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  #1   Report Post  
Old August 10th 07, 11:39 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 2
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

Looks like Kim Jong iLL decided to use some of that
UN economic aide he recently got to install a dish to
uplink DPRK Shortwave and Television to the Internet.
(bless his kooky little heart)

Watch streaming North Korean television 24 hours a day!

Here ---

  #2   Report Post  
Old August 11th 07, 04:59 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 419
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

On Aug 10, 4:39 pm, "Rev. Bonghits4jesus' LTD"
Watch streaming North Korean television 24 hours a day!

Here ---

Excellent, the world needs a source of truth, we certainly aren't
getting it from the corporate controlled media in the "LAND OF THE

Is Communism Dead?
Lee Wha Rang - 09/21/96
Some Western press and politicos have been saying that "Communism is
dead" and that North Korea is the only remaining "Stalinist" country -
which too is about to collapse.

The fact is that Communism is very much alive. Communism has not died,
but it's main ideas have been absorbed into other political
ideologies, just as pre-Christ religious beliefs were gradually
adapted into Christianity and other religions (In fact, on e finds
many Christian ideals in Communism.)

Where is Communism alive today? There are 'Communist' parties in many
countries, but only few governments today are controlled by so-called
'Communists' (Cuba, China, N Korea, Vietnam, and a number of the
former Soviet-bloc nations). It may sound stran ge but many Communist
ideas are alive and well in the United States (there is 'Communist
Party of USA' which has a presidential candidate for the November
election) and other democratic, socialist and indeed, dictatorial
Is America Red?

In the good old 'anti-Communist' US of A, one finds many Communist
ideas in practice as expounded below: Ten Communist planks implemented
in America.

Communism USA

1)Abolition of property (rights) in land and application of all rents
(taxes) of land to public purposes Zoning, School tax (from Property
"rents") Equitable interest in land, no alodial title. No free
holders. Accomplished: 14th Amend U.S. Const. 1868. Title 17 health
and safety code.
2) A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 501 (c)(3) corporate
churches/businesses. Income tax - IRS (Title 26) Fed. tax can take up
to 88% of income. Social Security. Public Property (state police
powers). Accomplished: 16th Amend U.S. Const. 1913. Social Security
Act 1936. JHR 192, 1933
3) Abolition of all right to inheritance. Limited inheritance via
inheritance tax. Accomplished: Estate tax 1916
4) Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels. Confiscation
of drug-merchant property "War on Drugs" IRS confiscation of private
property without due process. RICO Act (Racketeering Influenced &
Corrupt Organizations) Imprisonment of "terrorist" and those who write
or speak against the government. Accomplished: Public Law 99-570 1986.
Established 1970. Sedition Act 1798 also used in 1940's and 1988.
5) Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a
national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. Federal
reserve Banks. All local banks use credit & are members of Fed.
reserve System and regulated by the U.S. Govt. Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Accomplished: Federal Reserve Act 1913.
Federal Reserve Act 1933.
6) Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the
hands of the state. Interstate Commerce Commission. Federal
Communication Commission (FCC) US Civil Aeronautics. Federal Aviation
Agency (FAA). Accomplished: ICC Act 1887. The Commissions Act 1934.
Est 1938. Est 1958.
7) Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the
state, the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the
improvement of the soil generally with a common plan. Anti-trust
Acts. Department of Commerce and Labor. Dept. of Agriculture. Dept. of
Interior (Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Bureau of
Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, Nat'l Park Service, Fish and Wildlife
Service). Accomplished: Established 1 902. Established 1903.
Established 1862. Established 1849.
8) Equal liability of all labor (for the National debt). Establishment
of industrial armies, especially for Agriculture. "Two income
families" because of inflation and National debt. Woman's Suffrage.
Affirmative action. Socialist Unions. International Workers of the
World (Chicago). Accomplished: Women in the work place 1920's 19th
Amend., U.S. Const. 1920. Civil Righ ts Act 1964. Established 1869.
Established 1905.
9) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual
abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more
equable distribution of the population over the country. Farms lost
to "the suburbs" and manufacturing/commercialism. Perverted technology/
corporate farms. National farmers Alliance and Industrial Union.
Accomplished: 1880-1990's (Title 17 "Zoning") Took hold 1910-1990's/
10) Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of
children's factory labor in its present form. State run, tax financed
schools. Socialized/progressive education. Child Labor Act,
Pennsylvania. Children now work with State approval. Abolition of
private education. Accomplished: Horace Mann 1837-1848. John Dewey
1870-1910. Established 1848.
Source: Turiyan Gold's article posted to , Sept.
6, 1996 -- "Turiyan Gold --link
Home Page

Communists or Nationalists?
It should be noted that not all 'Communists' practice the Communism in
the 'pure' form envisioned by Marx and Engels. Stalin used Communism
to enslave and hold together the Soviet Union. Mao Zedong used it to
obtain funds and support from Commintern unt il his excommunication,
Gen. Li Tong Whi (a Korean anti-Japanese partisan leader) joined the
Party in order to be eligible for Lenin's rubles, Ho Chi-min joined
the Party to feed and equip his anti-French troops. Both Mao and Ho
hated Stalin's haughty at titude toward the 'fraternal Communist
Parties', and both men had approached Uncle Sam for money and weapons,
only to be rebuffed by the 'anti-Red' State Dept.

North Korea's Kim Il Sung joined the Communist Party in his teens and
worshipped Stalin. The S Korean troops which occupied Pyongyang in
1950 found Kim's office adorned with numerous portraits and statues of
Stalin. But Stalin's lukewarm support for his war efforts and even
less support from Stalin's heirs put dampers on Kim's love for the
Soviets. Kim realized that the Soviets were just another breed of
imperialists looking for suckers.

After the Korean War, Kim became more nationalistic and less
Communistic. He purged pro-Soviet Koreans and the old-guard Communists
from S Korea and devised his own political ideology - juche. This
earned him much scorn and derision from the 'authentic' Communists who
broke ties with N Korea. For example, the Japanese Communist Party
opposes N Korea, and the former Soviet Communist Party shunned Kim Il

While Communism was used by various nationalists and dictators, the
'anti-Communists' used it to their advantage. Communism has never been
the monolithic evil Empire out to enslave every one. Domino theories
and 'evil empires' existed only in the minds o f politicians who were
more interested in protecting their dung hills than facing the truth.

  #3   Report Post  
Old August 12th 07, 05:38 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 77
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

On Aug 10, 7:59 pm, wrote:
On Aug 10, 4:39 pm, "Rev. Bonghits4jesus' LTD"

Watch streaming North Korean television 24 hours a day!

Here ---

Excellent, the world needs a source of truth, we certainly aren't
getting it from the corporate controlled media in the "LAND OF THE

Is Communism Dead?
Lee Wha Rang - 09/21/96
Some Western press and politicos have been saying that "Communism is
dead" and that North Korea is the only remaining "Stalinist" country -
which too is about to collapse.

The fact is that Communism is very much alive. Communism has not died,
but it's main ideas have been absorbed into other political
ideologies, just as pre-Christ religious beliefs were gradually
adapted into Christianity and other religions (In fact, on e finds
many Christian ideals in Communism.)

Actually, Marx took his inspiration from Jewish philosophy and
thought. This isn't antisemitic libel-Israeli journalist Gershom
Gorenberg has noted that ideas found in the writings of Rabbi Yitzhak
Luria, known to his followers as "The Sacred Lion", are echoed in
Communism. Hints of kabalism and its sacred text, the Zohar, are also
found in Marx's work. Marx came from a long line of rabbis-his family
had converted to Christianity two generations before his birth to
escape persecution, but Marx's German government ID cards said he was
a "Jude". Marx was extremely well read and likely read Luria's works,
the Zohar, and many others before formulating Communism. Jews have
always been attracted to Communism-everybody from Trotsky (who changed
his name from Bronstein) to Emma Goldman (once the most hated woman in
America because of her total challenge to Victorianism) had Jewish
roots. David Horowitz has written several books about growing up in a
family and community of Jewish Communists.

Where is Communism alive today? There are 'Communist' parties in many
countries, but only few governments today are controlled by so-called
'Communists' (Cuba, China, N Korea, Vietnam, and a number of the
former Soviet-bloc nations). It may sound stran ge but many Communist
ideas are alive and well in the United States (there is 'Communist
Party of USA' which has a presidential candidate for the November
election) and other democratic, socialist and indeed, dictatorial
Is America Red?

In the good old 'anti-Communist' US of A, one finds many Communist
ideas in practice as expounded below: Ten Communist planks implemented
in America.

Communism USA

1)Abolition of property (rights) in land and application of all rents
(taxes) of land to public purposes Zoning, School tax (from Property
"rents") Equitable interest in land, no alodial title. No free
holders. Accomplished: 14th Amend U.S. Const. 1868. Title 17 health
and safety code.

A stretch. In true Communism, all land is owned by "the people", which
means the state. Taxing land is not the same as seizing it, as
Communists have always done.

2) A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 501 (c)(3) corporate
churches/businesses. Income tax - IRS (Title 26) Fed. tax can take up
to 88% of income. Social Security. Public Property (state police
powers). Accomplished: 16th Amend U.S. Const. 1913. Social Security
Act 1936. JHR 192, 1933

This was the main plank of the Populists in 1896. You get this one.

3) Abolition of all right to inheritance. Limited inheritance via
inheritance tax. Accomplished: Estate tax 1916

Inheritnace taxes only apply to big estates. Usually, Communists have
abolished ALL inheritance, with people forfeiting all possessions to
the state upon death. A tax on monetary inheritance isn't exactly the
same, with the rich keeping their land and homes, and everybody
keeping personal possessions such as cars and other knick knacks of
everyday life. In some states people who go bankrupt can keep a
"homestead", which can be any real property, even a multimillion
dollar mansion. Texas is one notable example. Florida also has lax
property laws.

4) Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels. Confiscation
of drug-merchant property "War on Drugs" IRS confiscation of private
property without due process. RICO Act (Racketeering Influenced &
Corrupt Organizations) Imprisonment of "terrorist" and those who write
or speak against the government. Accomplished: Public Law 99-570 1986.
Established 1970. Sedition Act 1798 also used in 1940's and 1988.

ALL governments imprison those who get to be a big enough threat. It
depends on how you define "rebel" or in Communist parlance
"counterrevolutionary" but Communists typically have a broader usage
than Western governments.

5) Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a
national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. Federal
reserve Banks. All local banks use credit & are members of Fed.
reserve System and regulated by the U.S. Govt. Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Accomplished: Federal Reserve Act 1913.
Federal Reserve Act 1933.

The weird thing is that national banks predate Communism. Read up on
The Bank of the United States sometime. If you want to point to the
Bank of England, that goes back even farther. Again, it's semantics.
Since individual depositors do not open accounts with the Fed, it's
technically not an exclusive monopoly. It is tightly regulated.

6) Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the
hands of the state. Interstate Commerce Commission. Federal
Communication Commission (FCC) US Civil Aeronautics. Federal Aviation
Agency (FAA). Accomplished: ICC Act 1887. The Commissions Act 1934.
Est 1938. Est 1958.

This has usually meant state owned media, which is not the case in
America, unlike everywhere else. It is arguable that some media is not
regulated at all, such as shortwave radio and the internet. America
does not have a state airline or a nationally owned rail or telephone
system, which is also unique. (There is Amtrak, but freight is far
more important, and that is private. Amtrak leases track usage from
the corporations.)

7) Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the
state, the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the
improvement of the soil generally with a common plan. Anti-trust
Acts. Department of Commerce and Labor. Dept. of Agriculture. Dept. of
Interior (Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Bureau of
Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, Nat'l Park Service, Fish and Wildlife
Service). Accomplished: Established 1 902. Established 1903.
Established 1862. Established 1849.

The Bureau of Reclamation really fits here-their intention was to make
the Nevada desert bloom, specifically the Churchill and Lahontan
Valleys in western Nevada near Reno. Agriculture did take hold in the
Lahontan Valley, giving birth to the town of Fallon, which still
produces renowned canteloupes. The rest of the agencies cited are
really stretching it though.

8) Equal liability of all labor (for the National debt). Establishment
of industrial armies, especially for Agriculture. "Two income
families" because of inflation and National debt. Woman's Suffrage.
Affirmative action. Socialist Unions. International Workers of the
World (Chicago). Accomplished: Women in the work place 1920's 19th
Amend., U.S. Const. 1920. Civil Righ ts Act 1964. Established 1869.
Established 1905.

I'm not sure what an "industrial army" is, but something like it
existed during World War 2. I don't know where unions fit in-unions
haven't espoused socialism for 90 years.

9) Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual
abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more
equable distribution of the population over the country. Farms lost
to "the suburbs" and manufacturing/commercialism. Perverted technology/
corporate farms. National farmers Alliance and Industrial Union.
Accomplished: 1880-1990's (Title 17 "Zoning") Took hold 1910-1990's/

The weird thing is, America fits more than Europe, where the
distinction between city and country is more abrupt. During the height
of the Cold War, something like equal population distribution was
seriously proposed in America, to negate the impact of a nuclear war.
Science fiction writer Robert Heinlein even wrote a short essay on how
it might work. Chillingly, his vision looks a lot like what the Khmer
Rouge tried to do. Whether Frank Lloyd Wright's "Broadacre City"-the
inspiration for the modern suburb-was based on Communist theory is
unknown. But suburbanism was proposed as the answer to the lure of
Communism by none other than William Levitt, who created the first
real suburb. Levitt's idea was that if every man was made into a
property owner, and kept busy with the demands of caring for land, men
would be less willing to go for Communism's total abolition of private
property and land rights and forfeiture of all land to the state.

10) Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of
children's factory labor in its present form. State run, tax financed
schools. Socialized/progressive education. Child Labor Act,
Pennsylvania. Children now work with State approval. Abolition of
private education. Accomplished: Horace Mann 1837-1848. John Dewey
1870-1910. Established 1848.

Yep. The founders of public education were devoted to socialism, and
to public education's equalizing qualities.

Source: Turiyan Gold's article posted to , Sept.
6, 1996 -- "Turiyan Gold Home Page

  #4   Report Post  
Old August 14th 07, 05:22 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 99
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

On Aug 10, 5:39 pm, "Rev. Bonghits4jesus' LTD"

Here ---

I saw it. All it is is one propaganda film that's constantly looped.
I loved the little section on how big the "average North Korean"
apartment is.

Damn. They even had a color TV, modern kitchen and stylin'
furniture. I wanna move there! HAHAHAHA

Stephanie Weil
New York City, USA

  #5   Report Post  
Old August 14th 07, 08:29 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 93
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

I once got spammed by Rede Globo for the Brazillian version of "Big
Brother". I think I expressed the opinion that "Big Brother" was much
improved by the viewer's not being able to understand the language.

I suspect the same might be true of TV from the DPRK. Do you really
want to know that the song being played is entitled "All Glory to the
Dear Leader, Kim Jong-Il and the Eternal President of the DPRK, the
Great Leader Comrade Kim Il-Sung"? Do you want to be able to
understand a three hour lecture on the Juche Idea?

Much better to just let it roll over you like some free-form scat

  #6   Report Post  
Old August 14th 07, 08:35 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 7,243
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

Tester wrote:

I once got spammed by Rede Globo for the Brazillian version of "Big
Brother". I think I expressed the opinion that "Big Brother" was much
improved by the viewer's not being able to understand the language.

I suspect the same might be true of TV from the DPRK. Do you really
want to know that the song being played is entitled "All Glory to the
Dear Leader, Kim Jong-Il and the Eternal President of the DPRK, the
Great Leader Comrade Kim Il-Sung"? Do you want to be able to
understand a three hour lecture on the Juche Idea?

Personally, I'm looking for a composer to score "All Glory to the SUPCOMUCOMM,
Saviour of our State and Nation..."


Huntington Investment Company Sucks!

  #7   Report Post  
Old August 14th 07, 10:15 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 15
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

dxAce wrote:

Huntington Investment Company Sucks!

Seeing as you brought it up, who are they and why do they suck? How much
did they lose for you?

  #8   Report Post  
Old August 14th 07, 11:28 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 7,243
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

Zeke Zzzppt wrote:

dxAce wrote:

Huntington Investment Company Sucks!

Seeing as you brought it up, who are they and why do they suck? How much
did they lose for you?

They are a branch of Huntington Bank, headquartered in Ohio.

They kinda finagled about $700 or so outta me... but pending! They're not gonna
like it much when the money disappears from their bank tomorrow.

But hey, that's the way it goes.


Don't do business with the Huntington Investment Company

  #9   Report Post  
Old August 14th 07, 11:40 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 8,861
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

I don't want to watch North Korea (or Asia) anything.

  #10   Report Post  
Old August 15th 07, 12:23 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,154
Default Now you can watch DPRK North Korea TV LIVE on the Net

I don't want to watch North Korea (or Asia) anything.

I'd watch if they filmed a bomb drop on north Korea ... I feel like
getting the popcorn and pepsi ready now!

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