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On Dec 18, 1:02 pm, RHF wrote:
The Verdict {One Man's Opinion} : Magnetic Longwire Balun Is Too Expensive http://www.hard-core-dx.com/nordicdx.../magbalun.html -by- Alan Johnson -source- Hard-Cord-DX website :http://www.hard-core-dx.com/ The Most Common Antenna Type Randon Wire Antenna Problems Enter the Balun The Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB) In the Laboratory After Four Rainy WeekEnds I also did A-B Comparisons * The Results The "Resistance" Curve for the MLB The N8KDV Transformer A-B Testing was very Revealing. * Recommenation How Essential is a Perfect Match? Based on Price and Performance The MLB Definitely Wins Originally Published in the NASWA Journal - July 1992 -by- Alan Johnson [N4LUS] Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB)http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...nnas/mlbII.jpg -by- RF Systems - MSRP Price ~ $60 Alternative "MLB" - MLB-1 Magnetic Longwire Balunhttp://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html -by- Palomar Engineers - MSRP Price ~ $50 NOTE - While the 'N8KDV Transformer' is presently Not Available. WinRadio does offer the LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapterhttp://www.grove-ent.com/WR0130.htmlhttp://www.winradio.com/home/lwa.htmhttp://www.winradio.com/home/ax05e.htm -by- WiNRADiO - - MSRP Price ~ $40 READ - Good Deal on 9:1 Matching Transformerhttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/27e40978fdc32ac0 -by- William Fieldstone More WinRadio LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapter Postingshttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/a77d380609eec592http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/message/230 iane ~ RHF . I've got a Palomar magnetic balun sitting on my desk. Once I got the Wellbrook, the magnetic balun became a paperweight. |
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On Dec 18, 8:31 pm, wrote:
On Dec 18, 1:02 pm, RHF wrote: The Verdict {One Man's Opinion} : Magnetic Longwire Balun Is Too Expensive http://www.hard-core-dx.com/nordicdx.../magbalun.html -by- Alan Johnson -source- Hard-Cord-DX website :http://www.hard-core-dx.com/ The Most Common Antenna Type Randon Wire Antenna Problems Enter the Balun The Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB) In the Laboratory After Four Rainy WeekEnds I also did A-B Comparisons * The Results The "Resistance" Curve for the MLB The N8KDV Transformer A-B Testing was very Revealing. * Recommenation How Essential is a Perfect Match? Based on Price and Performance The MLB Definitely Wins Originally Published in the NASWA Journal - July 1992 -by- Alan Johnson [N4LUS] Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB)http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...http://www.dol... -by- RF Systems - MSRP Price ~ $60 Alternative "MLB" - MLB-1 Magnetic Longwire Balunhttp://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html -by- Palomar Engineers - MSRP Price ~ $50 NOTE - While the 'N8KDV Transformer' is presently Not Available. WinRadio does offer the LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapterhttp://www.grove-ent.com/WR0130.htmlhttp://www.winradio.com/home/lwa.... -by- WiNRADiO - - MSRP Price ~ $40 READ - Good Deal on 9:1 Matching Transformerhttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/27e40978fdc32ac0 -by- William Fieldstone More WinRadio LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapter Postingshttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/a77d380609eec5... iane ~ RHF . - - I've got a Palomar magnetic balun sitting on my desk. - - Once I got the Wellbrook, What specific Wellbrook Product ? http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/products.html - - - i want to know ~ RHF - the magnetic balun became a paperweight. |
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On Dec 19, 4:08 am, RHF wrote:
On Dec 18, 8:31 pm, wrote: On Dec 18, 1:02 pm, RHF wrote: The Verdict {One Man's Opinion} : Magnetic Longwire Balun Is Too Expensive http://www.hard-core-dx.com/nordicdx.../magbalun.html -by- Alan Johnson -source- Hard-Cord-DX website :http://www.hard-core-dx.com/ The Most Common Antenna Type Randon Wire Antenna Problems Enter the Balun The Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB) In the Laboratory After Four Rainy WeekEnds I also did A-B Comparisons * The Results The "Resistance" Curve for the MLB The N8KDV Transformer A-B Testing was very Revealing. * Recommenation How Essential is a Perfect Match? Based on Price and Performance The MLB Definitely Wins Originally Published in the NASWA Journal - July 1992 -by- Alan Johnson [N4LUS] Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB)http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...http://www.dol... -by- RF Systems - MSRP Price ~ $60 Alternative "MLB" - MLB-1 Magnetic Longwire Balunhttp://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html -by- Palomar Engineers - MSRP Price ~ $50 NOTE - While the 'N8KDV Transformer' is presently Not Available. WinRadio does offer the LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapterhttp://www.grove-ent.com/WR0130.htmlhttp://www.winradio.com/home/lwa.... -by- WiNRADiO - - MSRP Price ~ $40 READ - Good Deal on 9:1 Matching Transformerhttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/27e40978fdc32ac0 -by- William Fieldstone More WinRadio LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapter Postingshttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/a77d380609eec5... iane ~ RHF . - - I've got a Palomar magnetic balun sitting on my desk. - - Once I got the Wellbrook, What specific Wellbrook Product ?http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/products.html - - - i want to know ~ RHF - the magnetic balun became a paperweight. I'm using the old ALA 100 and various home made loops. You need about 8ft of loop to make the ALA100 useful, though as a NDB direction finder 4ft seems to work better. For shortwave DXpeditions, I've used as much as 40ft in portable applications. The thing about the ALA100 is you get a good piece of electronics that allows hacking. That is, you make the loop. The other thing you notice once you use a wellbrook is that the S-meter really isn't that significant. Once in a while you will get a higher reading on the s- meter with a long wire than the wellbrook, especially if your loop is short, but the quality of the signal on the wellbrook is superior. One of the oddest DX catches I got with the 20ft loop is http://www.lazygranch.com/sound/lax_530_etgravel.wav I was parked on "the gravel" N37.43225 W115.44496 near Area 51. I did a search for unknown NDBs, which I did find though they are now turned off. The next search was to see if they had any TIS. Now TIS is not all that odd at military installations, though I doubted Groom Lake would have one. Searching the typical TIS frequencies I picked up the TIS for LAX. That is about 280 miles away. However, you need to realize how "quiet" Central Nevada is regarding RF. Even in the middle of MOAs and next to the largest continental military reservation, there is much less hash than even a mid-size town puts out. Wellbrook is pretty mysterious about what they put in their boxes. The units themselves are potted, though that wouldn't stop anyone serious about copying their gear.What you need to realize is how little product they ship. Comparing serial numbers with my ala100 and a friends, we figured they were shipping about one a month to North America. In other words, If they had a Wellbrook users convention, I don't think they would need to book it in Vegas. [There is a wellbrook loop on the top of the Las Vegas convention center. ] Anyway, most people think the ALA100 has a transformer on the front end and a signle ended amp. The ALAM may be all active. I don't know if that makes a difference in performance, but floating the antenna seems like a good idea. Unlike the KIWA, the Wellbrook is wideband. This is good in the sense that you don't need to tune the antenna and the radio at the same time, but it does require a decent radio since the antenna is not doing any filtering. |
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On Dec 23, 4:07*pm, msg wrote:
wrote: snip One of the oddest DX catches I got with the 20ft loop is http://www.lazygranch.com/sound/lax_530_etgravel.wav I was parked on "the gravel" N37.43225 W115.44496 near Area 51. I did a search for unknown NDBs, which I did find though they are now turned off. The next search was to see if they had any TIS. Now TIS is not all that odd at military installations, though I doubted Groom Lake would have one. Searching the typical TIS frequencies I picked up the TIS for LAX. That is about 280 miles away. However, you need to realize how "quiet" Central Nevada is regarding RF. Even in the middle of MOAs and next to the largest continental military reservation, there is much less hash than even a mid-size town puts out. snip Wow, that is an amazing clip considering the circumstances. What was the time of day and the date? Was this anomalous propagation? Regards, Michael M...Sushi, Glad that you like the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna so much and that it meets your Radio Listening needs. I would Expect the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna to out perform the Palomar MLB-1 with a 100 Foot Antenna. For $230 more in Cost and at ~ Five Times (5X) the price. Wellbrook - ALA100/M L/M Aperture Loop Antenna http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/ALA100Ma.html North American Version with PSU http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/buy.html Price : $258.00 +S&H $30.00 Palomar Engineers - MLB-1 "Magnetic Longwire Balun" http://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html Price : $50.00 +S&H $8.00 Plus for your Radio Listening interests and needs the Welbrook is a whole lot more 'portable' then trying to Erect a 100 Foot Wire Antenna on the Side of the Road. ~ RHF |
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On Dec 23, 6:09 pm, RHF wrote:
On Dec 23, 4:07 pm, msg wrote: wrote: snip One of the oddest DX catches I got with the 20ft loop is http://www.lazygranch.com/sound/lax_530_etgravel.wav I was parked on "the gravel" N37.43225 W115.44496 near Area 51. I did a search for unknown NDBs, which I did find though they are now turned off. The next search was to see if they had any TIS. Now TIS is not all that odd at military installations, though I doubted Groom Lake would have one. Searching the typical TIS frequencies I picked up the TIS for LAX. That is about 280 miles away. However, you need to realize how "quiet" Central Nevada is regarding RF. Even in the middle of MOAs and next to the largest continental military reservation, there is much less hash than even a mid-size town puts out. snip Wow, that is an amazing clip considering the circumstances. What was the time of day and the date? Was this anomalous propagation? Regards, Michael M...Sushi, Glad that you like the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna so much and that it meets your Radio Listening needs. I would Expect the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna to out perform the Palomar MLB-1 with a 100 Foot Antenna. For $230 more in Cost and at ~ Five Times (5X) the price. Wellbrook - ALA100/M L/M Aperture Loop Antennahttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/ALA100Ma.html North American Version with PSUhttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/buy.html Price : $258.00 +S&H $30.00 Palomar Engineers - MLB-1 "Magnetic Longwire Balun"http://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html Price : $50.00 +S&H $8.00 Plus for your Radio Listening interests and needs the Welbrook is a whole lot more 'portable' then trying to Erect a 100 Foot Wire Antenna on the Side of the Road. ~ RHF . I bought my Wellbrook before the Bush Crime Family devalued the dollar. Sure, we pay more money for high quality goods from the UK and EU, but just think about the bargains we now get for the "cough cough" made in China imports. If it wasn't for the weak dollar, gas would cost about 30% less. Every time those morons at the Fed cut interest rates, gas gets more expensive. |
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On Dec 23, 4:07 pm, msg wrote:
wrote: snip One of the oddest DX catches I got with the 20ft loop is http://www.lazygranch.com/sound/lax_530_etgravel.wav I was parked on "the gravel" N37.43225 W115.44496 near Area 51. I did a search for unknown NDBs, which I did find though they are now turned off. The next search was to see if they had any TIS. Now TIS is not all that odd at military installations, though I doubted Groom Lake would have one. Searching the typical TIS frequencies I picked up the TIS for LAX. That is about 280 miles away. However, you need to realize how "quiet" Central Nevada is regarding RF. Even in the middle of MOAs and next to the largest continental military reservation, there is much less hash than even a mid-size town puts out. snip Wow, that is an amazing clip considering the circumstances. What was the time of day and the date? Was this anomalous propagation? Regards, Michael I didn't log the call. The dates on my server are no longer when I did the upload, so I would have to do some research to get the date I recorded it. I think it was at night. Of course, I realized later that to find a local LF source you should do this in the day. Even so, I could received NDBs from Canada during daylight hours when out in the Central Nevada desert. The setup for that recording: http://www.lazygranch.com/images/radio/loop1.jpg http://www.lazygranch.com/images/radio/loop2.jpg http://www.lazygranch.com/images/radio/loop3.jpg http://www.lazygranch.com/images/radio/loop4.jpg http://www.lazygranch.com/images/radio/loop5.jpg The black rods are tent poles. The plastic came from Tap Plastics. The PVC is obvious. The base is an old patio umbrella stand. I have another one twice as big, which is four time the aperture. I suppose I should bring the gear out there again and see if I can repeat the LAX TIS. |
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On Dec 23, 8:52*pm, wrote:
On Dec 23, 6:09 pm, RHF wrote: On Dec 23, 4:07 pm, msg wrote: wrote: snip One of the oddest DX catches I got with the 20ft loop is http://www.lazygranch.com/sound/lax_530_etgravel.wav I was parked on "the gravel" N37.43225 W115.44496 near Area 51. I did a search for unknown NDBs, which I did find though they are now turned off. The next search was to see if they had any TIS. Now TIS is not all that odd at military installations, though I doubted Groom Lake would have one. Searching the typical TIS frequencies I picked up the TIS for LAX. That is about 280 miles away. However, you need to realize how "quiet" Central Nevada is regarding RF. Even in the middle of MOAs and next to the largest continental military reservation, there is much less hash than even a mid-size town puts out. snip Wow, that is an amazing clip considering the circumstances. What was the time of day and the date? Was this anomalous propagation? Regards, Michael M...Sushi, Glad that you like the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna so much and that it meets your Radio Listening needs. I would Expect the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna to out perform the Palomar MLB-1 with a 100 Foot Antenna. For $230 more in Cost and at ~ Five Times (5X) the price. Wellbrook - ALA100/M L/M Aperture Loop Antennahttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/ALA100Ma.html North American Version with PSUhttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/buy.html Price : $258.00 +S&H $30.00 Palomar Engineers - MLB-1 "Magnetic Longwire Balun"http://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html Price : $50.00 +S&H $8.00 Plus for your Radio Listening interests and needs the Welbrook is a whole lot more 'portable' then trying to Erect a 100 Foot Wire Antenna on the Side of the Road. ~ RHF *. I bought my Wellbrook before the Bush Crime Family devalued the dollar. Sure, we pay more money for high quality goods from the UK and EU, but just think about the bargains we now get for the "cough cough" made in China imports. If it wasn't for the weak dollar, gas would cost about 30% less. Every time those morons at the Fed cut interest rates, gas gets more expensive.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Dang "M" - Must be a lot of Mercury in the 'Sushi' you been Eating cause it seems to have affected your Brain. Lets Do The NUMB3RS ! ~ RHF Factoring in a 42.5% Drop* since the beginning of the Administration of President George "W" Bush in 2001. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_...administration Wellbrook - ALA100/M L/M Aperture Loop Antenna http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/ALA100Ma.html North American Version with PSU http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/buy.html In 2001 US Dollars the would be US Price : $181 +S&H $21 = Total $ 202 US Oops the Made-in-America Palomar Engineers MLB-1 "Magnetic Longwire Balun" http://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html In 2001 US Dollars the would still be - Price : $50 +S&H $8 = Total $ 58 US Which means that the Wellbrook would still be $144 more in Cost about Two and a Half Times (2.5X) the price in 2001 US Dollars. Now that $144 can buy a lot of Quality "Made-in-the-USA" : Matching Transformers; Pure Copper Wire; and Coax Cable; to make All American Wire Antennas with . . . * Foreign Exchange Rate - U.K Pound -v- US Dollar http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/EXUSUK.txt http://www.data360.org/dsg.aspx?Data_Set_Group_Id=579 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_s...serve_currency http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_...Exchange_rates http://www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/..._collapse.html |
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On Dec 24, 12:30 pm, RHF wrote:
On Dec 24, 11:38 am, wrote: On Dec 23, 11:57 pm, RHF wrote: On Dec 23, 8:52 pm, wrote: On Dec 23, 6:09 pm, RHF wrote: On Dec 23, 4:07 pm, msg wrote: wrote: snip One of the oddest DX catches I got with the 20ft loop is http://www.lazygranch.com/sound/lax_530_etgravel.wav I was parked on "the gravel" N37.43225 W115.44496 near Area 51. I did a search for unknown NDBs, which I did find though they are now turned off. The next search was to see if they had any TIS. Now TIS is not all that odd at military installations, though I doubted Groom Lake would have one. Searching the typical TIS frequencies I picked up the TIS for LAX. That is about 280 miles away. However, you need to realize how "quiet" Central Nevada is regarding RF. Even in the middle of MOAs and next to the largest continental military reservation, there is much less hash than even a mid-size town puts out. snip Wow, that is an amazing clip considering the circumstances. What was the time of day and the date? Was this anomalous propagation? Regards, Michael M...Sushi, Glad that you like the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna so much and that it meets your Radio Listening needs. I would Expect the Wellbrook ALA100 Loop Antenna to out perform the Palomar MLB-1 with a 100 Foot Antenna. For $230 more in Cost and at ~ Five Times (5X) the price. Wellbrook - ALA100/M L/M Aperture Loop Antennahttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/ALA100Ma.html North American Version with PSUhttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/buy.html Price : $258.00 +S&H $30.00 Palomar Engineers - MLB-1 "Magnetic Longwire Balun"http://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html Price : $50.00 +S&H $8.00 Plus for your Radio Listening interests and needs the Welbrook is a whole lot more 'portable' then trying to Erect a 100 Foot Wire Antenna on the Side of the Road. ~ RHF . I bought my Wellbrook before the Bush Crime Family devalued the dollar. Sure, we pay more money for high quality goods from the UK and EU, but just think about the bargains we now get for the "cough cough" made in China imports. If it wasn't for the weak dollar, gas would cost about 30% less. Every time those morons at the Fed cut interest rates, gas gets more expensive.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Dang "M" - Must be a lot of Mercury in the 'Sushi' you been Eating cause it seems to have affected your Brain. Lets Do The NUMB3RS ! ~ RHF Factoring in a 42.5% Drop* since the beginning of the Administration of President George "W" Bush in 2001.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_...administration Wellbrook - ALA100/M L/M Aperture Loop Antennahttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/ALA100Ma.html North American Version with PSUhttp://www.wellbrook.uk.com/buy.html In 2001 US Dollars the would be US Price : $181 +S&H $21 = Total $ 202 US Oops the Made-in-America Palomar Engineers MLB-1 "Magnetic Longwire Balun"http://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html In 2001 US Dollars the would still be - Price : $50 +S&H $8 = Total $ 58 US Which means that the Wellbrook would still be $144 more in Cost about Two and a Half Times (2.5X) the price in 2001 US Dollars. Now that $144 can buy a lot of Quality "Made-in-the-USA" : Matching Transformers; Pure Copper Wire; and Coax Cable; to make All American Wire Antennas with . . . * Foreign Exchange Rate - U.K Pound -v- US Dollarhttp://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/EXUSUK.txthttp://www.data36... . - The brain is just fine. The wellbrook is a combination of wideband - transformer and low noise amp, so you would expect it to cost more - than the magnetic balun, which is just the wideband transformer. - - The nice thing about the wellbrook gear is you don't feel the urge to - upgrade. Bigger loops are better, but there are diminishing returns. - The other nice thing about wellbrook gear is it wprks well outside of - it's stated range. I've used it as low at about 24kHz. The bad thing - about Wellbrook gear is the cost. However, like I said, it is a very - low volume business. There are no cheap copies of their gear. - - Some of the UK items have remain flat in price for the US market. - These guys took it in the shorts a bit. Wellbrook I guess isn't - big enough to eat that kind of loss. Spent almost as much and a lot more for the Quantum QX Ferrite Rod Loop Antenna and the KIWA Air Core MW Loop Antenna along with the RF Systems DX-One Professional MkII Active Antenna; and Dressler ARA 60 Active Receiving Antenna; and LF Engineering H-900 Gain Probe Antenna. Gee I seem to be missing a Wellbrook of some type . . . - The Bush Crime Family still has a year to screw up the - dollar even more. Maybe you should get that Wellbrook - sooner than later. It will take years to undo the damage - caused by the Bush Crime Family. Please shorten your Political Rhetoric in the future by referring to the 'Bush Crime Family' as the "BCF". And Rememeber -ABbH- AnyBody but Hillary* ! * Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF . I know some who has the kiwa, the older lower gain quantum, and one of the wellbrook loops (1530 I think). The Quantum works quite well. I thought it was better than the Kiwa loop, but I only tried it on a Drake R8B. On a cheap radio, the Kiwa front end filtering may be useful. The Quantum had a better null than the Wellbrook, but I think that is because the size of the wellbrook makes it harder to keep away from nearby objects. But the signal sounded quieter on the Wellbrook, perhaps due to the amp or larger aperture. The Kiwa has it's fans, but I just wasn't impressed. |
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