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Greetings. Hope this formats ok.
I was taking a shower this morning and I slipped and I fell and I hit my head on the tub. I hit it pretty hard too and I think I must have been lying there for quite a while. Ya see, I missed church I was lying there so long. Mass was at 10 o'clock this morning and I'm fairly certain I woke up at 6 am. I have this little Degen DE1103 shortwave radio with a built in alarm clock that wakes me up everyday at the same time. 6 am. When I finally woke up I had a splitting headach, probably the worse one I ever had in my whole life, and these visions of potatos wrapped in tin foil and cooking on the manifold of my battleship grey 1986 Dodge D100 pickup truck. Hell, if I had a pistol in my hand I probably woulda stuck that thing in my mouth and let one rip just to get rid of that doggone headache. Anyway, trucks got one of those slant six motors that everybody says'll go a million miles. So with that slant six there is only one exhaust manifold. It's kinda stuck up there near the top of the motor with the intake manifold. Ya following me so far? This truck here I'm speaking of - it's not all battleship grey. A lot of it is, but there still remains most of the passenger side to paint which is still the color it was when I got it from Linda Brown. A darker flavor of grey, quite a bit darker. Linda Brown works over in the accounting department where I work. Anyway back to... Oh, sorry, sorry, the truck, one thing I wanted to tell ya., it's not really battleship grey either. It's some color that looks an awful lot like battleship grey. I know this because I used to paint large navy vessels. I was a sonarman, but when I got busted for smoking dope they made me a Bosn'mate. Later on they changed their mind and let me back into the sonar gang, but when I got busted for dope the second time with an ounce of hashish they made me a deck ape again and told me that was final. Bosn'mates take care of painting the ship, tying knots, keeping things looking good, driving the ship and standing lookout watches and so forth. They're REAL sailors. Not those sailors that hang inside drinking coffee and refusing to step into the daylight at the first sign of a cloud in the sky. Anyway, like I said, I know battleship grey. So there I was laying half in the tub and half on the floor with this splitting headache and these visions of potatoes cooking up on the exhaust manifold dancing thru my skull. I dragged myself outta the tub and got dressed and went down to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. My wife, her name is Megan and I really really like her a lot, she bought me some of those coffee bags to make my coffee, and let me tell you, I really like them. Plenty strong enough and real easy to deal with. Just like a tea bag - ya know what I mean?? Megan got em for me cause I'm going on this cross country MW DXpedition. I'm going to try and log as many little1kw and smaller AM broadcast radio stations as I can on the way out to California. I figure I'll head out to St Louis and take a left and head down old Rt 66. Now Rt 66 is a little difficult to find these days. A lot of it is gone, so when you go down Rt 66 you might not be really going down Rt 66. Sometimes you are, but other times you aren't. So you really need a good set of maps to get yourself down there. I got some in the mail a few weeks ago. I ordered them from some guy on the world wide web. I ordered them on a Sunday, he popped em in the mail on Monday and I had them by Friday. I paid good money for these things, but you gotta have em. So I go outside with my coffee and I look up at the sky and it aint lookin so hot. I'm supposed to be painting the truck but it looks like rain. So I open the hood up on the truck and damn if it doesn't look an awful lot like what I was seeing in those visions that I was suffering from the bump on my head. Back in the house for some tinfoil and a potato. So I get this nice big spud all wrapped up and shove it between two of the intake manifold pipes. One of the exhaust pipes is directly under the potato so I'm thinking this thing is gonna cook up nice. I close the hood and get to work on the inside compartment. Today I gotta get all the electronics situated. I'm taking this old pickup all the way out to California next week, so I'm going to have to keep myself occupied. I'll probably end up spending about 100 hours in that cabin over the next couple of weeks and no one can be expected to just listen to an AM radio for that long. And as far as concentrating on driving - you can only take that so far too. Ya following me here? So I picked up some little connectors called power poles. They're little red and black do-dads that you can stick on a wire and if your other wire has one you can stick em together and make a electrical connection. I bought em at a ham radio event a few weeks back. They're colored cause you don't want to mix up the positive and negative polartities when your messing with car batteries. I got another story about a base cop in Pearl Harbor, some beer, some good dope, and a battery hooked up backwards that you may find really really funny. If you get me high someday I'll tell you the story. I don't get high very often anymore, but if you show up with a joint I'll help ya smoke it. So I got this Little Degen DE1103 radio I told you about. It's a really nice little radio but the audio sucks if you don't use headphones. So this guy in work turns me on to some amplified speakers that run off a wall wart. I've been using them down in my ham radio shack to listen to an Icom R-75 receiver. An R75 is a nice little radio, but it has it's own set of quirks. Audio sucks like the worse thing I ever heard and the sync detector doesn't work for ****, but there are some mods that'll make the thing work nice. Even all modded up it still ain't no Drake R8B. I needed some cash so I sold the Drake. Hey, wait a minute here. I'm listening to Timtron here and I know he's on Saturday night. No wonder I didn't find anybody at church today, it's Saturday. Mass is tomorrow. Great! So I sold the Drake because the wife needed a kidney transplant and had been bugging me for a long long time about it. Ya know how girls can get. They get something in their head and they never stop. Yackity yak yak yak. Nothing a good brain transplant wouldn't take care of - so I'll probably have to sell another radio soon. So I finally gave in and sold the Drake - I hope she likes her new kidney. So I open up these little amplified speakers Randy gave me and do a little re-wire job and stick some power poles on it and away I go. I stick it on my battery eliminator and plug the Degen DE1103 into them babies and now we got something we can listen to. So I velcro-ed the speakers to the dash. I'll probably stick some velcro on top of my cap on the back of my truck for when I get to the campsite each day. My daughter Robin is going to paint an American flag on top of the cap for me tomorrow to let them big rig drivers know I'm just like them. Snatch the speakers off the dash and plop em down on the cap and I got music to pitch a tent by. Not that the tent is going to take any time to get put up. You put up a tent lately? I swear the tents they're selling these days can almost set themselves up. Gotta get em lashed down good though cause they'll take off like a tumbleweed if ya turn your back on em. Now I got this Yeasu 2meter ham radio that I'm going to bring along and a CB radio too. So I need to make all these connections. I got a cell phone charger to bring too and this same dude Randy that gave me the amplified speakers gave me a radar detector to bring too. I think I'll give him the radar detector back. I don't like driving fast anyway. Especially when somebody is tailgating me. I slow way down and try to maintain two seconds between vehicles when I get a tailgater on my ass. I especially like making right turns when a tailgater is on my ass. I slow way way down and almost stop when I make a right turn. So far nobody has hit me but they usually flip me off or start yelling F**K YOU or something like that. Heheh, one day one of those spincters is going to run into me and finance my retirement. Nothing fancy, just a small place on a hill top with some big antennas and a big metal barn that I can paint cars in. So I made up this piece of plywood with a bunch of fuses and powerpoles stuck to it and so forth to plug all this stuff into. And then I get the CB radio antenna and the 2m ham radio antennas stuck on and I'm good to go. I was gonna head on up the hill by the highway and see how the radio works on ch 19. That's the trucker channel, but I don't know if they even like talking to people who don't drive big rigs. I kinda ran out of time so I didn't get the CB checked out. The little Degen DE1103 does a nice job even with the whip antenna laying inside the truck across the dash. I'll try and get something rigged up a little better for an antenna. Maybe I'll try and get the regular outside radio antenna hooked into the Degen. I think the automakers still put these connectors on their antennas that wont connect to anything but a car radio. I have a AM/FM radio in the dash, but AM doesn't work at all, and FM kinda sucks too. I like to listen to Christan rock music on the Klove radio network, so I really need FM. I like the classic rock too so I'll just mix it up as I go along. I don't think Classic rock will get you to heaven though. I had this Catholic priest told me one time that it really didn't matter what you did here on earth. He said as long as you listened to Christian music and hung up some of those "I Love Jesus" air fresheners in every one of your cars there was no way you would go to HELL. I'm not too sure I'm going for that though and I think I'll behave myself just in case, and besides, I think that priest may have had some issues with behavior himself. So after I get the electronics pretty much situated I'm off to Wal-Mart for some supplies. I really like Wal-Mart cause them left winger tax and spend liberals don't like em for some reason. Some kinda big news today that Wal-mart is going to be selling prescription drugs at reduced rates to help people out so the left wingers will be eating some more **** over that. They seem to be eating lots of **** lately, so I guess maybe they've developed some kinda taste for it. Got some paint and stars for the cap at Wallyworld and then over to the auto parts store for some window tint and a just in case bottle of stop leak for the radiator. I don't really like people looking at me so the tint will keep em wondering. I got some issues with paranoia myself and better not to have people looking at me. I'll stick some Harley decals on the back widow in the cap. I ride a nice Black Anniversary Softail so I'm ok with sticking the Harley decals on the truck. I got a skull and crossbone flag that I'm going to fly on the antenna and maybe a sign that says "GOT GUN?" on it along with some NRA stickers. I got a big knife to hang on my belt and a black eyepatch too for when I go into Waffle House. Thge eye patch was a good find by my daughter. Good thing it's close to Halloween. Heheh, a guy would have to be a madman to want to mess with me. I think I'll bring a baseball bat and a glove to make the bat legal. We don't have any Waffle House restaraunts around here. I'm going to hit the one in Chambersburg, Pa for sure. On the way home I stopped over to the Salvation Army for a small pot and some Bar-B-Que tools and then back home. Up here in New England we call em Cook Outs. I really like going over to the Salvation Army. The prices are good and the people that work there are very nice. I'm going to abandon this truck and everything in it cept for the radios. when I get to the left coast so I can't see sinking a lot of money into camping supplies. I'll probably try and find some migrant Mexican worker who needs a truck and just hand it over. Jesus told me if I give the truck away when I get to Pacific side he will make sure I have a safe journey. I really like that Jesus too. I got no idea why I'm painting it except I don't want everyone I meet across America to think I'm TTT - total trailer trash. Also some Jose who gets the truck maybe happier if his truck has a nice paint job on it. One thing I reeeally reeeally hate is Mexicans thinking they can just waltz in here and start picking fruit and vegatables on a whim. I once said we should break out the weapons and leave piles of dead Mexicans on the border. Or invite em in and make real Mexican tacos out of em if you know what I mean. Perhaps set up machine guns on the border that people could access over teh internet with credit cards. That line of thinking is a little extream and I want to make a public apology for even saying it. The fault is with Clinton and Bush and the gov't, not the poor Mexican trying to make a better life for his children. There is a large and growing faction of Mexicano Pistoleros who are involved with drug trafficing that presents a totally different problem. I think we should reak out the weapons and leave piles of dead Mexican Pistoleros on the border. You can see the difficult years on the faces of the shoppers over there at the SA - Salvation Army.. You just know they have quite a struggle to eek a living out. I prey that Jesus will watch over those nice people. Heheh, the lady in front of me at the check-out line pulled a visa card out and charged almost 100 bucks for clothes for her kid. As I was walking out of the store I could see her pull out of the parking lot in a brand new SUV. The wife was home when I got there and we went over to the local antique mall for a small wood box I'm trying to locate. I build these big antennas called loops and they have a tuning capacitor mechanism that gets hooked into the thing. I'm going to take a few loops with me on my journey, but only one tuning mechanism, and I want to stick it in a nice box if I can find one. Some Anal Orafice that lives around the corner from me is on my ass when I'm heading over to the antique mall. I gotta slow way way down to make a left turn. Nobody in sight except the bunghole behind me. The wife giggles and tells me he had a scowl on his face and didn't look too happy going by me. That douche bag needs to eat some bumper. Couldn't find the exact box I needed so I told my wife she needs to build a woodshop in the extra room in the basement. I got my electronic workshop, ham radio shack, and weight lifting room tying up the rest of the basment, but there is enough room left for a nice little shop for her to do wood crafts. I think I will make it a point to make sure she gets all set up there when I get back. She deserves a nice space to do what she likes. And I need a place and a somebody to refinish old radio cabinets, so I'm all for a nice little shop over there. Hell, I got her that damn kidney transplant so I figure she can pimp out a few radio boxes for me. Did see a nice radio over there at Biz's father's booth in the antique mall. Damn if I can remember the name or model of that radio though. Biz is the cutest little button of a girl you could ever meet. A real peanut. She used to work for my wife at the Sir Charles Hallmark store before she went off to college. And her parent's are very very nice as well. If ya ever feel the need to clone some people then these'd be the ones. So when we get home the sun is peeking out so I grab a quart of my Rustoleum Battleship Grey equivalent, and a small 4" roller with a 3/16" pile and get to work on the driver side. My compressor broke down so I figured I'd give the roller topology a try. I sanded and rubbed out the hood last week and you would have a hard time telling it was done with a roller. Got to reduce it 20% or so so it lays down nice and make sure it's cool when you do roll it. I get the thing about rolled out and I have to pop open the hood to get the top of the fender without painting the hood, which I painted last week, and what do you think I see? The shiny foil gets my attention and I pull that potato out. I head into the kitchen and cut that baby open. I slobbered some butter on that baby and let me tell you that was one of the best doggone baked potaters I ever had. It wasn't cooked 100%, but I ate the 3/4 of that spud that was cooked all the way through with a big **** eating grin on my face. I'll be cooking manifold potatos all across America starting next week. 73 NEO |
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