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![]() The Progressive Caucus http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/g...asp?grpid=6497 is an organization of Members of Congress founded in 1991 by newly-elected House Representative Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont), the former mayor of Burlington and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/gr...asp?grpid=6428 which describes itself as "the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International." As of April 2007, the Progressive Caucus included Sanders (who became a U.S. Senator in 2006), Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and 69 members of the House of Representatives, all of them leftist Democrats and almost all in districts heavily gerrymandered to guarantee the re-election of any Democratic Party incumbent, no matter how extreme. On November 11, 1999, the Progressive Caucus drafted its Position Paper on economic inequality. http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=19757 It reads, in part, as follows: "Economic inequality is the result of two and a half decades of government policies and rules governing the economy being tilted in favor of large asset owners at the expense of wage earners. Tax policy, trade policy, monetary policy, government regulations and other rules have reflected this pro-investor bias. We propose the introduction or reintroduction of a package of legislative initiatives that will close America's economic divide and address both income and wealth disparities. . The concentration of wealth is a problem because it distorts our democracy, destabilizes the economy and erodes our social and cultural fabric." In order "to bring new life to the progressive voice in U.S. politics," the Progressive Caucus has worked closely with Progressive Challenge, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies. http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/gr...asp?grpid=6991 Progressive Challenge is a coalition through which the activities and talking points of leftist groups are synchronized and harmonized with one another, producing coordinated, mutually-reinforcing propaganda from some 200 seemingly-unconnected groups. In 2005 the Progressive Caucus crafted its "Progressive Promise" document, http://cpc.lee.house.gov/index.cfm?S... ectionTree=5 which advocates socialized medicine; radical environmentalism; the redistribution of wealth; higher taxes; the elimination of numerous provisions of the Patriot Act; dramatic reductions in the government's intelligence-gathering capabilities; debt relief for poor countries; and the quick withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. These measures, says the Progressive Caucus, would help "re-build U.S. alliances around the world, restore international respect for American power and influence, and reaffirm our nation's constructive engagement in the United Nations and other multilateral organizations." Until 1999 the Progressive Caucus worked in open partnership with Democratic Socialists of America. After the press reported on this link, the connections suddenly vanished from both organizations' websites. As of June 2006, the following Members of Congress belonged to http://bernie.house.gov/pc/members.asp the Progressive Caucus: Neil Abercrombie; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1251 Tammy Baldwin; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1319 Xavier Becerra; Madeleine Z. Bordallo; Corrine Brown; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1249 Sherrod Brown; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1514 Michael Capuano; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1515 Julia Carson; Donna Christensen; William "Lacy" Clay; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1323 Emanuel Cleaver; John Conyers; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1987 Elijah Cummings; Danny Davis; Peter DeFazio; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1314 Rosa DeLauro; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1315 Lane Evans; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1513 Sam Farr; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1512 Chaka Fattah; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1268 Bob Filner; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1317 Barney Frank; Raul Grijalva; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1316 Luis Gutierrez; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1265 Maurice Hinchey; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1762 Jesse Jackson, Jr.; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1758 Sheila Jackson-Lee; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in....asp?indid=981 Stephanie Tubbs Jones; Marcy Kaptur; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1250 Carolyn Kilpatrick; Dennis Kucinich; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in....asp?indid=630 Tom Lantos; Barbara Lee; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in....asp?indid=936 John Lewis; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1302 Ed Markey; Jim McDermott; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1199 James P. McGovern; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1507 Cynthia McKinney; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1508 George Miller; Gwen Moore; Jerrold Nadler; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1986 Eleanor Holmes Norton; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1955 John Olver; Major Owens; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1766 Ed Pastor; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1765 Donald Payne; Nancy Pelosi; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1248 Charles Rangel; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=2085 Bobby Rush; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1198 Bernie Sanders; Jan Schakowsky; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1506 Jose Serrano; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1351 Louise Slaughter; Hilda Solis; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1247 Pete Stark; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1266 Bennie Thompson; John Tierney; Tom Udall; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1318 Nydia Velazquez; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1350 Maxine Waters; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1264 Diane Watson; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1269 Mel Watt; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1267 Henry Waxman; and Lynn Woolsey. http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1148 __________________________________________________ __ The Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) is the premier Maoist party in the United States. Its earliest roots can be traced to June 1, 1962, when, in the immediate aftermath of that year's Sino-Soviet split, approximately fifty members and ex-members of the U.S. Communist Party met at the Hotel Diplomat in New York. Favoring the Chinese brand of Communism over its Russian counterpart, these radicals founded the Progressive Labor Movement (PLM) to promote their political views. By 1966, the several-hundred-strong PLM renamed itself the Progressive Labor Party (PLP), which, at its first convention, decided to join forces with the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/g...asp?grpid=6723 But PLP shunned the counter-culture image of SDS and opposed the latter's calls for student revolution -- urging young people instead to avoid doing anything that would alienate fellow students or their communities. PLP tried unsuccessfully to take over SDS's National Office, thereby pushing SDS even further to the political left -- toward hard-line Maoism. Opposition to PLP tactics led to the formation of yet another Maoist group, the Revolutionary Youth Movement, which eventually split into two factions -- one becoming the notorious terrorist group Weatherman; http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/gr...asp?grpid=6808 the other spawning a 1969 splinter group called the Bay Area Revolutionary Union (co-founded by H. Bruce Franklin, http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=2207 Robert Avakian, http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1177 and Charles Hamilton), which would become the Revolutionary Communist Party in 1974. RCP's "Draft Program" http://revcom.us/margorp/progpart1-e.htm consists of the following major tenets: - "Of all the tyrants and oppressors in the world, there is none that has caused more untold misery and committed more screaming injustices against the people of the world than the rulers of the U.S. This is a country founded on genocide and slavery. . The rulers of the U.S. have plundered and slaughtered their way to the top position within the worldwide system of capitalist-imperialism -- a system of global exploitation, of political and military domination, and of murderous rivalry among the imperialist powers themselves." - "The imperialists in their endless quest to turn everything into a means for private profit, and in their monstrous methods of warfare to enforce and extend their domination . generally wreak havoc on the earth and its resources. . To bring down this system is the urgent need of the world's exploited and oppressed. In the U.S. itself, it is our special challenge and responsibility to make revolution, at the earliest possible time, right within the belly of this most powerful imperialist beast . as part of the world proletarian revolution." - "The ultimate goal and the historic mission of the proletariat is communism, a world in which human beings are no longer divided into classes. . Socialist revolution will put an end to the profit-over-all, expand-or-die insanity of capitalism. . As the crucial first step in this, the new proletarian power will immediately seize and socialize ownership of the major means of production -- that is, convert them into the common property of the people, in the form of state ownership or collective ownership by large groups of working people. The state will also institute socialist economic planning to consciously regulate and guide social production to serve the masses and revolution." RCP considers capitalism the root cause of the world's most destructive social ills, such as: (a) Racism: "The history of the development of capitalism in the U.S. is a history of the most savage oppression of the Black, Native American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Hawaiian, Asian, and other oppressed peoples"; (b) Discrimination Against Immigrants: "Millions of undocumented immigrants live in the shadows of U.S. society without the most basic rights . Entire groups of immigrants, such as Arabs, are scapegoated and demonized, and non-European immigrants generally are targets of racism; and (c) Subjugation of Women: "In the face of the brutal oppression of women and the traditional thinking of thousands of years, the proletariat will make dramatic changes upon coming to power." In RCP's calculus, "revolutionary war" is the only means by which people can ultimately be freed from capitalism's shackles. Says RCP: "Marx once noted that 'Force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with the new.' The old ruling classes have never voluntarily stepped down from power. . Thus the proletariat must overthrow and thoroughly smash and dismantle the bourgeois state. And that requires war. In the words of Mao [Zedong]: 'A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.' War brings with it great bloodshed and destruction, and the proletariat will ultimately abolish war. But this will be done, and can only be done, by abolishing the system of capitalist accumulation and class oppression that constantly gives rise to war." The early to mid-1980s were a time of intense activity for RCP. In the summer of 1983, the organization set up terrorist training camps in Colorado, drawing people from the Iranian Student Association and the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) -- the latter of which is known for its involvement in heroin trafficking. Police have also linked the RCP to heavy-weapons-trafficking endeavors carried out in unison with the Ohio-based "Outlaws" motorcycle gang. In October 1983, RCP tried to sabotage American efforts to deploy Pershing and cruise missiles in Germany. Toward that end, the noted RCP member C. Clark Kissinger led a "World Without Imperialism Contingent" (WWIC) on an eight-week tour of Germany to lay the framework for these efforts. Accompanied by members of Peru's Marxist guerrilla army, the Shining Path, Kissinger and his RCP comrades penetrated Mutlangen U.S. military base in West Germany, where Pershing II intermediate-range missiles were stored. In November of that year, RCP / WWIC members were involved, along with Red Cells and other German anarchist-terrorists, in an assault against Vice President George Bush's caravan during the latter's visit to Krefeld, Germany. Two months thereafter, the RCP newspaper Revolutionary Worker (renamed Revolution in 2005) called for the assassination of President Ronald Reagan. This was approximately the period during which RCP sought to establish alliances with radical environmentalist organizations, as exemplified by its November 22, 1983 joint public meeting with representatives of Greenpeace. http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/gr...asp?grpid=7222 RCP's radical agendas found further expression when the Party sponsored the March 12, 1984 founding conference of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement in London. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/g...asp?grpid=6354 Throughout its history, one of RCP's principal objectives has been to foment civil unrest in the United States. The most notable example of such efforts occurred on April 29, 1992, when RCP members looted and trashed the downtown and government districts of Los Angeles, triggering the infamous Rodney King riots. http://www.jbs.org/visitor/campaigns/sylp/lapd/riot.htm During the days immediately preceding the violence, RCP -- which maintained close ties to the L.A. gangs known as the Crips and the Bloods -- had circulated throughout South Central Los Angeles a leaflet featuring a statement by RCP National Spokesman Carl Dix, http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/i...asp?indid=1178 titled "It's Right To Rebel" -- a quote popularized by Mao Zedong. Encouraged by Dix, RCP activists helped lead the riots that would leave 58 people dead, more than 2,300 people injured, some 5,300 buildings burned, and $1 billion in property damaged or destroyed. On the ten-year anniversary of the rioting, RCP member Joseph Veale fondly recalled the violence http://www.lafire.com/famous_fires/9...0501/2002-0429 _latimes_AnAnniversaryofSadness-Richardson.htm as "the most beautiful, the most heroic civil action in the history of the United States." Robert Avakian http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/i...asp?indid=1177 is RCP's Founder and current "Chairman-in-Exile." As a result of 1981 criminal indictments issued against him and several other RCP leaders for their break-in to White House grounds during a presidential ceremony, Avakian and his cohorts fled to Paris, where they have been living ever since. From his Parisian base, Avakian continues to agitate for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. RCP National Council member C. Clark Kissinger http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/in...asp?indid=1386 in 1987 founded the group Refuse & Resist http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/gr...asp?grpid=6165 to serve as a recruiting office for RCP. More recently, he created the organizations Not In Our Name http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/gr...asp?grpid=6163 and World Can't Wait. http://www.discoverthenetwork.org/gr...asp?grpid=7213 In late 2005, RCP launched its Revolutionary Communist Speaking Tour, designed to "build a communist movement among the people locked on the bottom of society in the current era of Bu****e Christian-fascism." The organization further disseminates its message via literature that is distributed by Revolution Books, which operates a number of stores nationally. Today RCP maintains offices in sixteen U.S. metropolitan areas: Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco/Berkeley, Washington, Miami, Atlanta, Honolulu, Baltimore, Cambridge/Boston, Detroit, New York City, Cleveland, Portland [Oregon], Philadelphia, Houston, and Seattle. It is also active in Western Europe, particularly in France, Germany, and England. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/g...asp?grpid=6197 |
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Grapevine,,, them divorced wimmins next door to me,,, they are gay,,,
they won't even throw me a bone.Paul Ding was Right about them. cuhulin |
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Girls,,,, Hansom Larry, Jackson,Mississippi,United States of America.
cuhulin |
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m II,what your Canadian (I don't hate Canada,, I have a few Canadian
wimmin friends) problem is,,, you are having a coniption fit all the time. cuhulin |
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You think I am going to click on all of those links? You wasted a
hundred million miles of computer band space. cuhulin |
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