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  #51   Report Post  
Old February 22nd 07, 09:58 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror (them klintoons)

I remember seeing Impeached nixon too,on tv,standing on that wall in
China,opening up China to America.

  #52   Report Post  
Old February 22nd 07, 10:01 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror A woman who retired from a Hospital in Arlington,Texas,I
think she used ISP.I can go check right quick,I still have
some of her old emails to me.She passed away a few years ago at only
fifty years young,cancer.

  #53   Report Post  
Old February 22nd 07, 10:05 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror

Yep, Glenda Lynn Titus,Texas.You want I should email a photo of
her to you,tack?

  #54   Report Post  
Old February 22nd 07, 10:06 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 13
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror


In article . com,
"tack" wrote:

On Feb 21, 7:35 pm, Moonlight Mile

In article ,

dxAce wrote:
Moonlight Mile wrote:


In article ,


September 11,2001 NavExpress. blackday 911
The WAR on TERROR is Definetly LEGAL.

The, the "war" that "terrorists" fight _against_ the U.S. is also
after all, fighting them in their countries.

The U.S. has not declared war since WWII, but we have invaded and/or
oblivion many countries. Undeclared wars are illegal. U.S. foreign
is why
the terrorists fight against us.


NON-EXISTENCE! Other than that, you have no quibbles or major criticisms
regarding my post? Excellent.

Google on "Daisy-cutter", "phosphorus bomb", "napalm", and "cluster bomb".
turns out that we can't build very good cars anymore, but we are very
clever and
adept at building hi-tech weapons which kill many people indiscriminately.
we no longer have to look them in the eye while we kill them in enormous
numbers. For recreation, you can also read a book by William Blum called
State: A Guide To The World's Only Superpower". It's not very well
IMO, but it gets the basic idea across. I couldn't believe much of what is
that book, but Blum documents U.S. misdeeds quite well. And I lived in the
area for 20 years, had access to a very good newspaper and watched news and
political talk shows as often as possible. Blum tells the truth. Sadly, U.S
foreign policy is the problem, not terrorists.

T.E. Lawrence responded, when asked why men go to war, with "because the
are watching". Insightful!

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any misspellings in any of my posts.


Bush is an idiot and/or psychotic (delusional and out of touch with
reality). No
responsible person supported the recent and ongoing "surge", which is
an escalation of hostilities by the U.S. And "NO"! We never intended to
from Afghanistan or Iraq. We've built permanent and very large
in both countries and we are there to stay.


"The first casuality of war is truth!"- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Hello, Moonlite Mile.
I believe in critical thought. Every idea must me examined in minute
detail, from every possible angle. Nothing is out of bounds, there
are no sacred cows.
You are attacking the US. Now tell us about America's greatness. Let
us know what is good about the US. What are our strengths. What is
our virtues.

Well, you caught me. Our strengths, other than military and which is hardly
virtuous, are very difficult to find. Virtues? I'm drawing a blank on this also.
The American people are, as a group, selfish, self-absorbed, narcissistic,
arrogant and ignorant. Most simply haven't a clue. Belief in God and strong
religious beliefs are not the solution, they _are the problem_.

The people who were the driving force behind the Revolutionary War ( you know,
against the British ) were mostly wealthy white slave-owners who thought that
all men, except black men and any other ethnic group they chose to exclude, were
equal. These wealthy men simply did not want to pay taxes to Britain, though
most of the cost of the French and Indian Wars as well as the protection from
pirates, etc. of ships to/from the colonies was borne by Britain. Less than 1/3
of the population in the colonies favored war with Britain. After the
revolutionary war, we had Shays' Rebellion after the debt from the Revolutionary
War ultimately trickled down to individuals, in large part to small farmers.
Failure to repay such debts often resulted in imprisonment in debtor's prisons.
You may have seen the movie called "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson starring
as...well, Mel Gibson. In that movie, blacks were offered freedom if they fought
with the colonists for 6 months. The is NOT true. It was the British who made
that offer, and they kept their word, maybe, kinda, a little, sometimes.

Manifest Destiny was America's policy for justifying the taking land that did
not belong to us. American Indians were slaughtered and every treaty we made
with them was broken by white folk. Oh, as a pleasant aside, slavery continued.

The Louisiana Purchase was a "make them an offer they can't refuse" kind of
deal. Sell it to us at the price we will pay or we will take it.

Then there was the was of 1812, a war that lasted two years. The United States
declared War on Great Britain on June 12, 1812.

The majority of Mexicans believe that the Southwest Territories still _belong_
to Mexico. They are correct. Don't even get the idea that Mexicans and people of
South America love the U.S. They hate us for what we've done to them (esp. after
1950). They come here because we control the wealth.

Various skirmishes throughout the 1800s with the badly outnumbered and
ill-equipped American Indians--we we quite happy to attack villages and kill
very man, woman and child in an Indian village.

The American Civil War was fought over the cultural and economic differences
between north and south. The purpose was not to end slavery, though it did have
that effect. It did not give backs civil rights, but they were amongst the
oppressed "free".

Then there was The Spanish American War, starting in 1898. The U.S. was involved
simply because we hoped to benefit from it. This was not an altruistic endeavor.

I have no doubt that I've missed many mini-wars, battles, skirmishes, etc. up
until this point. BUT THE PATTERN HAS ALREADY EMERGED..the U.S. goes to war
simply to get what it wants. Diplomacy is not an option.

WWI? I have no idea why we got involved but I have no doubt that it was reasons
of self-aggrandizement. In 1918, the U.S. had between 10,000 and 15,000 soldiers
in Russia, our ally in WWI. Russia was trying to put itself back together after
crushing wars: WWI and a Civil War. We had allies and we kindly and gently
slaughtered Red Soviets as best we could, but we still lost. In this endeavor,
we were the terroists.

What went on between WWI and WWII. Hell? I don't know. I suppose the depression
was a great distraction, but I'd be very surprised if the U.S. was not busy
battering and attempting to economically take over various South American
countries. The U.S. and U.S. companies do not negoiate treaties or agreements
with other countries that do not disproportionately benefit the U.S. Like I said
the pattern had been established. The U.S. had become a terrorist nation.

Well WWII. We and our "allies", excepting Russia, stood by while Russia fought
Nazi Germany mostly on its own. Churchill said, more or less, less the Germans
kill as many Russians as possible, let the Russians kill as many Germans as
possible, but we can't let the Germans win. Eventually the western powers got
dragged into WWII, but it took Pearl Harbor and the Japan/Germany alliance to
get the interest of the U.S. Russia suffered as no other country. The best
estimate for loss of lives in Russia stands at about 17 million people...they
starved, froze, died in battle, were murdered. They nearly lost, but they kept
fighting. By comparison, the western front was a picnic. Is it any wonder that
the Soviet Union was created, that territories they captured were held by them.
They suffered horrific losses in WWI and WWII, not just lives but lives that
would have been and their infra-structure. At the end of WWII, the U.S. started
fighting with _Japanese_ soldiers as allies [weren't we fighting against the
Japanese in WWII] in China against Chinese Communists, our allies in WWII who
did a lot to support us including the rescue of American pilots downed in China
during WWII...their wounds were treated and they were returned to us and The
Communists would accept no reward. After WWII, we supported the Chinese
Nationalists, who did nothing to help us in WWII.

The Tokyo fire bombings were horrendous. The Hydrogen bombs were unnecessary
since Japan had been trying to surrender for some time. The H-bombs were dropped
to intimidate Russia, not out of necessity to win the war.

The short story is that the U.S. turned on our own allies after WWI and WII
simply because they were Communist. There system of government and economics
were different from ours and we couldn't permit that. We started the Cold War.
We may think we have won the Cold War and that we've reached "the end of
history" as some moron put it.

After WWII. I'm getting tired. But I'll add some more.

Undeclared wars ( the only kind ) after WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Haiti, Grenada,
Panama, Iraq I ( immediately after we told Iraq we had no interest in Arab-Arab
conflicts--April Glaspie, James Baker ), Afghanistan, Iraq II. Is Iran and/or
North Korea next? Stay tuned! it's well past time for all the peoples of
Afghanistan and Iraq, men, women and children to attack every possible American
or coalition soldier. Many will die, but they will be rid of "the great satan",
the cancer that infests this planet.

Ronald Wilson Reagon ( 666 because each name had 6 letters, was the Anti-
Christ--hey, I don't make the rules. Google on "666". George W. Bush. Both men
with serious, dangerous mental disorders. Both were or are delusional and out of
touch with reality. Reagan had the Iran-Contra scandal and should have been
impeached. PLanes went down to Central America with weapons and money; flew back
with cocaine. Oliver North's diary shows that he knew about this. I'm not
anti-drug ( I'm neutral on drugs ), but if I have to live with insane anti-drug
laws, I think the CIA, Oliver North, and other government agencies have to live
with them as well. I would go to jail; Oliver North is a hero for the
conservatives and walks away a millionaire for breaking laws and far worse
behavior than I would be allowed. I'll point out that the technology for, if not
the actual chemical and biological weapons used by Iraq against Kurds, Shiites,
and Iran's soldiers were sold by private U.S. countries with U.S. Dept. of
Commerce approval. And we knew damn well how those weapons were going to be
used. READ BLUM'S BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right wing death squads in Central and South America; trained at the School of
The Americas in the U.S. in the fine arts of torture, subversion, destruction.
The U.S. funds them as well.

Look. I have a lot more material. You could find this information yourself. That
you don't know any of this suggests that you are a lazy ****-ant who does not
deserve the right to vote.

Religion=ignorance! Belief in God = Mental Disorder! The most religious
developed country in the world beset by the highest incidence of social problems
and most types of criminal activity of any developed country in the world. And
we have the highest incarceration rate of _any_ country in the world. We are not
free. We are not noble. We are not virtuous. But, we keep over-spending on the
military so we don't have to be free, virtuous or noble.

Noriega (Panama) and Saddam (Iraq) met the same fate as any other of our allies
who have outlived their usefulness and become ( too much of ) an embarrassment
to the U.S.

Do your own research!

Holy smokes! I've read other posts in this thread and it seems I'm amongst
people much like me...anarchists! And in the NG. Bet you've
all been listening to radio Havana--I do. Occasionally, I get SW from Moscow and
Japan. Too bad Al-Jazeera can't get on broadcast AM here in the states. So much
for "freedom of speech"! A-J audio and perhaps video is on the Internet I think.
Still have to ground my antenna. Soon!


DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any misspellings or grammatical errors in
any of my posts, e-mails, or discussions.

P.S. I request that, as a courtesy, any responses containing parts or all of my
posts have the "X-No-Archive:" in the first line to avoid permanent archiving.

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a
chance to get its pants on." -Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
  #55   Report Post  
Old February 22nd 07, 10:51 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror

I emailed a photo to tack1.That's all the photo(s) I will send.

  #56   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 12:18 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 41
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror

On Feb 22, 3:51 pm, wrote:
I emailed a photo to tack1.That's all the photo(s) I will send.

That's cool. I'll check.

Yes, I got the photo. She died too young. What kind of cancer?

  #57   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 12:39 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 41
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror

On Feb 22, 5:18 pm, "tack" wrote:
On Feb 22, 3:51 pm, wrote:

I emailed a photo to tack1.That's all the photo(s) I will send.

That's cool. I'll check.

Yes, I got the photo. She died too young. What kind of cancer?

Moonlight Mile sent another diatribe. I did not read it, except for
the first paragraph and the last. Too distressing for me to read the
writings of fools and nuts. I will no longer read nor respond to him
or David. David is unwise, but Mile is a nutjob. It would be well if
you and DXace and all others ignore them; maybe they'll go away. I do
not participate in these groups to find kooks, flakes, and haters. I
took history in college, and enjoyed it. Made excellent grades.
History is important, it should be studied carefully, but very rarely
is. Something I noticed in American history is that the country
should not be here. From the beginning and through every period of
American history, we've overcome pitfall after pitfall, beat all the
odds. The odds are overwhelming that we still exist, and exist with
so much power. Like Paul Harvey said, we have only 5% of the worlds
population, but half of all its good things. I firmly believe the
hand of Providence is in it. There is so much that should've gone
wrong; a benevolent first president that could have become king, but
guided a young Republic. The first of Presidential elections went
with a smooth transition of power (there was much enmity between
parties involved) which never occurred before in history. And on and
on and on.

Something else I learned: Judge past historical players NOT by your
own standards, or the present day standards. They must be judged by
the standards of the period, and of their PEERS. When they lived, the
future did not exist! No brainer, ha.
Too easy to fall into the hindsight trap. The US had many faults and
did some bad things, but the only proper way to judge her is by
comparing her to other peoples and nations during the relevant periods.

  #58   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 01:00 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror

I don't know what kind of cancer.She once sent me a few photos via snail
mail of her in her kitchen and a lady standing by her wheelchair,she was
hooked up to some kind of a machine and her head was bald.Some other
pictures of her house and her two little doggys.She used to own a
beautifull red mare Horse and sometimes on the weekends she would go
riding.She once said her Horse threw her and damn near killed her.I used
to get in a Cork,Ireland,Examiner online newspaper chatroom (I think
they closed that chatroom down) and usually she would be in there too.

  #59   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 01:33 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror

I studied some History too.I also get History Net email newsletters at
one of my other webtv usernames. abraham lincoln: Tyrant,Hypocrite,or Consummate
(He was a Traitor)


  #60   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 03:03 AM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,494
Default (OT) : Canadians Partners in The-War-on-Terror

In article
Moonlight Mile wrote:

Snip all

Another half wit posting insane political crap.


Ventura, California
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