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. Simple One-Wire Outdoor Shortwave Antenna http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw.../message/14298 . Black Stranded Hook-Up Wire from Radio Shack . * Small - Thin and hard-to-see "Stealth" . * Insulated and Weather Proof . * Stranded and Flexible and Strong for it's size. . * About $5~$6 for a 55 Foot or 90 Foot Spools . 55-Ft. UL-Recognized Hookup Wire -AWG Size # 18 -Thicker- http://www.radioshack.com/product/in...ductId=2049741 RadioShack Catalog # 278-1220 . 90-Ft. UL-Recognized Hookup Wire - AWG Size # 22 -Thinner- http://www.radioshack.com/product/in...ductId=2036275 RadioShack Catalog # 278-1218 . PUTTING THE ANTENNA UP : Stick it out the Window and Hang it about as you like. It is "Insulated so you could 'tie' it directly to Trees and Structures; or simply wrap it around a Nail or Screw; or Staple it in place. Better would be to use some Nylon Poly Mason Line and Rig it from Point-to-Point. . Strip-Off an Inch of Insulation and connect to your Radio's External Antenna Input/Jack or Clip-on to the Whip Antenna. . TIP - Keep the Antenna Wire away from metal objects. . Alternative is to buy an Antenna Kit : RadioShack "Outdoor Antenna Kit # 278-758 http://support.radioshack.com/suppor...cations/swave- 4.htm For Shortwave Radios that have an External Antenna Jack · 70 Feet of Bare Copper Antenna Wire · 50 Feet of Insulated Lead-in Wire · Insulators · Window Feed-through Strip * Some Radioshack Stores still have a few in stock. -or- Radio Shack Shortwave Radio Antenna Kit You can find them on eBay = http://tinyurl.com/2kus7v http://www.markdownalley.com/showite...source=froogle . Read -A Guide to Your "SkyHook" {Antenna} http://www.moonlightsys.com/otr/antenna.html Vintage Radio Antenna Tips . Read - Shortwave Antenna Safety Tips http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...t/safeswl.html . . More Answers To Follow . . . . hope this helps - iane ~ RHF . . .. . - - - In , - - - "Jeffery Smith" jsmith342@... wrote: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ETON-E...o/message/5147 . I am having difficulty pulling in any stations while using telescoping antennas. I was thinking of stringing up a simple line of about 50' or so. Actually, my lot is 120' long, so I could string up a 100' wire. . What kind of wire should I use? Bare copper twisted wire will surely corrode quickly in my climate. And should I attach a shielded coax line leading to my radio. And, can the wire leading to my radio be attached anywhere along the length of the wire, or should it be attached to the end. . Sorry about all of the questions. . -- Jeffery L. Smith New Orleans, LA . . Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf GoTo = http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ The SWL Antenna Discussion Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna HELP = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna NEWS = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna INFO = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf * * * All Are Welcome : Including ELMERS and 'Want-to-be-Elmers' plus plain old "Mister-Know-It-Alls"; and even those Newbees with "I Know This Is A Really Dumb Question - But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " . The Shortwave Listener's Blessing : SWL BLESSING = http://tinyurl.com/s2bjm May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always have Strong Signals and Noise Free Reception ~ RHF {ibid} http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/9233 . Tous Sont Bienvenus ! - - - Groupe par Radio d'auditeur d'onde courte pour des Antennes de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Alle Sind Willkommen ! - - - Shortwave Radiozuhörer Gruppe für SWL Antennen http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Tutti Sono Benvenuti ! - - - Gruppo Radiofonico dell'ascoltatore di onda corta per le Antenne di SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Todos São Bem-vindos ! - - - Grupo de Rádio do ouvinte do Shortwave para Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . ¡Todos Son Agradables! - - - Grupo de Radio del oyente de la onda corta para las Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . = = = = Plain Old American-English Translation = = = = All are Welcome - - - To Join the Shortwave Listeners (SWL) Antenna Group on YAHOO ! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . | | | / \ ........!....... |
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More Answers To Follow . . .
Part II : Beyond the Simple One-Wire Outdoor Shortwave Antenna http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw.../message/14406 OK so you have your Eton E1 Radio and you want more out of it. Clearly besides a new Radio the only major way of doing this is a better Shortwave Antenna for the Radio. Assume you live in an Urban Area and AM/MW Radio Stations become a problem when you start using an External "Longwire" Antenna with your Radio. Assume that you have the Space for an External Antenna and that there are No Restrictions on Outside Antennas. Now lets start with your eton E1 Radio : It uses a PAL Jack for the external Shortwave Antenna connection. So first of all you need a PAL Plug to mate-up with the PAL Jack on the Radio. -Note- The PAL Connections are the EU {World Wide} equilvalent of the USA's "F" Connector. and most of them work well with TV type 75 Ohm Coax Cable. -OR- You could use a PAL to "F" Adaptor. So why not use TV type 75 Ohm Coax Cable as your Shortwave Antennas feed-in-line ! Converting from the Coax Cable to the Wire Antenna Element(s). To 'match' the Coax Cable to the Wire Antenna you will need a Matching Transformer. The simplist an most common to find is the 300 Ohm to 75 Ohm TV type Matching Transformer. -Note- The TV type Matching Transformer greatly attenuates the RF Signals below 5 MHz so to some extent it is an AM/MW Band Rejection Filter. The Two 300 Ohm Wire Leads of the Matching Transformer give you a few Shortwave Antenna Options : * Dipole or Inverted "V' or Multi-Dipole Antenna * Windom Antenna * Horizontal Wire Antenna {Longwire / Random Wire} * Inverted "L" Antenna The Dipole and the Windom both use each of the Two 300 Ohm Wire Leads like a Balun. And you can either Cut them to a Shortwave Band Size -or- Cut them to fill the Available Space you have to work in Safely. Examples of Cut-To-Size Dipole Antenna Sizes : 60m = 95.4 Feet Tip-to-Tip or = 47.7 Feet per Arm 49m = 77.0 Feet Tip-to-Tip or = 38.5 Feet per Arm 41m = 63.7 Feet Tip-to-Tip or = 31.8 Feet per Arm 31m = 49.0 Feet Tip-to-Tip or = 24.5 Feet per Arm 25m = 39.3 Feet Tip-to-Tip or = 19.7 Feet per Arm 22m = 34.1 Feet Tip-to-Tip or = 17.7 Feet per Arm Examples of Cut-To-Size Windom Antenna Sizes : 60m & 41m = Long Arm 47.7 Feet and 31.8 Feet Short Arm 49m & 31m = Long Arm 38.5 Feet and 24.5 Feet Short Arm 31m & 22m = Long Arm 24.5 Feet and 17.7 Feet Short Arm -Note- The Dipole and Windom Antennas are 'balanced' Antennas and a Ground may not be needed to make them function well. The Horizontal Wire and Inverted "L" Antennas are single Wire Antennas and you will use one of the 300 Ohm Lead to connect to the Wire Antenna Element and . . . What Do I Do with the 'other' Lead ? ? ? Connect a short 3-4 Inch Bare Wire to this other Lead and use a Hose Clamp to Secure it to the outside of the "F" Connector attached to the 75 Ohm Connector of the Matching Transformer - you now have a Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB). The Horizontal Wire Antenna can be any Random Length Wire that you can Safely Rig within your Property Limits. The Inverted "L" Antenna can be any Random Length Wire that you can Safely Rig within your Property Limits. -OR- Inverted "L" Antenna can be Cut-to-Size Examples of Cut-To-Size Inverted "L" Antenna Sizes : 31m & 60m = Vert-Leg 24.5 Feet and Horiz-Arm 47.7 Feet 25m & 49m = Vert-leg 19.7 Feet and Horiz-Arm 38.5 Feet 19m & 41m = Vert-Leg 15.1 Feet and Horiz-Arm 31.8 Feet { Relative Aspect Radio 1V : 2H } -Note- The Horizontal Wire and Inverted'L" Antennas are 'un-balanced' Antennas and a Ground will be needed to make them function properly. For the Coax Cable feed-in-line i recommend RG6 Quad Shield Coax Cable. As musch as you need to get from you Eton E1 Radio to your Matching Transformer and Wire Antenna Elements. All of these above Wire Antennas should have lower Noise and better Signal Levels then a simple plain wire Antenna; and provide for a more enjoyable Shortwave Listening (SWL) experience. hope this helps - iane ~ RHF {pomkia} . Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf GoTo = http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ The SWL Antenna Discussion Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna HELP = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna NEWS = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna INFO = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf * * * All Are Welcome : Including ELMERS and 'Want-to-be-Elmers' plus plain old "Mister-Know-It-Alls"; and even those Newbees with "I Know This Is A Really Dumb Question - But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " . The Shortwave Listener's Blessing : SWL BLESSING = http://tinyurl.com/s2bjm May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always have Strong Signals and Noise Free Reception ~ RHF {ibid} http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortw...a/message/9233 . Tous Sont Bienvenus ! - - - Groupe par Radio d'auditeur d'onde courte pour des Antennes de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Alle Sind Willkommen ! - - - Shortwave Radiozuhörer Gruppe für SWL Antennen http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Tutti Sono Benvenuti ! - - - Gruppo Radiofonico dell'ascoltatore di onda corta per le Antenne di SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . Todos São Bem-vindos ! - - - Grupo de Rádio do ouvinte do Shortwave para Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . ¡Todos Son Agradables! - - - Grupo de Radio del oyente de la onda corta para las Antenas de SWL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . = = = = Plain Old American-English Translation = = = = All are Welcome - - - To Join the Shortwave Listeners (SWL) Antenna Group on YAHOO ! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/ . | | | / \ ........!....... |
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