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  #12   Report Post  
Old April 24th 07, 05:10 AM posted to,sci.environment
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Default Wolfowitz Not Fit for Leadership

Wolfowitz Not Fit for Leadership
By Michael S. Woodson | bio

How long does it take to accept a crystal clear reality: Paul
Wolfowitz is not a leader, but someone better suited for a
professional data crunching job in which he is not a policymaker,
analyst or decision maker.

At the Department of Defense and at the World Bank, Mr. Wolfowitz had
proven himself to be a bright man but a poor leader with bad
judgement. Intellectual gifts are not enough to be a good leader. One
has to have personal, emotional, empathic, perceptive, and virtuous
attributes. One has to have the ability to regard other people and
their best interests, as well as understand oneself in relation to
those others.

Exercising those qualities to a minimum degree would cause Wolfowitz
to execute the most useful and visionary leadership virtue of all:
humble himself and resign.

Kenny Rogers would be a good advisor to leaders. He'd know when to
fold 'em, when to walk away, and when to run.

  #13   Report Post  
Old April 24th 07, 05:35 AM posted to,sci.environment
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Default Wolfowitz Not Fit for Leadership

In article .com,
Wolfowitz Mass Murder for OIL

Wolfowitz Not Fit for Leadership
By Michael S. Woodson | bio


Whack job.


Ventura, California
  #14   Report Post  
Old April 24th 07, 06:10 AM posted to,sci.environment
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Default - Global Warming? So What? Remember the Ice Age Scare?

Doug Bashford wrote:
And I do NOT remember a "cooling scare." And I was
Geology at the time. (Climate is HUGE in Geology!)

Cato responds: I am not sure how you missed all the talk
about the Global Cooling back then. Ya, it was in all the major
magazines and newspapers. Discussions on radio talk shows etc. Even in
my school, teachers raised the issue. They were very concerned.
Visions of advancing glaciers wiping out cities. Scarey!

But then... I have notice how some people's memories seem
to be very selective when their memories don't agree with their
present beliefs or political goals.


  #15   Report Post  
Old April 24th 07, 10:51 AM posted to,sci.environment
RHF RHF is offline
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Default (OT) : Global Warming -and- The Limbaugh Gambit

On Apr 22, 10:20 pm, (Doug Bashford) wrote:
Global Warming? So What? Remember the Ice Age Scare of the '70's

I do remember;
there was ONE very cold winter; Long Island Sound
in New York State was frozen over.
- But take a look at the sources you quote; Universally journalists.

Yep . This is no coincedence.

Journalists make a living by getting their work
published.. they entertain that's their job. As they say; No one ever
gets a story published by saying " nothings going to happen"

Yep. And I do NOT remember a "cooling scare." And I was taking
Geology at the time. (Climate is HUGE in Geology!)
It was a non-issue at the time.
Sure, some journalists apperently found some climate
stuff to write about, but it was mostly a non-issue, an
unknown to people at the time. I never heard of it.

On 22 Apr 2007, Cato wrote:

And just where were these journalists getting their
info from? Are you saying that Science Digest, Science Magazine, The
Christian Science Monitor, Newsweek, The New York Times, The
Washington Post, Science News, etc. etc. including, yes, teachers in
the schools, were all pulling a "fast one" on everybody back then? It
was all lies?

No, it was a neat little theory without much
evidence that nobody paid much attention to.
...a neat little theory -- not an issue.

Your attempt (ok, not yours, but global warming denialists')
to equate the two is sad at best, but actually it's
more a popular years-old propaganda lie used by Big Oil
et al. But to be fair, your source is the best researched
I've seen in ~15 years. Most only name one or two magazines.
You are also the first to claim academia was in on it.

Hard core anti-intellectualism, huh? Historically, stuff of
genocidal dictators.

Anyway, to quote from the George Will article you plagerized:
Google results about 108 for "Science Digest (February
1973) reported that "the world's climatologists are agreed""
"Perhaps the problem is big crusading journalism."
--George Will April 3, 2006

Yer ****in up the wrong tree, Cato. At least Geo Will has
some intellectual honesty.

A conspiracy put together by those publications?

Actually it is *YOU* (Geo Will) who patched together a handful
of articles over 20? years to make it sound like
a grand movement. ...and if false, a conspiracy.

Pretty slick, Cato, you get it both ways.

these publications no better then the Weekly World News rag??

If they were all proved to be liars, then they would have been
raked over the coals, their reputations destroyed, and relegated to
the level of cheap supermarket tabloids.

Liars !?
Laugh. Good jounalism often discovers obscure info and
presents it to the public. Now you are bordering on shrill.
Everybody here knows the difference between a pocket full
of magazine articles and actual scientific consensus...thousands
of scientists. Don't push yer luck.

Never happened.

And now we know why, don't we?

Do you realize they were getting there info from.. wait for it...

Yes??? Yer point?
could it be....
Uhm....individual scientists are human? Make errors?
And reporters may overstate or rush the hypothesis?

Do you remember this?.....
Fortune magazine actually won a "Science Writing Award" from the
American Institute of Physics for its own analysis of the danger.

"As for the present cooling trend a number of leading climatologists
have concluded that it is very bad news indeed,".... Fortune Magazine,
February, 1974.

"a number??" "a number of leading climatologists" ????

You do understand the concept of "scientific consensus,"
right? As in it's HUGE, -- and "a number of" is almost meaningless?

You do understand that the concept of "scientific consensus"
is the backbone of science itself, right? ...the mortar
which joins all the difference sciences into; "Science?"

That's right..... The American Institute of Physics,
(Scientists), awarded Fortune magazine for what??

Uhm...I'm just a wild guess mind you,
but....uhm...?...GOOD SCIENCE ???? grin

Telling us all a
lie?? As if they were not better then the Weekly World News rag???

Sounds to me like you need to learn a little philosophy
and method of science. Good science does not mean
"Word of God," Truth, nor even "scientific consensus."
The award may have been for good inquiry, discovery,
method, or whatever. Learn up on it.

I notice those who distrust science most, understand
it least. (Such as Limbaugh or "Creation Scientists.")

Next, your words come directly from a technique overused
(and invented?)
by Rush Limbaugh for 20 years on every "environmental"
issue from smoking, to ozone, catalytic converter, to
come down the pike. What!? No job loss? Jack booted
environmentalists aint gunna steal yer job, yer house,
yer wife, yer kids, yer freedom, and increase taxes!?

"Environmentalism is funded by the Commies!" -Rush Limbaugh

Global warming proponents are accepting a good financial
income from the global warming scare and have become global warming
propagandists to promote their interests. These include some
researchers who obtain research grants and some environmental
organisations who need donations. They are making a living by
promoting fear of man-made global warming. They have a vested interest
in pulling this scam. And not just because of the money involved, but
also because many of them have political goals that depend on the Man-
Made Global Warming Scare.

In other words, "science can not be trusted."
Truth is unknowable. (So may as well go for simple feelsgoodisms.)
How Mao and Stalin of you guys.

Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, said in written

Vaclav Klaus !!!! LAUGHINGGGGGGG!!!!!!

testimony that global warming has turned into a religion that has
replaced the ideology of communism and threatens basic freedoms. Mr.
Klaus said the push to curb greenhouse gases would hurt poorer nations
that can't afford modern technology. He compares radical
environmentalists to Marxists, and says initiatives such as the Kyoto
Protocol require enormous costs without any realistic prospect for

Ah, I knew "sky is falling" had to come sooner or later.
Does anybody actually BUY this crap yer pitching?


When one gains a political certainty akin to
a loyal sports fan, one has achieved the final
tranquility of servitude, a joyous slavery.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude better than
the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that ye were
our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams, August 1, 1776


The first one to meantion Rush Limbaugh
{The Big Guy Who Is Full of Hot Air }
Loses the Debate by Pumping the
Debate Full of Hot Air - You Lose !

The Limbaugh Gambit follows Godwin's Law's_Law
of OnLine Debating and is an Illogical Assumption
and Implies a Rush-to-Judgement {Certitude }

Next to Al Gore - Rush Limbaugh may be the . . .
Second Greatest Human Factor in Global Warming !

as for me - i will have another samuel adams ~ RHF

  #16   Report Post  
Old April 24th 07, 03:50 PM posted to,sci.environment
kT kT is offline
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Default - Global Warming? So What? Remember the Ice Age Scare?

Cato wrote:

Doug Bashford wrote:

And I do NOT remember a "cooling scare." And I was
Geology at the time. (Climate is HUGE in Geology!)

Cato responds: I am not sure how you missed all the talk
about the Global Cooling back then. Ya, it was in all the major
magazines and newspapers. Discussions on radio talk shows etc. Even in
my school, teachers raised the issue. They were very concerned.
Visions of advancing glaciers wiping out cities. Scarey!

I know, the Martians could have invaded any day too.

Good thing that one didn't pan out, eh?

But then... I have notice how some people's memories seem
to be very selective when their memories don't agree with their
present beliefs or political goals.

Yes, soon scientists will achieve TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION!

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

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  #17   Report Post  
Old April 24th 07, 05:37 PM posted to,sci.environment
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Default - Global Warming? So What? Remember the Ice Age Scare?

Yeah! And remember how medical science used to advise putting butter on
skin burns? Stupid scientists.
  #18   Report Post  
Old April 24th 07, 10:39 PM posted to,sci.environment
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Default Effects of global warming being felt in China

Effects of global warming being felt in China

Updated Sun. Apr. 22 2007 10:33 PM ET News Staff

When it comes to the world's worst polluters, the United States still
leads the way, but China is set to soon take over as the largest
overall producer of greenhouse gases. Many are wondering if any steps
can be taken to ensure the country doesn't repeat the mistakes of the

With China's growing population with growing wealth and mass
industrialization, the effects of global warming are already being

At the home of Li Wen Zhang in Langtougou, about 110 kilometres from
Beijing, years of warming temperatures have literally brought the
desert to Li's doorstep.

Dry conditions have turned his village's once-fertile farm fields into
a parched wasteland. His livestock live in sand dunes. Li's home is
almost covered over. A local river that once ran waist-deep with water
is now filled with sand.

"Some say I am like the fable of the old foolish man, trying to remove
a mountain," he says.

The climate in China has changed quickly. Scientists estimate that in
the last 50 years, the temperature in the populous country has
increased by one degree Celsius.

That may not seem like a lot, but it has devastated this region. A
local riverbed, for example, once flowed with water waist high; now it
flows mostly with sand.

Chinese cities are also feeling the stifling effects of global
warming. If it's not sand storms choking Beijing and other cities,
it's heavy pollution causing problems. Many airports have been forced
to close for hours at a time because pilots couldn't see through the
soup of haze.

The country's growing use of coal for energy has experts predicting
that by year's end, China will be the world's largest overall producer
of greenhouse gases, surpassing the U.S. -- although the U.S., Canada,
Australia and Luxemburg still produce far more greenhouse gases on a
per capita basis.

With international pressure mounting, China is starting to turn to
alternative energy sources. China is building windmill farms that
house more than 300,000 turbines. However, it also opens up a new coal-
fired power plant every week.

The government also plans to have its citizens curb electricity use by
20 per cent. But with a growing middle class consuming more power than
ever, few expect targets to be met.

"If there's only target without any implementation policy, the target
means nothing," said Ai Lun Yang of Greenpeace.

Chinese officials are urging the world to be patient, arguing it is
still a developing country that is faced with more pressing problems
like poverty.

In Li's village, the government donates thousands of trees to act as a
buffer against the desert.

But it will have to do far more to prevent China from becoming the
world's largest climate polluter -- and to control the damage that
global warming-driven climate change is causing.

  #19   Report Post  
Old April 25th 07, 01:36 AM posted to
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Default Effects of global warming being felt in China

Check out Dapong,China if you want to see some real polution.Any big
city in China.

  #20   Report Post  
Old April 25th 07, 03:15 AM posted to
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Default Effects of global warming being felt in China

This thread is starting to get as long as some of those Anna Nicole
Smith and Britney Spears threads.Why not start something else?

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