feel the need to post idiotic replies
simply to hear themselves type. That other guy with the 'cyber-cape' analogy
hit it right on the button. Usenet is chock full of weirdos and misfits who
cannot seem to comprehend consideration, compassion, and the understanding
fellow hobbysits should have for one another. They would never admit to
wanting to ask the same questions at one time themselves. It's pathetic.
But, thats the internet for ya. Lots of brave souls traveling anonymously.

My solution to such a dilemma concerning scanners (I drive commercial
vehicles for a living) was to obtain my FCC license and get a ham radio
callsign, thus exempting myself from some scanner laws, and volunteering for
my local Red Cross chapter. Once anyone sees that ID and an FCC license they
will not question your right to carry and use a frequency scanner anywhere
you go

"Lou" wrote in message
Hi Gang,

I know this isn't a "legal" group, but hear me out. We all know - there

been laws passed in various states as to where scanners are allowed and

allowed, particularly in motor vehicles - be they Ham operators or not -
unless involved with Police/Fire/EMS (you get the drift). So far as I am
still aware, PA is not included in any such laws. BUT - for the sake of

question, I'm going to include PA in part of the question.... SO here
goes... and you - where ever you are, can tell me what the laws are in

area as they may pertain to this subject so as not to drag this out more
than need be - as we know the scanner law question has been beaten down

times in here in the past.

************************************************** **************************
Though states may not allow "Mobile" scanners... do they have in those

laws or any other laws, any thing that remotely relates to a "hand held"
scanner being carried - ESPECIALLY - on board say - a "Transit" bus? Now,

know that "transit buses" have signs and perhaps a policy - often loosely
enforced, as to having radios and the like (CD players and such) played so
as not to disturb other passengers. But is there any "LAWS" keeping a

from carrying a "scanner" on board a bus? Oh, and I'm not referring to any
laws which may cover if a scanner were to be used in the course of a crime
being committed. I'm talking having one - in general.

I had a person tell me just today, a bus operator told them "A scanner was
illegal aboard a bus." The bus in question was in PA (the driver didn't
refer to PA specifically though), and I asked the party if they had
headphones on - they said yes. I know that most if not all the time, IF
headphones are worn, the radio or whatever is not brought into question. I
personally think the driver stepped WAY out of his league of knowledge.

Your thoughts?????



  #15   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 08:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Yeah, it's self explanatory, so get a life, like that other guy said ...
r yu stewped?

"Get a life" - This from a
If I need the opinion of an asshole, I'll just fart.

  #16   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 08:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Such intelligent answers.... It is NOT self explanatory, as there are
usually exceptions to any law. Get a life? Stewped? WOW, I'm impressed.
Such intelligent answers. How about providing some factual answers. Must
be bus drivers like the one this person ran into. Scanners are sold to
be used. So, tell me, if YOU with the intelligent responses are "truly"
scanner users - were told you weren't allowed to be in possession of
your scanners in certain situations, you would just say "Oh, OK!" and
give up? I doubt it. Thanks for the help thus far. Sure hope you're as
fortunate when you need it.


All righty - I'll try to break it down for ya.
Busses are considered a form of mobile transportation so .....
If you use a scanner on a bus, you are using a scanner mobily, which is
prohibited by law.
You can argue technicalities until your blue in the face, but that won't stop
a judge who goes by the letter of the law from confiscating your scanner, and
imposing fines.
And yes, the same would apply to a taxi,trolly or train - And even a bicycle.

  #17   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 08:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Mark wrote in

On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 16:56:30 GMT, "Cat" wrote:

We're not all goody-two-shoes types, in fact, I know of a guy that USED
to post stuff in this NG who was just the opposite, he used scanners to
beat the cops regularly

Many states do have laws that say it's illegal to be in possession of a
scanner during the furtherance of a crime. Even states who have no
other scanner laws tend to like this one.

I certainly have no problem with laws that target criminals anyway.

I do have a problem with laws that prevent law abiding citizens from
listening to whatever they want while in their car.

I suppose part of the intent of the law is just the opposite of stopping
people from evading the law - To stop curious law abiding citizens from
flooding crime scenes and attempting to interpose themselves into dangerous
I did just that once when I first started scanning when there was a DEA
surveillence going on a couple miles from my house.
I went driving around to see if "S 1 " might be somebody I know and to see
how well the agents were covered.
I quickly decided that wasn't the brightest thing I ever did, and returned
home to listen, never to do it again.
I need my scanner mobilly only when going to air shows, so I transport it in
my trunk till I get to my destination, then pop it out and scan away.

  #18   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 09:43 PM
Posts: n/a

"T-bone" wrote in message

Such intelligent answers.... It is NOT self explanatory, as there are
usually exceptions to any law. Get a life? Stewped? WOW, I'm impressed.
Such intelligent answers. How about providing some factual answers. Must
be bus drivers like the one this person ran into. Scanners are sold to
be used. So, tell me, if YOU with the intelligent responses are "truly"
scanner users - were told you weren't allowed to be in possession of
your scanners in certain situations, you would just say "Oh, OK!" and
give up? I doubt it. Thanks for the help thus far. Sure hope you're as
fortunate when you need it.


All righty - I'll try to break it down for ya.
Busses are considered a form of mobile transportation so .....
If you use a scanner on a bus, you are using a scanner mobily, which is
prohibited by law.
You can argue technicalities until your blue in the face, but that won't
a judge who goes by the letter of the law from confiscating your scanner,
imposing fines.
And yes, the same would apply to a taxi,trolly or train - And even a

Ah, but ya see, in PA there is NO scanner law that I'm aware of - unless
one is in the works which again, I've not heard of... SO - I'm looking to
see if there are any "transit" issues relating to scanner use onboard - not
counting the fact headphones must be used to prevent disturbing others. So,
that statement doesn't apply to ALL. So, no - you've not broken anything
down. This driver made a statement, I want to see what others have
experienced to either back his claim or put a hole in his balloon in so far
as his claims (not for evidence). I still say he was off base. Airlines
don't allow them. I know that - due to RF issues mainly. Buses do not have
that issue. There are no "Transit" laws that I'm aware of that prohibits
scanner use (even with headphones) which is what I was asking if others had
similar problems - in states with or without Mobile Scanner laws. I can
understand they stop cars/trucks to check things out. Rarely if ever have I
heard of a bus being stopped to check all "passengers" for such items.
Perhaps you can argue the states with the Mobile Scanning laws, it would
apply.. Cool, I can accept that. But in those with no laws, sorry - it
doesn't wash. They have no basis for which to make such policies.


  #19   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 09:59 PM
Posts: n/a

"Lou" wrote in

"T-bone" wrote in message

Such intelligent answers.... It is NOT self explanatory, as there are
usually exceptions to any law. Get a life? Stewped? WOW, I'm
impressed. Such intelligent answers. How about providing some factual
answers. Must be bus drivers like the one this person ran into.
Scanners are sold to be used. So, tell me, if YOU with the intelligent
responses are "truly" scanner users - were told you weren't allowed to
be in possession of your scanners in certain situations, you would
just say "Oh, OK!" and give up? I doubt it. Thanks for the help thus
far. Sure hope you're as fortunate when you need it.


All righty - I'll try to break it down for ya.
Busses are considered a form of mobile transportation so .....
If you use a scanner on a bus, you are using a scanner mobily, which is
prohibited by law.
You can argue technicalities until your blue in the face, but that
won't stop
a judge who goes by the letter of the law from confiscating your
scanner, and
imposing fines.
And yes, the same would apply to a taxi,trolly or train - And even a

Ah, but ya see, in PA there is NO scanner law that I'm aware of -
one is in the works which again, I've not heard of... SO - I'm looking
to see if there are any "transit" issues relating to scanner use onboard
- not counting the fact headphones must be used to prevent disturbing
others. So, that statement doesn't apply to ALL. So, no - you've not
broken anything down. This driver made a statement, I want to see what
others have experienced to either back his claim or put a hole in his
balloon in so far as his claims (not for evidence). I still say he was
off base. Airlines don't allow them. I know that - due to RF issues
mainly. Buses do not have that issue. There are no "Transit" laws that
I'm aware of that prohibits scanner use (even with headphones) which is
what I was asking if others had similar problems - in states with or
without Mobile Scanner laws. I can understand they stop cars/trucks to
check things out. Rarely if ever have I heard of a bus being stopped to
check all "passengers" for such items. Perhaps you can argue the states
with the Mobile Scanning laws, it would apply.. Cool, I can accept that.
But in those with no laws, sorry - it doesn't wash. They have no basis
for which to make such policies.


Well then if mobile use of a scanner is not illegal in PA, your likely in
the clear.
I have no interest in scanning laws in PA.
I'd suggest you call the transit authority to get a definitive answer.

  #20   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 05, 10:24 PM
Posts: n/a

"T-bone" wrote in message
"Lou" wrote in

"T-bone" wrote in message

Well then if mobile use of a scanner is not illegal in PA, your likely in
the clear.
I have no interest in scanning laws in PA.
I'd suggest you call the transit authority to get a definitive answer.

With all due respect, now we're getting some where. Still puts me back to
the original question. I probably should have asked it in this way before -
Has anyone else had similar problems aboard transit systems - with or
without the applicable scanner laws. One or two have already given their
experiences. I guess those who do not reply on mass transit could really
give a **** less what the rules/laws/policies may be. Strange. I've seen
this issue debated up the ass about airplanes, but never buses or such.

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