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What is the best indoor SWL antenna I can get?
boomer |
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On May 21, 1:12 pm, "dt" wrote:
What is the best indoor SWL antenna I can get? boomer DT {Boomer}, For a 'basic' Shortwave Listening (SWL) Indoor Antenna to use with most 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radios : I would Recommend the Sony AN-LP1 Shortwave Active Antenna placed on a Window near the Radio. ~ RHF The Sony AN-LP1 Active Shortwave Loop Antenna is by-design designed specifically for the "Metered" Shortwave Bands { Tune a Shortwave Band and Set It and Forget It ! - Simple ;-} SONY AN-LP1 ANTENNA = http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/lp1.html http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/3676.html DESIGN = http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...t/3676clos.jpg PLACEMENT = http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...nt/3676win.jpg SEE - Sony AN-LP1 Antenna Manual - Figure "D" and Instructions http://www.owdjim.gen.nz/chris/radio...ice_manual.pdf TUNING = http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...nt/3676pre.jpg With One Shortwave (SW) Band per setting for : SW Band and Knob Setting 75m = 4 MHz 60m = 5 MHz 49m = 6 MHz 41m = 7 MHz 31m = 10 MHz 25m = 12 MHz 22m = 14 MHz Then Two Shortwave (SW) Bands per setting for : 19m & 16m = 16 MHz 15m & 13m = 20 MHz As noted the Sony AN-LP1 Active Shortwave Loop Antenna performs very well between the 75 to 22 Metered Shortwave Listening (SWL) Bands with some fall-off in performance between the 19 to 13 Shortwave Listening (SWL) Meters Bands. . NOTE - The Sony AN-LP1 'portable' Active Shortwave Antenna is for the Shortwave Bands "Only" and covers 3.85 MHz to 21.95 MHz. [ NOT the AM/MW and FM Radio Bands ] http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...nt/3676pre.jpg http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...t/3676clos.jpg http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...nt/3676win.jpg . READ - Three 'different' Radio Bands AM - FM - Shortwave and two to three 'different' Antennas . . . http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/1809 . Want Something Bigger ? - Then Build Your Own In-Door "Low Noise" Shortwave Listener (SWL) Loop Antenna for use with your 'portable' Radios. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/1680 . Build Your Very Own Slinky Window Loop Antenna : Try a 'simple' Mini-Slinky on a Hula Hoop Antenna placed on/in an outside facing Window. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/2763 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/2741 - Four In-Door "Mini-Slinky" Antennas . TIP - For a Travel 'portable' Shortwave Antenna to use with a quality Travel 'size' Radio like the Sony ICF-SW7600GR 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radio the Sony AN-LP1 'portable' Active Shortwave Loop Antenna : http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...5c971239f71d3e http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...15bd4097ebdbab http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...71f5107eef0b02 http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...ac24735bdffee3 " Is-A-Winning-Combination ! " - IMHO ~ RHF {pomkia} . Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf GoTo = http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ The SWL Antenna Discussion Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna HELP = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna NEWS = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna INFO = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf * * * All Are Welcome : Including ELMERS and 'Want-to-be-Elmers' plus plain old "Mister-Know-It-Alls"; and even those Newbees with "I Know This Is A Really Dumb Question - But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " . The Shortwave Listener's Blessing : SWL BLESSING = http://tinyurl.com/s2bjm May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always have Strong Signals and Noise Free Reception ~ RHF {ibid} http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/9233 . Tous Sont Bienvenus ! - - - Groupe par Radio d'auditeur d'onde courte pour des Antennes de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Alle Sind Willkommen ! - - - Shortwave Radiozuhrer Gruppe fr SWL Antennen http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Tutti Sono Benvenuti ! - - - Gruppo Radiofonico dell'ascoltatore di onda corta per le Antenne di SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Todos So Bem-vindos ! - - - Grupo de Rdio do ouvinte do Shortwave para Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . ??? ??????? ! - - - ?????? ????????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ????????? Radio ??? A????? SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Todos Son Agradables! - - - Grupo de Radio del oyente de la onda corta para las Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . = = = = Plain Old American-English Translation = = = = All are Welcome - - - To Join the Shortwave Listeners (SWL) Antenna Group on YAHOO ! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . | | | / \ ........!....... |
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On May 22, 4:54*am, Roadie wrote:
On May 21, 4:12 pm, "dt" wrote: What is the best indoor SWL antenna I can get? boomer I don't really know which is the best indoor antenna. *The Sony ANLP1 sells for around $100.00 and has been used successfully by several SWL's. *But if the best is what you have in mind there is a german company that makes one for several hundred dollars. I've had very good results with a window antenna. *It's A simple wire around the inner perimeter of a large window held in place with cup holder suction cups. *Another inexpensive and good performing antenna is to run wire around the baseboards of your listening room. *Just tuck it behind the carpet. Roadie, Here are several Shortwave Active Antenna that can be 'used' In-Doors but are mostly designed to be 'used' Out-Side Away from the House and Up-in-the-Air : [ Most are General Coverage : LW & MW & SW ] Dressler - Active Shortwave Antennas http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/4061.html ARA60S and ARA100HDX are Made-in-Germany RF Systems - DX-One Professional Mk II http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/1246.html Omni-Directional Active Vertical Receiving Antenna is Made-in-Holland Wellbrook - Active Loop Antenna Model ALA 1530 http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/products.html#ALA1530 is Made-in-the-UK McKay Dymek - Model DA-100E Active Receiving Antenna http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/0328.html is Made-in-the-USA MFJ - MFJ-1024 Active Receive Antenna http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/1132.html is Made-in-the-USA LF Engineering - Model H-800 Skymatch Active Antenna http://www.grove-ent.com/ANT15.html is Made-in-the-USA DX Engineering - Active Horizontal (Dipole) Receive Antenna System http://www.dxengineering.com/Parts.a...XE%2DARAH%2D1P is Made-in-the-USA North Country Radio - Weather-Proof Active Antenna http://www.northcountryradio.com/Kitpages/actant.htm It's a KIT - Make It Yourself in the USA PLUS - The Sony AN-LP1 'portable' Active Shortwave Antenna http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/3676.html as always more than you wanted to know - iane ~ RHF {pomkia} . Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf GoTo = http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ The SWL Antenna Discussion Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna HELP = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna NEWS = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna INFO = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf * * * All Are Welcome : Including ELMERS and 'Want-to-be-Elmers' plus plain old "Mister-Know-It-Alls"; and even those Newbees with "I Know This Is A Really Dumb Question - But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " . The Shortwave Listener's Blessing : SWL BLESSING = http://tinyurl.com/s2bjm May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always have Strong Signals and Noise Free Reception ~ RHF {ibid} http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/9233 . Tous Sont Bienvenus ! - - - Groupe par Radio d'auditeur d'onde courte pour des Antennes de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Alle Sind Willkommen ! - - - Shortwave Radiozuhörer Gruppe für SWL Antennen http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Tutti Sono Benvenuti ! - - - Gruppo Radiofonico dell'ascoltatore di onda corta per le Antenne di SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Todos São Bem-vindos ! - - - Grupo de Rádio do ouvinte do Shortwave para Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Все *адушны ! - - - Группа оператора на приеме коротковолнового диапазона Radio для Aнтенн SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . ¡Todos Son Agradables! - - - Grupo de Radio del oyente de la onda corta para las Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . = = = = Plain Old American-English Translation = = = = All are Welcome - - - To Join the Shortwave Listeners (SWL) Antenna Group on YAHOO ! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . | | | / \ ........!....... |
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On May 22, 3:44 pm, RHF wrote:
On May 22, 4:54 am, Roadie wrote: On May 21, 4:12 pm, "dt" wrote: What is the best indoor SWL antenna I can get? boomer I don't really know which is the best indoor antenna. The Sony ANLP1 sells for around $100.00 and has been used successfully by several SWL's. But if the best is what you have in mind there is a german company that makes one for several hundred dollars. I've had very good results with a window antenna. It's A simple wire around the inner perimeter of a large window held in place with cup holder suction cups. Another inexpensive and good performing antenna is to run wire around the baseboards of your listening room. Just tuck it behind the carpet. Roadie, Here are several Shortwave Active Antenna that can be 'used' In-Doors but are mostly designed to be 'used' Out-Side Away from the House and Up-in-the-Air : [ Most are General Coverage : LW & MW & SW ] Dressler - Active Shortwave Antennashttp://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/4061.html ARA60S and ARA100HDX are Made-in-Germany RFSystems-DX-OneProfessional Mk IIhttp://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/1246.html Omni-Directional Active Vertical Receiving Antenna is Made-in-Holland Wellbrook - Active Loop Antenna Model ALA 1530http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/products.html#ALA1530 is Made-in-the-UK McKay Dymek - Model DA-100E Active Receiving Antennahttp://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/0328.html is Made-in-the-USA MFJ - MFJ-1024 Active Receive Antennahttp://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/1132.html is Made-in-the-USA LF Engineering - Model H-800 Skymatch Active Antennahttp://www.grove-ent.com/ANT15.html is Made-in-the-USA DX Engineering - Active Horizontal (Dipole) Receive Antenna Systemhttp://www.dxengineering.com/Parts.asp?ID=888&PLID=219&SecID=79&DeptI... is Made-in-the-USA North Country Radio - Weather-Proof Active Antennahttp://www.northcountryradio.com/Kitpages/actant.htm It's a KIT - Make It Yourself in the USA PLUS - The Sony AN-LP1 'portable' Active Shortwave Antennahttp://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/3676.html as always more than you wanted to know - iane ~ RHF {pomkia} . Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas Group =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf GoTo =http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ The SWL Antenna Discussion Group =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna HELP =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna NEWS =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna INFO =http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf * * * All Are Welcome : Including ELMERS and 'Want-to-be-Elmers' plus plain old "Mister-Know-It-Alls"; and even those Newbees with "I Know This Is A Really Dumb Question - But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " . The Shortwave Listener's Blessing : SWL BLESSING =http://tinyurl.com/s2bjm May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always have Strong Signals and Noise Free Reception ~ RHF {ibid}http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/9233 . Tous Sont Bienvenus ! - - - Groupe par Radio d'auditeur d'onde courte pour des Antennes de SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Alle Sind Willkommen ! - - - Shortwave Radiozuhrer Gruppe fr SWL Antennenhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Tutti Sono Benvenuti ! - - - Gruppo Radiofonico dell'ascoltatore di onda corta per le Antenne di SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Todos So Bem-vindos ! - - - Grupo de Rdio do ouvinte do Shortwave para Antenas de SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . ! - - - Radio A SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Todos Son Agradables! - - - Grupo de Radio del oyente de la onda corta para las Antenas de SWLhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . = = = = Plain Old American-English Translation = = = = All are Welcome - - - To Join the Shortwave Listeners (SWL) Antenna Group on YAHOO !http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . | | | / \ .......!.......- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - For Anyone Who Mite Be Interested, One of the very Best "Active" Antennas for Shortwave Radio Listening (SWL) There is an RF Systems DX-One Professional MK 2 Active Antenna currently listed on eBay with a Buy-It-Now Price of $400 + S&H http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=120133631670 My 'estimated' of the Reserve Price isf between $280 (70%) and $340 (85%) http://www.elixcom.sk/dx-1.php * Considereding that the MSRP in the USA is $699.95 and the on-line discounted price is $669.95 + S&H http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/sw_ant/1246.html * This eBay Item could represent a 40% to 49% to 58% Savings over a new one - based on the $670 on-line-price. IF - You are limited to a relatively small Active Antenna vice a Long Wire Antenna -and- can afford the price the RF Systems DX-One Professional MK 2 Active Antenna is highly recommended. http://www.dxing.info/equipment/dx1pro.dx http://www.dxing.info/about/dxers/plimmer.dx http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...208ddad14ce706 Read - About "Omni" {Non} Directional Vertical Active Antennas http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/6549 http://groups.google.com/group/rec.r...df7f47f701f5f4 NOTICE - BE ADVISED : This is NOT my Auction and I am NOT Associated with the eBay Seller. PLEASE NOTE - FWIW : That this Message is being Posted for Informational Purposes Only. BIDDERS CAUTION - Know your eBay Seller and Something About what they are Selling. As Always - Any Potential Buyers Beware Life is a Gamble -and- So Is eBay ~ RHF . . .. . |
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On May 21, 4:12 pm, "dt" wrote:
What is the best indoor SWL antenna I can get? boomer Dear "Boomer," The "best" you can get? That depends on the use to which you wish to put the antenna. For travel and for use with portable SW radios around the house, the Sony AN-LP1 Active (Loop) Antenna would be an excellent choice. If you were able to find, on the used market, an AOR WL500 (Active) Window Loop, that antenna performs even better than the AN- LP1 but is much less convenient to assemble, take down, and carry, if it is to be used for traveling. For use in the home with an expensive portable SW radio, such as the Eton E1 or the Grundig Satellit 800, or for use in the home with ANY tabletop communications receiver, the absolute "best" active SW antenna which can be used indoors, in my experience, is the Wellbrook ALA 330S (Active Loop Antenna). I HIGHLY recommend this antenna. Note that, for this particular antenna, "indoors" means "attic" (unless you have a particularly sympathetic and tolerant significant other). Best, Joe |
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