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On Apr 8, 3:53*am, "RHF" wrote:
For One and All, Do-It-Yourself - Build and FM Loop Antenna Project -and- Works for both Analog or Digital FM Radio Broadcasting FM LOOP =http://www.wryr.org/Antenna_instruct.../message/12886 Basically a Square "Quad" Loop Antenna design a little under Three Foot (36") on the Side : FM QUAD =http://www.wryr.org/Antenna_instructions.pdf Single Turn Hook-Up Wire Antenna Element 300 Ohm TV type Twin Lead feed-in-line Simple "X" Diagonal Wooden Frame Mount it In-Doors either : Flat Horizontally for all-a-round Omni-Directional FM Radio Reception. On-the-Edge Vertically for Point-and-Shoot FM Radio Reception. PLUS - If you can not have an Out-Side External Antenna for your Shortwave Radio -and- You need and Antenna that you can Store and put away when you are not using the Shortwave Radio : Then this simple Loop Antenna can be used with some success to Listen In-Doors and Position the Loop Antenna Element to Null-Out some of the Noise within your House. *Lays Flat and [Hides] nicely behind a Desk, Bookcase or Curtains when not in use. SWL LOOP =http://www.wryr.org/Antenna_instructions.pdf NOTE - These small Single Turn Loop Antennas usually work best with the HI-Z {500 Ohm} Terminals found on most Shortwave Radios. from fm to shortwave it's doable - iane ~ RHF {pomkia} *. Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas Group =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf GoTo =http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ The SWL Antenna Discussion Group =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna HELP =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna NEWS =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna INFO =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf * * * All Are Welcome : Including ELMERS and 'Want-to-be-Elmers' plus plain old "Mister-Know-It-Alls"; and even those Newbees with "I Know This Is A Really Dumb Question - But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " *. The Shortwave Listener's Blessing : SWL BLESSING =http://tinyurl.com/s2bjm May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always have Strong Signals and Noise Free Reception ~ RHF {ibid}http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/9233 *. Tous Sont Bienvenus ! - - - Groupe par Radio d'auditeur d'onde courte pour des Antennes de SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ *. Alle Sind Willkommen ! - - - Shortwave Radiozuhörer Gruppe für SWL Antennenhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ *. Tutti Sono Benvenuti ! - - - Gruppo Radiofonico dell'ascoltatore di onda corta per le Antenne di SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ *. Todos São Bem-vindos ! - - - Grupo de Rádio do ouvinte do Shortwave para Antenas de SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ *. Все *адушны ! - - - Группа оператора на приеме коротковолнового диапазона Radio для Aнтенн SWLhttp://groups..yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ *. ¡Todos Son Agradables! - - - Grupo de Radio del oyente de la onda corta para las Antenas de SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ *. = = = = Plain Old American-English Translation = = = = All are Welcome - - - To Join the Shortwave Listeners (SWL) Antenna Group on YAHOO !http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ *. *| *| *| / \ .......!....... A MODIFICATION to this Small Loop Antenna for Shortwave Radio {Small Loop Element that is Square Shaped and Under 3-Foot} Listening (SWL) is to use 300 Ohm TV type Twin Lead for the Loop Antenna Element. SHORWAVE QUAD =http://www.wryr.org/Antenna_instructions.pdf Twin {Parallel} Single Turns using 300 Ohm TV type Twin Lead for the Wire Antenna Element for Higher Shortwave Frequencies. -OR- Double {Series} Two Turns using 300 Ohm TV type Twin Lead for the Wire Antenna Element for Lower Shortwave Frequencies. ADD - A Four Terminal Block to make the Switch from Series to Parallel and back as needed. 300 Ohm TV type Twin Lead feed-in-line Simple "X" Diagonal Wooden Frame that's all - iane ~ RHF . . .. . |
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