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Now on DVD The explosive documentary about China's theft of U.S. nuclear
designs and their money laundering efforts on behalf of the Clinton administration and Democratic Party. A film by John J. McGough Chinagate: The Movie A Strategic Partnership http://www.ChinagateTheMovie.com/ Also see separate reports at: http://www.chinagatethemovie.com/Chi...port_Main.html At China-e-Lobby we consider the fate of the U.S. and Canada as one with respect to the machinations of Communist China: http://china-e-lobby.blogspot.com/ The joint RCMP/CSIS Sidewinder project had identified a number of the players in the Chinagate scandal that unraveled later including some of the companies like CITIC and Polytechnologies which were involved in the smuggling of the AK 47s. Hsu Parallels: The current Hsu and Hillary Clinton donation scandal has many similarities to the Chinagate scandal The China-Clinton Connection: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/arti...8/152130.shtml HILL DONOR GIVES UP http://www.wideawakes.net/forum/comm...2&page=1#Item_ 0 HILLARY'S CHINESE MONEY: WE ARE ASKING THE WRONG QUESTION http://www.wideawakes.net/forum/comm...ussionID=18272 HILLARY AND THE LOBBYISTS: CHINESE TAKE-OUT http://www.deletehillary.com/chinese_takeoutF.htm WHY HILLARY IN THE OVAL OFFICE IS A NATIONAL-SECURITY NO-NO Charles R. Smith, Edward Timperlake and William Triplett 03.01.06 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1587783/posts "What we saw in 1996 was similar," Mr. Triplett said. "Whenever the Clintons have money trouble, they turn to the Chinese and the Chinese don't let them down. Perhaps it is only a coincidence that both 1996 and 2008 are Years of the Rat in the Chinese calendar." http://washingtontimes.com/article/2...109040060/1001 During the last Clinton campaign of 1996, the People's Liberation Army launched a massive campaign to buy influence in the Democratic Party and steer military hardware and technology Beijing's way. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/ar...TICLE_ID=57450 THE BUNGA-LOWDOWN FUROR OVER CLAN'S 45G FOR HILLARY http://www.nypost.com/seven/08292007...ga_lowdown.htm Police search for fraudster dropped by Clinton camp http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/new...ticle2395603.e ce HILL DONOR HSU SKIPS BAIL AGAIN http://www.nypost.com/seven/09062007...nor_hsu_skips_ bail_agai.htm The Democratic fund-raiser is a fugitive again. The governor still has his contributions. http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news...acker_Hsu_goes _missing.html Fugitive fundraiser captured in Colorado tonight http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl.../BA9OS10B5.DTL Shadowy Money Trail of a Fugitive Fund-Raiser - New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/09/us...89&en=789a5bba 88d74130&ex=1346990400&partner=rssyahoo&emc=rss&pa gewanted=all Donors in step with Hsu Political contributions by three factory managers in a Pa. town closely track those of the two-time fugitive. In many cases, they have given like amounts at the same time to the same candidates across the nation, campaign records show. http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news..._step_with_Hsu ..html Hsu and the Shrimp Boy http://hotair.com/archives/2007/09/0...he-shrimp-boy/ Peter Chow aka Shrimp Boy Enter the Dragon Head http://www.sfweekly.com/2007-08-01/n...e-dragon-head/ The Saga of Hillary and Mr. Hsu http://news.aol.com/elections-blog/2...ary-and-mr-hsu / A Bundle of Trouble - You wouldn't want to be in Hsu's of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110010584 A book recommendation for the history: Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised American Security for Chinese Money http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/pro...5/ref=dp_prodd esc_0/105-3380275-9562041?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books The Current Crisis The Clintons' Chop Suey Connection By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Published 9/6/2007 http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=11977 -- Est autem fides credere quod nondum vides;cuius fidei merces est videre quod credis __________________________________________________ ______________ What Neo-Liberal-"Progressives" Won't Tell You http://www.FrontPageMag.com What Islamic Fascists Won't Tell You http://www.WhatTheWestNeedsToKnow.com What Communists Won't Tell You http://www.mises.org/etexts/mises/anticap.asp What Chinese Communists Won't Tell You http://china-e-lobby.blogspot.com __________________________________________________ ______________ |
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![]() A Strategic Partnership http://www.ChinagateTheMovie.com/ Hillary Clinton's Communist Chinese Fundraisers An unlikely treasure-trove of donors for Clinton The candidate's unparalleled fundraising success relies largely on the least-affluent residents of New York's Chinatown -- some of whom can't be tracked down. By Peter Nicholas and Tom Hamburger Los Angeles Times Staff Writers October 19, 2007 NEW YORK - Something remarkable happened at 44 Henry St., a grimy Chinatown tenement with peeling walls. It also happened nearby at a dimly lighted apartment building with trash bins clustered by the front door. And again not too far away, at 88 E. Broadway beneath the Manhattan bridge, where vendors chatter in Mandarin and Fujianese as they hawk rubber sandals and bargain-basement clothes. All three locations, along with scores of others scattered throughout some of the poorest Chinese neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, have been swept by an extraordinary impulse to shower money on one particular presidential candidate -- Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. Dishwashers, waiters and others whose jobs and dilapidated home addresses seem to make them unpromising targets for political fundraisers are pouring $1,000 and $2,000 contributions into Clinton's campaign treasury. In April, a single fundraiser in an area long known for its gritty urban poverty yielded a whopping $380,000. When Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) ran for president in 2004, he received $24,000 from Chinatown. At this point in the presidential campaign cycle, Clinton has raised more money than any candidate in history. Those dishwashers, waiters and street stall hawkers are part of the reason. And Clinton's success in gathering money from Chinatown's least-affluent residents stems from a two-pronged strategy: mutually beneficial alliances with powerful groups, and appeals to the hopes and dreams of people now consigned to the margins. Clinton has enlisted the aid of Chinese neighborhood associations, especially those representing recent immigrants from Fujian province. The organizations, at least one of which is a descendant of Chinatown criminal enterprises that engaged in gambling and human trafficking, exert enormous influence over immigrants. The associations help them with everything from protection against crime to obtaining green cards. Many of Clinton's Chinatown donors said they had contributed because leaders in neighborhood associations told them to. In some cases, donors said they felt pressure to give. The other piece of the strategy involves holding out hope that, if Clinton becomes president, she will move quickly to reunite families and help illegal residents move toward citizenship. As New York's junior senator, Clinton has expressed support for immigrants and greater family reunification. She is also benefiting from Chinese donors' naive notions of what she could do in the White House. Campaign concerns As with other campaigns looking for dollars in unpromising places, the Clinton operation also has accepted what it later conceded were improper donations. At least one reported donor denies making a contribution. Another admitted to lacking the legal-resident status required for giving campaign money. Clinton aides said they were concerned about some of the Chinatown contributions. "We have hundreds of thousands of donors. We are proud to have support from across New York and the country from many different communities," campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson said. "In this instance, our own compliance process flagged a number of questionable donations and took the appropriate steps to be sure they were legally given. In cases where we couldn't confirm that, the money was returned." The Times examined the cases of more than 150 donors who provided checks to Clinton after fundraising events geared to the Chinese community. One-third of those donors could not be found using property, telephone or business records. Most have not registered to vote, according to public records. And several dozen were described in financial reports as holding jobs -- including dishwasher, server or chef -- that would normally make it difficult to donate amounts ranging from $500 to the legal maximum of $2,300 per election. Of 74 residents of New York's Chinatown, Flushing, the Bronx or Brooklyn that The Times called or visited, only 24 could be reached for comment. Many said they gave to Clinton because they were instructed to do so by local association leaders. Some said they wanted help on immigration concerns. And several spoke of the pride they felt by being associated with a powerful figure such as Clinton. New take, old game Beyond what it reveals about present-day campaign fundraising, Chinatown's newfound role in the 2008 election cycle marks another chapter in the centuries-old American saga of marginalized ethnic groups and newly arrived immigrants turning to politics to improve their lot. In earlier times, New York politicians from William "Boss" Tweed to Fiorello LaGuardia gained power with the support of immigrants. So did politicians in Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago and other big cities. Like many who traveled this path, most of the Chinese reported as contributing to Clinton's campaign have never voted. Many speak little or no English. Some seem to lead such ephemeral lives that neighbors say they've never heard of them. "This is a new game," said Peter Kwong, a professor at Hunter College in New York who studies Chinatown communities across the country. Historically, Kwong said, "voting in Chinatown is so weak" that politicians did not go out of their way to court residents. "Today it is all about money," he said. The effort is especially pronounced among groups in the Fujianese community. More than a decade ago, Fujianese cultural associations ran gambling operations and, more ominously, at least one was home to a gang that trafficked in illegal Fujian native immigrants. The human-smuggling problem came to a head in 1993, when a cargo ship, the Golden Venture, ran aground off New York City. As shocked police and immigration officials looked on, hundreds of Fujian natives who had spent weeks below deck struggled to make it to shore. Several died in the attempt. A crackdown by the FBI's organized-crime task force led to the indictment of more than 20 Fujian native traffickers. Today, the problem has substantially dissipated, says Konrad Motyka of the FBI's New York field office, who participated in the investigation of the Golden Venture. Although Motyka is wary of the havoc wreaked in the past by Fujianese organized crime, he said: "I welcome signs that the community is participating in politics." High hopes At his tiny restaurant in the south Bronx, which has one table and a takeout counter, Chang Jian Lin displays a prized memento: a photo of himself and Clinton. The picture was taken at a fundraising banquet in Chinatown this spring. Lin and his wife, who also works in the restaurant, said through an interpreter that they believe Clinton, if elected president, will reunite their family. The Lins' two teenage children remain in Fujian, a mountainous coastal province in southeastern China opposite Taiwan. "If she gets to be the president, we want our children to come home," Chang Jian Lin said. Campaign officials point out that Clinton has sponsored legislation aimed at family reunification; the proposals failed. And immigration measures being discussed in Congress would assign a lower priority to family reunification, which tends to bring in poor people, and give preference to immigrants with more-lucrative job skills. Moreover, the Lins appeared to have an exaggerated impression of a president's ability to change such things as immigration laws single-handedly. Kwong thinks Clinton may be "exploiting the vulnerabilities of recent immigrants." Nonetheless, Lin is planning to attend another Clinton fundraiser, a birthday bash next week. He said his support rested on more than his hope for reuniting his family. "Besides the immigration issue with my kids, the overall standard of living will improve for the Chinese people" living in the U.S., he said. He has never before supported a U.S. politician and, not yet a citizen, he is barred from voting. But when Fujianese community leaders asked him to donate to Clinton, he said, he eagerly contributed $1,000. Immigrants who have permanent resident status can legally make campaign contributions. Coming up with the money was hard, Lin acknowledged, adding: "The restaurant is really small." Missing persons The tenement at 44 Henry St. was listed in Clinton's campaign reports as the home of Shu Fang Li, who reportedly gave $1,000. In a recent visit, a man, apparently drunk, was asleep near the entrance to the neighboring beauty parlor, the Nice Hair Salon. A tenant living in the apartment listed as Li's address said through a translator that she had not heard of him, although she had lived there for the last 10 years. A man named Liang Zheng was listed as having contributed $1,000. The address given was a large apartment building on East 194th Street in the Bronx, but no one by that name could be located there. Census figures for 2000 show the median family income for the area was less than $21,000. About 45% of the population was living below the poverty line, more than double the city average. In the busy heart of East Broadway, beneath the Manhattan Bridge, is a building that is listed as the home of Sang Cheung Lee, also reported to have given $1,000. Trash was piled in the dimly lighted entrance hall. Neighbors said they knew of no one with Lee's name there; they knocked on one another's doors in a futile effort to find him. Salespeople at a store on Canal Street were similarly baffled when asked about Shih Kan Chang, listed as working there and having given $1,000. The store sells purses, jewelry and novelty Buddha statues. Employees said they had not heard of Chang. Another listed donor, Yi Min Liu, said he did not make the $1,000 contribution in April that was reported in his name. He said he attended a banquet for Clinton but did not give her money. Clinton "has done a lot for the Chinese community," he said. One New York man who said he enthusiastically donated $2,500 to Clinton doesn't appear to be eligible to do so under federal election law. He said he came to the United States from China about two years ago and didn't have a green card. Out of the periphery A key figure helping to secure Asian support for Clinton is a woman named Chung Seto, who came to this country as a child from Canton province and has supported Bill and Hillary Clinton since the 1990s. She called Fujian natives' support for Hillary Clinton the beginning of civic engagement for an immigrant group that had long been on the periphery. She said she stationed translators at the entrance of one event to try to screen out improper contributions. Qun Wu, a 37-year-old waiter at a Chinese restaurant in Flushing, saw a reference to a Clinton fundraiser in a Chinese-language newspaper. He took a day off from work to go. Though he only makes $500 a week, he considers his $1,000 donation to be money well-spent. He got his picture taken with Clinton, hung it prominently in his house, then had color reprints made and sent to family in China. "Every day I go home and see it," he said. "I see my picture with Hillary, and I feel encouraged. It's a great honor." Many, on the other hand, said they gave for reasons having more to do with the Chinese community than with Clinton. He Duan Zheng, who gave $1,000, said of the Fujianese community: "They informed us to go, so I went. "Everybody was making a donation, so I did too," he said. "Otherwise I would lose face." http://www.latimes.com/news/politics...1217.story?col l=la-home-center |
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![]() A Strategic Partnership http://www.ChinagateTheMovie.com/ Hillary Clinton's Communist Chinese Fundraisers http://www.latimes.com/news/politics...1217.story?col l=la-home-center FBI Questions Chinese Student Leaders at Eastern U.S. Universities ....several of Beijing's special agents who were stationed at the Chinese associations in New York have escaped to China. Mr. Xu said that Americans can't fully understand how evil the CCP could be, and hence independent media needs to continue to expose it. This will help the United States take action against the special agents and learn more about the real situation of the CCP and China. http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-8-27/59108.html Chinese Communist Party Student Spies http://en.epochtimes.com/211,123,,1.html |
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![]() Chinagate: The Movie A Strategic Partnership http://www.ChinagateTheMovie.com/ Chinese Student Associations Are Key Bases for CCP Spies The New York University Chinese Culture Club (NYUCCC), under the control of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Consulate, initiated a petition on June 8, 2007 on its website against the International Chinese Dance Competition. Since then, the issue of Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSAs) becoming umbrella organizations of the CCP spies and the heads of CSSAs as spies themselves were put on the table. Dozens of former CSSA chairs and main contact persons openly testified that the CCP Embassies and Consulates manipulated and used CSSAs in various universities to conduct "illegal activities" beyond the scope of their normal diplomatic businesses. Among them, the Columbia University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CUCSSA) is the core of the CCP CSSA spy organization. Two of the three CUCSSA advisors are Chinese Consulate officials. The heads of the CUCSSA not only directly follow orders from the Chinese Consulate, but also get fixed incomes from the Consulate, have regular meetings at the Consulate, and implement the CCP's policies outside of China. These people act as agents for the CCP without registering with the U.S. Government, hence have already violated U.S. law. At the same time, former Chinese diplomat in Australia Chen Yonglin took a week-long lecture tour in Canada early June. He openly named CSSAs as overseas groups controlled by the CCP that act as agents for the CCP outside China. The CCP's spy activities in U.S. have attracted tight attention from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In mid June, the FBI announced that it would send officers to top U.S. universities to provide training on how to watch out for suspicious activities, which caused stirs on campuses. In early July, FBI published Chinese advertisements on three Chinese newspapers in San Francisco for a week, encouraging American Chinese to report on CCP spies. The FBI's monitor on the CCP's favorites moves towards the open. CSSA is An Extended Organization of the Chinese Consulate According to former chair of the University of Arizona CSSA Ma Youzhi, before the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, almost all overseas CSSAs were like an extended organization of the Chinese Embassies and Consulates. The Chinese Consulate monitored and managed Chinese students and visiting scholars abroad through CSSA. At the time of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, almost all CSSAs in U.S. condemned the CCP's slaughter. Many CSSAs freed themselves from the CCP's control then and formed the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars. However, the CCP later bought over some people who were willing to become agents for the CCP, or directly sent spies to take leading roles in CSSA. Many CSSAs were again controlled by the CCP and have become an extended spy organization for the CCP. Two of Three Advisors for CUCSSA Come From the Chinese Consulate Two of the three advisors for the CUCSSA come from the CCP's General Consulate in New York. They are the Counselor for Education Fanglin Ai and Consul Da Yao, who is in charge of New York City and Long Island. On June 8, 2007, the NYUCCC initiated a petition on its website against the International Chinese Dance Competition. On June 17, CUCSSA published on its own website an open letter supporting NYUCCC, and published nine articles attacking and slandering Falun Gong on the same day. All of these articles attached the URL of the Chinese Embassy in the United States. CUCSSA Is a Key Base for the CCP spy organization A source disclosed to The Epoch Times that the CUCSSA has always been a focal point for the CCP's force development overseas. It is the CCP's most competent tool in conducting "illegal activities" beyond the normal consulate business scope. The CUCSSA takes on important political tasks, including monitoring famous human rights activist Wei Jingsheng when he was studying at the Columbia University. Now it is focusing on attacking and slandering Falun Gong. Tang Baiqiao, former student leader of the Tiananmen Democratic Student Movement in 1989 and the chairman of the China Peace and Democracy Alliance, witnessed in person how the Chinese Consulate manipulated CSSA between 2001 and 2003 when he was studying at the Columbia University. Tang said that the CUCSSA has been an important base inspected and controlled by the CCP. The CCP treated it as a spy center. One reason was that Columbia University is a famous school in New York, which is the USA's economic center with a lot of foreign students. Another reason is that many famous Chinese people and children of CCP's high-ranking officials graduated from Columbia University. Since 1989 many dissenters went there for study or as visiting scholars. According to insiders, the chairman and deputy chairman of CUCSSA are required to report to the Consulate separately. The Consulate will check these two reports and verify the accuracy of the reports to test their loyalty to the CCP. If these people go back to China after graduation, they are able to be promoted quickly through the political capitals gained overseas. If they stay overseas, they will be assigned special missions and act as CCP's spies by infiltrating the western society. MSS (Ministry of State Security of China) Planted Many of Spies at Columbia University Commentator Li Tianxiao, Ph.D in politics, studied from 1986 to 1994 at Columbia University. He said that the Chinese Consulate in New York controlled and inspected Columbia University very tightly and often sent people to do investigations or attend conferences in order to keep track of Chinese students. He said, "I have heard that the MSS had planted spies at Columbia University and brought dictatorial trickery from mainland China to control and keep watch over overseas students." Attacks on Falun Gong, Acting as Pawns for the CCP On April 20, 2007, David Matas, a member of the Canadian Independent Investigation Team, and famous international human rights lawyer, and Dr Yang Jingduan and Dr. Li Xiangchun, both Falun Gong practitioners, attended conferences held at Princeton and Colombia Universities separately to expose the CCP's crime of organ harvesting. The CCP sent CUCSSA to stir up trouble at the conference. They continuously and purposefully interrupted speakers and even shouted out comments during the meeting. Their strange behavior and irrationality made Western professors and students speechless. Later, CUCSSA announced on its website, "CUCSSA presented strong coherence and combative strength through this event." They made no attempt to hide its identify as pawns for the CCP. Li also pointed out that the main political goal for the CCP in recent years was to persecute Falun Gong. CUSSSA has been sparing no efforts in attacking Falun Gong and has never concealed its secrets. It is very clear who is the one behind the scene. Li said that CSSA overseas have been generally controlled by the CCP. However, it is rare to see CUCSSA's open and public slandering of Falun Gong. Many associations carried out the commands from the CCP secretly and tried to conceal themselves by using disguises. On July 17, fourteen articles still were kept in the news column of its website, five of them attacking Falun Gong. The articles were filled with harsh words of the CCP propaganda, such us "Anyone who violates the strong force anywhere should be wiped out!" Important Meetings Periodically Held In Chinese Consulate According to Tang Boqiao, the CUCSSA periodically holds meetings at the Chinese Consulate, including important student association meetings. Large student association events enjoyed complete funding from the Chinese consulate, and consulate officials give lectures at every meeting. One large scale annual ball to celebrate the New Year is held in the student center auditorium and the consulate pays $15000 to rent the space for the event. One CUCSSA bulletin from June 6, 2007 reads, "CUCSSA student officials recently attended a colloquia held by the general consulate. The conference included a greeting leaders from the Chinese General Consulate conveying warm regards from the homeland and its people to oversea students in the Great New York Area." The analyst noted that the message in the greeting was clear: the Chinese Consulate controls student associations in the Great New York Area. Payment to the CUCSSA Chairman According to some reports, eight years ago, the Chinese Consulate in New York deposited $3000 and $1500 respectively into the special credit cards for the chairman and deputy chairman of CUCSSA as a reward every month, although the credit card isn't registered under the president's name. Tang expressed that when he was attending Columbia, the CUCSSA president would not only have meals periodically paid for by consulate officials, but would also see a $1500 allowance from the consulate every month. This later became known to other students. "I think the amount of the allowance has become even higher," said Tang. In a lecture he gave in Canada this June, former CCP diplomat Chen Yonglin discussed the techniques CCP embassies employed to control overseas students. One of the strategies is the scholarship programs by the CCP Ministry of Education to overseas students who work actively for the Chinese consulate. Assisting the CCP with Buying-off of "China Experts" The CCSA serves another important political function: influencing research experts in the field of Chinese studies who work in American universities. According to Tang, after the June 4 incident in 1989, these "China Experts" have basically become the critics of the current CCP regime, so the CCP invested tremendous effort to sway them. These "experts" are often professors in American universities, so the Chinese regime uses student associations to influence them. Tang added that he had heard of, and personally encountered, many incidents of the CSSA chairman sharing meals together with these China experts and Chinese consulate staff. Tang stressed that such tactics yield a great benefit to the CCP, but they are also great hindrance to and even directly harm the Chinese people. For a majority of the Chinese people who want the world to know about the CCP's unlawful deeds their voice is essentially silenced, as these student associations ensure that the government is able to maintain its cover-up. USD $30-$70 for Welcoming Chinese Leaders In addition, the CSSA at every university also works to lure students with money to attend welcome gatherings when a Chinese leader comes to visit. Tang recalled that one year, with Jiang Zhemin's visit to the U.S., CUCSSA sent an e-mail to students, informing them that anyone attending the welcome gathering would be paid $30, including spouses and children, who were also entitled to the full amount. A family of three would receive a total of $90 for being present. The email was mocked by 99 percent of the recipients, as many students said it was not worth selling one's face for so little money. Others jokingly asked if they could get more money. The whole thing was seen as a laughing stock. Not long after, when another Chinese dignitary came to visit, the Columbia University CSSA raised their offer to $70 a head. Xu Kai-CUCSSA Chairman and Fanatical CCP Supporter In June of this year, in his keynote address of the unveiling ceremony of the Victims of Communism Memorial , U.S. President Bush noted that communism and terrorism are no different, adding that both are a crime against humanity. Xu Kai, the current Columbia University CSSA president, was formerly a leader-class student in Qinghua University in Beijing. When U.S. President Bush delivered his speech at Qinghua University on February 22, 2002, Xu was one of the roughly 300 students chosen by the university to attend, representing the great trust that the Chinese regime places in this individual. Whether out in public or on his own blog, Xu makes no effort to hide his support for the current Chinese regime and his fanaticism for communism; he has continued to make his stance known since he arrived in the U.S. for his studies. It is perhaps no surprise that Xu was hand picked by the Chinese consulate to be the chairman for Columbia's CSSA. Xu has decorated his blog with several photos of himself with Chinese consulate staff, as well as photos where he's engaged in consulate organized activities. According to an overseas Chinese student attending Columbia, Xu seemed to develop strong ties to the Chinese consulate shortly after his arrival. Many found this quite unusual, because such a relationship often takes time to develop; but not for Xu Kai. FBI Counter-Espionage Agents Enter American Universities In mid June 2007, in order to prevent foreign spies and hidden terrorists from conducting espionage operations, the FBI announced that they would send agents to all the major American universities. FBI officials openly admitted that America's biggest espionage threat comes from China FBI special agents have reportedly contacted various universities, teaching school staff and students about potential foreign spies and terrorists. The bureau also guided these individuals on how to identify foreign special agents and trained them in ways to protect themselves. The head of Boston's FBI bureau claimed that such activities would certainly spread to all the major U.S. universities. He also pointed out that as open communities, university campuses become very easy targets for spies to infiltrate. The FBI urges these universities to stay on high alert for these types of activities. The news regarding the FBI's counter-espionage efforts has encouraged a lot of discussion among Chinese students and scholars. CSSA leaders are said to be quite concerned. According to a report by the Xinhua News Agency, the official news outlet of the Chinese communist regime, a CSSA leader in the U.S.'s southwest region said, "Scholars and students involved in research for high-tech or engineering fields will have to watch their actions, so as to avoid being caught by the FBI and treated as spies." The Xinhua report also stated that at University of Southern California, about 10 Chinese graduate students attending a Ph.D. program in advanced neurology have been closely monitored for the past two years. In the past two years, without exception, as soon as an individual from this group returned to China for a visit, they met with an FBI background investigation. After a young associate professor attended a conference in China, he became the subject of a year and half FBI investigation upon filing his visa application to return to the States. FBI's Monitoring of CCP Favorites Going Public From July 2 to 8, the FBI put ads in three Chinese San Francisco papers: China Press, Singdao Daily and World Daily. The ads sought assistance from members of the Chinese community to provide any information related to actions that could prove to be potentially dangerous to U.S. national security; the ads especially welcomed information regarding China's National Security Bureau. "After the Soviet Union and Eastern European communism dissolved, the FBI honed in on the CCP's U.S. espionage operation; this took place long ago," said Li Tianxiao. "In the high-tech field, in big companies, especially in universities, such monitoring definitely exists. Specifically, just before the 1989 pro-democracy movement, many CCP members began to be monitored and it has continued ever since. They have no idea their cases have been thoroughly examined by the FBI." Li pointed out that the once covert FBI monitoring of CCP favorites is becoming more apparent. http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-7-21/57868.html |
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A Strategic Partnership http://www.ChinagateTheMovie.com/
Hillary Clinton's Communist Chinese Fundraisers http://www.latimes.com/news/politics...1217.story?col l=la-home-center Chinese Bribes, Spies, and Politics According to a former visiting professor at Yale University, Dr. Yuming Zhang, the Chinese regime has a large number of spies in the United States. An acquaintance of his working in the Chinese Consulate, who wishes to remain anonymous, disclosed to Dr. Zhang that, "The Chinese Consulate has placed people inside all student associations, Chinese churches, Chinese newspapers, Chinese communities, democratic organizations, and Falun Gong groups around New York. Their responsibilities are to gather information, propagandize the Chinese Communist Party's ideology, and sow discord." A web of bribes, spies, and political pressure is leading dozens of Chinese student groups carry out the directives of the Chinese Communist Party. The long arm of Beijing is reaching into U.S. universities and grasping control of student organizations, according to recent reports. A web of bribes, spies, and political pressure is leading dozens of Chinese student groups across the United States to carry out the directives of their local Chinese Consulates to suppress and slander groups not to the liking of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The list of universities affected is long and diverse: Columbia University, New York University, the University of Rochester, U.C. San Diego, U.C. Santa Cruz, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. These schools and many more all have a Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) or its equivalent with a political or financial connection to their local Chinese Consulate. For example, the University of Tennessee's CSSA financial statement from 2005 showed that 80 percent of its budget, or $1,400, came from funds disbursed by "PRC Embassy" (the Chinese Embassy). There are at least 109 CSSAs across the United States, and now questions are being raised whether any others have similar connections to their local consulates. .... A decade ago, Ms. Yanping Lu served as the chair of the CSSA at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She told The Epoch Times that, at the time, she did not fully realize the Chinese Consulate was using her for espionage. She accepted small gifts from the consulate-on the order of $300 each-as a matter of routine and did not think about it further. Eventually, the consulate asked her to collect data on fellow students. Mr. Yunqing You was elected president of the University of Minnesota CSSA in 2002. Soon he was introduced to a Chicago consular official named Jiacai Cheng. During the year that You was president, Cheng mailed him $3,000 in checks under his name. (You deposited them immediately in the CSSA account.) "In fact, the so-called activity funds given by the consulate were not given to the student association," You told The Epoch Times. "Instead, the funds were given to the president individually... The checks are a direct bribe to the president. The consulate withholds checks if their directives are not followed by the president." http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-7-11/57509.html CCP Student Spies http://en.epochtimes.com/211,123,,1.html |
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![]() A Strategic Partnership http://www.ChinagateTheMovie.com/ Big Source of Clinton's Cash is an Unlikely Address in California DALY CITY, Calif. -- One of the biggest sources of political donations to Hillary Rodham Clinton is a tiny, lime-green bungalow that lies under the flight path from San Francisco International Airport. Six members of the Paw family, each listing the house at 41 Shelbourne Ave. as their residence, have donated a combined $45,000 to the Democratic senator from New York since 2005, for her presidential campaign, her Senate re-election last year and her political action committee. In all, the six Paws have donated a total of $200,000 to Democratic candidates since 2005, election records show. Their donations closely follow contributions made by a wealthy New York businessman. See Donation record via WSJ here http://online.wsj.com/public/resourc...etro_sort.html It isn't obvious how the Paw family is able to afford such political largess. Records show they own a gift shop and live in a 1,280-square-foot house that they recently refinanced for $270,000. William Paw, the 64-year-old head of the household, is a mail carrier with the U.S. Postal Service who earns about $49,000 a year, according to a union representative. Alice Paw, also 64, is a homemaker. The couple's grown children have jobs ranging from account manager at a software company to "attendance liaison" at a local public high school. One is listed on campaign records as an executive at a mutual fund. Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1188...s_us_whats_new s So far what we have is a family of limited means donating an extraordinary amount of money (considering their income) to Hillary Clinton and in smaller part to other Democrats, that lives in a house that was once listed as Mr. Hsu's home address, which makes that connection very obvious. http://wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blog...linton-paw-fam ily-and-norman.html Now lets take a look at Norman Hsu. Norman Hsu's love of Clinton on display http://www.latimes.com/business/inve...834069.story?c oll=la-headlines-business-invest Hey Hillary, what's that big mark on your ear? It looks like $950,000 for a school that your favorite Chinese fundraiser, Norman Hsu, just happens to have been a board member of. And in the case of the New School in Greenwich Village, it turned out to have some national resonance: Norman Hsu, a major Democratic donor active in Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign and a New School trustee, was found to be a fugitive who had skipped out after a felony theft conviction in California 15 years ago. Here's the bill, S.1710. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquer...07&dbname=110& It's the Labor/HHS/Education spending bill that's being debated in the Senate right now. Do a search on "Clinton" a whole bunch of times (she has quite a few line items in this bill, $500k here, $250k there, $1.5 million over there) and you'll eventually land at this earmark. New York Times September 20, 2007 Norman Hsu, an apparel-industry executive and a major donor to Democratic candidates and causes, confessed to FBI agents last week that he had pressured investors in what he now admits were phony business deals to contribute to Democratic political campaigns, prosecutors said in an indictment that was unsealed today. The complaint, filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan, accused Mr. Hsu of bilking at least $60 million from hundreds of investors in a nationwide Ponzi scheme, and using some of that money to illegally reimburse at least two people who made a total of $60,000 in campaign donations at his request. While the complaint did not specify which candidates received the illegal or coerced contributions, federal authorities confirmed that one of them was Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her presidential campaign has said it intends to return $850,000 to more than 200 people whose donations were bundled by Mr. Hsu. .... The indictment said that while in Colorado, Mr. Hsu reached out to FBI agents on three occasions and asked to speak to them without his lawyers present. He is said to have told the agents that his business deals involved no real investments but were in fact fraudulent, and "admitted that he made implied threats to his investors to pressure them to contribute to political candidates he supported." Working through two shell companies, Components Ltd. and Next Components Ltd., Mr. Hsu persuaded numerous investors from across country to give him money ostensibly to help secure short-term loans for various companies doing business in the apparel industry, the government said. The Ponzi scheme had been not intended to generate political contributions even though several investors were bullied into making donations, David A. Cardona, the special agent in charge of the F.B.I.'s New York office, said at a news conference today. Rather, Mr. Cardona said, it was the cachet derived from Mr. Hsu's political activities that gave his investment schemes a certain allure. Those schemes, the complaint said, focused on several aspects of the apparel trade, from helping obtain letters of credits for wholly imaginary manufacturers to financing the importation of "high-end" Chinese clothing that did not exist. As in all Ponzi schemes, the government said, Mr. Hsu paid interest to the first wave of investors with principle invested by secondary waves and used this purported success to lure more investors. The experience of Joel Rosenman - a New York investor referred to in the complaint only as "Victim 1" but whose identity was confirmed by several lawyers involved in the case - was presented in the indictment as indicative of the scheme as a whole. Mr. Rosenman's interactions with Mr. Hsu were also laid out in a civil suit filed Friday in New York County Superior Court. Mr. Rosenman was introduced to Mr. Hsu by a mutual friend in 2003 and made an initial investment of $50,000 with Mr. Hsu. In return, he received a check for $57,000 postdated for four and a half months later. The indictment said that when Mr. Rosenman successfully cashed the check, it helped him develop trust in Mr. Hsu, who claimed to have lined up clothing deals with big-name companies like Nordstrom, L.L. Bean and Hugo Boss. By 2007, Mr. Rosenman had created an investment fund, Source Financing Investors, with friends and relatives that funneled more than $40 million into Mr. Hsu's hands. In August, however, when reports about Mr. Hsu's shadowy past began to surface, Mr. Rosenman confronted Mr. Hsu, who assured him his investments were not in danger, the government said. But earlier this month, Mr. Rosenman went to cash a check in the amount of $1,031,300 that Mr. Hsu had given him and, according to the complaint, the bank refused to accept it. The civil suit filed by Source Financing Investors said that $40.2 million of its money is missing. Ronald Minkoff, a lawyer representing Source Financing Investors, said he has asked campaigns that received contributions from Mr. Hsu and his network of investors not to dispose of the money. "We are asking them to hold that money in escrow," Mr. Minkoff said. "We are trying to find what we can find." Crime Stats: - Number of individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes: 47 - Number of these convictions during Clinton's presidency: 33 - Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61 - Number of congressional witnesses who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment, fled the country to avoid testifying, or (in the case of foreign witnesses) refused to be interviewed: 122 Forgetful Clinton "friends": Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn't remember, didn't know, or something similar. Hillary Clinton 250. Bill Kennedy 116 Harold Ickes 148 Ricki Seidman 160 Bruce Lindsey 161 Bill Burton 191 Mark Gearan 221 Mack McLarty 233 Neil Egglseston 250 John Podesta 264 Jennifer O'Connor 343 Dwight Holton 348 Patsy Thomasson 420 Jeff Eller 697 Folks, this is a the prefect example of the old adage, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, chances are, it is, indeed, a duck. Follow all the links above and ask yourself one final question. Will Americans vote for a person that has such close associations with fraud and crime and fugitives? |
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